Releases: gmmatt/torgeternity
Releases Β· gmmatt/torgeternity
2.4.0 Beta 2
- Updated enhanced checks to include disfavored rolls
- Attack rolls now allow user to select defense used
- Integrated code from Chain Reaction module so that exploding dice now operate in tandem with TE rules
- Lots of CSS to make journal entries look more Torg-Like - Integrated "Session Zero" on EN and DE compendiums as a bonus
- Threats now have derived defense values that can be modified by effects (gear with defenses now "works" for threats, so you
may need to alter existing threats in your game worlds) - All enhanced interaction and combat attacks now use the target's defense values, rather than their base skills/stats
As always, please report any bugs on the #ulisses-torg channel in the Foundry Discord Server.
2.4.0 Beta 1
This is a beta release for version 2.4.0. Improvements include the following:
- On enhanced checks, you may now select a Disfavored check box. The system will roll a d20 without exploding dice
- Enhanced attack rolls now let the user select the defense that is used against the attack
- Chain Reaction code now integrated. The module is no longer needed.
- Multiple other changes to styling, particularly in journals.
This will NOT be added as an update in the Foundry listing. We do not believe users will be able to upgrade using the Foundry interface.
Please provide feedback via the #ulisses-torg channel on the Foundry Discord server.
More Bug Squashing
Fixed bug from last two releases that caused problems with updating threat skills.
Bug Squashing
v. 2.3.8
- Fixed bug from 2.3.7 that caused all threats to have 3 wounds
- Fixed bug from 2.3.7 that caused effects (such as armor) to not be applied
experienced in 2.3.7 could be traced back to duplicate or broken
settings. We will work on creating a smoother, and less problematic
integration for these settings in upcoming releases.
New GM Screen!
v. 2.3.7
- New GM screen interface - be sure to update your Living Land and Core Rulebook modules before using this feature.
- Hotkeys for GM Screen ("G") and player hands ("H")
- Fixed issue where interactions with no adds would not properly generate an interaction attack.
- Threat interface improvements. Expand the threat window to edit the threat's statistics and access its tabs. Collapse the threat
window to work with a compact stat block. - Beta Feature (use with caution!): you can now automatically apply damage to targets. Check the box in the system settings menu to
enable this feature. - Thanks to Rwan for the improvements in this update!
Cart Settings Update
- Fixed issue where player hand cosm button was drawing Destiny cards instead
- Multiple enhancements to drag n drop macros, thanks to Spatula!
- Better default permissions on various discard piles (also thanks to Spatula!)
- You can now select the decks that are used for various game functions, rather than always being forced to use the defaults (thanks Rwan!)
- Lots of other changes made to journals, formatting, localization, etc. to make things smoother for multi-language play and module releases (Algor has been working tirelessly on all of this, thanks!)
New Hand Option/More Draggable Macros
- Added enhanced hand option in player hand window (amazing work, Rwan!)
- From Spatula (thanks!): drag-drop skill and attribute macros
- Intimidation attacks now target Spirit instead of Charisma
- Fixed Active Defense functionality
Monarch Support
- Added support for Monarch cards module (thanks to LordZeel for all his work! It looks amazing)
- Adjusted location of tool tips in sidebar
- Multiple updates to journal styling (thanks Algor!)
- Updates to German basic rules
- Corrected an error relating to the template for the Faith skill
- Known issue: clicking Defenses does not roll active defenses
Bug Squashing/German Localization/Attack Macros
- Fixed issue where item macros could not be created
- Fixed multiple issues involving player combat trackers either generating errors or not updating correctly
- (Confirmed that perk categories should not reset again after this update nor should they reset after future updates)
- Fixed issue where possibilities were not updating when GM uses player bar
- Enhancements and Limitations tabs now available for all perks
- Added German compendiums and ability to hide English/German compendiums (many thanks to Algor for his work to get this added!)
- Fixed drag-and-drop attack macros so that they now work properly (thanks for the contribution, Durak!)
Pulp Powers Update
A few updates to the Perks item, as well as some extensive additions to Pulp Powers. Select a Pulp Power as a perk category, and you now have new tabs that allow you to enter available/selected enhancements as well as limitations.
Other updates:
- Fixed a bug where skill test chat buttons didn't work while animated chat is turned off
- Changed base fatigue to 2 (facepalm!)
- Clarified error message in combat tracker when there is no matching hand for a Storm Knight