This is my official great ideas list. I gave up getting rich with stupid ideas, so i don't hide any. DO I?! ;)
Add all my TODO ideas here!
New abstract GDO_ModuleComposer which has the right defaults for composer wrapper modules (add autoloader, handle vendor) (not really needed?)
gitwatch: A website that joins multiple github projects into a single project. (ON IT!)
Add Emojis to markup.
phpgdo-zen and website
a chrome plugin that opens 2 tabs (google + duckduckgo)
a RENDER_JS mode to create a js application.
a RENDER_GTK mode to create a GTK+ desktop application.
a way to automatically ignore .gitignore via: - a std linux tool.
site for discovering tag based youtube channels and playlists.
write a Module_Net cronjob: alert broken links. optional delete by system.
write a module that adds changelog tables for gdo: phpgdo-changelog.
GDOv7 shoule use xdebug-code-coverage programmatically. LOC should be counted for js, css and php, excluding 3rd party.
/bin/grr - linux binary to replace input with a regex pattern and stream to output. Like awk but only that one thing well :*
Make a phpgdo multi-provider module phpgdo-os. This solves all OS related problems in a zero-cost way.
- - Automagically record playlists via a browser plugin. Your playlists are ACL sharable.
- - Like PayBack cards, but for the cashier. - Vote the cashiers so they get goods.
- - Questions are broadcasted to staff members. Staff replies via various channels. Users keep track via a ticket. Use Helpdesk?
Maybe the datatype flow should be input => var => string => int => float => null, and always only support one direction: from input to var to value.
- => post the most funny Serviervorschläge
A new game: Combination of GO and GOL.
RockPaperScissors: You only play against Dog. Dog challenges a random user from the channel.
new GDT_GuestACL. A checkbox that is false when global guest support is dropped.
phpgdo-doublettes - Detect Multiple Accounts for a single person. Do this by recording IPs on every request. show matching IPs. MyISAM. cleanup with lookback duration.
A command to search the Handelsregister.
- - A site about amateur music covers (youtube links?)
- - A site where you could put your testament.
HTML2PDF coping 100% of CSS; via: write javascript that changes every layout to an absolute rendering. then print the page via dom2pdf.
A site themed for ManOWar Fun Names: Hellen Kill, Men at Arms, etc.
New challenge: Fucktard! (A fucktard sent UTF8 Futhark letters)
Turn into a proxy challenge (CountryRestriction)
- - A server with the highest altitude wins.
- domain zählt 4 punkte. server 3. projekte 10 punkte.
A bot that analyzes Images with an AI and tags/labels them: This looks like a "....."
New IRC game: Tick-Du-Bist-Es: Man kann nur leute von anderen netzwerken ticken. wer es grad ist wird alle 15min gehilighted.
- - A new Win98 Theme.
the seo game. you get a unique name to seo. Monthly google, duckduckgo rankings for the best SEO company.
KassiererChallenge. Find a way to create more than N stzars.
New Challenge: Stream Chaoz. A streaming provider that offers only one mp4: 100GB of data you need to sha256(). If you close the browser window or open dev console it dies.
Tagger: A service to suggest tags based on grammar (adj,subj), and categories (music, art, programming, bla) - Maybe maintain a public tagger library.
ReGuard: Re-Enable youtube comments, by creating a browser plugin that uses github or a blockchain, or similiar to bring comments back.
BlindSnake: Snakeline im IRC. Der bot gibt die kategorie und du antworstet. bereits genannte sind unbekannt.
Rapid Projectmanagement. The phpgdo workflow.
Training challenge: splitted zip, order unknown.
Go into the local zoo and give the monkeys a lighter.
Make an image format that chooses the best algorithm for an image.
new challenge: ManowaR - Like Factor5 with recovery token pin4 without brute protection
A new String implementation. Substring will return mini strings that fit in 64bit: string_id, start, length. Strings are never deallocated to avoid any cpu cost.
New Training challenge: directory listings. (just change index.php to /inc/
New PHP Challenge: Zend Encryptor / Obfuscator
KVIRC tutorial CGX
New challenge: Gods of Egypt. Watermark with 9 bits. Combine Watermarks at bottom.
Browser plugin that cycles all bitmasks on all images (auto steganabara)
new DNS challenge. use wechall DNS over HTTPS.
Instead of returning 404 for a wordpress exploit, server a 200 honeypot
Create a global wechall movement to achieve world peace.
New tutorial idea: backup host. A website that allows you to manage backup and strategies
Automatize wechall email creation. Which user level / challenge should grant this? Money?
A new HTTP header for meta description of images.
gdophp automated unit tests. Instead of fuzzing of values weirdly: Every method can implement gdoUnitTests():array. an array of username => inputs.
php-preprocessor shall implement #PP#pro# #PP#tes# #PP#dev#.
09_88_kvirc_cninety: Download kvirc source and VSC. add an image upload dialog. upload to img service and post link autom. tag image with tehbot AI.
A new way to quicktype markdown. maybe js event magic on top of gdo-markdown.
a challenge were you got root via writable 079-gdo-tls.conf vuln
php -r 'eval(fopen("")); # GL+HF');
general dog/irc/cli way to match strings for triggers etc: at least 3 letters. if it starts with it and no oter starts: take. Disambigous via middle 3 disamb: take. Do this for all triggers. disam shal go over the dot?
php-ytmd: Convert mardown to the format youtube is using as text input for video descriptions and subtitles. Also add smiley support to phpgdo-markdown by replacing smileys with smileyset markdown images.
new website, typo of the day. about funny typos.
new website, baras-one-liners, good short quotes.
php-markdown-preprocessor Convert and edit markdown files; extend with Smileys. Custom rules like [username_to_link], Transpile to asciicode, convert to YouTube video description format.
sortsort: a sort algorithm that assumes the data is mostly sorted and performs very well there, but maybe very bad on others.
- - live recordings where we solve a problem.
Session config: max num simultan. connections.
WeChall Rankings by programming language.
Cloppy: Like sniping tool but drag target (textfields+?) is supported by confiugrable pasteimg service. like sniping tool, but copy+paste sends a link to uploaded cut.
Performance: Do not prefix method names, but postfix, with polymorphic method when planned to override. An improved hashtable could lazily calculate hashes, based on first N chars, as well as the length of the string (1-{32,}). Longer strings go into the std impl of hashtable?
Challenge: create a virus signature from an XOR string. annoy the user. host it where?
Challenge: Markdown User-Interaction Exploit img/etc/proc/self] - maybe simulated.
CGX: Configure the windows firewall for fun and profit.
GDO_String - A better string storage engine. (PoC in phpgdo, as i love my cache).
new regex challenge like wordle but you have to manipulate the solution with sed/regex
Botfinder: a matching / tinder platform for ChatGPT7 and up!
Porneo: A parody version of matrix, where Neo is abusing his knowledge of the matrix for his own pleasure and advantages.