In this tutorial, we will create an agent that operates on PIAX by following Collection example attached to the SDK.
Collection searches for an agent having the sensor function on LL-Net and collects data(temperature data) to create statistical information(average temperature). The source code is in the Collection/src in SDK.
The following topics can be learned through this tutorial.
- How to create agents:
- An agent that does not move and one that can move between peers
- How to search for agents using LL-Net
- How to move an agent
- How to use RPC call
The four different agents: WeatherAgent,CollectStatisticsAgent, MakeStatisticsAgent and MainAgent, will be created in this tutorial.
We will provide a brief explanation of each agent.
WeatherAgent is for collecting and measuring weather information. In this tutorial, prepared temperature data are used.
MakeStatisticsAgent is for moving to the peer selected by the user to caliculate the average value of temperature data from collected from the near WeatherAgent
finds the WeatherAgent
, generates and moves the MakeStatisticsAgent to the peer. Then it calls the method of the MakeStatisticsAgent, and calculates the average value of the temperature.
In PIAX for PIAX testbed, the main()
function is never called. Therefore, we will create a MainAgent
class that take on the role of main()
Create a file,
with following code.
package agents;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.piax.agent.Agent;
import org.piax.agent.NoSuchAgentException;
import org.piax.common.CalleeId;
import org.piax.common.Location;
public class WeatherAgent extends Agent implements WeatherAgentIf {
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("WeatherAgent");
private String city;
* This method is called by MakeStatisticsAgent.Use dummy data in this
* sample program.
public Double getTemperature() {
// This is dummy data
Location loc = (Location) getAttribValue("$location");
double d = PointInfo.getTemperature(loc);
return Double.valueOf(d);
public void setCity(String city) {
logger.fine("- setCity(" + city + ") - ID:" + getId()); = city;
public String getCity() {
logger.fine("- getCity() - ID:" + getId());
public CalleeId getWeatherCalleeId() {
CalleeId id = null;
try {
id = getHome().getCalleeId(getId());
} catch (NoSuchAgentException e) {
logger.severe("- getWeatherCalleeId() - ID:" + getId()
+ " exception:" + e.getMessage());
return id;
This is a class definition of WeatherAgent
. The class definition is described below.
A PIAX agent is created by inheriting the Agent
In addition, to enable remote method invocations on PIAX, we need to create a Java interface that has methods which are used in remote method invocations. An example interface file
is described hereafter.
method is called by CollectStatisticsAgent
for searching for WeatherAgent
and returns its own CalleeId
. CalleeID
class is an identifier object of an agent on a peer to referred from remote peers. This class is implemented as Serializable in order to send its object data via network.
We do not cover the own class definition. Therefore you need to implement Serializable in your class when you create your own class and use it as a return value of a method in an agent.
is a method called by MakeStatisticAgent
As dummy data, predefined data is used. The predefined data is in Collection/src/agents/ This includes information on the latitude and longitude of various places in Japan and the temperature data on a certain day. These data will be used for acquiring a name of a place or the atmospheric temperature data based on their latitude and longitude.
The explanation of WeatherAgent
is over. We will create
WeatherAgent has setCity()
, getCity()
, getTemperature()
and getWeatherCalleeId()
. All of these methods are called from the exteranl.
We will create
with the following code.
package agents;
import org.piax.agent.AgentIf;
import org.piax.common.CalleeId;
import org.piax.gtrans.RemoteCallable;
public interface WeatherAgentIf extends AgentIf {
public void setCity(String city);
public String getCity();
public Double getTemperature();
public CalleeId getWeatherCalleeId();
The interface of the agent is created by inheriting the `AgentIf.'
- PIAX agents inherit an
class. - PIAX agents implement an interface that is inherited from
. - The return value of the method of the agent implements
We will create
with following code.
package agents;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.piax.agent.MobileAgent;
import org.piax.common.CalleeId;
import org.piax.common.Location;
import org.piax.gtrans.RPCMode;
public class MakeStatisticsAgent extends MobileAgent implements
MakeStatisticsAgentIf {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private static final Logger logger = Logger
CalleeId collectorCid = null;
// This method is called by CollectStatisticsAgent before travel.
public void init(CalleeId cid) {"MakeStatisticsAgent init(" + cid + ")");
collectorCid = cid;
public void onArrival() {
try {
* RPC call CollectStatisticsAgent's arrived method to tell Iarrived
* the destination.
getStub(CollectStatisticsAgentIf.class, collectorCid).arrived();
} catch (Exception e) {
public Double doMake(double r) throws Exception {
* Search neighbor WeaatherAgents's getTemperature() methods using
* LL-Net,and RPC call them.
Location loc = (Location) getAttribValue("$location");
String queryCond = String.format(
"$location in circle(%.1f, %.1f, %.1f)", loc.getX(),
loc.getY(), r);
List<Double> results = null;
try {
results = getList(getDCStub(queryCond, WeatherAgentIf.class,
} catch (Exception e) {
// calculate temperature average
Double total = 0.0;
for (Double d : results) {
total += d;
return total / results.size();
* This method is called by CollectStatisticsAgent. When this instance isn't needed any
* more.
public void bye() {
That's all for the described of MakeStatisticsAgent.We will explain the class definition in the following part.
The difference of MakeStatisticsAgent
compared with WeatherAgent
is that it is inherited class of MobileAgent
class, not Agent
class. The agent that inherits the MobileAgent
class can move between peers. The MobileAgent
class inherits Agent
The member variable collectorAid is a variable for saving the AgentId of the CollectStatisticsAgent. This can be set by the init() method. Upon the creation of a MakeStatisticsAgent, the CollectStatisticsAgent immediately calls init() and sets its own AgentId.
is used when the MakeStatisticsAgent
calls a method of the CollectStatisticsAgent
. The MakeStatisticsAgent
operates as follows. The MakeStatisticsAgent
moves to the peer specified by the peer having the CollectStatisticsAgent
. When the movement is completed, the onArrival()
method is automatically executed. onArrival()
is a method inherited from the MobileAgent and is the method automatically called when the agent arrives at the target peer. The arrived
method of CollectStatitiscsAgent
is called via RPC inside onArrival()
method. When Stub
is generated, collectCid
is used.
The arrived() method of the CollectStatisticsAgent is called from among the onArrival() methods by means of callOneway(). At this time, collectorAid is used.
The doMake()
method is called from the CollectStatisticsAgent. The discoveryCall()
is executed on peers within a radius r of the location on the LL-Net where the peer having the MakeStatisticsAgent is. When you wan to tuse discoveryCall()
, you should create Stub using getDCStub()
The definition of getDCStub()
is below.
public <S extends RPCIf> S getDCStub(String queryCond, Class<S> clz, RPCMode rcpMode);
The queryCond
determines the overlay to be used. For a search on the LL-Net, the following strings are specified.
$location in rect(x, y, w, h)
$location in circle(x, y, r)
// x is longitude. y is latitude. w is the width of longitude. h is the width of latitude.
// r is radius of latitude and longitude
The interface the target agent implements is specified for clz
. Whether the method is oneway
or not (wait for response etc.) is specified for rpcMode
. The method of target agent is called like Stub.method()
is specified by the argument of the method. The getTemperature()
method does not have its argument, and , therefore, it is not specified.
The bye()
method is also called from the CollectStatisticsAgent
. This is used to cancel the MakeStatisticsAgent
that has become unnecessary.
That is all for the descriptions of the MakeStatisticsAgent. In the following part, we will create an interface for the MakeStatisticsAgent
. The methods of the MakeStatisticsAgent
are init()
, doMake()
, and bye()
, which are all called externally. We will create
with following code.
package agents;
import org.piax.agent.AgentIf;
import org.piax.common.CalleeId;
import org.piax.gtrans.RemoteCallable;
public interface MakeStatisticsAgentIf extends AgentIf {
public void init(CalleeId cid);
public Double doMake(double r) throws Exception;
public void bye();
public CalleeId getCalleeId();
- PIAX agents that moves between peers inherit a
class. - Create
for RPC calling. - Create
The following code is part of
. Since
is long, please refer to the source file for the entirety. The omitted portion is denoted by "...".
package agents;
import ...
public class CollectStatisticsAgent extends Agent implements
CollectStatisticsAgentIf {
/* RANGE enclosing Japan */
public static final double BASE_LAT = 23.0;
public static final double BASE_LON = 122.0;
public static final double RANGE_LAT = 24.0;
public static final double RANGE_LON = 27.0;
private static final long collectionTimeout = 300;
private ExecutorService executor = null;
private HashMap<String, CalleeId> calleeIdMap = null;
private HashMap<String, Future<Double>> resultList = null;
private static Integer arrivedMarker = 0;
private Double radius = 1.0;
public void onDestruction() {
if (executor != null) {
// Search WeatherAgents using LL-Net
public String[] searchWeatherAgent() {
calleeIdMap = new HashMap<String, CalleeId>();
String queryCond = "$location in rect(" + BASE_LON + ", " + BASE_LAT
+ ", " + RANGE_LON + ", " + RANGE_LAT + ")";
List<CalleeId> results = null;
try {
results = getList(getDCStub(queryCond, WeatherAgentIf.class,
} catch (Exception e) {
// Make WeatherAgent's list
String[] cities = new String[results.size()];
int i = 0;
for (CalleeId cId : results) {
WeatherAgentIf stub = getStub(WeatherAgentIf.class, cId);
if (stub == null)
String city = stub.getCity();
calleeIdMap.put(city, cId);
cities[i++] = city;
return cities;
public String doCollect(ArrayList<String> collectPoints, double r)
throws Exception {
String ret = "Radius is " + r + "\n";
HashMap<String, CalleeId> makerList = new HashMap<String, CalleeId>();
// create MakeStatisticsMaker and move it to the collecting points.
int travelCount = 0;
for (String city : collectPoints) {
CalleeId wcId = calleeIdMap.get(city);
/* Create MakeStatisticsAgent */
AgentId aid = getHome().createAgent(MakeStatisticsAgent.class);
/* Get its own(CollectStatisticsAgent) CalleeId for MakeStatistics onArrival */
CalleeId mcId = getHome().getCalleeId(aid);
/* Execute MakeStatistics init */
getStub(MakeStatisticsAgentIf.class, mcId).init(
/* my CalleeId for Arrived */
/* Get Endpoint(Peerid) from WeatherAgent CalleeId */
PeerId pid = (PeerId) wcId.getPeerRef();
/* Ignore the exception caused by the fact that the origin and ddestination of travel of travelAgent are same */
if (!getHome().getPeerId().equals(pid)) {
/* Move Weather Agent */
getHome().travelAgent(aid, pid);
makerList.put(city, new CalleeId(aid, pid, null));
// wait until all MakeStatisticsAgent finished moving.
long end = System.currentTimeMillis() + collectionTimeout;
while (arrivedMarker < travelCount
&& (System.currentTimeMillis() < end)) {
// call makeStatistics, bye
AgentPeer agentPeer = getAgentPeer();
HashMap<Future<String>, String> futures = new HashMap<Future<String>, String>(
for (String city : makerList.keySet()) {
final double radius = r;
final String cityName = city;
final CalleeId cid = makerList.get(city);
futures.put(agentPeer.submit(new Callable<String>() {
public String call() {
String ret = null;
MakeStatisticsAgentIf stub = getStub(
MakeStatisticsAgentIf.class, cid);
try {
double d = stub.doMake(radius);
ret = cityName + " and environs: " + Double.toString(d)
+ "\n";
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
return ret;
}), city);
public void arrived() {"arrived");
private void IncrementArrivedMarker() {
synchronized (arrivedMarker) {
arrivedMarker = Integer.valueOf(arrivedMarker.intValue() + 1);
private void resetArrivedMarker() {
synchronized (arrivedMarker) {
arrivedMarker = Integer.valueOf(0);
We will explain the class definition of CollectStatisticsAgent
in following part.
Since the CollectStatitiscsAgent
does not move between peers, it inherits an Agent
class instead of the MobileAgent
class. The interface file, is described below.
There are several member variables, and the variables are described in the descriptions of the methods.
This is a method for finding a WeatherAgent
on the LL-Net and registering it with the member variable peerInfoMap
. The information registered with the peerInfoMap
is used by the doCollect()
The first argument of discoveryCall() is specified as follows for searching on the LL-Net.
"$location in rect(122.0, 23.0, 27.0, 24.0)"
These figures specified here are for the area that approximately cover the entire Japanese archipelago.
has already been described in the MakeStatisticsAgent
description. This is a method to be called to notify the event that the MakeStatisticsAgent
has moved to the CollectStatisticsAgent
. Since there is a possibility of being called simultaneously by some MakeStatisticsAgent
, this is surrounded by synchronized.
The collectPoints
of the arguments consist of a list of locations where statistical information is provided. The same number of MakeStatisticsAgent
as that of the collectPoints
are created, and init()
method is called so as to set its own AgentId
. After that, they are moved to a peer of the collectPoints
by the travelAgent()
The arguments of the travelAgent()
are the AgentId
and the PeerId
. The PeerId
is gained from the peerInfoMap
that has been collected by the searchAgent()
method. After that, all the MakeStatisticsAgent
are waited for until they reach the target peers.
When all the MakeStatisticsAgent
reach the target peers, the doMake()
method is called via RPC to acquire statistical information. This call is executed by task which is sent to other thread by submit
of AgentPeer
This behavior aims to let each agent operate in multiple thread because we assume that it takes time to create statical information.(Since this is sample program, you will get the return quick. However, the program might wait for input from sensors.)
After that, CollectStatisticsAgent
call the awaitTermination
method of AgentPeer
and wait for the all result of doMake()
method. Note that there is no guarantee to return the result from all calls. It waits up to 300 seconds in this example.
That is all for the descriptions of the CollectStatisticsAgent
. In the following, we will create an interface file of the CollectStatisticsAgent
. Though the CollectStatisticsAgent
has ten methods, the three out of ten methods: init()
, arrived()
, and doCollect()
, are called externally. We will create a file ,
, with the following code.
package agents;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.piax.agent.AgentIf;
import org.piax.common.CalleeId;
import org.piax.gtrans.RemoteCallable;
import org.piax.gtrans.RemoteCallable.Type;
public interface CollectStatisticsAgentIf extends AgentIf {
public String[] searchWeatherAgent();
public String doCollect(ArrayList<String> collectPoints, double r)
throws Exception;
public void arrived();
public CalleeId getCalleeId();
- Use the
to execute multiple RPC call parallelly. - Not to expect all RPC call would be successful
- Do exclusive control the method that may call simultaneously
We prepare CollectStatisticsAgent and the WeatherAgent and create a MainAgent class to execute them in the PIAX.
The following is part of The entirety of is large, and therefore, refer to the source file for details. The omitted portions are denoted by "...".
public class MainAgent extends Agent implements MainAgentIf {
public String collection(String line) {
String[] lines = line.split(":");
try {
radius = Double.parseDouble(lines[1]);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
ArrayList<String> collectPoints = new ArrayList<String>();
try {
for (String s : lines[0].split(",")) {
int p = Integer.parseInt(s);
if (0 <= p && p <= weathers.length) {
collectPoints.add(weathers[p - 1]);
} else {
logger.severe("That's Bad number. " + p);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
} ...
try {
ret = getStub(CollectStatisticsAgentIf.class, collectorCid)
.doCollect(collectPoints, radius);
} catch (Exception e) {
return ret;
public String cities() {
String ret = "";
if (collectorCid == null) {
try {
collectorCid = getHome().getCalleeId(
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
weathers = getStub(CollectStatisticsAgentIf.class, collectorCid)
for (int i = 0; i < weathers.length; i++)
ret += "[" + (i + 1) + "]" + weathers[i] + "\n";
return ret;
public String preparation(String agentNumString) {
int agentNum = -1;
ArrayList pdList = PointInfo.getPointData();
try {
agentNum = Integer.parseInt(agentNumString);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
/* Discovery Call search for MainAgent within the ragne */
String queryCond = "$location in rect("
+ CollectStatisticsAgent.BASE_LON + ", "
+ CollectStatisticsAgent.BASE_LAT + ", "
+ CollectStatisticsAgent.RANGE_LON + ", "
+ CollectStatisticsAgent.RANGE_LAT + ")";
List<CalleeId> results = null;
try {
results = getList(getDCStub(queryCond, MainAgentIf.class,
} catch (Exception e) {
ArrayList<CalleeId> mainList = new ArrayList<CalleeId>(results);
/* Generate WeatherAgent */
ArrayList<CalleeId> wl = new ArrayList<CalleeId>();
for (int i = 0; i < agentNum; i++) {
MainAgentIf stub = getStub(MainAgentIf.class, mainList.get(i));
}"weatherAgentContextList Length:" + wl.size());
return "OK";
public boolean setLocationFromPointData(PointData pd) {
try {
getHome().setAttrib("$location", pd.loc);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
..."setAttrib(\"$location\"" + getAttribValue("$location")
+ ")");
return true;
public CalleeId createWeatherAgent(PointData pd) {
AgentId aid = null;
CalleeId calleeId = null;
try {
aid = getHome().createAgent(WeatherAgent.class);
calleeId = getHome().getCalleeId(aid);
WeatherAgentIf stub = getStub(WeatherAgentIf.class, calleeId);
} catch (AgentInstantiationException e) {
return calleeId;
public void init(TestbedInfo ti) throws Exception {
try {
// Plugin LLNET
AgentPeer apeer = getAgentPeer();
apeer.declareAttrib("$location", Location.class);
apeer.bindOverlay("$location", "LLNET");
// SetLocation for Agent
Location loc = new Location(
(CollectStatisticsAgent.BASE_LON + INIT_RANGE),
(CollectStatisticsAgent.BASE_LAT + INIT_RANGE));
apeer.setAttrib("$location", loc);
} catch (Exception e) {
In the PIAX testbed, when a *.jar file is loaded, an instance of the MainAgent is created at each peer. The main process can be kicked off by calling the method of the MainAgent. The MainAgent inevitably inherits the org.piax.agent.Agent class and belongs to the default package.
When the MainAgent is created, this method is called. It should be noted that the peer is not yet in an online state. In the Collection, the location is set to a agent.
In the preparation(), one WeatherAgent
is created for each peer. Therefore, the CalleeID
, is acquired from the instance of the existing MainAgent
. The getCalleeId()
method is used for acquiring CalleeId
for each peer. The createWeatherAgent()
is called by using the acquired CalleeId
so as to create a WeatherAgent
The discoveryCall
is used for searching for the peer which call the getCalleeId
of MainAgent
. In order to do this, location information should be set during the process of init()
It is necessary to load the LL-Net overlay to set a location. Before the setting of the location information using setLocation()
and setAttrib()
, load the overlay as follows. In the Collection
, this is done by init()
public void init(TestbedInfo ti) throws Exception {
AgentPeer apeer = getAgentPeer();
apeer.declareAttrib("$location", Location.class);
apeer.bindOverlay("$location", "LLNET");
is used to acquire a list of city names.
Statistical information for each city specified by an argument is displayed.
We will run the sample program
- [Add new package], and [Start] of the Collection.jar are carried out from the [Manage Package] screen so as to activate the Agent.
- Select [Method call] tab in [Manage Agent]
- Select Node and Peer from the [Method call] screen so as to call the preparation(). *1, *2
- Select the number less than the number of assigned peer because the preparation creates one
in each peer.
- Select the number less than the number of assigned peer because the preparation creates one
- Select Node and Peer from the [Method call] screen so as to call the cities(). *2
- Select Node and Peer from the [Method call] screen so as to call the collection(). *2
The value of Args of collection(), the numbers of the city names resulting from the cities() are separated by commas, and the distance in the latitude and the longitude is designated after colons.
The results of cities()
Display of statistical information within a radius 1.0 for [1]sapporo [2]morioka [3]osaka [4]kyoto Argeumts : "1,2,3,4:1.0" Output
Radius is 1.0
osaka and environs: 8.0
sapporo and environs: -4.0
morioka and environs: -1.0
kyoto and environs: 8.0
*1 Execute preparation() only once whenever the jar file is loaded. *2 The same results can be gained when either Node or Peer is selected from the [Call Agent] screen.