diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..372bb83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env make
+FONT_FAMILY := Monaspace
+RELEASE_DIR := fonts
+VARIANTS := otf variable webfonts
+EXCLUDES := webfonts
+ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
+DEST_DIR := $(shell powershell (Get-Item Env:WINDIR).Value)\Fonts
+INSTALL := xcopy /Y /I
+MKDIR := mkdir
+RM := del /Q
+POST_INSTALL = $(foreach font,$(notdir $(INSTALL_FONT_TARGETS)), \
+ powershell reg add \"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts\" /v \"$(font) (TrueType)\" /t REG_SZ /d $(font) /f >NUL & \
+POST_UNINSTALL = $(foreach font,$(notdir $(INSTALL_FONT_TARGETS)), \
+ powershell reg delete \"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts\" /v \"$(font) (TrueType)\" /f >NUL & \
+sep := \\#
+uname_s := $(shell uname -s)
+ifeq ($(uname_s),Darwin)
+DEST_DIR := $(HOME)/Library/Fonts
+DEST_DIR := $(or $(XDG_DATA_HOME),$(HOME)/.local/share)/fonts
+POST_INSTALL := /usr/bin/env fc-cache -f
+WRAP := 1
+INSTALL := /usr/bin/env install -m 644
+MKDIR := /usr/bin/env mkdir -p
+RM := /usr/bin/env rm -f
+POST_UNINSTALL = $(ifeq $(WRAP),1,$(shell rmdir $(install_path) 2>/dev/null))
+sep := /
+install_path := $(DEST_DIR)$(if $(filter $(WRAP),1),$(sep)$(FONT_FAMILY),)
+RELEASE_FONTS := $(wildcard $(RELEASE_DIR)/**/*)
+INSTALL_FONTS := $(filter-out \
+ $(foreach exclude,$(EXCLUDES),$(wildcard $(RELEASE_DIR)/$(exclude)/*)), \
+INSTALL_FONT_TARGETS := $(addprefix $(install_path)$(sep),$(notdir $(INSTALL_FONTS)))
+.PHONY: install
+ @echo Fonts successfully installed in $(install_path)
+.PHONY: uninstall
+ @$(RM) $(install_path)$(sep)$(FONT_FAMILY)*
+ @echo Fonts successfully uninstalled
+ @$(MKDIR) $@
+define install_font_target
+$(install_path)$(if $(filter $(OS),Windows_NT),\,)$(sep)%: $(RELEASE_DIR)$(sep)$(1)$(sep)% | $(install_path)
+ @$(INSTALL) $$< $(install_path)
+$(foreach variant,$(filter-out $(EXCLUDES),$(VARIANTS)), \
+ $(eval $(call install_font_target,$(variant))) \
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index bf364b6..f4c151e 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -75,31 +75,62 @@ Font caching on operating systems is an inscrutable mess dating back thirty year
Restarting is usually the only way to be 100% sure that the underlying machinery in the operating system picks up the new fonts.
-### MacOS
+### Manual Install
+#### MacOS
You can manually drag the fonts from the `fonts/otf` or `fonts/variable` directory into Font Book.
-There is also a script that automates the deletion of all Monaspace fonts from `~/Library/Fonts` and then copies over the latest versions. Invoke it from the root of the repo like:
+#### Windows
-$ bash util/install_macos.sh
+You can manually drag the fonts from the `fonts/otf` or `fonts/variable` directory into `C:\Windows\Fonts`. Alternatively, right-click the fonts you want and click Install.
+#### Linux
+You can manually drag the fonts from the `fonts/otf` and `fonts/variable` directory into `~/.local/share/fonts`.
+### Automated with Make
+For all OSes, use the provided [`Makefile`](Makefile) targets:
+#### Install
+$ make install
+Fonts successfully installed in ~/.local/share/fonts/Monaspace
-You can also use [homebrew](https://brew.sh/) as an alternative:
-brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
-brew install font-monaspace
+#### Uninstall
+$ make uninstall
+Fonts successfully uninstalled
-### Windows
-You can manually drag the fonts from the `fonts/otf` or `fonts/variable` directory into `C:\Windows\Fonts`. Alternatively, right-click the fonts you want and click Install.
+#### Make Optional flags
-### Linux
-You can manually drag the fonts from the `fonts/otf` and `fonts/variable` directory into `~/.local/share/fonts`.
+| name | description | default value |
+| DEST_DIR | Base directory where the fonts should be installed. | Windows: `%WINDIR%/Fonts`
MacOS: `~/Library/Fonts`
Linux: `~/.local/share/fonts` |
+| WRAP | Install the fonts in a subfolder named `Monaspace` within the `DEST_DIR`
`1` to enable, unset or any other value to disable it.| Enable by default for Linux, not supported yet otherwise. |
+$ make install DEST_DIR=~/.fonts
+$ make install WRAP=no
+### Package managers
+#### MacOS
-There is also a script which automates the deletion of all Monaspace fonts from `~/.local/share/fonts` and then copies over the latest versions. Invoke it from the root of the repo like:
+A [homebrew](https://brew.sh/) cask is available for MacOS:
-$ bash util/install_linux.sh
+$ brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
+$ brew install font-monaspace
### Webfonts
diff --git a/util/install_linux.sh b/util/install_linux.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index b1ece38..0000000
--- a/util/install_linux.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-# ensure that ~/.local/share/fonts exists
-mkdir -p ~/.local/share/fonts
-# remove all fonts from ~/.local/share/fonts that start with "Monaspace"
-rm -rf ~/.local/share/fonts/Monaspace*
-mkdir -p ~/.local/share/fonts/Monaspace/
-# copy all fonts from ./otf to ~/.local/share/fonts
-cp ./fonts/otf/* ~/.local/share/fonts/Monaspace/
-# copy variable fonts from ./variable to ~/.local/share/fonts
-cp ./fonts/variable/* ~/.local/share/fonts/Monaspace/
-# Build font information caches
-fc-cache -f
diff --git a/util/install_macos.sh b/util/install_macos.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index ea0cced..0000000
--- a/util/install_macos.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# remove all fonts from ~/Library/Fonts that start with "Monaspace"
-rm -rf ~/Library/Fonts/Monaspace*
-# copy all fonts from ./otf to ~/Library/Fonts
-cp ./fonts/otf/* ~/Library/Fonts
-# copy variable fonts from ./variable to ~/Library/Fonts
-cp ./fonts/variable/* ~/Library/Fonts
\ No newline at end of file