Releases: glomatico/gamdl
Releases · glomatico/gamdl
- Add closed captions for music videos with ffmpeg remux mode
- More log messsages
- Code cleanup
1.9.4 ✨
- Fix 4K
- Configuration file
- New arguments:
- folder/file templates
- cover size/format
- save cover
- exclude tags
- truncate value
- choose between FFmpeg (default) or MP4Box for remuxing
- choose between yt-dlp or N_m3u8dl-RE for downloading
- ask video format
- download songs in HEAAC
- logging
- mp4decrypt is now optional if you use FFmpeg for remuxing, but required for downloading music videos and remuxing with MP4Box
- Remove skip cleanup argument
- Increased video cover size to 1920x1080
- Changed URL argument behaviour
- Removed HE-AAC
- Removed print video m3u8 URL
- LRC only mode
- Increased cover size to 1200x1200 for songs and 1280x720 for videos
- Better synced lyrics time fetching
- SD PAL videos should download with a better bitrate
- Fixed music video copyright tag error
- Changed URL check error message