Helm Chart for a SDDI enabled CKAN catalog. See CHANGELOG for changes.
Homepage: https://github.com/tum-gis/sddi-ckan-k8s
Name | Url | |
Bruno Willenborg | [email protected] | https://www.asg.ed.tum.de/en/gis/our-team/staff/bruno-willenborg/ |
- https://github.com/tum-gis/sddi-ckan-k8s
- https://www.asg.ed.tum.de/en/gis/projects/smart-district-data-infrastructure
Kubernetes: >= 1.23.0
Repository | Name | Version |
certIssuer | * | |
ckan | * | |
datapusher | * | |
postgis | * | |
redis | * | |
solr | * | |
https://charts.jetstack.io | cert-manager(cert-manager) | ~1.11.0 |
https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx | ingress-nginx(ingress-nginx) | ~4.4.0 |
Key | Type | Default | Description |
cert-manager.enabled | bool | false |
Enable/disable cert-manager. |
certIssuer.enabled | bool | true |
Enable/disable namespace Issuers for cert-manager. |
datapusher.enabled | bool | true |
Enable/disable Datapusher |
fullnameOverride | string | "" |
Override fullname |
global.datapusher.db.auth.password | string | "changeMe" |
Jobs database password. If set, this values will overwrite the value in the Datapusher chart. |
global.datapusher.db.auth.username | string | "datapusher" |
Jobs database username. If set, this values will overwrite the value in the Datapusher chart. |
global.datapusher.db.dbname | string | "datapusher_jobs" |
Jobs database name. If set, this values will overwrite the value in the Datapusher chart. |
global.datapusher.db.enabled | bool | true |
Enable/disable PostgreSQL as database backend for Datapusher. |
global.datapusher.db.host | string | "postgis" |
Jobs database host. If set, this values will overwrite the value in the Datapusher chart. |
global.datapusher.db.port | int | 5432 |
Jobs database port. If set, this values will overwrite the value in the Datapusher chart. |
global.datastore.auth.ro.password | string | "changeMe" |
CKAN datastore database read-only password. This is used in the PostGIS chart for database initialization. If set, this values will overwrite the value in the PostGIS chart. |
global.datastore.auth.ro.username | string | "datastore_ro" |
CKAN datastore database read-only username. This is used in the PostGIS chart for database initialization. If set, this values will overwrite the value in the PostGIS chart. |
global.datastore.auth.rw.password | string | "changeMe" |
CKAN datastore database read-write password. This is used in the PostGIS chart for database initialization. If set, this values will overwrite the value in the PostGIS chart. |
global.datastore.auth.rw.username | string | "datastore_rw" |
CKAN datastore database read-write username. This is used in the PostGIS chart for database initialization. If set, this values will overwrite the value in the PostGIS chart. |
global.datastore.dbname | string | "datastore" |
CKAN datastore database name. This is used in the PostGIS chart for database initialization. If set, this values will overwrite the value in the PostGIS chart. |
global.datastore.host | string | "postgis" |
CKAN datastore database host. This is used in the PostGIS chart for database initialization. If set, this values will overwrite the value in the PostGIS chart. |
global.datastore.port | int | 5432 |
CKAN datastore database port. This is used in the PostGIS chart for database initialization. If set, this values will overwrite the value in the PostGIS chart. |
global.db.auth.password | string | "changeMe" |
Database password for the CKAN database user. This is used in the PostGIS chart for database initialization. If set, this values will overwrite the value in the PostGIS chart. |
global.db.auth.postgresPassword | string | "changeMe" |
Postgres database password. This is the password of the database superuser. Used to set POSTGRES_PASSWORD , see Postgres Docker docs for more. This is used in the PostGIS chart for database initialization. If set, this values will overwrite the value in the PostGIS chart. |
global.db.auth.postgresUsername | string | "postgres" |
Postgres database username. This is the username of the database superuser. Used to set POSTGRES_USERNAME , see Postgres Docker docs for more. This is used in the PostGIS chart for database initialization. If set, this values will overwrite the value in the PostGIS chart. |
global.db.auth.username | string | "ckan" |
Database username for the CKAN database. This is used in the PostGIS chart for database initialization. If set, this values will overwrite the value in the PostGIS chart. |
global.db.dbname | string | "ckan_default" |
Database name of the CKAN database. This is used in the PostGIS chart for database initialization. If set, this values will overwrite the value in the PostGIS chart. |
global.db.host | string | "postgis" |
Database host of the CKAN database. |
global.db.port | int | 5432 |
Database port of the CKAN database. |
global.db.postgresDbname | string | "postgres" |
Postgres database username. This is the name of the default superuser database. Used to set POSTGRES_DB , see Postgres Docker docs for more. This is used in the PostGIS chart for database initialization. If set, this values will overwrite the value in the PostGIS chart. |
global.ingress.certManager.issuerEmail | string | "[email protected]" |
eMail address for ACME registration with Let's Encrypt. Only used for issuerType = namespace. |
global.ingress.certManager.issuerName | string | "letsencrypt-staging" |
Name of the Issuer to use. For certManager.type = namespace letsencrypt-staging , letsencrypt-production and self-signed are available. |
global.ingress.certManager.issuerType | string | "namespace" |
Type of cert-manager Issuer: Use either "namespace" or "cluster". |
global.ingress.className | string | "nginx" |
Name of the IngressClass to use in Ingress routes. |
global.ingress.domains | list | ["localhost"] |
List of FQDNs for this Ingress. Note: All FQDNs will be used for Ingress hosts and TLS certificate. The global setting overwrites this setting in subcharts. |
ingress-nginx.enabled | bool | false |
Enable/disable Nginx ingress controller. |
nameOverride | string | "" |
Override name |
postgis.enabled | bool | true |
Enable/disable database instance. Disable, if an external database is used. |
redis.enabled | bool | true |
Enable/disable Redis instance. Disable, if an external Redis instance is used. |
solr.enabled | bool | true |
Enable/disable Apache Solr instance. Disable, if an external Solr instance is used. |
Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.11.0