This is a quick guide to the code. It is not a tutorial, but it should help you understand the code and how it works. Take a look into the content_script.js file to see how the extension works, the code is fully commented. It is the main file of the extension, as you can see in the manifest.json file.
function fillCalendarTillMonthEnd() {
// Seriously, why is this not the default?
// We are going to fill the calendar till the end of the month
// cause the events you'll care about will happen after today xD
// Get the last loaded day
const lastElement = document.querySelector('g[data-iidate]:last-child');
// Try to get a day with no presence hours, to copy the style. This will let
// CalIntra ti work with any theme. This part will be improved in the future
const lastDayWithoutPresence = document.querySelector('g[data-original-title="0h00 (0h00)"]');
// it should be today but let's parse the date just in case
const date = new Date(lastElement.getAttribute('data-iidate'));
// then we load the last day of the month
const lastDay = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, 0).getDate();
const currentDay = date.getDate();
// we get the difference days
let daysLeft = lastDay - currentDay;
// we need to parse the first X of both the elements, to know where the
// new lines are going to start
var lastX = parseInt(lastElement.querySelector('rect').getAttribute('x'), 10);
const firxtRectX = lastX - (date.getDay() * 18);
var lastX = parseInt(lastElement.querySelector('text').getAttribute('x'), 10);
const firxtTextX = lastX - (date.getDay() * 18);
var last = lastElement;
// and we loop till there's no days left
while (daysLeft > 0) {
// we parse the last created sub-elements
var rect = last.querySelector('rect');
var text = last.querySelector('text');
// we select the element to clone
const newElement = lastDayWithoutPresence ? lastDayWithoutPresence.cloneNode(true) : last.cloneNode(true);
// we get the next day date
const newDate = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate() + 1);
// Format the date to YYYY-MM-DD
const year = newDate.getFullYear();
const month = String(newDate.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, '0');
const day = String(newDate.getDate()).padStart(2, '0');
// Add as attribute
const newDateFormatted = `${year}-${month}-${day}`;
newElement.setAttribute('data-iidate', newDateFormatted);
// no daily hours obv
// this can be customized in the future
newElement.setAttribute('data-original-title', '0h00');
// We set other details
let new_rect = newElement.querySelector('rect')
let new_text = newElement.querySelector('text')
new_rect.setAttribute('data-event-filled', 'false');
new_text.textContent = newDate.getDate();
// set position rect
var x = parseInt(rect.getAttribute('x'), 10);
new_rect.setAttribute('x', x + 18);
// set position rect
var x = parseInt(text.getAttribute('x'), 10);
new_text.setAttribute('x', x + 18);
// if is last day of week, change y position of rect and text
if (date.getDay() === 6) {
var y = parseInt(rect.getAttribute('y'), 10);
new_rect.setAttribute('y', y + 18);
var y = parseInt(text.getAttribute('y'), 10);
new_text.setAttribute('y', y + 18);
// reset x position of rect and text
new_rect.setAttribute('x', firxtRectX);
new_text.setAttribute('x', firxtTextX);
} else {
// else we use the same y position, since we may have
// parsed the first day with no presence hours
new_rect.setAttribute('y', rect.getAttribute('y'));
new_text.setAttribute('y', text.getAttribute('y'));
// show tooltip on hover, the value is "data-original-title" attribute
container: 'body',
placement: 'top',
trigger: 'hover'
// Add the day to the page
// change the date
date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1);
// switch last element
var last = newElement;
// decrase to continue loop
I know it's a lot of code, but it's not that complicated. It's just a lot of DOM manipulation.
I don't know why intra didn't add the missing days to the calendar, but I guess it's because it's not a calendar, it's a time tracker. But I think it's a good idea to have the whole month visible, so I added this function, or we'll be not able to display the upcoming days events.
Improved Intra is required to use the extension, this because it injects the data-iidate
attribute to the calendar days, so we can know which day is which. Without having to calculate it, but just parsing the attribute.
As you can see in I plan to remove the dependency in the future.
async function getSubscribedEvents() {
const eventElements = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('div.event-item'));
const events = [];
for (const eventElement of eventElements) {
if (eventElement.querySelector('span.event-registered') === null) {
// If the event is not subscribed,
// Parse the details of the event
// ...
This function gets all the subscribed events, and parses the details of each one.
document.querySelectorAll("h4.profile-title")[2].textContent = `Calendar (${subscribedEvents.length} subscribed events)`;
This is just a simple DOM manipulation, to change the title of the calendar.
function addIconToCalendarDay(eventDetails) {
const calendarDayElement = document.querySelector(`g[data-iidate="${}"]`);
if (!calendarDayElement) {
// Don't do anything if the event day is not displayed in the calendar yet
// (Intra diplays only the current week)
// Define the colors for different event types
// those are the default colors from Intra
const colors = {
'pedago': '#ED8179',
'meet': '#a74eff', // This is not the default color, but it's better for the eyes
'association': '#a2b3e5',
'speed_working': '#39D88F',
'other': '#c0c0c0',
'multiple': '#7bc677'
// Check if there's already an event on this day
let textElement = calendarDayElement.querySelector('rect');
if (textElement.getAttribute('data-event-filled') === 'true') {
// If there's already an event circle, set the color to indicate multiple events
// and add the count of other events to the tooltip'fill', colors.multiple, 'important');"color", "initial", "important");
const otherCaledarEvent = calendarDayElement.getAttribute('data-original-title');
const newEventsCount = parseInt(calendarDayElement.getAttribute('dayEventCountCount')) + 1;
calendarDayElement.setAttribute('dayEventCountCount', newEventsCount);
calendarDayElement.setAttribute('data-original-title', otherCaledarEvent + ` + ${newEventsCount - 1} other event${newEventsCount > 2 ? 's' : ''}`);
} else {
// If there's not event displayed yet, change the day color and sett attributes to indicate that there's an event
textElement.setAttribute('data-event-filled', 'true');'fill', colors[eventDetails.type], 'important');"color", "initial", "important");
calendarDayElement.setAttribute('dayEventCountCount', '1')
// Add event title as tooltip
calendarDayElement.setAttribute('data-original-title', eventDetails.title);
// Add some styles to the text element to make it look better
const element = calendarDayElement.querySelector('text');'fill', '#fff', 'important');'color', '#fff', 'important');'cursor', 'pointer', 'important');'font-weight', '500', 'important');
// Open event page on click
calendarDayElement.addEventListener('click', () => {
// Work smarter, not harder
// We already have the event element, so we can just click it;
This function adds the event icon to the calendar day, and adds the event title as tooltip.
It is executed for each subscribed event.
Since the calendar is made of SVG elements, we have to use the querySelector
function to get the element, and then we can manipulate it and place the next days in the correct X and Y position.
It also adds the event title as tooltip, and opens the event page on click.
It may seem complicated, but it's just a lot of DOM manipulation and a bit of logic.
I hope you enjoyed this post, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments.
I plan to implement all the fatures listed in the file, so stay tuned for updates. I'm open to suggestions and is open for everyone.
Remember to add a star ⭐ to the repository to show your support!