Cumulocity Robot Framework Library
Keywords used to interact and make assertions with Cumulocity IoT
The "Device Should Exist" keyword will set the context of the device so that subsequent keywords will not need to explicitly set the device that the keyword is related to.
- Example.robot::
* Settings * Library Cumulocity
* Test Cases * Device initialization sequence
Device Should Exist tedge01 Device Should Have Installed Software tedge Device Should Have Measurements minimum=1
Arguments: [timeout: str = 30]
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
Arguments: [alarm_id: str, **kwargs]
Assert that an alarm id exists
- Args:
- alarm_id (str): Alarm id
- Returns:
- str: Alarm json
- Arguments: [name: str, binary_type: str, file: str | None = None, contents:
- str | None = None, **kwargs]
Create an inventory binary from either a file or a string
- Returns:
- str: Url to the inventory binary
Arguments: [fingerprint: str, **kwargs]
Delete the trusted certificate from the platform
- Args:
- fingerprint (str): Certificate fingerprint
Arguments: [external_id: str, external_id_type: str = c8y_Serial]
Delete managed object and related device user
- Args:
- external_id (str): External identity external_id_type (str, optional): External identity type. Defaults to
- Arguments: [external_id: str, external_type: str = c8y_Serial, show_info:
- bool = True]
Assert that a device exists by checking its external identity
- Args:
- external_id (str): External identity external_type (str, optional): External identity type. Defaults to
- Returns:
- str: Managed object json
Arguments: [*name: str]
Assert the presence of child devices and their matching names
- Returns:
- List[str]: List of child devices json
- Arguments: [minimum: int = 1, maximum: int | None = None, expected_text: str
- None = None, **kwargs]
Assert number of alarms
Device Should Have Alarm/s | minimum=1 |Device Should Have Alarm/s | minimum=1 | expected_text=High Temperature
fragmentType=signalStrength |
- Args:
- minimum (int, optional): Minimum number of alarms to expect. Defaults to
- maximum (int, optional): Maximum number of alarms to expect. Ignored if
- set to None.
Defaults to None.
expected_text (str, optional): Expected alarm text to match. Defaults to
- Returns:
- List[str]: List of measurements as json
- Arguments: [expected_text: str | None = None, with_attachment: bool | None =
- None, minimum: int = 1, maximum: int | None = None, **kwargs]
Assert event count
- Args:
- expected_text (str, optional): Match events by text. Defaults to None. with_attachment (bool, optional): Match events with an attachment.
- Defaults to None.
- minimum (int, optional): Minimum number of events to expect. Defaults to
- maximum (int, optional): Maximum number of events to expect. Defaults to
- Returns:
- List[str]: List of events as json
Arguments: [name: str, version: str = , url: str = , **kwargs]
Assert that a device as a specific firmware installed
- Args:
- name (str): Firmware name version (str, optional): Firmware version url (str, optional): Firmware url
- Returns:
- Dict[str, Any]: Managed object
Arguments: [*fragments: str]
Assert that a device contains specific fragments
- Returns:
- str: Managed object json
Arguments: [*expected_software_list: str, mo: str | None = None, **kwargs]
Assert that software packages are installed (in the c8y_SoftwareList fragment)
- Args:
- mo (str, optional): Device Managed object. Defaults to None.
- If set to None, then the current device managed object context will be used.
- Returns:
- str: Managed object json
Arguments: [minimum: int = 1, maximum: int | None = None, **kwargs]
Assert measurement count
- Args:
- minimum (int, optional): Minimum number of events to expect. Defaults to
- maximum (int, optional): Maximum number of events to expect. Defaults to
- Returns:
- List[str]: List of measurements as json
- Example:
- | Command | |
Result |
${measure}= | Device Should Have Measurements | 1 | ${measure} =
[{'type': 'c8y_TemperatureMeasurement', 'time': '2023-02-02T13:30:16.343Z', 'c8y_TemperatureMeasurement': {'T': {'unit': 'C', 'value': 20}}, 'source': {'id': '55207'}}] |
Arguments: [**kwargs]
Assert that there are no matching alarms
| Device Should Not Have Alarm/s | | Device Should Not Have Alarm/s | expected_text=High Temperature | | Device Should Not Have Alarm/s | type=custom_typeA |
fragmentType=signalStrength |
- Args:
- **kwargs: Keyword args which are supported by c8y_api library
Arguments: [name: str, version: str = , url: str = , **kwargs]
Assert that a device as a specific firmware is not installed
- Args:
- name (str): Firmware name version (str, optional): Firmware version url (str, optional): Firmware url
- Returns:
- Dict[str, Any]: Managed object
- Arguments: [event_id: str, expected_contents: str | None = None,
- expected_pattern: str | None = None, expected_size_min: int | None = None, encoding: str | None = None, **kwargs]
Assert event attachment
- Args:
- event_id (str): Event id expected_contents (str, optional): Expected attachment contents. Defaults
- to None.
- expected_pattern (str, optional): Expected attachment pattern to match.
- Defaults to None.
- expected_size_min (int, optional): Minimum attachment size to expect.
- Defaults to None.
encoding (str, optional): Attachment encoding to use when comparing
- content.
- Defaults to None.
- Returns:
- bytes: Attachment
Arguments: [event_id: str, **kwargs]
Assert that an event does not have an attachment
- Args:
- event_id (str): Event id
Arguments: [text: str, **kwargs]
Send a shell command to a device via the Cumulocity IoT c8y_Command operation
- Args:
- text (str): Command to execute
- Returns:
- AssertOperation: Operation
Arguments: [typename: str, **kwargs]
Arguments: [name: str, version: str = , url: str = , **kwargs]
Install Firmware via an operation
It does not wait for the operation to be completed. Use with the operation keywords to check if the operation was successful or not.
- Args:
- name (str): Firmware name version (str, optional): Firmware version url (str, optional): Firmware url
- Returns:
- AssertOperation: Operation
Arguments: [*software_list: str, **kwargs]
Install software via an operation
It does not wait for the operation to be completed. Use with the operation keywords to check if the operation was successful or not.
- Returns:
- AssertOperation: Operation
Arguments: [device_id: str | None = None]
Show device information, e.g. id, external id and a link to the device in Cumulocity IoT.
By default it will use the current device context, however you can still specify your own managed object id.
- Args:
- device_id (str, optional): Managed object id to use as reference.
- If set to None, then the current context will be used.
Arguments: [operation: AssertOperation, **kwargs]
Assert that the operation has been delivered via MQTT. Only works if the agent is subscribed to the operations via mqtt
- Args:
- operation (AssertOperation): Operation
- Returns:
- str: Operation as json
Arguments: [operation: AssertOperation, **kwargs]
Assert that the operation is set to either SUCCESSFUL or FAILED (e.g. a final state)
- Args:
- operation (AssertOperation): Operation
- Returns:
- str: Operation as json
Arguments: [operation: AssertOperation, failure_reason: str = .+, **kwargs]
Assert that the operation is set to FAILED
- Args:
operation (AssertOperation): Operation failure_reason (str, optional): Expected failure reason pattern.
Defaults to ".+" it is best practice to always include a failure reason when setting to FAILED.
- Returns:
- str: Operation as json
Arguments: [operation: AssertOperation, **kwargs]
Assert that the operation is set to PENDING
- Args:
- operation (AssertOperation): Operation
- Returns:
- str: Operation as json
Arguments: [operation: AssertOperation, **kwargs]
Assert that the operation is set to SUCCESSFUL
- Args:
- operation (AssertOperation): Operation
- Returns:
- str: Operation as json
Arguments: [operation: AssertOperation, **kwargs]
Assert that the operation is not set to PENDING
- Args:
- operation (AssertOperation): Operation
- Returns:
- str: Operation as json
Arguments: []
Restart the device via an operation
It does not wait for the operation to be completed. Use with the operation keywords to check if the operation was successful or not.
- Returns:
- AssertOperation: Operation
Arguments: [timeout: float = 30]
Set global assertion timeout
This controls the default timeout when an assertion should be given up on.
- Args:
- timeout (float, optional): Timeout in seconds. Defaults to 30.
Arguments: [typename: str, url: str, **kwargs]
Arguments: [external_id: str | None = None, external_type: str = c8y_Serial]
Set the device context which will be used for subsequent keywords
- Args:
- external_id (str, optional): External identity. Defaults to None. external_type (str, optional): External identity type. Defaults to
- Returns:
- str: Managed object json
Arguments: [external_id: str, external_id_type: str = c8y_Serial]
Assert that a child device (referenced via external identity) should be a child device of the current device context.
- Returns:
- str: Managed object json
Arguments: [*types: str, includes: bool = False]