- Binaries/Provision/Types
- Installing Master and Nodes
- Highly Available Cluster
- Secure Cluster
- End-to-End Tests
-- view addresses of master and services
$ kubectl cluster-info
-- show kubeconfig settings
$ kubectl config view
-- show all nodes details
$ kubectl describe nodes
-- show all pod details
$ kubectl describe pods
-- show all services
$ kubectl get services --all-namespaces
-- show all resources
$ kubectl api-resources -o wide
Kubernetes cluster can install in two ways
- https://github.com/mmumshad/kubernetes-the-hard-way
- https://github.com/gitmehedi/cloudtuts/blob/develop/kubernetes/kubernetes_installation.md
-- view the kubeconfig
$ cat .kube/config | more
-- view service account token
$ kubectl get secrets
For end-to-end test verify those checklist
- Deployments can run
- Pods can run
- Pod can directly access
- Logs can be collected
- Command run from Pod
- Services can provide access
- Nodes are healthy
- Pods are healthy
-- run a simple nginx deployements
$ kubectl run nginx --image=nginx
-- view current deployements
$ kubectl get deploy
-- lists the pods in the cluster
$ kubectl get pods
-- forward port 80 to 8081 on pod
$ kubectl port-forward nginx 8081:80
-- get a response from nginx pod
$ curl --head
-- get pods logs
$ kubectl logs nginx
-- run a command on the pod nginx
$ kubectl exec -t nginx -- nginx -v
-- create a service using our deployment
$ kubectl expose deploy nginx --port 80 --type NodePort
-- list the services in the cluster
$ kubectl get services
-- get a response from a service
$ curl -I localhost:<node_port>
-- list node status
$ kubectl get nodes
-- get details info about node
$ kubectl describe nodes
-- get details info about pods
$ kubectl describe pods
Table of Contents
Prev Chapter: Chapter 1: Core Concepts (19%)
Next Chapter: Chapter 3: Cluster (11%)