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HDF5 Python examples

A collection of code samples to illustrate reading and writing HDF5 files from Python using the PyTables module.

What is it?

  1. creates an HDF5 file test.h5 that has a root-level group particles containing a data set initial that holds the particles mass, x- and y-coordinates, x- and y-component of its velocity as floating point numbers, and an ID as an integer value.
  2. adds a data set final in the particles group of test.h5.
  3. adds a group fields to test.h5, and inserts an 2D array as data set higgs. The data is stored as a numpy array.
  4. reads the higgs data set from test.h5, as numpy array, and computes the average value of all points.
  5. select only the particles in the initial data set that have a velocity above a certain threshold, and print them.
  6. defines a class Particle.
  7. test.h5: test HDF5 file.
  8. script to create an HDF5 file with a large dataset, useful to experiment with various forms of reading the data
  9. script to experiment with various read modes, reading an entire dataset, reading non-contiguous rows and columns
  10. h5py.ipynb: Jupyter notebook illustrating the h5py package.