In this page i want to explain the debugging techniques available in GDOv7.
The Debug.php class enables an own error handler, which is sending an error mail to configured recipients.
Error messages are written to STDERR
Javascript errors are similiar and trigger an GDOv7 Method to send E-Mails, also on client errors.
This is quite useful, but can also cause mail havoc on frequented hosts. Handle with care.
can be easily debugged by overriding isDebugging()
This triggers a few breakpoints in the execution process,
precisely, before init, validation, and execution.
We all want to know what the raw queries are.
The easiest to debug a query is set a
into ->debug()
This will print the raw query to stdout on execution.
If you want to log all queries, you can enable GDO_DB_DEBUG in your protected/config.php.
To enable Query logging set GDO_DB_DEBUG to 1 or 2.
If set to 2, every query is logged with an additional backtrace. This can help to figure out where db queries originate.
To enable GDO/GDT allocation logging set GDO_GDT_DEBUG to 1 or 2.
If set to 2, GDO does log every GDT/GDO allocation with an additional backtrace.
This can help to track down mass allocations.
Of course you should make use of a debugger. I use xdebug. In Eclipse PDT, i have xDebug configured and can set breakpoints to step the application at any time. This works from bash as well as from chrome. I do not know what i did without a debugger for sooo long.
Here is an example php.ini for xdebug:
xdebug.mode = develop,debug,profile # profile is optional.
xdebug.client_port = 9003
xdebug.start_with_request = yes
xdebug.discover_client_host = true
xdebug.output_dir ="C:\_Portable\qcachegrind074-x86"
To debug JS code, simply place the word debugger;
anywhere in your JS Sources.
It will trigger the debugger in chrome.
Also, gdo comes without any binary blob. For every library, the sourcecode distribution is loaded.
On production sites it is recommended to install Javascript and CSS to create minfied asset builds on the fly, also blocking all source files so your scripts are safe.
You might be interested in the Performance chapter to read about profiling and other performance measures.