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Tyler King edited this page Aug 23, 2018 · 20 revisions

Here's some helpful tips on using this package's facade.

Accessing the current shop

Using the facade:

// Returns instance of \OhMyBrew\ShopifyApp\Models\Shop

Accessing API for the current shop

// Returns instance of \OhMyBrew\BasicShopifyAPI (ohmybrew/basic-shopify-api)
$shop = ShopifyApp::shop();


$shop = ShopifyApp::shop();
$request = $shop->api()->request('GET', '/admin/shop.json');
echo $request->body->shop->name;

Accessing Shopify data for a charge

For single/recurring/credit type charges, you can access them via the Charge model's retrieve method for charges which exist in the database for a shop.


$shop = ShopifyApp::shop();
$charge = $shop->charges()->get()->last();
print_r($charge->retrieve); // Returns an object of the API data for the charge

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