We shall enforce aria and accessibility accross every component. Javascript shall only enrich oldstyle components. Automated tests shall point out weak titles and descriptions.
SEO urls are automagically generated. It is planned to have an additional canoncial link mapper module.
Example URL: /webroot/contact/form
Module and Method (mo/me) are identified via the first two path elements, module contact and method form.
From this point on, all append input parameters are put in pairs.
This will load input [xsrf]=abc12345 into the engine and is the same as ?xsrf=abc12345.
Parameters that start with an underscore are not part of the auto generated SEO urls. Example parameters are _lang, _fmt and _ajax.
Dummy paramters are used to describe the content of the links.
For example /forum/thread/id/1414/page/4/t/What%20Shall%20I%20Do%23.html