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Releases: gnembon/fabric-carpet

Carpet Mod 1.4.37 for Minecraft 1.16.5 and Minecraft 21w20a

19 May 19:24
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What's new in carpet mod 1.4.37:

  • support for 21w20a
  • fixed several java 16 compatibility issues
  • fixed use of hopper counters on servers

scarpet changes:

  • fixed exection of run() with relative position arguments

Carpet Mod 1.4.36 for Minecraft 1.16.5 and Minecraft 21w19a

12 May 23:44
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Could be more experimental than usually. For 1.16.5 use 1.4.35 as less experimental version. Use this one to try 21w19a


  • supports 21w19a
  • uses Java 16 for both 1.16.5 and 1.17 but should work fine on 1.16.5 and Java 8

scarpet changes

  • '%' now acts like a proper modulo operator, not remainder
  • added 'look' to entity modify API, blame @replaceitem

Carpet Mod 1.4.35 for Minecraft 1.16.5 and Minecraft 21w18a

05 May 20:40
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What's new in carpet 1.4.35

  • support for 21w18a
  • carpet should allow now to spawn fake players on online servers with Mojang servers down.
  • updated chinese translations. Blame @whats2000

scarpet changes

  • Added compile time optimizations to the scarpet app, see below
  • added functional equivalents of several potentially multinary operators, like then for ;, sum for + etc. Check the Operators section in the docs for details.
  • Changed semantics of chained comparison operators (only applies to optimized programs), so a < b < c is a < b && b < c rather than bool(a < b) < c. This makes them congruent with their functional equivalents, so a < b < c <=> increasing(a, b, c)
  • special constants, like true, false, euler, pi and none are now no longer allowed to be used as variables. This allows for effective optimization of expressions that contain them.
  • implicit multiplication feature (that was never officially supported) was finally removed so (a+b)c is no longer valid and requires to specify * directly

Code compile-time optimizations

  • Compile time optimizations analyze the supplied scarpet code and optimize its structure to speed up execution.
  • added /carpet scriptsOptimization option to allow to turn it off in case a different behaviour is observed. By default code optimizations will happen and this flag is only temporary in case there are issues with the current apps. Please report all cases when optimized code behaves differently than the literal one (apart from chained comparison operations).
  • added /carpet scriptsDebugging which adds extra logging to assist with apps operation. By default its false and will output all optimization steps performed on your code.
  • If you wrote extentions for scarpet, its very likely you would need to revise functions you have added whether they are pure (can be optimized and evaluated at compile time) or impure if they have any side-effects and cannot / should not be optimized. By default all lazy functions are considered impure and all eager functions pure, except for contextFunctions which are also considered impure. Another aspect that needs to be specified is the transitivity of the function. transitive functions will pass required return type to its arguments, and non-transitive functions will request by default the NONE required type. Transitiveness can be overridden by specifying required staticType. impure functions, since they won't be optimized at all, don't need to worry about transitiveness, since this concept is only used at compile time for pure functions only.

Carpet Mod 1.4.34 for Minecraft 1.16.5 and Minecraft 21w17a

28 Apr 17:28
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What's new in carpet 1.4.34:

  • support for 21w17a

scarpet changes:

  • introduction of ... unpacking operator - better way of creating argument lists, building lists and maps
  • as a result of the above, all functions should now be consider having variable argument length, meaning the argument errors will be reported on runtime, not compile time
  • added 'language' to the entity API. Blame @Ghoulboy78
  • added build-in json and base64 codec functions. Blame @Ghoulboy78
  • damage related events will now be reported when damage value is 0, but the game still acts like there was damage
  • fix the bug where API returned lists were not properly mutalble
  • scarpet tasks and threads are now much better controlled. They will be terminated properly when the app is unloaded
  • scarpet now uses its own branded logger for 'logger' and other logging purposes

Carpet Mod 1.4.33 for Minecraft 1.16.5 and Minecraft 21w16a

21 Apr 23:16
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For developing carpet extensions with 1.4.33 on 21w16a, use carpet-core-version=1.4.33+v210424, not v210421

What's new in carpet 1.4.33

  • hopperCounter reports are now more colorful (and thus/hopefully more readable). The color of the item / block should (if possible) reflect their color in game, block their form or an ingredient they are made of.
  • extremeBehaviours now make withers spawn charged skulls at 10% rate, not 0.1%
  • cleanLogs now hides client errors in custom biomes
  • commandline tweaks to built-in apps: camera, ai_tracker, etc. Blame @Ghoulboy78
  • Fake players now take knockback from players like other players and animals. Blame @Fallen-Breath

scarpet changes:

  • accessing NBT containers for lists (with addresses ending with '[]') will now return singleton lists when only one element is found, not that element. blame @altrisi
  • fixes on how command output is handled when running commands via run() - the output should now correspond to what you see in vanilla.
  • added player_list_header and player_list_footer as possible places where display_title can insert its own text. Should work with carpet loggers. Blame @replaceitem and @altrisi
  • You can now specify app loading requirements preventing them from loading when the requirements are not met. Blame @altrisi

Carpet Mod 1.4.32 for Minecraft 1.16.5 and Minecraft 21w15a

14 Apr 18:32
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What's new in carpet mod 1.4.32:

  • support for 21w15a
  • fixed behaviour of superhot when riding vehicles
  • (1.17) added renewableDeepslate to spawn deepslate stone variants when generating below Y 0 from stone generators. I guess that would work only on custom overworlds, since it only happens below Y 0

scarpet changes:

  • added explosions: create_explosion(...) and two events, __on_explosion an __on_explosion_effect blame @BisUmTo and @gnembon
  • added 'attribute' to entity API

Carpet Mod 1.4.31 for Minecraft 1.16.5 and Minecraft 21w14a

07 Apr 19:23
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What's new in carpet mod 1.4.31:

  • supports 21w14a
  • updated carpet profiler to include scarpet components and highlighing portions that add to the total tally (only sections that are contained in others, or are client related are grayed out). Better support for custom dimensions in the profiler
  • fake players will shake off other players when despawning (in case you did that)
  • players can now place skulls inside themselves with creativeNoClip
  • fixed compatibility issues with sound engine mods.

scarpet changes:

  • fixed issues when listing zipped folders with some java distributions
  • fixed suggester methods in custom commands not working properly
  • added 'world_spawn_point' to system_info()

Carpet Mod 1.4.30 for Minecraft 1.16.5, 21w13a

31 Mar 22:19
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What's new in 1.4.30

  • support for 21w13a
  • removed xpFix from 1.17 since its fixed in vanilla

scarpet changes:

  • all file IO functions can now read / write / list from inside .zip folders. One depthness of zipness is supported. Soe docs for details and exmaples.
  • functions returning an integer (floor, round, etc) will keep integer precision for long operations
  • fixed custom worlds from custom datapacks not ticking properly (frozen)
  • added reset_seed() to allow to reset randomizers used by rand()
  • Allowed to modify built-in temporary variables (like _a, _, otherwise its tough to reduce to a list with reduce
  • sound() and particle() without arguments now return a list of available sounds / particles
  • added scoreboard_property() to modify scoreboards by @altrisi
  • fixed rendering of draw_shape() shapes in 1.17 with new rendering pipelines, added 'lean' and 'turn' parameter to labels and deprecated 'line' for other shapes as its not supported by GL3.2. Per community vote, color of lines will now be shaded with color of faces.
  • added several options to system_info() around the game version

Carpet Mod 1.4.29 for Minecraft 1.16.5, 21w11a and 21w10a

10 Mar 23:29
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What's new in carpet mod 1.4.29

  • support for 21w10a and 21w11a. Known issue: scarpet shapes ain't showing up properly in 21w10a (as well as chunk borders in vanilla, so I won't be stressing about it), partially fixed in 21w11a.
  • added playerPingListLimit allowing to customize number of players showing up on the multiplayer screen when hovering over a server icon, blame @Andrews54757

scarpet changes:

  • true and false now serialize to 'true' and 'false', instead of 0 and 1, allowing for easy serializations to json and nbt (as 1b an 0b respectively).
  • fixed behaviour of slice() when attempting to slice off the last element, blame @replaceitem
  • deprecated custom_dimension in favour of:
  • added create_datapack and enable_hidden_dimensions to allow adding of datapacks on the fly
  • some exceptions (with incorrect data, not incorrect code) are now user catchable with try(), blame @altrisi
  • added basic exception hierarchy to accommodate for new exception types, blame @altrisi
  • try() and throw() can now operate on the new exception types, check docs for details and blame @altrisi and me
  • variable _trace is now available in exception handling blocks, providing call stack list, local variables, and point of failure.

Carpet Mod 1.4.28 for Minecraft 1.16.5 and Minecraft 21w08a

24 Feb 22:39
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What's new in 1.4.28

  • support for 21w08a (could be little wonky, or could not, who knows - quite a bit of changes)
  • added lightningKillsDropsFix to fix mob drops getting destroyed when a lightning kills a mob

scarpet changes:

  • added entity~'fire'