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1.9.x - - "1.10.x" - - "1.11.x" - - tip diff --git a/vendor/github.com/PuerkitoBio/purell/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/PuerkitoBio/purell/LICENSE deleted file mode 100644 index 4b9986dea..000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/PuerkitoBio/purell/LICENSE +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -Copyright (c) 2012, Martin Angers -All rights reserved. - -Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: - -* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - -* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. - -* Neither the name of the author nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. - -THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/PuerkitoBio/purell/README.md b/vendor/github.com/PuerkitoBio/purell/README.md deleted file mode 100644 index 07de0c498..000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/PuerkitoBio/purell/README.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,188 +0,0 @@ -# Purell - -Purell is a tiny Go library to normalize URLs. It returns a pure URL. Pure-ell. Sanitizer and all. Yeah, I know... - -Based on the [wikipedia paper][wiki] and the [RFC 3986 document][rfc]. - -[![build status](https://travis-ci.org/PuerkitoBio/purell.svg?branch=master)](http://travis-ci.org/PuerkitoBio/purell) - -## Install - -`go get github.com/PuerkitoBio/purell` - -## Changelog - -* **v1.1.1** : Fix failing test due to Go1.12 changes (thanks to @ianlancetaylor). -* **2016-11-14 (v1.1.0)** : IDN: Conform to RFC 5895: Fold character width (thanks to @beeker1121). -* **2016-07-27 (v1.0.0)** : Normalize IDN to ASCII (thanks to @zenovich). -* **2015-02-08** : Add fix for relative paths issue ([PR #5][pr5]) and add fix for unnecessary encoding of reserved characters ([see issue #7][iss7]). -* **v0.2.0** : Add benchmarks, Attempt IDN support. -* **v0.1.0** : Initial release. - -## Examples - -From `example_test.go` (note that in your code, you would import "github.com/PuerkitoBio/purell", and would prefix references to its methods and constants with "purell."): - -```go -package purell - -import ( - "fmt" - "net/url" -) - -func ExampleNormalizeURLString() { - if normalized, err := NormalizeURLString("hTTp://someWEBsite.com:80/Amazing%3f/url/", - FlagLowercaseScheme|FlagLowercaseHost|FlagUppercaseEscapes); err != nil { - panic(err) - } else { - fmt.Print(normalized) - } - // Output: http://somewebsite.com:80/Amazing%3F/url/ -} - -func ExampleMustNormalizeURLString() { - normalized := MustNormalizeURLString("hTTpS://someWEBsite.com:443/Amazing%fa/url/", - FlagsUnsafeGreedy) - fmt.Print(normalized) - - // Output: http://somewebsite.com/Amazing%FA/url -} - -func ExampleNormalizeURL() { - if u, err := url.Parse("Http://SomeUrl.com:8080/a/b/.././c///g?c=3&a=1&b=9&c=0#target"); err != nil { - panic(err) - } else { - normalized := NormalizeURL(u, FlagsUsuallySafeGreedy|FlagRemoveDuplicateSlashes|FlagRemoveFragment) - fmt.Print(normalized) - } - - // Output: http://someurl.com:8080/a/c/g?c=3&a=1&b=9&c=0 -} -``` - -## API - -As seen in the examples above, purell offers three methods, `NormalizeURLString(string, NormalizationFlags) (string, error)`, `MustNormalizeURLString(string, NormalizationFlags) (string)` and `NormalizeURL(*url.URL, NormalizationFlags) (string)`. They all normalize the provided URL based on the specified flags. Here are the available flags: - -```go -const ( - // Safe normalizations - FlagLowercaseScheme NormalizationFlags = 1 << iota // HTTP://host -> http://host, applied by default in Go1.1 - FlagLowercaseHost // http://HOST -> http://host - FlagUppercaseEscapes // http://host/t%ef -> http://host/t%EF - FlagDecodeUnnecessaryEscapes // http://host/t%41 -> http://host/tA - FlagEncodeNecessaryEscapes // http://host/!"#$ -> http://host/%21%22#$ - FlagRemoveDefaultPort // http://host:80 -> http://host - FlagRemoveEmptyQuerySeparator // http://host/path? -> http://host/path - - // Usually safe normalizations - FlagRemoveTrailingSlash // http://host/path/ -> http://host/path - FlagAddTrailingSlash // http://host/path -> http://host/path/ (should choose only one of these add/remove trailing slash flags) - FlagRemoveDotSegments // http://host/path/./a/b/../c -> http://host/path/a/c - - // Unsafe normalizations - FlagRemoveDirectoryIndex // http://host/path/index.html -> http://host/path/ - FlagRemoveFragment // http://host/path#fragment -> http://host/path - FlagForceHTTP // https://host -> http://host - FlagRemoveDuplicateSlashes // http://host/path//a///b -> http://host/path/a/b - FlagRemoveWWW // http://www.host/ -> http://host/ - FlagAddWWW // http://host/ -> http://www.host/ (should choose only one of these add/remove WWW flags) - FlagSortQuery // http://host/path?c=3&b=2&a=1&b=1 -> http://host/path?a=1&b=1&b=2&c=3 - - // Normalizations not in the wikipedia article, required to cover tests cases - // submitted by jehiah - FlagDecodeDWORDHost // http://1113982867 -> - FlagDecodeOctalHost // http://0102.0146.07.0223 -> - FlagDecodeHexHost // http://0x42660793 -> - FlagRemoveUnnecessaryHostDots // http://.host../path -> http://host/path - FlagRemoveEmptyPortSeparator // http://host:/path -> http://host/path - - // Convenience set of safe normalizations - FlagsSafe NormalizationFlags = FlagLowercaseHost | FlagLowercaseScheme | FlagUppercaseEscapes | FlagDecodeUnnecessaryEscapes | FlagEncodeNecessaryEscapes | FlagRemoveDefaultPort | FlagRemoveEmptyQuerySeparator - - // For convenience sets, "greedy" uses the "remove trailing slash" and "remove www. prefix" flags, - // while "non-greedy" uses the "add (or keep) the trailing slash" and "add www. prefix". - - // Convenience set of usually safe normalizations (includes FlagsSafe) - FlagsUsuallySafeGreedy NormalizationFlags = FlagsSafe | FlagRemoveTrailingSlash | FlagRemoveDotSegments - FlagsUsuallySafeNonGreedy NormalizationFlags = FlagsSafe | FlagAddTrailingSlash | FlagRemoveDotSegments - - // Convenience set of unsafe normalizations (includes FlagsUsuallySafe) - FlagsUnsafeGreedy NormalizationFlags = FlagsUsuallySafeGreedy | FlagRemoveDirectoryIndex | FlagRemoveFragment | FlagForceHTTP | FlagRemoveDuplicateSlashes | FlagRemoveWWW | FlagSortQuery - FlagsUnsafeNonGreedy NormalizationFlags = FlagsUsuallySafeNonGreedy | FlagRemoveDirectoryIndex | FlagRemoveFragment | FlagForceHTTP | FlagRemoveDuplicateSlashes | FlagAddWWW | FlagSortQuery - - // Convenience set of all available flags - FlagsAllGreedy = FlagsUnsafeGreedy | FlagDecodeDWORDHost | FlagDecodeOctalHost | FlagDecodeHexHost | FlagRemoveUnnecessaryHostDots | FlagRemoveEmptyPortSeparator - FlagsAllNonGreedy = FlagsUnsafeNonGreedy | FlagDecodeDWORDHost | FlagDecodeOctalHost | FlagDecodeHexHost | FlagRemoveUnnecessaryHostDots | FlagRemoveEmptyPortSeparator -) -``` - -For convenience, the set of flags `FlagsSafe`, `FlagsUsuallySafe[Greedy|NonGreedy]`, `FlagsUnsafe[Greedy|NonGreedy]` and `FlagsAll[Greedy|NonGreedy]` are provided for the similarly grouped normalizations on [wikipedia's URL normalization page][wiki]. You can add (using the bitwise OR `|` operator) or remove (using the bitwise AND NOT `&^` operator) individual flags from the sets if required, to build your own custom set. - -The [full godoc reference is available on gopkgdoc][godoc]. - -Some things to note: - -* `FlagDecodeUnnecessaryEscapes`, `FlagEncodeNecessaryEscapes`, `FlagUppercaseEscapes` and `FlagRemoveEmptyQuerySeparator` are always implicitly set, because internally, the URL string is parsed as an URL object, which automatically decodes unnecessary escapes, uppercases and encodes necessary ones, and removes empty query separators (an unnecessary `?` at the end of the url). So this operation cannot **not** be done. For this reason, `FlagRemoveEmptyQuerySeparator` (as well as the other three) has been included in the `FlagsSafe` convenience set, instead of `FlagsUnsafe`, where Wikipedia puts it. - -* The `FlagDecodeUnnecessaryEscapes` decodes the following escapes (*from -> to*): - - %24 -> $ - - %26 -> & - - %2B-%3B -> +,-./0123456789:; - - %3D -> = - - %40-%5A -> @ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ - - %5F -> _ - - %61-%7A -> abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz - - %7E -> ~ - - -* When the `NormalizeURL` function is used (passing an URL object), this source URL object is modified (that is, after the call, the URL object will be modified to reflect the normalization). - -* The *replace IP with domain name* normalization (` → http://www.example.com/`) is obviously not possible for a library without making some network requests. This is not implemented in purell. - -* The *remove unused query string parameters* and *remove default query parameters* are also not implemented, since this is a very case-specific normalization, and it is quite trivial to do with an URL object. - -### Safe vs Usually Safe vs Unsafe - -Purell allows you to control the level of risk you take while normalizing an URL. You can aggressively normalize, play it totally safe, or anything in between. - -Consider the following URL: - -`HTTPS://www.RooT.com/toto/t%45%1f///a/./b/../c/?z=3&w=2&a=4&w=1#invalid` - -Normalizing with the `FlagsSafe` gives: - -`https://www.root.com/toto/tE%1F///a/./b/../c/?z=3&w=2&a=4&w=1#invalid` - -With the `FlagsUsuallySafeGreedy`: - -`https://www.root.com/toto/tE%1F///a/c?z=3&w=2&a=4&w=1#invalid` - -And with `FlagsUnsafeGreedy`: - -`http://root.com/toto/tE%1F/a/c?a=4&w=1&w=2&z=3` - -## TODOs - -* Add a class/default instance to allow specifying custom directory index names? At the moment, removing directory index removes `(^|/)((?:default|index)\.\w{1,4})$`. - -## Thanks / Contributions - -@rogpeppe -@jehiah -@opennota -@pchristopher1275 -@zenovich -@beeker1121 - -## License - -The [BSD 3-Clause license][bsd]. - -[bsd]: http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause -[wiki]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URL_normalization -[rfc]: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-6 -[godoc]: http://go.pkgdoc.org/github.com/PuerkitoBio/purell -[pr5]: https://github.com/PuerkitoBio/purell/pull/5 -[iss7]: https://github.com/PuerkitoBio/purell/issues/7 diff --git a/vendor/github.com/PuerkitoBio/purell/purell.go b/vendor/github.com/PuerkitoBio/purell/purell.go deleted file mode 100644 index 6d0fc190a..000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/PuerkitoBio/purell/purell.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,379 +0,0 @@ -/* -Package purell offers URL normalization as described on the wikipedia page: -http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URL_normalization -*/ -package purell - -import ( - "bytes" - "fmt" - "net/url" - "regexp" - "sort" - "strconv" - "strings" - - "github.com/PuerkitoBio/urlesc" - "golang.org/x/net/idna" - "golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm" - "golang.org/x/text/width" -) - -// A set of normalization flags determines how a URL will -// be normalized. -type NormalizationFlags uint - -const ( - // Safe normalizations - FlagLowercaseScheme NormalizationFlags = 1 << iota // HTTP://host -> http://host, applied by default in Go1.1 - FlagLowercaseHost // http://HOST -> http://host - FlagUppercaseEscapes // http://host/t%ef -> http://host/t%EF - FlagDecodeUnnecessaryEscapes // http://host/t%41 -> http://host/tA - FlagEncodeNecessaryEscapes // http://host/!"#$ -> http://host/%21%22#$ - FlagRemoveDefaultPort // http://host:80 -> http://host - FlagRemoveEmptyQuerySeparator // http://host/path? -> http://host/path - - // Usually safe normalizations - FlagRemoveTrailingSlash // http://host/path/ -> http://host/path - FlagAddTrailingSlash // http://host/path -> http://host/path/ (should choose only one of these add/remove trailing slash flags) - FlagRemoveDotSegments // http://host/path/./a/b/../c -> http://host/path/a/c - - // Unsafe normalizations - FlagRemoveDirectoryIndex // http://host/path/index.html -> http://host/path/ - FlagRemoveFragment // http://host/path#fragment -> http://host/path - FlagForceHTTP // https://host -> http://host - FlagRemoveDuplicateSlashes // http://host/path//a///b -> http://host/path/a/b - FlagRemoveWWW // http://www.host/ -> http://host/ - FlagAddWWW // http://host/ -> http://www.host/ (should choose only one of these add/remove WWW flags) - FlagSortQuery // http://host/path?c=3&b=2&a=1&b=1 -> http://host/path?a=1&b=1&b=2&c=3 - - // Normalizations not in the wikipedia article, required to cover tests cases - // submitted by jehiah - FlagDecodeDWORDHost // http://1113982867 -> - FlagDecodeOctalHost // http://0102.0146.07.0223 -> - FlagDecodeHexHost // http://0x42660793 -> - FlagRemoveUnnecessaryHostDots // http://.host../path -> http://host/path - FlagRemoveEmptyPortSeparator // http://host:/path -> http://host/path - - // Convenience set of safe normalizations - FlagsSafe NormalizationFlags = FlagLowercaseHost | FlagLowercaseScheme | FlagUppercaseEscapes | FlagDecodeUnnecessaryEscapes | FlagEncodeNecessaryEscapes | FlagRemoveDefaultPort | FlagRemoveEmptyQuerySeparator - - // For convenience sets, "greedy" uses the "remove trailing slash" and "remove www. prefix" flags, - // while "non-greedy" uses the "add (or keep) the trailing slash" and "add www. prefix". - - // Convenience set of usually safe normalizations (includes FlagsSafe) - FlagsUsuallySafeGreedy NormalizationFlags = FlagsSafe | FlagRemoveTrailingSlash | FlagRemoveDotSegments - FlagsUsuallySafeNonGreedy NormalizationFlags = FlagsSafe | FlagAddTrailingSlash | FlagRemoveDotSegments - - // Convenience set of unsafe normalizations (includes FlagsUsuallySafe) - FlagsUnsafeGreedy NormalizationFlags = FlagsUsuallySafeGreedy | FlagRemoveDirectoryIndex | FlagRemoveFragment | FlagForceHTTP | FlagRemoveDuplicateSlashes | FlagRemoveWWW | FlagSortQuery - FlagsUnsafeNonGreedy NormalizationFlags = FlagsUsuallySafeNonGreedy | FlagRemoveDirectoryIndex | FlagRemoveFragment | FlagForceHTTP | FlagRemoveDuplicateSlashes | FlagAddWWW | FlagSortQuery - - // Convenience set of all available flags - FlagsAllGreedy = FlagsUnsafeGreedy | FlagDecodeDWORDHost | FlagDecodeOctalHost | FlagDecodeHexHost | FlagRemoveUnnecessaryHostDots | FlagRemoveEmptyPortSeparator - FlagsAllNonGreedy = FlagsUnsafeNonGreedy | FlagDecodeDWORDHost | FlagDecodeOctalHost | FlagDecodeHexHost | FlagRemoveUnnecessaryHostDots | FlagRemoveEmptyPortSeparator -) - -const ( - defaultHttpPort = ":80" - defaultHttpsPort = ":443" -) - -// Regular expressions used by the normalizations -var rxPort = regexp.MustCompile(`(:\d+)/?$`) -var rxDirIndex = regexp.MustCompile(`(^|/)((?:default|index)\.\w{1,4})$`) -var rxDupSlashes = regexp.MustCompile(`/{2,}`) -var rxDWORDHost = regexp.MustCompile(`^(\d+)((?:\.+)?(?:\:\d*)?)$`) -var rxOctalHost = regexp.MustCompile(`^(0\d*)\.(0\d*)\.(0\d*)\.(0\d*)((?:\.+)?(?:\:\d*)?)$`) -var rxHexHost = regexp.MustCompile(`^0x([0-9A-Fa-f]+)((?:\.+)?(?:\:\d*)?)$`) -var rxHostDots = regexp.MustCompile(`^(.+?)(:\d+)?$`) -var rxEmptyPort = regexp.MustCompile(`:+$`) - -// Map of flags to implementation function. -// FlagDecodeUnnecessaryEscapes has no action, since it is done automatically -// by parsing the string as an URL. Same for FlagUppercaseEscapes and FlagRemoveEmptyQuerySeparator. - -// Since maps have undefined traversing order, make a slice of ordered keys -var flagsOrder = []NormalizationFlags{ - FlagLowercaseScheme, - FlagLowercaseHost, - FlagRemoveDefaultPort, - FlagRemoveDirectoryIndex, - FlagRemoveDotSegments, - FlagRemoveFragment, - FlagForceHTTP, // Must be after remove default port (because https=443/http=80) - FlagRemoveDuplicateSlashes, - FlagRemoveWWW, - FlagAddWWW, - FlagSortQuery, - FlagDecodeDWORDHost, - FlagDecodeOctalHost, - FlagDecodeHexHost, - FlagRemoveUnnecessaryHostDots, - FlagRemoveEmptyPortSeparator, - FlagRemoveTrailingSlash, // These two (add/remove trailing slash) must be last - FlagAddTrailingSlash, -} - -// ... and then the map, where order is unimportant -var flags = map[NormalizationFlags]func(*url.URL){ - FlagLowercaseScheme: lowercaseScheme, - FlagLowercaseHost: lowercaseHost, - FlagRemoveDefaultPort: removeDefaultPort, - FlagRemoveDirectoryIndex: removeDirectoryIndex, - FlagRemoveDotSegments: removeDotSegments, - FlagRemoveFragment: removeFragment, - FlagForceHTTP: forceHTTP, - FlagRemoveDuplicateSlashes: removeDuplicateSlashes, - FlagRemoveWWW: removeWWW, - FlagAddWWW: addWWW, - FlagSortQuery: sortQuery, - FlagDecodeDWORDHost: decodeDWORDHost, - FlagDecodeOctalHost: decodeOctalHost, - FlagDecodeHexHost: decodeHexHost, - FlagRemoveUnnecessaryHostDots: removeUnncessaryHostDots, - FlagRemoveEmptyPortSeparator: removeEmptyPortSeparator, - FlagRemoveTrailingSlash: removeTrailingSlash, - FlagAddTrailingSlash: addTrailingSlash, -} - -// MustNormalizeURLString returns the normalized string, and panics if an error occurs. -// It takes an URL string as input, as well as the normalization flags. -func MustNormalizeURLString(u string, f NormalizationFlags) string { - result, e := NormalizeURLString(u, f) - if e != nil { - panic(e) - } - return result -} - -// NormalizeURLString returns the normalized string, or an error if it can't be parsed into an URL object. -// It takes an URL string as input, as well as the normalization flags. -func NormalizeURLString(u string, f NormalizationFlags) (string, error) { - parsed, err := url.Parse(u) - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - - if f&FlagLowercaseHost == FlagLowercaseHost { - parsed.Host = strings.ToLower(parsed.Host) - } - - // The idna package doesn't fully conform to RFC 5895 - // (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5895), so we do it here. - // Taken from Go 1.8 cycle source, courtesy of bradfitz. - // TODO: Remove when (if?) idna package conforms to RFC 5895. - parsed.Host = width.Fold.String(parsed.Host) - parsed.Host = norm.NFC.String(parsed.Host) - if parsed.Host, err = idna.ToASCII(parsed.Host); err != nil { - return "", err - } - - return NormalizeURL(parsed, f), nil -} - -// NormalizeURL returns the normalized string. -// It takes a parsed URL object as input, as well as the normalization flags. -func NormalizeURL(u *url.URL, f NormalizationFlags) string { - for _, k := range flagsOrder { - if f&k == k { - flags[k](u) - } - } - return urlesc.Escape(u) -} - -func lowercaseScheme(u *url.URL) { - if len(u.Scheme) > 0 { - u.Scheme = strings.ToLower(u.Scheme) - } -} - -func lowercaseHost(u *url.URL) { - if len(u.Host) > 0 { - u.Host = strings.ToLower(u.Host) - } -} - -func removeDefaultPort(u *url.URL) { - if len(u.Host) > 0 { - scheme := strings.ToLower(u.Scheme) - u.Host = rxPort.ReplaceAllStringFunc(u.Host, func(val string) string { - if (scheme == "http" && val == defaultHttpPort) || (scheme == "https" && val == defaultHttpsPort) { - return "" - } - return val - }) - } -} - -func removeTrailingSlash(u *url.URL) { - if l := len(u.Path); l > 0 { - if strings.HasSuffix(u.Path, "/") { - u.Path = u.Path[:l-1] - } - } else if l = len(u.Host); l > 0 { - if strings.HasSuffix(u.Host, "/") { - u.Host = u.Host[:l-1] - } - } -} - -func addTrailingSlash(u *url.URL) { - if l := len(u.Path); l > 0 { - if !strings.HasSuffix(u.Path, "/") { - u.Path += "/" - } - } else if l = len(u.Host); l > 0 { - if !strings.HasSuffix(u.Host, "/") { - u.Host += "/" - } - } -} - -func removeDotSegments(u *url.URL) { - if len(u.Path) > 0 { - var dotFree []string - var lastIsDot bool - - sections := strings.Split(u.Path, "/") - for _, s := range sections { - if s == ".." { - if len(dotFree) > 0 { - dotFree = dotFree[:len(dotFree)-1] - } - } else if s != "." { - dotFree = append(dotFree, s) - } - lastIsDot = (s == "." || s == "..") - } - // Special case if host does not end with / and new path does not begin with / - u.Path = strings.Join(dotFree, "/") - if u.Host != "" && !strings.HasSuffix(u.Host, "/") && !strings.HasPrefix(u.Path, "/") { - u.Path = "/" + u.Path - } - // Special case if the last segment was a dot, make sure the path ends with a slash - if lastIsDot && !strings.HasSuffix(u.Path, "/") { - u.Path += "/" - } - } -} - -func removeDirectoryIndex(u *url.URL) { - if len(u.Path) > 0 { - u.Path = rxDirIndex.ReplaceAllString(u.Path, "$1") - } -} - -func removeFragment(u *url.URL) { - u.Fragment = "" -} - -func forceHTTP(u *url.URL) { - if strings.ToLower(u.Scheme) == "https" { - u.Scheme = "http" - } -} - -func removeDuplicateSlashes(u *url.URL) { - if len(u.Path) > 0 { - u.Path = rxDupSlashes.ReplaceAllString(u.Path, "/") - } -} - -func removeWWW(u *url.URL) { - if len(u.Host) > 0 && strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToLower(u.Host), "www.") { - u.Host = u.Host[4:] - } -} - -func addWWW(u *url.URL) { - if len(u.Host) > 0 && !strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToLower(u.Host), "www.") { - u.Host = "www." + u.Host - } -} - -func sortQuery(u *url.URL) { - q := u.Query() - - if len(q) > 0 { - arKeys := make([]string, len(q)) - i := 0 - for k := range q { - arKeys[i] = k - i++ - } - sort.Strings(arKeys) - buf := new(bytes.Buffer) - for _, k := range arKeys { - sort.Strings(q[k]) - for _, v := range q[k] { - if buf.Len() > 0 { - buf.WriteRune('&') - } - buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", k, urlesc.QueryEscape(v))) - } - } - - // Rebuild the raw query string - u.RawQuery = buf.String() - } -} - -func decodeDWORDHost(u *url.URL) { - if len(u.Host) > 0 { - if matches := rxDWORDHost.FindStringSubmatch(u.Host); len(matches) > 2 { - var parts [4]int64 - - dword, _ := strconv.ParseInt(matches[1], 10, 0) - for i, shift := range []uint{24, 16, 8, 0} { - parts[i] = dword >> shift & 0xFF - } - u.Host = fmt.Sprintf("%d.%d.%d.%d%s", parts[0], parts[1], parts[2], parts[3], matches[2]) - } - } -} - -func decodeOctalHost(u *url.URL) { - if len(u.Host) > 0 { - if matches := rxOctalHost.FindStringSubmatch(u.Host); len(matches) > 5 { - var parts [4]int64 - - for i := 1; i <= 4; i++ { - parts[i-1], _ = strconv.ParseInt(matches[i], 8, 0) - } - u.Host = fmt.Sprintf("%d.%d.%d.%d%s", parts[0], parts[1], parts[2], parts[3], matches[5]) - } - } -} - -func decodeHexHost(u *url.URL) { - if len(u.Host) > 0 { - if matches := rxHexHost.FindStringSubmatch(u.Host); len(matches) > 2 { - // Conversion is safe because of regex validation - parsed, _ := strconv.ParseInt(matches[1], 16, 0) - // Set host as DWORD (base 10) encoded host - u.Host = fmt.Sprintf("%d%s", parsed, matches[2]) - // The rest is the same as decoding a DWORD host - decodeDWORDHost(u) - } - } -} - -func removeUnncessaryHostDots(u *url.URL) { - if len(u.Host) > 0 { - if matches := rxHostDots.FindStringSubmatch(u.Host); len(matches) > 1 { - // Trim the leading and trailing dots - u.Host = strings.Trim(matches[1], ".") - if len(matches) > 2 { - u.Host += matches[2] - } - } - } -} - -func removeEmptyPortSeparator(u *url.URL) { - if len(u.Host) > 0 { - u.Host = rxEmptyPort.ReplaceAllString(u.Host, "") - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/PuerkitoBio/urlesc/.travis.yml b/vendor/github.com/PuerkitoBio/urlesc/.travis.yml deleted file mode 100644 index ba6b225f9..000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/PuerkitoBio/urlesc/.travis.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -language: go - -go: - - 1.4.x - - 1.5.x - - 1.6.x - - 1.7.x - - 1.8.x - - tip - -install: - - go build . - -script: - - go test -v diff --git a/vendor/github.com/PuerkitoBio/urlesc/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/PuerkitoBio/urlesc/LICENSE deleted file mode 100644 index 744875676..000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/PuerkitoBio/urlesc/LICENSE +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -Copyright (c) 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. - -Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -met: - - * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above -copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer -in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -distribution. - * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its -contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from -this software without specific prior written permission. - -THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -"AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT -LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, -DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY -THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT -(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/PuerkitoBio/urlesc/README.md b/vendor/github.com/PuerkitoBio/urlesc/README.md deleted file mode 100644 index 57aff0a53..000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/PuerkitoBio/urlesc/README.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -urlesc [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/PuerkitoBio/urlesc.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/PuerkitoBio/urlesc) [![GoDoc](http://godoc.org/github.com/PuerkitoBio/urlesc?status.svg)](http://godoc.org/github.com/PuerkitoBio/urlesc) -====== - -Package urlesc implements query escaping as per RFC 3986. - -It contains some parts of the net/url package, modified so as to allow -some reserved characters incorrectly escaped by net/url (see [issue 5684](https://github.com/golang/go/issues/5684)). - -## Install - - go get github.com/PuerkitoBio/urlesc - -## License - -Go license (BSD-3-Clause) - diff --git a/vendor/github.com/PuerkitoBio/urlesc/urlesc.go b/vendor/github.com/PuerkitoBio/urlesc/urlesc.go deleted file mode 100644 index 1b8462459..000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/PuerkitoBio/urlesc/urlesc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,180 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -// Package urlesc implements query escaping as per RFC 3986. -// It contains some parts of the net/url package, modified so as to allow -// some reserved characters incorrectly escaped by net/url. -// See https://github.com/golang/go/issues/5684 -package urlesc - -import ( - "bytes" - "net/url" - "strings" -) - -type encoding int - -const ( - encodePath encoding = 1 + iota - encodeUserPassword - encodeQueryComponent - encodeFragment -) - -// Return true if the specified character should be escaped when -// appearing in a URL string, according to RFC 3986. -func shouldEscape(c byte, mode encoding) bool { - // §2.3 Unreserved characters (alphanum) - if 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' || 'a' <= c && c <= 'z' || '0' <= c && c <= '9' { - return false - } - - switch c { - case '-', '.', '_', '~': // §2.3 Unreserved characters (mark) - return false - - // §2.2 Reserved characters (reserved) - case ':', '/', '?', '#', '[', ']', '@', // gen-delims - '!', '$', '&', '\'', '(', ')', '*', '+', ',', ';', '=': // sub-delims - // Different sections of the URL allow a few of - // the reserved characters to appear unescaped. - switch mode { - case encodePath: // §3.3 - // The RFC allows sub-delims and : @. - // '/', '[' and ']' can be used to assign meaning to individual path - // segments. This package only manipulates the path as a whole, - // so we allow those as well. That leaves only ? and # to escape. - return c == '?' || c == '#' - - case encodeUserPassword: // §3.2.1 - // The RFC allows : and sub-delims in - // userinfo. The parsing of userinfo treats ':' as special so we must escape - // all the gen-delims. - return c == ':' || c == '/' || c == '?' || c == '#' || c == '[' || c == ']' || c == '@' - - case encodeQueryComponent: // §3.4 - // The RFC allows / and ?. - return c != '/' && c != '?' - - case encodeFragment: // §4.1 - // The RFC text is silent but the grammar allows - // everything, so escape nothing but # - return c == '#' - } - } - - // Everything else must be escaped. - return true -} - -// QueryEscape escapes the string so it can be safely placed -// inside a URL query. -func QueryEscape(s string) string { - return escape(s, encodeQueryComponent) -} - -func escape(s string, mode encoding) string { - spaceCount, hexCount := 0, 0 - for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ { - c := s[i] - if shouldEscape(c, mode) { - if c == ' ' && mode == encodeQueryComponent { - spaceCount++ - } else { - hexCount++ - } - } - } - - if spaceCount == 0 && hexCount == 0 { - return s - } - - t := make([]byte, len(s)+2*hexCount) - j := 0 - for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ { - switch c := s[i]; { - case c == ' ' && mode == encodeQueryComponent: - t[j] = '+' - j++ - case shouldEscape(c, mode): - t[j] = '%' - t[j+1] = "0123456789ABCDEF"[c>>4] - t[j+2] = "0123456789ABCDEF"[c&15] - j += 3 - default: - t[j] = s[i] - j++ - } - } - return string(t) -} - -var uiReplacer = strings.NewReplacer( - "%21", "!", - "%27", "'", - "%28", "(", - "%29", ")", - "%2A", "*", -) - -// unescapeUserinfo unescapes some characters that need not to be escaped as per RFC3986. -func unescapeUserinfo(s string) string { - return uiReplacer.Replace(s) -} - -// Escape reassembles the URL into a valid URL string. -// The general form of the result is one of: -// -// scheme:opaque -// scheme://userinfo@host/path?query#fragment -// -// If u.Opaque is non-empty, String uses the first form; -// otherwise it uses the second form. -// -// In the second form, the following rules apply: -// - if u.Scheme is empty, scheme: is omitted. -// - if u.User is nil, userinfo@ is omitted. -// - if u.Host is empty, host/ is omitted. -// - if u.Scheme and u.Host are empty and u.User is nil, -// the entire scheme://userinfo@host/ is omitted. -// - if u.Host is non-empty and u.Path begins with a /, -// the form host/path does not add its own /. -// - if u.RawQuery is empty, ?query is omitted. -// - if u.Fragment is empty, #fragment is omitted. -func Escape(u *url.URL) string { - var buf bytes.Buffer - if u.Scheme != "" { - buf.WriteString(u.Scheme) - buf.WriteByte(':') - } - if u.Opaque != "" { - buf.WriteString(u.Opaque) - } else { - if u.Scheme != "" || u.Host != "" || u.User != nil { - buf.WriteString("//") - if ui := u.User; ui != nil { - buf.WriteString(unescapeUserinfo(ui.String())) - buf.WriteByte('@') - } - if h := u.Host; h != "" { - buf.WriteString(h) - } - } - if u.Path != "" && u.Path[0] != '/' && u.Host != "" { - buf.WriteByte('/') - } - buf.WriteString(escape(u.Path, encodePath)) - } - if u.RawQuery != "" { - buf.WriteByte('?') - buf.WriteString(u.RawQuery) - } - if u.Fragment != "" { - buf.WriteByte('#') - buf.WriteString(escape(u.Fragment, encodeFragment)) - } - return buf.String() -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/endpoints/defaults.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/endpoints/defaults.go index 8bc65154c..521b32198 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/endpoints/defaults.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/endpoints/defaults.go @@ -23,13 +23,16 @@ const ( ApNortheast2RegionID = "ap-northeast-2" // Asia Pacific (Seoul). ApNortheast3RegionID = "ap-northeast-3" // Asia Pacific (Osaka). ApSouth1RegionID = "ap-south-1" // Asia Pacific (Mumbai). + ApSouth2RegionID = "ap-south-2" // Asia Pacific (Hyderabad). ApSoutheast1RegionID = "ap-southeast-1" // Asia Pacific (Singapore). ApSoutheast2RegionID = "ap-southeast-2" // Asia Pacific (Sydney). ApSoutheast3RegionID = "ap-southeast-3" // Asia Pacific (Jakarta). CaCentral1RegionID = "ca-central-1" // Canada (Central). EuCentral1RegionID = "eu-central-1" // Europe (Frankfurt). + EuCentral2RegionID = "eu-central-2" // Europe (Zurich). EuNorth1RegionID = "eu-north-1" // Europe (Stockholm). EuSouth1RegionID = "eu-south-1" // Europe (Milan). + EuSouth2RegionID = "eu-south-2" // Europe (Spain). EuWest1RegionID = "eu-west-1" // Europe (Ireland). EuWest2RegionID = "eu-west-2" // Europe (London). EuWest3RegionID = "eu-west-3" // Europe (Paris). @@ -157,6 +160,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "ap-south-1": region{ Description: "Asia Pacific (Mumbai)", }, + "ap-south-2": region{ + Description: "Asia Pacific (Hyderabad)", + }, "ap-southeast-1": region{ Description: "Asia Pacific (Singapore)", }, @@ -172,12 +178,18 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ "eu-central-1": region{ Description: "Europe (Frankfurt)", }, + "eu-central-2": region{ + Description: "Europe (Zurich)", + }, "eu-north-1": region{ Description: "Europe (Stockholm)", }, "eu-south-1": region{ Description: "Europe (Milan)", }, + "eu-south-2": region{ + Description: "Europe (Spain)", + }, "eu-west-1": region{ Description: "Europe (Ireland)", }, @@ -237,6 +249,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "ap-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -258,12 +273,18 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "eu-central-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-north-1", }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -399,6 +420,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "ap-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -429,12 +453,18 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "eu-central-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-north-1", }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -633,6 +663,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ }, Deprecated: boxedTrue, }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "me-central-1", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "me-south-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -897,6 +930,25 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ }: endpoint{}, }, }, + "aoss": service{ + Endpoints: serviceEndpoints{ + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-northeast-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-west-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "us-east-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "us-east-2", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "us-west-2", + }: endpoint{}, + }, + }, "api.detective": service{ Defaults: endpointDefaults{ defaultKey{}: endpoint{ @@ -1084,6 +1136,14 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ Region: "ap-south-1", }, }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "api.ecr.ap-south-2.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + }, + }, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-1", }: endpoint{ @@ -1196,6 +1256,14 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ Region: "eu-central-1", }, }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "api.ecr.eu-central-2.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }, + }, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-north-1", }: endpoint{ @@ -1212,6 +1280,14 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ Region: "eu-south-1", }, }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "api.ecr.eu-south-2.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + }, + }, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoint{ @@ -1402,6 +1478,26 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ }, }, }, + "api.ecr-public": service{ + Endpoints: serviceEndpoints{ + endpointKey{ + Region: "us-east-1", + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "api.ecr-public.us-east-1.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-east-1", + }, + }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "us-west-2", + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "api.ecr-public.us-west-2.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-west-2", + }, + }, + }, + }, "api.elastic-inference": service{ Endpoints: serviceEndpoints{ endpointKey{ @@ -1976,6 +2072,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "ap-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -1997,12 +2096,18 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "eu-central-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-north-1", }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -2158,6 +2263,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "ap-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -2173,12 +2281,18 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "eu-central-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-north-1", }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -2355,6 +2469,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "ap-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -2370,12 +2487,18 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "eu-central-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-north-1", }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -3042,56 +3165,183 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ }: endpoint{}, }, }, + "arc-zonal-shift": service{ + Endpoints: serviceEndpoints{ + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-northeast-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-southeast-2", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-southeast-3", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-north-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-west-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "us-east-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "us-east-2", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "us-west-2", + }: endpoint{}, + }, + }, "athena": service{ Endpoints: serviceEndpoints{ endpointKey{ Region: "af-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "af-south-1", + Variant: dualStackVariant, + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "athena.af-south-1.api.aws", + }, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-east-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-east-1", + Variant: dualStackVariant, + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "athena.ap-east-1.api.aws", + }, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-northeast-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-northeast-1", + Variant: dualStackVariant, + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "athena.ap-northeast-1.api.aws", + }, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-northeast-2", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-northeast-2", + Variant: dualStackVariant, + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "athena.ap-northeast-2.api.aws", + }, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-northeast-3", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-northeast-3", + Variant: dualStackVariant, + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "athena.ap-northeast-3.api.aws", + }, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-1", + Variant: dualStackVariant, + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "athena.ap-south-1.api.aws", + }, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-southeast-1", + Variant: dualStackVariant, + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "athena.ap-southeast-1.api.aws", + }, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-2", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-southeast-2", + Variant: dualStackVariant, + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "athena.ap-southeast-2.api.aws", + }, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-3", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-southeast-3", + Variant: dualStackVariant, + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "athena.ap-southeast-3.api.aws", + }, endpointKey{ Region: "ca-central-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ca-central-1", + Variant: dualStackVariant, + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "athena.ca-central-1.api.aws", + }, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-central-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-1", + Variant: dualStackVariant, + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "athena.eu-central-1.api.aws", + }, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-north-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-north-1", + Variant: dualStackVariant, + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "athena.eu-north-1.api.aws", + }, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-1", + Variant: dualStackVariant, + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "athena.eu-south-1.api.aws", + }, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-west-1", + Variant: dualStackVariant, + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "athena.eu-west-1.api.aws", + }, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-2", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-west-2", + Variant: dualStackVariant, + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "athena.eu-west-2.api.aws", + }, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-3", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-west-3", + Variant: dualStackVariant, + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "athena.eu-west-3.api.aws", + }, endpointKey{ Region: "fips-us-east-1", }: endpoint{ @@ -3131,12 +3381,30 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "me-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "me-south-1", + Variant: dualStackVariant, + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "athena.me-south-1.api.aws", + }, endpointKey{ Region: "sa-east-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "sa-east-1", + Variant: dualStackVariant, + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "athena.sa-east-1.api.aws", + }, endpointKey{ Region: "us-east-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "us-east-1", + Variant: dualStackVariant, + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "athena.us-east-1.api.aws", + }, endpointKey{ Region: "us-east-1", Variant: fipsVariant, @@ -3146,6 +3414,12 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "us-east-2", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "us-east-2", + Variant: dualStackVariant, + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "athena.us-east-2.api.aws", + }, endpointKey{ Region: "us-east-2", Variant: fipsVariant, @@ -3155,6 +3429,12 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "us-west-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "us-west-1", + Variant: dualStackVariant, + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "athena.us-west-1.api.aws", + }, endpointKey{ Region: "us-west-1", Variant: fipsVariant, @@ -3164,6 +3444,12 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "us-west-2", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "us-west-2", + Variant: dualStackVariant, + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "athena.us-west-2.api.aws", + }, endpointKey{ Region: "us-west-2", Variant: fipsVariant, @@ -3237,6 +3523,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "ap-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -3252,12 +3541,18 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "eu-central-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-north-1", }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -3926,6 +4221,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "ap-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -3947,12 +4245,18 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "eu-central-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-north-1", }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -4105,6 +4409,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "ap-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -4120,12 +4427,18 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "eu-central-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-north-1", }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -4374,6 +4687,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "ap-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -4389,12 +4705,18 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "eu-central-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-north-1", }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -4660,6 +4982,17 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ }, }, }, + "codecatalyst": service{ + PartitionEndpoint: "aws-global", + IsRegionalized: boxedFalse, + Endpoints: serviceEndpoints{ + endpointKey{ + Region: "aws-global", + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "codecatalyst.global.api.aws", + }, + }, + }, "codecommit": service{ Endpoints: serviceEndpoints{ endpointKey{ @@ -4831,6 +5164,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "ap-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -4846,12 +5182,18 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "eu-central-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-north-1", }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -5290,6 +5632,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "eu-north-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-1", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -5390,6 +5735,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "eu-north-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-1", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -5868,6 +6216,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "ap-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -5883,12 +6234,18 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "eu-central-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-north-1", }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -6791,6 +7148,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ }, Deprecated: boxedTrue, }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "me-central-1", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "me-south-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -7007,6 +7367,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "ap-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -7022,12 +7385,18 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "eu-central-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-north-1", }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -7195,6 +7564,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-3", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "me-central-1", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "me-south-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -7235,6 +7607,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "ap-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -7277,12 +7652,18 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "eu-central-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-north-1", }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -7662,6 +8043,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ }, Deprecated: boxedTrue, }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "me-central-1", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "me-south-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -7731,6 +8115,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "ap-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -7761,12 +8148,18 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "eu-central-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-north-1", }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -7969,6 +8362,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ }, Deprecated: boxedTrue, }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "me-central-1", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "me-south-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -8044,6 +8440,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ }: endpoint{ Hostname: "ec2.ap-south-1.api.aws", }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -8065,12 +8464,18 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "eu-central-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-north-1", }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -8222,6 +8627,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "ap-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -8237,12 +8645,18 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "eu-central-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-north-1", }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -8454,6 +8868,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ }, Deprecated: boxedTrue, }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "me-central-1", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "me-south-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -8518,6 +8935,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "ap-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -8533,12 +8953,18 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "eu-central-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-north-1", }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -9213,6 +9639,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "ap-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -9228,12 +9657,18 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "eu-central-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-north-1", }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -9352,6 +9787,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "ap-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -9375,12 +9813,18 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ }: endpoint{ SSLCommonName: "{service}.{region}.{dnsSuffix}", }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-north-1", }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -9536,6 +9980,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-2", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-southeast-3", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "ca-central-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -9895,6 +10342,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "ap-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -9910,12 +10360,18 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "eu-central-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-north-1", }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -10037,6 +10493,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "ap-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -10052,12 +10511,18 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "eu-central-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-north-1", }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -10323,6 +10788,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ }, Deprecated: boxedTrue, }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "me-central-1", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "me-south-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -11253,6 +11721,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ }, "gamesparks": service{ Endpoints: serviceEndpoints{ + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-northeast-1", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "us-east-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -12159,6 +12630,7 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ CredentialScope: credentialScope{ Region: "us-east-1", }, + Deprecated: boxedTrue, }, endpointKey{ Region: "ingest-fips-us-east-2", @@ -12167,6 +12639,7 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ CredentialScope: credentialScope{ Region: "us-east-2", }, + Deprecated: boxedTrue, }, endpointKey{ Region: "ingest-fips-us-west-2", @@ -12175,6 +12648,61 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ CredentialScope: credentialScope{ Region: "us-west-2", }, + Deprecated: boxedTrue, + }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ingest-us-east-1", + }: endpoint{ + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-east-1", + }, + Deprecated: boxedTrue, + }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ingest-us-east-1", + Variant: fipsVariant, + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "ingest.timestream-fips.us-east-1.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-east-1", + }, + Deprecated: boxedTrue, + }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ingest-us-east-2", + }: endpoint{ + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-east-2", + }, + Deprecated: boxedTrue, + }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ingest-us-east-2", + Variant: fipsVariant, + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "ingest.timestream-fips.us-east-2.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-east-2", + }, + Deprecated: boxedTrue, + }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ingest-us-west-2", + }: endpoint{ + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-west-2", + }, + Deprecated: boxedTrue, + }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ingest-us-west-2", + Variant: fipsVariant, + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "ingest.timestream-fips.us-west-2.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-west-2", + }, + Deprecated: boxedTrue, }, endpointKey{ Region: "us-east-1", @@ -12801,6 +13329,16 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ }: endpoint{}, }, }, + "iotroborunner": service{ + Endpoints: serviceEndpoints{ + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "us-east-1", + }: endpoint{}, + }, + }, "iotsecuredtunneling": service{ Defaults: endpointDefaults{ defaultKey{}: endpoint{}, @@ -13396,6 +13934,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "ap-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -13411,12 +13952,18 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "eu-central-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-north-1", }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -13750,6 +14297,15 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ }, Deprecated: boxedTrue, }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + Variant: fipsVariant, + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "kms-fips.ap-south-2.amazonaws.com", + }, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-south-2-fips", }: endpoint{ @@ -13849,6 +14405,15 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ }, Deprecated: boxedTrue, }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + Variant: fipsVariant, + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "kms-fips.eu-central-2.amazonaws.com", + }, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-central-2-fips", }: endpoint{ @@ -13894,6 +14459,15 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ }, Deprecated: boxedTrue, }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + Variant: fipsVariant, + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "kms-fips.eu-south-2.amazonaws.com", + }, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-south-2-fips", }: endpoint{ @@ -14268,6 +14842,15 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ }: endpoint{ Hostname: "lambda.ap-south-1.api.aws", }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + Variant: dualStackVariant, + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "lambda.ap-south-2.api.aws", + }, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -14313,6 +14896,15 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ }: endpoint{ Hostname: "lambda.eu-central-1.api.aws", }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + Variant: dualStackVariant, + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "lambda.eu-central-2.api.aws", + }, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-north-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -14331,6 +14923,15 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ }: endpoint{ Hostname: "lambda.eu-south-1.api.aws", }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + Variant: dualStackVariant, + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "lambda.eu-south-2.api.aws", + }, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -14397,6 +14998,12 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "me-central-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "me-central-1", + Variant: dualStackVariant, + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "lambda.me-central-1.api.aws", + }, endpointKey{ Region: "me-south-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -14800,6 +15407,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "ap-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -14815,12 +15425,18 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "eu-central-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-north-1", }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -14984,6 +15600,15 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ }, "m2": service{ Endpoints: serviceEndpoints{ + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-northeast-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-southeast-1", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-2", }: endpoint{}, @@ -14996,6 +15621,12 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-west-2", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-west-3", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "sa-east-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -15733,12 +16364,18 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "eu-north-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-1", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-2", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-west-3", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "fips", }: endpoint{ @@ -15816,6 +16453,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "ap-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -15831,12 +16471,18 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "eu-central-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-north-1", }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -16156,6 +16802,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "ap-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -16171,12 +16820,18 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "eu-central-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-north-1", }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -16586,9 +17241,6 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-2", }: endpoint{}, - endpointKey{ - Region: "ap-southeast-3", - }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "ca-central-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -16741,6 +17393,88 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ }: endpoint{}, }, }, + "oam": service{ + Endpoints: serviceEndpoints{ + endpointKey{ + Region: "af-south-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-east-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-northeast-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-northeast-2", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-northeast-3", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-southeast-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-southeast-2", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-southeast-3", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ca-central-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-north-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-west-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-west-2", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-west-3", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "me-central-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "me-south-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "sa-east-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "us-east-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "us-east-2", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "us-west-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "us-west-2", + }: endpoint{}, + }, + }, "oidc": service{ Endpoints: serviceEndpoints{ endpointKey{ @@ -17275,6 +18009,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "ap-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -17290,12 +18027,18 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "eu-central-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-north-1", }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -17354,7 +18097,21 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "ca-central-1", - }: endpoint{}, + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "pinpoint.ca-central-1.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "ca-central-1", + }, + }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ca-central-1", + Variant: fipsVariant, + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "pinpoint-fips.ca-central-1.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "ca-central-1", + }, + }, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-central-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -17364,6 +18121,15 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-2", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "fips-ca-central-1", + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "pinpoint-fips.ca-central-1.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "ca-central-1", + }, + Deprecated: boxedTrue, + }, endpointKey{ Region: "fips-us-east-1", }: endpoint{ @@ -17444,6 +18210,79 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ }, }, }, + "pipes": service{ + Endpoints: serviceEndpoints{ + endpointKey{ + Region: "af-south-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-east-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-northeast-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-northeast-2", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-northeast-3", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-southeast-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-southeast-2", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-southeast-3", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ca-central-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-north-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-west-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-west-2", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-west-3", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "me-central-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "me-south-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "sa-east-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "us-east-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "us-east-2", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "us-west-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "us-west-2", + }: endpoint{}, + }, + }, "polly": service{ Endpoints: serviceEndpoints{ endpointKey{ @@ -17785,9 +18624,27 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "ap-northeast-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-northeast-2", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-southeast-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-southeast-2", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ca-central-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-1", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-west-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "us-east-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -18131,12 +18988,18 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "eu-central-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-north-1", }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -18258,6 +19121,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "ap-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -18288,12 +19154,18 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "eu-central-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-north-1", }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -18650,6 +19522,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "ap-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -18671,12 +19546,18 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "eu-central-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-north-1", }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -19132,6 +20013,126 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ }: endpoint{}, }, }, + "resource-explorer-2": service{ + Defaults: endpointDefaults{ + defaultKey{}: endpoint{ + DNSSuffix: "api.aws", + }, + defaultKey{ + Variant: fipsVariant, + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "{service}-fips.{region}.{dnsSuffix}", + DNSSuffix: "api.aws", + }, + }, + Endpoints: serviceEndpoints{ + endpointKey{ + Region: "af-south-1", + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "resource-explorer-2.af-south-1.api.aws", + }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-east-1", + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "resource-explorer-2.ap-east-1.api.aws", + }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-northeast-1", + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "resource-explorer-2.ap-northeast-1.api.aws", + }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-northeast-2", + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "resource-explorer-2.ap-northeast-2.api.aws", + }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-northeast-3", + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "resource-explorer-2.ap-northeast-3.api.aws", + }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-1", + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "resource-explorer-2.ap-south-1.api.aws", + }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "resource-explorer-2.ap-south-2.api.aws", + }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-southeast-1", + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "resource-explorer-2.ap-southeast-1.api.aws", + }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-southeast-2", + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "resource-explorer-2.ap-southeast-2.api.aws", + }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ca-central-1", + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "resource-explorer-2.ca-central-1.api.aws", + }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-1", + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "resource-explorer-2.eu-central-1.api.aws", + }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "resource-explorer-2.eu-central-2.api.aws", + }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-north-1", + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "resource-explorer-2.eu-north-1.api.aws", + }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-west-1", + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "resource-explorer-2.eu-west-1.api.aws", + }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-west-2", + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "resource-explorer-2.eu-west-2.api.aws", + }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-west-3", + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "resource-explorer-2.eu-west-3.api.aws", + }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "sa-east-1", + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "resource-explorer-2.sa-east-1.api.aws", + }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "us-east-1", + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "resource-explorer-2.us-east-1.api.aws", + }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "us-east-2", + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "resource-explorer-2.us-east-2.api.aws", + }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "us-west-1", + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "resource-explorer-2.us-west-1.api.aws", + }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "us-west-2", + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "resource-explorer-2.us-west-2.api.aws", + }, + }, + }, "resource-groups": service{ Endpoints: serviceEndpoints{ endpointKey{ @@ -19218,6 +20219,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ }, Deprecated: boxedTrue, }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "me-central-1", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "me-south-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -19849,6 +20853,15 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ }: endpoint{ Hostname: "s3.dualstack.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com", }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + Variant: dualStackVariant, + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "s3.dualstack.ap-south-2.amazonaws.com", + }, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-1", }: endpoint{ @@ -19923,6 +20936,15 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ }: endpoint{ Hostname: "s3.dualstack.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com", }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + Variant: dualStackVariant, + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "s3.dualstack.eu-central-2.amazonaws.com", + }, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-north-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -19941,6 +20963,15 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ }: endpoint{ Hostname: "s3.dualstack.eu-south-1.amazonaws.com", }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + Variant: dualStackVariant, + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "s3.dualstack.eu-south-2.amazonaws.com", + }, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoint{ @@ -20780,6 +21811,13 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ }: endpoint{}, }, }, + "sagemaker-geospatial": service{ + Endpoints: serviceEndpoints{ + endpointKey{ + Region: "us-west-2", + }: endpoint{}, + }, + }, "savingsplans": service{ PartitionEndpoint: "aws-global", IsRegionalized: boxedFalse, @@ -20794,6 +21832,37 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ }, }, }, + "scheduler": service{ + Endpoints: serviceEndpoints{ + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-northeast-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-southeast-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-southeast-2", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-north-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-west-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "us-east-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "us-east-2", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "us-west-2", + }: endpoint{}, + }, + }, "schemas": service{ Endpoints: serviceEndpoints{ endpointKey{ @@ -20905,6 +21974,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "ap-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -20935,12 +22007,18 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "eu-central-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-north-1", }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -21163,6 +22241,31 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ }, }, }, + "securitylake": service{ + Endpoints: serviceEndpoints{ + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-northeast-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-southeast-2", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-west-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "us-east-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "us-east-2", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "us-west-2", + }: endpoint{}, + }, + }, "serverlessrepo": service{ Defaults: endpointDefaults{ defaultKey{}: endpoint{ @@ -21907,6 +23010,34 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ }, }, }, + "simspaceweaver": service{ + Endpoints: serviceEndpoints{ + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-southeast-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-southeast-2", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-north-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-west-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "us-east-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "us-east-2", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "us-west-2", + }: endpoint{}, + }, + }, "sms": service{ Endpoints: serviceEndpoints{ endpointKey{ @@ -22397,6 +23528,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "ap-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -22412,12 +23546,18 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "eu-central-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-north-1", }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -22536,6 +23676,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "ap-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -22551,12 +23694,18 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "eu-central-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-north-1", }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -22672,6 +23821,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "ap-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -22693,12 +23845,18 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "eu-central-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-north-1", }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -22933,6 +24091,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "ap-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -22948,12 +24109,18 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "eu-central-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-north-1", }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -23120,6 +24287,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ }, Deprecated: boxedTrue, }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "me-central-1", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "me-south-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -23228,6 +24398,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "ap-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -23243,12 +24416,18 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "eu-central-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-north-1", }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -23311,6 +24490,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "ap-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -23334,12 +24516,18 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "eu-central-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-north-1", }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -23478,6 +24666,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "ap-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -23493,12 +24684,18 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "eu-central-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-north-1", }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -23611,6 +24808,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "ap-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -23626,12 +24826,18 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "eu-central-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-north-1", }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -23744,6 +24950,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "ap-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -23759,12 +24968,18 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "eu-central-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-north-1", }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -24233,6 +25448,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-2", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-southeast-3", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "ca-central-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -24451,6 +25669,67 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ }, }, }, + "voice-chime": service{ + Endpoints: serviceEndpoints{ + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-northeast-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-northeast-2", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-southeast-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ca-central-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-west-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-west-2", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "us-east-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "us-east-1", + Variant: fipsVariant, + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "fips.voice-chime.us-east-1.amazonaws.com", + }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "us-east-1-fips", + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "fips.voice-chime.us-east-1.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-east-1", + }, + Deprecated: boxedTrue, + }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "us-west-2", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "us-west-2", + Variant: fipsVariant, + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "fips.voice-chime.us-west-2.amazonaws.com", + }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "us-west-2-fips", + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "fips.voice-chime.us-west-2.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-west-2", + }, + Deprecated: boxedTrue, + }, + }, + }, "voiceid": service{ Endpoints: serviceEndpoints{ endpointKey{ @@ -24462,22 +25741,46 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-2", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ca-central-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ca-central-1", + Variant: fipsVariant, + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "voiceid-fips.ca-central-1.amazonaws.com", + }, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-central-1", }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-2", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "fips-ca-central-1", + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "voiceid-fips.ca-central-1.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "ca-central-1", + }, + Deprecated: boxedTrue, + }, endpointKey{ Region: "fips-us-east-1", }: endpoint{ - + Hostname: "voiceid-fips.us-east-1.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-east-1", + }, Deprecated: boxedTrue, }, endpointKey{ Region: "fips-us-west-2", }: endpoint{ - + Hostname: "voiceid-fips.us-west-2.amazonaws.com", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-west-2", + }, Deprecated: boxedTrue, }, endpointKey{ @@ -24486,14 +25789,18 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "us-east-1", Variant: fipsVariant, - }: endpoint{}, + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "voiceid-fips.us-east-1.amazonaws.com", + }, endpointKey{ Region: "us-west-2", }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "us-west-2", Variant: fipsVariant, - }: endpoint{}, + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "voiceid-fips.us-west-2.amazonaws.com", + }, }, }, "waf": service{ @@ -26022,6 +27329,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "ap-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -26037,12 +27347,18 @@ var awsPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "eu-central-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-north-1", }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-south-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + }: endpoint{}, endpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -26359,9 +27675,21 @@ var awscnPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "cn-north-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "cn-north-1", + Variant: dualStackVariant, + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "athena.cn-north-1.api.amazonwebservices.com.cn", + }, endpointKey{ Region: "cn-northwest-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "cn-northwest-1", + Variant: dualStackVariant, + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "athena.cn-northwest-1.api.amazonwebservices.com.cn", + }, }, }, "autoscaling": service{ @@ -27308,6 +28636,31 @@ var awscnPartition = partition{ }: endpoint{}, }, }, + "resource-explorer-2": service{ + Defaults: endpointDefaults{ + defaultKey{}: endpoint{ + DNSSuffix: "api.amazonwebservices.com.cn", + }, + defaultKey{ + Variant: fipsVariant, + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "{service}-fips.{region}.{dnsSuffix}", + DNSSuffix: "api.amazonwebservices.com.cn", + }, + }, + Endpoints: serviceEndpoints{ + endpointKey{ + Region: "cn-north-1", + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "resource-explorer-2.cn-north-1.api.amazonwebservices.com.cn", + }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "cn-northwest-1", + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "resource-explorer-2.cn-northwest-1.api.amazonwebservices.com.cn", + }, + }, + }, "resource-groups": service{ Endpoints: serviceEndpoints{ endpointKey{ @@ -28454,6 +29807,12 @@ var awsusgovPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "us-gov-east-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "us-gov-east-1", + Variant: dualStackVariant, + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "athena.us-gov-east-1.api.aws", + }, endpointKey{ Region: "us-gov-east-1", Variant: fipsVariant, @@ -28463,6 +29822,12 @@ var awsusgovPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "us-gov-west-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "us-gov-west-1", + Variant: dualStackVariant, + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "athena.us-gov-west-1.api.aws", + }, endpointKey{ Region: "us-gov-west-1", Variant: fipsVariant, @@ -30340,6 +31705,13 @@ var awsusgovPartition = partition{ }, }, }, + "ingest.timestream": service{ + Endpoints: serviceEndpoints{ + endpointKey{ + Region: "us-gov-west-1", + }: endpoint{}, + }, + }, "inspector": service{ Endpoints: serviceEndpoints{ endpointKey{ @@ -31475,6 +32847,31 @@ var awsusgovPartition = partition{ }, }, }, + "resource-explorer-2": service{ + Defaults: endpointDefaults{ + defaultKey{}: endpoint{ + DNSSuffix: "api.aws", + }, + defaultKey{ + Variant: fipsVariant, + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "{service}-fips.{region}.{dnsSuffix}", + DNSSuffix: "api.aws", + }, + }, + Endpoints: serviceEndpoints{ + endpointKey{ + Region: "us-gov-east-1", + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "resource-explorer-2.us-gov-east-1.api.aws", + }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "us-gov-west-1", + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "resource-explorer-2.us-gov-west-1.api.aws", + }, + }, + }, "resource-groups": service{ Defaults: endpointDefaults{ defaultKey{}: endpoint{}, @@ -33388,6 +34785,15 @@ var awsisoPartition = partition{ }, Deprecated: boxedTrue, }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "fips-us-iso-west-1", + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "elasticfilesystem-fips.us-iso-west-1.c2s.ic.gov", + CredentialScope: credentialScope{ + Region: "us-iso-west-1", + }, + Deprecated: boxedTrue, + }, endpointKey{ Region: "us-iso-east-1", }: endpoint{}, @@ -33397,6 +34803,15 @@ var awsisoPartition = partition{ }: endpoint{ Hostname: "elasticfilesystem-fips.us-iso-east-1.c2s.ic.gov", }, + endpointKey{ + Region: "us-iso-west-1", + }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "us-iso-west-1", + Variant: fipsVariant, + }: endpoint{ + Hostname: "elasticfilesystem-fips.us-iso-west-1.c2s.ic.gov", + }, }, }, "elasticloadbalancing": service{ @@ -33448,6 +34863,9 @@ var awsisoPartition = partition{ endpointKey{ Region: "us-iso-east-1", }: endpoint{}, + endpointKey{ + Region: "us-iso-west-1", + }: endpoint{}, }, }, "glacier": service{ diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/version.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/version.go index 0df464d83..ee4c2d9e9 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/version.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/version.go @@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ package aws const SDKName = "aws-sdk-go" // SDKVersion is the version of this SDK -const SDKVersion = "1.44.128" +const SDKVersion = "1.44.156" diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/sts/api.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/sts/api.go index 2b7e675ab..c0706bec9 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/sts/api.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/sts/api.go @@ -74,16 +74,16 @@ func (c *STS) AssumeRoleRequest(input *AssumeRoleInput) (req *request.Request, o // // (Optional) You can pass inline or managed session policies (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/access_policies.html#policies_session) // to this operation. You can pass a single JSON policy document to use as an -// inline session policy. You can also specify up to 10 managed policies to -// use as managed session policies. The plaintext that you use for both inline -// and managed session policies can't exceed 2,048 characters. Passing policies -// to this operation returns new temporary credentials. The resulting session's -// permissions are the intersection of the role's identity-based policy and -// the session policies. You can use the role's temporary credentials in subsequent -// Amazon Web Services API calls to access resources in the account that owns -// the role. You cannot use session policies to grant more permissions than -// those allowed by the identity-based policy of the role that is being assumed. -// For more information, see Session Policies (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/access_policies.html#policies_session) +// inline session policy. You can also specify up to 10 managed policy Amazon +// Resource Names (ARNs) to use as managed session policies. The plaintext that +// you use for both inline and managed session policies can't exceed 2,048 characters. +// Passing policies to this operation returns new temporary credentials. The +// resulting session's permissions are the intersection of the role's identity-based +// policy and the session policies. You can use the role's temporary credentials +// in subsequent Amazon Web Services API calls to access resources in the account +// that owns the role. You cannot use session policies to grant more permissions +// than those allowed by the identity-based policy of the role that is being +// assumed. For more information, see Session Policies (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/access_policies.html#policies_session) // in the IAM User Guide. // // When you create a role, you create two policies: A role trust policy that @@ -307,16 +307,16 @@ func (c *STS) AssumeRoleWithSAMLRequest(input *AssumeRoleWithSAMLInput) (req *re // // (Optional) You can pass inline or managed session policies (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/access_policies.html#policies_session) // to this operation. You can pass a single JSON policy document to use as an -// inline session policy. You can also specify up to 10 managed policies to -// use as managed session policies. The plaintext that you use for both inline -// and managed session policies can't exceed 2,048 characters. Passing policies -// to this operation returns new temporary credentials. The resulting session's -// permissions are the intersection of the role's identity-based policy and -// the session policies. You can use the role's temporary credentials in subsequent -// Amazon Web Services API calls to access resources in the account that owns -// the role. You cannot use session policies to grant more permissions than -// those allowed by the identity-based policy of the role that is being assumed. -// For more information, see Session Policies (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/access_policies.html#policies_session) +// inline session policy. You can also specify up to 10 managed policy Amazon +// Resource Names (ARNs) to use as managed session policies. The plaintext that +// you use for both inline and managed session policies can't exceed 2,048 characters. +// Passing policies to this operation returns new temporary credentials. The +// resulting session's permissions are the intersection of the role's identity-based +// policy and the session policies. You can use the role's temporary credentials +// in subsequent Amazon Web Services API calls to access resources in the account +// that owns the role. You cannot use session policies to grant more permissions +// than those allowed by the identity-based policy of the role that is being +// assumed. For more information, see Session Policies (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/access_policies.html#policies_session) // in the IAM User Guide. // // Calling AssumeRoleWithSAML does not require the use of Amazon Web Services @@ -343,11 +343,12 @@ func (c *STS) AssumeRoleWithSAMLRequest(input *AssumeRoleWithSAMLInput) (req *re // and additional limits, see IAM and STS Character Limits (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/reference_iam-limits.html#reference_iam-limits-entity-length) // in the IAM User Guide. // -// An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed session policies -// and session tags into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. Your -// request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext meets the other requirements. -// The PackedPolicySize response element indicates by percentage how close the -// policies and tags for your request are to the upper size limit. +// An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed inline session policy, +// managed policy ARNs, and session tags into a packed binary format that has +// a separate limit. Your request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext +// meets the other requirements. The PackedPolicySize response element indicates +// by percentage how close the policies and tags for your request are to the +// upper size limit. // // You can pass a session tag with the same key as a tag that is attached to // the role. When you do, session tags override the role's tags with the same @@ -563,16 +564,16 @@ func (c *STS) AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityRequest(input *AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityI // // (Optional) You can pass inline or managed session policies (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/access_policies.html#policies_session) // to this operation. You can pass a single JSON policy document to use as an -// inline session policy. You can also specify up to 10 managed policies to -// use as managed session policies. The plaintext that you use for both inline -// and managed session policies can't exceed 2,048 characters. Passing policies -// to this operation returns new temporary credentials. The resulting session's -// permissions are the intersection of the role's identity-based policy and -// the session policies. You can use the role's temporary credentials in subsequent -// Amazon Web Services API calls to access resources in the account that owns -// the role. You cannot use session policies to grant more permissions than -// those allowed by the identity-based policy of the role that is being assumed. -// For more information, see Session Policies (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/access_policies.html#policies_session) +// inline session policy. You can also specify up to 10 managed policy Amazon +// Resource Names (ARNs) to use as managed session policies. The plaintext that +// you use for both inline and managed session policies can't exceed 2,048 characters. +// Passing policies to this operation returns new temporary credentials. The +// resulting session's permissions are the intersection of the role's identity-based +// policy and the session policies. You can use the role's temporary credentials +// in subsequent Amazon Web Services API calls to access resources in the account +// that owns the role. You cannot use session policies to grant more permissions +// than those allowed by the identity-based policy of the role that is being +// assumed. For more information, see Session Policies (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/access_policies.html#policies_session) // in the IAM User Guide. // // # Tags @@ -588,11 +589,12 @@ func (c *STS) AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityRequest(input *AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityI // and additional limits, see IAM and STS Character Limits (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/reference_iam-limits.html#reference_iam-limits-entity-length) // in the IAM User Guide. // -// An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed session policies -// and session tags into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. Your -// request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext meets the other requirements. -// The PackedPolicySize response element indicates by percentage how close the -// policies and tags for your request are to the upper size limit. +// An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed inline session policy, +// managed policy ARNs, and session tags into a packed binary format that has +// a separate limit. Your request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext +// meets the other requirements. The PackedPolicySize response element indicates +// by percentage how close the policies and tags for your request are to the +// upper size limit. // // You can pass a session tag with the same key as a tag that is attached to // the role. When you do, the session tag overrides the role tag with the same @@ -1110,9 +1112,9 @@ func (c *STS) GetFederationTokenRequest(input *GetFederationTokenInput) (req *re // // You must pass an inline or managed session policy (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/access_policies.html#policies_session) // to this operation. You can pass a single JSON policy document to use as an -// inline session policy. You can also specify up to 10 managed policies to -// use as managed session policies. The plaintext that you use for both inline -// and managed session policies can't exceed 2,048 characters. +// inline session policy. You can also specify up to 10 managed policy Amazon +// Resource Names (ARNs) to use as managed session policies. The plaintext that +// you use for both inline and managed session policies can't exceed 2,048 characters. // // Though the session policy parameters are optional, if you do not pass a policy, // then the resulting federated user session has no permissions. When you pass @@ -1424,11 +1426,12 @@ type AssumeRoleInput struct { // \u00FF). It can also include the tab (\u0009), linefeed (\u000A), and carriage // return (\u000D) characters. // - // An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed session policies - // and session tags into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. Your - // request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext meets the other requirements. - // The PackedPolicySize response element indicates by percentage how close the - // policies and tags for your request are to the upper size limit. + // An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed inline session policy, + // managed policy ARNs, and session tags into a packed binary format that has + // a separate limit. Your request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext + // meets the other requirements. The PackedPolicySize response element indicates + // by percentage how close the policies and tags for your request are to the + // upper size limit. Policy *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the IAM managed policies that you want @@ -1441,11 +1444,12 @@ type AssumeRoleInput struct { // Resource Names (ARNs) and Amazon Web Services Service Namespaces (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html) // in the Amazon Web Services General Reference. // - // An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed session policies - // and session tags into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. Your - // request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext meets the other requirements. - // The PackedPolicySize response element indicates by percentage how close the - // policies and tags for your request are to the upper size limit. + // An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed inline session policy, + // managed policy ARNs, and session tags into a packed binary format that has + // a separate limit. Your request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext + // meets the other requirements. The PackedPolicySize response element indicates + // by percentage how close the policies and tags for your request are to the + // upper size limit. // // Passing policies to this operation returns new temporary credentials. The // resulting session's permissions are the intersection of the role's identity-based @@ -1520,11 +1524,12 @@ type AssumeRoleInput struct { // Limits (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/reference_iam-limits.html#reference_iam-limits-entity-length) // in the IAM User Guide. // - // An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed session policies - // and session tags into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. Your - // request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext meets the other requirements. - // The PackedPolicySize response element indicates by percentage how close the - // policies and tags for your request are to the upper size limit. + // An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed inline session policy, + // managed policy ARNs, and session tags into a packed binary format that has + // a separate limit. Your request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext + // meets the other requirements. The PackedPolicySize response element indicates + // by percentage how close the policies and tags for your request are to the + // upper size limit. // // You can pass a session tag with the same key as a tag that is already attached // to the role. When you do, session tags override a role tag with the same @@ -1843,11 +1848,12 @@ type AssumeRoleWithSAMLInput struct { // \u00FF). It can also include the tab (\u0009), linefeed (\u000A), and carriage // return (\u000D) characters. // - // An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed session policies - // and session tags into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. Your - // request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext meets the other requirements. - // The PackedPolicySize response element indicates by percentage how close the - // policies and tags for your request are to the upper size limit. + // An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed inline session policy, + // managed policy ARNs, and session tags into a packed binary format that has + // a separate limit. Your request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext + // meets the other requirements. The PackedPolicySize response element indicates + // by percentage how close the policies and tags for your request are to the + // upper size limit. Policy *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the IAM managed policies that you want @@ -1860,11 +1866,12 @@ type AssumeRoleWithSAMLInput struct { // Resource Names (ARNs) and Amazon Web Services Service Namespaces (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html) // in the Amazon Web Services General Reference. // - // An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed session policies - // and session tags into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. Your - // request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext meets the other requirements. - // The PackedPolicySize response element indicates by percentage how close the - // policies and tags for your request are to the upper size limit. + // An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed inline session policy, + // managed policy ARNs, and session tags into a packed binary format that has + // a separate limit. Your request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext + // meets the other requirements. The PackedPolicySize response element indicates + // by percentage how close the policies and tags for your request are to the + // upper size limit. // // Passing policies to this operation returns new temporary credentials. The // resulting session's permissions are the intersection of the role's identity-based @@ -2190,11 +2197,12 @@ type AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityInput struct { // \u00FF). It can also include the tab (\u0009), linefeed (\u000A), and carriage // return (\u000D) characters. // - // An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed session policies - // and session tags into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. Your - // request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext meets the other requirements. - // The PackedPolicySize response element indicates by percentage how close the - // policies and tags for your request are to the upper size limit. + // An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed inline session policy, + // managed policy ARNs, and session tags into a packed binary format that has + // a separate limit. Your request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext + // meets the other requirements. The PackedPolicySize response element indicates + // by percentage how close the policies and tags for your request are to the + // upper size limit. Policy *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the IAM managed policies that you want @@ -2207,11 +2215,12 @@ type AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityInput struct { // Resource Names (ARNs) and Amazon Web Services Service Namespaces (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html) // in the Amazon Web Services General Reference. // - // An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed session policies - // and session tags into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. Your - // request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext meets the other requirements. - // The PackedPolicySize response element indicates by percentage how close the - // policies and tags for your request are to the upper size limit. + // An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed inline session policy, + // managed policy ARNs, and session tags into a packed binary format that has + // a separate limit. Your request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext + // meets the other requirements. The PackedPolicySize response element indicates + // by percentage how close the policies and tags for your request are to the + // upper size limit. // // Passing policies to this operation returns new temporary credentials. The // resulting session's permissions are the intersection of the role's identity-based @@ -2934,8 +2943,8 @@ type GetFederationTokenInput struct { // // You must pass an inline or managed session policy (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/access_policies.html#policies_session) // to this operation. You can pass a single JSON policy document to use as an - // inline session policy. You can also specify up to 10 managed policies to - // use as managed session policies. + // inline session policy. You can also specify up to 10 managed policy Amazon + // Resource Names (ARNs) to use as managed session policies. // // This parameter is optional. However, if you do not pass any session policies, // then the resulting federated user session has no permissions. @@ -2960,11 +2969,12 @@ type GetFederationTokenInput struct { // \u00FF). It can also include the tab (\u0009), linefeed (\u000A), and carriage // return (\u000D) characters. // - // An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed session policies - // and session tags into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. Your - // request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext meets the other requirements. - // The PackedPolicySize response element indicates by percentage how close the - // policies and tags for your request are to the upper size limit. + // An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed inline session policy, + // managed policy ARNs, and session tags into a packed binary format that has + // a separate limit. Your request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext + // meets the other requirements. The PackedPolicySize response element indicates + // by percentage how close the policies and tags for your request are to the + // upper size limit. Policy *string `min:"1" type:"string"` // The Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the IAM managed policies that you want @@ -2973,11 +2983,12 @@ type GetFederationTokenInput struct { // // You must pass an inline or managed session policy (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/access_policies.html#policies_session) // to this operation. You can pass a single JSON policy document to use as an - // inline session policy. You can also specify up to 10 managed policies to - // use as managed session policies. The plaintext that you use for both inline - // and managed session policies can't exceed 2,048 characters. You can provide - // up to 10 managed policy ARNs. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon - // Resource Names (ARNs) and Amazon Web Services Service Namespaces (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html) + // inline session policy. You can also specify up to 10 managed policy Amazon + // Resource Names (ARNs) to use as managed session policies. The plaintext that + // you use for both inline and managed session policies can't exceed 2,048 characters. + // You can provide up to 10 managed policy ARNs. For more information about + // ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and Amazon Web Services Service Namespaces + // (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html) // in the Amazon Web Services General Reference. // // This parameter is optional. However, if you do not pass any session policies, @@ -2997,11 +3008,12 @@ type GetFederationTokenInput struct { // by the policy. These permissions are granted in addition to the permissions // that are granted by the session policies. // - // An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed session policies - // and session tags into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. Your - // request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext meets the other requirements. - // The PackedPolicySize response element indicates by percentage how close the - // policies and tags for your request are to the upper size limit. + // An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed inline session policy, + // managed policy ARNs, and session tags into a packed binary format that has + // a separate limit. Your request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext + // meets the other requirements. The PackedPolicySize response element indicates + // by percentage how close the policies and tags for your request are to the + // upper size limit. PolicyArns []*PolicyDescriptorType `type:"list"` // A list of session tags. Each session tag consists of a key name and an associated @@ -3015,11 +3027,12 @@ type GetFederationTokenInput struct { // Limits (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/reference_iam-limits.html#reference_iam-limits-entity-length) // in the IAM User Guide. // - // An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed session policies - // and session tags into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. Your - // request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext meets the other requirements. - // The PackedPolicySize response element indicates by percentage how close the - // policies and tags for your request are to the upper size limit. + // An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed inline session policy, + // managed policy ARNs, and session tags into a packed binary format that has + // a separate limit. Your request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext + // meets the other requirements. The PackedPolicySize response element indicates + // by percentage how close the policies and tags for your request are to the + // upper size limit. // // You can pass a session tag with the same key as a tag that is already attached // to the user you are federating. When you do, session tags override a user diff --git a/vendor/github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2/README.md b/vendor/github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2/README.md index 792b4a60b..8bf0e5b78 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2/README.md +++ b/vendor/github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2/README.md @@ -3,8 +3,7 @@ [![Go Reference](https://pkg.go.dev/badge/github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2.svg)](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2) [![Test](https://github.com/cespare/xxhash/actions/workflows/test.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/cespare/xxhash/actions/workflows/test.yml) -xxhash is a Go implementation of the 64-bit -[xxHash](http://cyan4973.github.io/xxHash/) algorithm, XXH64. This is a +xxhash is a Go implementation of the 64-bit [xxHash] algorithm, XXH64. This is a high-quality hashing algorithm that is much faster than anything in the Go standard library. @@ -25,8 +24,11 @@ func (*Digest) WriteString(string) (int, error) func (*Digest) Sum64() uint64 ``` -This implementation provides a fast pure-Go implementation and an even faster -assembly implementation for amd64. +The package is written with optimized pure Go and also contains even faster +assembly implementations for amd64 and arm64. If desired, the `purego` build tag +opts into using the Go code even on those architectures. + +[xxHash]: http://cyan4973.github.io/xxHash/ ## Compatibility @@ -45,19 +47,20 @@ I recommend using the latest release of Go. Here are some quick benchmarks comparing the pure-Go and assembly implementations of Sum64. -| input size | purego | asm | -| --- | --- | --- | -| 5 B | 979.66 MB/s | 1291.17 MB/s | -| 100 B | 7475.26 MB/s | 7973.40 MB/s | -| 4 KB | 17573.46 MB/s | 17602.65 MB/s | -| 10 MB | 17131.46 MB/s | 17142.16 MB/s | +| input size | purego | asm | +| ---------- | --------- | --------- | +| 4 B | 1.3 GB/s | 1.2 GB/s | +| 16 B | 2.9 GB/s | 3.5 GB/s | +| 100 B | 6.9 GB/s | 8.1 GB/s | +| 4 KB | 11.7 GB/s | 16.7 GB/s | +| 10 MB | 12.0 GB/s | 17.3 GB/s | -These numbers were generated on Ubuntu 18.04 with an Intel i7-8700K CPU using -the following commands under Go 1.11.2: +These numbers were generated on Ubuntu 20.04 with an Intel Xeon Platinum 8252C +CPU using the following commands under Go 1.19.2: ``` -$ go test -tags purego -benchtime 10s -bench '/xxhash,direct,bytes' -$ go test -benchtime 10s -bench '/xxhash,direct,bytes' +benchstat <(go test -tags purego -benchtime 500ms -count 15 -bench 'Sum64$') +benchstat <(go test -benchtime 500ms -count 15 -bench 'Sum64$') ``` ## Projects using this package diff --git a/vendor/github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2/testall.sh b/vendor/github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2/testall.sh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..94b9c4439 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2/testall.sh @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +#!/bin/bash +set -eu -o pipefail + +# Small convenience script for running the tests with various combinations of +# arch/tags. This assumes we're running on amd64 and have qemu available. + +go test ./... +go test -tags purego ./... +GOARCH=arm64 go test +GOARCH=arm64 go test -tags purego diff --git a/vendor/github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2/xxhash.go b/vendor/github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2/xxhash.go index 15c835d54..a9e0d45c9 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2/xxhash.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2/xxhash.go @@ -16,19 +16,11 @@ const ( prime5 uint64 = 2870177450012600261 ) -// NOTE(caleb): I'm using both consts and vars of the primes. Using consts where -// possible in the Go code is worth a small (but measurable) performance boost -// by avoiding some MOVQs. Vars are needed for the asm and also are useful for -// convenience in the Go code in a few places where we need to intentionally -// avoid constant arithmetic (e.g., v1 := prime1 + prime2 fails because the -// result overflows a uint64). -var ( - prime1v = prime1 - prime2v = prime2 - prime3v = prime3 - prime4v = prime4 - prime5v = prime5 -) +// Store the primes in an array as well. +// +// The consts are used when possible in Go code to avoid MOVs but we need a +// contiguous array of the assembly code. +var primes = [...]uint64{prime1, prime2, prime3, prime4, prime5} // Digest implements hash.Hash64. type Digest struct { @@ -50,10 +42,10 @@ func New() *Digest { // Reset clears the Digest's state so that it can be reused. func (d *Digest) Reset() { - d.v1 = prime1v + prime2 + d.v1 = primes[0] + prime2 d.v2 = prime2 d.v3 = 0 - d.v4 = -prime1v + d.v4 = -primes[0] d.total = 0 d.n = 0 } @@ -69,21 +61,23 @@ func (d *Digest) Write(b []byte) (n int, err error) { n = len(b) d.total += uint64(n) + memleft := d.mem[d.n&(len(d.mem)-1):] + if d.n+n < 32 { // This new data doesn't even fill the current block. - copy(d.mem[d.n:], b) + copy(memleft, b) d.n += n return } if d.n > 0 { // Finish off the partial block. - copy(d.mem[d.n:], b) + c := copy(memleft, b) d.v1 = round(d.v1, u64(d.mem[0:8])) d.v2 = round(d.v2, u64(d.mem[8:16])) d.v3 = round(d.v3, u64(d.mem[16:24])) d.v4 = round(d.v4, u64(d.mem[24:32])) - b = b[32-d.n:] + b = b[c:] d.n = 0 } @@ -133,21 +127,20 @@ func (d *Digest) Sum64() uint64 { h += d.total - i, end := 0, d.n - for ; i+8 <= end; i += 8 { - k1 := round(0, u64(d.mem[i:i+8])) + b := d.mem[:d.n&(len(d.mem)-1)] + for ; len(b) >= 8; b = b[8:] { + k1 := round(0, u64(b[:8])) h ^= k1 h = rol27(h)*prime1 + prime4 } - if i+4 <= end { - h ^= uint64(u32(d.mem[i:i+4])) * prime1 + if len(b) >= 4 { + h ^= uint64(u32(b[:4])) * prime1 h = rol23(h)*prime2 + prime3 - i += 4 + b = b[4:] } - for i < end { - h ^= uint64(d.mem[i]) * prime5 + for ; len(b) > 0; b = b[1:] { + h ^= uint64(b[0]) * prime5 h = rol11(h) * prime1 - i++ } h ^= h >> 33 diff --git a/vendor/github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2/xxhash_amd64.s b/vendor/github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2/xxhash_amd64.s index be8db5bf7..3e8b13257 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2/xxhash_amd64.s +++ b/vendor/github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2/xxhash_amd64.s @@ -1,215 +1,209 @@ +//go:build !appengine && gc && !purego // +build !appengine // +build gc // +build !purego #include "textflag.h" -// Register allocation: -// AX h -// SI pointer to advance through b -// DX n -// BX loop end -// R8 v1, k1 -// R9 v2 -// R10 v3 -// R11 v4 -// R12 tmp -// R13 prime1v -// R14 prime2v -// DI prime4v - -// round reads from and advances the buffer pointer in SI. -// It assumes that R13 has prime1v and R14 has prime2v. -#define round(r) \ - MOVQ (SI), R12 \ - ADDQ $8, SI \ - IMULQ R14, R12 \ - ADDQ R12, r \ - ROLQ $31, r \ - IMULQ R13, r - -// mergeRound applies a merge round on the two registers acc and val. -// It assumes that R13 has prime1v, R14 has prime2v, and DI has prime4v. -#define mergeRound(acc, val) \ - IMULQ R14, val \ - ROLQ $31, val \ - IMULQ R13, val \ - XORQ val, acc \ - IMULQ R13, acc \ - ADDQ DI, acc +// Registers: +#define h AX +#define d AX +#define p SI // pointer to advance through b +#define n DX +#define end BX // loop end +#define v1 R8 +#define v2 R9 +#define v3 R10 +#define v4 R11 +#define x R12 +#define prime1 R13 +#define prime2 R14 +#define prime4 DI + +#define round(acc, x) \ + IMULQ prime2, x \ + ADDQ x, acc \ + ROLQ $31, acc \ + IMULQ prime1, acc + +// round0 performs the operation x = round(0, x). +#define round0(x) \ + IMULQ prime2, x \ + ROLQ $31, x \ + IMULQ prime1, x + +// mergeRound applies a merge round on the two registers acc and x. +// It assumes that prime1, prime2, and prime4 have been loaded. +#define mergeRound(acc, x) \ + round0(x) \ + XORQ x, acc \ + IMULQ prime1, acc \ + ADDQ prime4, acc + +// blockLoop processes as many 32-byte blocks as possible, +// updating v1, v2, v3, and v4. It assumes that there is at least one block +// to process. +#define blockLoop() \ +loop: \ + MOVQ +0(p), x \ + round(v1, x) \ + MOVQ +8(p), x \ + round(v2, x) \ + MOVQ +16(p), x \ + round(v3, x) \ + MOVQ +24(p), x \ + round(v4, x) \ + ADDQ $32, p \ + CMPQ p, end \ + JLE loop // func Sum64(b []byte) uint64 -TEXT ·Sum64(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-32 +TEXT ·Sum64(SB), NOSPLIT|NOFRAME, $0-32 // Load fixed primes. - MOVQ ·prime1v(SB), R13 - MOVQ ·prime2v(SB), R14 - MOVQ ·prime4v(SB), DI + MOVQ ·primes+0(SB), prime1 + MOVQ ·primes+8(SB), prime2 + MOVQ ·primes+24(SB), prime4 // Load slice. - MOVQ b_base+0(FP), SI - MOVQ b_len+8(FP), DX - LEAQ (SI)(DX*1), BX + MOVQ b_base+0(FP), p + MOVQ b_len+8(FP), n + LEAQ (p)(n*1), end // The first loop limit will be len(b)-32. - SUBQ $32, BX + SUBQ $32, end // Check whether we have at least one block. - CMPQ DX, $32 + CMPQ n, $32 JLT noBlocks // Set up initial state (v1, v2, v3, v4). - MOVQ R13, R8 - ADDQ R14, R8 - MOVQ R14, R9 - XORQ R10, R10 - XORQ R11, R11 - SUBQ R13, R11 - - // Loop until SI > BX. -blockLoop: - round(R8) - round(R9) - round(R10) - round(R11) - - CMPQ SI, BX - JLE blockLoop - - MOVQ R8, AX - ROLQ $1, AX - MOVQ R9, R12 - ROLQ $7, R12 - ADDQ R12, AX - MOVQ R10, R12 - ROLQ $12, R12 - ADDQ R12, AX - MOVQ R11, R12 - ROLQ $18, R12 - ADDQ R12, AX - - mergeRound(AX, R8) - mergeRound(AX, R9) - mergeRound(AX, R10) - mergeRound(AX, R11) + MOVQ prime1, v1 + ADDQ prime2, v1 + MOVQ prime2, v2 + XORQ v3, v3 + XORQ v4, v4 + SUBQ prime1, v4 + + blockLoop() + + MOVQ v1, h + ROLQ $1, h + MOVQ v2, x + ROLQ $7, x + ADDQ x, h + MOVQ v3, x + ROLQ $12, x + ADDQ x, h + MOVQ v4, x + ROLQ $18, x + ADDQ x, h + + mergeRound(h, v1) + mergeRound(h, v2) + mergeRound(h, v3) + mergeRound(h, v4) JMP afterBlocks noBlocks: - MOVQ ·prime5v(SB), AX + MOVQ ·primes+32(SB), h afterBlocks: - ADDQ DX, AX - - // Right now BX has len(b)-32, and we want to loop until SI > len(b)-8. - ADDQ $24, BX - - CMPQ SI, BX - JG fourByte - -wordLoop: - // Calculate k1. - MOVQ (SI), R8 - ADDQ $8, SI - IMULQ R14, R8 - ROLQ $31, R8 - IMULQ R13, R8 - - XORQ R8, AX - ROLQ $27, AX - IMULQ R13, AX - ADDQ DI, AX - - CMPQ SI, BX - JLE wordLoop - -fourByte: - ADDQ $4, BX - CMPQ SI, BX - JG singles - - MOVL (SI), R8 - ADDQ $4, SI - IMULQ R13, R8 - XORQ R8, AX - - ROLQ $23, AX - IMULQ R14, AX - ADDQ ·prime3v(SB), AX - -singles: - ADDQ $4, BX - CMPQ SI, BX + ADDQ n, h + + ADDQ $24, end + CMPQ p, end + JG try4 + +loop8: + MOVQ (p), x + ADDQ $8, p + round0(x) + XORQ x, h + ROLQ $27, h + IMULQ prime1, h + ADDQ prime4, h + + CMPQ p, end + JLE loop8 + +try4: + ADDQ $4, end + CMPQ p, end + JG try1 + + MOVL (p), x + ADDQ $4, p + IMULQ prime1, x + XORQ x, h + + ROLQ $23, h + IMULQ prime2, h + ADDQ ·primes+16(SB), h + +try1: + ADDQ $4, end + CMPQ p, end JGE finalize -singlesLoop: - MOVBQZX (SI), R12 - ADDQ $1, SI - IMULQ ·prime5v(SB), R12 - XORQ R12, AX +loop1: + MOVBQZX (p), x + ADDQ $1, p + IMULQ ·primes+32(SB), x + XORQ x, h + ROLQ $11, h + IMULQ prime1, h - ROLQ $11, AX - IMULQ R13, AX - - CMPQ SI, BX - JL singlesLoop + CMPQ p, end + JL loop1 finalize: - MOVQ AX, R12 - SHRQ $33, R12 - XORQ R12, AX - IMULQ R14, AX - MOVQ AX, R12 - SHRQ $29, R12 - XORQ R12, AX - IMULQ ·prime3v(SB), AX - MOVQ AX, R12 - SHRQ $32, R12 - XORQ R12, AX - - MOVQ AX, ret+24(FP) + MOVQ h, x + SHRQ $33, x + XORQ x, h + IMULQ prime2, h + MOVQ h, x + SHRQ $29, x + XORQ x, h + IMULQ ·primes+16(SB), h + MOVQ h, x + SHRQ $32, x + XORQ x, h + + MOVQ h, ret+24(FP) RET -// writeBlocks uses the same registers as above except that it uses AX to store -// the d pointer. - // func writeBlocks(d *Digest, b []byte) int -TEXT ·writeBlocks(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-40 +TEXT ·writeBlocks(SB), NOSPLIT|NOFRAME, $0-40 // Load fixed primes needed for round. - MOVQ ·prime1v(SB), R13 - MOVQ ·prime2v(SB), R14 + MOVQ ·primes+0(SB), prime1 + MOVQ ·primes+8(SB), prime2 // Load slice. - MOVQ b_base+8(FP), SI - MOVQ b_len+16(FP), DX - LEAQ (SI)(DX*1), BX - SUBQ $32, BX + MOVQ b_base+8(FP), p + MOVQ b_len+16(FP), n + LEAQ (p)(n*1), end + SUBQ $32, end // Load vN from d. - MOVQ d+0(FP), AX - MOVQ 0(AX), R8 // v1 - MOVQ 8(AX), R9 // v2 - MOVQ 16(AX), R10 // v3 - MOVQ 24(AX), R11 // v4 + MOVQ s+0(FP), d + MOVQ 0(d), v1 + MOVQ 8(d), v2 + MOVQ 16(d), v3 + MOVQ 24(d), v4 // We don't need to check the loop condition here; this function is // always called with at least one block of data to process. -blockLoop: - round(R8) - round(R9) - round(R10) - round(R11) - - CMPQ SI, BX - JLE blockLoop + blockLoop() // Copy vN back to d. - MOVQ R8, 0(AX) - MOVQ R9, 8(AX) - MOVQ R10, 16(AX) - MOVQ R11, 24(AX) - - // The number of bytes written is SI minus the old base pointer. - SUBQ b_base+8(FP), SI - MOVQ SI, ret+32(FP) + MOVQ v1, 0(d) + MOVQ v2, 8(d) + MOVQ v3, 16(d) + MOVQ v4, 24(d) + + // The number of bytes written is p minus the old base pointer. + SUBQ b_base+8(FP), p + MOVQ p, ret+32(FP) RET diff --git a/vendor/github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2/xxhash_arm64.s b/vendor/github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2/xxhash_arm64.s new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7e3145a22 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2/xxhash_arm64.s @@ -0,0 +1,183 @@ +//go:build !appengine && gc && !purego +// +build !appengine +// +build gc +// +build !purego + +#include "textflag.h" + +// Registers: +#define digest R1 +#define h R2 // return value +#define p R3 // input pointer +#define n R4 // input length +#define nblocks R5 // n / 32 +#define prime1 R7 +#define prime2 R8 +#define prime3 R9 +#define prime4 R10 +#define prime5 R11 +#define v1 R12 +#define v2 R13 +#define v3 R14 +#define v4 R15 +#define x1 R20 +#define x2 R21 +#define x3 R22 +#define x4 R23 + +#define round(acc, x) \ + MADD prime2, acc, x, acc \ + ROR $64-31, acc \ + MUL prime1, acc + +// round0 performs the operation x = round(0, x). +#define round0(x) \ + MUL prime2, x \ + ROR $64-31, x \ + MUL prime1, x + +#define mergeRound(acc, x) \ + round0(x) \ + EOR x, acc \ + MADD acc, prime4, prime1, acc + +// blockLoop processes as many 32-byte blocks as possible, +// updating v1, v2, v3, and v4. It assumes that n >= 32. +#define blockLoop() \ + LSR $5, n, nblocks \ + PCALIGN $16 \ + loop: \ + LDP.P 16(p), (x1, x2) \ + LDP.P 16(p), (x3, x4) \ + round(v1, x1) \ + round(v2, x2) \ + round(v3, x3) \ + round(v4, x4) \ + SUB $1, nblocks \ + CBNZ nblocks, loop + +// func Sum64(b []byte) uint64 +TEXT ·Sum64(SB), NOSPLIT|NOFRAME, $0-32 + LDP b_base+0(FP), (p, n) + + LDP ·primes+0(SB), (prime1, prime2) + LDP ·primes+16(SB), (prime3, prime4) + MOVD ·primes+32(SB), prime5 + + CMP $32, n + CSEL LT, prime5, ZR, h // if n < 32 { h = prime5 } else { h = 0 } + BLT afterLoop + + ADD prime1, prime2, v1 + MOVD prime2, v2 + MOVD $0, v3 + NEG prime1, v4 + + blockLoop() + + ROR $64-1, v1, x1 + ROR $64-7, v2, x2 + ADD x1, x2 + ROR $64-12, v3, x3 + ROR $64-18, v4, x4 + ADD x3, x4 + ADD x2, x4, h + + mergeRound(h, v1) + mergeRound(h, v2) + mergeRound(h, v3) + mergeRound(h, v4) + +afterLoop: + ADD n, h + + TBZ $4, n, try8 + LDP.P 16(p), (x1, x2) + + round0(x1) + + // NOTE: here and below, sequencing the EOR after the ROR (using a + // rotated register) is worth a small but measurable speedup for small + // inputs. + ROR $64-27, h + EOR x1 @> 64-27, h, h + MADD h, prime4, prime1, h + + round0(x2) + ROR $64-27, h + EOR x2 @> 64-27, h, h + MADD h, prime4, prime1, h + +try8: + TBZ $3, n, try4 + MOVD.P 8(p), x1 + + round0(x1) + ROR $64-27, h + EOR x1 @> 64-27, h, h + MADD h, prime4, prime1, h + +try4: + TBZ $2, n, try2 + MOVWU.P 4(p), x2 + + MUL prime1, x2 + ROR $64-23, h + EOR x2 @> 64-23, h, h + MADD h, prime3, prime2, h + +try2: + TBZ $1, n, try1 + MOVHU.P 2(p), x3 + AND $255, x3, x1 + LSR $8, x3, x2 + + MUL prime5, x1 + ROR $64-11, h + EOR x1 @> 64-11, h, h + MUL prime1, h + + MUL prime5, x2 + ROR $64-11, h + EOR x2 @> 64-11, h, h + MUL prime1, h + +try1: + TBZ $0, n, finalize + MOVBU (p), x4 + + MUL prime5, x4 + ROR $64-11, h + EOR x4 @> 64-11, h, h + MUL prime1, h + +finalize: + EOR h >> 33, h + MUL prime2, h + EOR h >> 29, h + MUL prime3, h + EOR h >> 32, h + + MOVD h, ret+24(FP) + RET + +// func writeBlocks(d *Digest, b []byte) int +TEXT ·writeBlocks(SB), NOSPLIT|NOFRAME, $0-40 + LDP ·primes+0(SB), (prime1, prime2) + + // Load state. Assume v[1-4] are stored contiguously. + MOVD d+0(FP), digest + LDP 0(digest), (v1, v2) + LDP 16(digest), (v3, v4) + + LDP b_base+8(FP), (p, n) + + blockLoop() + + // Store updated state. + STP (v1, v2), 0(digest) + STP (v3, v4), 16(digest) + + BIC $31, n + MOVD n, ret+32(FP) + RET diff --git a/vendor/github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2/xxhash_amd64.go b/vendor/github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2/xxhash_asm.go similarity index 73% rename from vendor/github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2/xxhash_amd64.go rename to vendor/github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2/xxhash_asm.go index ad14b807f..9216e0a40 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2/xxhash_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2/xxhash_asm.go @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +//go:build (amd64 || arm64) && !appengine && gc && !purego +// +build amd64 arm64 // +build !appengine // +build gc // +build !purego diff --git a/vendor/github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2/xxhash_other.go b/vendor/github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2/xxhash_other.go index 4a5a82160..26df13bba 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2/xxhash_other.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2/xxhash_other.go @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -// +build !amd64 appengine !gc purego +//go:build (!amd64 && !arm64) || appengine || !gc || purego +// +build !amd64,!arm64 appengine !gc purego package xxhash @@ -14,10 +15,10 @@ func Sum64(b []byte) uint64 { var h uint64 if n >= 32 { - v1 := prime1v + prime2 + v1 := primes[0] + prime2 v2 := prime2 v3 := uint64(0) - v4 := -prime1v + v4 := -primes[0] for len(b) >= 32 { v1 = round(v1, u64(b[0:8:len(b)])) v2 = round(v2, u64(b[8:16:len(b)])) @@ -36,19 +37,18 @@ func Sum64(b []byte) uint64 { h += uint64(n) - i, end := 0, len(b) - for ; i+8 <= end; i += 8 { - k1 := round(0, u64(b[i:i+8:len(b)])) + for ; len(b) >= 8; b = b[8:] { + k1 := round(0, u64(b[:8])) h ^= k1 h = rol27(h)*prime1 + prime4 } - if i+4 <= end { - h ^= uint64(u32(b[i:i+4:len(b)])) * prime1 + if len(b) >= 4 { + h ^= uint64(u32(b[:4])) * prime1 h = rol23(h)*prime2 + prime3 - i += 4 + b = b[4:] } - for ; i < end; i++ { - h ^= uint64(b[i]) * prime5 + for ; len(b) > 0; b = b[1:] { + h ^= uint64(b[0]) * prime5 h = rol11(h) * prime1 } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2/xxhash_safe.go b/vendor/github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2/xxhash_safe.go index fc9bea7a3..e86f1b5fd 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2/xxhash_safe.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2/xxhash_safe.go @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +//go:build appengine // +build appengine // This file contains the safe implementations of otherwise unsafe-using code. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2/xxhash_unsafe.go b/vendor/github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2/xxhash_unsafe.go index 376e0ca2e..1c1638fd8 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2/xxhash_unsafe.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2/xxhash_unsafe.go @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +//go:build !appengine // +build !appengine // This file encapsulates usage of unsafe. @@ -11,7 +12,7 @@ import ( // In the future it's possible that compiler optimizations will make these // XxxString functions unnecessary by realizing that calls such as -// Sum64([]byte(s)) don't need to copy s. See https://golang.org/issue/2205. +// Sum64([]byte(s)) don't need to copy s. See https://go.dev/issue/2205. // If that happens, even if we keep these functions they can be replaced with // the trivial safe code. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/analysis/.golangci.yml b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/analysis/.golangci.yml index 8cad29879..e24a6c14e 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/analysis/.golangci.yml +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/analysis/.golangci.yml @@ -51,3 +51,6 @@ linters: - forbidigo - cyclop - varnamelen + - exhaustruct + - nonamedreturns + - nosnakecase diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/errors/.golangci.yml b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/errors/.golangci.yml index 449a43c2b..4e1fc0c7d 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/errors/.golangci.yml +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/errors/.golangci.yml @@ -44,3 +44,5 @@ linters: - cyclop - errname - varnamelen + - exhaustruct + - maintidx diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/errors/api.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/errors/api.go index 854d6eec1..77f1f92c5 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/errors/api.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/errors/api.go @@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ func (m MethodNotAllowedError) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { } func errorAsJSON(err Error) []byte { + //nolint:errchkjson b, _ := json.Marshal(struct { Code int32 `json:"code"` Message string `json:"message"` @@ -146,7 +147,7 @@ func ServeError(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, err error) { ServeError(rw, r, nil) } case *MethodNotAllowedError: - rw.Header().Add("Allow", strings.Join(err.(*MethodNotAllowedError).Allowed, ",")) + rw.Header().Add("Allow", strings.Join(e.Allowed, ",")) rw.WriteHeader(asHTTPCode(int(e.Code()))) if r == nil || r.Method != http.MethodHead { _, _ = rw.Write(errorAsJSON(e)) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/errors/doc.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/errors/doc.go index 963d42740..af01190ce 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/errors/doc.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/errors/doc.go @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ // limitations under the License. /* - Package errors provides an Error interface and several concrete types implementing this interface to manage API errors and JSON-schema validation errors. @@ -23,6 +22,5 @@ it defines. It is used throughout the various go-openapi toolkit libraries (https://github.com/go-openapi). - */ package errors diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/errors/middleware.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/errors/middleware.go index c26ad484e..963472d1f 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/errors/middleware.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/errors/middleware.go @@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ type APIVerificationFailed struct { MissingRegistration []string `json:"missingRegistration,omitempty"` } -// func (v *APIVerificationFailed) Error() string { buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/jsonreference/internal/normalize_url.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/jsonreference/internal/normalize_url.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8956c3088 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/jsonreference/internal/normalize_url.go @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +package internal + +import ( + "net/url" + "regexp" + "strings" +) + +const ( + defaultHttpPort = ":80" + defaultHttpsPort = ":443" +) + +// Regular expressions used by the normalizations +var rxPort = regexp.MustCompile(`(:\d+)/?$`) +var rxDupSlashes = regexp.MustCompile(`/{2,}`) + +// NormalizeURL will normalize the specified URL +// This was added to replace a previous call to the no longer maintained purell library: +// The call that was used looked like the following: +// url.Parse(purell.NormalizeURL(parsed, purell.FlagsSafe|purell.FlagRemoveDuplicateSlashes)) +// +// To explain all that was included in the call above, purell.FlagsSafe was really just the following: +// - FlagLowercaseScheme +// - FlagLowercaseHost +// - FlagRemoveDefaultPort +// - FlagRemoveDuplicateSlashes (and this was mixed in with the |) +func NormalizeURL(u *url.URL) { + lowercaseScheme(u) + lowercaseHost(u) + removeDefaultPort(u) + removeDuplicateSlashes(u) +} + +func lowercaseScheme(u *url.URL) { + if len(u.Scheme) > 0 { + u.Scheme = strings.ToLower(u.Scheme) + } +} + +func lowercaseHost(u *url.URL) { + if len(u.Host) > 0 { + u.Host = strings.ToLower(u.Host) + } +} + +func removeDefaultPort(u *url.URL) { + if len(u.Host) > 0 { + scheme := strings.ToLower(u.Scheme) + u.Host = rxPort.ReplaceAllStringFunc(u.Host, func(val string) string { + if (scheme == "http" && val == defaultHttpPort) || (scheme == "https" && val == defaultHttpsPort) { + return "" + } + return val + }) + } +} + +func removeDuplicateSlashes(u *url.URL) { + if len(u.Path) > 0 { + u.Path = rxDupSlashes.ReplaceAllString(u.Path, "/") + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/jsonreference/reference.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/jsonreference/reference.go index 3bc0a6e26..cfdef03e5 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/jsonreference/reference.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/jsonreference/reference.go @@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ import ( "net/url" "strings" - "github.com/PuerkitoBio/purell" "github.com/go-openapi/jsonpointer" + "github.com/go-openapi/jsonreference/internal" ) const ( @@ -114,7 +114,9 @@ func (r *Ref) parse(jsonReferenceString string) error { return err } - r.referenceURL, _ = url.Parse(purell.NormalizeURL(parsed, purell.FlagsSafe|purell.FlagRemoveDuplicateSlashes)) + internal.NormalizeURL(parsed) + + r.referenceURL = parsed refURL := r.referenceURL if refURL.Scheme != "" && refURL.Host != "" { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/.travis.yml b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/.travis.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 2281a07b0..000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/.travis.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,31 +0,0 @@ -after_success: -- bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash) -go: -- 1.16.x -- 1.x -arch: - - amd64 -jobs: - include: - # only run fast tests on ppc64le - - go: 1.x - arch: ppc64le - script: - - gotestsum -f short-verbose -- ./... - - # include linting job, but only for latest go version and amd64 arch - - go: 1.x - arch: amd64 - install: - go get github.com/golangci/golangci-lint/cmd/golangci-lint - script: - - golangci-lint run --new-from-rev master - -install: -- GO111MODULE=off go get -u gotest.tools/gotestsum -language: go -notifications: - slack: - secure: QUWvCkBBK09GF7YtEvHHVt70JOkdlNBG0nIKu/5qc4/nW5HP8I2w0SEf/XR2je0eED1Qe3L/AfMCWwrEj+IUZc3l4v+ju8X8R3Lomhme0Eb0jd1MTMCuPcBT47YCj0M7RON7vXtbFfm1hFJ/jLe5+9FXz0hpXsR24PJc5ZIi/ogNwkaPqG4BmndzecpSh0vc2FJPZUD9LT0I09REY/vXR0oQAalLkW0asGD5taHZTUZq/kBpsNxaAFrLM23i4mUcf33M5fjLpvx5LRICrX/57XpBrDh2TooBU6Qj3CgoY0uPRYUmSNxbVx1czNzl2JtEpb5yjoxfVPQeg0BvQM00G8LJINISR+ohrjhkZmAqchDupAX+yFrxTtORa78CtnIL6z/aTNlgwwVD8kvL/1pFA/JWYmKDmz93mV/+6wubGzNSQCstzjkFA4/iZEKewKUoRIAi/fxyscP6L/rCpmY/4llZZvrnyTqVbt6URWpopUpH4rwYqreXAtJxJsfBJIeSmUIiDIOMGkCTvyTEW3fWGmGoqWtSHLoaWDyAIGb7azb+KvfpWtEcoPFWfSWU+LGee0A/YsUhBl7ADB9A0CJEuR8q4BPpKpfLwPKSiKSAXL7zDkyjExyhtgqbSl2jS+rKIHOZNL8JkCcTP2MKMVd563C5rC5FMKqu3S9m2b6380E= -script: -- gotestsum -f short-verbose -- -race -coverprofile=coverage.txt -covermode=atomic ./... diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/normalizer.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/normalizer.go index d6c483971..e8b600994 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/normalizer.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/normalizer.go @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ const fileScheme = "file" // // The base path argument is assumed to be canonicalized (e.g. using normalizeBase()). func normalizeURI(refPath, base string) string { - refURL, err := url.Parse(refPath) + refURL, err := parseURL(refPath) if err != nil { specLogger.Printf("warning: invalid URI in $ref %q: %v", refPath, err) refURL, refPath = repairURI(refPath) @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ func normalizeURI(refPath, base string) string { return refURL.String() } - baseURL, _ := url.Parse(base) + baseURL, _ := parseURL(base) if path.IsAbs(refURL.Path) { baseURL.Path = refURL.Path } else if refURL.Path != "" { @@ -84,7 +84,6 @@ func normalizeURI(refPath, base string) string { // There is a special case for schemas that are anchored with an "id": // in that case, the rebasing is performed // against the id only if this is an anchor for the initial root document. // All other intermediate "id"'s found along the way are ignored for the purpose of rebasing. -// func denormalizeRef(ref *Ref, originalRelativeBase, id string) Ref { debugLog("denormalizeRef called:\n$ref: %q\noriginal: %s\nroot ID:%s", ref.String(), originalRelativeBase, id) @@ -94,7 +93,7 @@ func denormalizeRef(ref *Ref, originalRelativeBase, id string) Ref { } if id != "" { - idBaseURL, err := url.Parse(id) + idBaseURL, err := parseURL(id) if err == nil { // if the schema id is not usable as a URI, ignore it if ref, ok := rebase(ref, idBaseURL, true); ok { // rebase, but keep references to root unchaged (do not want $ref: "") // $ref relative to the ID of the schema in the root document @@ -103,7 +102,7 @@ func denormalizeRef(ref *Ref, originalRelativeBase, id string) Ref { } } - originalRelativeBaseURL, _ := url.Parse(originalRelativeBase) + originalRelativeBaseURL, _ := parseURL(originalRelativeBase) r, _ := rebase(ref, originalRelativeBaseURL, false) @@ -168,7 +167,7 @@ func normalizeRef(ref *Ref, relativeBase string) *Ref { // // See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_URI_scheme func normalizeBase(in string) string { - u, err := url.Parse(in) + u, err := parseURL(in) if err != nil { specLogger.Printf("warning: invalid URI in RelativeBase %q: %v", in, err) u, in = repairURI(in) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/normalizer_nonwindows.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/normalizer_nonwindows.go index c8a064534..2df072315 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/normalizer_nonwindows.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/normalizer_nonwindows.go @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +//go:build !windows // +build !windows // Copyright 2015 go-swagger maintainers @@ -34,7 +35,7 @@ func absPath(in string) string { } func repairURI(in string) (*url.URL, string) { - u, _ := url.Parse("") + u, _ := parseURL("") debugLog("repaired URI: original: %q, repaired: %q", in, "") return u, "" } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/normalizer_windows.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/normalizer_windows.go index fe2d1ecd4..a66c532db 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/normalizer_windows.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/normalizer_windows.go @@ -60,13 +60,13 @@ func repairURI(in string) (*url.URL, string) { const prefix = fileScheme + "://" if !strings.HasPrefix(in, prefix) { // giving up: resolve to empty path - u, _ := url.Parse("") + u, _ := parseURL("") return u, "" } // attempt the repair, stripping the scheme should be sufficient - u, _ := url.Parse(strings.TrimPrefix(in, prefix)) + u, _ := parseURL(strings.TrimPrefix(in, prefix)) debugLog("repaired URI: original: %q, repaired: %q", in, u.String()) return u, u.String() diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/schema.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/schema.go index a8d0f737a..4e9be8576 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/schema.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/schema.go @@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ package spec import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" - "net/url" "strings" "github.com/go-openapi/jsonpointer" @@ -145,7 +144,7 @@ func (r *SchemaURL) fromMap(v map[string]interface{}) error { } if vv, ok := v["$schema"]; ok { if str, ok := vv.(string); ok { - u, err := url.Parse(str) + u, err := parseURL(str) if err != nil { return err } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/url_go18.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/url_go18.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..60b785153 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/url_go18.go @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +//go:build !go1.19 +// +build !go1.19 + +package spec + +import "net/url" + +var parseURL = url.Parse diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/url_go19.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/url_go19.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..392e3e639 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/url_go19.go @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +//go:build go1.19 +// +build go1.19 + +package spec + +import "net/url" + +func parseURL(s string) (*url.URL, error) { + u, err := url.Parse(s) + if err == nil { + u.OmitHost = false + } + return u, err +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/.golangci.yml b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/.golangci.yml index 2a4a71f3a..bf503e400 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/.golangci.yml +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/.golangci.yml @@ -48,3 +48,7 @@ linters: - goimports - tenv - golint + - exhaustruct + - nilnil + - nonamedreturns + - nosnakecase diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/doc.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/doc.go index 8d2c8c501..55094cb74 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/doc.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/doc.go @@ -17,16 +17,15 @@ Package swag contains a bunch of helper functions for go-openapi and go-swagger You may also use it standalone for your projects. - * convert between value and pointers for builtin types - * convert from string to builtin types (wraps strconv) - * fast json concatenation - * search in path - * load from file or http - * name mangling - + - convert between value and pointers for builtin types + - convert from string to builtin types (wraps strconv) + - fast json concatenation + - search in path + - load from file or http + - name mangling This repo has only few dependencies outside of the standard library: - * YAML utilities depend on gopkg.in/yaml.v2 + - YAML utilities depend on gopkg.in/yaml.v2 */ package swag diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/loading.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/loading.go index 9a6040972..00038c377 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/loading.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/loading.go @@ -16,10 +16,11 @@ package swag import ( "fmt" - "io/ioutil" + "io" "log" "net/http" "net/url" + "os" "path/filepath" "runtime" "strings" @@ -40,13 +41,13 @@ var LoadHTTPCustomHeaders = map[string]string{} // LoadFromFileOrHTTP loads the bytes from a file or a remote http server based on the path passed in func LoadFromFileOrHTTP(path string) ([]byte, error) { - return LoadStrategy(path, ioutil.ReadFile, loadHTTPBytes(LoadHTTPTimeout))(path) + return LoadStrategy(path, os.ReadFile, loadHTTPBytes(LoadHTTPTimeout))(path) } // LoadFromFileOrHTTPWithTimeout loads the bytes from a file or a remote http server based on the path passed in // timeout arg allows for per request overriding of the request timeout func LoadFromFileOrHTTPWithTimeout(path string, timeout time.Duration) ([]byte, error) { - return LoadStrategy(path, ioutil.ReadFile, loadHTTPBytes(timeout))(path) + return LoadStrategy(path, os.ReadFile, loadHTTPBytes(timeout))(path) } // LoadStrategy returns a loader function for a given path or uri @@ -86,7 +87,7 @@ func LoadStrategy(path string, local, remote func(string) ([]byte, error)) func( func loadHTTPBytes(timeout time.Duration) func(path string) ([]byte, error) { return func(path string) ([]byte, error) { client := &http.Client{Timeout: timeout} - req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", path, nil) // nolint: noctx + req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, path, nil) //nolint:noctx if err != nil { return nil, err } @@ -115,6 +116,6 @@ func loadHTTPBytes(timeout time.Duration) func(path string) ([]byte, error) { return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not access document at %q [%s] ", path, resp.Status) } - return ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) + return io.ReadAll(resp.Body) } } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/util.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/util.go index 193702f2c..f78ab684a 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/util.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/util.go @@ -99,10 +99,11 @@ const ( ) // JoinByFormat joins a string array by a known format (e.g. swagger's collectionFormat attribute): -// ssv: space separated value -// tsv: tab separated value -// pipes: pipe (|) separated value -// csv: comma separated value (default) +// +// ssv: space separated value +// tsv: tab separated value +// pipes: pipe (|) separated value +// csv: comma separated value (default) func JoinByFormat(data []string, format string) []string { if len(data) == 0 { return data @@ -124,11 +125,11 @@ func JoinByFormat(data []string, format string) []string { } // SplitByFormat splits a string by a known format: -// ssv: space separated value -// tsv: tab separated value -// pipes: pipe (|) separated value -// csv: comma separated value (default) // +// ssv: space separated value +// tsv: tab separated value +// pipes: pipe (|) separated value +// csv: comma separated value (default) func SplitByFormat(data, format string) []string { if data == "" { return nil diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/yaml.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/yaml.go index ec9691440..f09ee609f 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/yaml.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/yaml.go @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import ( "github.com/mailru/easyjson/jlexer" "github.com/mailru/easyjson/jwriter" - yaml "gopkg.in/yaml.v2" + yaml "gopkg.in/yaml.v3" ) // YAMLMatcher matches yaml @@ -43,16 +43,126 @@ func YAMLToJSON(data interface{}) (json.RawMessage, error) { // BytesToYAMLDoc converts a byte slice into a YAML document func BytesToYAMLDoc(data []byte) (interface{}, error) { - var canary map[interface{}]interface{} // validate this is an object and not a different type - if err := yaml.Unmarshal(data, &canary); err != nil { + var document yaml.Node // preserve order that is present in the document + if err := yaml.Unmarshal(data, &document); err != nil { return nil, err } + if document.Kind != yaml.DocumentNode || len(document.Content) != 1 || document.Content[0].Kind != yaml.MappingNode { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("only YAML documents that are objects are supported") + } + return &document, nil +} - var document yaml.MapSlice // preserve order that is present in the document - if err := yaml.Unmarshal(data, &document); err != nil { - return nil, err +func yamlNode(root *yaml.Node) (interface{}, error) { + switch root.Kind { + case yaml.DocumentNode: + return yamlDocument(root) + case yaml.SequenceNode: + return yamlSequence(root) + case yaml.MappingNode: + return yamlMapping(root) + case yaml.ScalarNode: + return yamlScalar(root) + case yaml.AliasNode: + return yamlNode(root.Alias) + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported YAML node type: %v", root.Kind) + } +} + +func yamlDocument(node *yaml.Node) (interface{}, error) { + if len(node.Content) != 1 { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected YAML Document node content length: %d", len(node.Content)) + } + return yamlNode(node.Content[0]) +} + +func yamlMapping(node *yaml.Node) (interface{}, error) { + m := make(JSONMapSlice, len(node.Content)/2) + + var j int + for i := 0; i < len(node.Content); i += 2 { + var nmi JSONMapItem + k, err := yamlStringScalarC(node.Content[i]) + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to decode YAML map key: %w", err) + } + nmi.Key = k + v, err := yamlNode(node.Content[i+1]) + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to process YAML map value for key %q: %w", k, err) + } + nmi.Value = v + m[j] = nmi + j++ + } + return m, nil +} + +func yamlSequence(node *yaml.Node) (interface{}, error) { + s := make([]interface{}, 0) + + for i := 0; i < len(node.Content); i++ { + + v, err := yamlNode(node.Content[i]) + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to decode YAML sequence value: %w", err) + } + s = append(s, v) + } + return s, nil +} + +const ( // See https://yaml.org/type/ + yamlStringScalar = "tag:yaml.org,2002:str" + yamlIntScalar = "tag:yaml.org,2002:int" + yamlBoolScalar = "tag:yaml.org,2002:bool" + yamlFloatScalar = "tag:yaml.org,2002:float" + yamlTimestamp = "tag:yaml.org,2002:timestamp" + yamlNull = "tag:yaml.org,2002:null" +) + +func yamlScalar(node *yaml.Node) (interface{}, error) { + switch node.LongTag() { + case yamlStringScalar: + return node.Value, nil + case yamlBoolScalar: + b, err := strconv.ParseBool(node.Value) + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to process scalar node. Got %q. Expecting bool content: %w", node.Value, err) + } + return b, nil + case yamlIntScalar: + i, err := strconv.ParseInt(node.Value, 10, 64) + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to process scalar node. Got %q. Expecting integer content: %w", node.Value, err) + } + return i, nil + case yamlFloatScalar: + f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(node.Value, 64) + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to process scalar node. Got %q. Expecting float content: %w", node.Value, err) + } + return f, nil + case yamlTimestamp: + return node.Value, nil + case yamlNull: + return nil, nil + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("YAML tag %q is not supported", node.LongTag()) + } +} + +func yamlStringScalarC(node *yaml.Node) (string, error) { + if node.Kind != yaml.ScalarNode { + return "", fmt.Errorf("expecting a string scalar but got %q", node.Kind) + } + switch node.LongTag() { + case yamlStringScalar, yamlIntScalar, yamlFloatScalar: + return node.Value, nil + default: + return "", fmt.Errorf("YAML tag %q is not supported as map key", node.LongTag()) } - return document, nil } // JSONMapSlice represent a JSON object, with the order of keys maintained @@ -105,6 +215,113 @@ func (s *JSONMapSlice) UnmarshalEasyJSON(in *jlexer.Lexer) { *s = result } +func (s JSONMapSlice) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error) { + var n yaml.Node + n.Kind = yaml.DocumentNode + var nodes []*yaml.Node + for _, item := range s { + nn, err := json2yaml(item.Value) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + ns := []*yaml.Node{ + { + Kind: yaml.ScalarNode, + Tag: yamlStringScalar, + Value: item.Key, + }, + nn, + } + nodes = append(nodes, ns...) + } + + n.Content = []*yaml.Node{ + { + Kind: yaml.MappingNode, + Content: nodes, + }, + } + + return yaml.Marshal(&n) +} + +func json2yaml(item interface{}) (*yaml.Node, error) { + switch val := item.(type) { + case JSONMapSlice: + var n yaml.Node + n.Kind = yaml.MappingNode + for i := range val { + childNode, err := json2yaml(&val[i].Value) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + n.Content = append(n.Content, &yaml.Node{ + Kind: yaml.ScalarNode, + Tag: yamlStringScalar, + Value: val[i].Key, + }, childNode) + } + return &n, nil + case map[string]interface{}: + var n yaml.Node + n.Kind = yaml.MappingNode + for k, v := range val { + childNode, err := json2yaml(v) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + n.Content = append(n.Content, &yaml.Node{ + Kind: yaml.ScalarNode, + Tag: yamlStringScalar, + Value: k, + }, childNode) + } + return &n, nil + case []interface{}: + var n yaml.Node + n.Kind = yaml.SequenceNode + for i := range val { + childNode, err := json2yaml(val[i]) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + n.Content = append(n.Content, childNode) + } + return &n, nil + case string: + return &yaml.Node{ + Kind: yaml.ScalarNode, + Tag: yamlStringScalar, + Value: val, + }, nil + case float64: + return &yaml.Node{ + Kind: yaml.ScalarNode, + Tag: yamlFloatScalar, + Value: strconv.FormatFloat(val, 'f', -1, 64), + }, nil + case int64: + return &yaml.Node{ + Kind: yaml.ScalarNode, + Tag: yamlIntScalar, + Value: strconv.FormatInt(val, 10), + }, nil + case uint64: + return &yaml.Node{ + Kind: yaml.ScalarNode, + Tag: yamlIntScalar, + Value: strconv.FormatUint(val, 10), + }, nil + case bool: + return &yaml.Node{ + Kind: yaml.ScalarNode, + Tag: yamlBoolScalar, + Value: strconv.FormatBool(val), + }, nil + } + return nil, nil +} + // JSONMapItem represents the value of a key in a JSON object held by JSONMapSlice type JSONMapItem struct { Key string @@ -173,23 +390,10 @@ func transformData(input interface{}) (out interface{}, err error) { } switch in := input.(type) { - case yaml.MapSlice: - - o := make(JSONMapSlice, len(in)) - for i, mi := range in { - var nmi JSONMapItem - if nmi.Key, err = format(mi.Key); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - v, ert := transformData(mi.Value) - if ert != nil { - return nil, ert - } - nmi.Value = v - o[i] = nmi - } - return o, nil + case yaml.Node: + return yamlNode(&in) + case *yaml.Node: + return yamlNode(in) case map[interface{}]interface{}: o := make(JSONMapSlice, 0, len(in)) for ke, va := range in { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/validate/default_validator.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/validate/default_validator.go index 3e0d8c770..bd14c2a26 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/validate/default_validator.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/validate/default_validator.go @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ func (d *defaultValidator) validateDefaultValueValidAgainstSchema() *Result { res := new(Result) s := d.SpecValidator - for method, pathItem := range s.analyzer.Operations() { + for method, pathItem := range s.expandedAnalyzer().Operations() { for path, op := range pathItem { // parameters for _, param := range paramHelp.safeExpandedParamsFor(path, method, op.ID, res, s) { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/validate/example_validator.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/validate/example_validator.go index f4b7a2dfe..c8bffd78e 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/validate/example_validator.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/validate/example_validator.go @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ func (ex *exampleValidator) validateExampleValueValidAgainstSchema() *Result { res := new(Result) s := ex.SpecValidator - for method, pathItem := range s.analyzer.Operations() { + for method, pathItem := range s.expandedAnalyzer().Operations() { for path, op := range pathItem { // parameters for _, param := range paramHelp.safeExpandedParamsFor(path, method, op.ID, res, s) { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/validate/helpers.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/validate/helpers.go index 5d901dda7..48ebfab58 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/validate/helpers.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/validate/helpers.go @@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ type paramHelper struct { } func (h *paramHelper) safeExpandedParamsFor(path, method, operationID string, res *Result, s *SpecValidator) (params []spec.Parameter) { - operation, ok := s.analyzer.OperationFor(method, path) + operation, ok := s.expandedAnalyzer().OperationFor(method, path) if ok { // expand parameters first if necessary resolvedParams := []spec.Parameter{} @@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ func (h *paramHelper) safeExpandedParamsFor(path, method, operationID string, re // remove params with invalid expansion from Slice operation.Parameters = resolvedParams - for _, ppr := range s.analyzer.SafeParamsFor(method, path, + for _, ppr := range s.expandedAnalyzer().SafeParamsFor(method, path, func(p spec.Parameter, err error) bool { // since params have already been expanded, there are few causes for error res.AddErrors(someParametersBrokenMsg(path, method, operationID)) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/validate/spec.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/validate/spec.go index cdf5627a2..dff01f00b 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/validate/spec.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/validate/spec.go @@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ func (s *SpecValidator) validateParameters() *Result { // - path param must be required res := new(Result) rexGarbledPathSegment := mustCompileRegexp(`.*[{}\s]+.*`) - for method, pi := range s.analyzer.Operations() { + for method, pi := range s.expandedAnalyzer().Operations() { methodPaths := make(map[string]map[string]string) for path, op := range pi { pathToAdd := pathHelp.stripParametersInPath(path) @@ -793,3 +793,12 @@ func (s *SpecValidator) checkUniqueParams(path, method string, op *spec.Operatio func (s *SpecValidator) SetContinueOnErrors(c bool) { s.Options.ContinueOnErrors = c } + +// expandedAnalyzer returns expanded.Analyzer when it is available. +// otherwise just analyzer. +func (s *SpecValidator) expandedAnalyzer() *analysis.Spec { + if s.expanded != nil && s.expanded.Analyzer != nil { + return s.expanded.Analyzer + } + return s.analyzer +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/alert.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/alert.go index 170307544..a3f30c53c 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/alert.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/alert.go @@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ package models // Editing this file might prove futile when you re-run the swagger generate command import ( + "context" + "github.com/go-openapi/errors" "github.com/go-openapi/strfmt" "github.com/go-openapi/swag" @@ -59,7 +61,6 @@ func (m *Alert) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error { } func (m *Alert) validateGeneratorURL(formats strfmt.Registry) error { - if swag.IsZero(m.GeneratorURL) { // not required return nil } @@ -73,9 +74,45 @@ func (m *Alert) validateGeneratorURL(formats strfmt.Registry) error { func (m *Alert) validateLabels(formats strfmt.Registry) error { - if err := m.Labels.Validate(formats); err != nil { + if err := validate.Required("labels", "body", m.Labels); err != nil { + return err + } + + if m.Labels != nil { + if err := m.Labels.Validate(formats); err != nil { + if ve, ok := err.(*errors.Validation); ok { + return ve.ValidateName("labels") + } else if ce, ok := err.(*errors.CompositeError); ok { + return ce.ValidateName("labels") + } + return err + } + } + + return nil +} + +// ContextValidate validate this alert based on the context it is used +func (m *Alert) ContextValidate(ctx context.Context, formats strfmt.Registry) error { + var res []error + + if err := m.contextValidateLabels(ctx, formats); err != nil { + res = append(res, err) + } + + if len(res) > 0 { + return errors.CompositeValidationError(res...) + } + return nil +} + +func (m *Alert) contextValidateLabels(ctx context.Context, formats strfmt.Registry) error { + + if err := m.Labels.ContextValidate(ctx, formats); err != nil { if ve, ok := err.(*errors.Validation); ok { return ve.ValidateName("labels") + } else if ce, ok := err.(*errors.CompositeError); ok { + return ce.ValidateName("labels") } return err } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/alert_group.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/alert_group.go index 3db729359..c943e6833 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/alert_group.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/alert_group.go @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ package models // Editing this file might prove futile when you re-run the swagger generate command import ( + "context" "strconv" "github.com/go-openapi/errors" @@ -83,6 +84,8 @@ func (m *AlertGroup) validateAlerts(formats strfmt.Registry) error { if err := m.Alerts[i].Validate(formats); err != nil { if ve, ok := err.(*errors.Validation); ok { return ve.ValidateName("alerts" + "." + strconv.Itoa(i)) + } else if ce, ok := err.(*errors.CompositeError); ok { + return ce.ValidateName("alerts" + "." + strconv.Itoa(i)) } return err } @@ -95,13 +98,21 @@ func (m *AlertGroup) validateAlerts(formats strfmt.Registry) error { func (m *AlertGroup) validateLabels(formats strfmt.Registry) error { - if err := m.Labels.Validate(formats); err != nil { - if ve, ok := err.(*errors.Validation); ok { - return ve.ValidateName("labels") - } + if err := validate.Required("labels", "body", m.Labels); err != nil { return err } + if m.Labels != nil { + if err := m.Labels.Validate(formats); err != nil { + if ve, ok := err.(*errors.Validation); ok { + return ve.ValidateName("labels") + } else if ce, ok := err.(*errors.CompositeError); ok { + return ce.ValidateName("labels") + } + return err + } + } + return nil } @@ -115,6 +126,80 @@ func (m *AlertGroup) validateReceiver(formats strfmt.Registry) error { if err := m.Receiver.Validate(formats); err != nil { if ve, ok := err.(*errors.Validation); ok { return ve.ValidateName("receiver") + } else if ce, ok := err.(*errors.CompositeError); ok { + return ce.ValidateName("receiver") + } + return err + } + } + + return nil +} + +// ContextValidate validate this alert group based on the context it is used +func (m *AlertGroup) ContextValidate(ctx context.Context, formats strfmt.Registry) error { + var res []error + + if err := m.contextValidateAlerts(ctx, formats); err != nil { + res = append(res, err) + } + + if err := m.contextValidateLabels(ctx, formats); err != nil { + res = append(res, err) + } + + if err := m.contextValidateReceiver(ctx, formats); err != nil { + res = append(res, err) + } + + if len(res) > 0 { + return errors.CompositeValidationError(res...) + } + return nil +} + +func (m *AlertGroup) contextValidateAlerts(ctx context.Context, formats strfmt.Registry) error { + + for i := 0; i < len(m.Alerts); i++ { + + if m.Alerts[i] != nil { + if err := m.Alerts[i].ContextValidate(ctx, formats); err != nil { + if ve, ok := err.(*errors.Validation); ok { + return ve.ValidateName("alerts" + "." + strconv.Itoa(i)) + } else if ce, ok := err.(*errors.CompositeError); ok { + return ce.ValidateName("alerts" + "." + strconv.Itoa(i)) + } + return err + } + } + + } + + return nil +} + +func (m *AlertGroup) contextValidateLabels(ctx context.Context, formats strfmt.Registry) error { + + if err := m.Labels.ContextValidate(ctx, formats); err != nil { + if ve, ok := err.(*errors.Validation); ok { + return ve.ValidateName("labels") + } else if ce, ok := err.(*errors.CompositeError); ok { + return ce.ValidateName("labels") + } + return err + } + + return nil +} + +func (m *AlertGroup) contextValidateReceiver(ctx context.Context, formats strfmt.Registry) error { + + if m.Receiver != nil { + if err := m.Receiver.ContextValidate(ctx, formats); err != nil { + if ve, ok := err.(*errors.Validation); ok { + return ve.ValidateName("receiver") + } else if ce, ok := err.(*errors.CompositeError); ok { + return ce.ValidateName("receiver") } return err } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/alert_groups.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/alert_groups.go index cb48c08e5..31ccb2172 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/alert_groups.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/alert_groups.go @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ package models // Editing this file might prove futile when you re-run the swagger generate command import ( + "context" "strconv" "github.com/go-openapi/errors" @@ -45,6 +46,33 @@ func (m AlertGroups) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error { if err := m[i].Validate(formats); err != nil { if ve, ok := err.(*errors.Validation); ok { return ve.ValidateName(strconv.Itoa(i)) + } else if ce, ok := err.(*errors.CompositeError); ok { + return ce.ValidateName(strconv.Itoa(i)) + } + return err + } + } + + } + + if len(res) > 0 { + return errors.CompositeValidationError(res...) + } + return nil +} + +// ContextValidate validate this alert groups based on the context it is used +func (m AlertGroups) ContextValidate(ctx context.Context, formats strfmt.Registry) error { + var res []error + + for i := 0; i < len(m); i++ { + + if m[i] != nil { + if err := m[i].ContextValidate(ctx, formats); err != nil { + if ve, ok := err.(*errors.Validation); ok { + return ve.ValidateName(strconv.Itoa(i)) + } else if ce, ok := err.(*errors.CompositeError); ok { + return ce.ValidateName(strconv.Itoa(i)) } return err } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/alert_status.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/alert_status.go index 9ee99f785..ae1f248c9 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/alert_status.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/alert_status.go @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ package models // Editing this file might prove futile when you re-run the swagger generate command import ( + "context" "encoding/json" "github.com/go-openapi/errors" @@ -133,6 +134,11 @@ func (m *AlertStatus) validateState(formats strfmt.Registry) error { return nil } +// ContextValidate validates this alert status based on context it is used +func (m *AlertStatus) ContextValidate(ctx context.Context, formats strfmt.Registry) error { + return nil +} + // MarshalBinary interface implementation func (m *AlertStatus) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) { if m == nil { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/alertmanager_config.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/alertmanager_config.go index 958114bbf..bf7721eb5 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/alertmanager_config.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/alertmanager_config.go @@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ package models // Editing this file might prove futile when you re-run the swagger generate command import ( + "context" + "github.com/go-openapi/errors" "github.com/go-openapi/strfmt" "github.com/go-openapi/swag" @@ -59,6 +61,11 @@ func (m *AlertmanagerConfig) validateOriginal(formats strfmt.Registry) error { return nil } +// ContextValidate validates this alertmanager config based on context it is used +func (m *AlertmanagerConfig) ContextValidate(ctx context.Context, formats strfmt.Registry) error { + return nil +} + // MarshalBinary interface implementation func (m *AlertmanagerConfig) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) { if m == nil { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/alertmanager_status.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/alertmanager_status.go index 483beb23e..0d5370edf 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/alertmanager_status.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/alertmanager_status.go @@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ package models // Editing this file might prove futile when you re-run the swagger generate command import ( + "context" + "github.com/go-openapi/errors" "github.com/go-openapi/strfmt" "github.com/go-openapi/swag" @@ -85,6 +87,8 @@ func (m *AlertmanagerStatus) validateCluster(formats strfmt.Registry) error { if err := m.Cluster.Validate(formats); err != nil { if ve, ok := err.(*errors.Validation); ok { return ve.ValidateName("cluster") + } else if ce, ok := err.(*errors.CompositeError); ok { + return ce.ValidateName("cluster") } return err } @@ -103,6 +107,8 @@ func (m *AlertmanagerStatus) validateConfig(formats strfmt.Registry) error { if err := m.Config.Validate(formats); err != nil { if ve, ok := err.(*errors.Validation); ok { return ve.ValidateName("config") + } else if ce, ok := err.(*errors.CompositeError); ok { + return ce.ValidateName("config") } return err } @@ -134,6 +140,78 @@ func (m *AlertmanagerStatus) validateVersionInfo(formats strfmt.Registry) error if err := m.VersionInfo.Validate(formats); err != nil { if ve, ok := err.(*errors.Validation); ok { return ve.ValidateName("versionInfo") + } else if ce, ok := err.(*errors.CompositeError); ok { + return ce.ValidateName("versionInfo") + } + return err + } + } + + return nil +} + +// ContextValidate validate this alertmanager status based on the context it is used +func (m *AlertmanagerStatus) ContextValidate(ctx context.Context, formats strfmt.Registry) error { + var res []error + + if err := m.contextValidateCluster(ctx, formats); err != nil { + res = append(res, err) + } + + if err := m.contextValidateConfig(ctx, formats); err != nil { + res = append(res, err) + } + + if err := m.contextValidateVersionInfo(ctx, formats); err != nil { + res = append(res, err) + } + + if len(res) > 0 { + return errors.CompositeValidationError(res...) + } + return nil +} + +func (m *AlertmanagerStatus) contextValidateCluster(ctx context.Context, formats strfmt.Registry) error { + + if m.Cluster != nil { + if err := m.Cluster.ContextValidate(ctx, formats); err != nil { + if ve, ok := err.(*errors.Validation); ok { + return ve.ValidateName("cluster") + } else if ce, ok := err.(*errors.CompositeError); ok { + return ce.ValidateName("cluster") + } + return err + } + } + + return nil +} + +func (m *AlertmanagerStatus) contextValidateConfig(ctx context.Context, formats strfmt.Registry) error { + + if m.Config != nil { + if err := m.Config.ContextValidate(ctx, formats); err != nil { + if ve, ok := err.(*errors.Validation); ok { + return ve.ValidateName("config") + } else if ce, ok := err.(*errors.CompositeError); ok { + return ce.ValidateName("config") + } + return err + } + } + + return nil +} + +func (m *AlertmanagerStatus) contextValidateVersionInfo(ctx context.Context, formats strfmt.Registry) error { + + if m.VersionInfo != nil { + if err := m.VersionInfo.ContextValidate(ctx, formats); err != nil { + if ve, ok := err.(*errors.Validation); ok { + return ve.ValidateName("versionInfo") + } else if ce, ok := err.(*errors.CompositeError); ok { + return ce.ValidateName("versionInfo") } return err } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/cluster_status.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/cluster_status.go index a3373a729..0078320f1 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/cluster_status.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/cluster_status.go @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ package models // Editing this file might prove futile when you re-run the swagger generate command import ( + "context" "encoding/json" "strconv" @@ -65,7 +66,6 @@ func (m *ClusterStatus) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error { } func (m *ClusterStatus) validatePeers(formats strfmt.Registry) error { - if swag.IsZero(m.Peers) { // not required return nil } @@ -79,6 +79,8 @@ func (m *ClusterStatus) validatePeers(formats strfmt.Registry) error { if err := m.Peers[i].Validate(formats); err != nil { if ve, ok := err.(*errors.Validation); ok { return ve.ValidateName("peers" + "." + strconv.Itoa(i)) + } else if ce, ok := err.(*errors.CompositeError); ok { + return ce.ValidateName("peers" + "." + strconv.Itoa(i)) } return err } @@ -135,6 +137,40 @@ func (m *ClusterStatus) validateStatus(formats strfmt.Registry) error { return nil } +// ContextValidate validate this cluster status based on the context it is used +func (m *ClusterStatus) ContextValidate(ctx context.Context, formats strfmt.Registry) error { + var res []error + + if err := m.contextValidatePeers(ctx, formats); err != nil { + res = append(res, err) + } + + if len(res) > 0 { + return errors.CompositeValidationError(res...) + } + return nil +} + +func (m *ClusterStatus) contextValidatePeers(ctx context.Context, formats strfmt.Registry) error { + + for i := 0; i < len(m.Peers); i++ { + + if m.Peers[i] != nil { + if err := m.Peers[i].ContextValidate(ctx, formats); err != nil { + if ve, ok := err.(*errors.Validation); ok { + return ve.ValidateName("peers" + "." + strconv.Itoa(i)) + } else if ce, ok := err.(*errors.CompositeError); ok { + return ce.ValidateName("peers" + "." + strconv.Itoa(i)) + } + return err + } + } + + } + + return nil +} + // MarshalBinary interface implementation func (m *ClusterStatus) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) { if m == nil { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/gettable_alert.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/gettable_alert.go index 2f74818c2..f7db3321c 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/gettable_alert.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/gettable_alert.go @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ package models // Editing this file might prove futile when you re-run the swagger generate command import ( + "context" "strconv" "github.com/go-openapi/errors" @@ -206,13 +207,21 @@ func (m *GettableAlert) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error { func (m *GettableAlert) validateAnnotations(formats strfmt.Registry) error { - if err := m.Annotations.Validate(formats); err != nil { - if ve, ok := err.(*errors.Validation); ok { - return ve.ValidateName("annotations") - } + if err := validate.Required("annotations", "body", m.Annotations); err != nil { return err } + if m.Annotations != nil { + if err := m.Annotations.Validate(formats); err != nil { + if ve, ok := err.(*errors.Validation); ok { + return ve.ValidateName("annotations") + } else if ce, ok := err.(*errors.CompositeError); ok { + return ce.ValidateName("annotations") + } + return err + } + } + return nil } @@ -253,6 +262,8 @@ func (m *GettableAlert) validateReceivers(formats strfmt.Registry) error { if err := m.Receivers[i].Validate(formats); err != nil { if ve, ok := err.(*errors.Validation); ok { return ve.ValidateName("receivers" + "." + strconv.Itoa(i)) + } else if ce, ok := err.(*errors.CompositeError); ok { + return ce.ValidateName("receivers" + "." + strconv.Itoa(i)) } return err } @@ -286,6 +297,8 @@ func (m *GettableAlert) validateStatus(formats strfmt.Registry) error { if err := m.Status.Validate(formats); err != nil { if ve, ok := err.(*errors.Validation); ok { return ve.ValidateName("status") + } else if ce, ok := err.(*errors.CompositeError); ok { + return ce.ValidateName("status") } return err } @@ -307,6 +320,83 @@ func (m *GettableAlert) validateUpdatedAt(formats strfmt.Registry) error { return nil } +// ContextValidate validate this gettable alert based on the context it is used +func (m *GettableAlert) ContextValidate(ctx context.Context, formats strfmt.Registry) error { + var res []error + + if err := m.contextValidateAnnotations(ctx, formats); err != nil { + res = append(res, err) + } + + if err := m.contextValidateReceivers(ctx, formats); err != nil { + res = append(res, err) + } + + if err := m.contextValidateStatus(ctx, formats); err != nil { + res = append(res, err) + } + + // validation for a type composition with Alert + if err := m.Alert.ContextValidate(ctx, formats); err != nil { + res = append(res, err) + } + + if len(res) > 0 { + return errors.CompositeValidationError(res...) + } + return nil +} + +func (m *GettableAlert) contextValidateAnnotations(ctx context.Context, formats strfmt.Registry) error { + + if err := m.Annotations.ContextValidate(ctx, formats); err != nil { + if ve, ok := err.(*errors.Validation); ok { + return ve.ValidateName("annotations") + } else if ce, ok := err.(*errors.CompositeError); ok { + return ce.ValidateName("annotations") + } + return err + } + + return nil +} + +func (m *GettableAlert) contextValidateReceivers(ctx context.Context, formats strfmt.Registry) error { + + for i := 0; i < len(m.Receivers); i++ { + + if m.Receivers[i] != nil { + if err := m.Receivers[i].ContextValidate(ctx, formats); err != nil { + if ve, ok := err.(*errors.Validation); ok { + return ve.ValidateName("receivers" + "." + strconv.Itoa(i)) + } else if ce, ok := err.(*errors.CompositeError); ok { + return ce.ValidateName("receivers" + "." + strconv.Itoa(i)) + } + return err + } + } + + } + + return nil +} + +func (m *GettableAlert) contextValidateStatus(ctx context.Context, formats strfmt.Registry) error { + + if m.Status != nil { + if err := m.Status.ContextValidate(ctx, formats); err != nil { + if ve, ok := err.(*errors.Validation); ok { + return ve.ValidateName("status") + } else if ce, ok := err.(*errors.CompositeError); ok { + return ce.ValidateName("status") + } + return err + } + } + + return nil +} + // MarshalBinary interface implementation func (m *GettableAlert) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) { if m == nil { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/gettable_alerts.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/gettable_alerts.go index f5a5c0421..4efe8cd5e 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/gettable_alerts.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/gettable_alerts.go @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ package models // Editing this file might prove futile when you re-run the swagger generate command import ( + "context" "strconv" "github.com/go-openapi/errors" @@ -45,6 +46,33 @@ func (m GettableAlerts) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error { if err := m[i].Validate(formats); err != nil { if ve, ok := err.(*errors.Validation); ok { return ve.ValidateName(strconv.Itoa(i)) + } else if ce, ok := err.(*errors.CompositeError); ok { + return ce.ValidateName(strconv.Itoa(i)) + } + return err + } + } + + } + + if len(res) > 0 { + return errors.CompositeValidationError(res...) + } + return nil +} + +// ContextValidate validate this gettable alerts based on the context it is used +func (m GettableAlerts) ContextValidate(ctx context.Context, formats strfmt.Registry) error { + var res []error + + for i := 0; i < len(m); i++ { + + if m[i] != nil { + if err := m[i].ContextValidate(ctx, formats); err != nil { + if ve, ok := err.(*errors.Validation); ok { + return ve.ValidateName(strconv.Itoa(i)) + } else if ce, ok := err.(*errors.CompositeError); ok { + return ce.ValidateName(strconv.Itoa(i)) } return err } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/gettable_silence.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/gettable_silence.go index 8fb7a5129..fe9d178d7 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/gettable_silence.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/gettable_silence.go @@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ package models // Editing this file might prove futile when you re-run the swagger generate command import ( + "context" + "github.com/go-openapi/errors" "github.com/go-openapi/strfmt" "github.com/go-openapi/swag" @@ -155,6 +157,8 @@ func (m *GettableSilence) validateStatus(formats strfmt.Registry) error { if err := m.Status.Validate(formats); err != nil { if ve, ok := err.(*errors.Validation); ok { return ve.ValidateName("status") + } else if ce, ok := err.(*errors.CompositeError); ok { + return ce.ValidateName("status") } return err } @@ -176,6 +180,41 @@ func (m *GettableSilence) validateUpdatedAt(formats strfmt.Registry) error { return nil } +// ContextValidate validate this gettable silence based on the context it is used +func (m *GettableSilence) ContextValidate(ctx context.Context, formats strfmt.Registry) error { + var res []error + + if err := m.contextValidateStatus(ctx, formats); err != nil { + res = append(res, err) + } + + // validation for a type composition with Silence + if err := m.Silence.ContextValidate(ctx, formats); err != nil { + res = append(res, err) + } + + if len(res) > 0 { + return errors.CompositeValidationError(res...) + } + return nil +} + +func (m *GettableSilence) contextValidateStatus(ctx context.Context, formats strfmt.Registry) error { + + if m.Status != nil { + if err := m.Status.ContextValidate(ctx, formats); err != nil { + if ve, ok := err.(*errors.Validation); ok { + return ve.ValidateName("status") + } else if ce, ok := err.(*errors.CompositeError); ok { + return ce.ValidateName("status") + } + return err + } + } + + return nil +} + // MarshalBinary interface implementation func (m *GettableSilence) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) { if m == nil { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/gettable_silences.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/gettable_silences.go index 32d109ef7..cda5ef649 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/gettable_silences.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/gettable_silences.go @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ package models // Editing this file might prove futile when you re-run the swagger generate command import ( + "context" "strconv" "github.com/go-openapi/errors" @@ -45,6 +46,33 @@ func (m GettableSilences) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error { if err := m[i].Validate(formats); err != nil { if ve, ok := err.(*errors.Validation); ok { return ve.ValidateName(strconv.Itoa(i)) + } else if ce, ok := err.(*errors.CompositeError); ok { + return ce.ValidateName(strconv.Itoa(i)) + } + return err + } + } + + } + + if len(res) > 0 { + return errors.CompositeValidationError(res...) + } + return nil +} + +// ContextValidate validate this gettable silences based on the context it is used +func (m GettableSilences) ContextValidate(ctx context.Context, formats strfmt.Registry) error { + var res []error + + for i := 0; i < len(m); i++ { + + if m[i] != nil { + if err := m[i].ContextValidate(ctx, formats); err != nil { + if ve, ok := err.(*errors.Validation); ok { + return ve.ValidateName(strconv.Itoa(i)) + } else if ce, ok := err.(*errors.CompositeError); ok { + return ce.ValidateName(strconv.Itoa(i)) } return err } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/label_set.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/label_set.go index d7d298523..9dcae13b8 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/label_set.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/label_set.go @@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ package models // Editing this file might prove futile when you re-run the swagger generate command import ( + "context" + "github.com/go-openapi/strfmt" ) @@ -32,3 +34,8 @@ type LabelSet map[string]string func (m LabelSet) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error { return nil } + +// ContextValidate validates this label set based on context it is used +func (m LabelSet) ContextValidate(ctx context.Context, formats strfmt.Registry) error { + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/matcher.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/matcher.go index f2e2d6de8..0d30e7ea9 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/matcher.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/matcher.go @@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ package models // Editing this file might prove futile when you re-run the swagger generate command import ( + "context" + "github.com/go-openapi/errors" "github.com/go-openapi/strfmt" "github.com/go-openapi/swag" @@ -96,6 +98,11 @@ func (m *Matcher) validateValue(formats strfmt.Registry) error { return nil } +// ContextValidate validates this matcher based on context it is used +func (m *Matcher) ContextValidate(ctx context.Context, formats strfmt.Registry) error { + return nil +} + // MarshalBinary interface implementation func (m *Matcher) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) { if m == nil { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/matchers.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/matchers.go index 3fb73c434..4e2061872 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/matchers.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/matchers.go @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ package models // Editing this file might prove futile when you re-run the swagger generate command import ( + "context" "strconv" "github.com/go-openapi/errors" @@ -52,6 +53,33 @@ func (m Matchers) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error { if err := m[i].Validate(formats); err != nil { if ve, ok := err.(*errors.Validation); ok { return ve.ValidateName(strconv.Itoa(i)) + } else if ce, ok := err.(*errors.CompositeError); ok { + return ce.ValidateName(strconv.Itoa(i)) + } + return err + } + } + + } + + if len(res) > 0 { + return errors.CompositeValidationError(res...) + } + return nil +} + +// ContextValidate validate this matchers based on the context it is used +func (m Matchers) ContextValidate(ctx context.Context, formats strfmt.Registry) error { + var res []error + + for i := 0; i < len(m); i++ { + + if m[i] != nil { + if err := m[i].ContextValidate(ctx, formats); err != nil { + if ve, ok := err.(*errors.Validation); ok { + return ve.ValidateName(strconv.Itoa(i)) + } else if ce, ok := err.(*errors.CompositeError); ok { + return ce.ValidateName(strconv.Itoa(i)) } return err } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/peer_status.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/peer_status.go index 204c3d785..9d9b393ae 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/peer_status.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/peer_status.go @@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ package models // Editing this file might prove futile when you re-run the swagger generate command import ( + "context" + "github.com/go-openapi/errors" "github.com/go-openapi/strfmt" "github.com/go-openapi/swag" @@ -76,6 +78,11 @@ func (m *PeerStatus) validateName(formats strfmt.Registry) error { return nil } +// ContextValidate validates this peer status based on context it is used +func (m *PeerStatus) ContextValidate(ctx context.Context, formats strfmt.Registry) error { + return nil +} + // MarshalBinary interface implementation func (m *PeerStatus) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) { if m == nil { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/postable_alert.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/postable_alert.go index 88c06e835..dcec7f0a1 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/postable_alert.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/postable_alert.go @@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ package models // Editing this file might prove futile when you re-run the swagger generate command import ( + "context" + "github.com/go-openapi/errors" "github.com/go-openapi/strfmt" "github.com/go-openapi/swag" @@ -140,11 +142,15 @@ func (m *PostableAlert) validateAnnotations(formats strfmt.Registry) error { return nil } - if err := m.Annotations.Validate(formats); err != nil { - if ve, ok := err.(*errors.Validation); ok { - return ve.ValidateName("annotations") + if m.Annotations != nil { + if err := m.Annotations.Validate(formats); err != nil { + if ve, ok := err.(*errors.Validation); ok { + return ve.ValidateName("annotations") + } else if ce, ok := err.(*errors.CompositeError); ok { + return ce.ValidateName("annotations") + } + return err } - return err } return nil @@ -176,6 +182,39 @@ func (m *PostableAlert) validateStartsAt(formats strfmt.Registry) error { return nil } +// ContextValidate validate this postable alert based on the context it is used +func (m *PostableAlert) ContextValidate(ctx context.Context, formats strfmt.Registry) error { + var res []error + + if err := m.contextValidateAnnotations(ctx, formats); err != nil { + res = append(res, err) + } + + // validation for a type composition with Alert + if err := m.Alert.ContextValidate(ctx, formats); err != nil { + res = append(res, err) + } + + if len(res) > 0 { + return errors.CompositeValidationError(res...) + } + return nil +} + +func (m *PostableAlert) contextValidateAnnotations(ctx context.Context, formats strfmt.Registry) error { + + if err := m.Annotations.ContextValidate(ctx, formats); err != nil { + if ve, ok := err.(*errors.Validation); ok { + return ve.ValidateName("annotations") + } else if ce, ok := err.(*errors.CompositeError); ok { + return ce.ValidateName("annotations") + } + return err + } + + return nil +} + // MarshalBinary interface implementation func (m *PostableAlert) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) { if m == nil { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/postable_alerts.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/postable_alerts.go index 9a1356368..ed4d7fb9b 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/postable_alerts.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/postable_alerts.go @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ package models // Editing this file might prove futile when you re-run the swagger generate command import ( + "context" "strconv" "github.com/go-openapi/errors" @@ -45,6 +46,33 @@ func (m PostableAlerts) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error { if err := m[i].Validate(formats); err != nil { if ve, ok := err.(*errors.Validation); ok { return ve.ValidateName(strconv.Itoa(i)) + } else if ce, ok := err.(*errors.CompositeError); ok { + return ce.ValidateName(strconv.Itoa(i)) + } + return err + } + } + + } + + if len(res) > 0 { + return errors.CompositeValidationError(res...) + } + return nil +} + +// ContextValidate validate this postable alerts based on the context it is used +func (m PostableAlerts) ContextValidate(ctx context.Context, formats strfmt.Registry) error { + var res []error + + for i := 0; i < len(m); i++ { + + if m[i] != nil { + if err := m[i].ContextValidate(ctx, formats); err != nil { + if ve, ok := err.(*errors.Validation); ok { + return ve.ValidateName(strconv.Itoa(i)) + } else if ce, ok := err.(*errors.CompositeError); ok { + return ce.ValidateName(strconv.Itoa(i)) } return err } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/postable_silence.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/postable_silence.go index c77a9534a..88aaa54fd 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/postable_silence.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/postable_silence.go @@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ package models // Editing this file might prove futile when you re-run the swagger generate command import ( + "context" + "github.com/go-openapi/errors" "github.com/go-openapi/strfmt" "github.com/go-openapi/swag" @@ -97,6 +99,21 @@ func (m *PostableSilence) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error { return nil } +// ContextValidate validate this postable silence based on the context it is used +func (m *PostableSilence) ContextValidate(ctx context.Context, formats strfmt.Registry) error { + var res []error + + // validation for a type composition with Silence + if err := m.Silence.ContextValidate(ctx, formats); err != nil { + res = append(res, err) + } + + if len(res) > 0 { + return errors.CompositeValidationError(res...) + } + return nil +} + // MarshalBinary interface implementation func (m *PostableSilence) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) { if m == nil { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/receiver.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/receiver.go index 9f85db60a..8e1bf9ee4 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/receiver.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/receiver.go @@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ package models // Editing this file might prove futile when you re-run the swagger generate command import ( + "context" + "github.com/go-openapi/errors" "github.com/go-openapi/strfmt" "github.com/go-openapi/swag" @@ -59,6 +61,11 @@ func (m *Receiver) validateName(formats strfmt.Registry) error { return nil } +// ContextValidate validates this receiver based on context it is used +func (m *Receiver) ContextValidate(ctx context.Context, formats strfmt.Registry) error { + return nil +} + // MarshalBinary interface implementation func (m *Receiver) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) { if m == nil { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/silence.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/silence.go index 27fb9f3d1..b58913b5c 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/silence.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/silence.go @@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ package models // Editing this file might prove futile when you re-run the swagger generate command import ( + "context" + "github.com/go-openapi/errors" "github.com/go-openapi/strfmt" "github.com/go-openapi/swag" @@ -124,6 +126,8 @@ func (m *Silence) validateMatchers(formats strfmt.Registry) error { if err := m.Matchers.Validate(formats); err != nil { if ve, ok := err.(*errors.Validation); ok { return ve.ValidateName("matchers") + } else if ce, ok := err.(*errors.CompositeError); ok { + return ce.ValidateName("matchers") } return err } @@ -144,6 +148,34 @@ func (m *Silence) validateStartsAt(formats strfmt.Registry) error { return nil } +// ContextValidate validate this silence based on the context it is used +func (m *Silence) ContextValidate(ctx context.Context, formats strfmt.Registry) error { + var res []error + + if err := m.contextValidateMatchers(ctx, formats); err != nil { + res = append(res, err) + } + + if len(res) > 0 { + return errors.CompositeValidationError(res...) + } + return nil +} + +func (m *Silence) contextValidateMatchers(ctx context.Context, formats strfmt.Registry) error { + + if err := m.Matchers.ContextValidate(ctx, formats); err != nil { + if ve, ok := err.(*errors.Validation); ok { + return ve.ValidateName("matchers") + } else if ce, ok := err.(*errors.CompositeError); ok { + return ce.ValidateName("matchers") + } + return err + } + + return nil +} + // MarshalBinary interface implementation func (m *Silence) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) { if m == nil { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/silence_status.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/silence_status.go index 0c63df853..25b073795 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/silence_status.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/silence_status.go @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ package models // Editing this file might prove futile when you re-run the swagger generate command import ( + "context" "encoding/json" "github.com/go-openapi/errors" @@ -99,6 +100,11 @@ func (m *SilenceStatus) validateState(formats strfmt.Registry) error { return nil } +// ContextValidate validates this silence status based on context it is used +func (m *SilenceStatus) ContextValidate(ctx context.Context, formats strfmt.Registry) error { + return nil +} + // MarshalBinary interface implementation func (m *SilenceStatus) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) { if m == nil { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/version_info.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/version_info.go index f7124eca8..18b77584d 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/version_info.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models/version_info.go @@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ package models // Editing this file might prove futile when you re-run the swagger generate command import ( + "context" + "github.com/go-openapi/errors" "github.com/go-openapi/strfmt" "github.com/go-openapi/swag" @@ -144,6 +146,11 @@ func (m *VersionInfo) validateVersion(formats strfmt.Registry) error { return nil } +// ContextValidate validates this version info based on context it is used +func (m *VersionInfo) ContextValidate(ctx context.Context, formats strfmt.Registry) error { + return nil +} + // MarshalBinary interface implementation func (m *VersionInfo) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) { if m == nil { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/counter.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/counter.go index 3668a16b3..a912b75a0 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/counter.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/counter.go @@ -246,7 +246,8 @@ func (v *CounterVec) GetMetricWith(labels Labels) (Counter, error) { // WithLabelValues works as GetMetricWithLabelValues, but panics where // GetMetricWithLabelValues would have returned an error. Not returning an // error allows shortcuts like -// myVec.WithLabelValues("404", "GET").Add(42) +// +// myVec.WithLabelValues("404", "GET").Add(42) func (v *CounterVec) WithLabelValues(lvs ...string) Counter { c, err := v.GetMetricWithLabelValues(lvs...) if err != nil { @@ -257,7 +258,8 @@ func (v *CounterVec) WithLabelValues(lvs ...string) Counter { // With works as GetMetricWith, but panics where GetMetricWithLabels would have // returned an error. Not returning an error allows shortcuts like -// myVec.With(prometheus.Labels{"code": "404", "method": "GET"}).Add(42) +// +// myVec.With(prometheus.Labels{"code": "404", "method": "GET"}).Add(42) func (v *CounterVec) With(labels Labels) Counter { c, err := v.GetMetricWith(labels) if err != nil { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/doc.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/doc.go index 98450125d..811072cbd 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/doc.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/doc.go @@ -21,55 +21,66 @@ // All exported functions and methods are safe to be used concurrently unless // specified otherwise. // -// A Basic Example +// # A Basic Example // // As a starting point, a very basic usage example: // -// package main -// -// import ( -// "log" -// "net/http" -// -// "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus" -// "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/promhttp" -// ) -// -// var ( -// cpuTemp = prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{ -// Name: "cpu_temperature_celsius", -// Help: "Current temperature of the CPU.", -// }) -// hdFailures = prometheus.NewCounterVec( -// prometheus.CounterOpts{ -// Name: "hd_errors_total", -// Help: "Number of hard-disk errors.", -// }, -// []string{"device"}, -// ) -// ) -// -// func init() { -// // Metrics have to be registered to be exposed: -// prometheus.MustRegister(cpuTemp) -// prometheus.MustRegister(hdFailures) -// } -// -// func main() { -// cpuTemp.Set(65.3) -// hdFailures.With(prometheus.Labels{"device":"/dev/sda"}).Inc() -// -// // The Handler function provides a default handler to expose metrics -// // via an HTTP server. "/metrics" is the usual endpoint for that. -// http.Handle("/metrics", promhttp.Handler()) -// log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)) -// } -// +// package main +// +// import ( +// "log" +// "net/http" +// +// "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus" +// "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/promhttp" +// ) +// +// type metrics struct { +// cpuTemp prometheus.Gauge +// hdFailures *prometheus.CounterVec +// } +// +// func NewMetrics(reg prometheus.Registerer) *metrics { +// m := &metrics{ +// cpuTemp: prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{ +// Name: "cpu_temperature_celsius", +// Help: "Current temperature of the CPU.", +// }), +// hdFailures: prometheus.NewCounterVec( +// prometheus.CounterOpts{ +// Name: "hd_errors_total", +// Help: "Number of hard-disk errors.", +// }, +// []string{"device"}, +// ), +// } +// reg.MustRegister(m.cpuTemp) +// reg.MustRegister(m.hdFailures) +// return m +// } +// +// func main() { +// // Create a non-global registry. +// reg := prometheus.NewRegistry() +// +// // Create new metrics and register them using the custom registry. +// m := NewMetrics(reg) +// // Set values for the new created metrics. +// m.cpuTemp.Set(65.3) +// m.hdFailures.With(prometheus.Labels{"device":"/dev/sda"}).Inc() +// +// // Expose metrics and custom registry via an HTTP server +// // using the HandleFor function. "/metrics" is the usual endpoint for that. +// http.Handle("/metrics", promhttp.HandlerFor(reg, promhttp.HandlerOpts{Registry: reg})) +// log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)) +// } // // This is a complete program that exports two metrics, a Gauge and a Counter, // the latter with a label attached to turn it into a (one-dimensional) vector. +// It register the metrics using a custom registry and exposes them via an HTTP server +// on the /metrics endpoint. // -// Metrics +// # Metrics // // The number of exported identifiers in this package might appear a bit // overwhelming. However, in addition to the basic plumbing shown in the example @@ -100,7 +111,7 @@ // To create instances of Metrics and their vector versions, you need a suitable // …Opts struct, i.e. GaugeOpts, CounterOpts, SummaryOpts, or HistogramOpts. // -// Custom Collectors and constant Metrics +// # Custom Collectors and constant Metrics // // While you could create your own implementations of Metric, most likely you // will only ever implement the Collector interface on your own. At a first @@ -141,7 +152,7 @@ // a metric, GaugeFunc, CounterFunc, or UntypedFunc might be interesting // shortcuts. // -// Advanced Uses of the Registry +// # Advanced Uses of the Registry // // While MustRegister is the by far most common way of registering a Collector, // sometimes you might want to handle the errors the registration might cause. @@ -176,23 +187,23 @@ // NewProcessCollector). With a custom registry, you are in control and decide // yourself about the Collectors to register. // -// HTTP Exposition +// # HTTP Exposition // // The Registry implements the Gatherer interface. The caller of the Gather // method can then expose the gathered metrics in some way. Usually, the metrics // are served via HTTP on the /metrics endpoint. That's happening in the example // above. The tools to expose metrics via HTTP are in the promhttp sub-package. // -// Pushing to the Pushgateway +// # Pushing to the Pushgateway // // Function for pushing to the Pushgateway can be found in the push sub-package. // -// Graphite Bridge +// # Graphite Bridge // // Functions and examples to push metrics from a Gatherer to Graphite can be // found in the graphite sub-package. // -// Other Means of Exposition +// # Other Means of Exposition // // More ways of exposing metrics can easily be added by following the approaches // of the existing implementations. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/gauge.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/gauge.go index bd0733d6a..21271a5bb 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/gauge.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/gauge.go @@ -210,7 +210,8 @@ func (v *GaugeVec) GetMetricWith(labels Labels) (Gauge, error) { // WithLabelValues works as GetMetricWithLabelValues, but panics where // GetMetricWithLabelValues would have returned an error. Not returning an // error allows shortcuts like -// myVec.WithLabelValues("404", "GET").Add(42) +// +// myVec.WithLabelValues("404", "GET").Add(42) func (v *GaugeVec) WithLabelValues(lvs ...string) Gauge { g, err := v.GetMetricWithLabelValues(lvs...) if err != nil { @@ -221,7 +222,8 @@ func (v *GaugeVec) WithLabelValues(lvs ...string) Gauge { // With works as GetMetricWith, but panics where GetMetricWithLabels would have // returned an error. Not returning an error allows shortcuts like -// myVec.With(prometheus.Labels{"code": "404", "method": "GET"}).Add(42) +// +// myVec.With(prometheus.Labels{"code": "404", "method": "GET"}).Add(42) func (v *GaugeVec) With(labels Labels) Gauge { g, err := v.GetMetricWith(labels) if err != nil { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/histogram.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/histogram.go index 73e814a4d..4c873a01c 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/histogram.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/histogram.go @@ -28,19 +28,216 @@ import ( dto "github.com/prometheus/client_model/go" ) +// nativeHistogramBounds for the frac of observed values. Only relevant for +// schema > 0. The position in the slice is the schema. (0 is never used, just +// here for convenience of using the schema directly as the index.) +// +// TODO(beorn7): Currently, we do a binary search into these slices. There are +// ways to turn it into a small number of simple array lookups. It probably only +// matters for schema 5 and beyond, but should be investigated. See this comment +// as a starting point: +// https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification/issues/1776#issuecomment-870164310 +var nativeHistogramBounds = [][]float64{ + // Schema "0": + {0.5}, + // Schema 1: + {0.5, 0.7071067811865475}, + // Schema 2: + {0.5, 0.5946035575013605, 0.7071067811865475, 0.8408964152537144}, + // Schema 3: + { + 0.5, 0.5452538663326288, 0.5946035575013605, 0.6484197773255048, + 0.7071067811865475, 0.7711054127039704, 0.8408964152537144, 0.9170040432046711, + }, + // Schema 4: + { + 0.5, 0.5221368912137069, 0.5452538663326288, 0.5693943173783458, + 0.5946035575013605, 0.620928906036742, 0.6484197773255048, 0.6771277734684463, + 0.7071067811865475, 0.7384130729697496, 0.7711054127039704, 0.805245165974627, + 0.8408964152537144, 0.8781260801866495, 0.9170040432046711, 0.9576032806985735, + }, + // Schema 5: + { + 0.5, 0.5109485743270583, 0.5221368912137069, 0.5335702003384117, + 0.5452538663326288, 0.5571933712979462, 0.5693943173783458, 0.5818624293887887, + 0.5946035575013605, 0.6076236799902344, 0.620928906036742, 0.6345254785958666, + 0.6484197773255048, 0.6626183215798706, 0.6771277734684463, 0.6919549409819159, + 0.7071067811865475, 0.7225904034885232, 0.7384130729697496, 0.7545822137967112, + 0.7711054127039704, 0.7879904225539431, 0.805245165974627, 0.8228777390769823, + 0.8408964152537144, 0.8593096490612387, 0.8781260801866495, 0.8973545375015533, + 0.9170040432046711, 0.9370838170551498, 0.9576032806985735, 0.9785720620876999, + }, + // Schema 6: + { + 0.5, 0.5054446430258502, 0.5109485743270583, 0.5165124395106142, + 0.5221368912137069, 0.5278225891802786, 0.5335702003384117, 0.5393803988785598, + 0.5452538663326288, 0.5511912916539204, 0.5571933712979462, 0.5632608093041209, + 0.5693943173783458, 0.5755946149764913, 0.5818624293887887, 0.5881984958251406, + 0.5946035575013605, 0.6010783657263515, 0.6076236799902344, 0.6142402680534349, + 0.620928906036742, 0.6276903785123455, 0.6345254785958666, 0.6414350080393891, + 0.6484197773255048, 0.6554806057623822, 0.6626183215798706, 0.6698337620266515, + 0.6771277734684463, 0.6845012114872953, 0.6919549409819159, 0.6994898362691555, + 0.7071067811865475, 0.7148066691959849, 0.7225904034885232, 0.7304588970903234, + 0.7384130729697496, 0.7464538641456323, 0.7545822137967112, 0.762799075372269, + 0.7711054127039704, 0.7795022001189185, 0.7879904225539431, 0.7965710756711334, + 0.805245165974627, 0.8140137109286738, 0.8228777390769823, 0.8318382901633681, + 0.8408964152537144, 0.8500531768592616, 0.8593096490612387, 0.8686669176368529, + 0.8781260801866495, 0.8876882462632604, 0.8973545375015533, 0.9071260877501991, + 0.9170040432046711, 0.9269895625416926, 0.9370838170551498, 0.9472879907934827, + 0.9576032806985735, 0.9680308967461471, 0.9785720620876999, 0.9892280131939752, + }, + // Schema 7: + { + 0.5, 0.5027149505564014, 0.5054446430258502, 0.5081891574554764, + 0.5109485743270583, 0.5137229745593818, 0.5165124395106142, 0.5193170509806894, + 0.5221368912137069, 0.5249720429003435, 0.5278225891802786, 0.5306886136446309, + 0.5335702003384117, 0.5364674337629877, 0.5393803988785598, 0.5423091811066545, + 0.5452538663326288, 0.5482145409081883, 0.5511912916539204, 0.5541842058618393, + 0.5571933712979462, 0.5602188762048033, 0.5632608093041209, 0.5663192597993595, + 0.5693943173783458, 0.572486072215902, 0.5755946149764913, 0.5787200368168754, + 0.5818624293887887, 0.585021884841625, 0.5881984958251406, 0.5913923554921704, + 0.5946035575013605, 0.5978321960199137, 0.6010783657263515, 0.6043421618132907, + 0.6076236799902344, 0.6109230164863786, 0.6142402680534349, 0.6175755319684665, + 0.620928906036742, 0.6243004885946023, 0.6276903785123455, 0.6310986751971253, + 0.6345254785958666, 0.637970889198196, 0.6414350080393891, 0.6449179367033329, + 0.6484197773255048, 0.6519406325959679, 0.6554806057623822, 0.659039800633032, + 0.6626183215798706, 0.6662162735415805, 0.6698337620266515, 0.6734708931164728, + 0.6771277734684463, 0.6808045103191123, 0.6845012114872953, 0.688217985377265, + 0.6919549409819159, 0.6957121878859629, 0.6994898362691555, 0.7032879969095076, + 0.7071067811865475, 0.7109463010845827, 0.7148066691959849, 0.718687998724491, + 0.7225904034885232, 0.7265139979245261, 0.7304588970903234, 0.7344252166684908, + 0.7384130729697496, 0.7424225829363761, 0.7464538641456323, 0.7505070348132126, + 0.7545822137967112, 0.7586795205991071, 0.762799075372269, 0.7669409989204777, + 0.7711054127039704, 0.7752924388424999, 0.7795022001189185, 0.7837348199827764, + 0.7879904225539431, 0.7922691326262467, 0.7965710756711334, 0.8008963778413465, + 0.805245165974627, 0.8096175675974316, 0.8140137109286738, 0.8184337248834821, + 0.8228777390769823, 0.8273458838280969, 0.8318382901633681, 0.8363550898207981, + 0.8408964152537144, 0.8454623996346523, 0.8500531768592616, 0.8546688815502312, + 0.8593096490612387, 0.8639756154809185, 0.8686669176368529, 0.8733836930995842, + 0.8781260801866495, 0.8828942179666361, 0.8876882462632604, 0.8925083056594671, + 0.8973545375015533, 0.9022270839033115, 0.9071260877501991, 0.9120516927035263, + 0.9170040432046711, 0.9219832844793128, 0.9269895625416926, 0.9320230241988943, + 0.9370838170551498, 0.9421720895161669, 0.9472879907934827, 0.9524316709088368, + 0.9576032806985735, 0.9628029718180622, 0.9680308967461471, 0.9732872087896164, + 0.9785720620876999, 0.9838856116165875, 0.9892280131939752, 0.9945994234836328, + }, + // Schema 8: + { + 0.5, 0.5013556375251013, 0.5027149505564014, 0.5040779490592088, + 0.5054446430258502, 0.5068150424757447, 0.5081891574554764, 0.509566998038869, + 0.5109485743270583, 0.5123338964485679, 0.5137229745593818, 0.5151158188430205, + 0.5165124395106142, 0.5179128468009786, 0.5193170509806894, 0.520725062344158, + 0.5221368912137069, 0.5235525479396449, 0.5249720429003435, 0.526395386502313, + 0.5278225891802786, 0.5292536613972564, 0.5306886136446309, 0.5321274564422321, + 0.5335702003384117, 0.5350168559101208, 0.5364674337629877, 0.5379219445313954, + 0.5393803988785598, 0.5408428074966075, 0.5423091811066545, 0.5437795304588847, + 0.5452538663326288, 0.5467321995364429, 0.5482145409081883, 0.549700901315111, + 0.5511912916539204, 0.5526857228508706, 0.5541842058618393, 0.5556867516724088, + 0.5571933712979462, 0.5587040757836845, 0.5602188762048033, 0.5617377836665098, + 0.5632608093041209, 0.564787964283144, 0.5663192597993595, 0.5678547070789026, + 0.5693943173783458, 0.5709381019847808, 0.572486072215902, 0.5740382394200894, + 0.5755946149764913, 0.5771552102951081, 0.5787200368168754, 0.5802891060137493, + 0.5818624293887887, 0.5834400184762408, 0.585021884841625, 0.5866080400818185, + 0.5881984958251406, 0.5897932637314379, 0.5913923554921704, 0.5929957828304968, + 0.5946035575013605, 0.5962156912915756, 0.5978321960199137, 0.5994530835371903, + 0.6010783657263515, 0.6027080545025619, 0.6043421618132907, 0.6059806996384005, + 0.6076236799902344, 0.6092711149137041, 0.6109230164863786, 0.6125793968185725, + 0.6142402680534349, 0.6159056423670379, 0.6175755319684665, 0.6192499490999082, + 0.620928906036742, 0.622612415087629, 0.6243004885946023, 0.6259931389331581, + 0.6276903785123455, 0.6293922197748583, 0.6310986751971253, 0.6328097572894031, + 0.6345254785958666, 0.6362458516947014, 0.637970889198196, 0.6397006037528346, + 0.6414350080393891, 0.6431741147730128, 0.6449179367033329, 0.6466664866145447, + 0.6484197773255048, 0.6501778216898253, 0.6519406325959679, 0.6537082229673385, + 0.6554806057623822, 0.6572577939746774, 0.659039800633032, 0.6608266388015788, + 0.6626183215798706, 0.6644148621029772, 0.6662162735415805, 0.6680225691020727, + 0.6698337620266515, 0.6716498655934177, 0.6734708931164728, 0.6752968579460171, + 0.6771277734684463, 0.6789636531064505, 0.6808045103191123, 0.6826503586020058, + 0.6845012114872953, 0.6863570825438342, 0.688217985377265, 0.690083933630119, + 0.6919549409819159, 0.6938310211492645, 0.6957121878859629, 0.6975984549830999, + 0.6994898362691555, 0.7013863456101023, 0.7032879969095076, 0.7051948041086352, + 0.7071067811865475, 0.7090239421602076, 0.7109463010845827, 0.7128738720527471, + 0.7148066691959849, 0.7167447066838943, 0.718687998724491, 0.7206365595643126, + 0.7225904034885232, 0.7245495448210174, 0.7265139979245261, 0.7284837772007218, + 0.7304588970903234, 0.7324393720732029, 0.7344252166684908, 0.7364164454346837, + 0.7384130729697496, 0.7404151139112358, 0.7424225829363761, 0.7444354947621984, + 0.7464538641456323, 0.7484777058836176, 0.7505070348132126, 0.7525418658117031, + 0.7545822137967112, 0.7566280937263048, 0.7586795205991071, 0.7607365094544071, + 0.762799075372269, 0.7648672334736434, 0.7669409989204777, 0.7690203869158282, + 0.7711054127039704, 0.7731960915705107, 0.7752924388424999, 0.7773944698885442, + 0.7795022001189185, 0.7816156449856788, 0.7837348199827764, 0.7858597406461707, + 0.7879904225539431, 0.7901268813264122, 0.7922691326262467, 0.7944171921585818, + 0.7965710756711334, 0.7987307989543135, 0.8008963778413465, 0.8030678282083853, + 0.805245165974627, 0.8074284071024302, 0.8096175675974316, 0.8118126635086642, + 0.8140137109286738, 0.8162207259936375, 0.8184337248834821, 0.820652723822003, + 0.8228777390769823, 0.8251087869603088, 0.8273458838280969, 0.8295890460808079, + 0.8318382901633681, 0.8340936325652911, 0.8363550898207981, 0.8386226785089391, + 0.8408964152537144, 0.8431763167241966, 0.8454623996346523, 0.8477546807446661, + 0.8500531768592616, 0.8523579048290255, 0.8546688815502312, 0.8569861239649629, + 0.8593096490612387, 0.8616394738731368, 0.8639756154809185, 0.8663180910111553, + 0.8686669176368529, 0.871022112577578, 0.8733836930995842, 0.8757516765159389, + 0.8781260801866495, 0.8805069215187917, 0.8828942179666361, 0.8852879870317771, + 0.8876882462632604, 0.890095013257712, 0.8925083056594671, 0.8949281411607002, + 0.8973545375015533, 0.8997875124702672, 0.9022270839033115, 0.9046732696855155, + 0.9071260877501991, 0.909585556079304, 0.9120516927035263, 0.9145245157024483, + 0.9170040432046711, 0.9194902933879467, 0.9219832844793128, 0.9244830347552253, + 0.9269895625416926, 0.92950288621441, 0.9320230241988943, 0.9345499949706191, + 0.9370838170551498, 0.93962450902828, 0.9421720895161669, 0.9447265771954693, + 0.9472879907934827, 0.9498563490882775, 0.9524316709088368, 0.9550139751351947, + 0.9576032806985735, 0.9601996065815236, 0.9628029718180622, 0.9654133954938133, + 0.9680308967461471, 0.9706554947643201, 0.9732872087896164, 0.9759260581154889, + 0.9785720620876999, 0.9812252401044634, 0.9838856116165875, 0.9865531961276168, + 0.9892280131939752, 0.9919100824251095, 0.9945994234836328, 0.9972960560854698, + }, +} + +// The nativeHistogramBounds above can be generated with the code below. +// +// TODO(beorn7): It's tempting to actually use `go generate` to generate the +// code above. However, this could lead to slightly different numbers on +// different architectures. We still need to come to terms if we are fine with +// that, or if we might prefer to specify precise numbers in the standard. +// +// var nativeHistogramBounds [][]float64 = make([][]float64, 9) +// +// func init() { +// // Populate nativeHistogramBounds. +// numBuckets := 1 +// for i := range nativeHistogramBounds { +// bounds := []float64{0.5} +// factor := math.Exp2(math.Exp2(float64(-i))) +// for j := 0; j < numBuckets-1; j++ { +// var bound float64 +// if (j+1)%2 == 0 { +// // Use previously calculated value for increased precision. +// bound = nativeHistogramBounds[i-1][j/2+1] +// } else { +// bound = bounds[j] * factor +// } +// bounds = append(bounds, bound) +// } +// numBuckets *= 2 +// nativeHistogramBounds[i] = bounds +// } +// } + // A Histogram counts individual observations from an event or sample stream in -// configurable buckets. Similar to a summary, it also provides a sum of -// observations and an observation count. +// configurable static buckets (or in dynamic sparse buckets as part of the +// experimental Native Histograms, see below for more details). Similar to a +// Summary, it also provides a sum of observations and an observation count. // // On the Prometheus server, quantiles can be calculated from a Histogram using -// the histogram_quantile function in the query language. +// the histogram_quantile PromQL function. +// +// Note that Histograms, in contrast to Summaries, can be aggregated in PromQL +// (see the documentation for detailed procedures). However, Histograms require +// the user to pre-define suitable buckets, and they are in general less +// accurate. (Both problems are addressed by the experimental Native +// Histograms. To use them, configure a NativeHistogramBucketFactor in the +// HistogramOpts. They also require a Prometheus server v2.40+ with the +// corresponding feature flag enabled.) // -// Note that Histograms, in contrast to Summaries, can be aggregated with the -// Prometheus query language (see the documentation for detailed -// procedures). However, Histograms require the user to pre-define suitable -// buckets, and they are in general less accurate. The Observe method of a -// Histogram has a very low performance overhead in comparison with the Observe -// method of a Summary. +// The Observe method of a Histogram has a very low performance overhead in +// comparison with the Observe method of a Summary. // // To create Histogram instances, use NewHistogram. type Histogram interface { @@ -50,7 +247,8 @@ type Histogram interface { // Observe adds a single observation to the histogram. Observations are // usually positive or zero. Negative observations are accepted but // prevent current versions of Prometheus from properly detecting - // counter resets in the sum of observations. See + // counter resets in the sum of observations. (The experimental Native + // Histograms handle negative observations properly.) See // https://prometheus.io/docs/practices/histograms/#count-and-sum-of-observations // for details. Observe(float64) @@ -64,18 +262,28 @@ const bucketLabel = "le" // tailored to broadly measure the response time (in seconds) of a network // service. Most likely, however, you will be required to define buckets // customized to your use case. -var ( - DefBuckets = []float64{.005, .01, .025, .05, .1, .25, .5, 1, 2.5, 5, 10} +var DefBuckets = []float64{.005, .01, .025, .05, .1, .25, .5, 1, 2.5, 5, 10} - errBucketLabelNotAllowed = fmt.Errorf( - "%q is not allowed as label name in histograms", bucketLabel, - ) +// DefNativeHistogramZeroThreshold is the default value for +// NativeHistogramZeroThreshold in the HistogramOpts. +// +// The value is 2^-128 (or 0.5*2^-127 in the actual IEEE 754 representation), +// which is a bucket boundary at all possible resolutions. +const DefNativeHistogramZeroThreshold = 2.938735877055719e-39 + +// NativeHistogramZeroThresholdZero can be used as NativeHistogramZeroThreshold +// in the HistogramOpts to create a zero bucket of width zero, i.e. a zero +// bucket that only receives observations of precisely zero. +const NativeHistogramZeroThresholdZero = -1 + +var errBucketLabelNotAllowed = fmt.Errorf( + "%q is not allowed as label name in histograms", bucketLabel, ) -// LinearBuckets creates 'count' buckets, each 'width' wide, where the lowest -// bucket has an upper bound of 'start'. The final +Inf bucket is not counted -// and not included in the returned slice. The returned slice is meant to be -// used for the Buckets field of HistogramOpts. +// LinearBuckets creates 'count' regular buckets, each 'width' wide, where the +// lowest bucket has an upper bound of 'start'. The final +Inf bucket is not +// counted and not included in the returned slice. The returned slice is meant +// to be used for the Buckets field of HistogramOpts. // // The function panics if 'count' is zero or negative. func LinearBuckets(start, width float64, count int) []float64 { @@ -90,11 +298,11 @@ func LinearBuckets(start, width float64, count int) []float64 { return buckets } -// ExponentialBuckets creates 'count' buckets, where the lowest bucket has an -// upper bound of 'start' and each following bucket's upper bound is 'factor' -// times the previous bucket's upper bound. The final +Inf bucket is not counted -// and not included in the returned slice. The returned slice is meant to be -// used for the Buckets field of HistogramOpts. +// ExponentialBuckets creates 'count' regular buckets, where the lowest bucket +// has an upper bound of 'start' and each following bucket's upper bound is +// 'factor' times the previous bucket's upper bound. The final +Inf bucket is +// not counted and not included in the returned slice. The returned slice is +// meant to be used for the Buckets field of HistogramOpts. // // The function panics if 'count' is 0 or negative, if 'start' is 0 or negative, // or if 'factor' is less than or equal 1. @@ -180,8 +388,85 @@ type HistogramOpts struct { // element in the slice is the upper inclusive bound of a bucket. The // values must be sorted in strictly increasing order. There is no need // to add a highest bucket with +Inf bound, it will be added - // implicitly. The default value is DefBuckets. + // implicitly. If Buckets is left as nil or set to a slice of length + // zero, it is replaced by default buckets. The default buckets are + // DefBuckets if no buckets for a native histogram (see below) are used, + // otherwise the default is no buckets. (In other words, if you want to + // use both reguler buckets and buckets for a native histogram, you have + // to define the regular buckets here explicitly.) Buckets []float64 + + // If NativeHistogramBucketFactor is greater than one, so-called sparse + // buckets are used (in addition to the regular buckets, if defined + // above). A Histogram with sparse buckets will be ingested as a Native + // Histogram by a Prometheus server with that feature enabled (requires + // Prometheus v2.40+). Sparse buckets are exponential buckets covering + // the whole float64 range (with the exception of the “zero” bucket, see + // SparseBucketsZeroThreshold below). From any one bucket to the next, + // the width of the bucket grows by a constant + // factor. NativeHistogramBucketFactor provides an upper bound for this + // factor (exception see below). The smaller + // NativeHistogramBucketFactor, the more buckets will be used and thus + // the more costly the histogram will become. A generally good trade-off + // between cost and accuracy is a value of 1.1 (each bucket is at most + // 10% wider than the previous one), which will result in each power of + // two divided into 8 buckets (e.g. there will be 8 buckets between 1 + // and 2, same as between 2 and 4, and 4 and 8, etc.). + // + // Details about the actually used factor: The factor is calculated as + // 2^(2^n), where n is an integer number between (and including) -8 and + // 4. n is chosen so that the resulting factor is the largest that is + // still smaller or equal to NativeHistogramBucketFactor. Note that the + // smallest possible factor is therefore approx. 1.00271 (i.e. 2^(2^-8) + // ). If NativeHistogramBucketFactor is greater than 1 but smaller than + // 2^(2^-8), then the actually used factor is still 2^(2^-8) even though + // it is larger than the provided NativeHistogramBucketFactor. + // + // NOTE: Native Histograms are still an experimental feature. Their + // behavior might still change without a major version + // bump. Subsequently, all NativeHistogram... options here might still + // change their behavior or name (or might completely disappear) without + // a major version bump. + NativeHistogramBucketFactor float64 + // All observations with an absolute value of less or equal + // NativeHistogramZeroThreshold are accumulated into a “zero” + // bucket. For best results, this should be close to a bucket + // boundary. This is usually the case if picking a power of two. If + // NativeHistogramZeroThreshold is left at zero, + // DefSparseBucketsZeroThreshold is used as the threshold. To configure + // a zero bucket with an actual threshold of zero (i.e. only + // observations of precisely zero will go into the zero bucket), set + // NativeHistogramZeroThreshold to the NativeHistogramZeroThresholdZero + // constant (or any negative float value). + NativeHistogramZeroThreshold float64 + + // The remaining fields define a strategy to limit the number of + // populated sparse buckets. If NativeHistogramMaxBucketNumber is left + // at zero, the number of buckets is not limited. (Note that this might + // lead to unbounded memory consumption if the values observed by the + // Histogram are sufficiently wide-spread. In particular, this could be + // used as a DoS attack vector. Where the observed values depend on + // external inputs, it is highly recommended to set a + // NativeHistogramMaxBucketNumber.) Once the set + // NativeHistogramMaxBucketNumber is exceeded, the following strategy is + // enacted: First, if the last reset (or the creation) of the histogram + // is at least NativeHistogramMinResetDuration ago, then the whole + // histogram is reset to its initial state (including regular + // buckets). If less time has passed, or if + // NativeHistogramMinResetDuration is zero, no reset is + // performed. Instead, the zero threshold is increased sufficiently to + // reduce the number of buckets to or below + // NativeHistogramMaxBucketNumber, but not to more than + // NativeHistogramMaxZeroThreshold. Thus, if + // NativeHistogramMaxZeroThreshold is already at or below the current + // zero threshold, nothing happens at this step. After that, if the + // number of buckets still exceeds NativeHistogramMaxBucketNumber, the + // resolution of the histogram is reduced by doubling the width of the + // sparse buckets (up to a growth factor between one bucket to the next + // of 2^(2^4) = 65536, see above). + NativeHistogramMaxBucketNumber uint32 + NativeHistogramMinResetDuration time.Duration + NativeHistogramMaxZeroThreshold float64 } // NewHistogram creates a new Histogram based on the provided HistogramOpts. It @@ -218,16 +503,29 @@ func newHistogram(desc *Desc, opts HistogramOpts, labelValues ...string) Histogr } } - if len(opts.Buckets) == 0 { - opts.Buckets = DefBuckets - } - h := &histogram{ - desc: desc, - upperBounds: opts.Buckets, - labelPairs: MakeLabelPairs(desc, labelValues), - counts: [2]*histogramCounts{{}, {}}, - now: time.Now, + desc: desc, + upperBounds: opts.Buckets, + labelPairs: MakeLabelPairs(desc, labelValues), + nativeHistogramMaxBuckets: opts.NativeHistogramMaxBucketNumber, + nativeHistogramMaxZeroThreshold: opts.NativeHistogramMaxZeroThreshold, + nativeHistogramMinResetDuration: opts.NativeHistogramMinResetDuration, + lastResetTime: time.Now(), + now: time.Now, + } + if len(h.upperBounds) == 0 && opts.NativeHistogramBucketFactor <= 1 { + h.upperBounds = DefBuckets + } + if opts.NativeHistogramBucketFactor <= 1 { + h.nativeHistogramSchema = math.MinInt32 // To mark that there are no sparse buckets. + } else { + switch { + case opts.NativeHistogramZeroThreshold > 0: + h.nativeHistogramZeroThreshold = opts.NativeHistogramZeroThreshold + case opts.NativeHistogramZeroThreshold == 0: + h.nativeHistogramZeroThreshold = DefNativeHistogramZeroThreshold + } // Leave h.nativeHistogramZeroThreshold at 0 otherwise. + h.nativeHistogramSchema = pickSchema(opts.NativeHistogramBucketFactor) } for i, upperBound := range h.upperBounds { if i < len(h.upperBounds)-1 { @@ -246,8 +544,16 @@ func newHistogram(desc *Desc, opts HistogramOpts, labelValues ...string) Histogr } // Finally we know the final length of h.upperBounds and can make buckets // for both counts as well as exemplars: - h.counts[0].buckets = make([]uint64, len(h.upperBounds)) - h.counts[1].buckets = make([]uint64, len(h.upperBounds)) + h.counts[0] = &histogramCounts{ + buckets: make([]uint64, len(h.upperBounds)), + nativeHistogramZeroThresholdBits: math.Float64bits(h.nativeHistogramZeroThreshold), + nativeHistogramSchema: h.nativeHistogramSchema, + } + h.counts[1] = &histogramCounts{ + buckets: make([]uint64, len(h.upperBounds)), + nativeHistogramZeroThresholdBits: math.Float64bits(h.nativeHistogramZeroThreshold), + nativeHistogramSchema: h.nativeHistogramSchema, + } h.exemplars = make([]atomic.Value, len(h.upperBounds)+1) h.init(h) // Init self-collection. @@ -255,13 +561,98 @@ func newHistogram(desc *Desc, opts HistogramOpts, labelValues ...string) Histogr } type histogramCounts struct { + // Order in this struct matters for the alignment required by atomic + // operations, see http://golang.org/pkg/sync/atomic/#pkg-note-BUG + // sumBits contains the bits of the float64 representing the sum of all - // observations. sumBits and count have to go first in the struct to - // guarantee alignment for atomic operations. - // http://golang.org/pkg/sync/atomic/#pkg-note-BUG + // observations. sumBits uint64 count uint64 + + // nativeHistogramZeroBucket counts all (positive and negative) + // observations in the zero bucket (with an absolute value less or equal + // the current threshold, see next field. + nativeHistogramZeroBucket uint64 + // nativeHistogramZeroThresholdBits is the bit pattern of the current + // threshold for the zero bucket. It's initially equal to + // nativeHistogramZeroThreshold but may change according to the bucket + // count limitation strategy. + nativeHistogramZeroThresholdBits uint64 + // nativeHistogramSchema may change over time according to the bucket + // count limitation strategy and therefore has to be saved here. + nativeHistogramSchema int32 + // Number of (positive and negative) sparse buckets. + nativeHistogramBucketsNumber uint32 + + // Regular buckets. buckets []uint64 + + // The sparse buckets for native histograms are implemented with a + // sync.Map for now. A dedicated data structure will likely be more + // efficient. There are separate maps for negative and positive + // observations. The map's value is an *int64, counting observations in + // that bucket. (Note that we don't use uint64 as an int64 won't + // overflow in practice, and working with signed numbers from the + // beginning simplifies the handling of deltas.) The map's key is the + // index of the bucket according to the used + // nativeHistogramSchema. Index 0 is for an upper bound of 1. + nativeHistogramBucketsPositive, nativeHistogramBucketsNegative sync.Map +} + +// observe manages the parts of observe that only affects +// histogramCounts. doSparse is true if sparse buckets should be done, +// too. +func (hc *histogramCounts) observe(v float64, bucket int, doSparse bool) { + if bucket < len(hc.buckets) { + atomic.AddUint64(&hc.buckets[bucket], 1) + } + atomicAddFloat(&hc.sumBits, v) + if doSparse && !math.IsNaN(v) { + var ( + key int + schema = atomic.LoadInt32(&hc.nativeHistogramSchema) + zeroThreshold = math.Float64frombits(atomic.LoadUint64(&hc.nativeHistogramZeroThresholdBits)) + bucketCreated, isInf bool + ) + if math.IsInf(v, 0) { + // Pretend v is MaxFloat64 but later increment key by one. + if math.IsInf(v, +1) { + v = math.MaxFloat64 + } else { + v = -math.MaxFloat64 + } + isInf = true + } + frac, exp := math.Frexp(math.Abs(v)) + if schema > 0 { + bounds := nativeHistogramBounds[schema] + key = sort.SearchFloat64s(bounds, frac) + (exp-1)*len(bounds) + } else { + key = exp + if frac == 0.5 { + key-- + } + div := 1 << -schema + key = (key + div - 1) / div + } + if isInf { + key++ + } + switch { + case v > zeroThreshold: + bucketCreated = addToBucket(&hc.nativeHistogramBucketsPositive, key, 1) + case v < -zeroThreshold: + bucketCreated = addToBucket(&hc.nativeHistogramBucketsNegative, key, 1) + default: + atomic.AddUint64(&hc.nativeHistogramZeroBucket, 1) + } + if bucketCreated { + atomic.AddUint32(&hc.nativeHistogramBucketsNumber, 1) + } + } + // Increment count last as we take it as a signal that the observation + // is complete. + atomic.AddUint64(&hc.count, 1) } type histogram struct { @@ -276,7 +667,7 @@ type histogram struct { // perspective of the histogram) swap the hot–cold under the writeMtx // lock. A cooldown is awaited (while locked) by comparing the number of // observations with the initiation count. Once they match, then the - // last observation on the now cool one has completed. All cool fields must + // last observation on the now cool one has completed. All cold fields must // be merged into the new hot before releasing writeMtx. // // Fields with atomic access first! See alignment constraint: @@ -284,8 +675,10 @@ type histogram struct { countAndHotIdx uint64 selfCollector - desc *Desc - writeMtx sync.Mutex // Only used in the Write method. + desc *Desc + + // Only used in the Write method and for sparse bucket management. + mtx sync.Mutex // Two counts, one is "hot" for lock-free observations, the other is // "cold" for writing out a dto.Metric. It has to be an array of @@ -293,9 +686,15 @@ type histogram struct { // http://golang.org/pkg/sync/atomic/#pkg-note-BUG. counts [2]*histogramCounts - upperBounds []float64 - labelPairs []*dto.LabelPair - exemplars []atomic.Value // One more than buckets (to include +Inf), each a *dto.Exemplar. + upperBounds []float64 + labelPairs []*dto.LabelPair + exemplars []atomic.Value // One more than buckets (to include +Inf), each a *dto.Exemplar. + nativeHistogramSchema int32 // The initial schema. Set to math.MinInt32 if no sparse buckets are used. + nativeHistogramZeroThreshold float64 // The initial zero threshold. + nativeHistogramMaxZeroThreshold float64 + nativeHistogramMaxBuckets uint32 + nativeHistogramMinResetDuration time.Duration + lastResetTime time.Time // Protected by mtx. now func() time.Time // To mock out time.Now() for testing. } @@ -319,8 +718,8 @@ func (h *histogram) Write(out *dto.Metric) error { // the hot path, i.e. Observe is called much more often than Write. The // complication of making Write lock-free isn't worth it, if possible at // all. - h.writeMtx.Lock() - defer h.writeMtx.Unlock() + h.mtx.Lock() + defer h.mtx.Unlock() // Adding 1<<63 switches the hot index (from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 0) // without touching the count bits. See the struct comments for a full @@ -333,16 +732,16 @@ func (h *histogram) Write(out *dto.Metric) error { hotCounts := h.counts[n>>63] coldCounts := h.counts[(^n)>>63] - // Await cooldown. - for count != atomic.LoadUint64(&coldCounts.count) { - runtime.Gosched() // Let observations get work done. - } + waitForCooldown(count, coldCounts) his := &dto.Histogram{ Bucket: make([]*dto.Bucket, len(h.upperBounds)), SampleCount: proto.Uint64(count), SampleSum: proto.Float64(math.Float64frombits(atomic.LoadUint64(&coldCounts.sumBits))), } + out.Histogram = his + out.Label = h.labelPairs + var cumCount uint64 for i, upperBound := range h.upperBounds { cumCount += atomic.LoadUint64(&coldCounts.buckets[i]) @@ -363,25 +762,21 @@ func (h *histogram) Write(out *dto.Metric) error { } his.Bucket = append(his.Bucket, b) } - - out.Histogram = his - out.Label = h.labelPairs - - // Finally add all the cold counts to the new hot counts and reset the cold counts. - atomic.AddUint64(&hotCounts.count, count) - atomic.StoreUint64(&coldCounts.count, 0) - for { - oldBits := atomic.LoadUint64(&hotCounts.sumBits) - newBits := math.Float64bits(math.Float64frombits(oldBits) + his.GetSampleSum()) - if atomic.CompareAndSwapUint64(&hotCounts.sumBits, oldBits, newBits) { - atomic.StoreUint64(&coldCounts.sumBits, 0) - break - } - } - for i := range h.upperBounds { - atomic.AddUint64(&hotCounts.buckets[i], atomic.LoadUint64(&coldCounts.buckets[i])) - atomic.StoreUint64(&coldCounts.buckets[i], 0) + if h.nativeHistogramSchema > math.MinInt32 { + his.ZeroThreshold = proto.Float64(math.Float64frombits(atomic.LoadUint64(&coldCounts.nativeHistogramZeroThresholdBits))) + his.Schema = proto.Int32(atomic.LoadInt32(&coldCounts.nativeHistogramSchema)) + zeroBucket := atomic.LoadUint64(&coldCounts.nativeHistogramZeroBucket) + + defer func() { + coldCounts.nativeHistogramBucketsPositive.Range(addAndReset(&hotCounts.nativeHistogramBucketsPositive, &hotCounts.nativeHistogramBucketsNumber)) + coldCounts.nativeHistogramBucketsNegative.Range(addAndReset(&hotCounts.nativeHistogramBucketsNegative, &hotCounts.nativeHistogramBucketsNumber)) + }() + + his.ZeroCount = proto.Uint64(zeroBucket) + his.NegativeSpan, his.NegativeDelta = makeBuckets(&coldCounts.nativeHistogramBucketsNegative) + his.PositiveSpan, his.PositiveDelta = makeBuckets(&coldCounts.nativeHistogramBucketsPositive) } + addAndResetCounts(hotCounts, coldCounts) return nil } @@ -402,25 +797,216 @@ func (h *histogram) findBucket(v float64) int { // observe is the implementation for Observe without the findBucket part. func (h *histogram) observe(v float64, bucket int) { + // Do not add to sparse buckets for NaN observations. + doSparse := h.nativeHistogramSchema > math.MinInt32 && !math.IsNaN(v) // We increment h.countAndHotIdx so that the counter in the lower // 63 bits gets incremented. At the same time, we get the new value // back, which we can use to find the currently-hot counts. n := atomic.AddUint64(&h.countAndHotIdx, 1) hotCounts := h.counts[n>>63] + hotCounts.observe(v, bucket, doSparse) + if doSparse { + h.limitBuckets(hotCounts, v, bucket) + } +} - if bucket < len(h.upperBounds) { - atomic.AddUint64(&hotCounts.buckets[bucket], 1) +// limitSparsebuckets applies a strategy to limit the number of populated sparse +// buckets. It's generally best effort, and there are situations where the +// number can go higher (if even the lowest resolution isn't enough to reduce +// the number sufficiently, or if the provided counts aren't fully updated yet +// by a concurrently happening Write call). +func (h *histogram) limitBuckets(counts *histogramCounts, value float64, bucket int) { + if h.nativeHistogramMaxBuckets == 0 { + return // No limit configured. } - for { - oldBits := atomic.LoadUint64(&hotCounts.sumBits) - newBits := math.Float64bits(math.Float64frombits(oldBits) + v) - if atomic.CompareAndSwapUint64(&hotCounts.sumBits, oldBits, newBits) { - break + if h.nativeHistogramMaxBuckets >= atomic.LoadUint32(&counts.nativeHistogramBucketsNumber) { + return // Bucket limit not exceeded yet. + } + + h.mtx.Lock() + defer h.mtx.Unlock() + + // The hot counts might have been swapped just before we acquired the + // lock. Re-fetch the hot counts first... + n := atomic.LoadUint64(&h.countAndHotIdx) + hotIdx := n >> 63 + coldIdx := (^n) >> 63 + hotCounts := h.counts[hotIdx] + coldCounts := h.counts[coldIdx] + // ...and then check again if we really have to reduce the bucket count. + if h.nativeHistogramMaxBuckets >= atomic.LoadUint32(&hotCounts.nativeHistogramBucketsNumber) { + return // Bucket limit not exceeded after all. + } + // Try the various strategies in order. + if h.maybeReset(hotCounts, coldCounts, coldIdx, value, bucket) { + return + } + if h.maybeWidenZeroBucket(hotCounts, coldCounts) { + return + } + h.doubleBucketWidth(hotCounts, coldCounts) +} + +// maybeReset resests the whole histogram if at least h.nativeHistogramMinResetDuration +// has been passed. It returns true if the histogram has been reset. The caller +// must have locked h.mtx. +func (h *histogram) maybeReset(hot, cold *histogramCounts, coldIdx uint64, value float64, bucket int) bool { + // We are using the possibly mocked h.now() rather than + // time.Since(h.lastResetTime) to enable testing. + if h.nativeHistogramMinResetDuration == 0 || h.now().Sub(h.lastResetTime) < h.nativeHistogramMinResetDuration { + return false + } + // Completely reset coldCounts. + h.resetCounts(cold) + // Repeat the latest observation to not lose it completely. + cold.observe(value, bucket, true) + // Make coldCounts the new hot counts while ressetting countAndHotIdx. + n := atomic.SwapUint64(&h.countAndHotIdx, (coldIdx<<63)+1) + count := n & ((1 << 63) - 1) + waitForCooldown(count, hot) + // Finally, reset the formerly hot counts, too. + h.resetCounts(hot) + h.lastResetTime = h.now() + return true +} + +// maybeWidenZeroBucket widens the zero bucket until it includes the existing +// buckets closest to the zero bucket (which could be two, if an equidistant +// negative and a positive bucket exists, but usually it's only one bucket to be +// merged into the new wider zero bucket). h.nativeHistogramMaxZeroThreshold +// limits how far the zero bucket can be extended, and if that's not enough to +// include an existing bucket, the method returns false. The caller must have +// locked h.mtx. +func (h *histogram) maybeWidenZeroBucket(hot, cold *histogramCounts) bool { + currentZeroThreshold := math.Float64frombits(atomic.LoadUint64(&hot.nativeHistogramZeroThresholdBits)) + if currentZeroThreshold >= h.nativeHistogramMaxZeroThreshold { + return false + } + // Find the key of the bucket closest to zero. + smallestKey := findSmallestKey(&hot.nativeHistogramBucketsPositive) + smallestNegativeKey := findSmallestKey(&hot.nativeHistogramBucketsNegative) + if smallestNegativeKey < smallestKey { + smallestKey = smallestNegativeKey + } + if smallestKey == math.MaxInt32 { + return false + } + newZeroThreshold := getLe(smallestKey, atomic.LoadInt32(&hot.nativeHistogramSchema)) + if newZeroThreshold > h.nativeHistogramMaxZeroThreshold { + return false // New threshold would exceed the max threshold. + } + atomic.StoreUint64(&cold.nativeHistogramZeroThresholdBits, math.Float64bits(newZeroThreshold)) + // Remove applicable buckets. + if _, loaded := cold.nativeHistogramBucketsNegative.LoadAndDelete(smallestKey); loaded { + atomicDecUint32(&cold.nativeHistogramBucketsNumber) + } + if _, loaded := cold.nativeHistogramBucketsPositive.LoadAndDelete(smallestKey); loaded { + atomicDecUint32(&cold.nativeHistogramBucketsNumber) + } + // Make cold counts the new hot counts. + n := atomic.AddUint64(&h.countAndHotIdx, 1<<63) + count := n & ((1 << 63) - 1) + // Swap the pointer names to represent the new roles and make + // the rest less confusing. + hot, cold = cold, hot + waitForCooldown(count, cold) + // Add all the now cold counts to the new hot counts... + addAndResetCounts(hot, cold) + // ...adjust the new zero threshold in the cold counts, too... + atomic.StoreUint64(&cold.nativeHistogramZeroThresholdBits, math.Float64bits(newZeroThreshold)) + // ...and then merge the newly deleted buckets into the wider zero + // bucket. + mergeAndDeleteOrAddAndReset := func(hotBuckets, coldBuckets *sync.Map) func(k, v interface{}) bool { + return func(k, v interface{}) bool { + key := k.(int) + bucket := v.(*int64) + if key == smallestKey { + // Merge into hot zero bucket... + atomic.AddUint64(&hot.nativeHistogramZeroBucket, uint64(atomic.LoadInt64(bucket))) + // ...and delete from cold counts. + coldBuckets.Delete(key) + atomicDecUint32(&cold.nativeHistogramBucketsNumber) + } else { + // Add to corresponding hot bucket... + if addToBucket(hotBuckets, key, atomic.LoadInt64(bucket)) { + atomic.AddUint32(&hot.nativeHistogramBucketsNumber, 1) + } + // ...and reset cold bucket. + atomic.StoreInt64(bucket, 0) + } + return true } } - // Increment count last as we take it as a signal that the observation - // is complete. - atomic.AddUint64(&hotCounts.count, 1) + + cold.nativeHistogramBucketsPositive.Range(mergeAndDeleteOrAddAndReset(&hot.nativeHistogramBucketsPositive, &cold.nativeHistogramBucketsPositive)) + cold.nativeHistogramBucketsNegative.Range(mergeAndDeleteOrAddAndReset(&hot.nativeHistogramBucketsNegative, &cold.nativeHistogramBucketsNegative)) + return true +} + +// doubleBucketWidth doubles the bucket width (by decrementing the schema +// number). Note that very sparse buckets could lead to a low reduction of the +// bucket count (or even no reduction at all). The method does nothing if the +// schema is already -4. +func (h *histogram) doubleBucketWidth(hot, cold *histogramCounts) { + coldSchema := atomic.LoadInt32(&cold.nativeHistogramSchema) + if coldSchema == -4 { + return // Already at lowest resolution. + } + coldSchema-- + atomic.StoreInt32(&cold.nativeHistogramSchema, coldSchema) + // Play it simple and just delete all cold buckets. + atomic.StoreUint32(&cold.nativeHistogramBucketsNumber, 0) + deleteSyncMap(&cold.nativeHistogramBucketsNegative) + deleteSyncMap(&cold.nativeHistogramBucketsPositive) + // Make coldCounts the new hot counts. + n := atomic.AddUint64(&h.countAndHotIdx, 1<<63) + count := n & ((1 << 63) - 1) + // Swap the pointer names to represent the new roles and make + // the rest less confusing. + hot, cold = cold, hot + waitForCooldown(count, cold) + // Add all the now cold counts to the new hot counts... + addAndResetCounts(hot, cold) + // ...adjust the schema in the cold counts, too... + atomic.StoreInt32(&cold.nativeHistogramSchema, coldSchema) + // ...and then merge the cold buckets into the wider hot buckets. + merge := func(hotBuckets *sync.Map) func(k, v interface{}) bool { + return func(k, v interface{}) bool { + key := k.(int) + bucket := v.(*int64) + // Adjust key to match the bucket to merge into. + if key > 0 { + key++ + } + key /= 2 + // Add to corresponding hot bucket. + if addToBucket(hotBuckets, key, atomic.LoadInt64(bucket)) { + atomic.AddUint32(&hot.nativeHistogramBucketsNumber, 1) + } + return true + } + } + + cold.nativeHistogramBucketsPositive.Range(merge(&hot.nativeHistogramBucketsPositive)) + cold.nativeHistogramBucketsNegative.Range(merge(&hot.nativeHistogramBucketsNegative)) + // Play it simple again and just delete all cold buckets. + atomic.StoreUint32(&cold.nativeHistogramBucketsNumber, 0) + deleteSyncMap(&cold.nativeHistogramBucketsNegative) + deleteSyncMap(&cold.nativeHistogramBucketsPositive) +} + +func (h *histogram) resetCounts(counts *histogramCounts) { + atomic.StoreUint64(&counts.sumBits, 0) + atomic.StoreUint64(&counts.count, 0) + atomic.StoreUint64(&counts.nativeHistogramZeroBucket, 0) + atomic.StoreUint64(&counts.nativeHistogramZeroThresholdBits, math.Float64bits(h.nativeHistogramZeroThreshold)) + atomic.StoreInt32(&counts.nativeHistogramSchema, h.nativeHistogramSchema) + atomic.StoreUint32(&counts.nativeHistogramBucketsNumber, 0) + for i := range h.upperBounds { + atomic.StoreUint64(&counts.buckets[i], 0) + } + deleteSyncMap(&counts.nativeHistogramBucketsNegative) + deleteSyncMap(&counts.nativeHistogramBucketsPositive) } // updateExemplar replaces the exemplar for the provided bucket. With empty @@ -516,7 +1102,8 @@ func (v *HistogramVec) GetMetricWith(labels Labels) (Observer, error) { // WithLabelValues works as GetMetricWithLabelValues, but panics where // GetMetricWithLabelValues would have returned an error. Not returning an // error allows shortcuts like -// myVec.WithLabelValues("404", "GET").Observe(42.21) +// +// myVec.WithLabelValues("404", "GET").Observe(42.21) func (v *HistogramVec) WithLabelValues(lvs ...string) Observer { h, err := v.GetMetricWithLabelValues(lvs...) if err != nil { @@ -527,7 +1114,8 @@ func (v *HistogramVec) WithLabelValues(lvs ...string) Observer { // With works as GetMetricWith but panics where GetMetricWithLabels would have // returned an error. Not returning an error allows shortcuts like -// myVec.With(prometheus.Labels{"code": "404", "method": "GET"}).Observe(42.21) +// +// myVec.With(prometheus.Labels{"code": "404", "method": "GET"}).Observe(42.21) func (v *HistogramVec) With(labels Labels) Observer { h, err := v.GetMetricWith(labels) if err != nil { @@ -668,3 +1256,229 @@ func (s buckSort) Swap(i, j int) { func (s buckSort) Less(i, j int) bool { return s[i].GetUpperBound() < s[j].GetUpperBound() } + +// pickSchema returns the largest number n between -4 and 8 such that +// 2^(2^-n) is less or equal the provided bucketFactor. +// +// Special cases: +// - bucketFactor <= 1: panics. +// - bucketFactor < 2^(2^-8) (but > 1): still returns 8. +func pickSchema(bucketFactor float64) int32 { + if bucketFactor <= 1 { + panic(fmt.Errorf("bucketFactor %f is <=1", bucketFactor)) + } + floor := math.Floor(math.Log2(math.Log2(bucketFactor))) + switch { + case floor <= -8: + return 8 + case floor >= 4: + return -4 + default: + return -int32(floor) + } +} + +func makeBuckets(buckets *sync.Map) ([]*dto.BucketSpan, []int64) { + var ii []int + buckets.Range(func(k, v interface{}) bool { + ii = append(ii, k.(int)) + return true + }) + sort.Ints(ii) + + if len(ii) == 0 { + return nil, nil + } + + var ( + spans []*dto.BucketSpan + deltas []int64 + prevCount int64 + nextI int + ) + + appendDelta := func(count int64) { + *spans[len(spans)-1].Length++ + deltas = append(deltas, count-prevCount) + prevCount = count + } + + for n, i := range ii { + v, _ := buckets.Load(i) + count := atomic.LoadInt64(v.(*int64)) + // Multiple spans with only small gaps in between are probably + // encoded more efficiently as one larger span with a few empty + // buckets. Needs some research to find the sweet spot. For now, + // we assume that gaps of one ore two buckets should not create + // a new span. + iDelta := int32(i - nextI) + if n == 0 || iDelta > 2 { + // We have to create a new span, either because we are + // at the very beginning, or because we have found a gap + // of more than two buckets. + spans = append(spans, &dto.BucketSpan{ + Offset: proto.Int32(iDelta), + Length: proto.Uint32(0), + }) + } else { + // We have found a small gap (or no gap at all). + // Insert empty buckets as needed. + for j := int32(0); j < iDelta; j++ { + appendDelta(0) + } + } + appendDelta(count) + nextI = i + 1 + } + return spans, deltas +} + +// addToBucket increments the sparse bucket at key by the provided amount. It +// returns true if a new sparse bucket had to be created for that. +func addToBucket(buckets *sync.Map, key int, increment int64) bool { + if existingBucket, ok := buckets.Load(key); ok { + // Fast path without allocation. + atomic.AddInt64(existingBucket.(*int64), increment) + return false + } + // Bucket doesn't exist yet. Slow path allocating new counter. + newBucket := increment // TODO(beorn7): Check if this is sufficient to not let increment escape. + if actualBucket, loaded := buckets.LoadOrStore(key, &newBucket); loaded { + // The bucket was created concurrently in another goroutine. + // Have to increment after all. + atomic.AddInt64(actualBucket.(*int64), increment) + return false + } + return true +} + +// addAndReset returns a function to be used with sync.Map.Range of spare +// buckets in coldCounts. It increments the buckets in the provided hotBuckets +// according to the buckets ranged through. It then resets all buckets ranged +// through to 0 (but leaves them in place so that they don't need to get +// recreated on the next scrape). +func addAndReset(hotBuckets *sync.Map, bucketNumber *uint32) func(k, v interface{}) bool { + return func(k, v interface{}) bool { + bucket := v.(*int64) + if addToBucket(hotBuckets, k.(int), atomic.LoadInt64(bucket)) { + atomic.AddUint32(bucketNumber, 1) + } + atomic.StoreInt64(bucket, 0) + return true + } +} + +func deleteSyncMap(m *sync.Map) { + m.Range(func(k, v interface{}) bool { + m.Delete(k) + return true + }) +} + +func findSmallestKey(m *sync.Map) int { + result := math.MaxInt32 + m.Range(func(k, v interface{}) bool { + key := k.(int) + if key < result { + result = key + } + return true + }) + return result +} + +func getLe(key int, schema int32) float64 { + // Here a bit of context about the behavior for the last bucket counting + // regular numbers (called simply "last bucket" below) and the bucket + // counting observations of ±Inf (called "inf bucket" below, with a key + // one higher than that of the "last bucket"): + // + // If we apply the usual formula to the last bucket, its upper bound + // would be calculated as +Inf. The reason is that the max possible + // regular float64 number (math.MaxFloat64) doesn't coincide with one of + // the calculated bucket boundaries. So the calculated boundary has to + // be larger than math.MaxFloat64, and the only float64 larger than + // math.MaxFloat64 is +Inf. However, we want to count actual + // observations of ±Inf in the inf bucket. Therefore, we have to treat + // the upper bound of the last bucket specially and set it to + // math.MaxFloat64. (The upper bound of the inf bucket, with its key + // being one higher than that of the last bucket, naturally comes out as + // +Inf by the usual formula. So that's fine.) + // + // math.MaxFloat64 has a frac of 0.9999999999999999 and an exp of + // 1024. If there were a float64 number following math.MaxFloat64, it + // would have a frac of 1.0 and an exp of 1024, or equivalently a frac + // of 0.5 and an exp of 1025. However, since frac must be smaller than + // 1, and exp must be smaller than 1025, either representation overflows + // a float64. (Which, in turn, is the reason that math.MaxFloat64 is the + // largest possible float64. Q.E.D.) However, the formula for + // calculating the upper bound from the idx and schema of the last + // bucket results in precisely that. It is either frac=1.0 & exp=1024 + // (for schema < 0) or frac=0.5 & exp=1025 (for schema >=0). (This is, + // by the way, a power of two where the exponent itself is a power of + // two, 2¹⁰ in fact, which coinicides with a bucket boundary in all + // schemas.) So these are the special cases we have to catch below. + if schema < 0 { + exp := key << -schema + if exp == 1024 { + // This is the last bucket before the overflow bucket + // (for ±Inf observations). Return math.MaxFloat64 as + // explained above. + return math.MaxFloat64 + } + return math.Ldexp(1, exp) + } + + fracIdx := key & ((1 << schema) - 1) + frac := nativeHistogramBounds[schema][fracIdx] + exp := (key >> schema) + 1 + if frac == 0.5 && exp == 1025 { + // This is the last bucket before the overflow bucket (for ±Inf + // observations). Return math.MaxFloat64 as explained above. + return math.MaxFloat64 + } + return math.Ldexp(frac, exp) +} + +// waitForCooldown returns after the count field in the provided histogramCounts +// has reached the provided count value. +func waitForCooldown(count uint64, counts *histogramCounts) { + for count != atomic.LoadUint64(&counts.count) { + runtime.Gosched() // Let observations get work done. + } +} + +// atomicAddFloat adds the provided float atomically to another float +// represented by the bit pattern the bits pointer is pointing to. +func atomicAddFloat(bits *uint64, v float64) { + for { + loadedBits := atomic.LoadUint64(bits) + newBits := math.Float64bits(math.Float64frombits(loadedBits) + v) + if atomic.CompareAndSwapUint64(bits, loadedBits, newBits) { + break + } + } +} + +// atomicDecUint32 atomically decrements the uint32 p points to. See +// https://pkg.go.dev/sync/atomic#AddUint32 to understand how this is done. +func atomicDecUint32(p *uint32) { + atomic.AddUint32(p, ^uint32(0)) +} + +// addAndResetCounts adds certain fields (count, sum, conventional buckets, zero +// bucket) from the cold counts to the corresponding fields in the hot +// counts. Those fields are then reset to 0 in the cold counts. +func addAndResetCounts(hot, cold *histogramCounts) { + atomic.AddUint64(&hot.count, atomic.LoadUint64(&cold.count)) + atomic.StoreUint64(&cold.count, 0) + coldSum := math.Float64frombits(atomic.LoadUint64(&cold.sumBits)) + atomicAddFloat(&hot.sumBits, coldSum) + atomic.StoreUint64(&cold.sumBits, 0) + for i := range hot.buckets { + atomic.AddUint64(&hot.buckets[i], atomic.LoadUint64(&cold.buckets[i])) + atomic.StoreUint64(&cold.buckets[i], 0) + } + atomic.AddUint64(&hot.nativeHistogramZeroBucket, atomic.LoadUint64(&cold.nativeHistogramZeroBucket)) + atomic.StoreUint64(&cold.nativeHistogramZeroBucket, 0) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/internal/almost_equal.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/internal/almost_equal.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1ed5abe74 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/internal/almost_equal.go @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +// Copyright (c) 2015 Björn Rabenstein +// +// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: +// +// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +// copies or substantial portions of the Software. +// +// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +// IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +// AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +// OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +// SOFTWARE. +// +// The code in this package is copy/paste to avoid a dependency. Hence this file +// carries the copyright of the original repo. +// https://github.com/beorn7/floats +package internal + +import ( + "math" +) + +// minNormalFloat64 is the smallest positive normal value of type float64. +var minNormalFloat64 = math.Float64frombits(0x0010000000000000) + +// AlmostEqualFloat64 returns true if a and b are equal within a relative error +// of epsilon. See http://floating-point-gui.de/errors/comparison/ for the +// details of the applied method. +func AlmostEqualFloat64(a, b, epsilon float64) bool { + if a == b { + return true + } + absA := math.Abs(a) + absB := math.Abs(b) + diff := math.Abs(a - b) + if a == 0 || b == 0 || absA+absB < minNormalFloat64 { + return diff < epsilon*minNormalFloat64 + } + return diff/math.Min(absA+absB, math.MaxFloat64) < epsilon +} + +// AlmostEqualFloat64s is the slice form of AlmostEqualFloat64. +func AlmostEqualFloat64s(a, b []float64, epsilon float64) bool { + if len(a) != len(b) { + return false + } + for i := range a { + if !AlmostEqualFloat64(a[i], b[i], epsilon) { + return false + } + } + return true +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/internal/difflib.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/internal/difflib.go index fd45cadc0..fd0750f2c 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/internal/difflib.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/internal/difflib.go @@ -201,12 +201,15 @@ func (m *SequenceMatcher) isBJunk(s string) bool { // If IsJunk is not defined: // // Return (i,j,k) such that a[i:i+k] is equal to b[j:j+k], where -// alo <= i <= i+k <= ahi -// blo <= j <= j+k <= bhi +// +// alo <= i <= i+k <= ahi +// blo <= j <= j+k <= bhi +// // and for all (i',j',k') meeting those conditions, -// k >= k' -// i <= i' -// and if i == i', j <= j' +// +// k >= k' +// i <= i' +// and if i == i', j <= j' // // In other words, of all maximal matching blocks, return one that // starts earliest in a, and of all those maximal matching blocks that diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/labels.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/labels.go index 6eee198fe..c1b8fad36 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/labels.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/labels.go @@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ import ( // Labels represents a collection of label name -> value mappings. This type is // commonly used with the With(Labels) and GetMetricWith(Labels) methods of // metric vector Collectors, e.g.: -// myVec.With(Labels{"code": "404", "method": "GET"}).Add(42) +// +// myVec.With(Labels{"code": "404", "method": "GET"}).Add(42) // // The other use-case is the specification of constant label pairs in Opts or to // create a Desc. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/promauto/auto.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/promauto/auto.go index f8d50d1f9..8031e8704 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/promauto/auto.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/promauto/auto.go @@ -14,114 +14,114 @@ // Package promauto provides alternative constructors for the fundamental // Prometheus metric types and their …Vec and …Func variants. The difference to // their counterparts in the prometheus package is that the promauto -// constructors return Collectors that are already registered with a -// registry. There are two sets of constructors. The constructors in the first -// set are top-level functions, while the constructors in the other set are -// methods of the Factory type. The top-level function return Collectors -// registered with the global registry (prometheus.DefaultRegisterer), while the -// methods return Collectors registered with the registry the Factory was -// constructed with. All constructors panic if the registration fails. +// constructors register the Collectors with a registry before returning them. +// There are two sets of constructors. The constructors in the first set are +// top-level functions, while the constructors in the other set are methods of +// the Factory type. The top-level function return Collectors registered with +// the global registry (prometheus.DefaultRegisterer), while the methods return +// Collectors registered with the registry the Factory was constructed with. All +// constructors panic if the registration fails. // // The following example is a complete program to create a histogram of normally // distributed random numbers from the math/rand package: // -// package main +// package main // -// import ( -// "math/rand" -// "net/http" +// import ( +// "math/rand" +// "net/http" // -// "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus" -// "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/promauto" -// "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/promhttp" -// ) +// "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus" +// "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/promauto" +// "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/promhttp" +// ) // -// var histogram = promauto.NewHistogram(prometheus.HistogramOpts{ -// Name: "random_numbers", -// Help: "A histogram of normally distributed random numbers.", -// Buckets: prometheus.LinearBuckets(-3, .1, 61), -// }) +// var histogram = promauto.NewHistogram(prometheus.HistogramOpts{ +// Name: "random_numbers", +// Help: "A histogram of normally distributed random numbers.", +// Buckets: prometheus.LinearBuckets(-3, .1, 61), +// }) // -// func Random() { -// for { -// histogram.Observe(rand.NormFloat64()) -// } -// } +// func Random() { +// for { +// histogram.Observe(rand.NormFloat64()) +// } +// } // -// func main() { -// go Random() -// http.Handle("/metrics", promhttp.Handler()) -// http.ListenAndServe(":1971", nil) -// } +// func main() { +// go Random() +// http.Handle("/metrics", promhttp.Handler()) +// http.ListenAndServe(":1971", nil) +// } // // Prometheus's version of a minimal hello-world program: // -// package main +// package main // -// import ( -// "fmt" -// "net/http" +// import ( +// "fmt" +// "net/http" // -// "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus" -// "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/promauto" -// "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/promhttp" -// ) +// "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus" +// "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/promauto" +// "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/promhttp" +// ) // -// func main() { -// http.Handle("/", promhttp.InstrumentHandlerCounter( -// promauto.NewCounterVec( -// prometheus.CounterOpts{ -// Name: "hello_requests_total", -// Help: "Total number of hello-world requests by HTTP code.", -// }, -// []string{"code"}, -// ), -// http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { -// fmt.Fprint(w, "Hello, world!") -// }), -// )) -// http.Handle("/metrics", promhttp.Handler()) -// http.ListenAndServe(":1971", nil) -// } +// func main() { +// http.Handle("/", promhttp.InstrumentHandlerCounter( +// promauto.NewCounterVec( +// prometheus.CounterOpts{ +// Name: "hello_requests_total", +// Help: "Total number of hello-world requests by HTTP code.", +// }, +// []string{"code"}, +// ), +// http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { +// fmt.Fprint(w, "Hello, world!") +// }), +// )) +// http.Handle("/metrics", promhttp.Handler()) +// http.ListenAndServe(":1971", nil) +// } // // A Factory is created with the With(prometheus.Registerer) function, which // enables two usage pattern. With(prometheus.Registerer) can be called once per // line: // -// var ( -// reg = prometheus.NewRegistry() -// randomNumbers = promauto.With(reg).NewHistogram(prometheus.HistogramOpts{ -// Name: "random_numbers", -// Help: "A histogram of normally distributed random numbers.", -// Buckets: prometheus.LinearBuckets(-3, .1, 61), -// }) -// requestCount = promauto.With(reg).NewCounterVec( -// prometheus.CounterOpts{ -// Name: "http_requests_total", -// Help: "Total number of HTTP requests by status code and method.", -// }, -// []string{"code", "method"}, -// ) -// ) +// var ( +// reg = prometheus.NewRegistry() +// randomNumbers = promauto.With(reg).NewHistogram(prometheus.HistogramOpts{ +// Name: "random_numbers", +// Help: "A histogram of normally distributed random numbers.", +// Buckets: prometheus.LinearBuckets(-3, .1, 61), +// }) +// requestCount = promauto.With(reg).NewCounterVec( +// prometheus.CounterOpts{ +// Name: "http_requests_total", +// Help: "Total number of HTTP requests by status code and method.", +// }, +// []string{"code", "method"}, +// ) +// ) // // Or it can be used to create a Factory once to be used multiple times: // -// var ( -// reg = prometheus.NewRegistry() -// factory = promauto.With(reg) -// randomNumbers = factory.NewHistogram(prometheus.HistogramOpts{ -// Name: "random_numbers", -// Help: "A histogram of normally distributed random numbers.", -// Buckets: prometheus.LinearBuckets(-3, .1, 61), -// }) -// requestCount = factory.NewCounterVec( -// prometheus.CounterOpts{ -// Name: "http_requests_total", -// Help: "Total number of HTTP requests by status code and method.", -// }, -// []string{"code", "method"}, -// ) -// ) +// var ( +// reg = prometheus.NewRegistry() +// factory = promauto.With(reg) +// randomNumbers = factory.NewHistogram(prometheus.HistogramOpts{ +// Name: "random_numbers", +// Help: "A histogram of normally distributed random numbers.", +// Buckets: prometheus.LinearBuckets(-3, .1, 61), +// }) +// requestCount = factory.NewCounterVec( +// prometheus.CounterOpts{ +// Name: "http_requests_total", +// Help: "Total number of HTTP requests by status code and method.", +// }, +// []string{"code", "method"}, +// ) +// ) // // This appears very handy. So why are these constructors locked away in a // separate package? diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/promhttp/instrument_client.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/promhttp/instrument_client.go index 57bb5f945..210867816 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/promhttp/instrument_client.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/promhttp/instrument_client.go @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ func InstrumentRoundTripperCounter(counter *prometheus.CounterVec, next http.Rou return func(r *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { resp, err := next.RoundTrip(r) if err == nil { - exemplarAdd( + addWithExemplar( counter.With(labels(code, method, r.Method, resp.StatusCode, rtOpts.extraMethods...)), 1, rtOpts.getExemplarFn(r.Context()), @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ func InstrumentRoundTripperDuration(obs prometheus.ObserverVec, next http.RoundT start := time.Now() resp, err := next.RoundTrip(r) if err == nil { - exemplarObserve( + observeWithExemplar( obs.With(labels(code, method, r.Method, resp.StatusCode, rtOpts.extraMethods...)), time.Since(start).Seconds(), rtOpts.getExemplarFn(r.Context()), diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/promhttp/instrument_server.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/promhttp/instrument_server.go index bfe500987..cca67a78a 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/promhttp/instrument_server.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/promhttp/instrument_server.go @@ -28,7 +28,9 @@ import ( // magicString is used for the hacky label test in checkLabels. Remove once fixed. const magicString = "zZgWfBxLqvG8kc8IMv3POi2Bb0tZI3vAnBx+gBaFi9FyPzB/CzKUer1yufDa" -func exemplarObserve(obs prometheus.Observer, val float64, labels map[string]string) { +// observeWithExemplar is a wrapper for [prometheus.ExemplarAdder.ExemplarObserver], +// which falls back to [prometheus.Observer.Observe] if no labels are provided. +func observeWithExemplar(obs prometheus.Observer, val float64, labels map[string]string) { if labels == nil { obs.Observe(val) return @@ -36,7 +38,9 @@ func exemplarObserve(obs prometheus.Observer, val float64, labels map[string]str obs.(prometheus.ExemplarObserver).ObserveWithExemplar(val, labels) } -func exemplarAdd(obs prometheus.Counter, val float64, labels map[string]string) { +// addWithExemplar is a wrapper for [prometheus.ExemplarAdder.AddWithExemplar], +// which falls back to [prometheus.Counter.Add] if no labels are provided. +func addWithExemplar(obs prometheus.Counter, val float64, labels map[string]string) { if labels == nil { obs.Add(val) return @@ -91,7 +95,7 @@ func InstrumentHandlerDuration(obs prometheus.ObserverVec, next http.Handler, op d := newDelegator(w, nil) next.ServeHTTP(d, r) - exemplarObserve( + observeWithExemplar( obs.With(labels(code, method, r.Method, d.Status(), hOpts.extraMethods...)), time.Since(now).Seconds(), hOpts.getExemplarFn(r.Context()), @@ -103,7 +107,7 @@ func InstrumentHandlerDuration(obs prometheus.ObserverVec, next http.Handler, op now := time.Now() next.ServeHTTP(w, r) - exemplarObserve( + observeWithExemplar( obs.With(labels(code, method, r.Method, 0, hOpts.extraMethods...)), time.Since(now).Seconds(), hOpts.getExemplarFn(r.Context()), @@ -141,7 +145,7 @@ func InstrumentHandlerCounter(counter *prometheus.CounterVec, next http.Handler, d := newDelegator(w, nil) next.ServeHTTP(d, r) - exemplarAdd( + addWithExemplar( counter.With(labels(code, method, r.Method, d.Status(), hOpts.extraMethods...)), 1, hOpts.getExemplarFn(r.Context()), @@ -151,7 +155,7 @@ func InstrumentHandlerCounter(counter *prometheus.CounterVec, next http.Handler, return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { next.ServeHTTP(w, r) - exemplarAdd( + addWithExemplar( counter.With(labels(code, method, r.Method, 0, hOpts.extraMethods...)), 1, hOpts.getExemplarFn(r.Context()), @@ -192,7 +196,7 @@ func InstrumentHandlerTimeToWriteHeader(obs prometheus.ObserverVec, next http.Ha return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { now := time.Now() d := newDelegator(w, func(status int) { - exemplarObserve( + observeWithExemplar( obs.With(labels(code, method, r.Method, status, hOpts.extraMethods...)), time.Since(now).Seconds(), hOpts.getExemplarFn(r.Context()), @@ -233,7 +237,7 @@ func InstrumentHandlerRequestSize(obs prometheus.ObserverVec, next http.Handler, d := newDelegator(w, nil) next.ServeHTTP(d, r) size := computeApproximateRequestSize(r) - exemplarObserve( + observeWithExemplar( obs.With(labels(code, method, r.Method, d.Status(), hOpts.extraMethods...)), float64(size), hOpts.getExemplarFn(r.Context()), @@ -244,7 +248,7 @@ func InstrumentHandlerRequestSize(obs prometheus.ObserverVec, next http.Handler, return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { next.ServeHTTP(w, r) size := computeApproximateRequestSize(r) - exemplarObserve( + observeWithExemplar( obs.With(labels(code, method, r.Method, 0, hOpts.extraMethods...)), float64(size), hOpts.getExemplarFn(r.Context()), @@ -282,7 +286,7 @@ func InstrumentHandlerResponseSize(obs prometheus.ObserverVec, next http.Handler return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { d := newDelegator(w, nil) next.ServeHTTP(d, r) - exemplarObserve( + observeWithExemplar( obs.With(labels(code, method, r.Method, d.Status(), hOpts.extraMethods...)), float64(d.Written()), hOpts.getExemplarFn(r.Context()), diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/registry.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/registry.go index 325f665ff..09e34d307 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/registry.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/registry.go @@ -252,9 +252,12 @@ func (errs MultiError) MaybeUnwrap() error { } // Registry registers Prometheus collectors, collects their metrics, and gathers -// them into MetricFamilies for exposition. It implements both Registerer and -// Gatherer. The zero value is not usable. Create instances with NewRegistry or -// NewPedanticRegistry. +// them into MetricFamilies for exposition. It implements Registerer, Gatherer, +// and Collector. The zero value is not usable. Create instances with +// NewRegistry or NewPedanticRegistry. +// +// Registry implements Collector to allow it to be used for creating groups of +// metrics. See the Grouping example for how this can be done. type Registry struct { mtx sync.RWMutex collectorsByID map[uint64]Collector // ID is a hash of the descIDs. @@ -556,6 +559,31 @@ func (r *Registry) Gather() ([]*dto.MetricFamily, error) { return internal.NormalizeMetricFamilies(metricFamiliesByName), errs.MaybeUnwrap() } +// Describe implements Collector. +func (r *Registry) Describe(ch chan<- *Desc) { + r.mtx.RLock() + defer r.mtx.RUnlock() + + // Only report the checked Collectors; unchecked collectors don't report any + // Desc. + for _, c := range r.collectorsByID { + c.Describe(ch) + } +} + +// Collect implements Collector. +func (r *Registry) Collect(ch chan<- Metric) { + r.mtx.RLock() + defer r.mtx.RUnlock() + + for _, c := range r.collectorsByID { + c.Collect(ch) + } + for _, c := range r.uncheckedCollectors { + c.Collect(ch) + } +} + // WriteToTextfile calls Gather on the provided Gatherer, encodes the result in the // Prometheus text format, and writes it to a temporary file. Upon success, the // temporary file is renamed to the provided filename. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/summary.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/summary.go index c5fa8ed7c..7bc448a89 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/summary.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/summary.go @@ -603,7 +603,8 @@ func (v *SummaryVec) GetMetricWith(labels Labels) (Observer, error) { // WithLabelValues works as GetMetricWithLabelValues, but panics where // GetMetricWithLabelValues would have returned an error. Not returning an // error allows shortcuts like -// myVec.WithLabelValues("404", "GET").Observe(42.21) +// +// myVec.WithLabelValues("404", "GET").Observe(42.21) func (v *SummaryVec) WithLabelValues(lvs ...string) Observer { s, err := v.GetMetricWithLabelValues(lvs...) if err != nil { @@ -614,7 +615,8 @@ func (v *SummaryVec) WithLabelValues(lvs ...string) Observer { // With works as GetMetricWith, but panics where GetMetricWithLabels would have // returned an error. Not returning an error allows shortcuts like -// myVec.With(prometheus.Labels{"code": "404", "method": "GET"}).Observe(42.21) +// +// myVec.With(prometheus.Labels{"code": "404", "method": "GET"}).Observe(42.21) func (v *SummaryVec) With(labels Labels) Observer { s, err := v.GetMetricWith(labels) if err != nil { @@ -701,7 +703,8 @@ func (s *constSummary) Write(out *dto.Metric) error { // // quantiles maps ranks to quantile values. For example, a median latency of // 0.23s and a 99th percentile latency of 0.56s would be expressed as: -// map[float64]float64{0.5: 0.23, 0.99: 0.56} +// +// map[float64]float64{0.5: 0.23, 0.99: 0.56} // // NewConstSummary returns an error if the length of labelValues is not // consistent with the variable labels in Desc or if Desc is invalid. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/timer.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/timer.go index 8d5f10523..f28a76f3a 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/timer.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/timer.go @@ -25,11 +25,12 @@ type Timer struct { // NewTimer creates a new Timer. The provided Observer is used to observe a // duration in seconds. Timer is usually used to time a function call in the // following way: -// func TimeMe() { -// timer := NewTimer(myHistogram) -// defer timer.ObserveDuration() -// // Do actual work. -// } +// +// func TimeMe() { +// timer := NewTimer(myHistogram) +// defer timer.ObserveDuration() +// // Do actual work. +// } func NewTimer(o Observer) *Timer { return &Timer{ begin: time.Now(), diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/common/config/http_config.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/common/config/http_config.go index b47347e4b..3ba7f99cc 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/common/config/http_config.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/common/config/http_config.go @@ -21,10 +21,11 @@ import ( "crypto/x509" "encoding/json" "fmt" - "io/ioutil" "net" "net/http" "net/url" + "os" + "path/filepath" "strings" "sync" "time" @@ -80,7 +81,7 @@ func (tv *TLSVersion) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error { } func (tv *TLSVersion) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error) { - if tv != nil || *tv == 0 { + if tv == nil || *tv == 0 { return []byte("null"), nil } for s, v := range TLSVersions { @@ -106,7 +107,7 @@ func (tv *TLSVersion) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { // MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaler interface for TLSVersion. func (tv *TLSVersion) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - if tv != nil || *tv == 0 { + if tv == nil || *tv == 0 { return []byte("null"), nil } for s, v := range TLSVersions { @@ -117,6 +118,19 @@ func (tv *TLSVersion) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown TLS version: %d", tv) } +// String implements the fmt.Stringer interface for TLSVersion. +func (tv *TLSVersion) String() string { + if tv == nil || *tv == 0 { + return "" + } + for s, v := range TLSVersions { + if *tv == v { + return s + } + } + return fmt.Sprintf("%d", tv) +} + // BasicAuth contains basic HTTP authentication credentials. type BasicAuth struct { Username string `yaml:"username" json:"username"` @@ -235,6 +249,30 @@ func (a *OAuth2) SetDirectory(dir string) { a.TLSConfig.SetDirectory(dir) } +// LoadHTTPConfig parses the YAML input s into a HTTPClientConfig. +func LoadHTTPConfig(s string) (*HTTPClientConfig, error) { + cfg := &HTTPClientConfig{} + err := yaml.UnmarshalStrict([]byte(s), cfg) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return cfg, nil +} + +// LoadHTTPConfigFile parses the given YAML file into a HTTPClientConfig. +func LoadHTTPConfigFile(filename string) (*HTTPClientConfig, []byte, error) { + content, err := os.ReadFile(filename) + if err != nil { + return nil, nil, err + } + cfg, err := LoadHTTPConfig(string(content)) + if err != nil { + return nil, nil, err + } + cfg.SetDirectory(filepath.Dir(filepath.Dir(filename))) + return cfg, content, nil +} + // HTTPClientConfig configures an HTTP client. type HTTPClientConfig struct { // The HTTP basic authentication credentials for the targets. @@ -527,7 +565,7 @@ func NewRoundTripperFromConfig(cfg HTTPClientConfig, name string, optFuncs ...HT return newRT(tlsConfig) } - return NewTLSRoundTripper(tlsConfig, cfg.TLSConfig.CAFile, newRT) + return NewTLSRoundTripper(tlsConfig, cfg.TLSConfig.CAFile, cfg.TLSConfig.CertFile, cfg.TLSConfig.KeyFile, newRT) } type authorizationCredentialsRoundTripper struct { @@ -571,7 +609,7 @@ func NewAuthorizationCredentialsFileRoundTripper(authType, authCredentialsFile s func (rt *authorizationCredentialsFileRoundTripper) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { if len(req.Header.Get("Authorization")) == 0 { - b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(rt.authCredentialsFile) + b, err := os.ReadFile(rt.authCredentialsFile) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to read authorization credentials file %s: %s", rt.authCredentialsFile, err) } @@ -609,7 +647,7 @@ func (rt *basicAuthRoundTripper) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, e } req = cloneRequest(req) if rt.passwordFile != "" { - bs, err := ioutil.ReadFile(rt.passwordFile) + bs, err := os.ReadFile(rt.passwordFile) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to read basic auth password file %s: %s", rt.passwordFile, err) } @@ -651,7 +689,7 @@ func (rt *oauth2RoundTripper) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, erro ) if rt.config.ClientSecretFile != "" { - data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(rt.config.ClientSecretFile) + data, err := os.ReadFile(rt.config.ClientSecretFile) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to read oauth2 client secret file %s: %s", rt.config.ClientSecretFile, err) } @@ -696,7 +734,7 @@ func (rt *oauth2RoundTripper) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, erro if len(rt.config.TLSConfig.CAFile) == 0 { t, _ = tlsTransport(tlsConfig) } else { - t, err = NewTLSRoundTripper(tlsConfig, rt.config.TLSConfig.CAFile, tlsTransport) + t, err = NewTLSRoundTripper(tlsConfig, rt.config.TLSConfig.CAFile, rt.config.TLSConfig.CertFile, rt.config.TLSConfig.KeyFile, tlsTransport) if err != nil { return nil, err } @@ -766,6 +804,13 @@ func NewTLSConfig(cfg *TLSConfig) (*tls.Config, error) { tlsConfig := &tls.Config{ InsecureSkipVerify: cfg.InsecureSkipVerify, MinVersion: uint16(cfg.MinVersion), + MaxVersion: uint16(cfg.MaxVersion), + } + + if cfg.MaxVersion != 0 && cfg.MinVersion != 0 { + if cfg.MaxVersion < cfg.MinVersion { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("tls_config.max_version must be greater than or equal to tls_config.min_version if both are specified") + } } // If a CA cert is provided then let's read it in so we can validate the @@ -813,6 +858,8 @@ type TLSConfig struct { InsecureSkipVerify bool `yaml:"insecure_skip_verify" json:"insecure_skip_verify"` // Minimum TLS version. MinVersion TLSVersion `yaml:"min_version,omitempty" json:"min_version,omitempty"` + // Maximum TLS version. + MaxVersion TLSVersion `yaml:"max_version,omitempty" json:"max_version,omitempty"` } // SetDirectory joins any relative file paths with dir. @@ -825,18 +872,45 @@ func (c *TLSConfig) SetDirectory(dir string) { c.KeyFile = JoinDir(dir, c.KeyFile) } +// UnmarshalYAML implements the yaml.Unmarshaler interface. +func (c *TLSConfig) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error { + type plain TLSConfig + return unmarshal((*plain)(c)) +} + +// readCertAndKey reads the cert and key files from the disk. +func readCertAndKey(certFile, keyFile string) ([]byte, []byte, error) { + certData, err := os.ReadFile(certFile) + if err != nil { + return nil, nil, err + } + + keyData, err := os.ReadFile(keyFile) + if err != nil { + return nil, nil, err + } + + return certData, keyData, nil +} + // getClientCertificate reads the pair of client cert and key from disk and returns a tls.Certificate. -func (c *TLSConfig) getClientCertificate(*tls.CertificateRequestInfo) (*tls.Certificate, error) { - cert, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(c.CertFile, c.KeyFile) +func (c *TLSConfig) getClientCertificate(_ *tls.CertificateRequestInfo) (*tls.Certificate, error) { + certData, keyData, err := readCertAndKey(c.CertFile, c.KeyFile) + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to read specified client cert (%s) & key (%s): %s", c.CertFile, c.KeyFile, err) + } + + cert, err := tls.X509KeyPair(certData, keyData) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to use specified client cert (%s) & key (%s): %s", c.CertFile, c.KeyFile, err) } + return &cert, nil } // readCAFile reads the CA cert file from disk. func readCAFile(f string) ([]byte, error) { - data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(f) + data, err := os.ReadFile(f) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to load specified CA cert %s: %s", f, err) } @@ -856,23 +930,30 @@ func updateRootCA(cfg *tls.Config, b []byte) bool { // tlsRoundTripper is a RoundTripper that updates automatically its TLS // configuration whenever the content of the CA file changes. type tlsRoundTripper struct { - caFile string + caFile string + certFile string + keyFile string + // newRT returns a new RoundTripper. newRT func(*tls.Config) (http.RoundTripper, error) - mtx sync.RWMutex - rt http.RoundTripper - hashCAFile []byte - tlsConfig *tls.Config + mtx sync.RWMutex + rt http.RoundTripper + hashCAFile []byte + hashCertFile []byte + hashKeyFile []byte + tlsConfig *tls.Config } func NewTLSRoundTripper( cfg *tls.Config, - caFile string, + caFile, certFile, keyFile string, newRT func(*tls.Config) (http.RoundTripper, error), ) (http.RoundTripper, error) { t := &tlsRoundTripper{ caFile: caFile, + certFile: certFile, + keyFile: keyFile, newRT: newRT, tlsConfig: cfg, } @@ -882,7 +963,7 @@ func NewTLSRoundTripper( return nil, err } t.rt = rt - _, t.hashCAFile, err = t.getCAWithHash() + _, t.hashCAFile, t.hashCertFile, t.hashKeyFile, err = t.getTLSFilesWithHash() if err != nil { return nil, err } @@ -890,25 +971,36 @@ func NewTLSRoundTripper( return t, nil } -func (t *tlsRoundTripper) getCAWithHash() ([]byte, []byte, error) { - b, err := readCAFile(t.caFile) +func (t *tlsRoundTripper) getTLSFilesWithHash() ([]byte, []byte, []byte, []byte, error) { + b1, err := readCAFile(t.caFile) if err != nil { - return nil, nil, err + return nil, nil, nil, nil, err + } + h1 := sha256.Sum256(b1) + + var h2, h3 [32]byte + if t.certFile != "" { + b2, b3, err := readCertAndKey(t.certFile, t.keyFile) + if err != nil { + return nil, nil, nil, nil, err + } + h2, h3 = sha256.Sum256(b2), sha256.Sum256(b3) } - h := sha256.Sum256(b) - return b, h[:], nil + return b1, h1[:], h2[:], h3[:], nil } // RoundTrip implements the http.RoundTrip interface. func (t *tlsRoundTripper) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { - b, h, err := t.getCAWithHash() + caData, caHash, certHash, keyHash, err := t.getTLSFilesWithHash() if err != nil { return nil, err } t.mtx.RLock() - equal := bytes.Equal(h[:], t.hashCAFile) + equal := bytes.Equal(caHash[:], t.hashCAFile) && + bytes.Equal(certHash[:], t.hashCertFile) && + bytes.Equal(keyHash[:], t.hashKeyFile) rt := t.rt t.mtx.RUnlock() if equal { @@ -917,8 +1009,10 @@ func (t *tlsRoundTripper) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { } // Create a new RoundTripper. + // The cert and key files are read separately by the client + // using GetClientCertificate. tlsConfig := t.tlsConfig.Clone() - if !updateRootCA(tlsConfig, b) { + if !updateRootCA(tlsConfig, caData) { return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to use specified CA cert %s", t.caFile) } rt, err = t.newRT(tlsConfig) @@ -929,7 +1023,9 @@ func (t *tlsRoundTripper) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { t.mtx.Lock() t.rt = rt - t.hashCAFile = h[:] + t.hashCAFile = caHash[:] + t.hashCertFile = certHash[:] + t.hashKeyFile = keyHash[:] t.mtx.Unlock() return rt.RoundTrip(req) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/common/expfmt/text_create.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/common/expfmt/text_create.go index 5ba503b06..2946b8f1a 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/common/expfmt/text_create.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/common/expfmt/text_create.go @@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ import ( "bufio" "fmt" "io" - "io/ioutil" "math" "strconv" "strings" @@ -44,7 +43,7 @@ const ( var ( bufPool = sync.Pool{ New: func() interface{} { - return bufio.NewWriter(ioutil.Discard) + return bufio.NewWriter(io.Discard) }, } numBufPool = sync.Pool{ diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/common/version/info.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/common/version/info.go index 3e2a7ee50..39bcfba64 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/common/version/info.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/common/version/info.go @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ func NewCollector(program string) prometheus.Collector { ), ConstLabels: prometheus.Labels{ "version": Version, - "revision": Revision, + "revision": getRevision(), "branch": Branch, "goversion": GoVersion, }, @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ func Print(program string) string { m := map[string]string{ "program": program, "version": Version, - "revision": Revision, + "revision": getRevision(), "branch": Branch, "buildUser": BuildUser, "buildDate": BuildDate, @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ func Print(program string) string { // Info returns version, branch and revision information. func Info() string { - return fmt.Sprintf("(version=%s, branch=%s, revision=%s)", Version, Branch, Revision) + return fmt.Sprintf("(version=%s, branch=%s, revision=%s)", Version, Branch, getRevision()) } // BuildContext returns goVersion, buildUser and buildDate information. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/common/version/info_default.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/common/version/info_default.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2ab0be009 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/common/version/info_default.go @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +// Copyright 2022 The Prometheus Authors +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +//go:build !go1.18 +// +build !go1.18 + +package version + +func getRevision() string { + return Revision +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/common/version/info_go118.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/common/version/info_go118.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bed0f4994 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/common/version/info_go118.go @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +// Copyright 2022 The Prometheus Authors +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +//go:build go1.18 +// +build go1.18 + +package version + +import "runtime/debug" + +var computedRevision string + +func getRevision() string { + if Revision != "" { + return Revision + } + return computedRevision +} + +func init() { + computedRevision = computeRevision() +} + +func computeRevision() string { + var ( + rev = "unknown" + modified bool + ) + + buildInfo, ok := debug.ReadBuildInfo() + if !ok { + return rev + } + for _, v := range buildInfo.Settings { + if v.Key == "vcs.revision" { + rev = v.Value + } + if v.Key == "vcs.modified" { + if v.Value == "true" { + modified = true + } + } + } + if modified { + return rev + "-modified" + } + return rev +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/exporter-toolkit/web/handler.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/exporter-toolkit/web/handler.go index ae3ebc03b..c607a163a 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/exporter-toolkit/web/handler.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/exporter-toolkit/web/handler.go @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import ( "encoding/hex" "fmt" "net/http" + "strings" "sync" "github.com/go-kit/log" @@ -113,7 +114,12 @@ func (u *webHandler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { hashedPassword = "$2y$10$QOauhQNbBCuQDKes6eFzPeMqBSjb7Mr5DUmpZ/VcEd00UAV/LDeSi" } - cacheKey := hex.EncodeToString(append(append([]byte(user), []byte(hashedPassword)...), []byte(pass)...)) + cacheKey := strings.Join( + []string{ + hex.EncodeToString([]byte(user)), + hex.EncodeToString([]byte(hashedPassword)), + hex.EncodeToString([]byte(pass)), + }, ":") authOk, ok := u.cache.get(cacheKey) if !ok { @@ -122,7 +128,7 @@ func (u *webHandler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { err := bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword([]byte(hashedPassword), []byte(pass)) u.bcryptMtx.Unlock() - authOk = err == nil + authOk = validUser && err == nil u.cache.set(cacheKey, authOk) } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/prometheus/web/ui/embed.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/prometheus/web/ui/embed.go deleted file mode 100644 index b6dc65671..000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/prometheus/web/ui/embed.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2022 The Prometheus Authors -// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -// You may obtain a copy of the License at -// -// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -// -// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -// limitations under the License. - -//go:build builtinassets -// +build builtinassets - -package ui - -import "embed" - -//go:embed static/css/prom_console.css.gz static/vendor/bootstrap-4.5.2/css/bootstrap.min.css.map.gz static/vendor/bootstrap-4.5.2/css/bootstrap-grid.css.map.gz static/vendor/bootstrap-4.5.2/css/bootstrap-grid.min.css.map.gz static/vendor/bootstrap-4.5.2/css/bootstrap-reboot.css.gz static/vendor/bootstrap-4.5.2/css/bootstrap-grid.css.gz static/vendor/bootstrap-4.5.2/css/bootstrap.css.gz static/vendor/bootstrap-4.5.2/css/bootstrap-reboot.min.css.map.gz static/vendor/bootstrap-4.5.2/css/bootstrap.min.css.gz static/vendor/bootstrap-4.5.2/css/bootstrap.css.map.gz 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{"hello", "world"}, {"pi", 3.14159}} +// bson.D{{"foo", "bar"}, {"hello", "world"}, {"pi", 3.14159}} type D = primitive.D // E represents a BSON element for a D. It is usually used inside a D. @@ -39,12 +39,12 @@ type E = primitive.E // // Example usage: // -// bson.M{"foo": "bar", "hello": "world", "pi": 3.14159} +// bson.M{"foo": "bar", "hello": "world", "pi": 3.14159} type M = primitive.M // An A is an ordered representation of a BSON array. // // Example usage: // -// bson.A{"bar", "world", 3.14159, bson.D{{"qux", 12345}}} +// bson.A{"bar", "world", 3.14159, bson.D{{"qux", 12345}}} type A = primitive.A diff --git a/vendor/go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/bsoncodec/doc.go b/vendor/go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/bsoncodec/doc.go index b0ae0e23f..5f903ebea 100644 --- a/vendor/go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/bsoncodec/doc.go +++ b/vendor/go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/bsoncodec/doc.go @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ // 2) A Registry that holds these ValueEncoders and ValueDecoders and provides methods for // retrieving them. // -// ValueEncoders and ValueDecoders +// # ValueEncoders and ValueDecoders // // The ValueEncoder interface is implemented by types that can encode a provided Go type to BSON. // The value to encode is provided as a reflect.Value and a bsonrw.ValueWriter is used within the @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ // allow the use of a function with the correct signature as a ValueDecoder. A DecodeContext // instance is provided and serves similar functionality to the EncodeContext. // -// Registry and RegistryBuilder +// # Registry and RegistryBuilder // // A Registry is an immutable store for ValueEncoders, ValueDecoders, and a type map. See the Registry type // documentation for examples of registering various custom encoders and decoders. A Registry can be constructed using a @@ -53,15 +53,15 @@ // values decode as Go int32 and int64 instances, respectively, when decoding into a bson.D. The following code would // change the behavior so these values decode as Go int instances instead: // -// intType := reflect.TypeOf(int(0)) -// registryBuilder.RegisterTypeMapEntry(bsontype.Int32, intType).RegisterTypeMapEntry(bsontype.Int64, intType) +// intType := reflect.TypeOf(int(0)) +// registryBuilder.RegisterTypeMapEntry(bsontype.Int32, intType).RegisterTypeMapEntry(bsontype.Int64, intType) // // 4. Kind encoder/decoders - These can be registered using the RegisterDefaultEncoder and RegisterDefaultDecoder // methods. The registered codec will be invoked when encoding or decoding values whose reflect.Kind matches the // registered reflect.Kind as long as the value's type doesn't match a registered type or hook encoder/decoder first. // These methods should be used to change the behavior for all values for a specific kind. // -// Registry Lookup Procedure +// # Registry Lookup Procedure // // When looking up an encoder in a Registry, the precedence rules are as follows: // @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ // rules apply for decoders, with the exception that an error of type ErrNoDecoder will be returned if no decoder is // found. // -// DefaultValueEncoders and DefaultValueDecoders +// # DefaultValueEncoders and DefaultValueDecoders // // The DefaultValueEncoders and DefaultValueDecoders types provide a full set of ValueEncoders and // ValueDecoders for handling a wide range of Go types, including all of the types within the diff --git a/vendor/go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/bsoncodec/registry.go b/vendor/go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/bsoncodec/registry.go index f6f3800d4..80644023c 100644 --- a/vendor/go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/bsoncodec/registry.go +++ b/vendor/go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/bsoncodec/registry.go @@ -254,6 +254,7 @@ func (rb *RegistryBuilder) RegisterDefaultDecoder(kind reflect.Kind, dec ValueDe // By default, BSON documents will decode into interface{} values as bson.D. To change the default type for BSON // documents, a type map entry for bsontype.EmbeddedDocument should be registered. For example, to force BSON documents // to decode to bson.Raw, use the following code: +// // rb.RegisterTypeMapEntry(bsontype.EmbeddedDocument, reflect.TypeOf(bson.Raw{})) func (rb *RegistryBuilder) RegisterTypeMapEntry(bt bsontype.Type, rt reflect.Type) *RegistryBuilder { rb.typeMap[bt] = rt diff --git a/vendor/go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/bsoncodec/struct_tag_parser.go b/vendor/go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/bsoncodec/struct_tag_parser.go index 6f406c162..62708c5c7 100644 --- a/vendor/go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/bsoncodec/struct_tag_parser.go +++ b/vendor/go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/bsoncodec/struct_tag_parser.go @@ -34,21 +34,21 @@ func (stpf StructTagParserFunc) ParseStructTags(sf reflect.StructField) (StructT // // The properties are defined below: // -// OmitEmpty Only include the field if it's not set to the zero value for the type or to -// empty slices or maps. +// OmitEmpty Only include the field if it's not set to the zero value for the type or to +// empty slices or maps. // -// MinSize Marshal an integer of a type larger than 32 bits value as an int32, if that's -// feasible while preserving the numeric value. +// MinSize Marshal an integer of a type larger than 32 bits value as an int32, if that's +// feasible while preserving the numeric value. // -// Truncate When unmarshaling a BSON double, it is permitted to lose precision to fit within -// a float32. +// Truncate When unmarshaling a BSON double, it is permitted to lose precision to fit within +// a float32. // -// Inline Inline the field, which must be a struct or a map, causing all of its fields -// or keys to be processed as if they were part of the outer struct. For maps, -// keys must not conflict with the bson keys of other struct fields. +// Inline Inline the field, which must be a struct or a map, causing all of its fields +// or keys to be processed as if they were part of the outer struct. For maps, +// keys must not conflict with the bson keys of other struct fields. // -// Skip This struct field should be skipped. This is usually denoted by parsing a "-" -// for the name. +// Skip This struct field should be skipped. This is usually denoted by parsing a "-" +// for the name. // // TODO(skriptble): Add tags for undefined as nil and for null as nil. type StructTags struct { @@ -67,20 +67,20 @@ type StructTags struct { // If there is no name in the struct tag fields, the struct field name is lowercased. // The tag formats accepted are: // -// "[][,[,]]" +// "[][,[,]]" // -// `(...) bson:"[][,[,]]" (...)` +// `(...) bson:"[][,[,]]" (...)` // // An example: // -// type T struct { -// A bool -// B int "myb" -// C string "myc,omitempty" -// D string `bson:",omitempty" json:"jsonkey"` -// E int64 ",minsize" -// F int64 "myf,omitempty,minsize" -// } +// type T struct { +// A bool +// B int "myb" +// C string "myc,omitempty" +// D string `bson:",omitempty" json:"jsonkey"` +// E int64 ",minsize" +// F int64 "myf,omitempty,minsize" +// } // // A struct tag either consisting entirely of '-' or with a bson key with a // value consisting entirely of '-' will return a StructTags with Skip true and diff --git a/vendor/go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/doc.go b/vendor/go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/doc.go index 5e3825a23..0134006d8 100644 --- a/vendor/go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/doc.go +++ b/vendor/go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/doc.go @@ -9,21 +9,22 @@ // The BSON library handles marshalling and unmarshalling of values through a configurable codec system. For a description // of the codec system and examples of registering custom codecs, see the bsoncodec package. // -// Raw BSON +// # Raw BSON // // The Raw family of types is used to validate and retrieve elements from a slice of bytes. This // type is most useful when you want do lookups on BSON bytes without unmarshaling it into another // type. // // Example: -// var raw bson.Raw = ... // bytes from somewhere -// err := raw.Validate() -// if err != nil { return err } -// val := raw.Lookup("foo") -// i32, ok := val.Int32OK() -// // do something with i32... // -// Native Go Types +// var raw bson.Raw = ... // bytes from somewhere +// err := raw.Validate() +// if err != nil { return err } +// val := raw.Lookup("foo") +// i32, ok := val.Int32OK() +// // do something with i32... +// +// # Native Go Types // // The D and M types defined in this package can be used to build representations of BSON using native Go types. D is a // slice and M is a map. For more information about the use cases for these types, see the documentation on the type @@ -32,63 +33,64 @@ // Note that a D should not be constructed with duplicate key names, as that can cause undefined server behavior. // // Example: -// bson.D{{"foo", "bar"}, {"hello", "world"}, {"pi", 3.14159}} -// bson.M{"foo": "bar", "hello": "world", "pi": 3.14159} +// +// bson.D{{"foo", "bar"}, {"hello", "world"}, {"pi", 3.14159}} +// bson.M{"foo": "bar", "hello": "world", "pi": 3.14159} // // When decoding BSON to a D or M, the following type mappings apply when unmarshalling: // -// 1. BSON int32 unmarshals to an int32. -// 2. BSON int64 unmarshals to an int64. -// 3. BSON double unmarshals to a float64. -// 4. BSON string unmarshals to a string. -// 5. BSON boolean unmarshals to a bool. -// 6. BSON embedded document unmarshals to the parent type (i.e. D for a D, M for an M). -// 7. BSON array unmarshals to a bson.A. -// 8. BSON ObjectId unmarshals to a primitive.ObjectID. -// 9. BSON datetime unmarshals to a primitive.DateTime. -// 10. BSON binary unmarshals to a primitive.Binary. -// 11. BSON regular expression unmarshals to a primitive.Regex. -// 12. BSON JavaScript unmarshals to a primitive.JavaScript. -// 13. BSON code with scope unmarshals to a primitive.CodeWithScope. -// 14. BSON timestamp unmarshals to an primitive.Timestamp. -// 15. BSON 128-bit decimal unmarshals to an primitive.Decimal128. -// 16. BSON min key unmarshals to an primitive.MinKey. -// 17. BSON max key unmarshals to an primitive.MaxKey. -// 18. BSON undefined unmarshals to a primitive.Undefined. -// 19. BSON null unmarshals to nil. -// 20. BSON DBPointer unmarshals to a primitive.DBPointer. -// 21. BSON symbol unmarshals to a primitive.Symbol. +// 1. BSON int32 unmarshals to an int32. +// 2. BSON int64 unmarshals to an int64. +// 3. BSON double unmarshals to a float64. +// 4. BSON string unmarshals to a string. +// 5. BSON boolean unmarshals to a bool. +// 6. BSON embedded document unmarshals to the parent type (i.e. D for a D, M for an M). +// 7. BSON array unmarshals to a bson.A. +// 8. BSON ObjectId unmarshals to a primitive.ObjectID. +// 9. BSON datetime unmarshals to a primitive.DateTime. +// 10. BSON binary unmarshals to a primitive.Binary. +// 11. BSON regular expression unmarshals to a primitive.Regex. +// 12. BSON JavaScript unmarshals to a primitive.JavaScript. +// 13. BSON code with scope unmarshals to a primitive.CodeWithScope. +// 14. BSON timestamp unmarshals to an primitive.Timestamp. +// 15. BSON 128-bit decimal unmarshals to an primitive.Decimal128. +// 16. BSON min key unmarshals to an primitive.MinKey. +// 17. BSON max key unmarshals to an primitive.MaxKey. +// 18. BSON undefined unmarshals to a primitive.Undefined. +// 19. BSON null unmarshals to nil. +// 20. BSON DBPointer unmarshals to a primitive.DBPointer. +// 21. BSON symbol unmarshals to a primitive.Symbol. // // The above mappings also apply when marshalling a D or M to BSON. Some other useful marshalling mappings are: // -// 1. time.Time marshals to a BSON datetime. -// 2. int8, int16, and int32 marshal to a BSON int32. -// 3. int marshals to a BSON int32 if the value is between math.MinInt32 and math.MaxInt32, inclusive, and a BSON int64 -// otherwise. -// 4. int64 marshals to BSON int64. -// 5. uint8 and uint16 marshal to a BSON int32. -// 6. uint, uint32, and uint64 marshal to a BSON int32 if the value is between math.MinInt32 and math.MaxInt32, -// inclusive, and BSON int64 otherwise. -// 7. BSON null and undefined values will unmarshal into the zero value of a field (e.g. unmarshalling a BSON null or -// undefined value into a string will yield the empty string.). +// 1. time.Time marshals to a BSON datetime. +// 2. int8, int16, and int32 marshal to a BSON int32. +// 3. int marshals to a BSON int32 if the value is between math.MinInt32 and math.MaxInt32, inclusive, and a BSON int64 +// otherwise. +// 4. int64 marshals to BSON int64. +// 5. uint8 and uint16 marshal to a BSON int32. +// 6. uint, uint32, and uint64 marshal to a BSON int32 if the value is between math.MinInt32 and math.MaxInt32, +// inclusive, and BSON int64 otherwise. +// 7. BSON null and undefined values will unmarshal into the zero value of a field (e.g. unmarshalling a BSON null or +// undefined value into a string will yield the empty string.). // -// Structs +// # Structs // // Structs can be marshalled/unmarshalled to/from BSON or Extended JSON. When transforming structs to/from BSON or Extended // JSON, the following rules apply: // -// 1. Only exported fields in structs will be marshalled or unmarshalled. +// 1. Only exported fields in structs will be marshalled or unmarshalled. // -// 2. When marshalling a struct, each field will be lowercased to generate the key for the corresponding BSON element. +// 2. When marshalling a struct, each field will be lowercased to generate the key for the corresponding BSON element. // For example, a struct field named "Foo" will generate key "foo". This can be overridden via a struct tag (e.g. // `bson:"fooField"` to generate key "fooField" instead). // -// 3. An embedded struct field is marshalled as a subdocument. The key will be the lowercased name of the field's type. +// 3. An embedded struct field is marshalled as a subdocument. The key will be the lowercased name of the field's type. // -// 4. A pointer field is marshalled as the underlying type if the pointer is non-nil. If the pointer is nil, it is +// 4. A pointer field is marshalled as the underlying type if the pointer is non-nil. If the pointer is nil, it is // marshalled as a BSON null value. // -// 5. When unmarshalling, a field of type interface{} will follow the D/M type mappings listed above. BSON documents +// 5. When unmarshalling, a field of type interface{} will follow the D/M type mappings listed above. BSON documents // unmarshalled into an interface{} field will be unmarshalled as a D. // // The encoding of each struct field can be customized by the "bson" struct tag. @@ -98,13 +100,14 @@ // are not honored, but that can be enabled by creating a StructCodec with JSONFallbackStructTagParser, like below: // // Example: -// structcodec, _ := bsoncodec.NewStructCodec(bsoncodec.JSONFallbackStructTagParser) +// +// structcodec, _ := bsoncodec.NewStructCodec(bsoncodec.JSONFallbackStructTagParser) // // The bson tag gives the name of the field, possibly followed by a comma-separated list of options. // The name may be empty in order to specify options without overriding the default field name. The following options can be used // to configure behavior: // -// 1. omitempty: If the omitempty struct tag is specified on a field, the field will not be marshalled if it is set to +// 1. omitempty: If the omitempty struct tag is specified on a field, the field will not be marshalled if it is set to // the zero value. Fields with language primitive types such as integers, booleans, and strings are considered empty if // their value is equal to the zero value for the type (i.e. 0 for integers, false for booleans, and "" for strings). // Slices, maps, and arrays are considered empty if they are of length zero. Interfaces and pointers are considered @@ -113,16 +116,16 @@ // never considered empty and will be marshalled as embedded documents. // NOTE: It is recommended that this tag be used for all slice and map fields. // -// 2. minsize: If the minsize struct tag is specified on a field of type int64, uint, uint32, or uint64 and the value of +// 2. minsize: If the minsize struct tag is specified on a field of type int64, uint, uint32, or uint64 and the value of // the field can fit in a signed int32, the field will be serialized as a BSON int32 rather than a BSON int64. For other // types, this tag is ignored. // -// 3. truncate: If the truncate struct tag is specified on a field with a non-float numeric type, BSON doubles unmarshalled +// 3. truncate: If the truncate struct tag is specified on a field with a non-float numeric type, BSON doubles unmarshalled // into that field will be truncated at the decimal point. For example, if 3.14 is unmarshalled into a field of type int, // it will be unmarshalled as 3. If this tag is not specified, the decoder will throw an error if the value cannot be // decoded without losing precision. For float64 or non-numeric types, this tag is ignored. // -// 4. inline: If the inline struct tag is specified for a struct or map field, the field will be "flattened" when +// 4. inline: If the inline struct tag is specified for a struct or map field, the field will be "flattened" when // marshalling and "un-flattened" when unmarshalling. This means that all of the fields in that struct/map will be // pulled up one level and will become top-level fields rather than being fields in a nested document. For example, if a // map field named "Map" with value map[string]interface{}{"foo": "bar"} is inlined, the resulting document will be @@ -132,7 +135,7 @@ // This tag can be used with fields that are pointers to structs. If an inlined pointer field is nil, it will not be // marshalled. For fields that are not maps or structs, this tag is ignored. // -// Marshalling and Unmarshalling +// # Marshalling and Unmarshalling // // Manually marshalling and unmarshalling can be done with the Marshal and Unmarshal family of functions. package bson diff --git a/vendor/go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive/decimal.go b/vendor/go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive/decimal.go index ffe4eed07..ba7c9112e 100644 --- a/vendor/go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive/decimal.go +++ b/vendor/go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive/decimal.go @@ -191,10 +191,9 @@ func (d Decimal128) IsNaN() bool { // IsInf returns: // -// +1 d == Infinity -// 0 other case -// -1 d == -Infinity -// +// +1 d == Infinity +// 0 other case +// -1 d == -Infinity func (d Decimal128) IsInf() int { if d.h>>58&(1<<5-1) != 0x1E { return 0 diff --git a/vendor/go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive/objectid.go b/vendor/go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive/objectid.go index 652898fea..ded367316 100644 --- a/vendor/go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive/objectid.go +++ b/vendor/go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive/objectid.go @@ -61,7 +61,9 @@ func (id ObjectID) Timestamp() time.Time { // Hex returns the hex encoding of the ObjectID as a string. func (id ObjectID) Hex() string { - return hex.EncodeToString(id[:]) + var buf [24]byte + hex.Encode(buf[:], id[:]) + return string(buf[:]) } func (id ObjectID) String() string { diff --git a/vendor/go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive/primitive.go b/vendor/go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive/primitive.go index b3cba1bf9..c72ccc1c4 100644 --- a/vendor/go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive/primitive.go +++ b/vendor/go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive/primitive.go @@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ type MaxKey struct{} // // Example usage: // -// bson.D{{"foo", "bar"}, {"hello", "world"}, {"pi", 3.14159}} +// bson.D{{"foo", "bar"}, {"hello", "world"}, {"pi", 3.14159}} type D []E // Map creates a map from the elements of the D. @@ -206,12 +206,12 @@ type E struct { // // Example usage: // -// bson.M{"foo": "bar", "hello": "world", "pi": 3.14159} +// bson.M{"foo": "bar", "hello": "world", "pi": 3.14159} type M map[string]interface{} // An A is an ordered representation of a BSON array. // // Example usage: // -// bson.A{"bar", "world", 3.14159, bson.D{{"qux", 12345}}} +// bson.A{"bar", "world", 3.14159, bson.D{{"qux", 12345}}} type A []interface{} diff --git a/vendor/go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/x/bsonx/bsoncore/document_sequence.go b/vendor/go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/x/bsonx/bsoncore/document_sequence.go index 6c858a010..e35bd0cd9 100644 --- a/vendor/go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/x/bsonx/bsoncore/document_sequence.go +++ b/vendor/go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/x/bsonx/bsoncore/document_sequence.go @@ -96,8 +96,8 @@ func (ds *DocumentSequence) Empty() bool { } } -//ResetIterator resets the iteration point for the Next method to the beginning of the document -//sequence. +// ResetIterator resets the iteration point for the Next method to the beginning of the document +// sequence. func (ds *DocumentSequence) ResetIterator() { if ds == nil { return diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/kind_string.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/kind_string.go deleted file mode 100644 index dd3febd43..000000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/kind_string.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by "stringer -type=Kind"; DO NOT EDIT. - -package width - -import "strconv" - -func _() { - // An "invalid array index" compiler error signifies that the constant values have changed. - // Re-run the stringer command to generate them again. - var x [1]struct{} - _ = x[Neutral-0] - _ = x[EastAsianAmbiguous-1] - _ = x[EastAsianWide-2] - _ = x[EastAsianNarrow-3] - _ = x[EastAsianFullwidth-4] - _ = x[EastAsianHalfwidth-5] -} - -const _Kind_name = "NeutralEastAsianAmbiguousEastAsianWideEastAsianNarrowEastAsianFullwidthEastAsianHalfwidth" - -var _Kind_index = [...]uint8{0, 7, 25, 38, 53, 71, 89} - -func (i Kind) String() string { - if i < 0 || i >= Kind(len(_Kind_index)-1) { - return "Kind(" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10) + ")" - } - return _Kind_name[_Kind_index[i]:_Kind_index[i+1]] -} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables10.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables10.0.0.go deleted file mode 100644 index cd9d91caf..000000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables10.0.0.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1329 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. - -//go:build go1.10 && !go1.13 -// +build go1.10,!go1.13 - -package width - -// UnicodeVersion is the Unicode version from which the tables in this package are derived. -const UnicodeVersion = "10.0.0" - -// lookup returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and -// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not -// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. -func (t *widthTrie) lookup(s []byte) (v uint16, sz int) { - c0 := s[0] - switch { - case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII - return widthValues[c0], 1 - case c0 < 0xC2: - return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. - case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 - if len(s) < 2 { - return 0, 0 - } - i := widthIndex[c0] - c1 := s[1] - if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { - return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 - case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 - if len(s) < 3 { - return 0, 0 - } - i := widthIndex[c0] - c1 := s[1] - if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { - return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) - i = widthIndex[o] - c2 := s[2] - if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { - return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 - case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 - if len(s) < 4 { - return 0, 0 - } - i := widthIndex[c0] - c1 := s[1] - if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { - return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) - i = widthIndex[o] - c2 := s[2] - if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { - return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) - i = widthIndex[o] - c3 := s[3] - if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { - return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 - } - // Illegal rune - return 0, 1 -} - -// lookupUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. -// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. -func (t *widthTrie) lookupUnsafe(s []byte) uint16 { - c0 := s[0] - if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII - return widthValues[c0] - } - i := widthIndex[c0] - if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) - } - i = widthIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] - if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) - } - i = widthIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] - if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) - } - return 0 -} - -// lookupString returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and -// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not -// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. -func (t *widthTrie) lookupString(s string) (v uint16, sz int) { - c0 := s[0] - switch { - case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII - return widthValues[c0], 1 - case c0 < 0xC2: - return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. - case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 - if len(s) < 2 { - return 0, 0 - } - i := widthIndex[c0] - c1 := s[1] - if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { - return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 - case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 - if len(s) < 3 { - return 0, 0 - } - i := widthIndex[c0] - c1 := s[1] - if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { - return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) - i = widthIndex[o] - c2 := s[2] - if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { - return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 - case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 - if len(s) < 4 { - return 0, 0 - } - i := widthIndex[c0] - c1 := s[1] - if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { - return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) - i = widthIndex[o] - c2 := s[2] - if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { - return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) - i = widthIndex[o] - c3 := s[3] - if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { - return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 - } - // Illegal rune - return 0, 1 -} - -// lookupStringUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. -// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. -func (t *widthTrie) lookupStringUnsafe(s string) uint16 { - c0 := s[0] - if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII - return widthValues[c0] - } - i := widthIndex[c0] - if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) - } - i = widthIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] - if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) - } - i = widthIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] - if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) - } - return 0 -} - -// widthTrie. Total size: 14336 bytes (14.00 KiB). Checksum: c59df54630d3dc4a. -type widthTrie struct{} - -func newWidthTrie(i int) *widthTrie { - return &widthTrie{} -} - -// lookupValue determines the type of block n and looks up the value for b. -func (t *widthTrie) lookupValue(n uint32, b byte) uint16 { - switch { - default: - return uint16(widthValues[n<<6+uint32(b)]) - } -} - -// widthValues: 101 blocks, 6464 entries, 12928 bytes -// The third block is the zero block. -var widthValues = [6464]uint16{ - // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 - 0x20: 0x6001, 0x21: 0x6002, 0x22: 0x6002, 0x23: 0x6002, - 0x24: 0x6002, 0x25: 0x6002, 0x26: 0x6002, 0x27: 0x6002, 0x28: 0x6002, 0x29: 0x6002, - 0x2a: 0x6002, 0x2b: 0x6002, 0x2c: 0x6002, 0x2d: 0x6002, 0x2e: 0x6002, 0x2f: 0x6002, - 0x30: 0x6002, 0x31: 0x6002, 0x32: 0x6002, 0x33: 0x6002, 0x34: 0x6002, 0x35: 0x6002, - 0x36: 0x6002, 0x37: 0x6002, 0x38: 0x6002, 0x39: 0x6002, 0x3a: 0x6002, 0x3b: 0x6002, - 0x3c: 0x6002, 0x3d: 0x6002, 0x3e: 0x6002, 0x3f: 0x6002, - // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 - 0x40: 0x6003, 0x41: 0x6003, 0x42: 0x6003, 0x43: 0x6003, 0x44: 0x6003, 0x45: 0x6003, - 0x46: 0x6003, 0x47: 0x6003, 0x48: 0x6003, 0x49: 0x6003, 0x4a: 0x6003, 0x4b: 0x6003, - 0x4c: 0x6003, 0x4d: 0x6003, 0x4e: 0x6003, 0x4f: 0x6003, 0x50: 0x6003, 0x51: 0x6003, - 0x52: 0x6003, 0x53: 0x6003, 0x54: 0x6003, 0x55: 0x6003, 0x56: 0x6003, 0x57: 0x6003, - 0x58: 0x6003, 0x59: 0x6003, 0x5a: 0x6003, 0x5b: 0x6003, 0x5c: 0x6003, 0x5d: 0x6003, - 0x5e: 0x6003, 0x5f: 0x6003, 0x60: 0x6004, 0x61: 0x6004, 0x62: 0x6004, 0x63: 0x6004, - 0x64: 0x6004, 0x65: 0x6004, 0x66: 0x6004, 0x67: 0x6004, 0x68: 0x6004, 0x69: 0x6004, - 0x6a: 0x6004, 0x6b: 0x6004, 0x6c: 0x6004, 0x6d: 0x6004, 0x6e: 0x6004, 0x6f: 0x6004, - 0x70: 0x6004, 0x71: 0x6004, 0x72: 0x6004, 0x73: 0x6004, 0x74: 0x6004, 0x75: 0x6004, - 0x76: 0x6004, 0x77: 0x6004, 0x78: 0x6004, 0x79: 0x6004, 0x7a: 0x6004, 0x7b: 0x6004, - 0x7c: 0x6004, 0x7d: 0x6004, 0x7e: 0x6004, - // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 - // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 - 0xe1: 0x2000, 0xe2: 0x6005, 0xe3: 0x6005, - 0xe4: 0x2000, 0xe5: 0x6006, 0xe6: 0x6005, 0xe7: 0x2000, 0xe8: 0x2000, - 0xea: 0x2000, 0xec: 0x6007, 0xed: 0x2000, 0xee: 0x2000, 0xef: 0x6008, - 0xf0: 0x2000, 0xf1: 0x2000, 0xf2: 0x2000, 0xf3: 0x2000, 0xf4: 0x2000, - 0xf6: 0x2000, 0xf7: 0x2000, 0xf8: 0x2000, 0xf9: 0x2000, 0xfa: 0x2000, - 0xfc: 0x2000, 0xfd: 0x2000, 0xfe: 0x2000, 0xff: 0x2000, - // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 - 0x106: 0x2000, - 0x110: 0x2000, - 0x117: 0x2000, - 0x118: 0x2000, - 0x11e: 0x2000, 0x11f: 0x2000, 0x120: 0x2000, 0x121: 0x2000, - 0x126: 0x2000, 0x128: 0x2000, 0x129: 0x2000, - 0x12a: 0x2000, 0x12c: 0x2000, 0x12d: 0x2000, - 0x130: 0x2000, 0x132: 0x2000, 0x133: 0x2000, - 0x137: 0x2000, 0x138: 0x2000, 0x139: 0x2000, 0x13a: 0x2000, - 0x13c: 0x2000, 0x13e: 0x2000, - // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 - 0x141: 0x2000, - 0x151: 0x2000, - 0x153: 0x2000, - 0x15b: 0x2000, - 0x166: 0x2000, 0x167: 0x2000, - 0x16b: 0x2000, - 0x171: 0x2000, 0x172: 0x2000, 0x173: 0x2000, - 0x178: 0x2000, - 0x17f: 0x2000, - // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 - 0x180: 0x2000, 0x181: 0x2000, 0x182: 0x2000, 0x184: 0x2000, - 0x188: 0x2000, 0x189: 0x2000, 0x18a: 0x2000, 0x18b: 0x2000, - 0x18d: 0x2000, - 0x192: 0x2000, 0x193: 0x2000, - 0x1a6: 0x2000, 0x1a7: 0x2000, - 0x1ab: 0x2000, - // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 - 0x1ce: 0x2000, 0x1d0: 0x2000, - 0x1d2: 0x2000, 0x1d4: 0x2000, 0x1d6: 0x2000, - 0x1d8: 0x2000, 0x1da: 0x2000, 0x1dc: 0x2000, - // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 - 0x211: 0x2000, - 0x221: 0x2000, - // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 - 0x244: 0x2000, - 0x247: 0x2000, 0x249: 0x2000, 0x24a: 0x2000, 0x24b: 0x2000, - 0x24d: 0x2000, 0x250: 0x2000, - 0x258: 0x2000, 0x259: 0x2000, 0x25a: 0x2000, 0x25b: 0x2000, 0x25d: 0x2000, - 0x25f: 0x2000, - // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 - 0x280: 0x2000, 0x281: 0x2000, 0x282: 0x2000, 0x283: 0x2000, 0x284: 0x2000, 0x285: 0x2000, - 0x286: 0x2000, 0x287: 0x2000, 0x288: 0x2000, 0x289: 0x2000, 0x28a: 0x2000, 0x28b: 0x2000, - 0x28c: 0x2000, 0x28d: 0x2000, 0x28e: 0x2000, 0x28f: 0x2000, 0x290: 0x2000, 0x291: 0x2000, - 0x292: 0x2000, 0x293: 0x2000, 0x294: 0x2000, 0x295: 0x2000, 0x296: 0x2000, 0x297: 0x2000, - 0x298: 0x2000, 0x299: 0x2000, 0x29a: 0x2000, 0x29b: 0x2000, 0x29c: 0x2000, 0x29d: 0x2000, - 0x29e: 0x2000, 0x29f: 0x2000, 0x2a0: 0x2000, 0x2a1: 0x2000, 0x2a2: 0x2000, 0x2a3: 0x2000, - 0x2a4: 0x2000, 0x2a5: 0x2000, 0x2a6: 0x2000, 0x2a7: 0x2000, 0x2a8: 0x2000, 0x2a9: 0x2000, - 0x2aa: 0x2000, 0x2ab: 0x2000, 0x2ac: 0x2000, 0x2ad: 0x2000, 0x2ae: 0x2000, 0x2af: 0x2000, - 0x2b0: 0x2000, 0x2b1: 0x2000, 0x2b2: 0x2000, 0x2b3: 0x2000, 0x2b4: 0x2000, 0x2b5: 0x2000, - 0x2b6: 0x2000, 0x2b7: 0x2000, 0x2b8: 0x2000, 0x2b9: 0x2000, 0x2ba: 0x2000, 0x2bb: 0x2000, - 0x2bc: 0x2000, 0x2bd: 0x2000, 0x2be: 0x2000, 0x2bf: 0x2000, - // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 - 0x2c0: 0x2000, 0x2c1: 0x2000, 0x2c2: 0x2000, 0x2c3: 0x2000, 0x2c4: 0x2000, 0x2c5: 0x2000, - 0x2c6: 0x2000, 0x2c7: 0x2000, 0x2c8: 0x2000, 0x2c9: 0x2000, 0x2ca: 0x2000, 0x2cb: 0x2000, - 0x2cc: 0x2000, 0x2cd: 0x2000, 0x2ce: 0x2000, 0x2cf: 0x2000, 0x2d0: 0x2000, 0x2d1: 0x2000, - 0x2d2: 0x2000, 0x2d3: 0x2000, 0x2d4: 0x2000, 0x2d5: 0x2000, 0x2d6: 0x2000, 0x2d7: 0x2000, - 0x2d8: 0x2000, 0x2d9: 0x2000, 0x2da: 0x2000, 0x2db: 0x2000, 0x2dc: 0x2000, 0x2dd: 0x2000, - 0x2de: 0x2000, 0x2df: 0x2000, 0x2e0: 0x2000, 0x2e1: 0x2000, 0x2e2: 0x2000, 0x2e3: 0x2000, - 0x2e4: 0x2000, 0x2e5: 0x2000, 0x2e6: 0x2000, 0x2e7: 0x2000, 0x2e8: 0x2000, 0x2e9: 0x2000, - 0x2ea: 0x2000, 0x2eb: 0x2000, 0x2ec: 0x2000, 0x2ed: 0x2000, 0x2ee: 0x2000, 0x2ef: 0x2000, - // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 - 0x311: 0x2000, - 0x312: 0x2000, 0x313: 0x2000, 0x314: 0x2000, 0x315: 0x2000, 0x316: 0x2000, 0x317: 0x2000, - 0x318: 0x2000, 0x319: 0x2000, 0x31a: 0x2000, 0x31b: 0x2000, 0x31c: 0x2000, 0x31d: 0x2000, - 0x31e: 0x2000, 0x31f: 0x2000, 0x320: 0x2000, 0x321: 0x2000, 0x323: 0x2000, - 0x324: 0x2000, 0x325: 0x2000, 0x326: 0x2000, 0x327: 0x2000, 0x328: 0x2000, 0x329: 0x2000, - 0x331: 0x2000, 0x332: 0x2000, 0x333: 0x2000, 0x334: 0x2000, 0x335: 0x2000, - 0x336: 0x2000, 0x337: 0x2000, 0x338: 0x2000, 0x339: 0x2000, 0x33a: 0x2000, 0x33b: 0x2000, - 0x33c: 0x2000, 0x33d: 0x2000, 0x33e: 0x2000, 0x33f: 0x2000, - // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 - 0x340: 0x2000, 0x341: 0x2000, 0x343: 0x2000, 0x344: 0x2000, 0x345: 0x2000, - 0x346: 0x2000, 0x347: 0x2000, 0x348: 0x2000, 0x349: 0x2000, - // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 - 0x381: 0x2000, - 0x390: 0x2000, 0x391: 0x2000, - 0x392: 0x2000, 0x393: 0x2000, 0x394: 0x2000, 0x395: 0x2000, 0x396: 0x2000, 0x397: 0x2000, - 0x398: 0x2000, 0x399: 0x2000, 0x39a: 0x2000, 0x39b: 0x2000, 0x39c: 0x2000, 0x39d: 0x2000, - 0x39e: 0x2000, 0x39f: 0x2000, 0x3a0: 0x2000, 0x3a1: 0x2000, 0x3a2: 0x2000, 0x3a3: 0x2000, - 0x3a4: 0x2000, 0x3a5: 0x2000, 0x3a6: 0x2000, 0x3a7: 0x2000, 0x3a8: 0x2000, 0x3a9: 0x2000, - 0x3aa: 0x2000, 0x3ab: 0x2000, 0x3ac: 0x2000, 0x3ad: 0x2000, 0x3ae: 0x2000, 0x3af: 0x2000, - 0x3b0: 0x2000, 0x3b1: 0x2000, 0x3b2: 0x2000, 0x3b3: 0x2000, 0x3b4: 0x2000, 0x3b5: 0x2000, - 0x3b6: 0x2000, 0x3b7: 0x2000, 0x3b8: 0x2000, 0x3b9: 0x2000, 0x3ba: 0x2000, 0x3bb: 0x2000, - 0x3bc: 0x2000, 0x3bd: 0x2000, 0x3be: 0x2000, 0x3bf: 0x2000, - // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 - 0x3c0: 0x2000, 0x3c1: 0x2000, 0x3c2: 0x2000, 0x3c3: 0x2000, 0x3c4: 0x2000, 0x3c5: 0x2000, - 0x3c6: 0x2000, 0x3c7: 0x2000, 0x3c8: 0x2000, 0x3c9: 0x2000, 0x3ca: 0x2000, 0x3cb: 0x2000, - 0x3cc: 0x2000, 0x3cd: 0x2000, 0x3ce: 0x2000, 0x3cf: 0x2000, 0x3d1: 0x2000, - // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 - 0x400: 0x4000, 0x401: 0x4000, 0x402: 0x4000, 0x403: 0x4000, 0x404: 0x4000, 0x405: 0x4000, - 0x406: 0x4000, 0x407: 0x4000, 0x408: 0x4000, 0x409: 0x4000, 0x40a: 0x4000, 0x40b: 0x4000, - 0x40c: 0x4000, 0x40d: 0x4000, 0x40e: 0x4000, 0x40f: 0x4000, 0x410: 0x4000, 0x411: 0x4000, - 0x412: 0x4000, 0x413: 0x4000, 0x414: 0x4000, 0x415: 0x4000, 0x416: 0x4000, 0x417: 0x4000, - 0x418: 0x4000, 0x419: 0x4000, 0x41a: 0x4000, 0x41b: 0x4000, 0x41c: 0x4000, 0x41d: 0x4000, - 0x41e: 0x4000, 0x41f: 0x4000, 0x420: 0x4000, 0x421: 0x4000, 0x422: 0x4000, 0x423: 0x4000, - 0x424: 0x4000, 0x425: 0x4000, 0x426: 0x4000, 0x427: 0x4000, 0x428: 0x4000, 0x429: 0x4000, - 0x42a: 0x4000, 0x42b: 0x4000, 0x42c: 0x4000, 0x42d: 0x4000, 0x42e: 0x4000, 0x42f: 0x4000, - 0x430: 0x4000, 0x431: 0x4000, 0x432: 0x4000, 0x433: 0x4000, 0x434: 0x4000, 0x435: 0x4000, - 0x436: 0x4000, 0x437: 0x4000, 0x438: 0x4000, 0x439: 0x4000, 0x43a: 0x4000, 0x43b: 0x4000, - 0x43c: 0x4000, 0x43d: 0x4000, 0x43e: 0x4000, 0x43f: 0x4000, - // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 - 0x440: 0x4000, 0x441: 0x4000, 0x442: 0x4000, 0x443: 0x4000, 0x444: 0x4000, 0x445: 0x4000, - 0x446: 0x4000, 0x447: 0x4000, 0x448: 0x4000, 0x449: 0x4000, 0x44a: 0x4000, 0x44b: 0x4000, - 0x44c: 0x4000, 0x44d: 0x4000, 0x44e: 0x4000, 0x44f: 0x4000, 0x450: 0x4000, 0x451: 0x4000, - 0x452: 0x4000, 0x453: 0x4000, 0x454: 0x4000, 0x455: 0x4000, 0x456: 0x4000, 0x457: 0x4000, - 0x458: 0x4000, 0x459: 0x4000, 0x45a: 0x4000, 0x45b: 0x4000, 0x45c: 0x4000, 0x45d: 0x4000, - 0x45e: 0x4000, 0x45f: 0x4000, - // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 - 0x490: 0x2000, - 0x493: 0x2000, 0x494: 0x2000, 0x495: 0x2000, 0x496: 0x2000, - 0x498: 0x2000, 0x499: 0x2000, 0x49c: 0x2000, 0x49d: 0x2000, - 0x4a0: 0x2000, 0x4a1: 0x2000, 0x4a2: 0x2000, - 0x4a4: 0x2000, 0x4a5: 0x2000, 0x4a6: 0x2000, 0x4a7: 0x2000, - 0x4b0: 0x2000, 0x4b2: 0x2000, 0x4b3: 0x2000, 0x4b5: 0x2000, - 0x4bb: 0x2000, - 0x4be: 0x2000, - // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 - 0x4f4: 0x2000, - 0x4ff: 0x2000, - // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 - 0x501: 0x2000, 0x502: 0x2000, 0x503: 0x2000, 0x504: 0x2000, - 0x529: 0xa009, - 0x52c: 0x2000, - // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 - 0x543: 0x2000, 0x545: 0x2000, - 0x549: 0x2000, - 0x553: 0x2000, 0x556: 0x2000, - 0x561: 0x2000, 0x562: 0x2000, - 0x566: 0x2000, - 0x56b: 0x2000, - // Block 0x16, offset 0x580 - 0x593: 0x2000, 0x594: 0x2000, - 0x59b: 0x2000, 0x59c: 0x2000, 0x59d: 0x2000, - 0x59e: 0x2000, 0x5a0: 0x2000, 0x5a1: 0x2000, 0x5a2: 0x2000, 0x5a3: 0x2000, - 0x5a4: 0x2000, 0x5a5: 0x2000, 0x5a6: 0x2000, 0x5a7: 0x2000, 0x5a8: 0x2000, 0x5a9: 0x2000, - 0x5aa: 0x2000, 0x5ab: 0x2000, - 0x5b0: 0x2000, 0x5b1: 0x2000, 0x5b2: 0x2000, 0x5b3: 0x2000, 0x5b4: 0x2000, 0x5b5: 0x2000, - 0x5b6: 0x2000, 0x5b7: 0x2000, 0x5b8: 0x2000, 0x5b9: 0x2000, - // Block 0x17, offset 0x5c0 - 0x5c9: 0x2000, - 0x5d0: 0x200a, 0x5d1: 0x200b, - 0x5d2: 0x200a, 0x5d3: 0x200c, 0x5d4: 0x2000, 0x5d5: 0x2000, 0x5d6: 0x2000, 0x5d7: 0x2000, - 0x5d8: 0x2000, 0x5d9: 0x2000, - 0x5f8: 0x2000, 0x5f9: 0x2000, - // Block 0x18, offset 0x600 - 0x612: 0x2000, 0x614: 0x2000, - 0x627: 0x2000, - // Block 0x19, offset 0x640 - 0x640: 0x2000, 0x642: 0x2000, 0x643: 0x2000, - 0x647: 0x2000, 0x648: 0x2000, 0x64b: 0x2000, - 0x64f: 0x2000, 0x651: 0x2000, - 0x655: 0x2000, - 0x65a: 0x2000, 0x65d: 0x2000, - 0x65e: 0x2000, 0x65f: 0x2000, 0x660: 0x2000, 0x663: 0x2000, - 0x665: 0x2000, 0x667: 0x2000, 0x668: 0x2000, 0x669: 0x2000, - 0x66a: 0x2000, 0x66b: 0x2000, 0x66c: 0x2000, 0x66e: 0x2000, - 0x674: 0x2000, 0x675: 0x2000, - 0x676: 0x2000, 0x677: 0x2000, - 0x67c: 0x2000, 0x67d: 0x2000, - // Block 0x1a, offset 0x680 - 0x688: 0x2000, - 0x68c: 0x2000, - 0x692: 0x2000, - 0x6a0: 0x2000, 0x6a1: 0x2000, - 0x6a4: 0x2000, 0x6a5: 0x2000, 0x6a6: 0x2000, 0x6a7: 0x2000, - 0x6aa: 0x2000, 0x6ab: 0x2000, 0x6ae: 0x2000, 0x6af: 0x2000, - // Block 0x1b, offset 0x6c0 - 0x6c2: 0x2000, 0x6c3: 0x2000, - 0x6c6: 0x2000, 0x6c7: 0x2000, - 0x6d5: 0x2000, - 0x6d9: 0x2000, - 0x6e5: 0x2000, - 0x6ff: 0x2000, - // Block 0x1c, offset 0x700 - 0x712: 0x2000, - 0x71a: 0x4000, 0x71b: 0x4000, - 0x729: 0x4000, - 0x72a: 0x4000, - // Block 0x1d, offset 0x740 - 0x769: 0x4000, - 0x76a: 0x4000, 0x76b: 0x4000, 0x76c: 0x4000, - 0x770: 0x4000, 0x773: 0x4000, - // Block 0x1e, offset 0x780 - 0x7a0: 0x2000, 0x7a1: 0x2000, 0x7a2: 0x2000, 0x7a3: 0x2000, - 0x7a4: 0x2000, 0x7a5: 0x2000, 0x7a6: 0x2000, 0x7a7: 0x2000, 0x7a8: 0x2000, 0x7a9: 0x2000, - 0x7aa: 0x2000, 0x7ab: 0x2000, 0x7ac: 0x2000, 0x7ad: 0x2000, 0x7ae: 0x2000, 0x7af: 0x2000, - 0x7b0: 0x2000, 0x7b1: 0x2000, 0x7b2: 0x2000, 0x7b3: 0x2000, 0x7b4: 0x2000, 0x7b5: 0x2000, - 0x7b6: 0x2000, 0x7b7: 0x2000, 0x7b8: 0x2000, 0x7b9: 0x2000, 0x7ba: 0x2000, 0x7bb: 0x2000, - 0x7bc: 0x2000, 0x7bd: 0x2000, 0x7be: 0x2000, 0x7bf: 0x2000, - // Block 0x1f, offset 0x7c0 - 0x7c0: 0x2000, 0x7c1: 0x2000, 0x7c2: 0x2000, 0x7c3: 0x2000, 0x7c4: 0x2000, 0x7c5: 0x2000, - 0x7c6: 0x2000, 0x7c7: 0x2000, 0x7c8: 0x2000, 0x7c9: 0x2000, 0x7ca: 0x2000, 0x7cb: 0x2000, - 0x7cc: 0x2000, 0x7cd: 0x2000, 0x7ce: 0x2000, 0x7cf: 0x2000, 0x7d0: 0x2000, 0x7d1: 0x2000, - 0x7d2: 0x2000, 0x7d3: 0x2000, 0x7d4: 0x2000, 0x7d5: 0x2000, 0x7d6: 0x2000, 0x7d7: 0x2000, - 0x7d8: 0x2000, 0x7d9: 0x2000, 0x7da: 0x2000, 0x7db: 0x2000, 0x7dc: 0x2000, 0x7dd: 0x2000, - 0x7de: 0x2000, 0x7df: 0x2000, 0x7e0: 0x2000, 0x7e1: 0x2000, 0x7e2: 0x2000, 0x7e3: 0x2000, - 0x7e4: 0x2000, 0x7e5: 0x2000, 0x7e6: 0x2000, 0x7e7: 0x2000, 0x7e8: 0x2000, 0x7e9: 0x2000, - 0x7eb: 0x2000, 0x7ec: 0x2000, 0x7ed: 0x2000, 0x7ee: 0x2000, 0x7ef: 0x2000, - 0x7f0: 0x2000, 0x7f1: 0x2000, 0x7f2: 0x2000, 0x7f3: 0x2000, 0x7f4: 0x2000, 0x7f5: 0x2000, - 0x7f6: 0x2000, 0x7f7: 0x2000, 0x7f8: 0x2000, 0x7f9: 0x2000, 0x7fa: 0x2000, 0x7fb: 0x2000, - 0x7fc: 0x2000, 0x7fd: 0x2000, 0x7fe: 0x2000, 0x7ff: 0x2000, - // Block 0x20, offset 0x800 - 0x800: 0x2000, 0x801: 0x2000, 0x802: 0x200d, 0x803: 0x2000, 0x804: 0x2000, 0x805: 0x2000, - 0x806: 0x2000, 0x807: 0x2000, 0x808: 0x2000, 0x809: 0x2000, 0x80a: 0x2000, 0x80b: 0x2000, - 0x80c: 0x2000, 0x80d: 0x2000, 0x80e: 0x2000, 0x80f: 0x2000, 0x810: 0x2000, 0x811: 0x2000, - 0x812: 0x2000, 0x813: 0x2000, 0x814: 0x2000, 0x815: 0x2000, 0x816: 0x2000, 0x817: 0x2000, - 0x818: 0x2000, 0x819: 0x2000, 0x81a: 0x2000, 0x81b: 0x2000, 0x81c: 0x2000, 0x81d: 0x2000, - 0x81e: 0x2000, 0x81f: 0x2000, 0x820: 0x2000, 0x821: 0x2000, 0x822: 0x2000, 0x823: 0x2000, - 0x824: 0x2000, 0x825: 0x2000, 0x826: 0x2000, 0x827: 0x2000, 0x828: 0x2000, 0x829: 0x2000, - 0x82a: 0x2000, 0x82b: 0x2000, 0x82c: 0x2000, 0x82d: 0x2000, 0x82e: 0x2000, 0x82f: 0x2000, - 0x830: 0x2000, 0x831: 0x2000, 0x832: 0x2000, 0x833: 0x2000, 0x834: 0x2000, 0x835: 0x2000, - 0x836: 0x2000, 0x837: 0x2000, 0x838: 0x2000, 0x839: 0x2000, 0x83a: 0x2000, 0x83b: 0x2000, - 0x83c: 0x2000, 0x83d: 0x2000, 0x83e: 0x2000, 0x83f: 0x2000, - // Block 0x21, offset 0x840 - 0x840: 0x2000, 0x841: 0x2000, 0x842: 0x2000, 0x843: 0x2000, 0x844: 0x2000, 0x845: 0x2000, - 0x846: 0x2000, 0x847: 0x2000, 0x848: 0x2000, 0x849: 0x2000, 0x84a: 0x2000, 0x84b: 0x2000, - 0x850: 0x2000, 0x851: 0x2000, - 0x852: 0x2000, 0x853: 0x2000, 0x854: 0x2000, 0x855: 0x2000, 0x856: 0x2000, 0x857: 0x2000, - 0x858: 0x2000, 0x859: 0x2000, 0x85a: 0x2000, 0x85b: 0x2000, 0x85c: 0x2000, 0x85d: 0x2000, - 0x85e: 0x2000, 0x85f: 0x2000, 0x860: 0x2000, 0x861: 0x2000, 0x862: 0x2000, 0x863: 0x2000, - 0x864: 0x2000, 0x865: 0x2000, 0x866: 0x2000, 0x867: 0x2000, 0x868: 0x2000, 0x869: 0x2000, - 0x86a: 0x2000, 0x86b: 0x2000, 0x86c: 0x2000, 0x86d: 0x2000, 0x86e: 0x2000, 0x86f: 0x2000, - 0x870: 0x2000, 0x871: 0x2000, 0x872: 0x2000, 0x873: 0x2000, - // Block 0x22, offset 0x880 - 0x880: 0x2000, 0x881: 0x2000, 0x882: 0x2000, 0x883: 0x2000, 0x884: 0x2000, 0x885: 0x2000, - 0x886: 0x2000, 0x887: 0x2000, 0x888: 0x2000, 0x889: 0x2000, 0x88a: 0x2000, 0x88b: 0x2000, - 0x88c: 0x2000, 0x88d: 0x2000, 0x88e: 0x2000, 0x88f: 0x2000, - 0x892: 0x2000, 0x893: 0x2000, 0x894: 0x2000, 0x895: 0x2000, - 0x8a0: 0x200e, 0x8a1: 0x2000, 0x8a3: 0x2000, - 0x8a4: 0x2000, 0x8a5: 0x2000, 0x8a6: 0x2000, 0x8a7: 0x2000, 0x8a8: 0x2000, 0x8a9: 0x2000, - 0x8b2: 0x2000, 0x8b3: 0x2000, - 0x8b6: 0x2000, 0x8b7: 0x2000, - 0x8bc: 0x2000, 0x8bd: 0x2000, - // Block 0x23, offset 0x8c0 - 0x8c0: 0x2000, 0x8c1: 0x2000, - 0x8c6: 0x2000, 0x8c7: 0x2000, 0x8c8: 0x2000, 0x8cb: 0x200f, - 0x8ce: 0x2000, 0x8cf: 0x2000, 0x8d0: 0x2000, 0x8d1: 0x2000, - 0x8e2: 0x2000, 0x8e3: 0x2000, - 0x8e4: 0x2000, 0x8e5: 0x2000, - 0x8ef: 0x2000, - 0x8fd: 0x4000, 0x8fe: 0x4000, - // Block 0x24, offset 0x900 - 0x905: 0x2000, - 0x906: 0x2000, 0x909: 0x2000, - 0x90e: 0x2000, 0x90f: 0x2000, - 0x914: 0x4000, 0x915: 0x4000, - 0x91c: 0x2000, - 0x91e: 0x2000, - // Block 0x25, offset 0x940 - 0x940: 0x2000, 0x942: 0x2000, - 0x948: 0x4000, 0x949: 0x4000, 0x94a: 0x4000, 0x94b: 0x4000, - 0x94c: 0x4000, 0x94d: 0x4000, 0x94e: 0x4000, 0x94f: 0x4000, 0x950: 0x4000, 0x951: 0x4000, - 0x952: 0x4000, 0x953: 0x4000, - 0x960: 0x2000, 0x961: 0x2000, 0x963: 0x2000, - 0x964: 0x2000, 0x965: 0x2000, 0x967: 0x2000, 0x968: 0x2000, 0x969: 0x2000, - 0x96a: 0x2000, 0x96c: 0x2000, 0x96d: 0x2000, 0x96f: 0x2000, - 0x97f: 0x4000, - // Block 0x26, offset 0x980 - 0x993: 0x4000, - 0x99e: 0x2000, 0x99f: 0x2000, 0x9a1: 0x4000, - 0x9aa: 0x4000, 0x9ab: 0x4000, - 0x9bd: 0x4000, 0x9be: 0x4000, 0x9bf: 0x2000, - // Block 0x27, offset 0x9c0 - 0x9c4: 0x4000, 0x9c5: 0x4000, - 0x9c6: 0x2000, 0x9c7: 0x2000, 0x9c8: 0x2000, 0x9c9: 0x2000, 0x9ca: 0x2000, 0x9cb: 0x2000, - 0x9cc: 0x2000, 0x9cd: 0x2000, 0x9ce: 0x4000, 0x9cf: 0x2000, 0x9d0: 0x2000, 0x9d1: 0x2000, - 0x9d2: 0x2000, 0x9d3: 0x2000, 0x9d4: 0x4000, 0x9d5: 0x2000, 0x9d6: 0x2000, 0x9d7: 0x2000, - 0x9d8: 0x2000, 0x9d9: 0x2000, 0x9da: 0x2000, 0x9db: 0x2000, 0x9dc: 0x2000, 0x9dd: 0x2000, - 0x9de: 0x2000, 0x9df: 0x2000, 0x9e0: 0x2000, 0x9e1: 0x2000, 0x9e3: 0x2000, - 0x9e8: 0x2000, 0x9e9: 0x2000, - 0x9ea: 0x4000, 0x9eb: 0x2000, 0x9ec: 0x2000, 0x9ed: 0x2000, 0x9ee: 0x2000, 0x9ef: 0x2000, - 0x9f0: 0x2000, 0x9f1: 0x2000, 0x9f2: 0x4000, 0x9f3: 0x4000, 0x9f4: 0x2000, 0x9f5: 0x4000, - 0x9f6: 0x2000, 0x9f7: 0x2000, 0x9f8: 0x2000, 0x9f9: 0x2000, 0x9fa: 0x4000, 0x9fb: 0x2000, - 0x9fc: 0x2000, 0x9fd: 0x4000, 0x9fe: 0x2000, 0x9ff: 0x2000, - // Block 0x28, offset 0xa00 - 0xa05: 0x4000, - 0xa0a: 0x4000, 0xa0b: 0x4000, - 0xa28: 0x4000, - 0xa3d: 0x2000, - // Block 0x29, offset 0xa40 - 0xa4c: 0x4000, 0xa4e: 0x4000, - 0xa53: 0x4000, 0xa54: 0x4000, 0xa55: 0x4000, 0xa57: 0x4000, - 0xa76: 0x2000, 0xa77: 0x2000, 0xa78: 0x2000, 0xa79: 0x2000, 0xa7a: 0x2000, 0xa7b: 0x2000, - 0xa7c: 0x2000, 0xa7d: 0x2000, 0xa7e: 0x2000, 0xa7f: 0x2000, - // Block 0x2a, offset 0xa80 - 0xa95: 0x4000, 0xa96: 0x4000, 0xa97: 0x4000, - 0xab0: 0x4000, - 0xabf: 0x4000, - // Block 0x2b, offset 0xac0 - 0xae6: 0x6000, 0xae7: 0x6000, 0xae8: 0x6000, 0xae9: 0x6000, - 0xaea: 0x6000, 0xaeb: 0x6000, 0xaec: 0x6000, 0xaed: 0x6000, - // Block 0x2c, offset 0xb00 - 0xb05: 0x6010, - 0xb06: 0x6011, - // Block 0x2d, offset 0xb40 - 0xb5b: 0x4000, 0xb5c: 0x4000, - // Block 0x2e, offset 0xb80 - 0xb90: 0x4000, - 0xb95: 0x4000, 0xb96: 0x2000, 0xb97: 0x2000, - 0xb98: 0x2000, 0xb99: 0x2000, - // Block 0x2f, offset 0xbc0 - 0xbc0: 0x4000, 0xbc1: 0x4000, 0xbc2: 0x4000, 0xbc3: 0x4000, 0xbc4: 0x4000, 0xbc5: 0x4000, - 0xbc6: 0x4000, 0xbc7: 0x4000, 0xbc8: 0x4000, 0xbc9: 0x4000, 0xbca: 0x4000, 0xbcb: 0x4000, - 0xbcc: 0x4000, 0xbcd: 0x4000, 0xbce: 0x4000, 0xbcf: 0x4000, 0xbd0: 0x4000, 0xbd1: 0x4000, - 0xbd2: 0x4000, 0xbd3: 0x4000, 0xbd4: 0x4000, 0xbd5: 0x4000, 0xbd6: 0x4000, 0xbd7: 0x4000, - 0xbd8: 0x4000, 0xbd9: 0x4000, 0xbdb: 0x4000, 0xbdc: 0x4000, 0xbdd: 0x4000, - 0xbde: 0x4000, 0xbdf: 0x4000, 0xbe0: 0x4000, 0xbe1: 0x4000, 0xbe2: 0x4000, 0xbe3: 0x4000, - 0xbe4: 0x4000, 0xbe5: 0x4000, 0xbe6: 0x4000, 0xbe7: 0x4000, 0xbe8: 0x4000, 0xbe9: 0x4000, - 0xbea: 0x4000, 0xbeb: 0x4000, 0xbec: 0x4000, 0xbed: 0x4000, 0xbee: 0x4000, 0xbef: 0x4000, - 0xbf0: 0x4000, 0xbf1: 0x4000, 0xbf2: 0x4000, 0xbf3: 0x4000, 0xbf4: 0x4000, 0xbf5: 0x4000, - 0xbf6: 0x4000, 0xbf7: 0x4000, 0xbf8: 0x4000, 0xbf9: 0x4000, 0xbfa: 0x4000, 0xbfb: 0x4000, - 0xbfc: 0x4000, 0xbfd: 0x4000, 0xbfe: 0x4000, 0xbff: 0x4000, - // Block 0x30, offset 0xc00 - 0xc00: 0x4000, 0xc01: 0x4000, 0xc02: 0x4000, 0xc03: 0x4000, 0xc04: 0x4000, 0xc05: 0x4000, - 0xc06: 0x4000, 0xc07: 0x4000, 0xc08: 0x4000, 0xc09: 0x4000, 0xc0a: 0x4000, 0xc0b: 0x4000, - 0xc0c: 0x4000, 0xc0d: 0x4000, 0xc0e: 0x4000, 0xc0f: 0x4000, 0xc10: 0x4000, 0xc11: 0x4000, - 0xc12: 0x4000, 0xc13: 0x4000, 0xc14: 0x4000, 0xc15: 0x4000, 0xc16: 0x4000, 0xc17: 0x4000, - 0xc18: 0x4000, 0xc19: 0x4000, 0xc1a: 0x4000, 0xc1b: 0x4000, 0xc1c: 0x4000, 0xc1d: 0x4000, - 0xc1e: 0x4000, 0xc1f: 0x4000, 0xc20: 0x4000, 0xc21: 0x4000, 0xc22: 0x4000, 0xc23: 0x4000, - 0xc24: 0x4000, 0xc25: 0x4000, 0xc26: 0x4000, 0xc27: 0x4000, 0xc28: 0x4000, 0xc29: 0x4000, - 0xc2a: 0x4000, 0xc2b: 0x4000, 0xc2c: 0x4000, 0xc2d: 0x4000, 0xc2e: 0x4000, 0xc2f: 0x4000, - 0xc30: 0x4000, 0xc31: 0x4000, 0xc32: 0x4000, 0xc33: 0x4000, - // Block 0x31, offset 0xc40 - 0xc40: 0x4000, 0xc41: 0x4000, 0xc42: 0x4000, 0xc43: 0x4000, 0xc44: 0x4000, 0xc45: 0x4000, - 0xc46: 0x4000, 0xc47: 0x4000, 0xc48: 0x4000, 0xc49: 0x4000, 0xc4a: 0x4000, 0xc4b: 0x4000, - 0xc4c: 0x4000, 0xc4d: 0x4000, 0xc4e: 0x4000, 0xc4f: 0x4000, 0xc50: 0x4000, 0xc51: 0x4000, - 0xc52: 0x4000, 0xc53: 0x4000, 0xc54: 0x4000, 0xc55: 0x4000, - 0xc70: 0x4000, 0xc71: 0x4000, 0xc72: 0x4000, 0xc73: 0x4000, 0xc74: 0x4000, 0xc75: 0x4000, - 0xc76: 0x4000, 0xc77: 0x4000, 0xc78: 0x4000, 0xc79: 0x4000, 0xc7a: 0x4000, 0xc7b: 0x4000, - // Block 0x32, offset 0xc80 - 0xc80: 0x9012, 0xc81: 0x4013, 0xc82: 0x4014, 0xc83: 0x4000, 0xc84: 0x4000, 0xc85: 0x4000, - 0xc86: 0x4000, 0xc87: 0x4000, 0xc88: 0x4000, 0xc89: 0x4000, 0xc8a: 0x4000, 0xc8b: 0x4000, - 0xc8c: 0x4015, 0xc8d: 0x4015, 0xc8e: 0x4000, 0xc8f: 0x4000, 0xc90: 0x4000, 0xc91: 0x4000, - 0xc92: 0x4000, 0xc93: 0x4000, 0xc94: 0x4000, 0xc95: 0x4000, 0xc96: 0x4000, 0xc97: 0x4000, - 0xc98: 0x4000, 0xc99: 0x4000, 0xc9a: 0x4000, 0xc9b: 0x4000, 0xc9c: 0x4000, 0xc9d: 0x4000, - 0xc9e: 0x4000, 0xc9f: 0x4000, 0xca0: 0x4000, 0xca1: 0x4000, 0xca2: 0x4000, 0xca3: 0x4000, - 0xca4: 0x4000, 0xca5: 0x4000, 0xca6: 0x4000, 0xca7: 0x4000, 0xca8: 0x4000, 0xca9: 0x4000, - 0xcaa: 0x4000, 0xcab: 0x4000, 0xcac: 0x4000, 0xcad: 0x4000, 0xcae: 0x4000, 0xcaf: 0x4000, - 0xcb0: 0x4000, 0xcb1: 0x4000, 0xcb2: 0x4000, 0xcb3: 0x4000, 0xcb4: 0x4000, 0xcb5: 0x4000, - 0xcb6: 0x4000, 0xcb7: 0x4000, 0xcb8: 0x4000, 0xcb9: 0x4000, 0xcba: 0x4000, 0xcbb: 0x4000, - 0xcbc: 0x4000, 0xcbd: 0x4000, 0xcbe: 0x4000, - // Block 0x33, offset 0xcc0 - 0xcc1: 0x4000, 0xcc2: 0x4000, 0xcc3: 0x4000, 0xcc4: 0x4000, 0xcc5: 0x4000, - 0xcc6: 0x4000, 0xcc7: 0x4000, 0xcc8: 0x4000, 0xcc9: 0x4000, 0xcca: 0x4000, 0xccb: 0x4000, - 0xccc: 0x4000, 0xccd: 0x4000, 0xcce: 0x4000, 0xccf: 0x4000, 0xcd0: 0x4000, 0xcd1: 0x4000, - 0xcd2: 0x4000, 0xcd3: 0x4000, 0xcd4: 0x4000, 0xcd5: 0x4000, 0xcd6: 0x4000, 0xcd7: 0x4000, - 0xcd8: 0x4000, 0xcd9: 0x4000, 0xcda: 0x4000, 0xcdb: 0x4000, 0xcdc: 0x4000, 0xcdd: 0x4000, - 0xcde: 0x4000, 0xcdf: 0x4000, 0xce0: 0x4000, 0xce1: 0x4000, 0xce2: 0x4000, 0xce3: 0x4000, - 0xce4: 0x4000, 0xce5: 0x4000, 0xce6: 0x4000, 0xce7: 0x4000, 0xce8: 0x4000, 0xce9: 0x4000, - 0xcea: 0x4000, 0xceb: 0x4000, 0xcec: 0x4000, 0xced: 0x4000, 0xcee: 0x4000, 0xcef: 0x4000, - 0xcf0: 0x4000, 0xcf1: 0x4000, 0xcf2: 0x4000, 0xcf3: 0x4000, 0xcf4: 0x4000, 0xcf5: 0x4000, - 0xcf6: 0x4000, 0xcf7: 0x4000, 0xcf8: 0x4000, 0xcf9: 0x4000, 0xcfa: 0x4000, 0xcfb: 0x4000, - 0xcfc: 0x4000, 0xcfd: 0x4000, 0xcfe: 0x4000, 0xcff: 0x4000, - // Block 0x34, offset 0xd00 - 0xd00: 0x4000, 0xd01: 0x4000, 0xd02: 0x4000, 0xd03: 0x4000, 0xd04: 0x4000, 0xd05: 0x4000, - 0xd06: 0x4000, 0xd07: 0x4000, 0xd08: 0x4000, 0xd09: 0x4000, 0xd0a: 0x4000, 0xd0b: 0x4000, - 0xd0c: 0x4000, 0xd0d: 0x4000, 0xd0e: 0x4000, 0xd0f: 0x4000, 0xd10: 0x4000, 0xd11: 0x4000, - 0xd12: 0x4000, 0xd13: 0x4000, 0xd14: 0x4000, 0xd15: 0x4000, 0xd16: 0x4000, - 0xd19: 0x4016, 0xd1a: 0x4017, 0xd1b: 0x4000, 0xd1c: 0x4000, 0xd1d: 0x4000, - 0xd1e: 0x4000, 0xd1f: 0x4000, 0xd20: 0x4000, 0xd21: 0x4018, 0xd22: 0x4019, 0xd23: 0x401a, - 0xd24: 0x401b, 0xd25: 0x401c, 0xd26: 0x401d, 0xd27: 0x401e, 0xd28: 0x401f, 0xd29: 0x4020, - 0xd2a: 0x4021, 0xd2b: 0x4022, 0xd2c: 0x4000, 0xd2d: 0x4010, 0xd2e: 0x4000, 0xd2f: 0x4023, - 0xd30: 0x4000, 0xd31: 0x4024, 0xd32: 0x4000, 0xd33: 0x4025, 0xd34: 0x4000, 0xd35: 0x4026, - 0xd36: 0x4000, 0xd37: 0x401a, 0xd38: 0x4000, 0xd39: 0x4027, 0xd3a: 0x4000, 0xd3b: 0x4028, - 0xd3c: 0x4000, 0xd3d: 0x4020, 0xd3e: 0x4000, 0xd3f: 0x4029, - // Block 0x35, offset 0xd40 - 0xd40: 0x4000, 0xd41: 0x402a, 0xd42: 0x4000, 0xd43: 0x402b, 0xd44: 0x402c, 0xd45: 0x4000, - 0xd46: 0x4017, 0xd47: 0x4000, 0xd48: 0x402d, 0xd49: 0x4000, 0xd4a: 0x402e, 0xd4b: 0x402f, - 0xd4c: 0x4030, 0xd4d: 0x4017, 0xd4e: 0x4016, 0xd4f: 0x4017, 0xd50: 0x4000, 0xd51: 0x4000, - 0xd52: 0x4031, 0xd53: 0x4000, 0xd54: 0x4000, 0xd55: 0x4031, 0xd56: 0x4000, 0xd57: 0x4000, - 0xd58: 0x4032, 0xd59: 0x4000, 0xd5a: 0x4000, 0xd5b: 0x4032, 0xd5c: 0x4000, 0xd5d: 0x4000, - 0xd5e: 0x4033, 0xd5f: 0x402e, 0xd60: 0x4034, 0xd61: 0x4035, 0xd62: 0x4034, 0xd63: 0x4036, - 0xd64: 0x4037, 0xd65: 0x4024, 0xd66: 0x4035, 0xd67: 0x4025, 0xd68: 0x4038, 0xd69: 0x4038, - 0xd6a: 0x4039, 0xd6b: 0x4039, 0xd6c: 0x403a, 0xd6d: 0x403a, 0xd6e: 0x4000, 0xd6f: 0x4035, - 0xd70: 0x4000, 0xd71: 0x4000, 0xd72: 0x403b, 0xd73: 0x403c, 0xd74: 0x4000, 0xd75: 0x4000, - 0xd76: 0x4000, 0xd77: 0x4000, 0xd78: 0x4000, 0xd79: 0x4000, 0xd7a: 0x4000, 0xd7b: 0x403d, - 0xd7c: 0x401c, 0xd7d: 0x4000, 0xd7e: 0x4000, 0xd7f: 0x4000, - // Block 0x36, offset 0xd80 - 0xd85: 0x4000, - 0xd86: 0x4000, 0xd87: 0x4000, 0xd88: 0x4000, 0xd89: 0x4000, 0xd8a: 0x4000, 0xd8b: 0x4000, - 0xd8c: 0x4000, 0xd8d: 0x4000, 0xd8e: 0x4000, 0xd8f: 0x4000, 0xd90: 0x4000, 0xd91: 0x4000, - 0xd92: 0x4000, 0xd93: 0x4000, 0xd94: 0x4000, 0xd95: 0x4000, 0xd96: 0x4000, 0xd97: 0x4000, - 0xd98: 0x4000, 0xd99: 0x4000, 0xd9a: 0x4000, 0xd9b: 0x4000, 0xd9c: 0x4000, 0xd9d: 0x4000, - 0xd9e: 0x4000, 0xd9f: 0x4000, 0xda0: 0x4000, 0xda1: 0x4000, 0xda2: 0x4000, 0xda3: 0x4000, - 0xda4: 0x4000, 0xda5: 0x4000, 0xda6: 0x4000, 0xda7: 0x4000, 0xda8: 0x4000, 0xda9: 0x4000, - 0xdaa: 0x4000, 0xdab: 0x4000, 0xdac: 0x4000, 0xdad: 0x4000, 0xdae: 0x4000, - 0xdb1: 0x403e, 0xdb2: 0x403e, 0xdb3: 0x403e, 0xdb4: 0x403e, 0xdb5: 0x403e, - 0xdb6: 0x403e, 0xdb7: 0x403e, 0xdb8: 0x403e, 0xdb9: 0x403e, 0xdba: 0x403e, 0xdbb: 0x403e, - 0xdbc: 0x403e, 0xdbd: 0x403e, 0xdbe: 0x403e, 0xdbf: 0x403e, - // Block 0x37, offset 0xdc0 - 0xdc0: 0x4037, 0xdc1: 0x4037, 0xdc2: 0x4037, 0xdc3: 0x4037, 0xdc4: 0x4037, 0xdc5: 0x4037, - 0xdc6: 0x4037, 0xdc7: 0x4037, 0xdc8: 0x4037, 0xdc9: 0x4037, 0xdca: 0x4037, 0xdcb: 0x4037, - 0xdcc: 0x4037, 0xdcd: 0x4037, 0xdce: 0x4037, 0xdcf: 0x400e, 0xdd0: 0x403f, 0xdd1: 0x4040, - 0xdd2: 0x4041, 0xdd3: 0x4040, 0xdd4: 0x403f, 0xdd5: 0x4042, 0xdd6: 0x4043, 0xdd7: 0x4044, - 0xdd8: 0x4040, 0xdd9: 0x4041, 0xdda: 0x4040, 0xddb: 0x4045, 0xddc: 0x4009, 0xddd: 0x4045, - 0xdde: 0x4046, 0xddf: 0x4045, 0xde0: 0x4047, 0xde1: 0x400b, 0xde2: 0x400a, 0xde3: 0x400c, - 0xde4: 0x4048, 0xde5: 0x4000, 0xde6: 0x4000, 0xde7: 0x4000, 0xde8: 0x4000, 0xde9: 0x4000, - 0xdea: 0x4000, 0xdeb: 0x4000, 0xdec: 0x4000, 0xded: 0x4000, 0xdee: 0x4000, 0xdef: 0x4000, - 0xdf0: 0x4000, 0xdf1: 0x4000, 0xdf2: 0x4000, 0xdf3: 0x4000, 0xdf4: 0x4000, 0xdf5: 0x4000, - 0xdf6: 0x4000, 0xdf7: 0x4000, 0xdf8: 0x4000, 0xdf9: 0x4000, 0xdfa: 0x4000, 0xdfb: 0x4000, - 0xdfc: 0x4000, 0xdfd: 0x4000, 0xdfe: 0x4000, 0xdff: 0x4000, - // Block 0x38, offset 0xe00 - 0xe00: 0x4000, 0xe01: 0x4000, 0xe02: 0x4000, 0xe03: 0x4000, 0xe04: 0x4000, 0xe05: 0x4000, - 0xe06: 0x4000, 0xe07: 0x4000, 0xe08: 0x4000, 0xe09: 0x4000, 0xe0a: 0x4000, 0xe0b: 0x4000, - 0xe0c: 0x4000, 0xe0d: 0x4000, 0xe0e: 0x4000, 0xe10: 0x4000, 0xe11: 0x4000, - 0xe12: 0x4000, 0xe13: 0x4000, 0xe14: 0x4000, 0xe15: 0x4000, 0xe16: 0x4000, 0xe17: 0x4000, - 0xe18: 0x4000, 0xe19: 0x4000, 0xe1a: 0x4000, 0xe1b: 0x4000, 0xe1c: 0x4000, 0xe1d: 0x4000, - 0xe1e: 0x4000, 0xe1f: 0x4000, 0xe20: 0x4000, 0xe21: 0x4000, 0xe22: 0x4000, 0xe23: 0x4000, - 0xe24: 0x4000, 0xe25: 0x4000, 0xe26: 0x4000, 0xe27: 0x4000, 0xe28: 0x4000, 0xe29: 0x4000, - 0xe2a: 0x4000, 0xe2b: 0x4000, 0xe2c: 0x4000, 0xe2d: 0x4000, 0xe2e: 0x4000, 0xe2f: 0x4000, - 0xe30: 0x4000, 0xe31: 0x4000, 0xe32: 0x4000, 0xe33: 0x4000, 0xe34: 0x4000, 0xe35: 0x4000, - 0xe36: 0x4000, 0xe37: 0x4000, 0xe38: 0x4000, 0xe39: 0x4000, 0xe3a: 0x4000, - // Block 0x39, offset 0xe40 - 0xe40: 0x4000, 0xe41: 0x4000, 0xe42: 0x4000, 0xe43: 0x4000, 0xe44: 0x4000, 0xe45: 0x4000, - 0xe46: 0x4000, 0xe47: 0x4000, 0xe48: 0x4000, 0xe49: 0x4000, 0xe4a: 0x4000, 0xe4b: 0x4000, - 0xe4c: 0x4000, 0xe4d: 0x4000, 0xe4e: 0x4000, 0xe4f: 0x4000, 0xe50: 0x4000, 0xe51: 0x4000, - 0xe52: 0x4000, 0xe53: 0x4000, 0xe54: 0x4000, 0xe55: 0x4000, 0xe56: 0x4000, 0xe57: 0x4000, - 0xe58: 0x4000, 0xe59: 0x4000, 0xe5a: 0x4000, 0xe5b: 0x4000, 0xe5c: 0x4000, 0xe5d: 0x4000, - 0xe5e: 0x4000, 0xe5f: 0x4000, 0xe60: 0x4000, 0xe61: 0x4000, 0xe62: 0x4000, 0xe63: 0x4000, - 0xe70: 0x4000, 0xe71: 0x4000, 0xe72: 0x4000, 0xe73: 0x4000, 0xe74: 0x4000, 0xe75: 0x4000, - 0xe76: 0x4000, 0xe77: 0x4000, 0xe78: 0x4000, 0xe79: 0x4000, 0xe7a: 0x4000, 0xe7b: 0x4000, - 0xe7c: 0x4000, 0xe7d: 0x4000, 0xe7e: 0x4000, 0xe7f: 0x4000, - // Block 0x3a, offset 0xe80 - 0xe80: 0x4000, 0xe81: 0x4000, 0xe82: 0x4000, 0xe83: 0x4000, 0xe84: 0x4000, 0xe85: 0x4000, - 0xe86: 0x4000, 0xe87: 0x4000, 0xe88: 0x4000, 0xe89: 0x4000, 0xe8a: 0x4000, 0xe8b: 0x4000, - 0xe8c: 0x4000, 0xe8d: 0x4000, 0xe8e: 0x4000, 0xe8f: 0x4000, 0xe90: 0x4000, 0xe91: 0x4000, - 0xe92: 0x4000, 0xe93: 0x4000, 0xe94: 0x4000, 0xe95: 0x4000, 0xe96: 0x4000, 0xe97: 0x4000, - 0xe98: 0x4000, 0xe99: 0x4000, 0xe9a: 0x4000, 0xe9b: 0x4000, 0xe9c: 0x4000, 0xe9d: 0x4000, - 0xe9e: 0x4000, 0xea0: 0x4000, 0xea1: 0x4000, 0xea2: 0x4000, 0xea3: 0x4000, - 0xea4: 0x4000, 0xea5: 0x4000, 0xea6: 0x4000, 0xea7: 0x4000, 0xea8: 0x4000, 0xea9: 0x4000, - 0xeaa: 0x4000, 0xeab: 0x4000, 0xeac: 0x4000, 0xead: 0x4000, 0xeae: 0x4000, 0xeaf: 0x4000, - 0xeb0: 0x4000, 0xeb1: 0x4000, 0xeb2: 0x4000, 0xeb3: 0x4000, 0xeb4: 0x4000, 0xeb5: 0x4000, - 0xeb6: 0x4000, 0xeb7: 0x4000, 0xeb8: 0x4000, 0xeb9: 0x4000, 0xeba: 0x4000, 0xebb: 0x4000, - 0xebc: 0x4000, 0xebd: 0x4000, 0xebe: 0x4000, 0xebf: 0x4000, - // Block 0x3b, offset 0xec0 - 0xec0: 0x4000, 0xec1: 0x4000, 0xec2: 0x4000, 0xec3: 0x4000, 0xec4: 0x4000, 0xec5: 0x4000, - 0xec6: 0x4000, 0xec7: 0x4000, 0xec8: 0x2000, 0xec9: 0x2000, 0xeca: 0x2000, 0xecb: 0x2000, - 0xecc: 0x2000, 0xecd: 0x2000, 0xece: 0x2000, 0xecf: 0x2000, 0xed0: 0x4000, 0xed1: 0x4000, - 0xed2: 0x4000, 0xed3: 0x4000, 0xed4: 0x4000, 0xed5: 0x4000, 0xed6: 0x4000, 0xed7: 0x4000, - 0xed8: 0x4000, 0xed9: 0x4000, 0xeda: 0x4000, 0xedb: 0x4000, 0xedc: 0x4000, 0xedd: 0x4000, - 0xede: 0x4000, 0xedf: 0x4000, 0xee0: 0x4000, 0xee1: 0x4000, 0xee2: 0x4000, 0xee3: 0x4000, - 0xee4: 0x4000, 0xee5: 0x4000, 0xee6: 0x4000, 0xee7: 0x4000, 0xee8: 0x4000, 0xee9: 0x4000, - 0xeea: 0x4000, 0xeeb: 0x4000, 0xeec: 0x4000, 0xeed: 0x4000, 0xeee: 0x4000, 0xeef: 0x4000, - 0xef0: 0x4000, 0xef1: 0x4000, 0xef2: 0x4000, 0xef3: 0x4000, 0xef4: 0x4000, 0xef5: 0x4000, - 0xef6: 0x4000, 0xef7: 0x4000, 0xef8: 0x4000, 0xef9: 0x4000, 0xefa: 0x4000, 0xefb: 0x4000, - 0xefc: 0x4000, 0xefd: 0x4000, 0xefe: 0x4000, 0xeff: 0x4000, - // Block 0x3c, offset 0xf00 - 0xf00: 0x4000, 0xf01: 0x4000, 0xf02: 0x4000, 0xf03: 0x4000, 0xf04: 0x4000, 0xf05: 0x4000, - 0xf06: 0x4000, 0xf07: 0x4000, 0xf08: 0x4000, 0xf09: 0x4000, 0xf0a: 0x4000, 0xf0b: 0x4000, - 0xf0c: 0x4000, 0xf0d: 0x4000, 0xf0e: 0x4000, 0xf0f: 0x4000, 0xf10: 0x4000, 0xf11: 0x4000, - 0xf12: 0x4000, 0xf13: 0x4000, 0xf14: 0x4000, 0xf15: 0x4000, 0xf16: 0x4000, 0xf17: 0x4000, - 0xf18: 0x4000, 0xf19: 0x4000, 0xf1a: 0x4000, 0xf1b: 0x4000, 0xf1c: 0x4000, 0xf1d: 0x4000, - 0xf1e: 0x4000, 0xf1f: 0x4000, 0xf20: 0x4000, 0xf21: 0x4000, 0xf22: 0x4000, 0xf23: 0x4000, - 0xf24: 0x4000, 0xf25: 0x4000, 0xf26: 0x4000, 0xf27: 0x4000, 0xf28: 0x4000, 0xf29: 0x4000, - 0xf2a: 0x4000, 0xf2b: 0x4000, 0xf2c: 0x4000, 0xf2d: 0x4000, 0xf2e: 0x4000, 0xf2f: 0x4000, - 0xf30: 0x4000, 0xf31: 0x4000, 0xf32: 0x4000, 0xf33: 0x4000, 0xf34: 0x4000, 0xf35: 0x4000, - 0xf36: 0x4000, 0xf37: 0x4000, 0xf38: 0x4000, 0xf39: 0x4000, 0xf3a: 0x4000, 0xf3b: 0x4000, - 0xf3c: 0x4000, 0xf3d: 0x4000, 0xf3e: 0x4000, - // Block 0x3d, offset 0xf40 - 0xf40: 0x4000, 0xf41: 0x4000, 0xf42: 0x4000, 0xf43: 0x4000, 0xf44: 0x4000, 0xf45: 0x4000, - 0xf46: 0x4000, 0xf47: 0x4000, 0xf48: 0x4000, 0xf49: 0x4000, 0xf4a: 0x4000, 0xf4b: 0x4000, - 0xf4c: 0x4000, 0xf50: 0x4000, 0xf51: 0x4000, - 0xf52: 0x4000, 0xf53: 0x4000, 0xf54: 0x4000, 0xf55: 0x4000, 0xf56: 0x4000, 0xf57: 0x4000, - 0xf58: 0x4000, 0xf59: 0x4000, 0xf5a: 0x4000, 0xf5b: 0x4000, 0xf5c: 0x4000, 0xf5d: 0x4000, - 0xf5e: 0x4000, 0xf5f: 0x4000, 0xf60: 0x4000, 0xf61: 0x4000, 0xf62: 0x4000, 0xf63: 0x4000, - 0xf64: 0x4000, 0xf65: 0x4000, 0xf66: 0x4000, 0xf67: 0x4000, 0xf68: 0x4000, 0xf69: 0x4000, - 0xf6a: 0x4000, 0xf6b: 0x4000, 0xf6c: 0x4000, 0xf6d: 0x4000, 0xf6e: 0x4000, 0xf6f: 0x4000, - 0xf70: 0x4000, 0xf71: 0x4000, 0xf72: 0x4000, 0xf73: 0x4000, 0xf74: 0x4000, 0xf75: 0x4000, - 0xf76: 0x4000, 0xf77: 0x4000, 0xf78: 0x4000, 0xf79: 0x4000, 0xf7a: 0x4000, 0xf7b: 0x4000, - 0xf7c: 0x4000, 0xf7d: 0x4000, 0xf7e: 0x4000, 0xf7f: 0x4000, - // Block 0x3e, offset 0xf80 - 0xf80: 0x4000, 0xf81: 0x4000, 0xf82: 0x4000, 0xf83: 0x4000, 0xf84: 0x4000, 0xf85: 0x4000, - 0xf86: 0x4000, - // Block 0x3f, offset 0xfc0 - 0xfe0: 0x4000, 0xfe1: 0x4000, 0xfe2: 0x4000, 0xfe3: 0x4000, - 0xfe4: 0x4000, 0xfe5: 0x4000, 0xfe6: 0x4000, 0xfe7: 0x4000, 0xfe8: 0x4000, 0xfe9: 0x4000, - 0xfea: 0x4000, 0xfeb: 0x4000, 0xfec: 0x4000, 0xfed: 0x4000, 0xfee: 0x4000, 0xfef: 0x4000, - 0xff0: 0x4000, 0xff1: 0x4000, 0xff2: 0x4000, 0xff3: 0x4000, 0xff4: 0x4000, 0xff5: 0x4000, - 0xff6: 0x4000, 0xff7: 0x4000, 0xff8: 0x4000, 0xff9: 0x4000, 0xffa: 0x4000, 0xffb: 0x4000, - 0xffc: 0x4000, - // Block 0x40, offset 0x1000 - 0x1000: 0x4000, 0x1001: 0x4000, 0x1002: 0x4000, 0x1003: 0x4000, 0x1004: 0x4000, 0x1005: 0x4000, - 0x1006: 0x4000, 0x1007: 0x4000, 0x1008: 0x4000, 0x1009: 0x4000, 0x100a: 0x4000, 0x100b: 0x4000, - 0x100c: 0x4000, 0x100d: 0x4000, 0x100e: 0x4000, 0x100f: 0x4000, 0x1010: 0x4000, 0x1011: 0x4000, - 0x1012: 0x4000, 0x1013: 0x4000, 0x1014: 0x4000, 0x1015: 0x4000, 0x1016: 0x4000, 0x1017: 0x4000, - 0x1018: 0x4000, 0x1019: 0x4000, 0x101a: 0x4000, 0x101b: 0x4000, 0x101c: 0x4000, 0x101d: 0x4000, - 0x101e: 0x4000, 0x101f: 0x4000, 0x1020: 0x4000, 0x1021: 0x4000, 0x1022: 0x4000, 0x1023: 0x4000, - // Block 0x41, offset 0x1040 - 0x1040: 0x2000, 0x1041: 0x2000, 0x1042: 0x2000, 0x1043: 0x2000, 0x1044: 0x2000, 0x1045: 0x2000, - 0x1046: 0x2000, 0x1047: 0x2000, 0x1048: 0x2000, 0x1049: 0x2000, 0x104a: 0x2000, 0x104b: 0x2000, - 0x104c: 0x2000, 0x104d: 0x2000, 0x104e: 0x2000, 0x104f: 0x2000, 0x1050: 0x4000, 0x1051: 0x4000, - 0x1052: 0x4000, 0x1053: 0x4000, 0x1054: 0x4000, 0x1055: 0x4000, 0x1056: 0x4000, 0x1057: 0x4000, - 0x1058: 0x4000, 0x1059: 0x4000, - 0x1070: 0x4000, 0x1071: 0x4000, 0x1072: 0x4000, 0x1073: 0x4000, 0x1074: 0x4000, 0x1075: 0x4000, - 0x1076: 0x4000, 0x1077: 0x4000, 0x1078: 0x4000, 0x1079: 0x4000, 0x107a: 0x4000, 0x107b: 0x4000, - 0x107c: 0x4000, 0x107d: 0x4000, 0x107e: 0x4000, 0x107f: 0x4000, - // Block 0x42, offset 0x1080 - 0x1080: 0x4000, 0x1081: 0x4000, 0x1082: 0x4000, 0x1083: 0x4000, 0x1084: 0x4000, 0x1085: 0x4000, - 0x1086: 0x4000, 0x1087: 0x4000, 0x1088: 0x4000, 0x1089: 0x4000, 0x108a: 0x4000, 0x108b: 0x4000, - 0x108c: 0x4000, 0x108d: 0x4000, 0x108e: 0x4000, 0x108f: 0x4000, 0x1090: 0x4000, 0x1091: 0x4000, - 0x1092: 0x4000, 0x1094: 0x4000, 0x1095: 0x4000, 0x1096: 0x4000, 0x1097: 0x4000, - 0x1098: 0x4000, 0x1099: 0x4000, 0x109a: 0x4000, 0x109b: 0x4000, 0x109c: 0x4000, 0x109d: 0x4000, - 0x109e: 0x4000, 0x109f: 0x4000, 0x10a0: 0x4000, 0x10a1: 0x4000, 0x10a2: 0x4000, 0x10a3: 0x4000, - 0x10a4: 0x4000, 0x10a5: 0x4000, 0x10a6: 0x4000, 0x10a8: 0x4000, 0x10a9: 0x4000, - 0x10aa: 0x4000, 0x10ab: 0x4000, - // Block 0x43, offset 0x10c0 - 0x10c1: 0x9012, 0x10c2: 0x9012, 0x10c3: 0x9012, 0x10c4: 0x9012, 0x10c5: 0x9012, - 0x10c6: 0x9012, 0x10c7: 0x9012, 0x10c8: 0x9012, 0x10c9: 0x9012, 0x10ca: 0x9012, 0x10cb: 0x9012, - 0x10cc: 0x9012, 0x10cd: 0x9012, 0x10ce: 0x9012, 0x10cf: 0x9012, 0x10d0: 0x9012, 0x10d1: 0x9012, - 0x10d2: 0x9012, 0x10d3: 0x9012, 0x10d4: 0x9012, 0x10d5: 0x9012, 0x10d6: 0x9012, 0x10d7: 0x9012, - 0x10d8: 0x9012, 0x10d9: 0x9012, 0x10da: 0x9012, 0x10db: 0x9012, 0x10dc: 0x9012, 0x10dd: 0x9012, - 0x10de: 0x9012, 0x10df: 0x9012, 0x10e0: 0x9049, 0x10e1: 0x9049, 0x10e2: 0x9049, 0x10e3: 0x9049, - 0x10e4: 0x9049, 0x10e5: 0x9049, 0x10e6: 0x9049, 0x10e7: 0x9049, 0x10e8: 0x9049, 0x10e9: 0x9049, - 0x10ea: 0x9049, 0x10eb: 0x9049, 0x10ec: 0x9049, 0x10ed: 0x9049, 0x10ee: 0x9049, 0x10ef: 0x9049, - 0x10f0: 0x9049, 0x10f1: 0x9049, 0x10f2: 0x9049, 0x10f3: 0x9049, 0x10f4: 0x9049, 0x10f5: 0x9049, - 0x10f6: 0x9049, 0x10f7: 0x9049, 0x10f8: 0x9049, 0x10f9: 0x9049, 0x10fa: 0x9049, 0x10fb: 0x9049, - 0x10fc: 0x9049, 0x10fd: 0x9049, 0x10fe: 0x9049, 0x10ff: 0x9049, - // Block 0x44, offset 0x1100 - 0x1100: 0x9049, 0x1101: 0x9049, 0x1102: 0x9049, 0x1103: 0x9049, 0x1104: 0x9049, 0x1105: 0x9049, - 0x1106: 0x9049, 0x1107: 0x9049, 0x1108: 0x9049, 0x1109: 0x9049, 0x110a: 0x9049, 0x110b: 0x9049, - 0x110c: 0x9049, 0x110d: 0x9049, 0x110e: 0x9049, 0x110f: 0x9049, 0x1110: 0x9049, 0x1111: 0x9049, - 0x1112: 0x9049, 0x1113: 0x9049, 0x1114: 0x9049, 0x1115: 0x9049, 0x1116: 0x9049, 0x1117: 0x9049, - 0x1118: 0x9049, 0x1119: 0x9049, 0x111a: 0x9049, 0x111b: 0x9049, 0x111c: 0x9049, 0x111d: 0x9049, - 0x111e: 0x9049, 0x111f: 0x904a, 0x1120: 0x904b, 0x1121: 0xb04c, 0x1122: 0xb04d, 0x1123: 0xb04d, - 0x1124: 0xb04e, 0x1125: 0xb04f, 0x1126: 0xb050, 0x1127: 0xb051, 0x1128: 0xb052, 0x1129: 0xb053, - 0x112a: 0xb054, 0x112b: 0xb055, 0x112c: 0xb056, 0x112d: 0xb057, 0x112e: 0xb058, 0x112f: 0xb059, - 0x1130: 0xb05a, 0x1131: 0xb05b, 0x1132: 0xb05c, 0x1133: 0xb05d, 0x1134: 0xb05e, 0x1135: 0xb05f, - 0x1136: 0xb060, 0x1137: 0xb061, 0x1138: 0xb062, 0x1139: 0xb063, 0x113a: 0xb064, 0x113b: 0xb065, - 0x113c: 0xb052, 0x113d: 0xb066, 0x113e: 0xb067, 0x113f: 0xb055, - // Block 0x45, offset 0x1140 - 0x1140: 0xb068, 0x1141: 0xb069, 0x1142: 0xb06a, 0x1143: 0xb06b, 0x1144: 0xb05a, 0x1145: 0xb056, - 0x1146: 0xb06c, 0x1147: 0xb06d, 0x1148: 0xb06b, 0x1149: 0xb06e, 0x114a: 0xb06b, 0x114b: 0xb06f, - 0x114c: 0xb06f, 0x114d: 0xb070, 0x114e: 0xb070, 0x114f: 0xb071, 0x1150: 0xb056, 0x1151: 0xb072, - 0x1152: 0xb073, 0x1153: 0xb072, 0x1154: 0xb074, 0x1155: 0xb073, 0x1156: 0xb075, 0x1157: 0xb075, - 0x1158: 0xb076, 0x1159: 0xb076, 0x115a: 0xb077, 0x115b: 0xb077, 0x115c: 0xb073, 0x115d: 0xb078, - 0x115e: 0xb079, 0x115f: 0xb067, 0x1160: 0xb07a, 0x1161: 0xb07b, 0x1162: 0xb07b, 0x1163: 0xb07b, - 0x1164: 0xb07b, 0x1165: 0xb07b, 0x1166: 0xb07b, 0x1167: 0xb07b, 0x1168: 0xb07b, 0x1169: 0xb07b, - 0x116a: 0xb07b, 0x116b: 0xb07b, 0x116c: 0xb07b, 0x116d: 0xb07b, 0x116e: 0xb07b, 0x116f: 0xb07b, - 0x1170: 0xb07c, 0x1171: 0xb07c, 0x1172: 0xb07c, 0x1173: 0xb07c, 0x1174: 0xb07c, 0x1175: 0xb07c, - 0x1176: 0xb07c, 0x1177: 0xb07c, 0x1178: 0xb07c, 0x1179: 0xb07c, 0x117a: 0xb07c, 0x117b: 0xb07c, - 0x117c: 0xb07c, 0x117d: 0xb07c, 0x117e: 0xb07c, - // Block 0x46, offset 0x1180 - 0x1182: 0xb07d, 0x1183: 0xb07e, 0x1184: 0xb07f, 0x1185: 0xb080, - 0x1186: 0xb07f, 0x1187: 0xb07e, 0x118a: 0xb081, 0x118b: 0xb082, - 0x118c: 0xb083, 0x118d: 0xb07f, 0x118e: 0xb080, 0x118f: 0xb07f, - 0x1192: 0xb084, 0x1193: 0xb085, 0x1194: 0xb084, 0x1195: 0xb086, 0x1196: 0xb084, 0x1197: 0xb087, - 0x119a: 0xb088, 0x119b: 0xb089, 0x119c: 0xb08a, - 0x11a0: 0x908b, 0x11a1: 0x908b, 0x11a2: 0x908c, 0x11a3: 0x908d, - 0x11a4: 0x908b, 0x11a5: 0x908e, 0x11a6: 0x908f, 0x11a8: 0xb090, 0x11a9: 0xb091, - 0x11aa: 0xb092, 0x11ab: 0xb091, 0x11ac: 0xb093, 0x11ad: 0xb094, 0x11ae: 0xb095, - 0x11bd: 0x2000, - // Block 0x47, offset 0x11c0 - 0x11e0: 0x4000, 0x11e1: 0x4000, - // Block 0x48, offset 0x1200 - 0x1200: 0x4000, 0x1201: 0x4000, 0x1202: 0x4000, 0x1203: 0x4000, 0x1204: 0x4000, 0x1205: 0x4000, - 0x1206: 0x4000, 0x1207: 0x4000, 0x1208: 0x4000, 0x1209: 0x4000, 0x120a: 0x4000, 0x120b: 0x4000, - 0x120c: 0x4000, 0x120d: 0x4000, 0x120e: 0x4000, 0x120f: 0x4000, 0x1210: 0x4000, 0x1211: 0x4000, - 0x1212: 0x4000, 0x1213: 0x4000, 0x1214: 0x4000, 0x1215: 0x4000, 0x1216: 0x4000, 0x1217: 0x4000, - 0x1218: 0x4000, 0x1219: 0x4000, 0x121a: 0x4000, 0x121b: 0x4000, 0x121c: 0x4000, 0x121d: 0x4000, - 0x121e: 0x4000, 0x121f: 0x4000, 0x1220: 0x4000, 0x1221: 0x4000, 0x1222: 0x4000, 0x1223: 0x4000, - 0x1224: 0x4000, 0x1225: 0x4000, 0x1226: 0x4000, 0x1227: 0x4000, 0x1228: 0x4000, 0x1229: 0x4000, - 0x122a: 0x4000, 0x122b: 0x4000, 0x122c: 0x4000, - // Block 0x49, offset 0x1240 - 0x1240: 0x4000, 0x1241: 0x4000, 0x1242: 0x4000, 0x1243: 0x4000, 0x1244: 0x4000, 0x1245: 0x4000, - 0x1246: 0x4000, 0x1247: 0x4000, 0x1248: 0x4000, 0x1249: 0x4000, 0x124a: 0x4000, 0x124b: 0x4000, - 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0x146a: 0x2000, 0x146b: 0x2000, 0x146c: 0x2000, - // Block 0x52, offset 0x1480 - 0x1480: 0x4000, 0x1481: 0x4000, 0x1482: 0x4000, - 0x1490: 0x4000, 0x1491: 0x4000, - 0x1492: 0x4000, 0x1493: 0x4000, 0x1494: 0x4000, 0x1495: 0x4000, 0x1496: 0x4000, 0x1497: 0x4000, - 0x1498: 0x4000, 0x1499: 0x4000, 0x149a: 0x4000, 0x149b: 0x4000, 0x149c: 0x4000, 0x149d: 0x4000, - 0x149e: 0x4000, 0x149f: 0x4000, 0x14a0: 0x4000, 0x14a1: 0x4000, 0x14a2: 0x4000, 0x14a3: 0x4000, - 0x14a4: 0x4000, 0x14a5: 0x4000, 0x14a6: 0x4000, 0x14a7: 0x4000, 0x14a8: 0x4000, 0x14a9: 0x4000, - 0x14aa: 0x4000, 0x14ab: 0x4000, 0x14ac: 0x4000, 0x14ad: 0x4000, 0x14ae: 0x4000, 0x14af: 0x4000, - 0x14b0: 0x4000, 0x14b1: 0x4000, 0x14b2: 0x4000, 0x14b3: 0x4000, 0x14b4: 0x4000, 0x14b5: 0x4000, - 0x14b6: 0x4000, 0x14b7: 0x4000, 0x14b8: 0x4000, 0x14b9: 0x4000, 0x14ba: 0x4000, 0x14bb: 0x4000, - // Block 0x53, offset 0x14c0 - 0x14c0: 0x4000, 0x14c1: 0x4000, 0x14c2: 0x4000, 0x14c3: 0x4000, 0x14c4: 0x4000, 0x14c5: 0x4000, - 0x14c6: 0x4000, 0x14c7: 0x4000, 0x14c8: 0x4000, - 0x14d0: 0x4000, 0x14d1: 0x4000, - 0x14e0: 0x4000, 0x14e1: 0x4000, 0x14e2: 0x4000, 0x14e3: 0x4000, - 0x14e4: 0x4000, 0x14e5: 0x4000, - // Block 0x54, offset 0x1500 - 0x1500: 0x4000, 0x1501: 0x4000, 0x1502: 0x4000, 0x1503: 0x4000, 0x1504: 0x4000, 0x1505: 0x4000, - 0x1506: 0x4000, 0x1507: 0x4000, 0x1508: 0x4000, 0x1509: 0x4000, 0x150a: 0x4000, 0x150b: 0x4000, - 0x150c: 0x4000, 0x150d: 0x4000, 0x150e: 0x4000, 0x150f: 0x4000, 0x1510: 0x4000, 0x1511: 0x4000, - 0x1512: 0x4000, 0x1513: 0x4000, 0x1514: 0x4000, 0x1515: 0x4000, 0x1516: 0x4000, 0x1517: 0x4000, - 0x1518: 0x4000, 0x1519: 0x4000, 0x151a: 0x4000, 0x151b: 0x4000, 0x151c: 0x4000, 0x151d: 0x4000, - 0x151e: 0x4000, 0x151f: 0x4000, 0x1520: 0x4000, - 0x152d: 0x4000, 0x152e: 0x4000, 0x152f: 0x4000, - 0x1530: 0x4000, 0x1531: 0x4000, 0x1532: 0x4000, 0x1533: 0x4000, 0x1534: 0x4000, 0x1535: 0x4000, - 0x1537: 0x4000, 0x1538: 0x4000, 0x1539: 0x4000, 0x153a: 0x4000, 0x153b: 0x4000, - 0x153c: 0x4000, 0x153d: 0x4000, 0x153e: 0x4000, 0x153f: 0x4000, - 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0x1618: 0x4000, 0x1619: 0x4000, 0x161a: 0x4000, 0x161b: 0x4000, 0x161c: 0x4000, 0x161d: 0x4000, - 0x161e: 0x4000, 0x161f: 0x4000, 0x1620: 0x4000, 0x1621: 0x4000, 0x1622: 0x4000, 0x1623: 0x4000, - 0x1624: 0x4000, 0x1625: 0x4000, 0x1626: 0x4000, 0x1627: 0x4000, 0x1628: 0x4000, 0x1629: 0x4000, - 0x162a: 0x4000, 0x162b: 0x4000, 0x162c: 0x4000, 0x162d: 0x4000, 0x162e: 0x4000, 0x162f: 0x4000, - 0x1630: 0x4000, 0x1631: 0x4000, 0x1632: 0x4000, 0x1633: 0x4000, 0x1634: 0x4000, 0x1635: 0x4000, - 0x1636: 0x4000, 0x1637: 0x4000, 0x1638: 0x4000, 0x1639: 0x4000, 0x163a: 0x4000, 0x163b: 0x4000, - 0x163c: 0x4000, 0x163d: 0x4000, 0x163e: 0x4000, 0x163f: 0x4000, - // Block 0x59, offset 0x1640 - 0x1640: 0x4000, 0x1641: 0x4000, 0x1642: 0x4000, 0x1643: 0x4000, 0x1644: 0x4000, 0x1645: 0x4000, - 0x1646: 0x4000, 0x1647: 0x4000, 0x1648: 0x4000, 0x1649: 0x4000, 0x164a: 0x4000, 0x164b: 0x4000, - 0x164c: 0x4000, 0x164d: 0x4000, 0x164e: 0x4000, 0x164f: 0x4000, 0x1650: 0x4000, 0x1651: 0x4000, - 0x1652: 0x4000, 0x1653: 0x4000, 0x1654: 0x4000, 0x1655: 0x4000, 0x1656: 0x4000, 0x1657: 0x4000, - 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0x1698: 0x4000, 0x1699: 0x4000, 0x169a: 0x4000, 0x169b: 0x4000, 0x169c: 0x4000, 0x169d: 0x4000, - 0x169e: 0x4000, 0x169f: 0x4000, 0x16a0: 0x4000, 0x16a1: 0x4000, 0x16a2: 0x4000, 0x16a3: 0x4000, - 0x16a4: 0x4000, 0x16a5: 0x4000, 0x16a6: 0x4000, 0x16a7: 0x4000, 0x16a8: 0x4000, 0x16a9: 0x4000, - 0x16aa: 0x4000, 0x16ab: 0x4000, 0x16ac: 0x4000, 0x16ad: 0x4000, 0x16ae: 0x4000, 0x16af: 0x4000, - 0x16b0: 0x4000, 0x16b1: 0x4000, 0x16b2: 0x4000, 0x16b3: 0x4000, 0x16b4: 0x4000, 0x16b5: 0x4000, - 0x16b6: 0x4000, 0x16b7: 0x4000, 0x16b8: 0x4000, 0x16b9: 0x4000, 0x16ba: 0x4000, 0x16bb: 0x4000, - 0x16bc: 0x4000, 0x16bd: 0x4000, - // Block 0x5b, offset 0x16c0 - 0x16cb: 0x4000, - 0x16cc: 0x4000, 0x16cd: 0x4000, 0x16ce: 0x4000, 0x16d0: 0x4000, 0x16d1: 0x4000, - 0x16d2: 0x4000, 0x16d3: 0x4000, 0x16d4: 0x4000, 0x16d5: 0x4000, 0x16d6: 0x4000, 0x16d7: 0x4000, - 0x16d8: 0x4000, 0x16d9: 0x4000, 0x16da: 0x4000, 0x16db: 0x4000, 0x16dc: 0x4000, 0x16dd: 0x4000, - 0x16de: 0x4000, 0x16df: 0x4000, 0x16e0: 0x4000, 0x16e1: 0x4000, 0x16e2: 0x4000, 0x16e3: 0x4000, - 0x16e4: 0x4000, 0x16e5: 0x4000, 0x16e6: 0x4000, 0x16e7: 0x4000, - 0x16fa: 0x4000, - // Block 0x5c, offset 0x1700 - 0x1715: 0x4000, 0x1716: 0x4000, - 0x1724: 0x4000, - // Block 0x5d, offset 0x1740 - 0x177b: 0x4000, - 0x177c: 0x4000, 0x177d: 0x4000, 0x177e: 0x4000, 0x177f: 0x4000, - // Block 0x5e, offset 0x1780 - 0x1780: 0x4000, 0x1781: 0x4000, 0x1782: 0x4000, 0x1783: 0x4000, 0x1784: 0x4000, 0x1785: 0x4000, - 0x1786: 0x4000, 0x1787: 0x4000, 0x1788: 0x4000, 0x1789: 0x4000, 0x178a: 0x4000, 0x178b: 0x4000, - 0x178c: 0x4000, 0x178d: 0x4000, 0x178e: 0x4000, 0x178f: 0x4000, - // Block 0x5f, offset 0x17c0 - 0x17c0: 0x4000, 0x17c1: 0x4000, 0x17c2: 0x4000, 0x17c3: 0x4000, 0x17c4: 0x4000, 0x17c5: 0x4000, - 0x17cc: 0x4000, 0x17d0: 0x4000, 0x17d1: 0x4000, - 0x17d2: 0x4000, - 0x17eb: 0x4000, 0x17ec: 0x4000, - 0x17f4: 0x4000, 0x17f5: 0x4000, - 0x17f6: 0x4000, 0x17f7: 0x4000, 0x17f8: 0x4000, - // Block 0x60, offset 0x1800 - 0x1810: 0x4000, 0x1811: 0x4000, - 0x1812: 0x4000, 0x1813: 0x4000, 0x1814: 0x4000, 0x1815: 0x4000, 0x1816: 0x4000, 0x1817: 0x4000, - 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0x1936: 0x2000, 0x1937: 0x2000, 0x1938: 0x2000, 0x1939: 0x2000, 0x193a: 0x2000, 0x193b: 0x2000, - 0x193c: 0x2000, 0x193d: 0x2000, -} - -// widthIndex: 22 blocks, 1408 entries, 1408 bytes -// Block 0 is the zero block. -var widthIndex = [1408]uint8{ - // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 - // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 - // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 - // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 - 0xc2: 0x01, 0xc3: 0x02, 0xc4: 0x03, 0xc5: 0x04, 0xc7: 0x05, - 0xc9: 0x06, 0xcb: 0x07, 0xcc: 0x08, 0xcd: 0x09, 0xce: 0x0a, 0xcf: 0x0b, - 0xd0: 0x0c, 0xd1: 0x0d, - 0xe1: 0x02, 0xe2: 0x03, 0xe3: 0x04, 0xe4: 0x05, 0xe5: 0x06, 0xe6: 0x06, 0xe7: 0x06, - 0xe8: 0x06, 0xe9: 0x06, 0xea: 0x07, 0xeb: 0x06, 0xec: 0x06, 0xed: 0x08, 0xee: 0x09, 0xef: 0x0a, - 0xf0: 0x0f, 0xf3: 0x12, 0xf4: 0x13, - // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 - 0x104: 0x0e, 0x105: 0x0f, - // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 - 0x140: 0x10, 0x141: 0x11, 0x142: 0x12, 0x144: 0x13, 0x145: 0x14, 0x146: 0x15, 0x147: 0x16, - 0x148: 0x17, 0x149: 0x18, 0x14a: 0x19, 0x14c: 0x1a, 0x14f: 0x1b, - 0x151: 0x1c, 0x152: 0x08, 0x153: 0x1d, 0x154: 0x1e, 0x155: 0x1f, 0x156: 0x20, 0x157: 0x21, - 0x158: 0x22, 0x159: 0x23, 0x15a: 0x24, 0x15b: 0x25, 0x15c: 0x26, 0x15d: 0x27, 0x15e: 0x28, 0x15f: 0x29, - 0x166: 0x2a, - 0x16c: 0x2b, 0x16d: 0x2c, - 0x17a: 0x2d, 0x17b: 0x2e, 0x17c: 0x0e, 0x17d: 0x0e, 0x17e: 0x0e, 0x17f: 0x2f, - // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 - 0x180: 0x30, 0x181: 0x31, 0x182: 0x32, 0x183: 0x33, 0x184: 0x34, 0x185: 0x35, 0x186: 0x36, 0x187: 0x37, - 0x188: 0x38, 0x189: 0x39, 0x18a: 0x0e, 0x18b: 0x3a, 0x18c: 0x0e, 0x18d: 0x0e, 0x18e: 0x0e, 0x18f: 0x0e, - 0x190: 0x0e, 0x191: 0x0e, 0x192: 0x0e, 0x193: 0x0e, 0x194: 0x0e, 0x195: 0x0e, 0x196: 0x0e, 0x197: 0x0e, - 0x198: 0x0e, 0x199: 0x0e, 0x19a: 0x0e, 0x19b: 0x0e, 0x19c: 0x0e, 0x19d: 0x0e, 0x19e: 0x0e, 0x19f: 0x0e, - 0x1a0: 0x0e, 0x1a1: 0x0e, 0x1a2: 0x0e, 0x1a3: 0x0e, 0x1a4: 0x0e, 0x1a5: 0x0e, 0x1a6: 0x0e, 0x1a7: 0x0e, - 0x1a8: 0x0e, 0x1a9: 0x0e, 0x1aa: 0x0e, 0x1ab: 0x0e, 0x1ac: 0x0e, 0x1ad: 0x0e, 0x1ae: 0x0e, 0x1af: 0x0e, - 0x1b0: 0x0e, 0x1b1: 0x0e, 0x1b2: 0x0e, 0x1b3: 0x0e, 0x1b4: 0x0e, 0x1b5: 0x0e, 0x1b6: 0x0e, 0x1b7: 0x0e, - 0x1b8: 0x0e, 0x1b9: 0x0e, 0x1ba: 0x0e, 0x1bb: 0x0e, 0x1bc: 0x0e, 0x1bd: 0x0e, 0x1be: 0x0e, 0x1bf: 0x0e, - // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 - 0x1c0: 0x0e, 0x1c1: 0x0e, 0x1c2: 0x0e, 0x1c3: 0x0e, 0x1c4: 0x0e, 0x1c5: 0x0e, 0x1c6: 0x0e, 0x1c7: 0x0e, - 0x1c8: 0x0e, 0x1c9: 0x0e, 0x1ca: 0x0e, 0x1cb: 0x0e, 0x1cc: 0x0e, 0x1cd: 0x0e, 0x1ce: 0x0e, 0x1cf: 0x0e, - 0x1d0: 0x0e, 0x1d1: 0x0e, 0x1d2: 0x0e, 0x1d3: 0x0e, 0x1d4: 0x0e, 0x1d5: 0x0e, 0x1d6: 0x0e, 0x1d7: 0x0e, - 0x1d8: 0x0e, 0x1d9: 0x0e, 0x1da: 0x0e, 0x1db: 0x0e, 0x1dc: 0x0e, 0x1dd: 0x0e, 0x1de: 0x0e, 0x1df: 0x0e, - 0x1e0: 0x0e, 0x1e1: 0x0e, 0x1e2: 0x0e, 0x1e3: 0x0e, 0x1e4: 0x0e, 0x1e5: 0x0e, 0x1e6: 0x0e, 0x1e7: 0x0e, - 0x1e8: 0x0e, 0x1e9: 0x0e, 0x1ea: 0x0e, 0x1eb: 0x0e, 0x1ec: 0x0e, 0x1ed: 0x0e, 0x1ee: 0x0e, 0x1ef: 0x0e, - 0x1f0: 0x0e, 0x1f1: 0x0e, 0x1f2: 0x0e, 0x1f3: 0x0e, 0x1f4: 0x0e, 0x1f5: 0x0e, 0x1f6: 0x0e, - 0x1f8: 0x0e, 0x1f9: 0x0e, 0x1fa: 0x0e, 0x1fb: 0x0e, 0x1fc: 0x0e, 0x1fd: 0x0e, 0x1fe: 0x0e, 0x1ff: 0x0e, - // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 - 0x200: 0x0e, 0x201: 0x0e, 0x202: 0x0e, 0x203: 0x0e, 0x204: 0x0e, 0x205: 0x0e, 0x206: 0x0e, 0x207: 0x0e, - 0x208: 0x0e, 0x209: 0x0e, 0x20a: 0x0e, 0x20b: 0x0e, 0x20c: 0x0e, 0x20d: 0x0e, 0x20e: 0x0e, 0x20f: 0x0e, - 0x210: 0x0e, 0x211: 0x0e, 0x212: 0x0e, 0x213: 0x0e, 0x214: 0x0e, 0x215: 0x0e, 0x216: 0x0e, 0x217: 0x0e, - 0x218: 0x0e, 0x219: 0x0e, 0x21a: 0x0e, 0x21b: 0x0e, 0x21c: 0x0e, 0x21d: 0x0e, 0x21e: 0x0e, 0x21f: 0x0e, - 0x220: 0x0e, 0x221: 0x0e, 0x222: 0x0e, 0x223: 0x0e, 0x224: 0x0e, 0x225: 0x0e, 0x226: 0x0e, 0x227: 0x0e, - 0x228: 0x0e, 0x229: 0x0e, 0x22a: 0x0e, 0x22b: 0x0e, 0x22c: 0x0e, 0x22d: 0x0e, 0x22e: 0x0e, 0x22f: 0x0e, - 0x230: 0x0e, 0x231: 0x0e, 0x232: 0x0e, 0x233: 0x0e, 0x234: 0x0e, 0x235: 0x0e, 0x236: 0x0e, 0x237: 0x0e, - 0x238: 0x0e, 0x239: 0x0e, 0x23a: 0x0e, 0x23b: 0x0e, 0x23c: 0x0e, 0x23d: 0x0e, 0x23e: 0x0e, 0x23f: 0x0e, - // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 - 0x240: 0x0e, 0x241: 0x0e, 0x242: 0x0e, 0x243: 0x0e, 0x244: 0x0e, 0x245: 0x0e, 0x246: 0x0e, 0x247: 0x0e, - 0x248: 0x0e, 0x249: 0x0e, 0x24a: 0x0e, 0x24b: 0x0e, 0x24c: 0x0e, 0x24d: 0x0e, 0x24e: 0x0e, 0x24f: 0x0e, - 0x250: 0x0e, 0x251: 0x0e, 0x252: 0x3b, 0x253: 0x3c, - 0x265: 0x3d, - 0x270: 0x0e, 0x271: 0x0e, 0x272: 0x0e, 0x273: 0x0e, 0x274: 0x0e, 0x275: 0x0e, 0x276: 0x0e, 0x277: 0x0e, - 0x278: 0x0e, 0x279: 0x0e, 0x27a: 0x0e, 0x27b: 0x0e, 0x27c: 0x0e, 0x27d: 0x0e, 0x27e: 0x0e, 0x27f: 0x0e, - // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 - 0x280: 0x0e, 0x281: 0x0e, 0x282: 0x0e, 0x283: 0x0e, 0x284: 0x0e, 0x285: 0x0e, 0x286: 0x0e, 0x287: 0x0e, - 0x288: 0x0e, 0x289: 0x0e, 0x28a: 0x0e, 0x28b: 0x0e, 0x28c: 0x0e, 0x28d: 0x0e, 0x28e: 0x0e, 0x28f: 0x0e, - 0x290: 0x0e, 0x291: 0x0e, 0x292: 0x0e, 0x293: 0x0e, 0x294: 0x0e, 0x295: 0x0e, 0x296: 0x0e, 0x297: 0x0e, - 0x298: 0x0e, 0x299: 0x0e, 0x29a: 0x0e, 0x29b: 0x0e, 0x29c: 0x0e, 0x29d: 0x0e, 0x29e: 0x3e, - // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 - 0x2c0: 0x08, 0x2c1: 0x08, 0x2c2: 0x08, 0x2c3: 0x08, 0x2c4: 0x08, 0x2c5: 0x08, 0x2c6: 0x08, 0x2c7: 0x08, - 0x2c8: 0x08, 0x2c9: 0x08, 0x2ca: 0x08, 0x2cb: 0x08, 0x2cc: 0x08, 0x2cd: 0x08, 0x2ce: 0x08, 0x2cf: 0x08, - 0x2d0: 0x08, 0x2d1: 0x08, 0x2d2: 0x08, 0x2d3: 0x08, 0x2d4: 0x08, 0x2d5: 0x08, 0x2d6: 0x08, 0x2d7: 0x08, - 0x2d8: 0x08, 0x2d9: 0x08, 0x2da: 0x08, 0x2db: 0x08, 0x2dc: 0x08, 0x2dd: 0x08, 0x2de: 0x08, 0x2df: 0x08, - 0x2e0: 0x08, 0x2e1: 0x08, 0x2e2: 0x08, 0x2e3: 0x08, 0x2e4: 0x08, 0x2e5: 0x08, 0x2e6: 0x08, 0x2e7: 0x08, - 0x2e8: 0x08, 0x2e9: 0x08, 0x2ea: 0x08, 0x2eb: 0x08, 0x2ec: 0x08, 0x2ed: 0x08, 0x2ee: 0x08, 0x2ef: 0x08, - 0x2f0: 0x08, 0x2f1: 0x08, 0x2f2: 0x08, 0x2f3: 0x08, 0x2f4: 0x08, 0x2f5: 0x08, 0x2f6: 0x08, 0x2f7: 0x08, - 0x2f8: 0x08, 0x2f9: 0x08, 0x2fa: 0x08, 0x2fb: 0x08, 0x2fc: 0x08, 0x2fd: 0x08, 0x2fe: 0x08, 0x2ff: 0x08, - // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 - 0x300: 0x08, 0x301: 0x08, 0x302: 0x08, 0x303: 0x08, 0x304: 0x08, 0x305: 0x08, 0x306: 0x08, 0x307: 0x08, - 0x308: 0x08, 0x309: 0x08, 0x30a: 0x08, 0x30b: 0x08, 0x30c: 0x08, 0x30d: 0x08, 0x30e: 0x08, 0x30f: 0x08, - 0x310: 0x08, 0x311: 0x08, 0x312: 0x08, 0x313: 0x08, 0x314: 0x08, 0x315: 0x08, 0x316: 0x08, 0x317: 0x08, - 0x318: 0x08, 0x319: 0x08, 0x31a: 0x08, 0x31b: 0x08, 0x31c: 0x08, 0x31d: 0x08, 0x31e: 0x08, 0x31f: 0x08, - 0x320: 0x08, 0x321: 0x08, 0x322: 0x08, 0x323: 0x08, 0x324: 0x0e, 0x325: 0x0e, 0x326: 0x0e, 0x327: 0x0e, - 0x328: 0x0e, 0x329: 0x0e, 0x32a: 0x0e, 0x32b: 0x0e, - 0x338: 0x3f, 0x339: 0x40, 0x33c: 0x41, 0x33d: 0x42, 0x33e: 0x43, 0x33f: 0x44, - // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 - 0x37f: 0x45, - // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 - 0x380: 0x0e, 0x381: 0x0e, 0x382: 0x0e, 0x383: 0x0e, 0x384: 0x0e, 0x385: 0x0e, 0x386: 0x0e, 0x387: 0x0e, - 0x388: 0x0e, 0x389: 0x0e, 0x38a: 0x0e, 0x38b: 0x0e, 0x38c: 0x0e, 0x38d: 0x0e, 0x38e: 0x0e, 0x38f: 0x0e, - 0x390: 0x0e, 0x391: 0x0e, 0x392: 0x0e, 0x393: 0x0e, 0x394: 0x0e, 0x395: 0x0e, 0x396: 0x0e, 0x397: 0x0e, - 0x398: 0x0e, 0x399: 0x0e, 0x39a: 0x0e, 0x39b: 0x0e, 0x39c: 0x0e, 0x39d: 0x0e, 0x39e: 0x0e, 0x39f: 0x46, - 0x3a0: 0x0e, 0x3a1: 0x0e, 0x3a2: 0x0e, 0x3a3: 0x0e, 0x3a4: 0x0e, 0x3a5: 0x0e, 0x3a6: 0x0e, 0x3a7: 0x0e, - 0x3a8: 0x0e, 0x3a9: 0x0e, 0x3aa: 0x0e, 0x3ab: 0x47, - // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 - 0x3c0: 0x0e, 0x3c1: 0x0e, 0x3c2: 0x0e, 0x3c3: 0x0e, 0x3c4: 0x48, 0x3c5: 0x49, 0x3c6: 0x0e, 0x3c7: 0x0e, - 0x3c8: 0x0e, 0x3c9: 0x0e, 0x3ca: 0x0e, 0x3cb: 0x4a, - // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 - 0x400: 0x4b, 0x403: 0x4c, 0x404: 0x4d, 0x405: 0x4e, 0x406: 0x4f, - 0x408: 0x50, 0x409: 0x51, 0x40c: 0x52, 0x40d: 0x53, 0x40e: 0x54, 0x40f: 0x55, - 0x410: 0x3a, 0x411: 0x56, 0x412: 0x0e, 0x413: 0x57, 0x414: 0x58, 0x415: 0x59, 0x416: 0x5a, 0x417: 0x5b, - 0x418: 0x0e, 0x419: 0x5c, 0x41a: 0x0e, 0x41b: 0x5d, - 0x424: 0x5e, 0x425: 0x5f, 0x426: 0x60, 0x427: 0x61, - // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 - 0x456: 0x0b, 0x457: 0x06, - 0x458: 0x0c, 0x45b: 0x0d, 0x45f: 0x0e, - 0x460: 0x06, 0x461: 0x06, 0x462: 0x06, 0x463: 0x06, 0x464: 0x06, 0x465: 0x06, 0x466: 0x06, 0x467: 0x06, - 0x468: 0x06, 0x469: 0x06, 0x46a: 0x06, 0x46b: 0x06, 0x46c: 0x06, 0x46d: 0x06, 0x46e: 0x06, 0x46f: 0x06, - 0x470: 0x06, 0x471: 0x06, 0x472: 0x06, 0x473: 0x06, 0x474: 0x06, 0x475: 0x06, 0x476: 0x06, 0x477: 0x06, - 0x478: 0x06, 0x479: 0x06, 0x47a: 0x06, 0x47b: 0x06, 0x47c: 0x06, 0x47d: 0x06, 0x47e: 0x06, 0x47f: 0x06, - // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 - 0x484: 0x08, 0x485: 0x08, 0x486: 0x08, 0x487: 0x09, - // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 - 0x4c0: 0x08, 0x4c1: 0x08, 0x4c2: 0x08, 0x4c3: 0x08, 0x4c4: 0x08, 0x4c5: 0x08, 0x4c6: 0x08, 0x4c7: 0x08, - 0x4c8: 0x08, 0x4c9: 0x08, 0x4ca: 0x08, 0x4cb: 0x08, 0x4cc: 0x08, 0x4cd: 0x08, 0x4ce: 0x08, 0x4cf: 0x08, - 0x4d0: 0x08, 0x4d1: 0x08, 0x4d2: 0x08, 0x4d3: 0x08, 0x4d4: 0x08, 0x4d5: 0x08, 0x4d6: 0x08, 0x4d7: 0x08, - 0x4d8: 0x08, 0x4d9: 0x08, 0x4da: 0x08, 0x4db: 0x08, 0x4dc: 0x08, 0x4dd: 0x08, 0x4de: 0x08, 0x4df: 0x08, - 0x4e0: 0x08, 0x4e1: 0x08, 0x4e2: 0x08, 0x4e3: 0x08, 0x4e4: 0x08, 0x4e5: 0x08, 0x4e6: 0x08, 0x4e7: 0x08, - 0x4e8: 0x08, 0x4e9: 0x08, 0x4ea: 0x08, 0x4eb: 0x08, 0x4ec: 0x08, 0x4ed: 0x08, 0x4ee: 0x08, 0x4ef: 0x08, - 0x4f0: 0x08, 0x4f1: 0x08, 0x4f2: 0x08, 0x4f3: 0x08, 0x4f4: 0x08, 0x4f5: 0x08, 0x4f6: 0x08, 0x4f7: 0x08, - 0x4f8: 0x08, 0x4f9: 0x08, 0x4fa: 0x08, 0x4fb: 0x08, 0x4fc: 0x08, 0x4fd: 0x08, 0x4fe: 0x08, 0x4ff: 0x62, - // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 - 0x520: 0x10, - 0x530: 0x09, 0x531: 0x09, 0x532: 0x09, 0x533: 0x09, 0x534: 0x09, 0x535: 0x09, 0x536: 0x09, 0x537: 0x09, - 0x538: 0x09, 0x539: 0x09, 0x53a: 0x09, 0x53b: 0x09, 0x53c: 0x09, 0x53d: 0x09, 0x53e: 0x09, 0x53f: 0x11, - // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 - 0x540: 0x09, 0x541: 0x09, 0x542: 0x09, 0x543: 0x09, 0x544: 0x09, 0x545: 0x09, 0x546: 0x09, 0x547: 0x09, - 0x548: 0x09, 0x549: 0x09, 0x54a: 0x09, 0x54b: 0x09, 0x54c: 0x09, 0x54d: 0x09, 0x54e: 0x09, 0x54f: 0x11, -} - -// inverseData contains 4-byte entries of the following format: -// -// <0 padding> -// -// The last byte of the UTF-8-encoded rune is xor-ed with the last byte of the -// UTF-8 encoding of the original rune. Mappings often have the following -// pattern: -// -// A -> A (U+FF21 -> U+0041) -// B -> B (U+FF22 -> U+0042) -// ... -// -// By xor-ing the last byte the same entry can be shared by many mappings. This -// reduces the total number of distinct entries by about two thirds. -// The resulting entry for the aforementioned mappings is -// -// { 0x01, 0xE0, 0x00, 0x00 } -// -// Using this entry to map U+FF21 (UTF-8 [EF BC A1]), we get -// -// E0 ^ A1 = 41. -// -// Similarly, for U+FF22 (UTF-8 [EF BC A2]), we get -// -// E0 ^ A2 = 42. -// -// Note that because of the xor-ing, the byte sequence stored in the entry is -// not valid UTF-8. -var inverseData = [150][4]byte{ - {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x80, 0xa0}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbc, 0xa0}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbc, 0xe0}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0xe0}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x02}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x00}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0e}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0c}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0f}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x39}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x3b}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x3f}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x2a}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0d}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x25}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1a}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x26}, - {0x01, 0xa0, 0x00, 0x00}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x25}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x23}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x2e}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x07}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x05}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x06}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x13}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0b}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x16}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0c}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x15}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0d}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1c}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x02}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1f}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1d}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x17}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x08}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x09}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0e}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x04}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x05}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x3f}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x00}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x2c}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x06}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x0c}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x0f}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x0d}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x0b}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x19}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x15}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x11}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x31}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x33}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0f}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x30}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x3e}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x32}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x36}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x14}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x2e}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1e}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x10}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x13}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x15}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x17}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x1f}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x1d}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x1b}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x09}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0b}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x37}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x04}, - {0x01, 0xe0, 0x00, 0x00}, - {0x03, 0xe2, 0xa6, 0x1a}, - {0x03, 0xe2, 0xa6, 0x26}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x80, 0x23}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x80, 0x2e}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x80, 0x25}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x1e}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x14}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x06}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x0b}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x0c}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x0d}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x02}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x0f}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x08}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x09}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x2c}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x0c}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x13}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x16}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x15}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x1c}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x1f}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x1d}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x1a}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x17}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x08}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x09}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x0e}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x04}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x05}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x3f}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x00}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x06}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x05}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x0d}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x0b}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x07}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x19}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x15}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x11}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x31}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x33}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x30}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x3e}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x32}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x36}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x2e}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x07}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x04}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x84, 0x10}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x30}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x0d}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x13}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x15}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x17}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x1f}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x1d}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x1b}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x09}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x0f}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x0b}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x37}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x3b}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x39}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x3f}, - {0x02, 0xc2, 0x02, 0x00}, - {0x02, 0xc2, 0x0e, 0x00}, - {0x02, 0xc2, 0x0c, 0x00}, - {0x02, 0xc2, 0x00, 0x00}, - {0x03, 0xe2, 0x82, 0x0f}, - {0x03, 0xe2, 0x94, 0x2a}, - {0x03, 0xe2, 0x86, 0x39}, - {0x03, 0xe2, 0x86, 0x3b}, - {0x03, 0xe2, 0x86, 0x3f}, - {0x03, 0xe2, 0x96, 0x0d}, - {0x03, 0xe2, 0x97, 0x25}, -} - -// Total table size 14936 bytes (14KiB) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables11.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables11.0.0.go deleted file mode 100644 index 327eaef9b..000000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables11.0.0.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1341 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. - -//go:build go1.13 && !go1.14 -// +build go1.13,!go1.14 - -package width - -// UnicodeVersion is the Unicode version from which the tables in this package are derived. -const UnicodeVersion = "11.0.0" - -// lookup returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and -// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not -// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. -func (t *widthTrie) lookup(s []byte) (v uint16, sz int) { - c0 := s[0] - switch { - case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII - return widthValues[c0], 1 - case c0 < 0xC2: - return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. - case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 - if len(s) < 2 { - return 0, 0 - } - i := widthIndex[c0] - c1 := s[1] - if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { - return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 - case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 - if len(s) < 3 { - return 0, 0 - } - i := widthIndex[c0] - c1 := s[1] - if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { - return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) - i = widthIndex[o] - c2 := s[2] - if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { - return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 - case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 - if len(s) < 4 { - return 0, 0 - } - i := widthIndex[c0] - c1 := s[1] - if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { - return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) - i = widthIndex[o] - c2 := s[2] - if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { - return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) - i = widthIndex[o] - c3 := s[3] - if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { - return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 - } - // Illegal rune - return 0, 1 -} - -// lookupUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. -// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. -func (t *widthTrie) lookupUnsafe(s []byte) uint16 { - c0 := s[0] - if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII - return widthValues[c0] - } - i := widthIndex[c0] - if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) - } - i = widthIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] - if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) - } - i = widthIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] - if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) - } - return 0 -} - -// lookupString returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and -// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not -// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. -func (t *widthTrie) lookupString(s string) (v uint16, sz int) { - c0 := s[0] - switch { - case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII - return widthValues[c0], 1 - case c0 < 0xC2: - return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. - case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 - if len(s) < 2 { - return 0, 0 - } - i := widthIndex[c0] - c1 := s[1] - if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { - return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 - case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 - if len(s) < 3 { - return 0, 0 - } - i := widthIndex[c0] - c1 := s[1] - if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { - return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) - i = widthIndex[o] - c2 := s[2] - if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { - return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 - case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 - if len(s) < 4 { - return 0, 0 - } - i := widthIndex[c0] - c1 := s[1] - if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { - return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) - i = widthIndex[o] - c2 := s[2] - if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { - return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) - i = widthIndex[o] - c3 := s[3] - if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { - return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 - } - // Illegal rune - return 0, 1 -} - -// lookupStringUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. -// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. -func (t *widthTrie) lookupStringUnsafe(s string) uint16 { - c0 := s[0] - if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII - return widthValues[c0] - } - i := widthIndex[c0] - if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) - } - i = widthIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] - if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) - } - i = widthIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] - if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) - } - return 0 -} - -// widthTrie. Total size: 14336 bytes (14.00 KiB). Checksum: c0f7712776e71cd4. -type widthTrie struct{} - -func newWidthTrie(i int) *widthTrie { - return &widthTrie{} -} - -// lookupValue determines the type of block n and looks up the value for b. -func (t *widthTrie) lookupValue(n uint32, b byte) uint16 { - switch { - default: - return uint16(widthValues[n<<6+uint32(b)]) - } -} - -// widthValues: 101 blocks, 6464 entries, 12928 bytes -// The third block is the zero block. -var widthValues = [6464]uint16{ - // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 - 0x20: 0x6001, 0x21: 0x6002, 0x22: 0x6002, 0x23: 0x6002, - 0x24: 0x6002, 0x25: 0x6002, 0x26: 0x6002, 0x27: 0x6002, 0x28: 0x6002, 0x29: 0x6002, - 0x2a: 0x6002, 0x2b: 0x6002, 0x2c: 0x6002, 0x2d: 0x6002, 0x2e: 0x6002, 0x2f: 0x6002, - 0x30: 0x6002, 0x31: 0x6002, 0x32: 0x6002, 0x33: 0x6002, 0x34: 0x6002, 0x35: 0x6002, - 0x36: 0x6002, 0x37: 0x6002, 0x38: 0x6002, 0x39: 0x6002, 0x3a: 0x6002, 0x3b: 0x6002, - 0x3c: 0x6002, 0x3d: 0x6002, 0x3e: 0x6002, 0x3f: 0x6002, - // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 - 0x40: 0x6003, 0x41: 0x6003, 0x42: 0x6003, 0x43: 0x6003, 0x44: 0x6003, 0x45: 0x6003, - 0x46: 0x6003, 0x47: 0x6003, 0x48: 0x6003, 0x49: 0x6003, 0x4a: 0x6003, 0x4b: 0x6003, - 0x4c: 0x6003, 0x4d: 0x6003, 0x4e: 0x6003, 0x4f: 0x6003, 0x50: 0x6003, 0x51: 0x6003, - 0x52: 0x6003, 0x53: 0x6003, 0x54: 0x6003, 0x55: 0x6003, 0x56: 0x6003, 0x57: 0x6003, - 0x58: 0x6003, 0x59: 0x6003, 0x5a: 0x6003, 0x5b: 0x6003, 0x5c: 0x6003, 0x5d: 0x6003, - 0x5e: 0x6003, 0x5f: 0x6003, 0x60: 0x6004, 0x61: 0x6004, 0x62: 0x6004, 0x63: 0x6004, - 0x64: 0x6004, 0x65: 0x6004, 0x66: 0x6004, 0x67: 0x6004, 0x68: 0x6004, 0x69: 0x6004, - 0x6a: 0x6004, 0x6b: 0x6004, 0x6c: 0x6004, 0x6d: 0x6004, 0x6e: 0x6004, 0x6f: 0x6004, - 0x70: 0x6004, 0x71: 0x6004, 0x72: 0x6004, 0x73: 0x6004, 0x74: 0x6004, 0x75: 0x6004, - 0x76: 0x6004, 0x77: 0x6004, 0x78: 0x6004, 0x79: 0x6004, 0x7a: 0x6004, 0x7b: 0x6004, - 0x7c: 0x6004, 0x7d: 0x6004, 0x7e: 0x6004, - // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 - // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 - 0xe1: 0x2000, 0xe2: 0x6005, 0xe3: 0x6005, - 0xe4: 0x2000, 0xe5: 0x6006, 0xe6: 0x6005, 0xe7: 0x2000, 0xe8: 0x2000, - 0xea: 0x2000, 0xec: 0x6007, 0xed: 0x2000, 0xee: 0x2000, 0xef: 0x6008, - 0xf0: 0x2000, 0xf1: 0x2000, 0xf2: 0x2000, 0xf3: 0x2000, 0xf4: 0x2000, - 0xf6: 0x2000, 0xf7: 0x2000, 0xf8: 0x2000, 0xf9: 0x2000, 0xfa: 0x2000, - 0xfc: 0x2000, 0xfd: 0x2000, 0xfe: 0x2000, 0xff: 0x2000, - // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 - 0x106: 0x2000, - 0x110: 0x2000, - 0x117: 0x2000, - 0x118: 0x2000, - 0x11e: 0x2000, 0x11f: 0x2000, 0x120: 0x2000, 0x121: 0x2000, - 0x126: 0x2000, 0x128: 0x2000, 0x129: 0x2000, - 0x12a: 0x2000, 0x12c: 0x2000, 0x12d: 0x2000, - 0x130: 0x2000, 0x132: 0x2000, 0x133: 0x2000, - 0x137: 0x2000, 0x138: 0x2000, 0x139: 0x2000, 0x13a: 0x2000, - 0x13c: 0x2000, 0x13e: 0x2000, - // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 - 0x141: 0x2000, - 0x151: 0x2000, - 0x153: 0x2000, - 0x15b: 0x2000, - 0x166: 0x2000, 0x167: 0x2000, - 0x16b: 0x2000, - 0x171: 0x2000, 0x172: 0x2000, 0x173: 0x2000, - 0x178: 0x2000, - 0x17f: 0x2000, - // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 - 0x180: 0x2000, 0x181: 0x2000, 0x182: 0x2000, 0x184: 0x2000, - 0x188: 0x2000, 0x189: 0x2000, 0x18a: 0x2000, 0x18b: 0x2000, - 0x18d: 0x2000, - 0x192: 0x2000, 0x193: 0x2000, - 0x1a6: 0x2000, 0x1a7: 0x2000, - 0x1ab: 0x2000, - // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 - 0x1ce: 0x2000, 0x1d0: 0x2000, - 0x1d2: 0x2000, 0x1d4: 0x2000, 0x1d6: 0x2000, - 0x1d8: 0x2000, 0x1da: 0x2000, 0x1dc: 0x2000, - // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 - 0x211: 0x2000, - 0x221: 0x2000, - // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 - 0x244: 0x2000, - 0x247: 0x2000, 0x249: 0x2000, 0x24a: 0x2000, 0x24b: 0x2000, - 0x24d: 0x2000, 0x250: 0x2000, - 0x258: 0x2000, 0x259: 0x2000, 0x25a: 0x2000, 0x25b: 0x2000, 0x25d: 0x2000, - 0x25f: 0x2000, - // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 - 0x280: 0x2000, 0x281: 0x2000, 0x282: 0x2000, 0x283: 0x2000, 0x284: 0x2000, 0x285: 0x2000, - 0x286: 0x2000, 0x287: 0x2000, 0x288: 0x2000, 0x289: 0x2000, 0x28a: 0x2000, 0x28b: 0x2000, - 0x28c: 0x2000, 0x28d: 0x2000, 0x28e: 0x2000, 0x28f: 0x2000, 0x290: 0x2000, 0x291: 0x2000, - 0x292: 0x2000, 0x293: 0x2000, 0x294: 0x2000, 0x295: 0x2000, 0x296: 0x2000, 0x297: 0x2000, - 0x298: 0x2000, 0x299: 0x2000, 0x29a: 0x2000, 0x29b: 0x2000, 0x29c: 0x2000, 0x29d: 0x2000, - 0x29e: 0x2000, 0x29f: 0x2000, 0x2a0: 0x2000, 0x2a1: 0x2000, 0x2a2: 0x2000, 0x2a3: 0x2000, - 0x2a4: 0x2000, 0x2a5: 0x2000, 0x2a6: 0x2000, 0x2a7: 0x2000, 0x2a8: 0x2000, 0x2a9: 0x2000, - 0x2aa: 0x2000, 0x2ab: 0x2000, 0x2ac: 0x2000, 0x2ad: 0x2000, 0x2ae: 0x2000, 0x2af: 0x2000, - 0x2b0: 0x2000, 0x2b1: 0x2000, 0x2b2: 0x2000, 0x2b3: 0x2000, 0x2b4: 0x2000, 0x2b5: 0x2000, - 0x2b6: 0x2000, 0x2b7: 0x2000, 0x2b8: 0x2000, 0x2b9: 0x2000, 0x2ba: 0x2000, 0x2bb: 0x2000, - 0x2bc: 0x2000, 0x2bd: 0x2000, 0x2be: 0x2000, 0x2bf: 0x2000, - // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 - 0x2c0: 0x2000, 0x2c1: 0x2000, 0x2c2: 0x2000, 0x2c3: 0x2000, 0x2c4: 0x2000, 0x2c5: 0x2000, - 0x2c6: 0x2000, 0x2c7: 0x2000, 0x2c8: 0x2000, 0x2c9: 0x2000, 0x2ca: 0x2000, 0x2cb: 0x2000, - 0x2cc: 0x2000, 0x2cd: 0x2000, 0x2ce: 0x2000, 0x2cf: 0x2000, 0x2d0: 0x2000, 0x2d1: 0x2000, - 0x2d2: 0x2000, 0x2d3: 0x2000, 0x2d4: 0x2000, 0x2d5: 0x2000, 0x2d6: 0x2000, 0x2d7: 0x2000, - 0x2d8: 0x2000, 0x2d9: 0x2000, 0x2da: 0x2000, 0x2db: 0x2000, 0x2dc: 0x2000, 0x2dd: 0x2000, - 0x2de: 0x2000, 0x2df: 0x2000, 0x2e0: 0x2000, 0x2e1: 0x2000, 0x2e2: 0x2000, 0x2e3: 0x2000, - 0x2e4: 0x2000, 0x2e5: 0x2000, 0x2e6: 0x2000, 0x2e7: 0x2000, 0x2e8: 0x2000, 0x2e9: 0x2000, - 0x2ea: 0x2000, 0x2eb: 0x2000, 0x2ec: 0x2000, 0x2ed: 0x2000, 0x2ee: 0x2000, 0x2ef: 0x2000, - // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 - 0x311: 0x2000, - 0x312: 0x2000, 0x313: 0x2000, 0x314: 0x2000, 0x315: 0x2000, 0x316: 0x2000, 0x317: 0x2000, - 0x318: 0x2000, 0x319: 0x2000, 0x31a: 0x2000, 0x31b: 0x2000, 0x31c: 0x2000, 0x31d: 0x2000, - 0x31e: 0x2000, 0x31f: 0x2000, 0x320: 0x2000, 0x321: 0x2000, 0x323: 0x2000, - 0x324: 0x2000, 0x325: 0x2000, 0x326: 0x2000, 0x327: 0x2000, 0x328: 0x2000, 0x329: 0x2000, - 0x331: 0x2000, 0x332: 0x2000, 0x333: 0x2000, 0x334: 0x2000, 0x335: 0x2000, - 0x336: 0x2000, 0x337: 0x2000, 0x338: 0x2000, 0x339: 0x2000, 0x33a: 0x2000, 0x33b: 0x2000, - 0x33c: 0x2000, 0x33d: 0x2000, 0x33e: 0x2000, 0x33f: 0x2000, - // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 - 0x340: 0x2000, 0x341: 0x2000, 0x343: 0x2000, 0x344: 0x2000, 0x345: 0x2000, - 0x346: 0x2000, 0x347: 0x2000, 0x348: 0x2000, 0x349: 0x2000, - // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 - 0x381: 0x2000, - 0x390: 0x2000, 0x391: 0x2000, - 0x392: 0x2000, 0x393: 0x2000, 0x394: 0x2000, 0x395: 0x2000, 0x396: 0x2000, 0x397: 0x2000, - 0x398: 0x2000, 0x399: 0x2000, 0x39a: 0x2000, 0x39b: 0x2000, 0x39c: 0x2000, 0x39d: 0x2000, - 0x39e: 0x2000, 0x39f: 0x2000, 0x3a0: 0x2000, 0x3a1: 0x2000, 0x3a2: 0x2000, 0x3a3: 0x2000, - 0x3a4: 0x2000, 0x3a5: 0x2000, 0x3a6: 0x2000, 0x3a7: 0x2000, 0x3a8: 0x2000, 0x3a9: 0x2000, - 0x3aa: 0x2000, 0x3ab: 0x2000, 0x3ac: 0x2000, 0x3ad: 0x2000, 0x3ae: 0x2000, 0x3af: 0x2000, - 0x3b0: 0x2000, 0x3b1: 0x2000, 0x3b2: 0x2000, 0x3b3: 0x2000, 0x3b4: 0x2000, 0x3b5: 0x2000, - 0x3b6: 0x2000, 0x3b7: 0x2000, 0x3b8: 0x2000, 0x3b9: 0x2000, 0x3ba: 0x2000, 0x3bb: 0x2000, - 0x3bc: 0x2000, 0x3bd: 0x2000, 0x3be: 0x2000, 0x3bf: 0x2000, - // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 - 0x3c0: 0x2000, 0x3c1: 0x2000, 0x3c2: 0x2000, 0x3c3: 0x2000, 0x3c4: 0x2000, 0x3c5: 0x2000, - 0x3c6: 0x2000, 0x3c7: 0x2000, 0x3c8: 0x2000, 0x3c9: 0x2000, 0x3ca: 0x2000, 0x3cb: 0x2000, - 0x3cc: 0x2000, 0x3cd: 0x2000, 0x3ce: 0x2000, 0x3cf: 0x2000, 0x3d1: 0x2000, - // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 - 0x400: 0x4000, 0x401: 0x4000, 0x402: 0x4000, 0x403: 0x4000, 0x404: 0x4000, 0x405: 0x4000, - 0x406: 0x4000, 0x407: 0x4000, 0x408: 0x4000, 0x409: 0x4000, 0x40a: 0x4000, 0x40b: 0x4000, - 0x40c: 0x4000, 0x40d: 0x4000, 0x40e: 0x4000, 0x40f: 0x4000, 0x410: 0x4000, 0x411: 0x4000, - 0x412: 0x4000, 0x413: 0x4000, 0x414: 0x4000, 0x415: 0x4000, 0x416: 0x4000, 0x417: 0x4000, - 0x418: 0x4000, 0x419: 0x4000, 0x41a: 0x4000, 0x41b: 0x4000, 0x41c: 0x4000, 0x41d: 0x4000, - 0x41e: 0x4000, 0x41f: 0x4000, 0x420: 0x4000, 0x421: 0x4000, 0x422: 0x4000, 0x423: 0x4000, - 0x424: 0x4000, 0x425: 0x4000, 0x426: 0x4000, 0x427: 0x4000, 0x428: 0x4000, 0x429: 0x4000, - 0x42a: 0x4000, 0x42b: 0x4000, 0x42c: 0x4000, 0x42d: 0x4000, 0x42e: 0x4000, 0x42f: 0x4000, - 0x430: 0x4000, 0x431: 0x4000, 0x432: 0x4000, 0x433: 0x4000, 0x434: 0x4000, 0x435: 0x4000, - 0x436: 0x4000, 0x437: 0x4000, 0x438: 0x4000, 0x439: 0x4000, 0x43a: 0x4000, 0x43b: 0x4000, - 0x43c: 0x4000, 0x43d: 0x4000, 0x43e: 0x4000, 0x43f: 0x4000, - // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 - 0x440: 0x4000, 0x441: 0x4000, 0x442: 0x4000, 0x443: 0x4000, 0x444: 0x4000, 0x445: 0x4000, - 0x446: 0x4000, 0x447: 0x4000, 0x448: 0x4000, 0x449: 0x4000, 0x44a: 0x4000, 0x44b: 0x4000, - 0x44c: 0x4000, 0x44d: 0x4000, 0x44e: 0x4000, 0x44f: 0x4000, 0x450: 0x4000, 0x451: 0x4000, - 0x452: 0x4000, 0x453: 0x4000, 0x454: 0x4000, 0x455: 0x4000, 0x456: 0x4000, 0x457: 0x4000, - 0x458: 0x4000, 0x459: 0x4000, 0x45a: 0x4000, 0x45b: 0x4000, 0x45c: 0x4000, 0x45d: 0x4000, - 0x45e: 0x4000, 0x45f: 0x4000, - // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 - 0x490: 0x2000, - 0x493: 0x2000, 0x494: 0x2000, 0x495: 0x2000, 0x496: 0x2000, - 0x498: 0x2000, 0x499: 0x2000, 0x49c: 0x2000, 0x49d: 0x2000, - 0x4a0: 0x2000, 0x4a1: 0x2000, 0x4a2: 0x2000, - 0x4a4: 0x2000, 0x4a5: 0x2000, 0x4a6: 0x2000, 0x4a7: 0x2000, - 0x4b0: 0x2000, 0x4b2: 0x2000, 0x4b3: 0x2000, 0x4b5: 0x2000, - 0x4bb: 0x2000, - 0x4be: 0x2000, - // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 - 0x4f4: 0x2000, - 0x4ff: 0x2000, - // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 - 0x501: 0x2000, 0x502: 0x2000, 0x503: 0x2000, 0x504: 0x2000, - 0x529: 0xa009, - 0x52c: 0x2000, - // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 - 0x543: 0x2000, 0x545: 0x2000, - 0x549: 0x2000, - 0x553: 0x2000, 0x556: 0x2000, - 0x561: 0x2000, 0x562: 0x2000, - 0x566: 0x2000, - 0x56b: 0x2000, - // Block 0x16, offset 0x580 - 0x593: 0x2000, 0x594: 0x2000, - 0x59b: 0x2000, 0x59c: 0x2000, 0x59d: 0x2000, - 0x59e: 0x2000, 0x5a0: 0x2000, 0x5a1: 0x2000, 0x5a2: 0x2000, 0x5a3: 0x2000, - 0x5a4: 0x2000, 0x5a5: 0x2000, 0x5a6: 0x2000, 0x5a7: 0x2000, 0x5a8: 0x2000, 0x5a9: 0x2000, - 0x5aa: 0x2000, 0x5ab: 0x2000, - 0x5b0: 0x2000, 0x5b1: 0x2000, 0x5b2: 0x2000, 0x5b3: 0x2000, 0x5b4: 0x2000, 0x5b5: 0x2000, - 0x5b6: 0x2000, 0x5b7: 0x2000, 0x5b8: 0x2000, 0x5b9: 0x2000, - // Block 0x17, offset 0x5c0 - 0x5c9: 0x2000, - 0x5d0: 0x200a, 0x5d1: 0x200b, - 0x5d2: 0x200a, 0x5d3: 0x200c, 0x5d4: 0x2000, 0x5d5: 0x2000, 0x5d6: 0x2000, 0x5d7: 0x2000, - 0x5d8: 0x2000, 0x5d9: 0x2000, - 0x5f8: 0x2000, 0x5f9: 0x2000, - // Block 0x18, offset 0x600 - 0x612: 0x2000, 0x614: 0x2000, - 0x627: 0x2000, - // Block 0x19, offset 0x640 - 0x640: 0x2000, 0x642: 0x2000, 0x643: 0x2000, - 0x647: 0x2000, 0x648: 0x2000, 0x64b: 0x2000, - 0x64f: 0x2000, 0x651: 0x2000, - 0x655: 0x2000, - 0x65a: 0x2000, 0x65d: 0x2000, - 0x65e: 0x2000, 0x65f: 0x2000, 0x660: 0x2000, 0x663: 0x2000, - 0x665: 0x2000, 0x667: 0x2000, 0x668: 0x2000, 0x669: 0x2000, - 0x66a: 0x2000, 0x66b: 0x2000, 0x66c: 0x2000, 0x66e: 0x2000, - 0x674: 0x2000, 0x675: 0x2000, - 0x676: 0x2000, 0x677: 0x2000, - 0x67c: 0x2000, 0x67d: 0x2000, - // Block 0x1a, offset 0x680 - 0x688: 0x2000, - 0x68c: 0x2000, - 0x692: 0x2000, - 0x6a0: 0x2000, 0x6a1: 0x2000, - 0x6a4: 0x2000, 0x6a5: 0x2000, 0x6a6: 0x2000, 0x6a7: 0x2000, - 0x6aa: 0x2000, 0x6ab: 0x2000, 0x6ae: 0x2000, 0x6af: 0x2000, - // Block 0x1b, offset 0x6c0 - 0x6c2: 0x2000, 0x6c3: 0x2000, - 0x6c6: 0x2000, 0x6c7: 0x2000, - 0x6d5: 0x2000, - 0x6d9: 0x2000, - 0x6e5: 0x2000, - 0x6ff: 0x2000, - // Block 0x1c, offset 0x700 - 0x712: 0x2000, - 0x71a: 0x4000, 0x71b: 0x4000, - 0x729: 0x4000, - 0x72a: 0x4000, - // Block 0x1d, offset 0x740 - 0x769: 0x4000, - 0x76a: 0x4000, 0x76b: 0x4000, 0x76c: 0x4000, - 0x770: 0x4000, 0x773: 0x4000, - // Block 0x1e, offset 0x780 - 0x7a0: 0x2000, 0x7a1: 0x2000, 0x7a2: 0x2000, 0x7a3: 0x2000, - 0x7a4: 0x2000, 0x7a5: 0x2000, 0x7a6: 0x2000, 0x7a7: 0x2000, 0x7a8: 0x2000, 0x7a9: 0x2000, - 0x7aa: 0x2000, 0x7ab: 0x2000, 0x7ac: 0x2000, 0x7ad: 0x2000, 0x7ae: 0x2000, 0x7af: 0x2000, - 0x7b0: 0x2000, 0x7b1: 0x2000, 0x7b2: 0x2000, 0x7b3: 0x2000, 0x7b4: 0x2000, 0x7b5: 0x2000, - 0x7b6: 0x2000, 0x7b7: 0x2000, 0x7b8: 0x2000, 0x7b9: 0x2000, 0x7ba: 0x2000, 0x7bb: 0x2000, - 0x7bc: 0x2000, 0x7bd: 0x2000, 0x7be: 0x2000, 0x7bf: 0x2000, - // Block 0x1f, offset 0x7c0 - 0x7c0: 0x2000, 0x7c1: 0x2000, 0x7c2: 0x2000, 0x7c3: 0x2000, 0x7c4: 0x2000, 0x7c5: 0x2000, - 0x7c6: 0x2000, 0x7c7: 0x2000, 0x7c8: 0x2000, 0x7c9: 0x2000, 0x7ca: 0x2000, 0x7cb: 0x2000, - 0x7cc: 0x2000, 0x7cd: 0x2000, 0x7ce: 0x2000, 0x7cf: 0x2000, 0x7d0: 0x2000, 0x7d1: 0x2000, - 0x7d2: 0x2000, 0x7d3: 0x2000, 0x7d4: 0x2000, 0x7d5: 0x2000, 0x7d6: 0x2000, 0x7d7: 0x2000, - 0x7d8: 0x2000, 0x7d9: 0x2000, 0x7da: 0x2000, 0x7db: 0x2000, 0x7dc: 0x2000, 0x7dd: 0x2000, - 0x7de: 0x2000, 0x7df: 0x2000, 0x7e0: 0x2000, 0x7e1: 0x2000, 0x7e2: 0x2000, 0x7e3: 0x2000, - 0x7e4: 0x2000, 0x7e5: 0x2000, 0x7e6: 0x2000, 0x7e7: 0x2000, 0x7e8: 0x2000, 0x7e9: 0x2000, - 0x7eb: 0x2000, 0x7ec: 0x2000, 0x7ed: 0x2000, 0x7ee: 0x2000, 0x7ef: 0x2000, - 0x7f0: 0x2000, 0x7f1: 0x2000, 0x7f2: 0x2000, 0x7f3: 0x2000, 0x7f4: 0x2000, 0x7f5: 0x2000, - 0x7f6: 0x2000, 0x7f7: 0x2000, 0x7f8: 0x2000, 0x7f9: 0x2000, 0x7fa: 0x2000, 0x7fb: 0x2000, - 0x7fc: 0x2000, 0x7fd: 0x2000, 0x7fe: 0x2000, 0x7ff: 0x2000, - // Block 0x20, offset 0x800 - 0x800: 0x2000, 0x801: 0x2000, 0x802: 0x200d, 0x803: 0x2000, 0x804: 0x2000, 0x805: 0x2000, - 0x806: 0x2000, 0x807: 0x2000, 0x808: 0x2000, 0x809: 0x2000, 0x80a: 0x2000, 0x80b: 0x2000, - 0x80c: 0x2000, 0x80d: 0x2000, 0x80e: 0x2000, 0x80f: 0x2000, 0x810: 0x2000, 0x811: 0x2000, - 0x812: 0x2000, 0x813: 0x2000, 0x814: 0x2000, 0x815: 0x2000, 0x816: 0x2000, 0x817: 0x2000, - 0x818: 0x2000, 0x819: 0x2000, 0x81a: 0x2000, 0x81b: 0x2000, 0x81c: 0x2000, 0x81d: 0x2000, - 0x81e: 0x2000, 0x81f: 0x2000, 0x820: 0x2000, 0x821: 0x2000, 0x822: 0x2000, 0x823: 0x2000, - 0x824: 0x2000, 0x825: 0x2000, 0x826: 0x2000, 0x827: 0x2000, 0x828: 0x2000, 0x829: 0x2000, - 0x82a: 0x2000, 0x82b: 0x2000, 0x82c: 0x2000, 0x82d: 0x2000, 0x82e: 0x2000, 0x82f: 0x2000, - 0x830: 0x2000, 0x831: 0x2000, 0x832: 0x2000, 0x833: 0x2000, 0x834: 0x2000, 0x835: 0x2000, - 0x836: 0x2000, 0x837: 0x2000, 0x838: 0x2000, 0x839: 0x2000, 0x83a: 0x2000, 0x83b: 0x2000, - 0x83c: 0x2000, 0x83d: 0x2000, 0x83e: 0x2000, 0x83f: 0x2000, - // Block 0x21, offset 0x840 - 0x840: 0x2000, 0x841: 0x2000, 0x842: 0x2000, 0x843: 0x2000, 0x844: 0x2000, 0x845: 0x2000, - 0x846: 0x2000, 0x847: 0x2000, 0x848: 0x2000, 0x849: 0x2000, 0x84a: 0x2000, 0x84b: 0x2000, - 0x850: 0x2000, 0x851: 0x2000, - 0x852: 0x2000, 0x853: 0x2000, 0x854: 0x2000, 0x855: 0x2000, 0x856: 0x2000, 0x857: 0x2000, - 0x858: 0x2000, 0x859: 0x2000, 0x85a: 0x2000, 0x85b: 0x2000, 0x85c: 0x2000, 0x85d: 0x2000, - 0x85e: 0x2000, 0x85f: 0x2000, 0x860: 0x2000, 0x861: 0x2000, 0x862: 0x2000, 0x863: 0x2000, - 0x864: 0x2000, 0x865: 0x2000, 0x866: 0x2000, 0x867: 0x2000, 0x868: 0x2000, 0x869: 0x2000, - 0x86a: 0x2000, 0x86b: 0x2000, 0x86c: 0x2000, 0x86d: 0x2000, 0x86e: 0x2000, 0x86f: 0x2000, - 0x870: 0x2000, 0x871: 0x2000, 0x872: 0x2000, 0x873: 0x2000, - // Block 0x22, offset 0x880 - 0x880: 0x2000, 0x881: 0x2000, 0x882: 0x2000, 0x883: 0x2000, 0x884: 0x2000, 0x885: 0x2000, - 0x886: 0x2000, 0x887: 0x2000, 0x888: 0x2000, 0x889: 0x2000, 0x88a: 0x2000, 0x88b: 0x2000, - 0x88c: 0x2000, 0x88d: 0x2000, 0x88e: 0x2000, 0x88f: 0x2000, - 0x892: 0x2000, 0x893: 0x2000, 0x894: 0x2000, 0x895: 0x2000, - 0x8a0: 0x200e, 0x8a1: 0x2000, 0x8a3: 0x2000, - 0x8a4: 0x2000, 0x8a5: 0x2000, 0x8a6: 0x2000, 0x8a7: 0x2000, 0x8a8: 0x2000, 0x8a9: 0x2000, - 0x8b2: 0x2000, 0x8b3: 0x2000, - 0x8b6: 0x2000, 0x8b7: 0x2000, - 0x8bc: 0x2000, 0x8bd: 0x2000, - // Block 0x23, offset 0x8c0 - 0x8c0: 0x2000, 0x8c1: 0x2000, - 0x8c6: 0x2000, 0x8c7: 0x2000, 0x8c8: 0x2000, 0x8cb: 0x200f, - 0x8ce: 0x2000, 0x8cf: 0x2000, 0x8d0: 0x2000, 0x8d1: 0x2000, - 0x8e2: 0x2000, 0x8e3: 0x2000, - 0x8e4: 0x2000, 0x8e5: 0x2000, - 0x8ef: 0x2000, - 0x8fd: 0x4000, 0x8fe: 0x4000, - // Block 0x24, offset 0x900 - 0x905: 0x2000, - 0x906: 0x2000, 0x909: 0x2000, - 0x90e: 0x2000, 0x90f: 0x2000, - 0x914: 0x4000, 0x915: 0x4000, - 0x91c: 0x2000, - 0x91e: 0x2000, - // Block 0x25, offset 0x940 - 0x940: 0x2000, 0x942: 0x2000, - 0x948: 0x4000, 0x949: 0x4000, 0x94a: 0x4000, 0x94b: 0x4000, - 0x94c: 0x4000, 0x94d: 0x4000, 0x94e: 0x4000, 0x94f: 0x4000, 0x950: 0x4000, 0x951: 0x4000, - 0x952: 0x4000, 0x953: 0x4000, - 0x960: 0x2000, 0x961: 0x2000, 0x963: 0x2000, - 0x964: 0x2000, 0x965: 0x2000, 0x967: 0x2000, 0x968: 0x2000, 0x969: 0x2000, - 0x96a: 0x2000, 0x96c: 0x2000, 0x96d: 0x2000, 0x96f: 0x2000, - 0x97f: 0x4000, - // Block 0x26, offset 0x980 - 0x993: 0x4000, - 0x99e: 0x2000, 0x99f: 0x2000, 0x9a1: 0x4000, - 0x9aa: 0x4000, 0x9ab: 0x4000, - 0x9bd: 0x4000, 0x9be: 0x4000, 0x9bf: 0x2000, - // Block 0x27, offset 0x9c0 - 0x9c4: 0x4000, 0x9c5: 0x4000, - 0x9c6: 0x2000, 0x9c7: 0x2000, 0x9c8: 0x2000, 0x9c9: 0x2000, 0x9ca: 0x2000, 0x9cb: 0x2000, - 0x9cc: 0x2000, 0x9cd: 0x2000, 0x9ce: 0x4000, 0x9cf: 0x2000, 0x9d0: 0x2000, 0x9d1: 0x2000, - 0x9d2: 0x2000, 0x9d3: 0x2000, 0x9d4: 0x4000, 0x9d5: 0x2000, 0x9d6: 0x2000, 0x9d7: 0x2000, - 0x9d8: 0x2000, 0x9d9: 0x2000, 0x9da: 0x2000, 0x9db: 0x2000, 0x9dc: 0x2000, 0x9dd: 0x2000, - 0x9de: 0x2000, 0x9df: 0x2000, 0x9e0: 0x2000, 0x9e1: 0x2000, 0x9e3: 0x2000, - 0x9e8: 0x2000, 0x9e9: 0x2000, - 0x9ea: 0x4000, 0x9eb: 0x2000, 0x9ec: 0x2000, 0x9ed: 0x2000, 0x9ee: 0x2000, 0x9ef: 0x2000, - 0x9f0: 0x2000, 0x9f1: 0x2000, 0x9f2: 0x4000, 0x9f3: 0x4000, 0x9f4: 0x2000, 0x9f5: 0x4000, - 0x9f6: 0x2000, 0x9f7: 0x2000, 0x9f8: 0x2000, 0x9f9: 0x2000, 0x9fa: 0x4000, 0x9fb: 0x2000, - 0x9fc: 0x2000, 0x9fd: 0x4000, 0x9fe: 0x2000, 0x9ff: 0x2000, - // Block 0x28, offset 0xa00 - 0xa05: 0x4000, - 0xa0a: 0x4000, 0xa0b: 0x4000, - 0xa28: 0x4000, - 0xa3d: 0x2000, - // Block 0x29, offset 0xa40 - 0xa4c: 0x4000, 0xa4e: 0x4000, - 0xa53: 0x4000, 0xa54: 0x4000, 0xa55: 0x4000, 0xa57: 0x4000, - 0xa76: 0x2000, 0xa77: 0x2000, 0xa78: 0x2000, 0xa79: 0x2000, 0xa7a: 0x2000, 0xa7b: 0x2000, - 0xa7c: 0x2000, 0xa7d: 0x2000, 0xa7e: 0x2000, 0xa7f: 0x2000, - // Block 0x2a, offset 0xa80 - 0xa95: 0x4000, 0xa96: 0x4000, 0xa97: 0x4000, - 0xab0: 0x4000, - 0xabf: 0x4000, - // Block 0x2b, offset 0xac0 - 0xae6: 0x6000, 0xae7: 0x6000, 0xae8: 0x6000, 0xae9: 0x6000, - 0xaea: 0x6000, 0xaeb: 0x6000, 0xaec: 0x6000, 0xaed: 0x6000, - // Block 0x2c, offset 0xb00 - 0xb05: 0x6010, - 0xb06: 0x6011, - // Block 0x2d, offset 0xb40 - 0xb5b: 0x4000, 0xb5c: 0x4000, - // Block 0x2e, offset 0xb80 - 0xb90: 0x4000, - 0xb95: 0x4000, 0xb96: 0x2000, 0xb97: 0x2000, - 0xb98: 0x2000, 0xb99: 0x2000, - // Block 0x2f, offset 0xbc0 - 0xbc0: 0x4000, 0xbc1: 0x4000, 0xbc2: 0x4000, 0xbc3: 0x4000, 0xbc4: 0x4000, 0xbc5: 0x4000, - 0xbc6: 0x4000, 0xbc7: 0x4000, 0xbc8: 0x4000, 0xbc9: 0x4000, 0xbca: 0x4000, 0xbcb: 0x4000, - 0xbcc: 0x4000, 0xbcd: 0x4000, 0xbce: 0x4000, 0xbcf: 0x4000, 0xbd0: 0x4000, 0xbd1: 0x4000, - 0xbd2: 0x4000, 0xbd3: 0x4000, 0xbd4: 0x4000, 0xbd5: 0x4000, 0xbd6: 0x4000, 0xbd7: 0x4000, - 0xbd8: 0x4000, 0xbd9: 0x4000, 0xbdb: 0x4000, 0xbdc: 0x4000, 0xbdd: 0x4000, - 0xbde: 0x4000, 0xbdf: 0x4000, 0xbe0: 0x4000, 0xbe1: 0x4000, 0xbe2: 0x4000, 0xbe3: 0x4000, - 0xbe4: 0x4000, 0xbe5: 0x4000, 0xbe6: 0x4000, 0xbe7: 0x4000, 0xbe8: 0x4000, 0xbe9: 0x4000, - 0xbea: 0x4000, 0xbeb: 0x4000, 0xbec: 0x4000, 0xbed: 0x4000, 0xbee: 0x4000, 0xbef: 0x4000, - 0xbf0: 0x4000, 0xbf1: 0x4000, 0xbf2: 0x4000, 0xbf3: 0x4000, 0xbf4: 0x4000, 0xbf5: 0x4000, - 0xbf6: 0x4000, 0xbf7: 0x4000, 0xbf8: 0x4000, 0xbf9: 0x4000, 0xbfa: 0x4000, 0xbfb: 0x4000, - 0xbfc: 0x4000, 0xbfd: 0x4000, 0xbfe: 0x4000, 0xbff: 0x4000, - // Block 0x30, offset 0xc00 - 0xc00: 0x4000, 0xc01: 0x4000, 0xc02: 0x4000, 0xc03: 0x4000, 0xc04: 0x4000, 0xc05: 0x4000, - 0xc06: 0x4000, 0xc07: 0x4000, 0xc08: 0x4000, 0xc09: 0x4000, 0xc0a: 0x4000, 0xc0b: 0x4000, - 0xc0c: 0x4000, 0xc0d: 0x4000, 0xc0e: 0x4000, 0xc0f: 0x4000, 0xc10: 0x4000, 0xc11: 0x4000, - 0xc12: 0x4000, 0xc13: 0x4000, 0xc14: 0x4000, 0xc15: 0x4000, 0xc16: 0x4000, 0xc17: 0x4000, - 0xc18: 0x4000, 0xc19: 0x4000, 0xc1a: 0x4000, 0xc1b: 0x4000, 0xc1c: 0x4000, 0xc1d: 0x4000, - 0xc1e: 0x4000, 0xc1f: 0x4000, 0xc20: 0x4000, 0xc21: 0x4000, 0xc22: 0x4000, 0xc23: 0x4000, - 0xc24: 0x4000, 0xc25: 0x4000, 0xc26: 0x4000, 0xc27: 0x4000, 0xc28: 0x4000, 0xc29: 0x4000, - 0xc2a: 0x4000, 0xc2b: 0x4000, 0xc2c: 0x4000, 0xc2d: 0x4000, 0xc2e: 0x4000, 0xc2f: 0x4000, - 0xc30: 0x4000, 0xc31: 0x4000, 0xc32: 0x4000, 0xc33: 0x4000, - // Block 0x31, offset 0xc40 - 0xc40: 0x4000, 0xc41: 0x4000, 0xc42: 0x4000, 0xc43: 0x4000, 0xc44: 0x4000, 0xc45: 0x4000, - 0xc46: 0x4000, 0xc47: 0x4000, 0xc48: 0x4000, 0xc49: 0x4000, 0xc4a: 0x4000, 0xc4b: 0x4000, - 0xc4c: 0x4000, 0xc4d: 0x4000, 0xc4e: 0x4000, 0xc4f: 0x4000, 0xc50: 0x4000, 0xc51: 0x4000, - 0xc52: 0x4000, 0xc53: 0x4000, 0xc54: 0x4000, 0xc55: 0x4000, - 0xc70: 0x4000, 0xc71: 0x4000, 0xc72: 0x4000, 0xc73: 0x4000, 0xc74: 0x4000, 0xc75: 0x4000, - 0xc76: 0x4000, 0xc77: 0x4000, 0xc78: 0x4000, 0xc79: 0x4000, 0xc7a: 0x4000, 0xc7b: 0x4000, - // Block 0x32, offset 0xc80 - 0xc80: 0x9012, 0xc81: 0x4013, 0xc82: 0x4014, 0xc83: 0x4000, 0xc84: 0x4000, 0xc85: 0x4000, - 0xc86: 0x4000, 0xc87: 0x4000, 0xc88: 0x4000, 0xc89: 0x4000, 0xc8a: 0x4000, 0xc8b: 0x4000, - 0xc8c: 0x4015, 0xc8d: 0x4015, 0xc8e: 0x4000, 0xc8f: 0x4000, 0xc90: 0x4000, 0xc91: 0x4000, - 0xc92: 0x4000, 0xc93: 0x4000, 0xc94: 0x4000, 0xc95: 0x4000, 0xc96: 0x4000, 0xc97: 0x4000, - 0xc98: 0x4000, 0xc99: 0x4000, 0xc9a: 0x4000, 0xc9b: 0x4000, 0xc9c: 0x4000, 0xc9d: 0x4000, - 0xc9e: 0x4000, 0xc9f: 0x4000, 0xca0: 0x4000, 0xca1: 0x4000, 0xca2: 0x4000, 0xca3: 0x4000, - 0xca4: 0x4000, 0xca5: 0x4000, 0xca6: 0x4000, 0xca7: 0x4000, 0xca8: 0x4000, 0xca9: 0x4000, - 0xcaa: 0x4000, 0xcab: 0x4000, 0xcac: 0x4000, 0xcad: 0x4000, 0xcae: 0x4000, 0xcaf: 0x4000, - 0xcb0: 0x4000, 0xcb1: 0x4000, 0xcb2: 0x4000, 0xcb3: 0x4000, 0xcb4: 0x4000, 0xcb5: 0x4000, - 0xcb6: 0x4000, 0xcb7: 0x4000, 0xcb8: 0x4000, 0xcb9: 0x4000, 0xcba: 0x4000, 0xcbb: 0x4000, - 0xcbc: 0x4000, 0xcbd: 0x4000, 0xcbe: 0x4000, - // Block 0x33, offset 0xcc0 - 0xcc1: 0x4000, 0xcc2: 0x4000, 0xcc3: 0x4000, 0xcc4: 0x4000, 0xcc5: 0x4000, - 0xcc6: 0x4000, 0xcc7: 0x4000, 0xcc8: 0x4000, 0xcc9: 0x4000, 0xcca: 0x4000, 0xccb: 0x4000, - 0xccc: 0x4000, 0xccd: 0x4000, 0xcce: 0x4000, 0xccf: 0x4000, 0xcd0: 0x4000, 0xcd1: 0x4000, - 0xcd2: 0x4000, 0xcd3: 0x4000, 0xcd4: 0x4000, 0xcd5: 0x4000, 0xcd6: 0x4000, 0xcd7: 0x4000, - 0xcd8: 0x4000, 0xcd9: 0x4000, 0xcda: 0x4000, 0xcdb: 0x4000, 0xcdc: 0x4000, 0xcdd: 0x4000, - 0xcde: 0x4000, 0xcdf: 0x4000, 0xce0: 0x4000, 0xce1: 0x4000, 0xce2: 0x4000, 0xce3: 0x4000, - 0xce4: 0x4000, 0xce5: 0x4000, 0xce6: 0x4000, 0xce7: 0x4000, 0xce8: 0x4000, 0xce9: 0x4000, - 0xcea: 0x4000, 0xceb: 0x4000, 0xcec: 0x4000, 0xced: 0x4000, 0xcee: 0x4000, 0xcef: 0x4000, - 0xcf0: 0x4000, 0xcf1: 0x4000, 0xcf2: 0x4000, 0xcf3: 0x4000, 0xcf4: 0x4000, 0xcf5: 0x4000, - 0xcf6: 0x4000, 0xcf7: 0x4000, 0xcf8: 0x4000, 0xcf9: 0x4000, 0xcfa: 0x4000, 0xcfb: 0x4000, - 0xcfc: 0x4000, 0xcfd: 0x4000, 0xcfe: 0x4000, 0xcff: 0x4000, - // Block 0x34, offset 0xd00 - 0xd00: 0x4000, 0xd01: 0x4000, 0xd02: 0x4000, 0xd03: 0x4000, 0xd04: 0x4000, 0xd05: 0x4000, - 0xd06: 0x4000, 0xd07: 0x4000, 0xd08: 0x4000, 0xd09: 0x4000, 0xd0a: 0x4000, 0xd0b: 0x4000, - 0xd0c: 0x4000, 0xd0d: 0x4000, 0xd0e: 0x4000, 0xd0f: 0x4000, 0xd10: 0x4000, 0xd11: 0x4000, - 0xd12: 0x4000, 0xd13: 0x4000, 0xd14: 0x4000, 0xd15: 0x4000, 0xd16: 0x4000, - 0xd19: 0x4016, 0xd1a: 0x4017, 0xd1b: 0x4000, 0xd1c: 0x4000, 0xd1d: 0x4000, - 0xd1e: 0x4000, 0xd1f: 0x4000, 0xd20: 0x4000, 0xd21: 0x4018, 0xd22: 0x4019, 0xd23: 0x401a, - 0xd24: 0x401b, 0xd25: 0x401c, 0xd26: 0x401d, 0xd27: 0x401e, 0xd28: 0x401f, 0xd29: 0x4020, - 0xd2a: 0x4021, 0xd2b: 0x4022, 0xd2c: 0x4000, 0xd2d: 0x4010, 0xd2e: 0x4000, 0xd2f: 0x4023, - 0xd30: 0x4000, 0xd31: 0x4024, 0xd32: 0x4000, 0xd33: 0x4025, 0xd34: 0x4000, 0xd35: 0x4026, - 0xd36: 0x4000, 0xd37: 0x401a, 0xd38: 0x4000, 0xd39: 0x4027, 0xd3a: 0x4000, 0xd3b: 0x4028, - 0xd3c: 0x4000, 0xd3d: 0x4020, 0xd3e: 0x4000, 0xd3f: 0x4029, - // Block 0x35, offset 0xd40 - 0xd40: 0x4000, 0xd41: 0x402a, 0xd42: 0x4000, 0xd43: 0x402b, 0xd44: 0x402c, 0xd45: 0x4000, - 0xd46: 0x4017, 0xd47: 0x4000, 0xd48: 0x402d, 0xd49: 0x4000, 0xd4a: 0x402e, 0xd4b: 0x402f, - 0xd4c: 0x4030, 0xd4d: 0x4017, 0xd4e: 0x4016, 0xd4f: 0x4017, 0xd50: 0x4000, 0xd51: 0x4000, - 0xd52: 0x4031, 0xd53: 0x4000, 0xd54: 0x4000, 0xd55: 0x4031, 0xd56: 0x4000, 0xd57: 0x4000, - 0xd58: 0x4032, 0xd59: 0x4000, 0xd5a: 0x4000, 0xd5b: 0x4032, 0xd5c: 0x4000, 0xd5d: 0x4000, - 0xd5e: 0x4033, 0xd5f: 0x402e, 0xd60: 0x4034, 0xd61: 0x4035, 0xd62: 0x4034, 0xd63: 0x4036, - 0xd64: 0x4037, 0xd65: 0x4024, 0xd66: 0x4035, 0xd67: 0x4025, 0xd68: 0x4038, 0xd69: 0x4038, - 0xd6a: 0x4039, 0xd6b: 0x4039, 0xd6c: 0x403a, 0xd6d: 0x403a, 0xd6e: 0x4000, 0xd6f: 0x4035, - 0xd70: 0x4000, 0xd71: 0x4000, 0xd72: 0x403b, 0xd73: 0x403c, 0xd74: 0x4000, 0xd75: 0x4000, - 0xd76: 0x4000, 0xd77: 0x4000, 0xd78: 0x4000, 0xd79: 0x4000, 0xd7a: 0x4000, 0xd7b: 0x403d, - 0xd7c: 0x401c, 0xd7d: 0x4000, 0xd7e: 0x4000, 0xd7f: 0x4000, - // Block 0x36, offset 0xd80 - 0xd85: 0x4000, - 0xd86: 0x4000, 0xd87: 0x4000, 0xd88: 0x4000, 0xd89: 0x4000, 0xd8a: 0x4000, 0xd8b: 0x4000, - 0xd8c: 0x4000, 0xd8d: 0x4000, 0xd8e: 0x4000, 0xd8f: 0x4000, 0xd90: 0x4000, 0xd91: 0x4000, - 0xd92: 0x4000, 0xd93: 0x4000, 0xd94: 0x4000, 0xd95: 0x4000, 0xd96: 0x4000, 0xd97: 0x4000, - 0xd98: 0x4000, 0xd99: 0x4000, 0xd9a: 0x4000, 0xd9b: 0x4000, 0xd9c: 0x4000, 0xd9d: 0x4000, - 0xd9e: 0x4000, 0xd9f: 0x4000, 0xda0: 0x4000, 0xda1: 0x4000, 0xda2: 0x4000, 0xda3: 0x4000, - 0xda4: 0x4000, 0xda5: 0x4000, 0xda6: 0x4000, 0xda7: 0x4000, 0xda8: 0x4000, 0xda9: 0x4000, - 0xdaa: 0x4000, 0xdab: 0x4000, 0xdac: 0x4000, 0xdad: 0x4000, 0xdae: 0x4000, 0xdaf: 0x4000, - 0xdb1: 0x403e, 0xdb2: 0x403e, 0xdb3: 0x403e, 0xdb4: 0x403e, 0xdb5: 0x403e, - 0xdb6: 0x403e, 0xdb7: 0x403e, 0xdb8: 0x403e, 0xdb9: 0x403e, 0xdba: 0x403e, 0xdbb: 0x403e, - 0xdbc: 0x403e, 0xdbd: 0x403e, 0xdbe: 0x403e, 0xdbf: 0x403e, - // Block 0x37, offset 0xdc0 - 0xdc0: 0x4037, 0xdc1: 0x4037, 0xdc2: 0x4037, 0xdc3: 0x4037, 0xdc4: 0x4037, 0xdc5: 0x4037, - 0xdc6: 0x4037, 0xdc7: 0x4037, 0xdc8: 0x4037, 0xdc9: 0x4037, 0xdca: 0x4037, 0xdcb: 0x4037, - 0xdcc: 0x4037, 0xdcd: 0x4037, 0xdce: 0x4037, 0xdcf: 0x400e, 0xdd0: 0x403f, 0xdd1: 0x4040, - 0xdd2: 0x4041, 0xdd3: 0x4040, 0xdd4: 0x403f, 0xdd5: 0x4042, 0xdd6: 0x4043, 0xdd7: 0x4044, - 0xdd8: 0x4040, 0xdd9: 0x4041, 0xdda: 0x4040, 0xddb: 0x4045, 0xddc: 0x4009, 0xddd: 0x4045, - 0xdde: 0x4046, 0xddf: 0x4045, 0xde0: 0x4047, 0xde1: 0x400b, 0xde2: 0x400a, 0xde3: 0x400c, - 0xde4: 0x4048, 0xde5: 0x4000, 0xde6: 0x4000, 0xde7: 0x4000, 0xde8: 0x4000, 0xde9: 0x4000, - 0xdea: 0x4000, 0xdeb: 0x4000, 0xdec: 0x4000, 0xded: 0x4000, 0xdee: 0x4000, 0xdef: 0x4000, - 0xdf0: 0x4000, 0xdf1: 0x4000, 0xdf2: 0x4000, 0xdf3: 0x4000, 0xdf4: 0x4000, 0xdf5: 0x4000, - 0xdf6: 0x4000, 0xdf7: 0x4000, 0xdf8: 0x4000, 0xdf9: 0x4000, 0xdfa: 0x4000, 0xdfb: 0x4000, - 0xdfc: 0x4000, 0xdfd: 0x4000, 0xdfe: 0x4000, 0xdff: 0x4000, - // Block 0x38, offset 0xe00 - 0xe00: 0x4000, 0xe01: 0x4000, 0xe02: 0x4000, 0xe03: 0x4000, 0xe04: 0x4000, 0xe05: 0x4000, - 0xe06: 0x4000, 0xe07: 0x4000, 0xe08: 0x4000, 0xe09: 0x4000, 0xe0a: 0x4000, 0xe0b: 0x4000, - 0xe0c: 0x4000, 0xe0d: 0x4000, 0xe0e: 0x4000, 0xe10: 0x4000, 0xe11: 0x4000, - 0xe12: 0x4000, 0xe13: 0x4000, 0xe14: 0x4000, 0xe15: 0x4000, 0xe16: 0x4000, 0xe17: 0x4000, - 0xe18: 0x4000, 0xe19: 0x4000, 0xe1a: 0x4000, 0xe1b: 0x4000, 0xe1c: 0x4000, 0xe1d: 0x4000, - 0xe1e: 0x4000, 0xe1f: 0x4000, 0xe20: 0x4000, 0xe21: 0x4000, 0xe22: 0x4000, 0xe23: 0x4000, - 0xe24: 0x4000, 0xe25: 0x4000, 0xe26: 0x4000, 0xe27: 0x4000, 0xe28: 0x4000, 0xe29: 0x4000, - 0xe2a: 0x4000, 0xe2b: 0x4000, 0xe2c: 0x4000, 0xe2d: 0x4000, 0xe2e: 0x4000, 0xe2f: 0x4000, - 0xe30: 0x4000, 0xe31: 0x4000, 0xe32: 0x4000, 0xe33: 0x4000, 0xe34: 0x4000, 0xe35: 0x4000, - 0xe36: 0x4000, 0xe37: 0x4000, 0xe38: 0x4000, 0xe39: 0x4000, 0xe3a: 0x4000, - // Block 0x39, offset 0xe40 - 0xe40: 0x4000, 0xe41: 0x4000, 0xe42: 0x4000, 0xe43: 0x4000, 0xe44: 0x4000, 0xe45: 0x4000, - 0xe46: 0x4000, 0xe47: 0x4000, 0xe48: 0x4000, 0xe49: 0x4000, 0xe4a: 0x4000, 0xe4b: 0x4000, - 0xe4c: 0x4000, 0xe4d: 0x4000, 0xe4e: 0x4000, 0xe4f: 0x4000, 0xe50: 0x4000, 0xe51: 0x4000, - 0xe52: 0x4000, 0xe53: 0x4000, 0xe54: 0x4000, 0xe55: 0x4000, 0xe56: 0x4000, 0xe57: 0x4000, - 0xe58: 0x4000, 0xe59: 0x4000, 0xe5a: 0x4000, 0xe5b: 0x4000, 0xe5c: 0x4000, 0xe5d: 0x4000, - 0xe5e: 0x4000, 0xe5f: 0x4000, 0xe60: 0x4000, 0xe61: 0x4000, 0xe62: 0x4000, 0xe63: 0x4000, - 0xe70: 0x4000, 0xe71: 0x4000, 0xe72: 0x4000, 0xe73: 0x4000, 0xe74: 0x4000, 0xe75: 0x4000, - 0xe76: 0x4000, 0xe77: 0x4000, 0xe78: 0x4000, 0xe79: 0x4000, 0xe7a: 0x4000, 0xe7b: 0x4000, - 0xe7c: 0x4000, 0xe7d: 0x4000, 0xe7e: 0x4000, 0xe7f: 0x4000, - // Block 0x3a, offset 0xe80 - 0xe80: 0x4000, 0xe81: 0x4000, 0xe82: 0x4000, 0xe83: 0x4000, 0xe84: 0x4000, 0xe85: 0x4000, - 0xe86: 0x4000, 0xe87: 0x4000, 0xe88: 0x4000, 0xe89: 0x4000, 0xe8a: 0x4000, 0xe8b: 0x4000, - 0xe8c: 0x4000, 0xe8d: 0x4000, 0xe8e: 0x4000, 0xe8f: 0x4000, 0xe90: 0x4000, 0xe91: 0x4000, - 0xe92: 0x4000, 0xe93: 0x4000, 0xe94: 0x4000, 0xe95: 0x4000, 0xe96: 0x4000, 0xe97: 0x4000, - 0xe98: 0x4000, 0xe99: 0x4000, 0xe9a: 0x4000, 0xe9b: 0x4000, 0xe9c: 0x4000, 0xe9d: 0x4000, - 0xe9e: 0x4000, 0xea0: 0x4000, 0xea1: 0x4000, 0xea2: 0x4000, 0xea3: 0x4000, - 0xea4: 0x4000, 0xea5: 0x4000, 0xea6: 0x4000, 0xea7: 0x4000, 0xea8: 0x4000, 0xea9: 0x4000, - 0xeaa: 0x4000, 0xeab: 0x4000, 0xeac: 0x4000, 0xead: 0x4000, 0xeae: 0x4000, 0xeaf: 0x4000, - 0xeb0: 0x4000, 0xeb1: 0x4000, 0xeb2: 0x4000, 0xeb3: 0x4000, 0xeb4: 0x4000, 0xeb5: 0x4000, - 0xeb6: 0x4000, 0xeb7: 0x4000, 0xeb8: 0x4000, 0xeb9: 0x4000, 0xeba: 0x4000, 0xebb: 0x4000, - 0xebc: 0x4000, 0xebd: 0x4000, 0xebe: 0x4000, 0xebf: 0x4000, - // Block 0x3b, offset 0xec0 - 0xec0: 0x4000, 0xec1: 0x4000, 0xec2: 0x4000, 0xec3: 0x4000, 0xec4: 0x4000, 0xec5: 0x4000, - 0xec6: 0x4000, 0xec7: 0x4000, 0xec8: 0x2000, 0xec9: 0x2000, 0xeca: 0x2000, 0xecb: 0x2000, - 0xecc: 0x2000, 0xecd: 0x2000, 0xece: 0x2000, 0xecf: 0x2000, 0xed0: 0x4000, 0xed1: 0x4000, - 0xed2: 0x4000, 0xed3: 0x4000, 0xed4: 0x4000, 0xed5: 0x4000, 0xed6: 0x4000, 0xed7: 0x4000, - 0xed8: 0x4000, 0xed9: 0x4000, 0xeda: 0x4000, 0xedb: 0x4000, 0xedc: 0x4000, 0xedd: 0x4000, - 0xede: 0x4000, 0xedf: 0x4000, 0xee0: 0x4000, 0xee1: 0x4000, 0xee2: 0x4000, 0xee3: 0x4000, - 0xee4: 0x4000, 0xee5: 0x4000, 0xee6: 0x4000, 0xee7: 0x4000, 0xee8: 0x4000, 0xee9: 0x4000, - 0xeea: 0x4000, 0xeeb: 0x4000, 0xeec: 0x4000, 0xeed: 0x4000, 0xeee: 0x4000, 0xeef: 0x4000, - 0xef0: 0x4000, 0xef1: 0x4000, 0xef2: 0x4000, 0xef3: 0x4000, 0xef4: 0x4000, 0xef5: 0x4000, - 0xef6: 0x4000, 0xef7: 0x4000, 0xef8: 0x4000, 0xef9: 0x4000, 0xefa: 0x4000, 0xefb: 0x4000, - 0xefc: 0x4000, 0xefd: 0x4000, 0xefe: 0x4000, 0xeff: 0x4000, - // Block 0x3c, offset 0xf00 - 0xf00: 0x4000, 0xf01: 0x4000, 0xf02: 0x4000, 0xf03: 0x4000, 0xf04: 0x4000, 0xf05: 0x4000, - 0xf06: 0x4000, 0xf07: 0x4000, 0xf08: 0x4000, 0xf09: 0x4000, 0xf0a: 0x4000, 0xf0b: 0x4000, - 0xf0c: 0x4000, 0xf0d: 0x4000, 0xf0e: 0x4000, 0xf0f: 0x4000, 0xf10: 0x4000, 0xf11: 0x4000, - 0xf12: 0x4000, 0xf13: 0x4000, 0xf14: 0x4000, 0xf15: 0x4000, 0xf16: 0x4000, 0xf17: 0x4000, - 0xf18: 0x4000, 0xf19: 0x4000, 0xf1a: 0x4000, 0xf1b: 0x4000, 0xf1c: 0x4000, 0xf1d: 0x4000, - 0xf1e: 0x4000, 0xf1f: 0x4000, 0xf20: 0x4000, 0xf21: 0x4000, 0xf22: 0x4000, 0xf23: 0x4000, - 0xf24: 0x4000, 0xf25: 0x4000, 0xf26: 0x4000, 0xf27: 0x4000, 0xf28: 0x4000, 0xf29: 0x4000, - 0xf2a: 0x4000, 0xf2b: 0x4000, 0xf2c: 0x4000, 0xf2d: 0x4000, 0xf2e: 0x4000, 0xf2f: 0x4000, - 0xf30: 0x4000, 0xf31: 0x4000, 0xf32: 0x4000, 0xf33: 0x4000, 0xf34: 0x4000, 0xf35: 0x4000, - 0xf36: 0x4000, 0xf37: 0x4000, 0xf38: 0x4000, 0xf39: 0x4000, 0xf3a: 0x4000, 0xf3b: 0x4000, - 0xf3c: 0x4000, 0xf3d: 0x4000, 0xf3e: 0x4000, - // Block 0x3d, offset 0xf40 - 0xf40: 0x4000, 0xf41: 0x4000, 0xf42: 0x4000, 0xf43: 0x4000, 0xf44: 0x4000, 0xf45: 0x4000, - 0xf46: 0x4000, 0xf47: 0x4000, 0xf48: 0x4000, 0xf49: 0x4000, 0xf4a: 0x4000, 0xf4b: 0x4000, - 0xf4c: 0x4000, 0xf50: 0x4000, 0xf51: 0x4000, - 0xf52: 0x4000, 0xf53: 0x4000, 0xf54: 0x4000, 0xf55: 0x4000, 0xf56: 0x4000, 0xf57: 0x4000, - 0xf58: 0x4000, 0xf59: 0x4000, 0xf5a: 0x4000, 0xf5b: 0x4000, 0xf5c: 0x4000, 0xf5d: 0x4000, - 0xf5e: 0x4000, 0xf5f: 0x4000, 0xf60: 0x4000, 0xf61: 0x4000, 0xf62: 0x4000, 0xf63: 0x4000, - 0xf64: 0x4000, 0xf65: 0x4000, 0xf66: 0x4000, 0xf67: 0x4000, 0xf68: 0x4000, 0xf69: 0x4000, - 0xf6a: 0x4000, 0xf6b: 0x4000, 0xf6c: 0x4000, 0xf6d: 0x4000, 0xf6e: 0x4000, 0xf6f: 0x4000, - 0xf70: 0x4000, 0xf71: 0x4000, 0xf72: 0x4000, 0xf73: 0x4000, 0xf74: 0x4000, 0xf75: 0x4000, - 0xf76: 0x4000, 0xf77: 0x4000, 0xf78: 0x4000, 0xf79: 0x4000, 0xf7a: 0x4000, 0xf7b: 0x4000, - 0xf7c: 0x4000, 0xf7d: 0x4000, 0xf7e: 0x4000, 0xf7f: 0x4000, - // Block 0x3e, offset 0xf80 - 0xf80: 0x4000, 0xf81: 0x4000, 0xf82: 0x4000, 0xf83: 0x4000, 0xf84: 0x4000, 0xf85: 0x4000, - 0xf86: 0x4000, - // Block 0x3f, offset 0xfc0 - 0xfe0: 0x4000, 0xfe1: 0x4000, 0xfe2: 0x4000, 0xfe3: 0x4000, - 0xfe4: 0x4000, 0xfe5: 0x4000, 0xfe6: 0x4000, 0xfe7: 0x4000, 0xfe8: 0x4000, 0xfe9: 0x4000, - 0xfea: 0x4000, 0xfeb: 0x4000, 0xfec: 0x4000, 0xfed: 0x4000, 0xfee: 0x4000, 0xfef: 0x4000, - 0xff0: 0x4000, 0xff1: 0x4000, 0xff2: 0x4000, 0xff3: 0x4000, 0xff4: 0x4000, 0xff5: 0x4000, - 0xff6: 0x4000, 0xff7: 0x4000, 0xff8: 0x4000, 0xff9: 0x4000, 0xffa: 0x4000, 0xffb: 0x4000, - 0xffc: 0x4000, - // Block 0x40, offset 0x1000 - 0x1000: 0x4000, 0x1001: 0x4000, 0x1002: 0x4000, 0x1003: 0x4000, 0x1004: 0x4000, 0x1005: 0x4000, - 0x1006: 0x4000, 0x1007: 0x4000, 0x1008: 0x4000, 0x1009: 0x4000, 0x100a: 0x4000, 0x100b: 0x4000, - 0x100c: 0x4000, 0x100d: 0x4000, 0x100e: 0x4000, 0x100f: 0x4000, 0x1010: 0x4000, 0x1011: 0x4000, - 0x1012: 0x4000, 0x1013: 0x4000, 0x1014: 0x4000, 0x1015: 0x4000, 0x1016: 0x4000, 0x1017: 0x4000, - 0x1018: 0x4000, 0x1019: 0x4000, 0x101a: 0x4000, 0x101b: 0x4000, 0x101c: 0x4000, 0x101d: 0x4000, - 0x101e: 0x4000, 0x101f: 0x4000, 0x1020: 0x4000, 0x1021: 0x4000, 0x1022: 0x4000, 0x1023: 0x4000, - // Block 0x41, offset 0x1040 - 0x1040: 0x2000, 0x1041: 0x2000, 0x1042: 0x2000, 0x1043: 0x2000, 0x1044: 0x2000, 0x1045: 0x2000, - 0x1046: 0x2000, 0x1047: 0x2000, 0x1048: 0x2000, 0x1049: 0x2000, 0x104a: 0x2000, 0x104b: 0x2000, - 0x104c: 0x2000, 0x104d: 0x2000, 0x104e: 0x2000, 0x104f: 0x2000, 0x1050: 0x4000, 0x1051: 0x4000, - 0x1052: 0x4000, 0x1053: 0x4000, 0x1054: 0x4000, 0x1055: 0x4000, 0x1056: 0x4000, 0x1057: 0x4000, - 0x1058: 0x4000, 0x1059: 0x4000, - 0x1070: 0x4000, 0x1071: 0x4000, 0x1072: 0x4000, 0x1073: 0x4000, 0x1074: 0x4000, 0x1075: 0x4000, - 0x1076: 0x4000, 0x1077: 0x4000, 0x1078: 0x4000, 0x1079: 0x4000, 0x107a: 0x4000, 0x107b: 0x4000, - 0x107c: 0x4000, 0x107d: 0x4000, 0x107e: 0x4000, 0x107f: 0x4000, - // Block 0x42, offset 0x1080 - 0x1080: 0x4000, 0x1081: 0x4000, 0x1082: 0x4000, 0x1083: 0x4000, 0x1084: 0x4000, 0x1085: 0x4000, - 0x1086: 0x4000, 0x1087: 0x4000, 0x1088: 0x4000, 0x1089: 0x4000, 0x108a: 0x4000, 0x108b: 0x4000, - 0x108c: 0x4000, 0x108d: 0x4000, 0x108e: 0x4000, 0x108f: 0x4000, 0x1090: 0x4000, 0x1091: 0x4000, - 0x1092: 0x4000, 0x1094: 0x4000, 0x1095: 0x4000, 0x1096: 0x4000, 0x1097: 0x4000, - 0x1098: 0x4000, 0x1099: 0x4000, 0x109a: 0x4000, 0x109b: 0x4000, 0x109c: 0x4000, 0x109d: 0x4000, - 0x109e: 0x4000, 0x109f: 0x4000, 0x10a0: 0x4000, 0x10a1: 0x4000, 0x10a2: 0x4000, 0x10a3: 0x4000, - 0x10a4: 0x4000, 0x10a5: 0x4000, 0x10a6: 0x4000, 0x10a8: 0x4000, 0x10a9: 0x4000, - 0x10aa: 0x4000, 0x10ab: 0x4000, - // Block 0x43, offset 0x10c0 - 0x10c1: 0x9012, 0x10c2: 0x9012, 0x10c3: 0x9012, 0x10c4: 0x9012, 0x10c5: 0x9012, - 0x10c6: 0x9012, 0x10c7: 0x9012, 0x10c8: 0x9012, 0x10c9: 0x9012, 0x10ca: 0x9012, 0x10cb: 0x9012, - 0x10cc: 0x9012, 0x10cd: 0x9012, 0x10ce: 0x9012, 0x10cf: 0x9012, 0x10d0: 0x9012, 0x10d1: 0x9012, - 0x10d2: 0x9012, 0x10d3: 0x9012, 0x10d4: 0x9012, 0x10d5: 0x9012, 0x10d6: 0x9012, 0x10d7: 0x9012, - 0x10d8: 0x9012, 0x10d9: 0x9012, 0x10da: 0x9012, 0x10db: 0x9012, 0x10dc: 0x9012, 0x10dd: 0x9012, - 0x10de: 0x9012, 0x10df: 0x9012, 0x10e0: 0x9049, 0x10e1: 0x9049, 0x10e2: 0x9049, 0x10e3: 0x9049, - 0x10e4: 0x9049, 0x10e5: 0x9049, 0x10e6: 0x9049, 0x10e7: 0x9049, 0x10e8: 0x9049, 0x10e9: 0x9049, - 0x10ea: 0x9049, 0x10eb: 0x9049, 0x10ec: 0x9049, 0x10ed: 0x9049, 0x10ee: 0x9049, 0x10ef: 0x9049, - 0x10f0: 0x9049, 0x10f1: 0x9049, 0x10f2: 0x9049, 0x10f3: 0x9049, 0x10f4: 0x9049, 0x10f5: 0x9049, - 0x10f6: 0x9049, 0x10f7: 0x9049, 0x10f8: 0x9049, 0x10f9: 0x9049, 0x10fa: 0x9049, 0x10fb: 0x9049, - 0x10fc: 0x9049, 0x10fd: 0x9049, 0x10fe: 0x9049, 0x10ff: 0x9049, - // Block 0x44, offset 0x1100 - 0x1100: 0x9049, 0x1101: 0x9049, 0x1102: 0x9049, 0x1103: 0x9049, 0x1104: 0x9049, 0x1105: 0x9049, - 0x1106: 0x9049, 0x1107: 0x9049, 0x1108: 0x9049, 0x1109: 0x9049, 0x110a: 0x9049, 0x110b: 0x9049, - 0x110c: 0x9049, 0x110d: 0x9049, 0x110e: 0x9049, 0x110f: 0x9049, 0x1110: 0x9049, 0x1111: 0x9049, - 0x1112: 0x9049, 0x1113: 0x9049, 0x1114: 0x9049, 0x1115: 0x9049, 0x1116: 0x9049, 0x1117: 0x9049, - 0x1118: 0x9049, 0x1119: 0x9049, 0x111a: 0x9049, 0x111b: 0x9049, 0x111c: 0x9049, 0x111d: 0x9049, - 0x111e: 0x9049, 0x111f: 0x904a, 0x1120: 0x904b, 0x1121: 0xb04c, 0x1122: 0xb04d, 0x1123: 0xb04d, - 0x1124: 0xb04e, 0x1125: 0xb04f, 0x1126: 0xb050, 0x1127: 0xb051, 0x1128: 0xb052, 0x1129: 0xb053, - 0x112a: 0xb054, 0x112b: 0xb055, 0x112c: 0xb056, 0x112d: 0xb057, 0x112e: 0xb058, 0x112f: 0xb059, - 0x1130: 0xb05a, 0x1131: 0xb05b, 0x1132: 0xb05c, 0x1133: 0xb05d, 0x1134: 0xb05e, 0x1135: 0xb05f, - 0x1136: 0xb060, 0x1137: 0xb061, 0x1138: 0xb062, 0x1139: 0xb063, 0x113a: 0xb064, 0x113b: 0xb065, - 0x113c: 0xb052, 0x113d: 0xb066, 0x113e: 0xb067, 0x113f: 0xb055, - // Block 0x45, offset 0x1140 - 0x1140: 0xb068, 0x1141: 0xb069, 0x1142: 0xb06a, 0x1143: 0xb06b, 0x1144: 0xb05a, 0x1145: 0xb056, - 0x1146: 0xb06c, 0x1147: 0xb06d, 0x1148: 0xb06b, 0x1149: 0xb06e, 0x114a: 0xb06b, 0x114b: 0xb06f, - 0x114c: 0xb06f, 0x114d: 0xb070, 0x114e: 0xb070, 0x114f: 0xb071, 0x1150: 0xb056, 0x1151: 0xb072, - 0x1152: 0xb073, 0x1153: 0xb072, 0x1154: 0xb074, 0x1155: 0xb073, 0x1156: 0xb075, 0x1157: 0xb075, - 0x1158: 0xb076, 0x1159: 0xb076, 0x115a: 0xb077, 0x115b: 0xb077, 0x115c: 0xb073, 0x115d: 0xb078, - 0x115e: 0xb079, 0x115f: 0xb067, 0x1160: 0xb07a, 0x1161: 0xb07b, 0x1162: 0xb07b, 0x1163: 0xb07b, - 0x1164: 0xb07b, 0x1165: 0xb07b, 0x1166: 0xb07b, 0x1167: 0xb07b, 0x1168: 0xb07b, 0x1169: 0xb07b, - 0x116a: 0xb07b, 0x116b: 0xb07b, 0x116c: 0xb07b, 0x116d: 0xb07b, 0x116e: 0xb07b, 0x116f: 0xb07b, - 0x1170: 0xb07c, 0x1171: 0xb07c, 0x1172: 0xb07c, 0x1173: 0xb07c, 0x1174: 0xb07c, 0x1175: 0xb07c, - 0x1176: 0xb07c, 0x1177: 0xb07c, 0x1178: 0xb07c, 0x1179: 0xb07c, 0x117a: 0xb07c, 0x117b: 0xb07c, - 0x117c: 0xb07c, 0x117d: 0xb07c, 0x117e: 0xb07c, - // Block 0x46, offset 0x1180 - 0x1182: 0xb07d, 0x1183: 0xb07e, 0x1184: 0xb07f, 0x1185: 0xb080, - 0x1186: 0xb07f, 0x1187: 0xb07e, 0x118a: 0xb081, 0x118b: 0xb082, - 0x118c: 0xb083, 0x118d: 0xb07f, 0x118e: 0xb080, 0x118f: 0xb07f, - 0x1192: 0xb084, 0x1193: 0xb085, 0x1194: 0xb084, 0x1195: 0xb086, 0x1196: 0xb084, 0x1197: 0xb087, - 0x119a: 0xb088, 0x119b: 0xb089, 0x119c: 0xb08a, - 0x11a0: 0x908b, 0x11a1: 0x908b, 0x11a2: 0x908c, 0x11a3: 0x908d, - 0x11a4: 0x908b, 0x11a5: 0x908e, 0x11a6: 0x908f, 0x11a8: 0xb090, 0x11a9: 0xb091, - 0x11aa: 0xb092, 0x11ab: 0xb091, 0x11ac: 0xb093, 0x11ad: 0xb094, 0x11ae: 0xb095, - 0x11bd: 0x2000, - // Block 0x47, offset 0x11c0 - 0x11e0: 0x4000, 0x11e1: 0x4000, - // Block 0x48, offset 0x1200 - 0x1200: 0x4000, 0x1201: 0x4000, 0x1202: 0x4000, 0x1203: 0x4000, 0x1204: 0x4000, 0x1205: 0x4000, - 0x1206: 0x4000, 0x1207: 0x4000, 0x1208: 0x4000, 0x1209: 0x4000, 0x120a: 0x4000, 0x120b: 0x4000, - 0x120c: 0x4000, 0x120d: 0x4000, 0x120e: 0x4000, 0x120f: 0x4000, 0x1210: 0x4000, 0x1211: 0x4000, - 0x1212: 0x4000, 0x1213: 0x4000, 0x1214: 0x4000, 0x1215: 0x4000, 0x1216: 0x4000, 0x1217: 0x4000, - 0x1218: 0x4000, 0x1219: 0x4000, 0x121a: 0x4000, 0x121b: 0x4000, 0x121c: 0x4000, 0x121d: 0x4000, - 0x121e: 0x4000, 0x121f: 0x4000, 0x1220: 0x4000, 0x1221: 0x4000, 0x1222: 0x4000, 0x1223: 0x4000, - 0x1224: 0x4000, 0x1225: 0x4000, 0x1226: 0x4000, 0x1227: 0x4000, 0x1228: 0x4000, 0x1229: 0x4000, - 0x122a: 0x4000, 0x122b: 0x4000, 0x122c: 0x4000, 0x122d: 0x4000, 0x122e: 0x4000, 0x122f: 0x4000, - 0x1230: 0x4000, 0x1231: 0x4000, - // Block 0x49, offset 0x1240 - 0x1240: 0x4000, 0x1241: 0x4000, 0x1242: 0x4000, 0x1243: 0x4000, 0x1244: 0x4000, 0x1245: 0x4000, - 0x1246: 0x4000, 0x1247: 0x4000, 0x1248: 0x4000, 0x1249: 0x4000, 0x124a: 0x4000, 0x124b: 0x4000, - 0x124c: 0x4000, 0x124d: 0x4000, 0x124e: 0x4000, 0x124f: 0x4000, 0x1250: 0x4000, 0x1251: 0x4000, - 0x1252: 0x4000, 0x1253: 0x4000, 0x1254: 0x4000, 0x1255: 0x4000, 0x1256: 0x4000, 0x1257: 0x4000, - 0x1258: 0x4000, 0x1259: 0x4000, 0x125a: 0x4000, 0x125b: 0x4000, 0x125c: 0x4000, 0x125d: 0x4000, - 0x125e: 0x4000, 0x125f: 0x4000, 0x1260: 0x4000, 0x1261: 0x4000, 0x1262: 0x4000, 0x1263: 0x4000, - 0x1264: 0x4000, 0x1265: 0x4000, 0x1266: 0x4000, 0x1267: 0x4000, 0x1268: 0x4000, 0x1269: 0x4000, - 0x126a: 0x4000, 0x126b: 0x4000, 0x126c: 0x4000, 0x126d: 0x4000, 0x126e: 0x4000, 0x126f: 0x4000, - 0x1270: 0x4000, 0x1271: 0x4000, 0x1272: 0x4000, - // Block 0x4a, offset 0x1280 - 0x1280: 0x4000, 0x1281: 0x4000, 0x1282: 0x4000, 0x1283: 0x4000, 0x1284: 0x4000, 0x1285: 0x4000, - 0x1286: 0x4000, 0x1287: 0x4000, 0x1288: 0x4000, 0x1289: 0x4000, 0x128a: 0x4000, 0x128b: 0x4000, - 0x128c: 0x4000, 0x128d: 0x4000, 0x128e: 0x4000, 0x128f: 0x4000, 0x1290: 0x4000, 0x1291: 0x4000, - 0x1292: 0x4000, 0x1293: 0x4000, 0x1294: 0x4000, 0x1295: 0x4000, 0x1296: 0x4000, 0x1297: 0x4000, - 0x1298: 0x4000, 0x1299: 0x4000, 0x129a: 0x4000, 0x129b: 0x4000, 0x129c: 0x4000, 0x129d: 0x4000, - 0x129e: 0x4000, - // Block 0x4b, offset 0x12c0 - 0x12f0: 0x4000, 0x12f1: 0x4000, 0x12f2: 0x4000, 0x12f3: 0x4000, 0x12f4: 0x4000, 0x12f5: 0x4000, - 0x12f6: 0x4000, 0x12f7: 0x4000, 0x12f8: 0x4000, 0x12f9: 0x4000, 0x12fa: 0x4000, 0x12fb: 0x4000, - 0x12fc: 0x4000, 0x12fd: 0x4000, 0x12fe: 0x4000, 0x12ff: 0x4000, - // Block 0x4c, offset 0x1300 - 0x1300: 0x4000, 0x1301: 0x4000, 0x1302: 0x4000, 0x1303: 0x4000, 0x1304: 0x4000, 0x1305: 0x4000, - 0x1306: 0x4000, 0x1307: 0x4000, 0x1308: 0x4000, 0x1309: 0x4000, 0x130a: 0x4000, 0x130b: 0x4000, - 0x130c: 0x4000, 0x130d: 0x4000, 0x130e: 0x4000, 0x130f: 0x4000, 0x1310: 0x4000, 0x1311: 0x4000, - 0x1312: 0x4000, 0x1313: 0x4000, 0x1314: 0x4000, 0x1315: 0x4000, 0x1316: 0x4000, 0x1317: 0x4000, - 0x1318: 0x4000, 0x1319: 0x4000, 0x131a: 0x4000, 0x131b: 0x4000, 0x131c: 0x4000, 0x131d: 0x4000, - 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0x14c6: 0x4000, 0x14c7: 0x4000, 0x14c8: 0x4000, - 0x14d0: 0x4000, 0x14d1: 0x4000, - 0x14e0: 0x4000, 0x14e1: 0x4000, 0x14e2: 0x4000, 0x14e3: 0x4000, - 0x14e4: 0x4000, 0x14e5: 0x4000, - // Block 0x54, offset 0x1500 - 0x1500: 0x4000, 0x1501: 0x4000, 0x1502: 0x4000, 0x1503: 0x4000, 0x1504: 0x4000, 0x1505: 0x4000, - 0x1506: 0x4000, 0x1507: 0x4000, 0x1508: 0x4000, 0x1509: 0x4000, 0x150a: 0x4000, 0x150b: 0x4000, - 0x150c: 0x4000, 0x150d: 0x4000, 0x150e: 0x4000, 0x150f: 0x4000, 0x1510: 0x4000, 0x1511: 0x4000, - 0x1512: 0x4000, 0x1513: 0x4000, 0x1514: 0x4000, 0x1515: 0x4000, 0x1516: 0x4000, 0x1517: 0x4000, - 0x1518: 0x4000, 0x1519: 0x4000, 0x151a: 0x4000, 0x151b: 0x4000, 0x151c: 0x4000, 0x151d: 0x4000, - 0x151e: 0x4000, 0x151f: 0x4000, 0x1520: 0x4000, - 0x152d: 0x4000, 0x152e: 0x4000, 0x152f: 0x4000, - 0x1530: 0x4000, 0x1531: 0x4000, 0x1532: 0x4000, 0x1533: 0x4000, 0x1534: 0x4000, 0x1535: 0x4000, - 0x1537: 0x4000, 0x1538: 0x4000, 0x1539: 0x4000, 0x153a: 0x4000, 0x153b: 0x4000, - 0x153c: 0x4000, 0x153d: 0x4000, 0x153e: 0x4000, 0x153f: 0x4000, - 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0x157c: 0x4000, 0x157e: 0x4000, 0x157f: 0x4000, - // Block 0x56, offset 0x1580 - 0x1580: 0x4000, 0x1581: 0x4000, 0x1582: 0x4000, 0x1583: 0x4000, 0x1584: 0x4000, 0x1585: 0x4000, - 0x1586: 0x4000, 0x1587: 0x4000, 0x1588: 0x4000, 0x1589: 0x4000, 0x158a: 0x4000, 0x158b: 0x4000, - 0x158c: 0x4000, 0x158d: 0x4000, 0x158e: 0x4000, 0x158f: 0x4000, 0x1590: 0x4000, 0x1591: 0x4000, - 0x1592: 0x4000, 0x1593: 0x4000, - 0x15a0: 0x4000, 0x15a1: 0x4000, 0x15a2: 0x4000, 0x15a3: 0x4000, - 0x15a4: 0x4000, 0x15a5: 0x4000, 0x15a6: 0x4000, 0x15a7: 0x4000, 0x15a8: 0x4000, 0x15a9: 0x4000, - 0x15aa: 0x4000, 0x15ab: 0x4000, 0x15ac: 0x4000, 0x15ad: 0x4000, 0x15ae: 0x4000, 0x15af: 0x4000, - 0x15b0: 0x4000, 0x15b1: 0x4000, 0x15b2: 0x4000, 0x15b3: 0x4000, 0x15b4: 0x4000, 0x15b5: 0x4000, - 0x15b6: 0x4000, 0x15b7: 0x4000, 0x15b8: 0x4000, 0x15b9: 0x4000, 0x15ba: 0x4000, 0x15bb: 0x4000, - 0x15bc: 0x4000, 0x15bd: 0x4000, 0x15be: 0x4000, 0x15bf: 0x4000, - // Block 0x57, offset 0x15c0 - 0x15c0: 0x4000, 0x15c1: 0x4000, 0x15c2: 0x4000, 0x15c3: 0x4000, 0x15c4: 0x4000, 0x15c5: 0x4000, - 0x15c6: 0x4000, 0x15c7: 0x4000, 0x15c8: 0x4000, 0x15c9: 0x4000, 0x15ca: 0x4000, - 0x15cf: 0x4000, 0x15d0: 0x4000, 0x15d1: 0x4000, - 0x15d2: 0x4000, 0x15d3: 0x4000, - 0x15e0: 0x4000, 0x15e1: 0x4000, 0x15e2: 0x4000, 0x15e3: 0x4000, - 0x15e4: 0x4000, 0x15e5: 0x4000, 0x15e6: 0x4000, 0x15e7: 0x4000, 0x15e8: 0x4000, 0x15e9: 0x4000, - 0x15ea: 0x4000, 0x15eb: 0x4000, 0x15ec: 0x4000, 0x15ed: 0x4000, 0x15ee: 0x4000, 0x15ef: 0x4000, - 0x15f0: 0x4000, 0x15f4: 0x4000, - 0x15f8: 0x4000, 0x15f9: 0x4000, 0x15fa: 0x4000, 0x15fb: 0x4000, - 0x15fc: 0x4000, 0x15fd: 0x4000, 0x15fe: 0x4000, 0x15ff: 0x4000, - // Block 0x58, offset 0x1600 - 0x1600: 0x4000, 0x1602: 0x4000, 0x1603: 0x4000, 0x1604: 0x4000, 0x1605: 0x4000, - 0x1606: 0x4000, 0x1607: 0x4000, 0x1608: 0x4000, 0x1609: 0x4000, 0x160a: 0x4000, 0x160b: 0x4000, - 0x160c: 0x4000, 0x160d: 0x4000, 0x160e: 0x4000, 0x160f: 0x4000, 0x1610: 0x4000, 0x1611: 0x4000, - 0x1612: 0x4000, 0x1613: 0x4000, 0x1614: 0x4000, 0x1615: 0x4000, 0x1616: 0x4000, 0x1617: 0x4000, - 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0x1658: 0x4000, 0x1659: 0x4000, 0x165a: 0x4000, 0x165b: 0x4000, 0x165c: 0x4000, 0x165d: 0x4000, - 0x165e: 0x4000, 0x165f: 0x4000, 0x1660: 0x4000, 0x1661: 0x4000, 0x1662: 0x4000, 0x1663: 0x4000, - 0x1664: 0x4000, 0x1665: 0x4000, 0x1666: 0x4000, 0x1667: 0x4000, 0x1668: 0x4000, 0x1669: 0x4000, - 0x166a: 0x4000, 0x166b: 0x4000, 0x166c: 0x4000, 0x166d: 0x4000, 0x166e: 0x4000, 0x166f: 0x4000, - 0x1670: 0x4000, 0x1671: 0x4000, 0x1672: 0x4000, 0x1673: 0x4000, 0x1674: 0x4000, 0x1675: 0x4000, - 0x1676: 0x4000, 0x1677: 0x4000, 0x1678: 0x4000, 0x1679: 0x4000, 0x167a: 0x4000, 0x167b: 0x4000, - 0x167c: 0x4000, 0x167f: 0x4000, - // Block 0x5a, offset 0x1680 - 0x1680: 0x4000, 0x1681: 0x4000, 0x1682: 0x4000, 0x1683: 0x4000, 0x1684: 0x4000, 0x1685: 0x4000, - 0x1686: 0x4000, 0x1687: 0x4000, 0x1688: 0x4000, 0x1689: 0x4000, 0x168a: 0x4000, 0x168b: 0x4000, - 0x168c: 0x4000, 0x168d: 0x4000, 0x168e: 0x4000, 0x168f: 0x4000, 0x1690: 0x4000, 0x1691: 0x4000, - 0x1692: 0x4000, 0x1693: 0x4000, 0x1694: 0x4000, 0x1695: 0x4000, 0x1696: 0x4000, 0x1697: 0x4000, - 0x1698: 0x4000, 0x1699: 0x4000, 0x169a: 0x4000, 0x169b: 0x4000, 0x169c: 0x4000, 0x169d: 0x4000, - 0x169e: 0x4000, 0x169f: 0x4000, 0x16a0: 0x4000, 0x16a1: 0x4000, 0x16a2: 0x4000, 0x16a3: 0x4000, - 0x16a4: 0x4000, 0x16a5: 0x4000, 0x16a6: 0x4000, 0x16a7: 0x4000, 0x16a8: 0x4000, 0x16a9: 0x4000, - 0x16aa: 0x4000, 0x16ab: 0x4000, 0x16ac: 0x4000, 0x16ad: 0x4000, 0x16ae: 0x4000, 0x16af: 0x4000, - 0x16b0: 0x4000, 0x16b1: 0x4000, 0x16b2: 0x4000, 0x16b3: 0x4000, 0x16b4: 0x4000, 0x16b5: 0x4000, - 0x16b6: 0x4000, 0x16b7: 0x4000, 0x16b8: 0x4000, 0x16b9: 0x4000, 0x16ba: 0x4000, 0x16bb: 0x4000, - 0x16bc: 0x4000, 0x16bd: 0x4000, - // Block 0x5b, offset 0x16c0 - 0x16cb: 0x4000, - 0x16cc: 0x4000, 0x16cd: 0x4000, 0x16ce: 0x4000, 0x16d0: 0x4000, 0x16d1: 0x4000, - 0x16d2: 0x4000, 0x16d3: 0x4000, 0x16d4: 0x4000, 0x16d5: 0x4000, 0x16d6: 0x4000, 0x16d7: 0x4000, - 0x16d8: 0x4000, 0x16d9: 0x4000, 0x16da: 0x4000, 0x16db: 0x4000, 0x16dc: 0x4000, 0x16dd: 0x4000, - 0x16de: 0x4000, 0x16df: 0x4000, 0x16e0: 0x4000, 0x16e1: 0x4000, 0x16e2: 0x4000, 0x16e3: 0x4000, - 0x16e4: 0x4000, 0x16e5: 0x4000, 0x16e6: 0x4000, 0x16e7: 0x4000, - 0x16fa: 0x4000, - // Block 0x5c, offset 0x1700 - 0x1715: 0x4000, 0x1716: 0x4000, - 0x1724: 0x4000, - // Block 0x5d, offset 0x1740 - 0x177b: 0x4000, - 0x177c: 0x4000, 0x177d: 0x4000, 0x177e: 0x4000, 0x177f: 0x4000, - // Block 0x5e, offset 0x1780 - 0x1780: 0x4000, 0x1781: 0x4000, 0x1782: 0x4000, 0x1783: 0x4000, 0x1784: 0x4000, 0x1785: 0x4000, - 0x1786: 0x4000, 0x1787: 0x4000, 0x1788: 0x4000, 0x1789: 0x4000, 0x178a: 0x4000, 0x178b: 0x4000, - 0x178c: 0x4000, 0x178d: 0x4000, 0x178e: 0x4000, 0x178f: 0x4000, - // Block 0x5f, offset 0x17c0 - 0x17c0: 0x4000, 0x17c1: 0x4000, 0x17c2: 0x4000, 0x17c3: 0x4000, 0x17c4: 0x4000, 0x17c5: 0x4000, - 0x17cc: 0x4000, 0x17d0: 0x4000, 0x17d1: 0x4000, - 0x17d2: 0x4000, - 0x17eb: 0x4000, 0x17ec: 0x4000, - 0x17f4: 0x4000, 0x17f5: 0x4000, - 0x17f6: 0x4000, 0x17f7: 0x4000, 0x17f8: 0x4000, 0x17f9: 0x4000, - // Block 0x60, offset 0x1800 - 0x1810: 0x4000, 0x1811: 0x4000, - 0x1812: 0x4000, 0x1813: 0x4000, 0x1814: 0x4000, 0x1815: 0x4000, 0x1816: 0x4000, 0x1817: 0x4000, - 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0x189e: 0x4000, 0x189f: 0x4000, 0x18a0: 0x4000, 0x18a1: 0x4000, 0x18a2: 0x4000, - 0x18b0: 0x4000, 0x18b1: 0x4000, 0x18b2: 0x4000, 0x18b3: 0x4000, 0x18b4: 0x4000, 0x18b5: 0x4000, - 0x18b6: 0x4000, 0x18b7: 0x4000, 0x18b8: 0x4000, 0x18b9: 0x4000, - // Block 0x63, offset 0x18c0 - 0x18c0: 0x4000, 0x18c1: 0x4000, 0x18c2: 0x4000, - 0x18d0: 0x4000, 0x18d1: 0x4000, - 0x18d2: 0x4000, 0x18d3: 0x4000, 0x18d4: 0x4000, 0x18d5: 0x4000, 0x18d6: 0x4000, 0x18d7: 0x4000, - 0x18d8: 0x4000, 0x18d9: 0x4000, 0x18da: 0x4000, 0x18db: 0x4000, 0x18dc: 0x4000, 0x18dd: 0x4000, - 0x18de: 0x4000, 0x18df: 0x4000, 0x18e0: 0x4000, 0x18e1: 0x4000, 0x18e2: 0x4000, 0x18e3: 0x4000, - 0x18e4: 0x4000, 0x18e5: 0x4000, 0x18e6: 0x4000, 0x18e7: 0x4000, 0x18e8: 0x4000, 0x18e9: 0x4000, - 0x18ea: 0x4000, 0x18eb: 0x4000, 0x18ec: 0x4000, 0x18ed: 0x4000, 0x18ee: 0x4000, 0x18ef: 0x4000, - 0x18f0: 0x4000, 0x18f1: 0x4000, 0x18f2: 0x4000, 0x18f3: 0x4000, 0x18f4: 0x4000, 0x18f5: 0x4000, - 0x18f6: 0x4000, 0x18f7: 0x4000, 0x18f8: 0x4000, 0x18f9: 0x4000, 0x18fa: 0x4000, 0x18fb: 0x4000, - 0x18fc: 0x4000, 0x18fd: 0x4000, 0x18fe: 0x4000, 0x18ff: 0x4000, - // Block 0x64, offset 0x1900 - 0x1900: 0x2000, 0x1901: 0x2000, 0x1902: 0x2000, 0x1903: 0x2000, 0x1904: 0x2000, 0x1905: 0x2000, - 0x1906: 0x2000, 0x1907: 0x2000, 0x1908: 0x2000, 0x1909: 0x2000, 0x190a: 0x2000, 0x190b: 0x2000, - 0x190c: 0x2000, 0x190d: 0x2000, 0x190e: 0x2000, 0x190f: 0x2000, 0x1910: 0x2000, 0x1911: 0x2000, - 0x1912: 0x2000, 0x1913: 0x2000, 0x1914: 0x2000, 0x1915: 0x2000, 0x1916: 0x2000, 0x1917: 0x2000, - 0x1918: 0x2000, 0x1919: 0x2000, 0x191a: 0x2000, 0x191b: 0x2000, 0x191c: 0x2000, 0x191d: 0x2000, - 0x191e: 0x2000, 0x191f: 0x2000, 0x1920: 0x2000, 0x1921: 0x2000, 0x1922: 0x2000, 0x1923: 0x2000, - 0x1924: 0x2000, 0x1925: 0x2000, 0x1926: 0x2000, 0x1927: 0x2000, 0x1928: 0x2000, 0x1929: 0x2000, - 0x192a: 0x2000, 0x192b: 0x2000, 0x192c: 0x2000, 0x192d: 0x2000, 0x192e: 0x2000, 0x192f: 0x2000, - 0x1930: 0x2000, 0x1931: 0x2000, 0x1932: 0x2000, 0x1933: 0x2000, 0x1934: 0x2000, 0x1935: 0x2000, - 0x1936: 0x2000, 0x1937: 0x2000, 0x1938: 0x2000, 0x1939: 0x2000, 0x193a: 0x2000, 0x193b: 0x2000, - 0x193c: 0x2000, 0x193d: 0x2000, -} - -// widthIndex: 22 blocks, 1408 entries, 1408 bytes -// Block 0 is the zero block. -var widthIndex = [1408]uint8{ - // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 - // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 - // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 - // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 - 0xc2: 0x01, 0xc3: 0x02, 0xc4: 0x03, 0xc5: 0x04, 0xc7: 0x05, - 0xc9: 0x06, 0xcb: 0x07, 0xcc: 0x08, 0xcd: 0x09, 0xce: 0x0a, 0xcf: 0x0b, - 0xd0: 0x0c, 0xd1: 0x0d, - 0xe1: 0x02, 0xe2: 0x03, 0xe3: 0x04, 0xe4: 0x05, 0xe5: 0x06, 0xe6: 0x06, 0xe7: 0x06, - 0xe8: 0x06, 0xe9: 0x06, 0xea: 0x07, 0xeb: 0x06, 0xec: 0x06, 0xed: 0x08, 0xee: 0x09, 0xef: 0x0a, - 0xf0: 0x0f, 0xf3: 0x12, 0xf4: 0x13, - // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 - 0x104: 0x0e, 0x105: 0x0f, - // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 - 0x140: 0x10, 0x141: 0x11, 0x142: 0x12, 0x144: 0x13, 0x145: 0x14, 0x146: 0x15, 0x147: 0x16, - 0x148: 0x17, 0x149: 0x18, 0x14a: 0x19, 0x14c: 0x1a, 0x14f: 0x1b, - 0x151: 0x1c, 0x152: 0x08, 0x153: 0x1d, 0x154: 0x1e, 0x155: 0x1f, 0x156: 0x20, 0x157: 0x21, - 0x158: 0x22, 0x159: 0x23, 0x15a: 0x24, 0x15b: 0x25, 0x15c: 0x26, 0x15d: 0x27, 0x15e: 0x28, 0x15f: 0x29, - 0x166: 0x2a, - 0x16c: 0x2b, 0x16d: 0x2c, - 0x17a: 0x2d, 0x17b: 0x2e, 0x17c: 0x0e, 0x17d: 0x0e, 0x17e: 0x0e, 0x17f: 0x2f, - // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 - 0x180: 0x30, 0x181: 0x31, 0x182: 0x32, 0x183: 0x33, 0x184: 0x34, 0x185: 0x35, 0x186: 0x36, 0x187: 0x37, - 0x188: 0x38, 0x189: 0x39, 0x18a: 0x0e, 0x18b: 0x3a, 0x18c: 0x0e, 0x18d: 0x0e, 0x18e: 0x0e, 0x18f: 0x0e, - 0x190: 0x0e, 0x191: 0x0e, 0x192: 0x0e, 0x193: 0x0e, 0x194: 0x0e, 0x195: 0x0e, 0x196: 0x0e, 0x197: 0x0e, - 0x198: 0x0e, 0x199: 0x0e, 0x19a: 0x0e, 0x19b: 0x0e, 0x19c: 0x0e, 0x19d: 0x0e, 0x19e: 0x0e, 0x19f: 0x0e, - 0x1a0: 0x0e, 0x1a1: 0x0e, 0x1a2: 0x0e, 0x1a3: 0x0e, 0x1a4: 0x0e, 0x1a5: 0x0e, 0x1a6: 0x0e, 0x1a7: 0x0e, - 0x1a8: 0x0e, 0x1a9: 0x0e, 0x1aa: 0x0e, 0x1ab: 0x0e, 0x1ac: 0x0e, 0x1ad: 0x0e, 0x1ae: 0x0e, 0x1af: 0x0e, - 0x1b0: 0x0e, 0x1b1: 0x0e, 0x1b2: 0x0e, 0x1b3: 0x0e, 0x1b4: 0x0e, 0x1b5: 0x0e, 0x1b6: 0x0e, 0x1b7: 0x0e, - 0x1b8: 0x0e, 0x1b9: 0x0e, 0x1ba: 0x0e, 0x1bb: 0x0e, 0x1bc: 0x0e, 0x1bd: 0x0e, 0x1be: 0x0e, 0x1bf: 0x0e, - // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 - 0x1c0: 0x0e, 0x1c1: 0x0e, 0x1c2: 0x0e, 0x1c3: 0x0e, 0x1c4: 0x0e, 0x1c5: 0x0e, 0x1c6: 0x0e, 0x1c7: 0x0e, - 0x1c8: 0x0e, 0x1c9: 0x0e, 0x1ca: 0x0e, 0x1cb: 0x0e, 0x1cc: 0x0e, 0x1cd: 0x0e, 0x1ce: 0x0e, 0x1cf: 0x0e, - 0x1d0: 0x0e, 0x1d1: 0x0e, 0x1d2: 0x0e, 0x1d3: 0x0e, 0x1d4: 0x0e, 0x1d5: 0x0e, 0x1d6: 0x0e, 0x1d7: 0x0e, - 0x1d8: 0x0e, 0x1d9: 0x0e, 0x1da: 0x0e, 0x1db: 0x0e, 0x1dc: 0x0e, 0x1dd: 0x0e, 0x1de: 0x0e, 0x1df: 0x0e, - 0x1e0: 0x0e, 0x1e1: 0x0e, 0x1e2: 0x0e, 0x1e3: 0x0e, 0x1e4: 0x0e, 0x1e5: 0x0e, 0x1e6: 0x0e, 0x1e7: 0x0e, - 0x1e8: 0x0e, 0x1e9: 0x0e, 0x1ea: 0x0e, 0x1eb: 0x0e, 0x1ec: 0x0e, 0x1ed: 0x0e, 0x1ee: 0x0e, 0x1ef: 0x0e, - 0x1f0: 0x0e, 0x1f1: 0x0e, 0x1f2: 0x0e, 0x1f3: 0x0e, 0x1f4: 0x0e, 0x1f5: 0x0e, 0x1f6: 0x0e, - 0x1f8: 0x0e, 0x1f9: 0x0e, 0x1fa: 0x0e, 0x1fb: 0x0e, 0x1fc: 0x0e, 0x1fd: 0x0e, 0x1fe: 0x0e, 0x1ff: 0x0e, - // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 - 0x200: 0x0e, 0x201: 0x0e, 0x202: 0x0e, 0x203: 0x0e, 0x204: 0x0e, 0x205: 0x0e, 0x206: 0x0e, 0x207: 0x0e, - 0x208: 0x0e, 0x209: 0x0e, 0x20a: 0x0e, 0x20b: 0x0e, 0x20c: 0x0e, 0x20d: 0x0e, 0x20e: 0x0e, 0x20f: 0x0e, - 0x210: 0x0e, 0x211: 0x0e, 0x212: 0x0e, 0x213: 0x0e, 0x214: 0x0e, 0x215: 0x0e, 0x216: 0x0e, 0x217: 0x0e, - 0x218: 0x0e, 0x219: 0x0e, 0x21a: 0x0e, 0x21b: 0x0e, 0x21c: 0x0e, 0x21d: 0x0e, 0x21e: 0x0e, 0x21f: 0x0e, - 0x220: 0x0e, 0x221: 0x0e, 0x222: 0x0e, 0x223: 0x0e, 0x224: 0x0e, 0x225: 0x0e, 0x226: 0x0e, 0x227: 0x0e, - 0x228: 0x0e, 0x229: 0x0e, 0x22a: 0x0e, 0x22b: 0x0e, 0x22c: 0x0e, 0x22d: 0x0e, 0x22e: 0x0e, 0x22f: 0x0e, - 0x230: 0x0e, 0x231: 0x0e, 0x232: 0x0e, 0x233: 0x0e, 0x234: 0x0e, 0x235: 0x0e, 0x236: 0x0e, 0x237: 0x0e, - 0x238: 0x0e, 0x239: 0x0e, 0x23a: 0x0e, 0x23b: 0x0e, 0x23c: 0x0e, 0x23d: 0x0e, 0x23e: 0x0e, 0x23f: 0x0e, - // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 - 0x240: 0x0e, 0x241: 0x0e, 0x242: 0x0e, 0x243: 0x0e, 0x244: 0x0e, 0x245: 0x0e, 0x246: 0x0e, 0x247: 0x0e, - 0x248: 0x0e, 0x249: 0x0e, 0x24a: 0x0e, 0x24b: 0x0e, 0x24c: 0x0e, 0x24d: 0x0e, 0x24e: 0x0e, 0x24f: 0x0e, - 0x250: 0x0e, 0x251: 0x0e, 0x252: 0x3b, 0x253: 0x3c, - 0x265: 0x3d, - 0x270: 0x0e, 0x271: 0x0e, 0x272: 0x0e, 0x273: 0x0e, 0x274: 0x0e, 0x275: 0x0e, 0x276: 0x0e, 0x277: 0x0e, - 0x278: 0x0e, 0x279: 0x0e, 0x27a: 0x0e, 0x27b: 0x0e, 0x27c: 0x0e, 0x27d: 0x0e, 0x27e: 0x0e, 0x27f: 0x0e, - // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 - 0x280: 0x0e, 0x281: 0x0e, 0x282: 0x0e, 0x283: 0x0e, 0x284: 0x0e, 0x285: 0x0e, 0x286: 0x0e, 0x287: 0x0e, - 0x288: 0x0e, 0x289: 0x0e, 0x28a: 0x0e, 0x28b: 0x0e, 0x28c: 0x0e, 0x28d: 0x0e, 0x28e: 0x0e, 0x28f: 0x0e, - 0x290: 0x0e, 0x291: 0x0e, 0x292: 0x0e, 0x293: 0x0e, 0x294: 0x0e, 0x295: 0x0e, 0x296: 0x0e, 0x297: 0x0e, - 0x298: 0x0e, 0x299: 0x0e, 0x29a: 0x0e, 0x29b: 0x0e, 0x29c: 0x0e, 0x29d: 0x0e, 0x29e: 0x3e, - // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 - 0x2c0: 0x08, 0x2c1: 0x08, 0x2c2: 0x08, 0x2c3: 0x08, 0x2c4: 0x08, 0x2c5: 0x08, 0x2c6: 0x08, 0x2c7: 0x08, - 0x2c8: 0x08, 0x2c9: 0x08, 0x2ca: 0x08, 0x2cb: 0x08, 0x2cc: 0x08, 0x2cd: 0x08, 0x2ce: 0x08, 0x2cf: 0x08, - 0x2d0: 0x08, 0x2d1: 0x08, 0x2d2: 0x08, 0x2d3: 0x08, 0x2d4: 0x08, 0x2d5: 0x08, 0x2d6: 0x08, 0x2d7: 0x08, - 0x2d8: 0x08, 0x2d9: 0x08, 0x2da: 0x08, 0x2db: 0x08, 0x2dc: 0x08, 0x2dd: 0x08, 0x2de: 0x08, 0x2df: 0x08, - 0x2e0: 0x08, 0x2e1: 0x08, 0x2e2: 0x08, 0x2e3: 0x08, 0x2e4: 0x08, 0x2e5: 0x08, 0x2e6: 0x08, 0x2e7: 0x08, - 0x2e8: 0x08, 0x2e9: 0x08, 0x2ea: 0x08, 0x2eb: 0x08, 0x2ec: 0x08, 0x2ed: 0x08, 0x2ee: 0x08, 0x2ef: 0x08, - 0x2f0: 0x08, 0x2f1: 0x08, 0x2f2: 0x08, 0x2f3: 0x08, 0x2f4: 0x08, 0x2f5: 0x08, 0x2f6: 0x08, 0x2f7: 0x08, - 0x2f8: 0x08, 0x2f9: 0x08, 0x2fa: 0x08, 0x2fb: 0x08, 0x2fc: 0x08, 0x2fd: 0x08, 0x2fe: 0x08, 0x2ff: 0x08, - // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 - 0x300: 0x08, 0x301: 0x08, 0x302: 0x08, 0x303: 0x08, 0x304: 0x08, 0x305: 0x08, 0x306: 0x08, 0x307: 0x08, - 0x308: 0x08, 0x309: 0x08, 0x30a: 0x08, 0x30b: 0x08, 0x30c: 0x08, 0x30d: 0x08, 0x30e: 0x08, 0x30f: 0x08, - 0x310: 0x08, 0x311: 0x08, 0x312: 0x08, 0x313: 0x08, 0x314: 0x08, 0x315: 0x08, 0x316: 0x08, 0x317: 0x08, - 0x318: 0x08, 0x319: 0x08, 0x31a: 0x08, 0x31b: 0x08, 0x31c: 0x08, 0x31d: 0x08, 0x31e: 0x08, 0x31f: 0x08, - 0x320: 0x08, 0x321: 0x08, 0x322: 0x08, 0x323: 0x08, 0x324: 0x0e, 0x325: 0x0e, 0x326: 0x0e, 0x327: 0x0e, - 0x328: 0x0e, 0x329: 0x0e, 0x32a: 0x0e, 0x32b: 0x0e, - 0x338: 0x3f, 0x339: 0x40, 0x33c: 0x41, 0x33d: 0x42, 0x33e: 0x43, 0x33f: 0x44, - // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 - 0x37f: 0x45, - // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 - 0x380: 0x0e, 0x381: 0x0e, 0x382: 0x0e, 0x383: 0x0e, 0x384: 0x0e, 0x385: 0x0e, 0x386: 0x0e, 0x387: 0x0e, - 0x388: 0x0e, 0x389: 0x0e, 0x38a: 0x0e, 0x38b: 0x0e, 0x38c: 0x0e, 0x38d: 0x0e, 0x38e: 0x0e, 0x38f: 0x0e, - 0x390: 0x0e, 0x391: 0x0e, 0x392: 0x0e, 0x393: 0x0e, 0x394: 0x0e, 0x395: 0x0e, 0x396: 0x0e, 0x397: 0x0e, - 0x398: 0x0e, 0x399: 0x0e, 0x39a: 0x0e, 0x39b: 0x0e, 0x39c: 0x0e, 0x39d: 0x0e, 0x39e: 0x0e, 0x39f: 0x46, - 0x3a0: 0x0e, 0x3a1: 0x0e, 0x3a2: 0x0e, 0x3a3: 0x0e, 0x3a4: 0x0e, 0x3a5: 0x0e, 0x3a6: 0x0e, 0x3a7: 0x0e, - 0x3a8: 0x0e, 0x3a9: 0x0e, 0x3aa: 0x0e, 0x3ab: 0x47, - // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 - 0x3c0: 0x0e, 0x3c1: 0x0e, 0x3c2: 0x0e, 0x3c3: 0x0e, 0x3c4: 0x48, 0x3c5: 0x49, 0x3c6: 0x0e, 0x3c7: 0x0e, - 0x3c8: 0x0e, 0x3c9: 0x0e, 0x3ca: 0x0e, 0x3cb: 0x4a, - // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 - 0x400: 0x4b, 0x403: 0x4c, 0x404: 0x4d, 0x405: 0x4e, 0x406: 0x4f, - 0x408: 0x50, 0x409: 0x51, 0x40c: 0x52, 0x40d: 0x53, 0x40e: 0x54, 0x40f: 0x55, - 0x410: 0x3a, 0x411: 0x56, 0x412: 0x0e, 0x413: 0x57, 0x414: 0x58, 0x415: 0x59, 0x416: 0x5a, 0x417: 0x5b, - 0x418: 0x0e, 0x419: 0x5c, 0x41a: 0x0e, 0x41b: 0x5d, - 0x424: 0x5e, 0x425: 0x5f, 0x426: 0x60, 0x427: 0x61, - // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 - 0x456: 0x0b, 0x457: 0x06, - 0x458: 0x0c, 0x45b: 0x0d, 0x45f: 0x0e, - 0x460: 0x06, 0x461: 0x06, 0x462: 0x06, 0x463: 0x06, 0x464: 0x06, 0x465: 0x06, 0x466: 0x06, 0x467: 0x06, - 0x468: 0x06, 0x469: 0x06, 0x46a: 0x06, 0x46b: 0x06, 0x46c: 0x06, 0x46d: 0x06, 0x46e: 0x06, 0x46f: 0x06, - 0x470: 0x06, 0x471: 0x06, 0x472: 0x06, 0x473: 0x06, 0x474: 0x06, 0x475: 0x06, 0x476: 0x06, 0x477: 0x06, - 0x478: 0x06, 0x479: 0x06, 0x47a: 0x06, 0x47b: 0x06, 0x47c: 0x06, 0x47d: 0x06, 0x47e: 0x06, 0x47f: 0x06, - // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 - 0x484: 0x08, 0x485: 0x08, 0x486: 0x08, 0x487: 0x09, - // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 - 0x4c0: 0x08, 0x4c1: 0x08, 0x4c2: 0x08, 0x4c3: 0x08, 0x4c4: 0x08, 0x4c5: 0x08, 0x4c6: 0x08, 0x4c7: 0x08, - 0x4c8: 0x08, 0x4c9: 0x08, 0x4ca: 0x08, 0x4cb: 0x08, 0x4cc: 0x08, 0x4cd: 0x08, 0x4ce: 0x08, 0x4cf: 0x08, - 0x4d0: 0x08, 0x4d1: 0x08, 0x4d2: 0x08, 0x4d3: 0x08, 0x4d4: 0x08, 0x4d5: 0x08, 0x4d6: 0x08, 0x4d7: 0x08, - 0x4d8: 0x08, 0x4d9: 0x08, 0x4da: 0x08, 0x4db: 0x08, 0x4dc: 0x08, 0x4dd: 0x08, 0x4de: 0x08, 0x4df: 0x08, - 0x4e0: 0x08, 0x4e1: 0x08, 0x4e2: 0x08, 0x4e3: 0x08, 0x4e4: 0x08, 0x4e5: 0x08, 0x4e6: 0x08, 0x4e7: 0x08, - 0x4e8: 0x08, 0x4e9: 0x08, 0x4ea: 0x08, 0x4eb: 0x08, 0x4ec: 0x08, 0x4ed: 0x08, 0x4ee: 0x08, 0x4ef: 0x08, - 0x4f0: 0x08, 0x4f1: 0x08, 0x4f2: 0x08, 0x4f3: 0x08, 0x4f4: 0x08, 0x4f5: 0x08, 0x4f6: 0x08, 0x4f7: 0x08, - 0x4f8: 0x08, 0x4f9: 0x08, 0x4fa: 0x08, 0x4fb: 0x08, 0x4fc: 0x08, 0x4fd: 0x08, 0x4fe: 0x08, 0x4ff: 0x62, - // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 - 0x520: 0x10, - 0x530: 0x09, 0x531: 0x09, 0x532: 0x09, 0x533: 0x09, 0x534: 0x09, 0x535: 0x09, 0x536: 0x09, 0x537: 0x09, - 0x538: 0x09, 0x539: 0x09, 0x53a: 0x09, 0x53b: 0x09, 0x53c: 0x09, 0x53d: 0x09, 0x53e: 0x09, 0x53f: 0x11, - // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 - 0x540: 0x09, 0x541: 0x09, 0x542: 0x09, 0x543: 0x09, 0x544: 0x09, 0x545: 0x09, 0x546: 0x09, 0x547: 0x09, - 0x548: 0x09, 0x549: 0x09, 0x54a: 0x09, 0x54b: 0x09, 0x54c: 0x09, 0x54d: 0x09, 0x54e: 0x09, 0x54f: 0x11, -} - -// inverseData contains 4-byte entries of the following format: -// -// <0 padding> -// -// The last byte of the UTF-8-encoded rune is xor-ed with the last byte of the -// UTF-8 encoding of the original rune. Mappings often have the following -// pattern: -// -// A -> A (U+FF21 -> U+0041) -// B -> B (U+FF22 -> U+0042) -// ... -// -// By xor-ing the last byte the same entry can be shared by many mappings. This -// reduces the total number of distinct entries by about two thirds. -// The resulting entry for the aforementioned mappings is -// -// { 0x01, 0xE0, 0x00, 0x00 } -// -// Using this entry to map U+FF21 (UTF-8 [EF BC A1]), we get -// -// E0 ^ A1 = 41. -// -// Similarly, for U+FF22 (UTF-8 [EF BC A2]), we get -// -// E0 ^ A2 = 42. -// -// Note that because of the xor-ing, the byte sequence stored in the entry is -// not valid UTF-8. -var inverseData = [150][4]byte{ - {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x80, 0xa0}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbc, 0xa0}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbc, 0xe0}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0xe0}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x02}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x00}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0e}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0c}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0f}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x39}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x3b}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x3f}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x2a}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0d}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x25}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1a}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x26}, - {0x01, 0xa0, 0x00, 0x00}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x25}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x23}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x2e}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x07}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x05}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x06}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x13}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0b}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x16}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0c}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x15}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0d}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1c}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x02}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1f}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1d}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x17}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x08}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x09}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0e}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x04}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x05}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x3f}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x00}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x2c}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x06}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x0c}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x0f}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x0d}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x0b}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x19}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x15}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x11}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x31}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x33}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0f}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x30}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x3e}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x32}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x36}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x14}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x2e}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1e}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x10}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x13}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x15}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x17}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x1f}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x1d}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x1b}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x09}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0b}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x37}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x04}, - {0x01, 0xe0, 0x00, 0x00}, - {0x03, 0xe2, 0xa6, 0x1a}, - {0x03, 0xe2, 0xa6, 0x26}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x80, 0x23}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x80, 0x2e}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x80, 0x25}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x1e}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x14}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x06}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x0b}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x0c}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x0d}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x02}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x0f}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x08}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x09}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x2c}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x0c}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x13}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x16}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x15}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x1c}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x1f}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x1d}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x1a}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x17}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x08}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x09}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x0e}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x04}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x05}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x3f}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x00}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x06}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x05}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x0d}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x0b}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x07}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x19}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x15}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x11}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x31}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x33}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x30}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x3e}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x32}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x36}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x2e}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x07}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x04}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x84, 0x10}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x30}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x0d}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x13}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x15}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x17}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x1f}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x1d}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x1b}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x09}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x0f}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x0b}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x37}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x3b}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x39}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x3f}, - {0x02, 0xc2, 0x02, 0x00}, - {0x02, 0xc2, 0x0e, 0x00}, - {0x02, 0xc2, 0x0c, 0x00}, - {0x02, 0xc2, 0x00, 0x00}, - {0x03, 0xe2, 0x82, 0x0f}, - {0x03, 0xe2, 0x94, 0x2a}, - {0x03, 0xe2, 0x86, 0x39}, - {0x03, 0xe2, 0x86, 0x3b}, - {0x03, 0xe2, 0x86, 0x3f}, - {0x03, 0xe2, 0x96, 0x0d}, - {0x03, 0xe2, 0x97, 0x25}, -} - -// Total table size 14936 bytes (14KiB) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables12.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables12.0.0.go deleted file mode 100644 index 5c14ade6d..000000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables12.0.0.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1361 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. - -//go:build go1.14 && !go1.16 -// +build go1.14,!go1.16 - -package width - -// UnicodeVersion is the Unicode version from which the tables in this package are derived. -const UnicodeVersion = "12.0.0" - -// lookup returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and -// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not -// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. -func (t *widthTrie) lookup(s []byte) (v uint16, sz int) { - c0 := s[0] - switch { - case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII - return widthValues[c0], 1 - case c0 < 0xC2: - return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. - case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 - if len(s) < 2 { - return 0, 0 - } - i := widthIndex[c0] - c1 := s[1] - if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { - return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 - case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 - if len(s) < 3 { - return 0, 0 - } - i := widthIndex[c0] - c1 := s[1] - if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { - return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) - i = widthIndex[o] - c2 := s[2] - if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { - return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 - case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 - if len(s) < 4 { - return 0, 0 - } - i := widthIndex[c0] - c1 := s[1] - if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { - return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) - i = widthIndex[o] - c2 := s[2] - if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { - return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) - i = widthIndex[o] - c3 := s[3] - if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { - return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 - } - // Illegal rune - return 0, 1 -} - -// lookupUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. -// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. -func (t *widthTrie) lookupUnsafe(s []byte) uint16 { - c0 := s[0] - if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII - return widthValues[c0] - } - i := widthIndex[c0] - if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) - } - i = widthIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] - if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) - } - i = widthIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] - if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) - } - return 0 -} - -// lookupString returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and -// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not -// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. -func (t *widthTrie) lookupString(s string) (v uint16, sz int) { - c0 := s[0] - switch { - case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII - return widthValues[c0], 1 - case c0 < 0xC2: - return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. - case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 - if len(s) < 2 { - return 0, 0 - } - i := widthIndex[c0] - c1 := s[1] - if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { - return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 - case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 - if len(s) < 3 { - return 0, 0 - } - i := widthIndex[c0] - c1 := s[1] - if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { - return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) - i = widthIndex[o] - c2 := s[2] - if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { - return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 - case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 - if len(s) < 4 { - return 0, 0 - } - i := widthIndex[c0] - c1 := s[1] - if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { - return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) - i = widthIndex[o] - c2 := s[2] - if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { - return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) - i = widthIndex[o] - c3 := s[3] - if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { - return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 - } - // Illegal rune - return 0, 1 -} - -// lookupStringUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. -// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. -func (t *widthTrie) lookupStringUnsafe(s string) uint16 { - c0 := s[0] - if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII - return widthValues[c0] - } - i := widthIndex[c0] - if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) - } - i = widthIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] - if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) - } - i = widthIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] - if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) - } - return 0 -} - -// widthTrie. Total size: 14720 bytes (14.38 KiB). Checksum: 3f4f2516ded5489b. -type widthTrie struct{} - -func newWidthTrie(i int) *widthTrie { - return &widthTrie{} -} - -// lookupValue determines the type of block n and looks up the value for b. -func (t *widthTrie) lookupValue(n uint32, b byte) uint16 { - switch { - default: - return uint16(widthValues[n<<6+uint32(b)]) - } -} - -// widthValues: 104 blocks, 6656 entries, 13312 bytes -// The third block is the zero block. -var widthValues = [6656]uint16{ - // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 - 0x20: 0x6001, 0x21: 0x6002, 0x22: 0x6002, 0x23: 0x6002, - 0x24: 0x6002, 0x25: 0x6002, 0x26: 0x6002, 0x27: 0x6002, 0x28: 0x6002, 0x29: 0x6002, - 0x2a: 0x6002, 0x2b: 0x6002, 0x2c: 0x6002, 0x2d: 0x6002, 0x2e: 0x6002, 0x2f: 0x6002, - 0x30: 0x6002, 0x31: 0x6002, 0x32: 0x6002, 0x33: 0x6002, 0x34: 0x6002, 0x35: 0x6002, - 0x36: 0x6002, 0x37: 0x6002, 0x38: 0x6002, 0x39: 0x6002, 0x3a: 0x6002, 0x3b: 0x6002, - 0x3c: 0x6002, 0x3d: 0x6002, 0x3e: 0x6002, 0x3f: 0x6002, - // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 - 0x40: 0x6003, 0x41: 0x6003, 0x42: 0x6003, 0x43: 0x6003, 0x44: 0x6003, 0x45: 0x6003, - 0x46: 0x6003, 0x47: 0x6003, 0x48: 0x6003, 0x49: 0x6003, 0x4a: 0x6003, 0x4b: 0x6003, - 0x4c: 0x6003, 0x4d: 0x6003, 0x4e: 0x6003, 0x4f: 0x6003, 0x50: 0x6003, 0x51: 0x6003, - 0x52: 0x6003, 0x53: 0x6003, 0x54: 0x6003, 0x55: 0x6003, 0x56: 0x6003, 0x57: 0x6003, - 0x58: 0x6003, 0x59: 0x6003, 0x5a: 0x6003, 0x5b: 0x6003, 0x5c: 0x6003, 0x5d: 0x6003, - 0x5e: 0x6003, 0x5f: 0x6003, 0x60: 0x6004, 0x61: 0x6004, 0x62: 0x6004, 0x63: 0x6004, - 0x64: 0x6004, 0x65: 0x6004, 0x66: 0x6004, 0x67: 0x6004, 0x68: 0x6004, 0x69: 0x6004, - 0x6a: 0x6004, 0x6b: 0x6004, 0x6c: 0x6004, 0x6d: 0x6004, 0x6e: 0x6004, 0x6f: 0x6004, - 0x70: 0x6004, 0x71: 0x6004, 0x72: 0x6004, 0x73: 0x6004, 0x74: 0x6004, 0x75: 0x6004, - 0x76: 0x6004, 0x77: 0x6004, 0x78: 0x6004, 0x79: 0x6004, 0x7a: 0x6004, 0x7b: 0x6004, - 0x7c: 0x6004, 0x7d: 0x6004, 0x7e: 0x6004, - // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 - // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 - 0xe1: 0x2000, 0xe2: 0x6005, 0xe3: 0x6005, - 0xe4: 0x2000, 0xe5: 0x6006, 0xe6: 0x6005, 0xe7: 0x2000, 0xe8: 0x2000, - 0xea: 0x2000, 0xec: 0x6007, 0xed: 0x2000, 0xee: 0x2000, 0xef: 0x6008, - 0xf0: 0x2000, 0xf1: 0x2000, 0xf2: 0x2000, 0xf3: 0x2000, 0xf4: 0x2000, - 0xf6: 0x2000, 0xf7: 0x2000, 0xf8: 0x2000, 0xf9: 0x2000, 0xfa: 0x2000, - 0xfc: 0x2000, 0xfd: 0x2000, 0xfe: 0x2000, 0xff: 0x2000, - // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 - 0x106: 0x2000, - 0x110: 0x2000, - 0x117: 0x2000, - 0x118: 0x2000, - 0x11e: 0x2000, 0x11f: 0x2000, 0x120: 0x2000, 0x121: 0x2000, - 0x126: 0x2000, 0x128: 0x2000, 0x129: 0x2000, - 0x12a: 0x2000, 0x12c: 0x2000, 0x12d: 0x2000, - 0x130: 0x2000, 0x132: 0x2000, 0x133: 0x2000, - 0x137: 0x2000, 0x138: 0x2000, 0x139: 0x2000, 0x13a: 0x2000, - 0x13c: 0x2000, 0x13e: 0x2000, - // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 - 0x141: 0x2000, - 0x151: 0x2000, - 0x153: 0x2000, - 0x15b: 0x2000, - 0x166: 0x2000, 0x167: 0x2000, - 0x16b: 0x2000, - 0x171: 0x2000, 0x172: 0x2000, 0x173: 0x2000, - 0x178: 0x2000, - 0x17f: 0x2000, - // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 - 0x180: 0x2000, 0x181: 0x2000, 0x182: 0x2000, 0x184: 0x2000, - 0x188: 0x2000, 0x189: 0x2000, 0x18a: 0x2000, 0x18b: 0x2000, - 0x18d: 0x2000, - 0x192: 0x2000, 0x193: 0x2000, - 0x1a6: 0x2000, 0x1a7: 0x2000, - 0x1ab: 0x2000, - // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 - 0x1ce: 0x2000, 0x1d0: 0x2000, - 0x1d2: 0x2000, 0x1d4: 0x2000, 0x1d6: 0x2000, - 0x1d8: 0x2000, 0x1da: 0x2000, 0x1dc: 0x2000, - // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 - 0x211: 0x2000, - 0x221: 0x2000, - // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 - 0x244: 0x2000, - 0x247: 0x2000, 0x249: 0x2000, 0x24a: 0x2000, 0x24b: 0x2000, - 0x24d: 0x2000, 0x250: 0x2000, - 0x258: 0x2000, 0x259: 0x2000, 0x25a: 0x2000, 0x25b: 0x2000, 0x25d: 0x2000, - 0x25f: 0x2000, - // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 - 0x280: 0x2000, 0x281: 0x2000, 0x282: 0x2000, 0x283: 0x2000, 0x284: 0x2000, 0x285: 0x2000, - 0x286: 0x2000, 0x287: 0x2000, 0x288: 0x2000, 0x289: 0x2000, 0x28a: 0x2000, 0x28b: 0x2000, - 0x28c: 0x2000, 0x28d: 0x2000, 0x28e: 0x2000, 0x28f: 0x2000, 0x290: 0x2000, 0x291: 0x2000, - 0x292: 0x2000, 0x293: 0x2000, 0x294: 0x2000, 0x295: 0x2000, 0x296: 0x2000, 0x297: 0x2000, - 0x298: 0x2000, 0x299: 0x2000, 0x29a: 0x2000, 0x29b: 0x2000, 0x29c: 0x2000, 0x29d: 0x2000, - 0x29e: 0x2000, 0x29f: 0x2000, 0x2a0: 0x2000, 0x2a1: 0x2000, 0x2a2: 0x2000, 0x2a3: 0x2000, - 0x2a4: 0x2000, 0x2a5: 0x2000, 0x2a6: 0x2000, 0x2a7: 0x2000, 0x2a8: 0x2000, 0x2a9: 0x2000, - 0x2aa: 0x2000, 0x2ab: 0x2000, 0x2ac: 0x2000, 0x2ad: 0x2000, 0x2ae: 0x2000, 0x2af: 0x2000, - 0x2b0: 0x2000, 0x2b1: 0x2000, 0x2b2: 0x2000, 0x2b3: 0x2000, 0x2b4: 0x2000, 0x2b5: 0x2000, - 0x2b6: 0x2000, 0x2b7: 0x2000, 0x2b8: 0x2000, 0x2b9: 0x2000, 0x2ba: 0x2000, 0x2bb: 0x2000, - 0x2bc: 0x2000, 0x2bd: 0x2000, 0x2be: 0x2000, 0x2bf: 0x2000, - // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 - 0x2c0: 0x2000, 0x2c1: 0x2000, 0x2c2: 0x2000, 0x2c3: 0x2000, 0x2c4: 0x2000, 0x2c5: 0x2000, - 0x2c6: 0x2000, 0x2c7: 0x2000, 0x2c8: 0x2000, 0x2c9: 0x2000, 0x2ca: 0x2000, 0x2cb: 0x2000, - 0x2cc: 0x2000, 0x2cd: 0x2000, 0x2ce: 0x2000, 0x2cf: 0x2000, 0x2d0: 0x2000, 0x2d1: 0x2000, - 0x2d2: 0x2000, 0x2d3: 0x2000, 0x2d4: 0x2000, 0x2d5: 0x2000, 0x2d6: 0x2000, 0x2d7: 0x2000, - 0x2d8: 0x2000, 0x2d9: 0x2000, 0x2da: 0x2000, 0x2db: 0x2000, 0x2dc: 0x2000, 0x2dd: 0x2000, - 0x2de: 0x2000, 0x2df: 0x2000, 0x2e0: 0x2000, 0x2e1: 0x2000, 0x2e2: 0x2000, 0x2e3: 0x2000, - 0x2e4: 0x2000, 0x2e5: 0x2000, 0x2e6: 0x2000, 0x2e7: 0x2000, 0x2e8: 0x2000, 0x2e9: 0x2000, - 0x2ea: 0x2000, 0x2eb: 0x2000, 0x2ec: 0x2000, 0x2ed: 0x2000, 0x2ee: 0x2000, 0x2ef: 0x2000, - // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 - 0x311: 0x2000, - 0x312: 0x2000, 0x313: 0x2000, 0x314: 0x2000, 0x315: 0x2000, 0x316: 0x2000, 0x317: 0x2000, - 0x318: 0x2000, 0x319: 0x2000, 0x31a: 0x2000, 0x31b: 0x2000, 0x31c: 0x2000, 0x31d: 0x2000, - 0x31e: 0x2000, 0x31f: 0x2000, 0x320: 0x2000, 0x321: 0x2000, 0x323: 0x2000, - 0x324: 0x2000, 0x325: 0x2000, 0x326: 0x2000, 0x327: 0x2000, 0x328: 0x2000, 0x329: 0x2000, - 0x331: 0x2000, 0x332: 0x2000, 0x333: 0x2000, 0x334: 0x2000, 0x335: 0x2000, - 0x336: 0x2000, 0x337: 0x2000, 0x338: 0x2000, 0x339: 0x2000, 0x33a: 0x2000, 0x33b: 0x2000, - 0x33c: 0x2000, 0x33d: 0x2000, 0x33e: 0x2000, 0x33f: 0x2000, - // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 - 0x340: 0x2000, 0x341: 0x2000, 0x343: 0x2000, 0x344: 0x2000, 0x345: 0x2000, - 0x346: 0x2000, 0x347: 0x2000, 0x348: 0x2000, 0x349: 0x2000, - // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 - 0x381: 0x2000, - 0x390: 0x2000, 0x391: 0x2000, - 0x392: 0x2000, 0x393: 0x2000, 0x394: 0x2000, 0x395: 0x2000, 0x396: 0x2000, 0x397: 0x2000, - 0x398: 0x2000, 0x399: 0x2000, 0x39a: 0x2000, 0x39b: 0x2000, 0x39c: 0x2000, 0x39d: 0x2000, - 0x39e: 0x2000, 0x39f: 0x2000, 0x3a0: 0x2000, 0x3a1: 0x2000, 0x3a2: 0x2000, 0x3a3: 0x2000, - 0x3a4: 0x2000, 0x3a5: 0x2000, 0x3a6: 0x2000, 0x3a7: 0x2000, 0x3a8: 0x2000, 0x3a9: 0x2000, - 0x3aa: 0x2000, 0x3ab: 0x2000, 0x3ac: 0x2000, 0x3ad: 0x2000, 0x3ae: 0x2000, 0x3af: 0x2000, - 0x3b0: 0x2000, 0x3b1: 0x2000, 0x3b2: 0x2000, 0x3b3: 0x2000, 0x3b4: 0x2000, 0x3b5: 0x2000, - 0x3b6: 0x2000, 0x3b7: 0x2000, 0x3b8: 0x2000, 0x3b9: 0x2000, 0x3ba: 0x2000, 0x3bb: 0x2000, - 0x3bc: 0x2000, 0x3bd: 0x2000, 0x3be: 0x2000, 0x3bf: 0x2000, - // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 - 0x3c0: 0x2000, 0x3c1: 0x2000, 0x3c2: 0x2000, 0x3c3: 0x2000, 0x3c4: 0x2000, 0x3c5: 0x2000, - 0x3c6: 0x2000, 0x3c7: 0x2000, 0x3c8: 0x2000, 0x3c9: 0x2000, 0x3ca: 0x2000, 0x3cb: 0x2000, - 0x3cc: 0x2000, 0x3cd: 0x2000, 0x3ce: 0x2000, 0x3cf: 0x2000, 0x3d1: 0x2000, - // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 - 0x400: 0x4000, 0x401: 0x4000, 0x402: 0x4000, 0x403: 0x4000, 0x404: 0x4000, 0x405: 0x4000, - 0x406: 0x4000, 0x407: 0x4000, 0x408: 0x4000, 0x409: 0x4000, 0x40a: 0x4000, 0x40b: 0x4000, - 0x40c: 0x4000, 0x40d: 0x4000, 0x40e: 0x4000, 0x40f: 0x4000, 0x410: 0x4000, 0x411: 0x4000, - 0x412: 0x4000, 0x413: 0x4000, 0x414: 0x4000, 0x415: 0x4000, 0x416: 0x4000, 0x417: 0x4000, - 0x418: 0x4000, 0x419: 0x4000, 0x41a: 0x4000, 0x41b: 0x4000, 0x41c: 0x4000, 0x41d: 0x4000, - 0x41e: 0x4000, 0x41f: 0x4000, 0x420: 0x4000, 0x421: 0x4000, 0x422: 0x4000, 0x423: 0x4000, - 0x424: 0x4000, 0x425: 0x4000, 0x426: 0x4000, 0x427: 0x4000, 0x428: 0x4000, 0x429: 0x4000, - 0x42a: 0x4000, 0x42b: 0x4000, 0x42c: 0x4000, 0x42d: 0x4000, 0x42e: 0x4000, 0x42f: 0x4000, - 0x430: 0x4000, 0x431: 0x4000, 0x432: 0x4000, 0x433: 0x4000, 0x434: 0x4000, 0x435: 0x4000, - 0x436: 0x4000, 0x437: 0x4000, 0x438: 0x4000, 0x439: 0x4000, 0x43a: 0x4000, 0x43b: 0x4000, - 0x43c: 0x4000, 0x43d: 0x4000, 0x43e: 0x4000, 0x43f: 0x4000, - // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 - 0x440: 0x4000, 0x441: 0x4000, 0x442: 0x4000, 0x443: 0x4000, 0x444: 0x4000, 0x445: 0x4000, - 0x446: 0x4000, 0x447: 0x4000, 0x448: 0x4000, 0x449: 0x4000, 0x44a: 0x4000, 0x44b: 0x4000, - 0x44c: 0x4000, 0x44d: 0x4000, 0x44e: 0x4000, 0x44f: 0x4000, 0x450: 0x4000, 0x451: 0x4000, - 0x452: 0x4000, 0x453: 0x4000, 0x454: 0x4000, 0x455: 0x4000, 0x456: 0x4000, 0x457: 0x4000, - 0x458: 0x4000, 0x459: 0x4000, 0x45a: 0x4000, 0x45b: 0x4000, 0x45c: 0x4000, 0x45d: 0x4000, - 0x45e: 0x4000, 0x45f: 0x4000, - // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 - 0x490: 0x2000, - 0x493: 0x2000, 0x494: 0x2000, 0x495: 0x2000, 0x496: 0x2000, - 0x498: 0x2000, 0x499: 0x2000, 0x49c: 0x2000, 0x49d: 0x2000, - 0x4a0: 0x2000, 0x4a1: 0x2000, 0x4a2: 0x2000, - 0x4a4: 0x2000, 0x4a5: 0x2000, 0x4a6: 0x2000, 0x4a7: 0x2000, - 0x4b0: 0x2000, 0x4b2: 0x2000, 0x4b3: 0x2000, 0x4b5: 0x2000, - 0x4bb: 0x2000, - 0x4be: 0x2000, - // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 - 0x4f4: 0x2000, - 0x4ff: 0x2000, - // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 - 0x501: 0x2000, 0x502: 0x2000, 0x503: 0x2000, 0x504: 0x2000, - 0x529: 0xa009, - 0x52c: 0x2000, - // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 - 0x543: 0x2000, 0x545: 0x2000, - 0x549: 0x2000, - 0x553: 0x2000, 0x556: 0x2000, - 0x561: 0x2000, 0x562: 0x2000, - 0x566: 0x2000, - 0x56b: 0x2000, - // Block 0x16, offset 0x580 - 0x593: 0x2000, 0x594: 0x2000, - 0x59b: 0x2000, 0x59c: 0x2000, 0x59d: 0x2000, - 0x59e: 0x2000, 0x5a0: 0x2000, 0x5a1: 0x2000, 0x5a2: 0x2000, 0x5a3: 0x2000, - 0x5a4: 0x2000, 0x5a5: 0x2000, 0x5a6: 0x2000, 0x5a7: 0x2000, 0x5a8: 0x2000, 0x5a9: 0x2000, - 0x5aa: 0x2000, 0x5ab: 0x2000, - 0x5b0: 0x2000, 0x5b1: 0x2000, 0x5b2: 0x2000, 0x5b3: 0x2000, 0x5b4: 0x2000, 0x5b5: 0x2000, - 0x5b6: 0x2000, 0x5b7: 0x2000, 0x5b8: 0x2000, 0x5b9: 0x2000, - // Block 0x17, offset 0x5c0 - 0x5c9: 0x2000, - 0x5d0: 0x200a, 0x5d1: 0x200b, - 0x5d2: 0x200a, 0x5d3: 0x200c, 0x5d4: 0x2000, 0x5d5: 0x2000, 0x5d6: 0x2000, 0x5d7: 0x2000, - 0x5d8: 0x2000, 0x5d9: 0x2000, - 0x5f8: 0x2000, 0x5f9: 0x2000, - // Block 0x18, offset 0x600 - 0x612: 0x2000, 0x614: 0x2000, - 0x627: 0x2000, - // Block 0x19, offset 0x640 - 0x640: 0x2000, 0x642: 0x2000, 0x643: 0x2000, - 0x647: 0x2000, 0x648: 0x2000, 0x64b: 0x2000, - 0x64f: 0x2000, 0x651: 0x2000, - 0x655: 0x2000, - 0x65a: 0x2000, 0x65d: 0x2000, - 0x65e: 0x2000, 0x65f: 0x2000, 0x660: 0x2000, 0x663: 0x2000, - 0x665: 0x2000, 0x667: 0x2000, 0x668: 0x2000, 0x669: 0x2000, - 0x66a: 0x2000, 0x66b: 0x2000, 0x66c: 0x2000, 0x66e: 0x2000, - 0x674: 0x2000, 0x675: 0x2000, - 0x676: 0x2000, 0x677: 0x2000, - 0x67c: 0x2000, 0x67d: 0x2000, - // Block 0x1a, offset 0x680 - 0x688: 0x2000, - 0x68c: 0x2000, - 0x692: 0x2000, - 0x6a0: 0x2000, 0x6a1: 0x2000, - 0x6a4: 0x2000, 0x6a5: 0x2000, 0x6a6: 0x2000, 0x6a7: 0x2000, - 0x6aa: 0x2000, 0x6ab: 0x2000, 0x6ae: 0x2000, 0x6af: 0x2000, - // Block 0x1b, offset 0x6c0 - 0x6c2: 0x2000, 0x6c3: 0x2000, - 0x6c6: 0x2000, 0x6c7: 0x2000, - 0x6d5: 0x2000, - 0x6d9: 0x2000, - 0x6e5: 0x2000, - 0x6ff: 0x2000, - // Block 0x1c, offset 0x700 - 0x712: 0x2000, - 0x71a: 0x4000, 0x71b: 0x4000, - 0x729: 0x4000, - 0x72a: 0x4000, - // Block 0x1d, offset 0x740 - 0x769: 0x4000, - 0x76a: 0x4000, 0x76b: 0x4000, 0x76c: 0x4000, - 0x770: 0x4000, 0x773: 0x4000, - // Block 0x1e, offset 0x780 - 0x7a0: 0x2000, 0x7a1: 0x2000, 0x7a2: 0x2000, 0x7a3: 0x2000, - 0x7a4: 0x2000, 0x7a5: 0x2000, 0x7a6: 0x2000, 0x7a7: 0x2000, 0x7a8: 0x2000, 0x7a9: 0x2000, - 0x7aa: 0x2000, 0x7ab: 0x2000, 0x7ac: 0x2000, 0x7ad: 0x2000, 0x7ae: 0x2000, 0x7af: 0x2000, - 0x7b0: 0x2000, 0x7b1: 0x2000, 0x7b2: 0x2000, 0x7b3: 0x2000, 0x7b4: 0x2000, 0x7b5: 0x2000, - 0x7b6: 0x2000, 0x7b7: 0x2000, 0x7b8: 0x2000, 0x7b9: 0x2000, 0x7ba: 0x2000, 0x7bb: 0x2000, - 0x7bc: 0x2000, 0x7bd: 0x2000, 0x7be: 0x2000, 0x7bf: 0x2000, - // Block 0x1f, offset 0x7c0 - 0x7c0: 0x2000, 0x7c1: 0x2000, 0x7c2: 0x2000, 0x7c3: 0x2000, 0x7c4: 0x2000, 0x7c5: 0x2000, - 0x7c6: 0x2000, 0x7c7: 0x2000, 0x7c8: 0x2000, 0x7c9: 0x2000, 0x7ca: 0x2000, 0x7cb: 0x2000, - 0x7cc: 0x2000, 0x7cd: 0x2000, 0x7ce: 0x2000, 0x7cf: 0x2000, 0x7d0: 0x2000, 0x7d1: 0x2000, - 0x7d2: 0x2000, 0x7d3: 0x2000, 0x7d4: 0x2000, 0x7d5: 0x2000, 0x7d6: 0x2000, 0x7d7: 0x2000, - 0x7d8: 0x2000, 0x7d9: 0x2000, 0x7da: 0x2000, 0x7db: 0x2000, 0x7dc: 0x2000, 0x7dd: 0x2000, - 0x7de: 0x2000, 0x7df: 0x2000, 0x7e0: 0x2000, 0x7e1: 0x2000, 0x7e2: 0x2000, 0x7e3: 0x2000, - 0x7e4: 0x2000, 0x7e5: 0x2000, 0x7e6: 0x2000, 0x7e7: 0x2000, 0x7e8: 0x2000, 0x7e9: 0x2000, - 0x7eb: 0x2000, 0x7ec: 0x2000, 0x7ed: 0x2000, 0x7ee: 0x2000, 0x7ef: 0x2000, - 0x7f0: 0x2000, 0x7f1: 0x2000, 0x7f2: 0x2000, 0x7f3: 0x2000, 0x7f4: 0x2000, 0x7f5: 0x2000, - 0x7f6: 0x2000, 0x7f7: 0x2000, 0x7f8: 0x2000, 0x7f9: 0x2000, 0x7fa: 0x2000, 0x7fb: 0x2000, - 0x7fc: 0x2000, 0x7fd: 0x2000, 0x7fe: 0x2000, 0x7ff: 0x2000, - // Block 0x20, offset 0x800 - 0x800: 0x2000, 0x801: 0x2000, 0x802: 0x200d, 0x803: 0x2000, 0x804: 0x2000, 0x805: 0x2000, - 0x806: 0x2000, 0x807: 0x2000, 0x808: 0x2000, 0x809: 0x2000, 0x80a: 0x2000, 0x80b: 0x2000, - 0x80c: 0x2000, 0x80d: 0x2000, 0x80e: 0x2000, 0x80f: 0x2000, 0x810: 0x2000, 0x811: 0x2000, - 0x812: 0x2000, 0x813: 0x2000, 0x814: 0x2000, 0x815: 0x2000, 0x816: 0x2000, 0x817: 0x2000, - 0x818: 0x2000, 0x819: 0x2000, 0x81a: 0x2000, 0x81b: 0x2000, 0x81c: 0x2000, 0x81d: 0x2000, - 0x81e: 0x2000, 0x81f: 0x2000, 0x820: 0x2000, 0x821: 0x2000, 0x822: 0x2000, 0x823: 0x2000, - 0x824: 0x2000, 0x825: 0x2000, 0x826: 0x2000, 0x827: 0x2000, 0x828: 0x2000, 0x829: 0x2000, - 0x82a: 0x2000, 0x82b: 0x2000, 0x82c: 0x2000, 0x82d: 0x2000, 0x82e: 0x2000, 0x82f: 0x2000, - 0x830: 0x2000, 0x831: 0x2000, 0x832: 0x2000, 0x833: 0x2000, 0x834: 0x2000, 0x835: 0x2000, - 0x836: 0x2000, 0x837: 0x2000, 0x838: 0x2000, 0x839: 0x2000, 0x83a: 0x2000, 0x83b: 0x2000, - 0x83c: 0x2000, 0x83d: 0x2000, 0x83e: 0x2000, 0x83f: 0x2000, - // Block 0x21, offset 0x840 - 0x840: 0x2000, 0x841: 0x2000, 0x842: 0x2000, 0x843: 0x2000, 0x844: 0x2000, 0x845: 0x2000, - 0x846: 0x2000, 0x847: 0x2000, 0x848: 0x2000, 0x849: 0x2000, 0x84a: 0x2000, 0x84b: 0x2000, - 0x850: 0x2000, 0x851: 0x2000, - 0x852: 0x2000, 0x853: 0x2000, 0x854: 0x2000, 0x855: 0x2000, 0x856: 0x2000, 0x857: 0x2000, - 0x858: 0x2000, 0x859: 0x2000, 0x85a: 0x2000, 0x85b: 0x2000, 0x85c: 0x2000, 0x85d: 0x2000, - 0x85e: 0x2000, 0x85f: 0x2000, 0x860: 0x2000, 0x861: 0x2000, 0x862: 0x2000, 0x863: 0x2000, - 0x864: 0x2000, 0x865: 0x2000, 0x866: 0x2000, 0x867: 0x2000, 0x868: 0x2000, 0x869: 0x2000, - 0x86a: 0x2000, 0x86b: 0x2000, 0x86c: 0x2000, 0x86d: 0x2000, 0x86e: 0x2000, 0x86f: 0x2000, - 0x870: 0x2000, 0x871: 0x2000, 0x872: 0x2000, 0x873: 0x2000, - // Block 0x22, offset 0x880 - 0x880: 0x2000, 0x881: 0x2000, 0x882: 0x2000, 0x883: 0x2000, 0x884: 0x2000, 0x885: 0x2000, - 0x886: 0x2000, 0x887: 0x2000, 0x888: 0x2000, 0x889: 0x2000, 0x88a: 0x2000, 0x88b: 0x2000, - 0x88c: 0x2000, 0x88d: 0x2000, 0x88e: 0x2000, 0x88f: 0x2000, - 0x892: 0x2000, 0x893: 0x2000, 0x894: 0x2000, 0x895: 0x2000, - 0x8a0: 0x200e, 0x8a1: 0x2000, 0x8a3: 0x2000, - 0x8a4: 0x2000, 0x8a5: 0x2000, 0x8a6: 0x2000, 0x8a7: 0x2000, 0x8a8: 0x2000, 0x8a9: 0x2000, - 0x8b2: 0x2000, 0x8b3: 0x2000, - 0x8b6: 0x2000, 0x8b7: 0x2000, - 0x8bc: 0x2000, 0x8bd: 0x2000, - // Block 0x23, offset 0x8c0 - 0x8c0: 0x2000, 0x8c1: 0x2000, - 0x8c6: 0x2000, 0x8c7: 0x2000, 0x8c8: 0x2000, 0x8cb: 0x200f, - 0x8ce: 0x2000, 0x8cf: 0x2000, 0x8d0: 0x2000, 0x8d1: 0x2000, - 0x8e2: 0x2000, 0x8e3: 0x2000, - 0x8e4: 0x2000, 0x8e5: 0x2000, - 0x8ef: 0x2000, - 0x8fd: 0x4000, 0x8fe: 0x4000, - // Block 0x24, offset 0x900 - 0x905: 0x2000, - 0x906: 0x2000, 0x909: 0x2000, - 0x90e: 0x2000, 0x90f: 0x2000, - 0x914: 0x4000, 0x915: 0x4000, - 0x91c: 0x2000, - 0x91e: 0x2000, - // Block 0x25, offset 0x940 - 0x940: 0x2000, 0x942: 0x2000, - 0x948: 0x4000, 0x949: 0x4000, 0x94a: 0x4000, 0x94b: 0x4000, - 0x94c: 0x4000, 0x94d: 0x4000, 0x94e: 0x4000, 0x94f: 0x4000, 0x950: 0x4000, 0x951: 0x4000, - 0x952: 0x4000, 0x953: 0x4000, - 0x960: 0x2000, 0x961: 0x2000, 0x963: 0x2000, - 0x964: 0x2000, 0x965: 0x2000, 0x967: 0x2000, 0x968: 0x2000, 0x969: 0x2000, - 0x96a: 0x2000, 0x96c: 0x2000, 0x96d: 0x2000, 0x96f: 0x2000, - 0x97f: 0x4000, - // Block 0x26, offset 0x980 - 0x993: 0x4000, - 0x99e: 0x2000, 0x99f: 0x2000, 0x9a1: 0x4000, - 0x9aa: 0x4000, 0x9ab: 0x4000, - 0x9bd: 0x4000, 0x9be: 0x4000, 0x9bf: 0x2000, - // Block 0x27, offset 0x9c0 - 0x9c4: 0x4000, 0x9c5: 0x4000, - 0x9c6: 0x2000, 0x9c7: 0x2000, 0x9c8: 0x2000, 0x9c9: 0x2000, 0x9ca: 0x2000, 0x9cb: 0x2000, - 0x9cc: 0x2000, 0x9cd: 0x2000, 0x9ce: 0x4000, 0x9cf: 0x2000, 0x9d0: 0x2000, 0x9d1: 0x2000, - 0x9d2: 0x2000, 0x9d3: 0x2000, 0x9d4: 0x4000, 0x9d5: 0x2000, 0x9d6: 0x2000, 0x9d7: 0x2000, - 0x9d8: 0x2000, 0x9d9: 0x2000, 0x9da: 0x2000, 0x9db: 0x2000, 0x9dc: 0x2000, 0x9dd: 0x2000, - 0x9de: 0x2000, 0x9df: 0x2000, 0x9e0: 0x2000, 0x9e1: 0x2000, 0x9e3: 0x2000, - 0x9e8: 0x2000, 0x9e9: 0x2000, - 0x9ea: 0x4000, 0x9eb: 0x2000, 0x9ec: 0x2000, 0x9ed: 0x2000, 0x9ee: 0x2000, 0x9ef: 0x2000, - 0x9f0: 0x2000, 0x9f1: 0x2000, 0x9f2: 0x4000, 0x9f3: 0x4000, 0x9f4: 0x2000, 0x9f5: 0x4000, - 0x9f6: 0x2000, 0x9f7: 0x2000, 0x9f8: 0x2000, 0x9f9: 0x2000, 0x9fa: 0x4000, 0x9fb: 0x2000, - 0x9fc: 0x2000, 0x9fd: 0x4000, 0x9fe: 0x2000, 0x9ff: 0x2000, - // Block 0x28, offset 0xa00 - 0xa05: 0x4000, - 0xa0a: 0x4000, 0xa0b: 0x4000, - 0xa28: 0x4000, - 0xa3d: 0x2000, - // Block 0x29, offset 0xa40 - 0xa4c: 0x4000, 0xa4e: 0x4000, - 0xa53: 0x4000, 0xa54: 0x4000, 0xa55: 0x4000, 0xa57: 0x4000, - 0xa76: 0x2000, 0xa77: 0x2000, 0xa78: 0x2000, 0xa79: 0x2000, 0xa7a: 0x2000, 0xa7b: 0x2000, - 0xa7c: 0x2000, 0xa7d: 0x2000, 0xa7e: 0x2000, 0xa7f: 0x2000, - // Block 0x2a, offset 0xa80 - 0xa95: 0x4000, 0xa96: 0x4000, 0xa97: 0x4000, - 0xab0: 0x4000, - 0xabf: 0x4000, - // Block 0x2b, offset 0xac0 - 0xae6: 0x6000, 0xae7: 0x6000, 0xae8: 0x6000, 0xae9: 0x6000, - 0xaea: 0x6000, 0xaeb: 0x6000, 0xaec: 0x6000, 0xaed: 0x6000, - // Block 0x2c, offset 0xb00 - 0xb05: 0x6010, - 0xb06: 0x6011, - // Block 0x2d, offset 0xb40 - 0xb5b: 0x4000, 0xb5c: 0x4000, - // Block 0x2e, offset 0xb80 - 0xb90: 0x4000, - 0xb95: 0x4000, 0xb96: 0x2000, 0xb97: 0x2000, - 0xb98: 0x2000, 0xb99: 0x2000, - // Block 0x2f, offset 0xbc0 - 0xbc0: 0x4000, 0xbc1: 0x4000, 0xbc2: 0x4000, 0xbc3: 0x4000, 0xbc4: 0x4000, 0xbc5: 0x4000, - 0xbc6: 0x4000, 0xbc7: 0x4000, 0xbc8: 0x4000, 0xbc9: 0x4000, 0xbca: 0x4000, 0xbcb: 0x4000, - 0xbcc: 0x4000, 0xbcd: 0x4000, 0xbce: 0x4000, 0xbcf: 0x4000, 0xbd0: 0x4000, 0xbd1: 0x4000, - 0xbd2: 0x4000, 0xbd3: 0x4000, 0xbd4: 0x4000, 0xbd5: 0x4000, 0xbd6: 0x4000, 0xbd7: 0x4000, - 0xbd8: 0x4000, 0xbd9: 0x4000, 0xbdb: 0x4000, 0xbdc: 0x4000, 0xbdd: 0x4000, - 0xbde: 0x4000, 0xbdf: 0x4000, 0xbe0: 0x4000, 0xbe1: 0x4000, 0xbe2: 0x4000, 0xbe3: 0x4000, - 0xbe4: 0x4000, 0xbe5: 0x4000, 0xbe6: 0x4000, 0xbe7: 0x4000, 0xbe8: 0x4000, 0xbe9: 0x4000, - 0xbea: 0x4000, 0xbeb: 0x4000, 0xbec: 0x4000, 0xbed: 0x4000, 0xbee: 0x4000, 0xbef: 0x4000, - 0xbf0: 0x4000, 0xbf1: 0x4000, 0xbf2: 0x4000, 0xbf3: 0x4000, 0xbf4: 0x4000, 0xbf5: 0x4000, - 0xbf6: 0x4000, 0xbf7: 0x4000, 0xbf8: 0x4000, 0xbf9: 0x4000, 0xbfa: 0x4000, 0xbfb: 0x4000, - 0xbfc: 0x4000, 0xbfd: 0x4000, 0xbfe: 0x4000, 0xbff: 0x4000, - // Block 0x30, offset 0xc00 - 0xc00: 0x4000, 0xc01: 0x4000, 0xc02: 0x4000, 0xc03: 0x4000, 0xc04: 0x4000, 0xc05: 0x4000, - 0xc06: 0x4000, 0xc07: 0x4000, 0xc08: 0x4000, 0xc09: 0x4000, 0xc0a: 0x4000, 0xc0b: 0x4000, - 0xc0c: 0x4000, 0xc0d: 0x4000, 0xc0e: 0x4000, 0xc0f: 0x4000, 0xc10: 0x4000, 0xc11: 0x4000, - 0xc12: 0x4000, 0xc13: 0x4000, 0xc14: 0x4000, 0xc15: 0x4000, 0xc16: 0x4000, 0xc17: 0x4000, - 0xc18: 0x4000, 0xc19: 0x4000, 0xc1a: 0x4000, 0xc1b: 0x4000, 0xc1c: 0x4000, 0xc1d: 0x4000, - 0xc1e: 0x4000, 0xc1f: 0x4000, 0xc20: 0x4000, 0xc21: 0x4000, 0xc22: 0x4000, 0xc23: 0x4000, - 0xc24: 0x4000, 0xc25: 0x4000, 0xc26: 0x4000, 0xc27: 0x4000, 0xc28: 0x4000, 0xc29: 0x4000, - 0xc2a: 0x4000, 0xc2b: 0x4000, 0xc2c: 0x4000, 0xc2d: 0x4000, 0xc2e: 0x4000, 0xc2f: 0x4000, - 0xc30: 0x4000, 0xc31: 0x4000, 0xc32: 0x4000, 0xc33: 0x4000, - // Block 0x31, offset 0xc40 - 0xc40: 0x4000, 0xc41: 0x4000, 0xc42: 0x4000, 0xc43: 0x4000, 0xc44: 0x4000, 0xc45: 0x4000, - 0xc46: 0x4000, 0xc47: 0x4000, 0xc48: 0x4000, 0xc49: 0x4000, 0xc4a: 0x4000, 0xc4b: 0x4000, - 0xc4c: 0x4000, 0xc4d: 0x4000, 0xc4e: 0x4000, 0xc4f: 0x4000, 0xc50: 0x4000, 0xc51: 0x4000, - 0xc52: 0x4000, 0xc53: 0x4000, 0xc54: 0x4000, 0xc55: 0x4000, - 0xc70: 0x4000, 0xc71: 0x4000, 0xc72: 0x4000, 0xc73: 0x4000, 0xc74: 0x4000, 0xc75: 0x4000, - 0xc76: 0x4000, 0xc77: 0x4000, 0xc78: 0x4000, 0xc79: 0x4000, 0xc7a: 0x4000, 0xc7b: 0x4000, - // Block 0x32, offset 0xc80 - 0xc80: 0x9012, 0xc81: 0x4013, 0xc82: 0x4014, 0xc83: 0x4000, 0xc84: 0x4000, 0xc85: 0x4000, - 0xc86: 0x4000, 0xc87: 0x4000, 0xc88: 0x4000, 0xc89: 0x4000, 0xc8a: 0x4000, 0xc8b: 0x4000, - 0xc8c: 0x4015, 0xc8d: 0x4015, 0xc8e: 0x4000, 0xc8f: 0x4000, 0xc90: 0x4000, 0xc91: 0x4000, - 0xc92: 0x4000, 0xc93: 0x4000, 0xc94: 0x4000, 0xc95: 0x4000, 0xc96: 0x4000, 0xc97: 0x4000, - 0xc98: 0x4000, 0xc99: 0x4000, 0xc9a: 0x4000, 0xc9b: 0x4000, 0xc9c: 0x4000, 0xc9d: 0x4000, - 0xc9e: 0x4000, 0xc9f: 0x4000, 0xca0: 0x4000, 0xca1: 0x4000, 0xca2: 0x4000, 0xca3: 0x4000, - 0xca4: 0x4000, 0xca5: 0x4000, 0xca6: 0x4000, 0xca7: 0x4000, 0xca8: 0x4000, 0xca9: 0x4000, - 0xcaa: 0x4000, 0xcab: 0x4000, 0xcac: 0x4000, 0xcad: 0x4000, 0xcae: 0x4000, 0xcaf: 0x4000, - 0xcb0: 0x4000, 0xcb1: 0x4000, 0xcb2: 0x4000, 0xcb3: 0x4000, 0xcb4: 0x4000, 0xcb5: 0x4000, - 0xcb6: 0x4000, 0xcb7: 0x4000, 0xcb8: 0x4000, 0xcb9: 0x4000, 0xcba: 0x4000, 0xcbb: 0x4000, - 0xcbc: 0x4000, 0xcbd: 0x4000, 0xcbe: 0x4000, - // Block 0x33, offset 0xcc0 - 0xcc1: 0x4000, 0xcc2: 0x4000, 0xcc3: 0x4000, 0xcc4: 0x4000, 0xcc5: 0x4000, - 0xcc6: 0x4000, 0xcc7: 0x4000, 0xcc8: 0x4000, 0xcc9: 0x4000, 0xcca: 0x4000, 0xccb: 0x4000, - 0xccc: 0x4000, 0xccd: 0x4000, 0xcce: 0x4000, 0xccf: 0x4000, 0xcd0: 0x4000, 0xcd1: 0x4000, - 0xcd2: 0x4000, 0xcd3: 0x4000, 0xcd4: 0x4000, 0xcd5: 0x4000, 0xcd6: 0x4000, 0xcd7: 0x4000, - 0xcd8: 0x4000, 0xcd9: 0x4000, 0xcda: 0x4000, 0xcdb: 0x4000, 0xcdc: 0x4000, 0xcdd: 0x4000, - 0xcde: 0x4000, 0xcdf: 0x4000, 0xce0: 0x4000, 0xce1: 0x4000, 0xce2: 0x4000, 0xce3: 0x4000, - 0xce4: 0x4000, 0xce5: 0x4000, 0xce6: 0x4000, 0xce7: 0x4000, 0xce8: 0x4000, 0xce9: 0x4000, - 0xcea: 0x4000, 0xceb: 0x4000, 0xcec: 0x4000, 0xced: 0x4000, 0xcee: 0x4000, 0xcef: 0x4000, - 0xcf0: 0x4000, 0xcf1: 0x4000, 0xcf2: 0x4000, 0xcf3: 0x4000, 0xcf4: 0x4000, 0xcf5: 0x4000, - 0xcf6: 0x4000, 0xcf7: 0x4000, 0xcf8: 0x4000, 0xcf9: 0x4000, 0xcfa: 0x4000, 0xcfb: 0x4000, - 0xcfc: 0x4000, 0xcfd: 0x4000, 0xcfe: 0x4000, 0xcff: 0x4000, - // Block 0x34, offset 0xd00 - 0xd00: 0x4000, 0xd01: 0x4000, 0xd02: 0x4000, 0xd03: 0x4000, 0xd04: 0x4000, 0xd05: 0x4000, - 0xd06: 0x4000, 0xd07: 0x4000, 0xd08: 0x4000, 0xd09: 0x4000, 0xd0a: 0x4000, 0xd0b: 0x4000, - 0xd0c: 0x4000, 0xd0d: 0x4000, 0xd0e: 0x4000, 0xd0f: 0x4000, 0xd10: 0x4000, 0xd11: 0x4000, - 0xd12: 0x4000, 0xd13: 0x4000, 0xd14: 0x4000, 0xd15: 0x4000, 0xd16: 0x4000, - 0xd19: 0x4016, 0xd1a: 0x4017, 0xd1b: 0x4000, 0xd1c: 0x4000, 0xd1d: 0x4000, - 0xd1e: 0x4000, 0xd1f: 0x4000, 0xd20: 0x4000, 0xd21: 0x4018, 0xd22: 0x4019, 0xd23: 0x401a, - 0xd24: 0x401b, 0xd25: 0x401c, 0xd26: 0x401d, 0xd27: 0x401e, 0xd28: 0x401f, 0xd29: 0x4020, - 0xd2a: 0x4021, 0xd2b: 0x4022, 0xd2c: 0x4000, 0xd2d: 0x4010, 0xd2e: 0x4000, 0xd2f: 0x4023, - 0xd30: 0x4000, 0xd31: 0x4024, 0xd32: 0x4000, 0xd33: 0x4025, 0xd34: 0x4000, 0xd35: 0x4026, - 0xd36: 0x4000, 0xd37: 0x401a, 0xd38: 0x4000, 0xd39: 0x4027, 0xd3a: 0x4000, 0xd3b: 0x4028, - 0xd3c: 0x4000, 0xd3d: 0x4020, 0xd3e: 0x4000, 0xd3f: 0x4029, - // Block 0x35, offset 0xd40 - 0xd40: 0x4000, 0xd41: 0x402a, 0xd42: 0x4000, 0xd43: 0x402b, 0xd44: 0x402c, 0xd45: 0x4000, - 0xd46: 0x4017, 0xd47: 0x4000, 0xd48: 0x402d, 0xd49: 0x4000, 0xd4a: 0x402e, 0xd4b: 0x402f, - 0xd4c: 0x4030, 0xd4d: 0x4017, 0xd4e: 0x4016, 0xd4f: 0x4017, 0xd50: 0x4000, 0xd51: 0x4000, - 0xd52: 0x4031, 0xd53: 0x4000, 0xd54: 0x4000, 0xd55: 0x4031, 0xd56: 0x4000, 0xd57: 0x4000, - 0xd58: 0x4032, 0xd59: 0x4000, 0xd5a: 0x4000, 0xd5b: 0x4032, 0xd5c: 0x4000, 0xd5d: 0x4000, - 0xd5e: 0x4033, 0xd5f: 0x402e, 0xd60: 0x4034, 0xd61: 0x4035, 0xd62: 0x4034, 0xd63: 0x4036, - 0xd64: 0x4037, 0xd65: 0x4024, 0xd66: 0x4035, 0xd67: 0x4025, 0xd68: 0x4038, 0xd69: 0x4038, - 0xd6a: 0x4039, 0xd6b: 0x4039, 0xd6c: 0x403a, 0xd6d: 0x403a, 0xd6e: 0x4000, 0xd6f: 0x4035, - 0xd70: 0x4000, 0xd71: 0x4000, 0xd72: 0x403b, 0xd73: 0x403c, 0xd74: 0x4000, 0xd75: 0x4000, - 0xd76: 0x4000, 0xd77: 0x4000, 0xd78: 0x4000, 0xd79: 0x4000, 0xd7a: 0x4000, 0xd7b: 0x403d, - 0xd7c: 0x401c, 0xd7d: 0x4000, 0xd7e: 0x4000, 0xd7f: 0x4000, - // Block 0x36, offset 0xd80 - 0xd85: 0x4000, - 0xd86: 0x4000, 0xd87: 0x4000, 0xd88: 0x4000, 0xd89: 0x4000, 0xd8a: 0x4000, 0xd8b: 0x4000, - 0xd8c: 0x4000, 0xd8d: 0x4000, 0xd8e: 0x4000, 0xd8f: 0x4000, 0xd90: 0x4000, 0xd91: 0x4000, - 0xd92: 0x4000, 0xd93: 0x4000, 0xd94: 0x4000, 0xd95: 0x4000, 0xd96: 0x4000, 0xd97: 0x4000, - 0xd98: 0x4000, 0xd99: 0x4000, 0xd9a: 0x4000, 0xd9b: 0x4000, 0xd9c: 0x4000, 0xd9d: 0x4000, - 0xd9e: 0x4000, 0xd9f: 0x4000, 0xda0: 0x4000, 0xda1: 0x4000, 0xda2: 0x4000, 0xda3: 0x4000, - 0xda4: 0x4000, 0xda5: 0x4000, 0xda6: 0x4000, 0xda7: 0x4000, 0xda8: 0x4000, 0xda9: 0x4000, - 0xdaa: 0x4000, 0xdab: 0x4000, 0xdac: 0x4000, 0xdad: 0x4000, 0xdae: 0x4000, 0xdaf: 0x4000, - 0xdb1: 0x403e, 0xdb2: 0x403e, 0xdb3: 0x403e, 0xdb4: 0x403e, 0xdb5: 0x403e, - 0xdb6: 0x403e, 0xdb7: 0x403e, 0xdb8: 0x403e, 0xdb9: 0x403e, 0xdba: 0x403e, 0xdbb: 0x403e, - 0xdbc: 0x403e, 0xdbd: 0x403e, 0xdbe: 0x403e, 0xdbf: 0x403e, - // Block 0x37, offset 0xdc0 - 0xdc0: 0x4037, 0xdc1: 0x4037, 0xdc2: 0x4037, 0xdc3: 0x4037, 0xdc4: 0x4037, 0xdc5: 0x4037, - 0xdc6: 0x4037, 0xdc7: 0x4037, 0xdc8: 0x4037, 0xdc9: 0x4037, 0xdca: 0x4037, 0xdcb: 0x4037, - 0xdcc: 0x4037, 0xdcd: 0x4037, 0xdce: 0x4037, 0xdcf: 0x400e, 0xdd0: 0x403f, 0xdd1: 0x4040, - 0xdd2: 0x4041, 0xdd3: 0x4040, 0xdd4: 0x403f, 0xdd5: 0x4042, 0xdd6: 0x4043, 0xdd7: 0x4044, - 0xdd8: 0x4040, 0xdd9: 0x4041, 0xdda: 0x4040, 0xddb: 0x4045, 0xddc: 0x4009, 0xddd: 0x4045, - 0xdde: 0x4046, 0xddf: 0x4045, 0xde0: 0x4047, 0xde1: 0x400b, 0xde2: 0x400a, 0xde3: 0x400c, - 0xde4: 0x4048, 0xde5: 0x4000, 0xde6: 0x4000, 0xde7: 0x4000, 0xde8: 0x4000, 0xde9: 0x4000, - 0xdea: 0x4000, 0xdeb: 0x4000, 0xdec: 0x4000, 0xded: 0x4000, 0xdee: 0x4000, 0xdef: 0x4000, - 0xdf0: 0x4000, 0xdf1: 0x4000, 0xdf2: 0x4000, 0xdf3: 0x4000, 0xdf4: 0x4000, 0xdf5: 0x4000, - 0xdf6: 0x4000, 0xdf7: 0x4000, 0xdf8: 0x4000, 0xdf9: 0x4000, 0xdfa: 0x4000, 0xdfb: 0x4000, - 0xdfc: 0x4000, 0xdfd: 0x4000, 0xdfe: 0x4000, 0xdff: 0x4000, - // Block 0x38, offset 0xe00 - 0xe00: 0x4000, 0xe01: 0x4000, 0xe02: 0x4000, 0xe03: 0x4000, 0xe04: 0x4000, 0xe05: 0x4000, - 0xe06: 0x4000, 0xe07: 0x4000, 0xe08: 0x4000, 0xe09: 0x4000, 0xe0a: 0x4000, 0xe0b: 0x4000, - 0xe0c: 0x4000, 0xe0d: 0x4000, 0xe0e: 0x4000, 0xe10: 0x4000, 0xe11: 0x4000, - 0xe12: 0x4000, 0xe13: 0x4000, 0xe14: 0x4000, 0xe15: 0x4000, 0xe16: 0x4000, 0xe17: 0x4000, - 0xe18: 0x4000, 0xe19: 0x4000, 0xe1a: 0x4000, 0xe1b: 0x4000, 0xe1c: 0x4000, 0xe1d: 0x4000, - 0xe1e: 0x4000, 0xe1f: 0x4000, 0xe20: 0x4000, 0xe21: 0x4000, 0xe22: 0x4000, 0xe23: 0x4000, - 0xe24: 0x4000, 0xe25: 0x4000, 0xe26: 0x4000, 0xe27: 0x4000, 0xe28: 0x4000, 0xe29: 0x4000, - 0xe2a: 0x4000, 0xe2b: 0x4000, 0xe2c: 0x4000, 0xe2d: 0x4000, 0xe2e: 0x4000, 0xe2f: 0x4000, - 0xe30: 0x4000, 0xe31: 0x4000, 0xe32: 0x4000, 0xe33: 0x4000, 0xe34: 0x4000, 0xe35: 0x4000, - 0xe36: 0x4000, 0xe37: 0x4000, 0xe38: 0x4000, 0xe39: 0x4000, 0xe3a: 0x4000, - // Block 0x39, offset 0xe40 - 0xe40: 0x4000, 0xe41: 0x4000, 0xe42: 0x4000, 0xe43: 0x4000, 0xe44: 0x4000, 0xe45: 0x4000, - 0xe46: 0x4000, 0xe47: 0x4000, 0xe48: 0x4000, 0xe49: 0x4000, 0xe4a: 0x4000, 0xe4b: 0x4000, - 0xe4c: 0x4000, 0xe4d: 0x4000, 0xe4e: 0x4000, 0xe4f: 0x4000, 0xe50: 0x4000, 0xe51: 0x4000, - 0xe52: 0x4000, 0xe53: 0x4000, 0xe54: 0x4000, 0xe55: 0x4000, 0xe56: 0x4000, 0xe57: 0x4000, - 0xe58: 0x4000, 0xe59: 0x4000, 0xe5a: 0x4000, 0xe5b: 0x4000, 0xe5c: 0x4000, 0xe5d: 0x4000, - 0xe5e: 0x4000, 0xe5f: 0x4000, 0xe60: 0x4000, 0xe61: 0x4000, 0xe62: 0x4000, 0xe63: 0x4000, - 0xe70: 0x4000, 0xe71: 0x4000, 0xe72: 0x4000, 0xe73: 0x4000, 0xe74: 0x4000, 0xe75: 0x4000, - 0xe76: 0x4000, 0xe77: 0x4000, 0xe78: 0x4000, 0xe79: 0x4000, 0xe7a: 0x4000, 0xe7b: 0x4000, - 0xe7c: 0x4000, 0xe7d: 0x4000, 0xe7e: 0x4000, 0xe7f: 0x4000, - // Block 0x3a, offset 0xe80 - 0xe80: 0x4000, 0xe81: 0x4000, 0xe82: 0x4000, 0xe83: 0x4000, 0xe84: 0x4000, 0xe85: 0x4000, - 0xe86: 0x4000, 0xe87: 0x4000, 0xe88: 0x4000, 0xe89: 0x4000, 0xe8a: 0x4000, 0xe8b: 0x4000, - 0xe8c: 0x4000, 0xe8d: 0x4000, 0xe8e: 0x4000, 0xe8f: 0x4000, 0xe90: 0x4000, 0xe91: 0x4000, - 0xe92: 0x4000, 0xe93: 0x4000, 0xe94: 0x4000, 0xe95: 0x4000, 0xe96: 0x4000, 0xe97: 0x4000, - 0xe98: 0x4000, 0xe99: 0x4000, 0xe9a: 0x4000, 0xe9b: 0x4000, 0xe9c: 0x4000, 0xe9d: 0x4000, - 0xe9e: 0x4000, 0xea0: 0x4000, 0xea1: 0x4000, 0xea2: 0x4000, 0xea3: 0x4000, - 0xea4: 0x4000, 0xea5: 0x4000, 0xea6: 0x4000, 0xea7: 0x4000, 0xea8: 0x4000, 0xea9: 0x4000, - 0xeaa: 0x4000, 0xeab: 0x4000, 0xeac: 0x4000, 0xead: 0x4000, 0xeae: 0x4000, 0xeaf: 0x4000, - 0xeb0: 0x4000, 0xeb1: 0x4000, 0xeb2: 0x4000, 0xeb3: 0x4000, 0xeb4: 0x4000, 0xeb5: 0x4000, - 0xeb6: 0x4000, 0xeb7: 0x4000, 0xeb8: 0x4000, 0xeb9: 0x4000, 0xeba: 0x4000, 0xebb: 0x4000, - 0xebc: 0x4000, 0xebd: 0x4000, 0xebe: 0x4000, 0xebf: 0x4000, - // Block 0x3b, offset 0xec0 - 0xec0: 0x4000, 0xec1: 0x4000, 0xec2: 0x4000, 0xec3: 0x4000, 0xec4: 0x4000, 0xec5: 0x4000, - 0xec6: 0x4000, 0xec7: 0x4000, 0xec8: 0x2000, 0xec9: 0x2000, 0xeca: 0x2000, 0xecb: 0x2000, - 0xecc: 0x2000, 0xecd: 0x2000, 0xece: 0x2000, 0xecf: 0x2000, 0xed0: 0x4000, 0xed1: 0x4000, - 0xed2: 0x4000, 0xed3: 0x4000, 0xed4: 0x4000, 0xed5: 0x4000, 0xed6: 0x4000, 0xed7: 0x4000, - 0xed8: 0x4000, 0xed9: 0x4000, 0xeda: 0x4000, 0xedb: 0x4000, 0xedc: 0x4000, 0xedd: 0x4000, - 0xede: 0x4000, 0xedf: 0x4000, 0xee0: 0x4000, 0xee1: 0x4000, 0xee2: 0x4000, 0xee3: 0x4000, - 0xee4: 0x4000, 0xee5: 0x4000, 0xee6: 0x4000, 0xee7: 0x4000, 0xee8: 0x4000, 0xee9: 0x4000, - 0xeea: 0x4000, 0xeeb: 0x4000, 0xeec: 0x4000, 0xeed: 0x4000, 0xeee: 0x4000, 0xeef: 0x4000, - 0xef0: 0x4000, 0xef1: 0x4000, 0xef2: 0x4000, 0xef3: 0x4000, 0xef4: 0x4000, 0xef5: 0x4000, - 0xef6: 0x4000, 0xef7: 0x4000, 0xef8: 0x4000, 0xef9: 0x4000, 0xefa: 0x4000, 0xefb: 0x4000, - 0xefc: 0x4000, 0xefd: 0x4000, 0xefe: 0x4000, 0xeff: 0x4000, - // Block 0x3c, offset 0xf00 - 0xf00: 0x4000, 0xf01: 0x4000, 0xf02: 0x4000, 0xf03: 0x4000, 0xf04: 0x4000, 0xf05: 0x4000, - 0xf06: 0x4000, 0xf07: 0x4000, 0xf08: 0x4000, 0xf09: 0x4000, 0xf0a: 0x4000, 0xf0b: 0x4000, - 0xf0c: 0x4000, 0xf0d: 0x4000, 0xf0e: 0x4000, 0xf0f: 0x4000, 0xf10: 0x4000, 0xf11: 0x4000, - 0xf12: 0x4000, 0xf13: 0x4000, 0xf14: 0x4000, 0xf15: 0x4000, 0xf16: 0x4000, 0xf17: 0x4000, - 0xf18: 0x4000, 0xf19: 0x4000, 0xf1a: 0x4000, 0xf1b: 0x4000, 0xf1c: 0x4000, 0xf1d: 0x4000, - 0xf1e: 0x4000, 0xf1f: 0x4000, 0xf20: 0x4000, 0xf21: 0x4000, 0xf22: 0x4000, 0xf23: 0x4000, - 0xf24: 0x4000, 0xf25: 0x4000, 0xf26: 0x4000, 0xf27: 0x4000, 0xf28: 0x4000, 0xf29: 0x4000, - 0xf2a: 0x4000, 0xf2b: 0x4000, 0xf2c: 0x4000, 0xf2d: 0x4000, 0xf2e: 0x4000, 0xf2f: 0x4000, - 0xf30: 0x4000, 0xf31: 0x4000, 0xf32: 0x4000, 0xf33: 0x4000, 0xf34: 0x4000, 0xf35: 0x4000, - 0xf36: 0x4000, 0xf37: 0x4000, 0xf38: 0x4000, 0xf39: 0x4000, 0xf3a: 0x4000, 0xf3b: 0x4000, - 0xf3c: 0x4000, 0xf3d: 0x4000, 0xf3e: 0x4000, - // Block 0x3d, offset 0xf40 - 0xf40: 0x4000, 0xf41: 0x4000, 0xf42: 0x4000, 0xf43: 0x4000, 0xf44: 0x4000, 0xf45: 0x4000, - 0xf46: 0x4000, 0xf47: 0x4000, 0xf48: 0x4000, 0xf49: 0x4000, 0xf4a: 0x4000, 0xf4b: 0x4000, - 0xf4c: 0x4000, 0xf50: 0x4000, 0xf51: 0x4000, - 0xf52: 0x4000, 0xf53: 0x4000, 0xf54: 0x4000, 0xf55: 0x4000, 0xf56: 0x4000, 0xf57: 0x4000, - 0xf58: 0x4000, 0xf59: 0x4000, 0xf5a: 0x4000, 0xf5b: 0x4000, 0xf5c: 0x4000, 0xf5d: 0x4000, - 0xf5e: 0x4000, 0xf5f: 0x4000, 0xf60: 0x4000, 0xf61: 0x4000, 0xf62: 0x4000, 0xf63: 0x4000, - 0xf64: 0x4000, 0xf65: 0x4000, 0xf66: 0x4000, 0xf67: 0x4000, 0xf68: 0x4000, 0xf69: 0x4000, - 0xf6a: 0x4000, 0xf6b: 0x4000, 0xf6c: 0x4000, 0xf6d: 0x4000, 0xf6e: 0x4000, 0xf6f: 0x4000, - 0xf70: 0x4000, 0xf71: 0x4000, 0xf72: 0x4000, 0xf73: 0x4000, 0xf74: 0x4000, 0xf75: 0x4000, - 0xf76: 0x4000, 0xf77: 0x4000, 0xf78: 0x4000, 0xf79: 0x4000, 0xf7a: 0x4000, 0xf7b: 0x4000, - 0xf7c: 0x4000, 0xf7d: 0x4000, 0xf7e: 0x4000, 0xf7f: 0x4000, - // Block 0x3e, offset 0xf80 - 0xf80: 0x4000, 0xf81: 0x4000, 0xf82: 0x4000, 0xf83: 0x4000, 0xf84: 0x4000, 0xf85: 0x4000, - 0xf86: 0x4000, - // Block 0x3f, offset 0xfc0 - 0xfe0: 0x4000, 0xfe1: 0x4000, 0xfe2: 0x4000, 0xfe3: 0x4000, - 0xfe4: 0x4000, 0xfe5: 0x4000, 0xfe6: 0x4000, 0xfe7: 0x4000, 0xfe8: 0x4000, 0xfe9: 0x4000, - 0xfea: 0x4000, 0xfeb: 0x4000, 0xfec: 0x4000, 0xfed: 0x4000, 0xfee: 0x4000, 0xfef: 0x4000, - 0xff0: 0x4000, 0xff1: 0x4000, 0xff2: 0x4000, 0xff3: 0x4000, 0xff4: 0x4000, 0xff5: 0x4000, - 0xff6: 0x4000, 0xff7: 0x4000, 0xff8: 0x4000, 0xff9: 0x4000, 0xffa: 0x4000, 0xffb: 0x4000, - 0xffc: 0x4000, - // Block 0x40, offset 0x1000 - 0x1000: 0x4000, 0x1001: 0x4000, 0x1002: 0x4000, 0x1003: 0x4000, 0x1004: 0x4000, 0x1005: 0x4000, - 0x1006: 0x4000, 0x1007: 0x4000, 0x1008: 0x4000, 0x1009: 0x4000, 0x100a: 0x4000, 0x100b: 0x4000, - 0x100c: 0x4000, 0x100d: 0x4000, 0x100e: 0x4000, 0x100f: 0x4000, 0x1010: 0x4000, 0x1011: 0x4000, - 0x1012: 0x4000, 0x1013: 0x4000, 0x1014: 0x4000, 0x1015: 0x4000, 0x1016: 0x4000, 0x1017: 0x4000, - 0x1018: 0x4000, 0x1019: 0x4000, 0x101a: 0x4000, 0x101b: 0x4000, 0x101c: 0x4000, 0x101d: 0x4000, - 0x101e: 0x4000, 0x101f: 0x4000, 0x1020: 0x4000, 0x1021: 0x4000, 0x1022: 0x4000, 0x1023: 0x4000, - // Block 0x41, offset 0x1040 - 0x1040: 0x2000, 0x1041: 0x2000, 0x1042: 0x2000, 0x1043: 0x2000, 0x1044: 0x2000, 0x1045: 0x2000, - 0x1046: 0x2000, 0x1047: 0x2000, 0x1048: 0x2000, 0x1049: 0x2000, 0x104a: 0x2000, 0x104b: 0x2000, - 0x104c: 0x2000, 0x104d: 0x2000, 0x104e: 0x2000, 0x104f: 0x2000, 0x1050: 0x4000, 0x1051: 0x4000, - 0x1052: 0x4000, 0x1053: 0x4000, 0x1054: 0x4000, 0x1055: 0x4000, 0x1056: 0x4000, 0x1057: 0x4000, - 0x1058: 0x4000, 0x1059: 0x4000, - 0x1070: 0x4000, 0x1071: 0x4000, 0x1072: 0x4000, 0x1073: 0x4000, 0x1074: 0x4000, 0x1075: 0x4000, - 0x1076: 0x4000, 0x1077: 0x4000, 0x1078: 0x4000, 0x1079: 0x4000, 0x107a: 0x4000, 0x107b: 0x4000, - 0x107c: 0x4000, 0x107d: 0x4000, 0x107e: 0x4000, 0x107f: 0x4000, - // Block 0x42, offset 0x1080 - 0x1080: 0x4000, 0x1081: 0x4000, 0x1082: 0x4000, 0x1083: 0x4000, 0x1084: 0x4000, 0x1085: 0x4000, - 0x1086: 0x4000, 0x1087: 0x4000, 0x1088: 0x4000, 0x1089: 0x4000, 0x108a: 0x4000, 0x108b: 0x4000, - 0x108c: 0x4000, 0x108d: 0x4000, 0x108e: 0x4000, 0x108f: 0x4000, 0x1090: 0x4000, 0x1091: 0x4000, - 0x1092: 0x4000, 0x1094: 0x4000, 0x1095: 0x4000, 0x1096: 0x4000, 0x1097: 0x4000, - 0x1098: 0x4000, 0x1099: 0x4000, 0x109a: 0x4000, 0x109b: 0x4000, 0x109c: 0x4000, 0x109d: 0x4000, - 0x109e: 0x4000, 0x109f: 0x4000, 0x10a0: 0x4000, 0x10a1: 0x4000, 0x10a2: 0x4000, 0x10a3: 0x4000, - 0x10a4: 0x4000, 0x10a5: 0x4000, 0x10a6: 0x4000, 0x10a8: 0x4000, 0x10a9: 0x4000, - 0x10aa: 0x4000, 0x10ab: 0x4000, - // Block 0x43, offset 0x10c0 - 0x10c1: 0x9012, 0x10c2: 0x9012, 0x10c3: 0x9012, 0x10c4: 0x9012, 0x10c5: 0x9012, - 0x10c6: 0x9012, 0x10c7: 0x9012, 0x10c8: 0x9012, 0x10c9: 0x9012, 0x10ca: 0x9012, 0x10cb: 0x9012, - 0x10cc: 0x9012, 0x10cd: 0x9012, 0x10ce: 0x9012, 0x10cf: 0x9012, 0x10d0: 0x9012, 0x10d1: 0x9012, - 0x10d2: 0x9012, 0x10d3: 0x9012, 0x10d4: 0x9012, 0x10d5: 0x9012, 0x10d6: 0x9012, 0x10d7: 0x9012, - 0x10d8: 0x9012, 0x10d9: 0x9012, 0x10da: 0x9012, 0x10db: 0x9012, 0x10dc: 0x9012, 0x10dd: 0x9012, - 0x10de: 0x9012, 0x10df: 0x9012, 0x10e0: 0x9049, 0x10e1: 0x9049, 0x10e2: 0x9049, 0x10e3: 0x9049, - 0x10e4: 0x9049, 0x10e5: 0x9049, 0x10e6: 0x9049, 0x10e7: 0x9049, 0x10e8: 0x9049, 0x10e9: 0x9049, - 0x10ea: 0x9049, 0x10eb: 0x9049, 0x10ec: 0x9049, 0x10ed: 0x9049, 0x10ee: 0x9049, 0x10ef: 0x9049, - 0x10f0: 0x9049, 0x10f1: 0x9049, 0x10f2: 0x9049, 0x10f3: 0x9049, 0x10f4: 0x9049, 0x10f5: 0x9049, - 0x10f6: 0x9049, 0x10f7: 0x9049, 0x10f8: 0x9049, 0x10f9: 0x9049, 0x10fa: 0x9049, 0x10fb: 0x9049, - 0x10fc: 0x9049, 0x10fd: 0x9049, 0x10fe: 0x9049, 0x10ff: 0x9049, - // Block 0x44, offset 0x1100 - 0x1100: 0x9049, 0x1101: 0x9049, 0x1102: 0x9049, 0x1103: 0x9049, 0x1104: 0x9049, 0x1105: 0x9049, - 0x1106: 0x9049, 0x1107: 0x9049, 0x1108: 0x9049, 0x1109: 0x9049, 0x110a: 0x9049, 0x110b: 0x9049, - 0x110c: 0x9049, 0x110d: 0x9049, 0x110e: 0x9049, 0x110f: 0x9049, 0x1110: 0x9049, 0x1111: 0x9049, - 0x1112: 0x9049, 0x1113: 0x9049, 0x1114: 0x9049, 0x1115: 0x9049, 0x1116: 0x9049, 0x1117: 0x9049, - 0x1118: 0x9049, 0x1119: 0x9049, 0x111a: 0x9049, 0x111b: 0x9049, 0x111c: 0x9049, 0x111d: 0x9049, - 0x111e: 0x9049, 0x111f: 0x904a, 0x1120: 0x904b, 0x1121: 0xb04c, 0x1122: 0xb04d, 0x1123: 0xb04d, - 0x1124: 0xb04e, 0x1125: 0xb04f, 0x1126: 0xb050, 0x1127: 0xb051, 0x1128: 0xb052, 0x1129: 0xb053, - 0x112a: 0xb054, 0x112b: 0xb055, 0x112c: 0xb056, 0x112d: 0xb057, 0x112e: 0xb058, 0x112f: 0xb059, - 0x1130: 0xb05a, 0x1131: 0xb05b, 0x1132: 0xb05c, 0x1133: 0xb05d, 0x1134: 0xb05e, 0x1135: 0xb05f, - 0x1136: 0xb060, 0x1137: 0xb061, 0x1138: 0xb062, 0x1139: 0xb063, 0x113a: 0xb064, 0x113b: 0xb065, - 0x113c: 0xb052, 0x113d: 0xb066, 0x113e: 0xb067, 0x113f: 0xb055, - // Block 0x45, offset 0x1140 - 0x1140: 0xb068, 0x1141: 0xb069, 0x1142: 0xb06a, 0x1143: 0xb06b, 0x1144: 0xb05a, 0x1145: 0xb056, - 0x1146: 0xb06c, 0x1147: 0xb06d, 0x1148: 0xb06b, 0x1149: 0xb06e, 0x114a: 0xb06b, 0x114b: 0xb06f, - 0x114c: 0xb06f, 0x114d: 0xb070, 0x114e: 0xb070, 0x114f: 0xb071, 0x1150: 0xb056, 0x1151: 0xb072, - 0x1152: 0xb073, 0x1153: 0xb072, 0x1154: 0xb074, 0x1155: 0xb073, 0x1156: 0xb075, 0x1157: 0xb075, - 0x1158: 0xb076, 0x1159: 0xb076, 0x115a: 0xb077, 0x115b: 0xb077, 0x115c: 0xb073, 0x115d: 0xb078, - 0x115e: 0xb079, 0x115f: 0xb067, 0x1160: 0xb07a, 0x1161: 0xb07b, 0x1162: 0xb07b, 0x1163: 0xb07b, - 0x1164: 0xb07b, 0x1165: 0xb07b, 0x1166: 0xb07b, 0x1167: 0xb07b, 0x1168: 0xb07b, 0x1169: 0xb07b, - 0x116a: 0xb07b, 0x116b: 0xb07b, 0x116c: 0xb07b, 0x116d: 0xb07b, 0x116e: 0xb07b, 0x116f: 0xb07b, - 0x1170: 0xb07c, 0x1171: 0xb07c, 0x1172: 0xb07c, 0x1173: 0xb07c, 0x1174: 0xb07c, 0x1175: 0xb07c, - 0x1176: 0xb07c, 0x1177: 0xb07c, 0x1178: 0xb07c, 0x1179: 0xb07c, 0x117a: 0xb07c, 0x117b: 0xb07c, - 0x117c: 0xb07c, 0x117d: 0xb07c, 0x117e: 0xb07c, - // Block 0x46, offset 0x1180 - 0x1182: 0xb07d, 0x1183: 0xb07e, 0x1184: 0xb07f, 0x1185: 0xb080, - 0x1186: 0xb07f, 0x1187: 0xb07e, 0x118a: 0xb081, 0x118b: 0xb082, - 0x118c: 0xb083, 0x118d: 0xb07f, 0x118e: 0xb080, 0x118f: 0xb07f, - 0x1192: 0xb084, 0x1193: 0xb085, 0x1194: 0xb084, 0x1195: 0xb086, 0x1196: 0xb084, 0x1197: 0xb087, - 0x119a: 0xb088, 0x119b: 0xb089, 0x119c: 0xb08a, - 0x11a0: 0x908b, 0x11a1: 0x908b, 0x11a2: 0x908c, 0x11a3: 0x908d, - 0x11a4: 0x908b, 0x11a5: 0x908e, 0x11a6: 0x908f, 0x11a8: 0xb090, 0x11a9: 0xb091, - 0x11aa: 0xb092, 0x11ab: 0xb091, 0x11ac: 0xb093, 0x11ad: 0xb094, 0x11ae: 0xb095, - 0x11bd: 0x2000, - // Block 0x47, offset 0x11c0 - 0x11e0: 0x4000, 0x11e1: 0x4000, 0x11e2: 0x4000, 0x11e3: 0x4000, - // Block 0x48, offset 0x1200 - 0x1200: 0x4000, 0x1201: 0x4000, 0x1202: 0x4000, 0x1203: 0x4000, 0x1204: 0x4000, 0x1205: 0x4000, - 0x1206: 0x4000, 0x1207: 0x4000, 0x1208: 0x4000, 0x1209: 0x4000, 0x120a: 0x4000, 0x120b: 0x4000, - 0x120c: 0x4000, 0x120d: 0x4000, 0x120e: 0x4000, 0x120f: 0x4000, 0x1210: 0x4000, 0x1211: 0x4000, - 0x1212: 0x4000, 0x1213: 0x4000, 0x1214: 0x4000, 0x1215: 0x4000, 0x1216: 0x4000, 0x1217: 0x4000, - 0x1218: 0x4000, 0x1219: 0x4000, 0x121a: 0x4000, 0x121b: 0x4000, 0x121c: 0x4000, 0x121d: 0x4000, - 0x121e: 0x4000, 0x121f: 0x4000, 0x1220: 0x4000, 0x1221: 0x4000, 0x1222: 0x4000, 0x1223: 0x4000, - 0x1224: 0x4000, 0x1225: 0x4000, 0x1226: 0x4000, 0x1227: 0x4000, 0x1228: 0x4000, 0x1229: 0x4000, - 0x122a: 0x4000, 0x122b: 0x4000, 0x122c: 0x4000, 0x122d: 0x4000, 0x122e: 0x4000, 0x122f: 0x4000, - 0x1230: 0x4000, 0x1231: 0x4000, 0x1232: 0x4000, 0x1233: 0x4000, 0x1234: 0x4000, 0x1235: 0x4000, - 0x1236: 0x4000, 0x1237: 0x4000, - // Block 0x49, offset 0x1240 - 0x1240: 0x4000, 0x1241: 0x4000, 0x1242: 0x4000, 0x1243: 0x4000, 0x1244: 0x4000, 0x1245: 0x4000, - 0x1246: 0x4000, 0x1247: 0x4000, 0x1248: 0x4000, 0x1249: 0x4000, 0x124a: 0x4000, 0x124b: 0x4000, - 0x124c: 0x4000, 0x124d: 0x4000, 0x124e: 0x4000, 0x124f: 0x4000, 0x1250: 0x4000, 0x1251: 0x4000, - 0x1252: 0x4000, 0x1253: 0x4000, 0x1254: 0x4000, 0x1255: 0x4000, 0x1256: 0x4000, 0x1257: 0x4000, - 0x1258: 0x4000, 0x1259: 0x4000, 0x125a: 0x4000, 0x125b: 0x4000, 0x125c: 0x4000, 0x125d: 0x4000, - 0x125e: 0x4000, 0x125f: 0x4000, 0x1260: 0x4000, 0x1261: 0x4000, 0x1262: 0x4000, 0x1263: 0x4000, - 0x1264: 0x4000, 0x1265: 0x4000, 0x1266: 0x4000, 0x1267: 0x4000, 0x1268: 0x4000, 0x1269: 0x4000, - 0x126a: 0x4000, 0x126b: 0x4000, 0x126c: 0x4000, 0x126d: 0x4000, 0x126e: 0x4000, 0x126f: 0x4000, - 0x1270: 0x4000, 0x1271: 0x4000, 0x1272: 0x4000, - // Block 0x4a, offset 0x1280 - 0x1280: 0x4000, 0x1281: 0x4000, 0x1282: 0x4000, 0x1283: 0x4000, 0x1284: 0x4000, 0x1285: 0x4000, - 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0x1606: 0x4000, 0x1607: 0x4000, 0x1608: 0x4000, 0x1609: 0x4000, 0x160a: 0x4000, 0x160b: 0x4000, - 0x160c: 0x4000, 0x160d: 0x4000, 0x160e: 0x4000, 0x160f: 0x4000, 0x1610: 0x4000, 0x1611: 0x4000, - 0x1612: 0x4000, 0x1613: 0x4000, 0x1614: 0x4000, 0x1615: 0x4000, 0x1616: 0x4000, 0x1617: 0x4000, - 0x1618: 0x4000, 0x1619: 0x4000, 0x161a: 0x4000, 0x161b: 0x4000, 0x161c: 0x4000, 0x161d: 0x4000, - 0x161e: 0x4000, 0x161f: 0x4000, 0x1620: 0x4000, 0x1621: 0x4000, 0x1622: 0x4000, 0x1623: 0x4000, - 0x1624: 0x4000, 0x1625: 0x4000, 0x1626: 0x4000, 0x1627: 0x4000, 0x1628: 0x4000, 0x1629: 0x4000, - 0x162a: 0x4000, 0x162b: 0x4000, 0x162c: 0x4000, 0x162d: 0x4000, 0x162e: 0x4000, 0x162f: 0x4000, - 0x1630: 0x4000, 0x1631: 0x4000, 0x1632: 0x4000, 0x1633: 0x4000, 0x1634: 0x4000, 0x1635: 0x4000, - 0x1636: 0x4000, 0x1637: 0x4000, 0x1638: 0x4000, 0x1639: 0x4000, 0x163a: 0x4000, 0x163b: 0x4000, - 0x163c: 0x4000, 0x163d: 0x4000, 0x163e: 0x4000, 0x163f: 0x4000, - // Block 0x59, offset 0x1640 - 0x1640: 0x4000, 0x1641: 0x4000, 0x1642: 0x4000, 0x1643: 0x4000, 0x1644: 0x4000, 0x1645: 0x4000, - 0x1646: 0x4000, 0x1647: 0x4000, 0x1648: 0x4000, 0x1649: 0x4000, 0x164a: 0x4000, 0x164b: 0x4000, - 0x164c: 0x4000, 0x164d: 0x4000, 0x164e: 0x4000, 0x164f: 0x4000, 0x1650: 0x4000, 0x1651: 0x4000, - 0x1652: 0x4000, 0x1653: 0x4000, 0x1654: 0x4000, 0x1655: 0x4000, 0x1656: 0x4000, 0x1657: 0x4000, - 0x1658: 0x4000, 0x1659: 0x4000, 0x165a: 0x4000, 0x165b: 0x4000, 0x165c: 0x4000, 0x165d: 0x4000, - 0x165e: 0x4000, 0x165f: 0x4000, 0x1660: 0x4000, 0x1661: 0x4000, 0x1662: 0x4000, 0x1663: 0x4000, - 0x1664: 0x4000, 0x1665: 0x4000, 0x1666: 0x4000, 0x1667: 0x4000, 0x1668: 0x4000, 0x1669: 0x4000, - 0x166a: 0x4000, 0x166b: 0x4000, 0x166c: 0x4000, 0x166d: 0x4000, 0x166e: 0x4000, 0x166f: 0x4000, - 0x1670: 0x4000, 0x1671: 0x4000, 0x1672: 0x4000, 0x1673: 0x4000, 0x1674: 0x4000, 0x1675: 0x4000, - 0x1676: 0x4000, 0x1677: 0x4000, 0x1678: 0x4000, 0x1679: 0x4000, 0x167a: 0x4000, 0x167b: 0x4000, - 0x167c: 0x4000, 0x167f: 0x4000, - // Block 0x5a, offset 0x1680 - 0x1680: 0x4000, 0x1681: 0x4000, 0x1682: 0x4000, 0x1683: 0x4000, 0x1684: 0x4000, 0x1685: 0x4000, - 0x1686: 0x4000, 0x1687: 0x4000, 0x1688: 0x4000, 0x1689: 0x4000, 0x168a: 0x4000, 0x168b: 0x4000, - 0x168c: 0x4000, 0x168d: 0x4000, 0x168e: 0x4000, 0x168f: 0x4000, 0x1690: 0x4000, 0x1691: 0x4000, - 0x1692: 0x4000, 0x1693: 0x4000, 0x1694: 0x4000, 0x1695: 0x4000, 0x1696: 0x4000, 0x1697: 0x4000, - 0x1698: 0x4000, 0x1699: 0x4000, 0x169a: 0x4000, 0x169b: 0x4000, 0x169c: 0x4000, 0x169d: 0x4000, - 0x169e: 0x4000, 0x169f: 0x4000, 0x16a0: 0x4000, 0x16a1: 0x4000, 0x16a2: 0x4000, 0x16a3: 0x4000, - 0x16a4: 0x4000, 0x16a5: 0x4000, 0x16a6: 0x4000, 0x16a7: 0x4000, 0x16a8: 0x4000, 0x16a9: 0x4000, - 0x16aa: 0x4000, 0x16ab: 0x4000, 0x16ac: 0x4000, 0x16ad: 0x4000, 0x16ae: 0x4000, 0x16af: 0x4000, - 0x16b0: 0x4000, 0x16b1: 0x4000, 0x16b2: 0x4000, 0x16b3: 0x4000, 0x16b4: 0x4000, 0x16b5: 0x4000, - 0x16b6: 0x4000, 0x16b7: 0x4000, 0x16b8: 0x4000, 0x16b9: 0x4000, 0x16ba: 0x4000, 0x16bb: 0x4000, - 0x16bc: 0x4000, 0x16bd: 0x4000, - // Block 0x5b, offset 0x16c0 - 0x16cb: 0x4000, - 0x16cc: 0x4000, 0x16cd: 0x4000, 0x16ce: 0x4000, 0x16d0: 0x4000, 0x16d1: 0x4000, - 0x16d2: 0x4000, 0x16d3: 0x4000, 0x16d4: 0x4000, 0x16d5: 0x4000, 0x16d6: 0x4000, 0x16d7: 0x4000, - 0x16d8: 0x4000, 0x16d9: 0x4000, 0x16da: 0x4000, 0x16db: 0x4000, 0x16dc: 0x4000, 0x16dd: 0x4000, - 0x16de: 0x4000, 0x16df: 0x4000, 0x16e0: 0x4000, 0x16e1: 0x4000, 0x16e2: 0x4000, 0x16e3: 0x4000, - 0x16e4: 0x4000, 0x16e5: 0x4000, 0x16e6: 0x4000, 0x16e7: 0x4000, - 0x16fa: 0x4000, - // Block 0x5c, offset 0x1700 - 0x1715: 0x4000, 0x1716: 0x4000, - 0x1724: 0x4000, - // Block 0x5d, offset 0x1740 - 0x177b: 0x4000, - 0x177c: 0x4000, 0x177d: 0x4000, 0x177e: 0x4000, 0x177f: 0x4000, - // Block 0x5e, offset 0x1780 - 0x1780: 0x4000, 0x1781: 0x4000, 0x1782: 0x4000, 0x1783: 0x4000, 0x1784: 0x4000, 0x1785: 0x4000, - 0x1786: 0x4000, 0x1787: 0x4000, 0x1788: 0x4000, 0x1789: 0x4000, 0x178a: 0x4000, 0x178b: 0x4000, - 0x178c: 0x4000, 0x178d: 0x4000, 0x178e: 0x4000, 0x178f: 0x4000, - // Block 0x5f, offset 0x17c0 - 0x17c0: 0x4000, 0x17c1: 0x4000, 0x17c2: 0x4000, 0x17c3: 0x4000, 0x17c4: 0x4000, 0x17c5: 0x4000, - 0x17cc: 0x4000, 0x17d0: 0x4000, 0x17d1: 0x4000, - 0x17d2: 0x4000, 0x17d5: 0x4000, - 0x17eb: 0x4000, 0x17ec: 0x4000, - 0x17f4: 0x4000, 0x17f5: 0x4000, - 0x17f6: 0x4000, 0x17f7: 0x4000, 0x17f8: 0x4000, 0x17f9: 0x4000, 0x17fa: 0x4000, - // Block 0x60, offset 0x1800 - 0x1820: 0x4000, 0x1821: 0x4000, 0x1822: 0x4000, 0x1823: 0x4000, - 0x1824: 0x4000, 0x1825: 0x4000, 0x1826: 0x4000, 0x1827: 0x4000, 0x1828: 0x4000, 0x1829: 0x4000, - 0x182a: 0x4000, 0x182b: 0x4000, - // Block 0x61, offset 0x1840 - 0x184d: 0x4000, 0x184e: 0x4000, 0x184f: 0x4000, 0x1850: 0x4000, 0x1851: 0x4000, - 0x1852: 0x4000, 0x1853: 0x4000, 0x1854: 0x4000, 0x1855: 0x4000, 0x1856: 0x4000, 0x1857: 0x4000, - 0x1858: 0x4000, 0x1859: 0x4000, 0x185a: 0x4000, 0x185b: 0x4000, 0x185c: 0x4000, 0x185d: 0x4000, - 0x185e: 0x4000, 0x185f: 0x4000, 0x1860: 0x4000, 0x1861: 0x4000, 0x1862: 0x4000, 0x1863: 0x4000, - 0x1864: 0x4000, 0x1865: 0x4000, 0x1866: 0x4000, 0x1867: 0x4000, 0x1868: 0x4000, 0x1869: 0x4000, - 0x186a: 0x4000, 0x186b: 0x4000, 0x186c: 0x4000, 0x186d: 0x4000, 0x186e: 0x4000, 0x186f: 0x4000, - 0x1870: 0x4000, 0x1871: 0x4000, 0x1872: 0x4000, 0x1873: 0x4000, 0x1874: 0x4000, 0x1875: 0x4000, - 0x1876: 0x4000, 0x1877: 0x4000, 0x1878: 0x4000, 0x1879: 0x4000, 0x187a: 0x4000, 0x187b: 0x4000, - 0x187c: 0x4000, 0x187d: 0x4000, 0x187e: 0x4000, 0x187f: 0x4000, - // Block 0x62, offset 0x1880 - 0x1880: 0x4000, 0x1881: 0x4000, 0x1882: 0x4000, 0x1883: 0x4000, 0x1884: 0x4000, 0x1885: 0x4000, - 0x1886: 0x4000, 0x1887: 0x4000, 0x1888: 0x4000, 0x1889: 0x4000, 0x188a: 0x4000, 0x188b: 0x4000, - 0x188c: 0x4000, 0x188d: 0x4000, 0x188e: 0x4000, 0x188f: 0x4000, 0x1890: 0x4000, 0x1891: 0x4000, - 0x1892: 0x4000, 0x1893: 0x4000, 0x1894: 0x4000, 0x1895: 0x4000, 0x1896: 0x4000, 0x1897: 0x4000, - 0x1898: 0x4000, 0x1899: 0x4000, 0x189a: 0x4000, 0x189b: 0x4000, 0x189c: 0x4000, 0x189d: 0x4000, - 0x189e: 0x4000, 0x189f: 0x4000, 0x18a0: 0x4000, 0x18a1: 0x4000, 0x18a2: 0x4000, 0x18a3: 0x4000, - 0x18a4: 0x4000, 0x18a5: 0x4000, 0x18a6: 0x4000, 0x18a7: 0x4000, 0x18a8: 0x4000, 0x18a9: 0x4000, - 0x18aa: 0x4000, 0x18ab: 0x4000, 0x18ac: 0x4000, 0x18ad: 0x4000, 0x18ae: 0x4000, 0x18af: 0x4000, - 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0x19de: 0x2000, 0x19df: 0x2000, 0x19e0: 0x2000, 0x19e1: 0x2000, 0x19e2: 0x2000, 0x19e3: 0x2000, - 0x19e4: 0x2000, 0x19e5: 0x2000, 0x19e6: 0x2000, 0x19e7: 0x2000, 0x19e8: 0x2000, 0x19e9: 0x2000, - 0x19ea: 0x2000, 0x19eb: 0x2000, 0x19ec: 0x2000, 0x19ed: 0x2000, 0x19ee: 0x2000, 0x19ef: 0x2000, - 0x19f0: 0x2000, 0x19f1: 0x2000, 0x19f2: 0x2000, 0x19f3: 0x2000, 0x19f4: 0x2000, 0x19f5: 0x2000, - 0x19f6: 0x2000, 0x19f7: 0x2000, 0x19f8: 0x2000, 0x19f9: 0x2000, 0x19fa: 0x2000, 0x19fb: 0x2000, - 0x19fc: 0x2000, 0x19fd: 0x2000, -} - -// widthIndex: 22 blocks, 1408 entries, 1408 bytes -// Block 0 is the zero block. -var widthIndex = [1408]uint8{ - // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 - // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 - // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 - // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 - 0xc2: 0x01, 0xc3: 0x02, 0xc4: 0x03, 0xc5: 0x04, 0xc7: 0x05, - 0xc9: 0x06, 0xcb: 0x07, 0xcc: 0x08, 0xcd: 0x09, 0xce: 0x0a, 0xcf: 0x0b, - 0xd0: 0x0c, 0xd1: 0x0d, - 0xe1: 0x02, 0xe2: 0x03, 0xe3: 0x04, 0xe4: 0x05, 0xe5: 0x06, 0xe6: 0x06, 0xe7: 0x06, - 0xe8: 0x06, 0xe9: 0x06, 0xea: 0x07, 0xeb: 0x06, 0xec: 0x06, 0xed: 0x08, 0xee: 0x09, 0xef: 0x0a, - 0xf0: 0x0f, 0xf3: 0x12, 0xf4: 0x13, - // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 - 0x104: 0x0e, 0x105: 0x0f, - // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 - 0x140: 0x10, 0x141: 0x11, 0x142: 0x12, 0x144: 0x13, 0x145: 0x14, 0x146: 0x15, 0x147: 0x16, - 0x148: 0x17, 0x149: 0x18, 0x14a: 0x19, 0x14c: 0x1a, 0x14f: 0x1b, - 0x151: 0x1c, 0x152: 0x08, 0x153: 0x1d, 0x154: 0x1e, 0x155: 0x1f, 0x156: 0x20, 0x157: 0x21, - 0x158: 0x22, 0x159: 0x23, 0x15a: 0x24, 0x15b: 0x25, 0x15c: 0x26, 0x15d: 0x27, 0x15e: 0x28, 0x15f: 0x29, - 0x166: 0x2a, - 0x16c: 0x2b, 0x16d: 0x2c, - 0x17a: 0x2d, 0x17b: 0x2e, 0x17c: 0x0e, 0x17d: 0x0e, 0x17e: 0x0e, 0x17f: 0x2f, - // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 - 0x180: 0x30, 0x181: 0x31, 0x182: 0x32, 0x183: 0x33, 0x184: 0x34, 0x185: 0x35, 0x186: 0x36, 0x187: 0x37, - 0x188: 0x38, 0x189: 0x39, 0x18a: 0x0e, 0x18b: 0x3a, 0x18c: 0x0e, 0x18d: 0x0e, 0x18e: 0x0e, 0x18f: 0x0e, - 0x190: 0x0e, 0x191: 0x0e, 0x192: 0x0e, 0x193: 0x0e, 0x194: 0x0e, 0x195: 0x0e, 0x196: 0x0e, 0x197: 0x0e, - 0x198: 0x0e, 0x199: 0x0e, 0x19a: 0x0e, 0x19b: 0x0e, 0x19c: 0x0e, 0x19d: 0x0e, 0x19e: 0x0e, 0x19f: 0x0e, - 0x1a0: 0x0e, 0x1a1: 0x0e, 0x1a2: 0x0e, 0x1a3: 0x0e, 0x1a4: 0x0e, 0x1a5: 0x0e, 0x1a6: 0x0e, 0x1a7: 0x0e, - 0x1a8: 0x0e, 0x1a9: 0x0e, 0x1aa: 0x0e, 0x1ab: 0x0e, 0x1ac: 0x0e, 0x1ad: 0x0e, 0x1ae: 0x0e, 0x1af: 0x0e, - 0x1b0: 0x0e, 0x1b1: 0x0e, 0x1b2: 0x0e, 0x1b3: 0x0e, 0x1b4: 0x0e, 0x1b5: 0x0e, 0x1b6: 0x0e, 0x1b7: 0x0e, - 0x1b8: 0x0e, 0x1b9: 0x0e, 0x1ba: 0x0e, 0x1bb: 0x0e, 0x1bc: 0x0e, 0x1bd: 0x0e, 0x1be: 0x0e, 0x1bf: 0x0e, - // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 - 0x1c0: 0x0e, 0x1c1: 0x0e, 0x1c2: 0x0e, 0x1c3: 0x0e, 0x1c4: 0x0e, 0x1c5: 0x0e, 0x1c6: 0x0e, 0x1c7: 0x0e, - 0x1c8: 0x0e, 0x1c9: 0x0e, 0x1ca: 0x0e, 0x1cb: 0x0e, 0x1cc: 0x0e, 0x1cd: 0x0e, 0x1ce: 0x0e, 0x1cf: 0x0e, - 0x1d0: 0x0e, 0x1d1: 0x0e, 0x1d2: 0x0e, 0x1d3: 0x0e, 0x1d4: 0x0e, 0x1d5: 0x0e, 0x1d6: 0x0e, 0x1d7: 0x0e, - 0x1d8: 0x0e, 0x1d9: 0x0e, 0x1da: 0x0e, 0x1db: 0x0e, 0x1dc: 0x0e, 0x1dd: 0x0e, 0x1de: 0x0e, 0x1df: 0x0e, - 0x1e0: 0x0e, 0x1e1: 0x0e, 0x1e2: 0x0e, 0x1e3: 0x0e, 0x1e4: 0x0e, 0x1e5: 0x0e, 0x1e6: 0x0e, 0x1e7: 0x0e, - 0x1e8: 0x0e, 0x1e9: 0x0e, 0x1ea: 0x0e, 0x1eb: 0x0e, 0x1ec: 0x0e, 0x1ed: 0x0e, 0x1ee: 0x0e, 0x1ef: 0x0e, - 0x1f0: 0x0e, 0x1f1: 0x0e, 0x1f2: 0x0e, 0x1f3: 0x0e, 0x1f4: 0x0e, 0x1f5: 0x0e, 0x1f6: 0x0e, - 0x1f8: 0x0e, 0x1f9: 0x0e, 0x1fa: 0x0e, 0x1fb: 0x0e, 0x1fc: 0x0e, 0x1fd: 0x0e, 0x1fe: 0x0e, 0x1ff: 0x0e, - // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 - 0x200: 0x0e, 0x201: 0x0e, 0x202: 0x0e, 0x203: 0x0e, 0x204: 0x0e, 0x205: 0x0e, 0x206: 0x0e, 0x207: 0x0e, - 0x208: 0x0e, 0x209: 0x0e, 0x20a: 0x0e, 0x20b: 0x0e, 0x20c: 0x0e, 0x20d: 0x0e, 0x20e: 0x0e, 0x20f: 0x0e, - 0x210: 0x0e, 0x211: 0x0e, 0x212: 0x0e, 0x213: 0x0e, 0x214: 0x0e, 0x215: 0x0e, 0x216: 0x0e, 0x217: 0x0e, - 0x218: 0x0e, 0x219: 0x0e, 0x21a: 0x0e, 0x21b: 0x0e, 0x21c: 0x0e, 0x21d: 0x0e, 0x21e: 0x0e, 0x21f: 0x0e, - 0x220: 0x0e, 0x221: 0x0e, 0x222: 0x0e, 0x223: 0x0e, 0x224: 0x0e, 0x225: 0x0e, 0x226: 0x0e, 0x227: 0x0e, - 0x228: 0x0e, 0x229: 0x0e, 0x22a: 0x0e, 0x22b: 0x0e, 0x22c: 0x0e, 0x22d: 0x0e, 0x22e: 0x0e, 0x22f: 0x0e, - 0x230: 0x0e, 0x231: 0x0e, 0x232: 0x0e, 0x233: 0x0e, 0x234: 0x0e, 0x235: 0x0e, 0x236: 0x0e, 0x237: 0x0e, - 0x238: 0x0e, 0x239: 0x0e, 0x23a: 0x0e, 0x23b: 0x0e, 0x23c: 0x0e, 0x23d: 0x0e, 0x23e: 0x0e, 0x23f: 0x0e, - // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 - 0x240: 0x0e, 0x241: 0x0e, 0x242: 0x0e, 0x243: 0x0e, 0x244: 0x0e, 0x245: 0x0e, 0x246: 0x0e, 0x247: 0x0e, - 0x248: 0x0e, 0x249: 0x0e, 0x24a: 0x0e, 0x24b: 0x0e, 0x24c: 0x0e, 0x24d: 0x0e, 0x24e: 0x0e, 0x24f: 0x0e, - 0x250: 0x0e, 0x251: 0x0e, 0x252: 0x3b, 0x253: 0x3c, - 0x265: 0x3d, - 0x270: 0x0e, 0x271: 0x0e, 0x272: 0x0e, 0x273: 0x0e, 0x274: 0x0e, 0x275: 0x0e, 0x276: 0x0e, 0x277: 0x0e, - 0x278: 0x0e, 0x279: 0x0e, 0x27a: 0x0e, 0x27b: 0x0e, 0x27c: 0x0e, 0x27d: 0x0e, 0x27e: 0x0e, 0x27f: 0x0e, - // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 - 0x280: 0x0e, 0x281: 0x0e, 0x282: 0x0e, 0x283: 0x0e, 0x284: 0x0e, 0x285: 0x0e, 0x286: 0x0e, 0x287: 0x0e, - 0x288: 0x0e, 0x289: 0x0e, 0x28a: 0x0e, 0x28b: 0x0e, 0x28c: 0x0e, 0x28d: 0x0e, 0x28e: 0x0e, 0x28f: 0x0e, - 0x290: 0x0e, 0x291: 0x0e, 0x292: 0x0e, 0x293: 0x0e, 0x294: 0x0e, 0x295: 0x0e, 0x296: 0x0e, 0x297: 0x0e, - 0x298: 0x0e, 0x299: 0x0e, 0x29a: 0x0e, 0x29b: 0x0e, 0x29c: 0x0e, 0x29d: 0x0e, 0x29e: 0x3e, - // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 - 0x2c0: 0x08, 0x2c1: 0x08, 0x2c2: 0x08, 0x2c3: 0x08, 0x2c4: 0x08, 0x2c5: 0x08, 0x2c6: 0x08, 0x2c7: 0x08, - 0x2c8: 0x08, 0x2c9: 0x08, 0x2ca: 0x08, 0x2cb: 0x08, 0x2cc: 0x08, 0x2cd: 0x08, 0x2ce: 0x08, 0x2cf: 0x08, - 0x2d0: 0x08, 0x2d1: 0x08, 0x2d2: 0x08, 0x2d3: 0x08, 0x2d4: 0x08, 0x2d5: 0x08, 0x2d6: 0x08, 0x2d7: 0x08, - 0x2d8: 0x08, 0x2d9: 0x08, 0x2da: 0x08, 0x2db: 0x08, 0x2dc: 0x08, 0x2dd: 0x08, 0x2de: 0x08, 0x2df: 0x08, - 0x2e0: 0x08, 0x2e1: 0x08, 0x2e2: 0x08, 0x2e3: 0x08, 0x2e4: 0x08, 0x2e5: 0x08, 0x2e6: 0x08, 0x2e7: 0x08, - 0x2e8: 0x08, 0x2e9: 0x08, 0x2ea: 0x08, 0x2eb: 0x08, 0x2ec: 0x08, 0x2ed: 0x08, 0x2ee: 0x08, 0x2ef: 0x08, - 0x2f0: 0x08, 0x2f1: 0x08, 0x2f2: 0x08, 0x2f3: 0x08, 0x2f4: 0x08, 0x2f5: 0x08, 0x2f6: 0x08, 0x2f7: 0x08, - 0x2f8: 0x08, 0x2f9: 0x08, 0x2fa: 0x08, 0x2fb: 0x08, 0x2fc: 0x08, 0x2fd: 0x08, 0x2fe: 0x08, 0x2ff: 0x08, - // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 - 0x300: 0x08, 0x301: 0x08, 0x302: 0x08, 0x303: 0x08, 0x304: 0x08, 0x305: 0x08, 0x306: 0x08, 0x307: 0x08, - 0x308: 0x08, 0x309: 0x08, 0x30a: 0x08, 0x30b: 0x08, 0x30c: 0x08, 0x30d: 0x08, 0x30e: 0x08, 0x30f: 0x08, - 0x310: 0x08, 0x311: 0x08, 0x312: 0x08, 0x313: 0x08, 0x314: 0x08, 0x315: 0x08, 0x316: 0x08, 0x317: 0x08, - 0x318: 0x08, 0x319: 0x08, 0x31a: 0x08, 0x31b: 0x08, 0x31c: 0x08, 0x31d: 0x08, 0x31e: 0x08, 0x31f: 0x08, - 0x320: 0x08, 0x321: 0x08, 0x322: 0x08, 0x323: 0x08, 0x324: 0x0e, 0x325: 0x0e, 0x326: 0x0e, 0x327: 0x0e, - 0x328: 0x0e, 0x329: 0x0e, 0x32a: 0x0e, 0x32b: 0x0e, - 0x338: 0x3f, 0x339: 0x40, 0x33c: 0x41, 0x33d: 0x42, 0x33e: 0x43, 0x33f: 0x44, - // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 - 0x37f: 0x45, - // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 - 0x380: 0x0e, 0x381: 0x0e, 0x382: 0x0e, 0x383: 0x0e, 0x384: 0x0e, 0x385: 0x0e, 0x386: 0x0e, 0x387: 0x0e, - 0x388: 0x0e, 0x389: 0x0e, 0x38a: 0x0e, 0x38b: 0x0e, 0x38c: 0x0e, 0x38d: 0x0e, 0x38e: 0x0e, 0x38f: 0x0e, - 0x390: 0x0e, 0x391: 0x0e, 0x392: 0x0e, 0x393: 0x0e, 0x394: 0x0e, 0x395: 0x0e, 0x396: 0x0e, 0x397: 0x0e, - 0x398: 0x0e, 0x399: 0x0e, 0x39a: 0x0e, 0x39b: 0x0e, 0x39c: 0x0e, 0x39d: 0x0e, 0x39e: 0x0e, 0x39f: 0x46, - 0x3a0: 0x0e, 0x3a1: 0x0e, 0x3a2: 0x0e, 0x3a3: 0x0e, 0x3a4: 0x0e, 0x3a5: 0x0e, 0x3a6: 0x0e, 0x3a7: 0x0e, - 0x3a8: 0x0e, 0x3a9: 0x0e, 0x3aa: 0x0e, 0x3ab: 0x47, - // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 - 0x3c0: 0x0e, 0x3c1: 0x0e, 0x3c2: 0x0e, 0x3c3: 0x0e, 0x3c4: 0x48, 0x3c5: 0x49, 0x3c6: 0x0e, 0x3c7: 0x0e, - 0x3c8: 0x0e, 0x3c9: 0x0e, 0x3ca: 0x0e, 0x3cb: 0x4a, - // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 - 0x400: 0x4b, 0x403: 0x4c, 0x404: 0x4d, 0x405: 0x4e, 0x406: 0x4f, - 0x408: 0x50, 0x409: 0x51, 0x40c: 0x52, 0x40d: 0x53, 0x40e: 0x54, 0x40f: 0x55, - 0x410: 0x3a, 0x411: 0x56, 0x412: 0x0e, 0x413: 0x57, 0x414: 0x58, 0x415: 0x59, 0x416: 0x5a, 0x417: 0x5b, - 0x418: 0x0e, 0x419: 0x5c, 0x41a: 0x0e, 0x41b: 0x5d, 0x41f: 0x5e, - 0x424: 0x5f, 0x425: 0x60, 0x426: 0x61, 0x427: 0x62, - 0x429: 0x63, 0x42a: 0x64, - // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 - 0x456: 0x0b, 0x457: 0x06, - 0x458: 0x0c, 0x45b: 0x0d, 0x45f: 0x0e, - 0x460: 0x06, 0x461: 0x06, 0x462: 0x06, 0x463: 0x06, 0x464: 0x06, 0x465: 0x06, 0x466: 0x06, 0x467: 0x06, - 0x468: 0x06, 0x469: 0x06, 0x46a: 0x06, 0x46b: 0x06, 0x46c: 0x06, 0x46d: 0x06, 0x46e: 0x06, 0x46f: 0x06, - 0x470: 0x06, 0x471: 0x06, 0x472: 0x06, 0x473: 0x06, 0x474: 0x06, 0x475: 0x06, 0x476: 0x06, 0x477: 0x06, - 0x478: 0x06, 0x479: 0x06, 0x47a: 0x06, 0x47b: 0x06, 0x47c: 0x06, 0x47d: 0x06, 0x47e: 0x06, 0x47f: 0x06, - // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 - 0x484: 0x08, 0x485: 0x08, 0x486: 0x08, 0x487: 0x09, - // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 - 0x4c0: 0x08, 0x4c1: 0x08, 0x4c2: 0x08, 0x4c3: 0x08, 0x4c4: 0x08, 0x4c5: 0x08, 0x4c6: 0x08, 0x4c7: 0x08, - 0x4c8: 0x08, 0x4c9: 0x08, 0x4ca: 0x08, 0x4cb: 0x08, 0x4cc: 0x08, 0x4cd: 0x08, 0x4ce: 0x08, 0x4cf: 0x08, - 0x4d0: 0x08, 0x4d1: 0x08, 0x4d2: 0x08, 0x4d3: 0x08, 0x4d4: 0x08, 0x4d5: 0x08, 0x4d6: 0x08, 0x4d7: 0x08, - 0x4d8: 0x08, 0x4d9: 0x08, 0x4da: 0x08, 0x4db: 0x08, 0x4dc: 0x08, 0x4dd: 0x08, 0x4de: 0x08, 0x4df: 0x08, - 0x4e0: 0x08, 0x4e1: 0x08, 0x4e2: 0x08, 0x4e3: 0x08, 0x4e4: 0x08, 0x4e5: 0x08, 0x4e6: 0x08, 0x4e7: 0x08, - 0x4e8: 0x08, 0x4e9: 0x08, 0x4ea: 0x08, 0x4eb: 0x08, 0x4ec: 0x08, 0x4ed: 0x08, 0x4ee: 0x08, 0x4ef: 0x08, - 0x4f0: 0x08, 0x4f1: 0x08, 0x4f2: 0x08, 0x4f3: 0x08, 0x4f4: 0x08, 0x4f5: 0x08, 0x4f6: 0x08, 0x4f7: 0x08, - 0x4f8: 0x08, 0x4f9: 0x08, 0x4fa: 0x08, 0x4fb: 0x08, 0x4fc: 0x08, 0x4fd: 0x08, 0x4fe: 0x08, 0x4ff: 0x65, - // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 - 0x520: 0x10, - 0x530: 0x09, 0x531: 0x09, 0x532: 0x09, 0x533: 0x09, 0x534: 0x09, 0x535: 0x09, 0x536: 0x09, 0x537: 0x09, - 0x538: 0x09, 0x539: 0x09, 0x53a: 0x09, 0x53b: 0x09, 0x53c: 0x09, 0x53d: 0x09, 0x53e: 0x09, 0x53f: 0x11, - // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 - 0x540: 0x09, 0x541: 0x09, 0x542: 0x09, 0x543: 0x09, 0x544: 0x09, 0x545: 0x09, 0x546: 0x09, 0x547: 0x09, - 0x548: 0x09, 0x549: 0x09, 0x54a: 0x09, 0x54b: 0x09, 0x54c: 0x09, 0x54d: 0x09, 0x54e: 0x09, 0x54f: 0x11, -} - -// inverseData contains 4-byte entries of the following format: -// -// <0 padding> -// -// The last byte of the UTF-8-encoded rune is xor-ed with the last byte of the -// UTF-8 encoding of the original rune. Mappings often have the following -// pattern: -// -// A -> A (U+FF21 -> U+0041) -// B -> B (U+FF22 -> U+0042) -// ... -// -// By xor-ing the last byte the same entry can be shared by many mappings. This -// reduces the total number of distinct entries by about two thirds. -// The resulting entry for the aforementioned mappings is -// -// { 0x01, 0xE0, 0x00, 0x00 } -// -// Using this entry to map U+FF21 (UTF-8 [EF BC A1]), we get -// -// E0 ^ A1 = 41. -// -// Similarly, for U+FF22 (UTF-8 [EF BC A2]), we get -// -// E0 ^ A2 = 42. -// -// Note that because of the xor-ing, the byte sequence stored in the entry is -// not valid UTF-8. -var inverseData = [150][4]byte{ - {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x80, 0xa0}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbc, 0xa0}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbc, 0xe0}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0xe0}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x02}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x00}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0e}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0c}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0f}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x39}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x3b}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x3f}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x2a}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0d}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x25}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1a}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x26}, - {0x01, 0xa0, 0x00, 0x00}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x25}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x23}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x2e}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x07}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x05}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x06}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x13}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0b}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x16}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0c}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x15}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0d}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1c}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x02}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1f}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1d}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x17}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x08}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x09}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0e}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x04}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x05}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x3f}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x00}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x2c}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x06}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x0c}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x0f}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x0d}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x0b}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x19}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x15}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x11}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x31}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x33}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0f}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x30}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x3e}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x32}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x36}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x14}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x2e}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1e}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x10}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x13}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x15}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x17}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x1f}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x1d}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x1b}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x09}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0b}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x37}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x04}, - {0x01, 0xe0, 0x00, 0x00}, - {0x03, 0xe2, 0xa6, 0x1a}, - {0x03, 0xe2, 0xa6, 0x26}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x80, 0x23}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x80, 0x2e}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x80, 0x25}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x1e}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x14}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x06}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x0b}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x0c}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x0d}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x02}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x0f}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x08}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x09}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x2c}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x0c}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x13}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x16}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x15}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x1c}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x1f}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x1d}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x1a}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x17}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x08}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x09}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x0e}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x04}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x05}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x3f}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x00}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x06}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x05}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x0d}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x0b}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x07}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x19}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x15}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x11}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x31}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x33}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x30}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x3e}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x32}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x36}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x2e}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x07}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x04}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x84, 0x10}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x30}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x0d}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x13}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x15}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x17}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x1f}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x1d}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x1b}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x09}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x0f}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x0b}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x37}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x3b}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x39}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x3f}, - {0x02, 0xc2, 0x02, 0x00}, - {0x02, 0xc2, 0x0e, 0x00}, - {0x02, 0xc2, 0x0c, 0x00}, - {0x02, 0xc2, 0x00, 0x00}, - {0x03, 0xe2, 0x82, 0x0f}, - {0x03, 0xe2, 0x94, 0x2a}, - {0x03, 0xe2, 0x86, 0x39}, - {0x03, 0xe2, 0x86, 0x3b}, - {0x03, 0xe2, 0x86, 0x3f}, - {0x03, 0xe2, 0x96, 0x0d}, - {0x03, 0xe2, 0x97, 0x25}, -} - -// Total table size 15320 bytes (14KiB) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables13.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables13.0.0.go deleted file mode 100644 index ab258e384..000000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables13.0.0.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1362 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. - -//go:build go1.16 -// +build go1.16 - -package width - -// UnicodeVersion is the Unicode version from which the tables in this package are derived. -const UnicodeVersion = "13.0.0" - -// lookup returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and -// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not -// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. -func (t *widthTrie) lookup(s []byte) (v uint16, sz int) { - c0 := s[0] - switch { - case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII - return widthValues[c0], 1 - case c0 < 0xC2: - return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. - case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 - if len(s) < 2 { - return 0, 0 - } - i := widthIndex[c0] - c1 := s[1] - if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { - return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 - case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 - if len(s) < 3 { - return 0, 0 - } - i := widthIndex[c0] - c1 := s[1] - if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { - return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) - i = widthIndex[o] - c2 := s[2] - if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { - return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 - case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 - if len(s) < 4 { - return 0, 0 - } - i := widthIndex[c0] - c1 := s[1] - if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { - return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) - i = widthIndex[o] - c2 := s[2] - if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { - return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) - i = widthIndex[o] - c3 := s[3] - if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { - return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 - } - // Illegal rune - return 0, 1 -} - -// lookupUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. -// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. -func (t *widthTrie) lookupUnsafe(s []byte) uint16 { - c0 := s[0] - if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII - return widthValues[c0] - } - i := widthIndex[c0] - if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) - } - i = widthIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] - if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) - } - i = widthIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] - if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) - } - return 0 -} - -// lookupString returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and -// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not -// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. -func (t *widthTrie) lookupString(s string) (v uint16, sz int) { - c0 := s[0] - switch { - case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII - return widthValues[c0], 1 - case c0 < 0xC2: - return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. - case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 - if len(s) < 2 { - return 0, 0 - } - i := widthIndex[c0] - c1 := s[1] - if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { - return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 - case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 - if len(s) < 3 { - return 0, 0 - } - i := widthIndex[c0] - c1 := s[1] - if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { - return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) - i = widthIndex[o] - c2 := s[2] - if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { - return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 - case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 - if len(s) < 4 { - return 0, 0 - } - i := widthIndex[c0] - c1 := s[1] - if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { - return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) - i = widthIndex[o] - c2 := s[2] - if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { - return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) - i = widthIndex[o] - c3 := s[3] - if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { - return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 - } - // Illegal rune - return 0, 1 -} - -// lookupStringUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. -// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. -func (t *widthTrie) lookupStringUnsafe(s string) uint16 { - c0 := s[0] - if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII - return widthValues[c0] - } - i := widthIndex[c0] - if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) - } - i = widthIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] - if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) - } - i = widthIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] - if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) - } - return 0 -} - -// widthTrie. Total size: 14848 bytes (14.50 KiB). Checksum: 17e24343536472f6. -type widthTrie struct{} - -func newWidthTrie(i int) *widthTrie { - return &widthTrie{} -} - -// lookupValue determines the type of block n and looks up the value for b. -func (t *widthTrie) lookupValue(n uint32, b byte) uint16 { - switch { - default: - return uint16(widthValues[n<<6+uint32(b)]) - } -} - -// widthValues: 105 blocks, 6720 entries, 13440 bytes -// The third block is the zero block. -var widthValues = [6720]uint16{ - // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 - 0x20: 0x6001, 0x21: 0x6002, 0x22: 0x6002, 0x23: 0x6002, - 0x24: 0x6002, 0x25: 0x6002, 0x26: 0x6002, 0x27: 0x6002, 0x28: 0x6002, 0x29: 0x6002, - 0x2a: 0x6002, 0x2b: 0x6002, 0x2c: 0x6002, 0x2d: 0x6002, 0x2e: 0x6002, 0x2f: 0x6002, - 0x30: 0x6002, 0x31: 0x6002, 0x32: 0x6002, 0x33: 0x6002, 0x34: 0x6002, 0x35: 0x6002, - 0x36: 0x6002, 0x37: 0x6002, 0x38: 0x6002, 0x39: 0x6002, 0x3a: 0x6002, 0x3b: 0x6002, - 0x3c: 0x6002, 0x3d: 0x6002, 0x3e: 0x6002, 0x3f: 0x6002, - // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 - 0x40: 0x6003, 0x41: 0x6003, 0x42: 0x6003, 0x43: 0x6003, 0x44: 0x6003, 0x45: 0x6003, - 0x46: 0x6003, 0x47: 0x6003, 0x48: 0x6003, 0x49: 0x6003, 0x4a: 0x6003, 0x4b: 0x6003, - 0x4c: 0x6003, 0x4d: 0x6003, 0x4e: 0x6003, 0x4f: 0x6003, 0x50: 0x6003, 0x51: 0x6003, - 0x52: 0x6003, 0x53: 0x6003, 0x54: 0x6003, 0x55: 0x6003, 0x56: 0x6003, 0x57: 0x6003, - 0x58: 0x6003, 0x59: 0x6003, 0x5a: 0x6003, 0x5b: 0x6003, 0x5c: 0x6003, 0x5d: 0x6003, - 0x5e: 0x6003, 0x5f: 0x6003, 0x60: 0x6004, 0x61: 0x6004, 0x62: 0x6004, 0x63: 0x6004, - 0x64: 0x6004, 0x65: 0x6004, 0x66: 0x6004, 0x67: 0x6004, 0x68: 0x6004, 0x69: 0x6004, - 0x6a: 0x6004, 0x6b: 0x6004, 0x6c: 0x6004, 0x6d: 0x6004, 0x6e: 0x6004, 0x6f: 0x6004, - 0x70: 0x6004, 0x71: 0x6004, 0x72: 0x6004, 0x73: 0x6004, 0x74: 0x6004, 0x75: 0x6004, - 0x76: 0x6004, 0x77: 0x6004, 0x78: 0x6004, 0x79: 0x6004, 0x7a: 0x6004, 0x7b: 0x6004, - 0x7c: 0x6004, 0x7d: 0x6004, 0x7e: 0x6004, - // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 - // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 - 0xe1: 0x2000, 0xe2: 0x6005, 0xe3: 0x6005, - 0xe4: 0x2000, 0xe5: 0x6006, 0xe6: 0x6005, 0xe7: 0x2000, 0xe8: 0x2000, - 0xea: 0x2000, 0xec: 0x6007, 0xed: 0x2000, 0xee: 0x2000, 0xef: 0x6008, - 0xf0: 0x2000, 0xf1: 0x2000, 0xf2: 0x2000, 0xf3: 0x2000, 0xf4: 0x2000, - 0xf6: 0x2000, 0xf7: 0x2000, 0xf8: 0x2000, 0xf9: 0x2000, 0xfa: 0x2000, - 0xfc: 0x2000, 0xfd: 0x2000, 0xfe: 0x2000, 0xff: 0x2000, - // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 - 0x106: 0x2000, - 0x110: 0x2000, - 0x117: 0x2000, - 0x118: 0x2000, - 0x11e: 0x2000, 0x11f: 0x2000, 0x120: 0x2000, 0x121: 0x2000, - 0x126: 0x2000, 0x128: 0x2000, 0x129: 0x2000, - 0x12a: 0x2000, 0x12c: 0x2000, 0x12d: 0x2000, - 0x130: 0x2000, 0x132: 0x2000, 0x133: 0x2000, - 0x137: 0x2000, 0x138: 0x2000, 0x139: 0x2000, 0x13a: 0x2000, - 0x13c: 0x2000, 0x13e: 0x2000, - // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 - 0x141: 0x2000, - 0x151: 0x2000, - 0x153: 0x2000, - 0x15b: 0x2000, - 0x166: 0x2000, 0x167: 0x2000, - 0x16b: 0x2000, - 0x171: 0x2000, 0x172: 0x2000, 0x173: 0x2000, - 0x178: 0x2000, - 0x17f: 0x2000, - // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 - 0x180: 0x2000, 0x181: 0x2000, 0x182: 0x2000, 0x184: 0x2000, - 0x188: 0x2000, 0x189: 0x2000, 0x18a: 0x2000, 0x18b: 0x2000, - 0x18d: 0x2000, - 0x192: 0x2000, 0x193: 0x2000, - 0x1a6: 0x2000, 0x1a7: 0x2000, - 0x1ab: 0x2000, - // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 - 0x1ce: 0x2000, 0x1d0: 0x2000, - 0x1d2: 0x2000, 0x1d4: 0x2000, 0x1d6: 0x2000, - 0x1d8: 0x2000, 0x1da: 0x2000, 0x1dc: 0x2000, - // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 - 0x211: 0x2000, - 0x221: 0x2000, - // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 - 0x244: 0x2000, - 0x247: 0x2000, 0x249: 0x2000, 0x24a: 0x2000, 0x24b: 0x2000, - 0x24d: 0x2000, 0x250: 0x2000, - 0x258: 0x2000, 0x259: 0x2000, 0x25a: 0x2000, 0x25b: 0x2000, 0x25d: 0x2000, - 0x25f: 0x2000, - // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 - 0x280: 0x2000, 0x281: 0x2000, 0x282: 0x2000, 0x283: 0x2000, 0x284: 0x2000, 0x285: 0x2000, - 0x286: 0x2000, 0x287: 0x2000, 0x288: 0x2000, 0x289: 0x2000, 0x28a: 0x2000, 0x28b: 0x2000, - 0x28c: 0x2000, 0x28d: 0x2000, 0x28e: 0x2000, 0x28f: 0x2000, 0x290: 0x2000, 0x291: 0x2000, - 0x292: 0x2000, 0x293: 0x2000, 0x294: 0x2000, 0x295: 0x2000, 0x296: 0x2000, 0x297: 0x2000, - 0x298: 0x2000, 0x299: 0x2000, 0x29a: 0x2000, 0x29b: 0x2000, 0x29c: 0x2000, 0x29d: 0x2000, - 0x29e: 0x2000, 0x29f: 0x2000, 0x2a0: 0x2000, 0x2a1: 0x2000, 0x2a2: 0x2000, 0x2a3: 0x2000, - 0x2a4: 0x2000, 0x2a5: 0x2000, 0x2a6: 0x2000, 0x2a7: 0x2000, 0x2a8: 0x2000, 0x2a9: 0x2000, - 0x2aa: 0x2000, 0x2ab: 0x2000, 0x2ac: 0x2000, 0x2ad: 0x2000, 0x2ae: 0x2000, 0x2af: 0x2000, - 0x2b0: 0x2000, 0x2b1: 0x2000, 0x2b2: 0x2000, 0x2b3: 0x2000, 0x2b4: 0x2000, 0x2b5: 0x2000, - 0x2b6: 0x2000, 0x2b7: 0x2000, 0x2b8: 0x2000, 0x2b9: 0x2000, 0x2ba: 0x2000, 0x2bb: 0x2000, - 0x2bc: 0x2000, 0x2bd: 0x2000, 0x2be: 0x2000, 0x2bf: 0x2000, - // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 - 0x2c0: 0x2000, 0x2c1: 0x2000, 0x2c2: 0x2000, 0x2c3: 0x2000, 0x2c4: 0x2000, 0x2c5: 0x2000, - 0x2c6: 0x2000, 0x2c7: 0x2000, 0x2c8: 0x2000, 0x2c9: 0x2000, 0x2ca: 0x2000, 0x2cb: 0x2000, - 0x2cc: 0x2000, 0x2cd: 0x2000, 0x2ce: 0x2000, 0x2cf: 0x2000, 0x2d0: 0x2000, 0x2d1: 0x2000, - 0x2d2: 0x2000, 0x2d3: 0x2000, 0x2d4: 0x2000, 0x2d5: 0x2000, 0x2d6: 0x2000, 0x2d7: 0x2000, - 0x2d8: 0x2000, 0x2d9: 0x2000, 0x2da: 0x2000, 0x2db: 0x2000, 0x2dc: 0x2000, 0x2dd: 0x2000, - 0x2de: 0x2000, 0x2df: 0x2000, 0x2e0: 0x2000, 0x2e1: 0x2000, 0x2e2: 0x2000, 0x2e3: 0x2000, - 0x2e4: 0x2000, 0x2e5: 0x2000, 0x2e6: 0x2000, 0x2e7: 0x2000, 0x2e8: 0x2000, 0x2e9: 0x2000, - 0x2ea: 0x2000, 0x2eb: 0x2000, 0x2ec: 0x2000, 0x2ed: 0x2000, 0x2ee: 0x2000, 0x2ef: 0x2000, - // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 - 0x311: 0x2000, - 0x312: 0x2000, 0x313: 0x2000, 0x314: 0x2000, 0x315: 0x2000, 0x316: 0x2000, 0x317: 0x2000, - 0x318: 0x2000, 0x319: 0x2000, 0x31a: 0x2000, 0x31b: 0x2000, 0x31c: 0x2000, 0x31d: 0x2000, - 0x31e: 0x2000, 0x31f: 0x2000, 0x320: 0x2000, 0x321: 0x2000, 0x323: 0x2000, - 0x324: 0x2000, 0x325: 0x2000, 0x326: 0x2000, 0x327: 0x2000, 0x328: 0x2000, 0x329: 0x2000, - 0x331: 0x2000, 0x332: 0x2000, 0x333: 0x2000, 0x334: 0x2000, 0x335: 0x2000, - 0x336: 0x2000, 0x337: 0x2000, 0x338: 0x2000, 0x339: 0x2000, 0x33a: 0x2000, 0x33b: 0x2000, - 0x33c: 0x2000, 0x33d: 0x2000, 0x33e: 0x2000, 0x33f: 0x2000, - // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 - 0x340: 0x2000, 0x341: 0x2000, 0x343: 0x2000, 0x344: 0x2000, 0x345: 0x2000, - 0x346: 0x2000, 0x347: 0x2000, 0x348: 0x2000, 0x349: 0x2000, - // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 - 0x381: 0x2000, - 0x390: 0x2000, 0x391: 0x2000, - 0x392: 0x2000, 0x393: 0x2000, 0x394: 0x2000, 0x395: 0x2000, 0x396: 0x2000, 0x397: 0x2000, - 0x398: 0x2000, 0x399: 0x2000, 0x39a: 0x2000, 0x39b: 0x2000, 0x39c: 0x2000, 0x39d: 0x2000, - 0x39e: 0x2000, 0x39f: 0x2000, 0x3a0: 0x2000, 0x3a1: 0x2000, 0x3a2: 0x2000, 0x3a3: 0x2000, - 0x3a4: 0x2000, 0x3a5: 0x2000, 0x3a6: 0x2000, 0x3a7: 0x2000, 0x3a8: 0x2000, 0x3a9: 0x2000, - 0x3aa: 0x2000, 0x3ab: 0x2000, 0x3ac: 0x2000, 0x3ad: 0x2000, 0x3ae: 0x2000, 0x3af: 0x2000, - 0x3b0: 0x2000, 0x3b1: 0x2000, 0x3b2: 0x2000, 0x3b3: 0x2000, 0x3b4: 0x2000, 0x3b5: 0x2000, - 0x3b6: 0x2000, 0x3b7: 0x2000, 0x3b8: 0x2000, 0x3b9: 0x2000, 0x3ba: 0x2000, 0x3bb: 0x2000, - 0x3bc: 0x2000, 0x3bd: 0x2000, 0x3be: 0x2000, 0x3bf: 0x2000, - // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 - 0x3c0: 0x2000, 0x3c1: 0x2000, 0x3c2: 0x2000, 0x3c3: 0x2000, 0x3c4: 0x2000, 0x3c5: 0x2000, - 0x3c6: 0x2000, 0x3c7: 0x2000, 0x3c8: 0x2000, 0x3c9: 0x2000, 0x3ca: 0x2000, 0x3cb: 0x2000, - 0x3cc: 0x2000, 0x3cd: 0x2000, 0x3ce: 0x2000, 0x3cf: 0x2000, 0x3d1: 0x2000, - // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 - 0x400: 0x4000, 0x401: 0x4000, 0x402: 0x4000, 0x403: 0x4000, 0x404: 0x4000, 0x405: 0x4000, - 0x406: 0x4000, 0x407: 0x4000, 0x408: 0x4000, 0x409: 0x4000, 0x40a: 0x4000, 0x40b: 0x4000, - 0x40c: 0x4000, 0x40d: 0x4000, 0x40e: 0x4000, 0x40f: 0x4000, 0x410: 0x4000, 0x411: 0x4000, - 0x412: 0x4000, 0x413: 0x4000, 0x414: 0x4000, 0x415: 0x4000, 0x416: 0x4000, 0x417: 0x4000, - 0x418: 0x4000, 0x419: 0x4000, 0x41a: 0x4000, 0x41b: 0x4000, 0x41c: 0x4000, 0x41d: 0x4000, - 0x41e: 0x4000, 0x41f: 0x4000, 0x420: 0x4000, 0x421: 0x4000, 0x422: 0x4000, 0x423: 0x4000, - 0x424: 0x4000, 0x425: 0x4000, 0x426: 0x4000, 0x427: 0x4000, 0x428: 0x4000, 0x429: 0x4000, - 0x42a: 0x4000, 0x42b: 0x4000, 0x42c: 0x4000, 0x42d: 0x4000, 0x42e: 0x4000, 0x42f: 0x4000, - 0x430: 0x4000, 0x431: 0x4000, 0x432: 0x4000, 0x433: 0x4000, 0x434: 0x4000, 0x435: 0x4000, - 0x436: 0x4000, 0x437: 0x4000, 0x438: 0x4000, 0x439: 0x4000, 0x43a: 0x4000, 0x43b: 0x4000, - 0x43c: 0x4000, 0x43d: 0x4000, 0x43e: 0x4000, 0x43f: 0x4000, - // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 - 0x440: 0x4000, 0x441: 0x4000, 0x442: 0x4000, 0x443: 0x4000, 0x444: 0x4000, 0x445: 0x4000, - 0x446: 0x4000, 0x447: 0x4000, 0x448: 0x4000, 0x449: 0x4000, 0x44a: 0x4000, 0x44b: 0x4000, - 0x44c: 0x4000, 0x44d: 0x4000, 0x44e: 0x4000, 0x44f: 0x4000, 0x450: 0x4000, 0x451: 0x4000, - 0x452: 0x4000, 0x453: 0x4000, 0x454: 0x4000, 0x455: 0x4000, 0x456: 0x4000, 0x457: 0x4000, - 0x458: 0x4000, 0x459: 0x4000, 0x45a: 0x4000, 0x45b: 0x4000, 0x45c: 0x4000, 0x45d: 0x4000, - 0x45e: 0x4000, 0x45f: 0x4000, - // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 - 0x490: 0x2000, - 0x493: 0x2000, 0x494: 0x2000, 0x495: 0x2000, 0x496: 0x2000, - 0x498: 0x2000, 0x499: 0x2000, 0x49c: 0x2000, 0x49d: 0x2000, - 0x4a0: 0x2000, 0x4a1: 0x2000, 0x4a2: 0x2000, - 0x4a4: 0x2000, 0x4a5: 0x2000, 0x4a6: 0x2000, 0x4a7: 0x2000, - 0x4b0: 0x2000, 0x4b2: 0x2000, 0x4b3: 0x2000, 0x4b5: 0x2000, - 0x4bb: 0x2000, - 0x4be: 0x2000, - // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 - 0x4f4: 0x2000, - 0x4ff: 0x2000, - // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 - 0x501: 0x2000, 0x502: 0x2000, 0x503: 0x2000, 0x504: 0x2000, - 0x529: 0xa009, - 0x52c: 0x2000, - // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 - 0x543: 0x2000, 0x545: 0x2000, - 0x549: 0x2000, - 0x553: 0x2000, 0x556: 0x2000, - 0x561: 0x2000, 0x562: 0x2000, - 0x566: 0x2000, - 0x56b: 0x2000, - // Block 0x16, offset 0x580 - 0x593: 0x2000, 0x594: 0x2000, - 0x59b: 0x2000, 0x59c: 0x2000, 0x59d: 0x2000, - 0x59e: 0x2000, 0x5a0: 0x2000, 0x5a1: 0x2000, 0x5a2: 0x2000, 0x5a3: 0x2000, - 0x5a4: 0x2000, 0x5a5: 0x2000, 0x5a6: 0x2000, 0x5a7: 0x2000, 0x5a8: 0x2000, 0x5a9: 0x2000, - 0x5aa: 0x2000, 0x5ab: 0x2000, - 0x5b0: 0x2000, 0x5b1: 0x2000, 0x5b2: 0x2000, 0x5b3: 0x2000, 0x5b4: 0x2000, 0x5b5: 0x2000, - 0x5b6: 0x2000, 0x5b7: 0x2000, 0x5b8: 0x2000, 0x5b9: 0x2000, - // Block 0x17, offset 0x5c0 - 0x5c9: 0x2000, - 0x5d0: 0x200a, 0x5d1: 0x200b, - 0x5d2: 0x200a, 0x5d3: 0x200c, 0x5d4: 0x2000, 0x5d5: 0x2000, 0x5d6: 0x2000, 0x5d7: 0x2000, - 0x5d8: 0x2000, 0x5d9: 0x2000, - 0x5f8: 0x2000, 0x5f9: 0x2000, - // Block 0x18, offset 0x600 - 0x612: 0x2000, 0x614: 0x2000, - 0x627: 0x2000, - // Block 0x19, offset 0x640 - 0x640: 0x2000, 0x642: 0x2000, 0x643: 0x2000, - 0x647: 0x2000, 0x648: 0x2000, 0x64b: 0x2000, - 0x64f: 0x2000, 0x651: 0x2000, - 0x655: 0x2000, - 0x65a: 0x2000, 0x65d: 0x2000, - 0x65e: 0x2000, 0x65f: 0x2000, 0x660: 0x2000, 0x663: 0x2000, - 0x665: 0x2000, 0x667: 0x2000, 0x668: 0x2000, 0x669: 0x2000, - 0x66a: 0x2000, 0x66b: 0x2000, 0x66c: 0x2000, 0x66e: 0x2000, - 0x674: 0x2000, 0x675: 0x2000, - 0x676: 0x2000, 0x677: 0x2000, - 0x67c: 0x2000, 0x67d: 0x2000, - // Block 0x1a, offset 0x680 - 0x688: 0x2000, - 0x68c: 0x2000, - 0x692: 0x2000, - 0x6a0: 0x2000, 0x6a1: 0x2000, - 0x6a4: 0x2000, 0x6a5: 0x2000, 0x6a6: 0x2000, 0x6a7: 0x2000, - 0x6aa: 0x2000, 0x6ab: 0x2000, 0x6ae: 0x2000, 0x6af: 0x2000, - // Block 0x1b, offset 0x6c0 - 0x6c2: 0x2000, 0x6c3: 0x2000, - 0x6c6: 0x2000, 0x6c7: 0x2000, - 0x6d5: 0x2000, - 0x6d9: 0x2000, - 0x6e5: 0x2000, - 0x6ff: 0x2000, - // Block 0x1c, offset 0x700 - 0x712: 0x2000, - 0x71a: 0x4000, 0x71b: 0x4000, - 0x729: 0x4000, - 0x72a: 0x4000, - // Block 0x1d, offset 0x740 - 0x769: 0x4000, - 0x76a: 0x4000, 0x76b: 0x4000, 0x76c: 0x4000, - 0x770: 0x4000, 0x773: 0x4000, - // Block 0x1e, offset 0x780 - 0x7a0: 0x2000, 0x7a1: 0x2000, 0x7a2: 0x2000, 0x7a3: 0x2000, - 0x7a4: 0x2000, 0x7a5: 0x2000, 0x7a6: 0x2000, 0x7a7: 0x2000, 0x7a8: 0x2000, 0x7a9: 0x2000, - 0x7aa: 0x2000, 0x7ab: 0x2000, 0x7ac: 0x2000, 0x7ad: 0x2000, 0x7ae: 0x2000, 0x7af: 0x2000, - 0x7b0: 0x2000, 0x7b1: 0x2000, 0x7b2: 0x2000, 0x7b3: 0x2000, 0x7b4: 0x2000, 0x7b5: 0x2000, - 0x7b6: 0x2000, 0x7b7: 0x2000, 0x7b8: 0x2000, 0x7b9: 0x2000, 0x7ba: 0x2000, 0x7bb: 0x2000, - 0x7bc: 0x2000, 0x7bd: 0x2000, 0x7be: 0x2000, 0x7bf: 0x2000, - // Block 0x1f, offset 0x7c0 - 0x7c0: 0x2000, 0x7c1: 0x2000, 0x7c2: 0x2000, 0x7c3: 0x2000, 0x7c4: 0x2000, 0x7c5: 0x2000, - 0x7c6: 0x2000, 0x7c7: 0x2000, 0x7c8: 0x2000, 0x7c9: 0x2000, 0x7ca: 0x2000, 0x7cb: 0x2000, - 0x7cc: 0x2000, 0x7cd: 0x2000, 0x7ce: 0x2000, 0x7cf: 0x2000, 0x7d0: 0x2000, 0x7d1: 0x2000, - 0x7d2: 0x2000, 0x7d3: 0x2000, 0x7d4: 0x2000, 0x7d5: 0x2000, 0x7d6: 0x2000, 0x7d7: 0x2000, - 0x7d8: 0x2000, 0x7d9: 0x2000, 0x7da: 0x2000, 0x7db: 0x2000, 0x7dc: 0x2000, 0x7dd: 0x2000, - 0x7de: 0x2000, 0x7df: 0x2000, 0x7e0: 0x2000, 0x7e1: 0x2000, 0x7e2: 0x2000, 0x7e3: 0x2000, - 0x7e4: 0x2000, 0x7e5: 0x2000, 0x7e6: 0x2000, 0x7e7: 0x2000, 0x7e8: 0x2000, 0x7e9: 0x2000, - 0x7eb: 0x2000, 0x7ec: 0x2000, 0x7ed: 0x2000, 0x7ee: 0x2000, 0x7ef: 0x2000, - 0x7f0: 0x2000, 0x7f1: 0x2000, 0x7f2: 0x2000, 0x7f3: 0x2000, 0x7f4: 0x2000, 0x7f5: 0x2000, - 0x7f6: 0x2000, 0x7f7: 0x2000, 0x7f8: 0x2000, 0x7f9: 0x2000, 0x7fa: 0x2000, 0x7fb: 0x2000, - 0x7fc: 0x2000, 0x7fd: 0x2000, 0x7fe: 0x2000, 0x7ff: 0x2000, - // Block 0x20, offset 0x800 - 0x800: 0x2000, 0x801: 0x2000, 0x802: 0x200d, 0x803: 0x2000, 0x804: 0x2000, 0x805: 0x2000, - 0x806: 0x2000, 0x807: 0x2000, 0x808: 0x2000, 0x809: 0x2000, 0x80a: 0x2000, 0x80b: 0x2000, - 0x80c: 0x2000, 0x80d: 0x2000, 0x80e: 0x2000, 0x80f: 0x2000, 0x810: 0x2000, 0x811: 0x2000, - 0x812: 0x2000, 0x813: 0x2000, 0x814: 0x2000, 0x815: 0x2000, 0x816: 0x2000, 0x817: 0x2000, - 0x818: 0x2000, 0x819: 0x2000, 0x81a: 0x2000, 0x81b: 0x2000, 0x81c: 0x2000, 0x81d: 0x2000, - 0x81e: 0x2000, 0x81f: 0x2000, 0x820: 0x2000, 0x821: 0x2000, 0x822: 0x2000, 0x823: 0x2000, - 0x824: 0x2000, 0x825: 0x2000, 0x826: 0x2000, 0x827: 0x2000, 0x828: 0x2000, 0x829: 0x2000, - 0x82a: 0x2000, 0x82b: 0x2000, 0x82c: 0x2000, 0x82d: 0x2000, 0x82e: 0x2000, 0x82f: 0x2000, - 0x830: 0x2000, 0x831: 0x2000, 0x832: 0x2000, 0x833: 0x2000, 0x834: 0x2000, 0x835: 0x2000, - 0x836: 0x2000, 0x837: 0x2000, 0x838: 0x2000, 0x839: 0x2000, 0x83a: 0x2000, 0x83b: 0x2000, - 0x83c: 0x2000, 0x83d: 0x2000, 0x83e: 0x2000, 0x83f: 0x2000, - // Block 0x21, offset 0x840 - 0x840: 0x2000, 0x841: 0x2000, 0x842: 0x2000, 0x843: 0x2000, 0x844: 0x2000, 0x845: 0x2000, - 0x846: 0x2000, 0x847: 0x2000, 0x848: 0x2000, 0x849: 0x2000, 0x84a: 0x2000, 0x84b: 0x2000, - 0x850: 0x2000, 0x851: 0x2000, - 0x852: 0x2000, 0x853: 0x2000, 0x854: 0x2000, 0x855: 0x2000, 0x856: 0x2000, 0x857: 0x2000, - 0x858: 0x2000, 0x859: 0x2000, 0x85a: 0x2000, 0x85b: 0x2000, 0x85c: 0x2000, 0x85d: 0x2000, - 0x85e: 0x2000, 0x85f: 0x2000, 0x860: 0x2000, 0x861: 0x2000, 0x862: 0x2000, 0x863: 0x2000, - 0x864: 0x2000, 0x865: 0x2000, 0x866: 0x2000, 0x867: 0x2000, 0x868: 0x2000, 0x869: 0x2000, - 0x86a: 0x2000, 0x86b: 0x2000, 0x86c: 0x2000, 0x86d: 0x2000, 0x86e: 0x2000, 0x86f: 0x2000, - 0x870: 0x2000, 0x871: 0x2000, 0x872: 0x2000, 0x873: 0x2000, - // Block 0x22, offset 0x880 - 0x880: 0x2000, 0x881: 0x2000, 0x882: 0x2000, 0x883: 0x2000, 0x884: 0x2000, 0x885: 0x2000, - 0x886: 0x2000, 0x887: 0x2000, 0x888: 0x2000, 0x889: 0x2000, 0x88a: 0x2000, 0x88b: 0x2000, - 0x88c: 0x2000, 0x88d: 0x2000, 0x88e: 0x2000, 0x88f: 0x2000, - 0x892: 0x2000, 0x893: 0x2000, 0x894: 0x2000, 0x895: 0x2000, - 0x8a0: 0x200e, 0x8a1: 0x2000, 0x8a3: 0x2000, - 0x8a4: 0x2000, 0x8a5: 0x2000, 0x8a6: 0x2000, 0x8a7: 0x2000, 0x8a8: 0x2000, 0x8a9: 0x2000, - 0x8b2: 0x2000, 0x8b3: 0x2000, - 0x8b6: 0x2000, 0x8b7: 0x2000, - 0x8bc: 0x2000, 0x8bd: 0x2000, - // Block 0x23, offset 0x8c0 - 0x8c0: 0x2000, 0x8c1: 0x2000, - 0x8c6: 0x2000, 0x8c7: 0x2000, 0x8c8: 0x2000, 0x8cb: 0x200f, - 0x8ce: 0x2000, 0x8cf: 0x2000, 0x8d0: 0x2000, 0x8d1: 0x2000, - 0x8e2: 0x2000, 0x8e3: 0x2000, - 0x8e4: 0x2000, 0x8e5: 0x2000, - 0x8ef: 0x2000, - 0x8fd: 0x4000, 0x8fe: 0x4000, - // Block 0x24, offset 0x900 - 0x905: 0x2000, - 0x906: 0x2000, 0x909: 0x2000, - 0x90e: 0x2000, 0x90f: 0x2000, - 0x914: 0x4000, 0x915: 0x4000, - 0x91c: 0x2000, - 0x91e: 0x2000, - // Block 0x25, offset 0x940 - 0x940: 0x2000, 0x942: 0x2000, - 0x948: 0x4000, 0x949: 0x4000, 0x94a: 0x4000, 0x94b: 0x4000, - 0x94c: 0x4000, 0x94d: 0x4000, 0x94e: 0x4000, 0x94f: 0x4000, 0x950: 0x4000, 0x951: 0x4000, - 0x952: 0x4000, 0x953: 0x4000, - 0x960: 0x2000, 0x961: 0x2000, 0x963: 0x2000, - 0x964: 0x2000, 0x965: 0x2000, 0x967: 0x2000, 0x968: 0x2000, 0x969: 0x2000, - 0x96a: 0x2000, 0x96c: 0x2000, 0x96d: 0x2000, 0x96f: 0x2000, - 0x97f: 0x4000, - // Block 0x26, offset 0x980 - 0x993: 0x4000, - 0x99e: 0x2000, 0x99f: 0x2000, 0x9a1: 0x4000, - 0x9aa: 0x4000, 0x9ab: 0x4000, - 0x9bd: 0x4000, 0x9be: 0x4000, 0x9bf: 0x2000, - // Block 0x27, offset 0x9c0 - 0x9c4: 0x4000, 0x9c5: 0x4000, - 0x9c6: 0x2000, 0x9c7: 0x2000, 0x9c8: 0x2000, 0x9c9: 0x2000, 0x9ca: 0x2000, 0x9cb: 0x2000, - 0x9cc: 0x2000, 0x9cd: 0x2000, 0x9ce: 0x4000, 0x9cf: 0x2000, 0x9d0: 0x2000, 0x9d1: 0x2000, - 0x9d2: 0x2000, 0x9d3: 0x2000, 0x9d4: 0x4000, 0x9d5: 0x2000, 0x9d6: 0x2000, 0x9d7: 0x2000, - 0x9d8: 0x2000, 0x9d9: 0x2000, 0x9da: 0x2000, 0x9db: 0x2000, 0x9dc: 0x2000, 0x9dd: 0x2000, - 0x9de: 0x2000, 0x9df: 0x2000, 0x9e0: 0x2000, 0x9e1: 0x2000, 0x9e3: 0x2000, - 0x9e8: 0x2000, 0x9e9: 0x2000, - 0x9ea: 0x4000, 0x9eb: 0x2000, 0x9ec: 0x2000, 0x9ed: 0x2000, 0x9ee: 0x2000, 0x9ef: 0x2000, - 0x9f0: 0x2000, 0x9f1: 0x2000, 0x9f2: 0x4000, 0x9f3: 0x4000, 0x9f4: 0x2000, 0x9f5: 0x4000, - 0x9f6: 0x2000, 0x9f7: 0x2000, 0x9f8: 0x2000, 0x9f9: 0x2000, 0x9fa: 0x4000, 0x9fb: 0x2000, - 0x9fc: 0x2000, 0x9fd: 0x4000, 0x9fe: 0x2000, 0x9ff: 0x2000, - // Block 0x28, offset 0xa00 - 0xa05: 0x4000, - 0xa0a: 0x4000, 0xa0b: 0x4000, - 0xa28: 0x4000, - 0xa3d: 0x2000, - // Block 0x29, offset 0xa40 - 0xa4c: 0x4000, 0xa4e: 0x4000, - 0xa53: 0x4000, 0xa54: 0x4000, 0xa55: 0x4000, 0xa57: 0x4000, - 0xa76: 0x2000, 0xa77: 0x2000, 0xa78: 0x2000, 0xa79: 0x2000, 0xa7a: 0x2000, 0xa7b: 0x2000, - 0xa7c: 0x2000, 0xa7d: 0x2000, 0xa7e: 0x2000, 0xa7f: 0x2000, - // Block 0x2a, offset 0xa80 - 0xa95: 0x4000, 0xa96: 0x4000, 0xa97: 0x4000, - 0xab0: 0x4000, - 0xabf: 0x4000, - // Block 0x2b, offset 0xac0 - 0xae6: 0x6000, 0xae7: 0x6000, 0xae8: 0x6000, 0xae9: 0x6000, - 0xaea: 0x6000, 0xaeb: 0x6000, 0xaec: 0x6000, 0xaed: 0x6000, - // Block 0x2c, offset 0xb00 - 0xb05: 0x6010, - 0xb06: 0x6011, - // Block 0x2d, offset 0xb40 - 0xb5b: 0x4000, 0xb5c: 0x4000, - // Block 0x2e, offset 0xb80 - 0xb90: 0x4000, - 0xb95: 0x4000, 0xb96: 0x2000, 0xb97: 0x2000, - 0xb98: 0x2000, 0xb99: 0x2000, - // Block 0x2f, offset 0xbc0 - 0xbc0: 0x4000, 0xbc1: 0x4000, 0xbc2: 0x4000, 0xbc3: 0x4000, 0xbc4: 0x4000, 0xbc5: 0x4000, - 0xbc6: 0x4000, 0xbc7: 0x4000, 0xbc8: 0x4000, 0xbc9: 0x4000, 0xbca: 0x4000, 0xbcb: 0x4000, - 0xbcc: 0x4000, 0xbcd: 0x4000, 0xbce: 0x4000, 0xbcf: 0x4000, 0xbd0: 0x4000, 0xbd1: 0x4000, - 0xbd2: 0x4000, 0xbd3: 0x4000, 0xbd4: 0x4000, 0xbd5: 0x4000, 0xbd6: 0x4000, 0xbd7: 0x4000, - 0xbd8: 0x4000, 0xbd9: 0x4000, 0xbdb: 0x4000, 0xbdc: 0x4000, 0xbdd: 0x4000, - 0xbde: 0x4000, 0xbdf: 0x4000, 0xbe0: 0x4000, 0xbe1: 0x4000, 0xbe2: 0x4000, 0xbe3: 0x4000, - 0xbe4: 0x4000, 0xbe5: 0x4000, 0xbe6: 0x4000, 0xbe7: 0x4000, 0xbe8: 0x4000, 0xbe9: 0x4000, - 0xbea: 0x4000, 0xbeb: 0x4000, 0xbec: 0x4000, 0xbed: 0x4000, 0xbee: 0x4000, 0xbef: 0x4000, - 0xbf0: 0x4000, 0xbf1: 0x4000, 0xbf2: 0x4000, 0xbf3: 0x4000, 0xbf4: 0x4000, 0xbf5: 0x4000, - 0xbf6: 0x4000, 0xbf7: 0x4000, 0xbf8: 0x4000, 0xbf9: 0x4000, 0xbfa: 0x4000, 0xbfb: 0x4000, - 0xbfc: 0x4000, 0xbfd: 0x4000, 0xbfe: 0x4000, 0xbff: 0x4000, - // Block 0x30, offset 0xc00 - 0xc00: 0x4000, 0xc01: 0x4000, 0xc02: 0x4000, 0xc03: 0x4000, 0xc04: 0x4000, 0xc05: 0x4000, - 0xc06: 0x4000, 0xc07: 0x4000, 0xc08: 0x4000, 0xc09: 0x4000, 0xc0a: 0x4000, 0xc0b: 0x4000, - 0xc0c: 0x4000, 0xc0d: 0x4000, 0xc0e: 0x4000, 0xc0f: 0x4000, 0xc10: 0x4000, 0xc11: 0x4000, - 0xc12: 0x4000, 0xc13: 0x4000, 0xc14: 0x4000, 0xc15: 0x4000, 0xc16: 0x4000, 0xc17: 0x4000, - 0xc18: 0x4000, 0xc19: 0x4000, 0xc1a: 0x4000, 0xc1b: 0x4000, 0xc1c: 0x4000, 0xc1d: 0x4000, - 0xc1e: 0x4000, 0xc1f: 0x4000, 0xc20: 0x4000, 0xc21: 0x4000, 0xc22: 0x4000, 0xc23: 0x4000, - 0xc24: 0x4000, 0xc25: 0x4000, 0xc26: 0x4000, 0xc27: 0x4000, 0xc28: 0x4000, 0xc29: 0x4000, - 0xc2a: 0x4000, 0xc2b: 0x4000, 0xc2c: 0x4000, 0xc2d: 0x4000, 0xc2e: 0x4000, 0xc2f: 0x4000, - 0xc30: 0x4000, 0xc31: 0x4000, 0xc32: 0x4000, 0xc33: 0x4000, - // Block 0x31, offset 0xc40 - 0xc40: 0x4000, 0xc41: 0x4000, 0xc42: 0x4000, 0xc43: 0x4000, 0xc44: 0x4000, 0xc45: 0x4000, - 0xc46: 0x4000, 0xc47: 0x4000, 0xc48: 0x4000, 0xc49: 0x4000, 0xc4a: 0x4000, 0xc4b: 0x4000, - 0xc4c: 0x4000, 0xc4d: 0x4000, 0xc4e: 0x4000, 0xc4f: 0x4000, 0xc50: 0x4000, 0xc51: 0x4000, - 0xc52: 0x4000, 0xc53: 0x4000, 0xc54: 0x4000, 0xc55: 0x4000, - 0xc70: 0x4000, 0xc71: 0x4000, 0xc72: 0x4000, 0xc73: 0x4000, 0xc74: 0x4000, 0xc75: 0x4000, - 0xc76: 0x4000, 0xc77: 0x4000, 0xc78: 0x4000, 0xc79: 0x4000, 0xc7a: 0x4000, 0xc7b: 0x4000, - // Block 0x32, offset 0xc80 - 0xc80: 0x9012, 0xc81: 0x4013, 0xc82: 0x4014, 0xc83: 0x4000, 0xc84: 0x4000, 0xc85: 0x4000, - 0xc86: 0x4000, 0xc87: 0x4000, 0xc88: 0x4000, 0xc89: 0x4000, 0xc8a: 0x4000, 0xc8b: 0x4000, - 0xc8c: 0x4015, 0xc8d: 0x4015, 0xc8e: 0x4000, 0xc8f: 0x4000, 0xc90: 0x4000, 0xc91: 0x4000, - 0xc92: 0x4000, 0xc93: 0x4000, 0xc94: 0x4000, 0xc95: 0x4000, 0xc96: 0x4000, 0xc97: 0x4000, - 0xc98: 0x4000, 0xc99: 0x4000, 0xc9a: 0x4000, 0xc9b: 0x4000, 0xc9c: 0x4000, 0xc9d: 0x4000, - 0xc9e: 0x4000, 0xc9f: 0x4000, 0xca0: 0x4000, 0xca1: 0x4000, 0xca2: 0x4000, 0xca3: 0x4000, - 0xca4: 0x4000, 0xca5: 0x4000, 0xca6: 0x4000, 0xca7: 0x4000, 0xca8: 0x4000, 0xca9: 0x4000, - 0xcaa: 0x4000, 0xcab: 0x4000, 0xcac: 0x4000, 0xcad: 0x4000, 0xcae: 0x4000, 0xcaf: 0x4000, - 0xcb0: 0x4000, 0xcb1: 0x4000, 0xcb2: 0x4000, 0xcb3: 0x4000, 0xcb4: 0x4000, 0xcb5: 0x4000, - 0xcb6: 0x4000, 0xcb7: 0x4000, 0xcb8: 0x4000, 0xcb9: 0x4000, 0xcba: 0x4000, 0xcbb: 0x4000, - 0xcbc: 0x4000, 0xcbd: 0x4000, 0xcbe: 0x4000, - // Block 0x33, offset 0xcc0 - 0xcc1: 0x4000, 0xcc2: 0x4000, 0xcc3: 0x4000, 0xcc4: 0x4000, 0xcc5: 0x4000, - 0xcc6: 0x4000, 0xcc7: 0x4000, 0xcc8: 0x4000, 0xcc9: 0x4000, 0xcca: 0x4000, 0xccb: 0x4000, - 0xccc: 0x4000, 0xccd: 0x4000, 0xcce: 0x4000, 0xccf: 0x4000, 0xcd0: 0x4000, 0xcd1: 0x4000, - 0xcd2: 0x4000, 0xcd3: 0x4000, 0xcd4: 0x4000, 0xcd5: 0x4000, 0xcd6: 0x4000, 0xcd7: 0x4000, - 0xcd8: 0x4000, 0xcd9: 0x4000, 0xcda: 0x4000, 0xcdb: 0x4000, 0xcdc: 0x4000, 0xcdd: 0x4000, - 0xcde: 0x4000, 0xcdf: 0x4000, 0xce0: 0x4000, 0xce1: 0x4000, 0xce2: 0x4000, 0xce3: 0x4000, - 0xce4: 0x4000, 0xce5: 0x4000, 0xce6: 0x4000, 0xce7: 0x4000, 0xce8: 0x4000, 0xce9: 0x4000, - 0xcea: 0x4000, 0xceb: 0x4000, 0xcec: 0x4000, 0xced: 0x4000, 0xcee: 0x4000, 0xcef: 0x4000, - 0xcf0: 0x4000, 0xcf1: 0x4000, 0xcf2: 0x4000, 0xcf3: 0x4000, 0xcf4: 0x4000, 0xcf5: 0x4000, - 0xcf6: 0x4000, 0xcf7: 0x4000, 0xcf8: 0x4000, 0xcf9: 0x4000, 0xcfa: 0x4000, 0xcfb: 0x4000, - 0xcfc: 0x4000, 0xcfd: 0x4000, 0xcfe: 0x4000, 0xcff: 0x4000, - // Block 0x34, offset 0xd00 - 0xd00: 0x4000, 0xd01: 0x4000, 0xd02: 0x4000, 0xd03: 0x4000, 0xd04: 0x4000, 0xd05: 0x4000, - 0xd06: 0x4000, 0xd07: 0x4000, 0xd08: 0x4000, 0xd09: 0x4000, 0xd0a: 0x4000, 0xd0b: 0x4000, - 0xd0c: 0x4000, 0xd0d: 0x4000, 0xd0e: 0x4000, 0xd0f: 0x4000, 0xd10: 0x4000, 0xd11: 0x4000, - 0xd12: 0x4000, 0xd13: 0x4000, 0xd14: 0x4000, 0xd15: 0x4000, 0xd16: 0x4000, - 0xd19: 0x4016, 0xd1a: 0x4017, 0xd1b: 0x4000, 0xd1c: 0x4000, 0xd1d: 0x4000, - 0xd1e: 0x4000, 0xd1f: 0x4000, 0xd20: 0x4000, 0xd21: 0x4018, 0xd22: 0x4019, 0xd23: 0x401a, - 0xd24: 0x401b, 0xd25: 0x401c, 0xd26: 0x401d, 0xd27: 0x401e, 0xd28: 0x401f, 0xd29: 0x4020, - 0xd2a: 0x4021, 0xd2b: 0x4022, 0xd2c: 0x4000, 0xd2d: 0x4010, 0xd2e: 0x4000, 0xd2f: 0x4023, - 0xd30: 0x4000, 0xd31: 0x4024, 0xd32: 0x4000, 0xd33: 0x4025, 0xd34: 0x4000, 0xd35: 0x4026, - 0xd36: 0x4000, 0xd37: 0x401a, 0xd38: 0x4000, 0xd39: 0x4027, 0xd3a: 0x4000, 0xd3b: 0x4028, - 0xd3c: 0x4000, 0xd3d: 0x4020, 0xd3e: 0x4000, 0xd3f: 0x4029, - // Block 0x35, offset 0xd40 - 0xd40: 0x4000, 0xd41: 0x402a, 0xd42: 0x4000, 0xd43: 0x402b, 0xd44: 0x402c, 0xd45: 0x4000, - 0xd46: 0x4017, 0xd47: 0x4000, 0xd48: 0x402d, 0xd49: 0x4000, 0xd4a: 0x402e, 0xd4b: 0x402f, - 0xd4c: 0x4030, 0xd4d: 0x4017, 0xd4e: 0x4016, 0xd4f: 0x4017, 0xd50: 0x4000, 0xd51: 0x4000, - 0xd52: 0x4031, 0xd53: 0x4000, 0xd54: 0x4000, 0xd55: 0x4031, 0xd56: 0x4000, 0xd57: 0x4000, - 0xd58: 0x4032, 0xd59: 0x4000, 0xd5a: 0x4000, 0xd5b: 0x4032, 0xd5c: 0x4000, 0xd5d: 0x4000, - 0xd5e: 0x4033, 0xd5f: 0x402e, 0xd60: 0x4034, 0xd61: 0x4035, 0xd62: 0x4034, 0xd63: 0x4036, - 0xd64: 0x4037, 0xd65: 0x4024, 0xd66: 0x4035, 0xd67: 0x4025, 0xd68: 0x4038, 0xd69: 0x4038, - 0xd6a: 0x4039, 0xd6b: 0x4039, 0xd6c: 0x403a, 0xd6d: 0x403a, 0xd6e: 0x4000, 0xd6f: 0x4035, - 0xd70: 0x4000, 0xd71: 0x4000, 0xd72: 0x403b, 0xd73: 0x403c, 0xd74: 0x4000, 0xd75: 0x4000, - 0xd76: 0x4000, 0xd77: 0x4000, 0xd78: 0x4000, 0xd79: 0x4000, 0xd7a: 0x4000, 0xd7b: 0x403d, - 0xd7c: 0x401c, 0xd7d: 0x4000, 0xd7e: 0x4000, 0xd7f: 0x4000, - // Block 0x36, offset 0xd80 - 0xd85: 0x4000, - 0xd86: 0x4000, 0xd87: 0x4000, 0xd88: 0x4000, 0xd89: 0x4000, 0xd8a: 0x4000, 0xd8b: 0x4000, - 0xd8c: 0x4000, 0xd8d: 0x4000, 0xd8e: 0x4000, 0xd8f: 0x4000, 0xd90: 0x4000, 0xd91: 0x4000, - 0xd92: 0x4000, 0xd93: 0x4000, 0xd94: 0x4000, 0xd95: 0x4000, 0xd96: 0x4000, 0xd97: 0x4000, - 0xd98: 0x4000, 0xd99: 0x4000, 0xd9a: 0x4000, 0xd9b: 0x4000, 0xd9c: 0x4000, 0xd9d: 0x4000, - 0xd9e: 0x4000, 0xd9f: 0x4000, 0xda0: 0x4000, 0xda1: 0x4000, 0xda2: 0x4000, 0xda3: 0x4000, - 0xda4: 0x4000, 0xda5: 0x4000, 0xda6: 0x4000, 0xda7: 0x4000, 0xda8: 0x4000, 0xda9: 0x4000, - 0xdaa: 0x4000, 0xdab: 0x4000, 0xdac: 0x4000, 0xdad: 0x4000, 0xdae: 0x4000, 0xdaf: 0x4000, - 0xdb1: 0x403e, 0xdb2: 0x403e, 0xdb3: 0x403e, 0xdb4: 0x403e, 0xdb5: 0x403e, - 0xdb6: 0x403e, 0xdb7: 0x403e, 0xdb8: 0x403e, 0xdb9: 0x403e, 0xdba: 0x403e, 0xdbb: 0x403e, - 0xdbc: 0x403e, 0xdbd: 0x403e, 0xdbe: 0x403e, 0xdbf: 0x403e, - // Block 0x37, offset 0xdc0 - 0xdc0: 0x4037, 0xdc1: 0x4037, 0xdc2: 0x4037, 0xdc3: 0x4037, 0xdc4: 0x4037, 0xdc5: 0x4037, - 0xdc6: 0x4037, 0xdc7: 0x4037, 0xdc8: 0x4037, 0xdc9: 0x4037, 0xdca: 0x4037, 0xdcb: 0x4037, - 0xdcc: 0x4037, 0xdcd: 0x4037, 0xdce: 0x4037, 0xdcf: 0x400e, 0xdd0: 0x403f, 0xdd1: 0x4040, - 0xdd2: 0x4041, 0xdd3: 0x4040, 0xdd4: 0x403f, 0xdd5: 0x4042, 0xdd6: 0x4043, 0xdd7: 0x4044, - 0xdd8: 0x4040, 0xdd9: 0x4041, 0xdda: 0x4040, 0xddb: 0x4045, 0xddc: 0x4009, 0xddd: 0x4045, - 0xdde: 0x4046, 0xddf: 0x4045, 0xde0: 0x4047, 0xde1: 0x400b, 0xde2: 0x400a, 0xde3: 0x400c, - 0xde4: 0x4048, 0xde5: 0x4000, 0xde6: 0x4000, 0xde7: 0x4000, 0xde8: 0x4000, 0xde9: 0x4000, - 0xdea: 0x4000, 0xdeb: 0x4000, 0xdec: 0x4000, 0xded: 0x4000, 0xdee: 0x4000, 0xdef: 0x4000, - 0xdf0: 0x4000, 0xdf1: 0x4000, 0xdf2: 0x4000, 0xdf3: 0x4000, 0xdf4: 0x4000, 0xdf5: 0x4000, - 0xdf6: 0x4000, 0xdf7: 0x4000, 0xdf8: 0x4000, 0xdf9: 0x4000, 0xdfa: 0x4000, 0xdfb: 0x4000, - 0xdfc: 0x4000, 0xdfd: 0x4000, 0xdfe: 0x4000, 0xdff: 0x4000, - // Block 0x38, offset 0xe00 - 0xe00: 0x4000, 0xe01: 0x4000, 0xe02: 0x4000, 0xe03: 0x4000, 0xe04: 0x4000, 0xe05: 0x4000, - 0xe06: 0x4000, 0xe07: 0x4000, 0xe08: 0x4000, 0xe09: 0x4000, 0xe0a: 0x4000, 0xe0b: 0x4000, - 0xe0c: 0x4000, 0xe0d: 0x4000, 0xe0e: 0x4000, 0xe10: 0x4000, 0xe11: 0x4000, - 0xe12: 0x4000, 0xe13: 0x4000, 0xe14: 0x4000, 0xe15: 0x4000, 0xe16: 0x4000, 0xe17: 0x4000, - 0xe18: 0x4000, 0xe19: 0x4000, 0xe1a: 0x4000, 0xe1b: 0x4000, 0xe1c: 0x4000, 0xe1d: 0x4000, - 0xe1e: 0x4000, 0xe1f: 0x4000, 0xe20: 0x4000, 0xe21: 0x4000, 0xe22: 0x4000, 0xe23: 0x4000, - 0xe24: 0x4000, 0xe25: 0x4000, 0xe26: 0x4000, 0xe27: 0x4000, 0xe28: 0x4000, 0xe29: 0x4000, - 0xe2a: 0x4000, 0xe2b: 0x4000, 0xe2c: 0x4000, 0xe2d: 0x4000, 0xe2e: 0x4000, 0xe2f: 0x4000, - 0xe30: 0x4000, 0xe31: 0x4000, 0xe32: 0x4000, 0xe33: 0x4000, 0xe34: 0x4000, 0xe35: 0x4000, - 0xe36: 0x4000, 0xe37: 0x4000, 0xe38: 0x4000, 0xe39: 0x4000, 0xe3a: 0x4000, 0xe3b: 0x4000, - 0xe3c: 0x4000, 0xe3d: 0x4000, 0xe3e: 0x4000, 0xe3f: 0x4000, - // Block 0x39, offset 0xe40 - 0xe40: 0x4000, 0xe41: 0x4000, 0xe42: 0x4000, 0xe43: 0x4000, 0xe44: 0x4000, 0xe45: 0x4000, - 0xe46: 0x4000, 0xe47: 0x4000, 0xe48: 0x4000, 0xe49: 0x4000, 0xe4a: 0x4000, 0xe4b: 0x4000, - 0xe4c: 0x4000, 0xe4d: 0x4000, 0xe4e: 0x4000, 0xe4f: 0x4000, 0xe50: 0x4000, 0xe51: 0x4000, - 0xe52: 0x4000, 0xe53: 0x4000, 0xe54: 0x4000, 0xe55: 0x4000, 0xe56: 0x4000, 0xe57: 0x4000, - 0xe58: 0x4000, 0xe59: 0x4000, 0xe5a: 0x4000, 0xe5b: 0x4000, 0xe5c: 0x4000, 0xe5d: 0x4000, - 0xe5e: 0x4000, 0xe5f: 0x4000, 0xe60: 0x4000, 0xe61: 0x4000, 0xe62: 0x4000, 0xe63: 0x4000, - 0xe70: 0x4000, 0xe71: 0x4000, 0xe72: 0x4000, 0xe73: 0x4000, 0xe74: 0x4000, 0xe75: 0x4000, - 0xe76: 0x4000, 0xe77: 0x4000, 0xe78: 0x4000, 0xe79: 0x4000, 0xe7a: 0x4000, 0xe7b: 0x4000, - 0xe7c: 0x4000, 0xe7d: 0x4000, 0xe7e: 0x4000, 0xe7f: 0x4000, - // Block 0x3a, offset 0xe80 - 0xe80: 0x4000, 0xe81: 0x4000, 0xe82: 0x4000, 0xe83: 0x4000, 0xe84: 0x4000, 0xe85: 0x4000, - 0xe86: 0x4000, 0xe87: 0x4000, 0xe88: 0x4000, 0xe89: 0x4000, 0xe8a: 0x4000, 0xe8b: 0x4000, - 0xe8c: 0x4000, 0xe8d: 0x4000, 0xe8e: 0x4000, 0xe8f: 0x4000, 0xe90: 0x4000, 0xe91: 0x4000, - 0xe92: 0x4000, 0xe93: 0x4000, 0xe94: 0x4000, 0xe95: 0x4000, 0xe96: 0x4000, 0xe97: 0x4000, - 0xe98: 0x4000, 0xe99: 0x4000, 0xe9a: 0x4000, 0xe9b: 0x4000, 0xe9c: 0x4000, 0xe9d: 0x4000, - 0xe9e: 0x4000, 0xea0: 0x4000, 0xea1: 0x4000, 0xea2: 0x4000, 0xea3: 0x4000, - 0xea4: 0x4000, 0xea5: 0x4000, 0xea6: 0x4000, 0xea7: 0x4000, 0xea8: 0x4000, 0xea9: 0x4000, - 0xeaa: 0x4000, 0xeab: 0x4000, 0xeac: 0x4000, 0xead: 0x4000, 0xeae: 0x4000, 0xeaf: 0x4000, - 0xeb0: 0x4000, 0xeb1: 0x4000, 0xeb2: 0x4000, 0xeb3: 0x4000, 0xeb4: 0x4000, 0xeb5: 0x4000, - 0xeb6: 0x4000, 0xeb7: 0x4000, 0xeb8: 0x4000, 0xeb9: 0x4000, 0xeba: 0x4000, 0xebb: 0x4000, - 0xebc: 0x4000, 0xebd: 0x4000, 0xebe: 0x4000, 0xebf: 0x4000, - // Block 0x3b, offset 0xec0 - 0xec0: 0x4000, 0xec1: 0x4000, 0xec2: 0x4000, 0xec3: 0x4000, 0xec4: 0x4000, 0xec5: 0x4000, - 0xec6: 0x4000, 0xec7: 0x4000, 0xec8: 0x2000, 0xec9: 0x2000, 0xeca: 0x2000, 0xecb: 0x2000, - 0xecc: 0x2000, 0xecd: 0x2000, 0xece: 0x2000, 0xecf: 0x2000, 0xed0: 0x4000, 0xed1: 0x4000, - 0xed2: 0x4000, 0xed3: 0x4000, 0xed4: 0x4000, 0xed5: 0x4000, 0xed6: 0x4000, 0xed7: 0x4000, - 0xed8: 0x4000, 0xed9: 0x4000, 0xeda: 0x4000, 0xedb: 0x4000, 0xedc: 0x4000, 0xedd: 0x4000, - 0xede: 0x4000, 0xedf: 0x4000, 0xee0: 0x4000, 0xee1: 0x4000, 0xee2: 0x4000, 0xee3: 0x4000, - 0xee4: 0x4000, 0xee5: 0x4000, 0xee6: 0x4000, 0xee7: 0x4000, 0xee8: 0x4000, 0xee9: 0x4000, - 0xeea: 0x4000, 0xeeb: 0x4000, 0xeec: 0x4000, 0xeed: 0x4000, 0xeee: 0x4000, 0xeef: 0x4000, - 0xef0: 0x4000, 0xef1: 0x4000, 0xef2: 0x4000, 0xef3: 0x4000, 0xef4: 0x4000, 0xef5: 0x4000, - 0xef6: 0x4000, 0xef7: 0x4000, 0xef8: 0x4000, 0xef9: 0x4000, 0xefa: 0x4000, 0xefb: 0x4000, - 0xefc: 0x4000, 0xefd: 0x4000, 0xefe: 0x4000, 0xeff: 0x4000, - // Block 0x3c, offset 0xf00 - 0xf00: 0x4000, 0xf01: 0x4000, 0xf02: 0x4000, 0xf03: 0x4000, 0xf04: 0x4000, 0xf05: 0x4000, - 0xf06: 0x4000, 0xf07: 0x4000, 0xf08: 0x4000, 0xf09: 0x4000, 0xf0a: 0x4000, 0xf0b: 0x4000, - 0xf0c: 0x4000, 0xf10: 0x4000, 0xf11: 0x4000, - 0xf12: 0x4000, 0xf13: 0x4000, 0xf14: 0x4000, 0xf15: 0x4000, 0xf16: 0x4000, 0xf17: 0x4000, - 0xf18: 0x4000, 0xf19: 0x4000, 0xf1a: 0x4000, 0xf1b: 0x4000, 0xf1c: 0x4000, 0xf1d: 0x4000, - 0xf1e: 0x4000, 0xf1f: 0x4000, 0xf20: 0x4000, 0xf21: 0x4000, 0xf22: 0x4000, 0xf23: 0x4000, - 0xf24: 0x4000, 0xf25: 0x4000, 0xf26: 0x4000, 0xf27: 0x4000, 0xf28: 0x4000, 0xf29: 0x4000, - 0xf2a: 0x4000, 0xf2b: 0x4000, 0xf2c: 0x4000, 0xf2d: 0x4000, 0xf2e: 0x4000, 0xf2f: 0x4000, - 0xf30: 0x4000, 0xf31: 0x4000, 0xf32: 0x4000, 0xf33: 0x4000, 0xf34: 0x4000, 0xf35: 0x4000, - 0xf36: 0x4000, 0xf37: 0x4000, 0xf38: 0x4000, 0xf39: 0x4000, 0xf3a: 0x4000, 0xf3b: 0x4000, - 0xf3c: 0x4000, 0xf3d: 0x4000, 0xf3e: 0x4000, 0xf3f: 0x4000, - // Block 0x3d, offset 0xf40 - 0xf40: 0x4000, 0xf41: 0x4000, 0xf42: 0x4000, 0xf43: 0x4000, 0xf44: 0x4000, 0xf45: 0x4000, - 0xf46: 0x4000, - // Block 0x3e, offset 0xf80 - 0xfa0: 0x4000, 0xfa1: 0x4000, 0xfa2: 0x4000, 0xfa3: 0x4000, - 0xfa4: 0x4000, 0xfa5: 0x4000, 0xfa6: 0x4000, 0xfa7: 0x4000, 0xfa8: 0x4000, 0xfa9: 0x4000, - 0xfaa: 0x4000, 0xfab: 0x4000, 0xfac: 0x4000, 0xfad: 0x4000, 0xfae: 0x4000, 0xfaf: 0x4000, - 0xfb0: 0x4000, 0xfb1: 0x4000, 0xfb2: 0x4000, 0xfb3: 0x4000, 0xfb4: 0x4000, 0xfb5: 0x4000, - 0xfb6: 0x4000, 0xfb7: 0x4000, 0xfb8: 0x4000, 0xfb9: 0x4000, 0xfba: 0x4000, 0xfbb: 0x4000, - 0xfbc: 0x4000, - // Block 0x3f, offset 0xfc0 - 0xfc0: 0x4000, 0xfc1: 0x4000, 0xfc2: 0x4000, 0xfc3: 0x4000, 0xfc4: 0x4000, 0xfc5: 0x4000, - 0xfc6: 0x4000, 0xfc7: 0x4000, 0xfc8: 0x4000, 0xfc9: 0x4000, 0xfca: 0x4000, 0xfcb: 0x4000, - 0xfcc: 0x4000, 0xfcd: 0x4000, 0xfce: 0x4000, 0xfcf: 0x4000, 0xfd0: 0x4000, 0xfd1: 0x4000, - 0xfd2: 0x4000, 0xfd3: 0x4000, 0xfd4: 0x4000, 0xfd5: 0x4000, 0xfd6: 0x4000, 0xfd7: 0x4000, - 0xfd8: 0x4000, 0xfd9: 0x4000, 0xfda: 0x4000, 0xfdb: 0x4000, 0xfdc: 0x4000, 0xfdd: 0x4000, - 0xfde: 0x4000, 0xfdf: 0x4000, 0xfe0: 0x4000, 0xfe1: 0x4000, 0xfe2: 0x4000, 0xfe3: 0x4000, - // Block 0x40, offset 0x1000 - 0x1000: 0x2000, 0x1001: 0x2000, 0x1002: 0x2000, 0x1003: 0x2000, 0x1004: 0x2000, 0x1005: 0x2000, - 0x1006: 0x2000, 0x1007: 0x2000, 0x1008: 0x2000, 0x1009: 0x2000, 0x100a: 0x2000, 0x100b: 0x2000, - 0x100c: 0x2000, 0x100d: 0x2000, 0x100e: 0x2000, 0x100f: 0x2000, 0x1010: 0x4000, 0x1011: 0x4000, - 0x1012: 0x4000, 0x1013: 0x4000, 0x1014: 0x4000, 0x1015: 0x4000, 0x1016: 0x4000, 0x1017: 0x4000, - 0x1018: 0x4000, 0x1019: 0x4000, - 0x1030: 0x4000, 0x1031: 0x4000, 0x1032: 0x4000, 0x1033: 0x4000, 0x1034: 0x4000, 0x1035: 0x4000, - 0x1036: 0x4000, 0x1037: 0x4000, 0x1038: 0x4000, 0x1039: 0x4000, 0x103a: 0x4000, 0x103b: 0x4000, - 0x103c: 0x4000, 0x103d: 0x4000, 0x103e: 0x4000, 0x103f: 0x4000, - // Block 0x41, offset 0x1040 - 0x1040: 0x4000, 0x1041: 0x4000, 0x1042: 0x4000, 0x1043: 0x4000, 0x1044: 0x4000, 0x1045: 0x4000, - 0x1046: 0x4000, 0x1047: 0x4000, 0x1048: 0x4000, 0x1049: 0x4000, 0x104a: 0x4000, 0x104b: 0x4000, - 0x104c: 0x4000, 0x104d: 0x4000, 0x104e: 0x4000, 0x104f: 0x4000, 0x1050: 0x4000, 0x1051: 0x4000, - 0x1052: 0x4000, 0x1054: 0x4000, 0x1055: 0x4000, 0x1056: 0x4000, 0x1057: 0x4000, - 0x1058: 0x4000, 0x1059: 0x4000, 0x105a: 0x4000, 0x105b: 0x4000, 0x105c: 0x4000, 0x105d: 0x4000, - 0x105e: 0x4000, 0x105f: 0x4000, 0x1060: 0x4000, 0x1061: 0x4000, 0x1062: 0x4000, 0x1063: 0x4000, - 0x1064: 0x4000, 0x1065: 0x4000, 0x1066: 0x4000, 0x1068: 0x4000, 0x1069: 0x4000, - 0x106a: 0x4000, 0x106b: 0x4000, - // Block 0x42, offset 0x1080 - 0x1081: 0x9012, 0x1082: 0x9012, 0x1083: 0x9012, 0x1084: 0x9012, 0x1085: 0x9012, - 0x1086: 0x9012, 0x1087: 0x9012, 0x1088: 0x9012, 0x1089: 0x9012, 0x108a: 0x9012, 0x108b: 0x9012, - 0x108c: 0x9012, 0x108d: 0x9012, 0x108e: 0x9012, 0x108f: 0x9012, 0x1090: 0x9012, 0x1091: 0x9012, - 0x1092: 0x9012, 0x1093: 0x9012, 0x1094: 0x9012, 0x1095: 0x9012, 0x1096: 0x9012, 0x1097: 0x9012, - 0x1098: 0x9012, 0x1099: 0x9012, 0x109a: 0x9012, 0x109b: 0x9012, 0x109c: 0x9012, 0x109d: 0x9012, - 0x109e: 0x9012, 0x109f: 0x9012, 0x10a0: 0x9049, 0x10a1: 0x9049, 0x10a2: 0x9049, 0x10a3: 0x9049, - 0x10a4: 0x9049, 0x10a5: 0x9049, 0x10a6: 0x9049, 0x10a7: 0x9049, 0x10a8: 0x9049, 0x10a9: 0x9049, - 0x10aa: 0x9049, 0x10ab: 0x9049, 0x10ac: 0x9049, 0x10ad: 0x9049, 0x10ae: 0x9049, 0x10af: 0x9049, - 0x10b0: 0x9049, 0x10b1: 0x9049, 0x10b2: 0x9049, 0x10b3: 0x9049, 0x10b4: 0x9049, 0x10b5: 0x9049, - 0x10b6: 0x9049, 0x10b7: 0x9049, 0x10b8: 0x9049, 0x10b9: 0x9049, 0x10ba: 0x9049, 0x10bb: 0x9049, - 0x10bc: 0x9049, 0x10bd: 0x9049, 0x10be: 0x9049, 0x10bf: 0x9049, - // Block 0x43, offset 0x10c0 - 0x10c0: 0x9049, 0x10c1: 0x9049, 0x10c2: 0x9049, 0x10c3: 0x9049, 0x10c4: 0x9049, 0x10c5: 0x9049, - 0x10c6: 0x9049, 0x10c7: 0x9049, 0x10c8: 0x9049, 0x10c9: 0x9049, 0x10ca: 0x9049, 0x10cb: 0x9049, - 0x10cc: 0x9049, 0x10cd: 0x9049, 0x10ce: 0x9049, 0x10cf: 0x9049, 0x10d0: 0x9049, 0x10d1: 0x9049, - 0x10d2: 0x9049, 0x10d3: 0x9049, 0x10d4: 0x9049, 0x10d5: 0x9049, 0x10d6: 0x9049, 0x10d7: 0x9049, - 0x10d8: 0x9049, 0x10d9: 0x9049, 0x10da: 0x9049, 0x10db: 0x9049, 0x10dc: 0x9049, 0x10dd: 0x9049, - 0x10de: 0x9049, 0x10df: 0x904a, 0x10e0: 0x904b, 0x10e1: 0xb04c, 0x10e2: 0xb04d, 0x10e3: 0xb04d, - 0x10e4: 0xb04e, 0x10e5: 0xb04f, 0x10e6: 0xb050, 0x10e7: 0xb051, 0x10e8: 0xb052, 0x10e9: 0xb053, - 0x10ea: 0xb054, 0x10eb: 0xb055, 0x10ec: 0xb056, 0x10ed: 0xb057, 0x10ee: 0xb058, 0x10ef: 0xb059, - 0x10f0: 0xb05a, 0x10f1: 0xb05b, 0x10f2: 0xb05c, 0x10f3: 0xb05d, 0x10f4: 0xb05e, 0x10f5: 0xb05f, - 0x10f6: 0xb060, 0x10f7: 0xb061, 0x10f8: 0xb062, 0x10f9: 0xb063, 0x10fa: 0xb064, 0x10fb: 0xb065, - 0x10fc: 0xb052, 0x10fd: 0xb066, 0x10fe: 0xb067, 0x10ff: 0xb055, - // Block 0x44, offset 0x1100 - 0x1100: 0xb068, 0x1101: 0xb069, 0x1102: 0xb06a, 0x1103: 0xb06b, 0x1104: 0xb05a, 0x1105: 0xb056, - 0x1106: 0xb06c, 0x1107: 0xb06d, 0x1108: 0xb06b, 0x1109: 0xb06e, 0x110a: 0xb06b, 0x110b: 0xb06f, - 0x110c: 0xb06f, 0x110d: 0xb070, 0x110e: 0xb070, 0x110f: 0xb071, 0x1110: 0xb056, 0x1111: 0xb072, - 0x1112: 0xb073, 0x1113: 0xb072, 0x1114: 0xb074, 0x1115: 0xb073, 0x1116: 0xb075, 0x1117: 0xb075, - 0x1118: 0xb076, 0x1119: 0xb076, 0x111a: 0xb077, 0x111b: 0xb077, 0x111c: 0xb073, 0x111d: 0xb078, - 0x111e: 0xb079, 0x111f: 0xb067, 0x1120: 0xb07a, 0x1121: 0xb07b, 0x1122: 0xb07b, 0x1123: 0xb07b, - 0x1124: 0xb07b, 0x1125: 0xb07b, 0x1126: 0xb07b, 0x1127: 0xb07b, 0x1128: 0xb07b, 0x1129: 0xb07b, - 0x112a: 0xb07b, 0x112b: 0xb07b, 0x112c: 0xb07b, 0x112d: 0xb07b, 0x112e: 0xb07b, 0x112f: 0xb07b, - 0x1130: 0xb07c, 0x1131: 0xb07c, 0x1132: 0xb07c, 0x1133: 0xb07c, 0x1134: 0xb07c, 0x1135: 0xb07c, - 0x1136: 0xb07c, 0x1137: 0xb07c, 0x1138: 0xb07c, 0x1139: 0xb07c, 0x113a: 0xb07c, 0x113b: 0xb07c, - 0x113c: 0xb07c, 0x113d: 0xb07c, 0x113e: 0xb07c, - // Block 0x45, offset 0x1140 - 0x1142: 0xb07d, 0x1143: 0xb07e, 0x1144: 0xb07f, 0x1145: 0xb080, - 0x1146: 0xb07f, 0x1147: 0xb07e, 0x114a: 0xb081, 0x114b: 0xb082, - 0x114c: 0xb083, 0x114d: 0xb07f, 0x114e: 0xb080, 0x114f: 0xb07f, - 0x1152: 0xb084, 0x1153: 0xb085, 0x1154: 0xb084, 0x1155: 0xb086, 0x1156: 0xb084, 0x1157: 0xb087, - 0x115a: 0xb088, 0x115b: 0xb089, 0x115c: 0xb08a, - 0x1160: 0x908b, 0x1161: 0x908b, 0x1162: 0x908c, 0x1163: 0x908d, - 0x1164: 0x908b, 0x1165: 0x908e, 0x1166: 0x908f, 0x1168: 0xb090, 0x1169: 0xb091, - 0x116a: 0xb092, 0x116b: 0xb091, 0x116c: 0xb093, 0x116d: 0xb094, 0x116e: 0xb095, - 0x117d: 0x2000, - // Block 0x46, offset 0x1180 - 0x11a0: 0x4000, 0x11a1: 0x4000, 0x11a2: 0x4000, 0x11a3: 0x4000, - 0x11a4: 0x4000, - 0x11b0: 0x4000, 0x11b1: 0x4000, - // Block 0x47, offset 0x11c0 - 0x11c0: 0x4000, 0x11c1: 0x4000, 0x11c2: 0x4000, 0x11c3: 0x4000, 0x11c4: 0x4000, 0x11c5: 0x4000, - 0x11c6: 0x4000, 0x11c7: 0x4000, 0x11c8: 0x4000, 0x11c9: 0x4000, 0x11ca: 0x4000, 0x11cb: 0x4000, - 0x11cc: 0x4000, 0x11cd: 0x4000, 0x11ce: 0x4000, 0x11cf: 0x4000, 0x11d0: 0x4000, 0x11d1: 0x4000, - 0x11d2: 0x4000, 0x11d3: 0x4000, 0x11d4: 0x4000, 0x11d5: 0x4000, 0x11d6: 0x4000, 0x11d7: 0x4000, - 0x11d8: 0x4000, 0x11d9: 0x4000, 0x11da: 0x4000, 0x11db: 0x4000, 0x11dc: 0x4000, 0x11dd: 0x4000, - 0x11de: 0x4000, 0x11df: 0x4000, 0x11e0: 0x4000, 0x11e1: 0x4000, 0x11e2: 0x4000, 0x11e3: 0x4000, - 0x11e4: 0x4000, 0x11e5: 0x4000, 0x11e6: 0x4000, 0x11e7: 0x4000, 0x11e8: 0x4000, 0x11e9: 0x4000, - 0x11ea: 0x4000, 0x11eb: 0x4000, 0x11ec: 0x4000, 0x11ed: 0x4000, 0x11ee: 0x4000, 0x11ef: 0x4000, - 0x11f0: 0x4000, 0x11f1: 0x4000, 0x11f2: 0x4000, 0x11f3: 0x4000, 0x11f4: 0x4000, 0x11f5: 0x4000, - 0x11f6: 0x4000, 0x11f7: 0x4000, - // Block 0x48, offset 0x1200 - 0x1200: 0x4000, 0x1201: 0x4000, 0x1202: 0x4000, 0x1203: 0x4000, 0x1204: 0x4000, 0x1205: 0x4000, - 0x1206: 0x4000, 0x1207: 0x4000, 0x1208: 0x4000, 0x1209: 0x4000, 0x120a: 0x4000, 0x120b: 0x4000, - 0x120c: 0x4000, 0x120d: 0x4000, 0x120e: 0x4000, 0x120f: 0x4000, 0x1210: 0x4000, 0x1211: 0x4000, - 0x1212: 0x4000, 0x1213: 0x4000, 0x1214: 0x4000, 0x1215: 0x4000, - // Block 0x49, offset 0x1240 - 0x1240: 0x4000, 0x1241: 0x4000, 0x1242: 0x4000, 0x1243: 0x4000, 0x1244: 0x4000, 0x1245: 0x4000, - 0x1246: 0x4000, 0x1247: 0x4000, 0x1248: 0x4000, - // Block 0x4a, offset 0x1280 - 0x1280: 0x4000, 0x1281: 0x4000, 0x1282: 0x4000, 0x1283: 0x4000, 0x1284: 0x4000, 0x1285: 0x4000, - 0x1286: 0x4000, 0x1287: 0x4000, 0x1288: 0x4000, 0x1289: 0x4000, 0x128a: 0x4000, 0x128b: 0x4000, - 0x128c: 0x4000, 0x128d: 0x4000, 0x128e: 0x4000, 0x128f: 0x4000, 0x1290: 0x4000, 0x1291: 0x4000, - 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0x1612: 0x4000, 0x1613: 0x4000, 0x1614: 0x4000, 0x1615: 0x4000, 0x1616: 0x4000, 0x1617: 0x4000, - 0x1618: 0x4000, 0x1619: 0x4000, 0x161a: 0x4000, 0x161b: 0x4000, 0x161c: 0x4000, 0x161d: 0x4000, - 0x161e: 0x4000, 0x161f: 0x4000, 0x1620: 0x4000, 0x1621: 0x4000, 0x1622: 0x4000, 0x1623: 0x4000, - 0x1624: 0x4000, 0x1625: 0x4000, 0x1626: 0x4000, 0x1627: 0x4000, 0x1628: 0x4000, 0x1629: 0x4000, - 0x162a: 0x4000, 0x162b: 0x4000, 0x162c: 0x4000, 0x162d: 0x4000, 0x162e: 0x4000, 0x162f: 0x4000, - 0x1630: 0x4000, 0x1631: 0x4000, 0x1632: 0x4000, 0x1633: 0x4000, 0x1634: 0x4000, 0x1635: 0x4000, - 0x1636: 0x4000, 0x1637: 0x4000, 0x1638: 0x4000, 0x1639: 0x4000, 0x163a: 0x4000, 0x163b: 0x4000, - 0x163c: 0x4000, 0x163d: 0x4000, 0x163e: 0x4000, - // Block 0x59, offset 0x1640 - 0x1640: 0x4000, 0x1642: 0x4000, 0x1643: 0x4000, 0x1644: 0x4000, 0x1645: 0x4000, - 0x1646: 0x4000, 0x1647: 0x4000, 0x1648: 0x4000, 0x1649: 0x4000, 0x164a: 0x4000, 0x164b: 0x4000, - 0x164c: 0x4000, 0x164d: 0x4000, 0x164e: 0x4000, 0x164f: 0x4000, 0x1650: 0x4000, 0x1651: 0x4000, - 0x1652: 0x4000, 0x1653: 0x4000, 0x1654: 0x4000, 0x1655: 0x4000, 0x1656: 0x4000, 0x1657: 0x4000, - 0x1658: 0x4000, 0x1659: 0x4000, 0x165a: 0x4000, 0x165b: 0x4000, 0x165c: 0x4000, 0x165d: 0x4000, - 0x165e: 0x4000, 0x165f: 0x4000, 0x1660: 0x4000, 0x1661: 0x4000, 0x1662: 0x4000, 0x1663: 0x4000, - 0x1664: 0x4000, 0x1665: 0x4000, 0x1666: 0x4000, 0x1667: 0x4000, 0x1668: 0x4000, 0x1669: 0x4000, - 0x166a: 0x4000, 0x166b: 0x4000, 0x166c: 0x4000, 0x166d: 0x4000, 0x166e: 0x4000, 0x166f: 0x4000, - 0x1670: 0x4000, 0x1671: 0x4000, 0x1672: 0x4000, 0x1673: 0x4000, 0x1674: 0x4000, 0x1675: 0x4000, - 0x1676: 0x4000, 0x1677: 0x4000, 0x1678: 0x4000, 0x1679: 0x4000, 0x167a: 0x4000, 0x167b: 0x4000, - 0x167c: 0x4000, 0x167d: 0x4000, 0x167e: 0x4000, 0x167f: 0x4000, - // Block 0x5a, offset 0x1680 - 0x1680: 0x4000, 0x1681: 0x4000, 0x1682: 0x4000, 0x1683: 0x4000, 0x1684: 0x4000, 0x1685: 0x4000, - 0x1686: 0x4000, 0x1687: 0x4000, 0x1688: 0x4000, 0x1689: 0x4000, 0x168a: 0x4000, 0x168b: 0x4000, - 0x168c: 0x4000, 0x168d: 0x4000, 0x168e: 0x4000, 0x168f: 0x4000, 0x1690: 0x4000, 0x1691: 0x4000, - 0x1692: 0x4000, 0x1693: 0x4000, 0x1694: 0x4000, 0x1695: 0x4000, 0x1696: 0x4000, 0x1697: 0x4000, - 0x1698: 0x4000, 0x1699: 0x4000, 0x169a: 0x4000, 0x169b: 0x4000, 0x169c: 0x4000, 0x169d: 0x4000, - 0x169e: 0x4000, 0x169f: 0x4000, 0x16a0: 0x4000, 0x16a1: 0x4000, 0x16a2: 0x4000, 0x16a3: 0x4000, - 0x16a4: 0x4000, 0x16a5: 0x4000, 0x16a6: 0x4000, 0x16a7: 0x4000, 0x16a8: 0x4000, 0x16a9: 0x4000, - 0x16aa: 0x4000, 0x16ab: 0x4000, 0x16ac: 0x4000, 0x16ad: 0x4000, 0x16ae: 0x4000, 0x16af: 0x4000, - 0x16b0: 0x4000, 0x16b1: 0x4000, 0x16b2: 0x4000, 0x16b3: 0x4000, 0x16b4: 0x4000, 0x16b5: 0x4000, - 0x16b6: 0x4000, 0x16b7: 0x4000, 0x16b8: 0x4000, 0x16b9: 0x4000, 0x16ba: 0x4000, 0x16bb: 0x4000, - 0x16bc: 0x4000, 0x16bf: 0x4000, - // Block 0x5b, offset 0x16c0 - 0x16c0: 0x4000, 0x16c1: 0x4000, 0x16c2: 0x4000, 0x16c3: 0x4000, 0x16c4: 0x4000, 0x16c5: 0x4000, - 0x16c6: 0x4000, 0x16c7: 0x4000, 0x16c8: 0x4000, 0x16c9: 0x4000, 0x16ca: 0x4000, 0x16cb: 0x4000, - 0x16cc: 0x4000, 0x16cd: 0x4000, 0x16ce: 0x4000, 0x16cf: 0x4000, 0x16d0: 0x4000, 0x16d1: 0x4000, - 0x16d2: 0x4000, 0x16d3: 0x4000, 0x16d4: 0x4000, 0x16d5: 0x4000, 0x16d6: 0x4000, 0x16d7: 0x4000, - 0x16d8: 0x4000, 0x16d9: 0x4000, 0x16da: 0x4000, 0x16db: 0x4000, 0x16dc: 0x4000, 0x16dd: 0x4000, - 0x16de: 0x4000, 0x16df: 0x4000, 0x16e0: 0x4000, 0x16e1: 0x4000, 0x16e2: 0x4000, 0x16e3: 0x4000, - 0x16e4: 0x4000, 0x16e5: 0x4000, 0x16e6: 0x4000, 0x16e7: 0x4000, 0x16e8: 0x4000, 0x16e9: 0x4000, - 0x16ea: 0x4000, 0x16eb: 0x4000, 0x16ec: 0x4000, 0x16ed: 0x4000, 0x16ee: 0x4000, 0x16ef: 0x4000, - 0x16f0: 0x4000, 0x16f1: 0x4000, 0x16f2: 0x4000, 0x16f3: 0x4000, 0x16f4: 0x4000, 0x16f5: 0x4000, - 0x16f6: 0x4000, 0x16f7: 0x4000, 0x16f8: 0x4000, 0x16f9: 0x4000, 0x16fa: 0x4000, 0x16fb: 0x4000, - 0x16fc: 0x4000, 0x16fd: 0x4000, - // Block 0x5c, offset 0x1700 - 0x170b: 0x4000, - 0x170c: 0x4000, 0x170d: 0x4000, 0x170e: 0x4000, 0x1710: 0x4000, 0x1711: 0x4000, - 0x1712: 0x4000, 0x1713: 0x4000, 0x1714: 0x4000, 0x1715: 0x4000, 0x1716: 0x4000, 0x1717: 0x4000, - 0x1718: 0x4000, 0x1719: 0x4000, 0x171a: 0x4000, 0x171b: 0x4000, 0x171c: 0x4000, 0x171d: 0x4000, - 0x171e: 0x4000, 0x171f: 0x4000, 0x1720: 0x4000, 0x1721: 0x4000, 0x1722: 0x4000, 0x1723: 0x4000, - 0x1724: 0x4000, 0x1725: 0x4000, 0x1726: 0x4000, 0x1727: 0x4000, - 0x173a: 0x4000, - // Block 0x5d, offset 0x1740 - 0x1755: 0x4000, 0x1756: 0x4000, - 0x1764: 0x4000, - // Block 0x5e, offset 0x1780 - 0x17bb: 0x4000, - 0x17bc: 0x4000, 0x17bd: 0x4000, 0x17be: 0x4000, 0x17bf: 0x4000, - // Block 0x5f, offset 0x17c0 - 0x17c0: 0x4000, 0x17c1: 0x4000, 0x17c2: 0x4000, 0x17c3: 0x4000, 0x17c4: 0x4000, 0x17c5: 0x4000, - 0x17c6: 0x4000, 0x17c7: 0x4000, 0x17c8: 0x4000, 0x17c9: 0x4000, 0x17ca: 0x4000, 0x17cb: 0x4000, - 0x17cc: 0x4000, 0x17cd: 0x4000, 0x17ce: 0x4000, 0x17cf: 0x4000, - // Block 0x60, offset 0x1800 - 0x1800: 0x4000, 0x1801: 0x4000, 0x1802: 0x4000, 0x1803: 0x4000, 0x1804: 0x4000, 0x1805: 0x4000, - 0x180c: 0x4000, 0x1810: 0x4000, 0x1811: 0x4000, - 0x1812: 0x4000, 0x1815: 0x4000, 0x1816: 0x4000, 0x1817: 0x4000, - 0x182b: 0x4000, 0x182c: 0x4000, - 0x1834: 0x4000, 0x1835: 0x4000, - 0x1836: 0x4000, 0x1837: 0x4000, 0x1838: 0x4000, 0x1839: 0x4000, 0x183a: 0x4000, 0x183b: 0x4000, - 0x183c: 0x4000, - // Block 0x61, offset 0x1840 - 0x1860: 0x4000, 0x1861: 0x4000, 0x1862: 0x4000, 0x1863: 0x4000, - 0x1864: 0x4000, 0x1865: 0x4000, 0x1866: 0x4000, 0x1867: 0x4000, 0x1868: 0x4000, 0x1869: 0x4000, - 0x186a: 0x4000, 0x186b: 0x4000, - // Block 0x62, offset 0x1880 - 0x188c: 0x4000, 0x188d: 0x4000, 0x188e: 0x4000, 0x188f: 0x4000, 0x1890: 0x4000, 0x1891: 0x4000, - 0x1892: 0x4000, 0x1893: 0x4000, 0x1894: 0x4000, 0x1895: 0x4000, 0x1896: 0x4000, 0x1897: 0x4000, - 0x1898: 0x4000, 0x1899: 0x4000, 0x189a: 0x4000, 0x189b: 0x4000, 0x189c: 0x4000, 0x189d: 0x4000, - 0x189e: 0x4000, 0x189f: 0x4000, 0x18a0: 0x4000, 0x18a1: 0x4000, 0x18a2: 0x4000, 0x18a3: 0x4000, - 0x18a4: 0x4000, 0x18a5: 0x4000, 0x18a6: 0x4000, 0x18a7: 0x4000, 0x18a8: 0x4000, 0x18a9: 0x4000, - 0x18aa: 0x4000, 0x18ab: 0x4000, 0x18ac: 0x4000, 0x18ad: 0x4000, 0x18ae: 0x4000, 0x18af: 0x4000, - 0x18b0: 0x4000, 0x18b1: 0x4000, 0x18b2: 0x4000, 0x18b3: 0x4000, 0x18b4: 0x4000, 0x18b5: 0x4000, - 0x18b6: 0x4000, 0x18b7: 0x4000, 0x18b8: 0x4000, 0x18b9: 0x4000, 0x18ba: 0x4000, - 0x18bc: 0x4000, 0x18bd: 0x4000, 0x18be: 0x4000, 0x18bf: 0x4000, - // Block 0x63, offset 0x18c0 - 0x18c0: 0x4000, 0x18c1: 0x4000, 0x18c2: 0x4000, 0x18c3: 0x4000, 0x18c4: 0x4000, 0x18c5: 0x4000, - 0x18c7: 0x4000, 0x18c8: 0x4000, 0x18c9: 0x4000, 0x18ca: 0x4000, 0x18cb: 0x4000, - 0x18cc: 0x4000, 0x18cd: 0x4000, 0x18ce: 0x4000, 0x18cf: 0x4000, 0x18d0: 0x4000, 0x18d1: 0x4000, - 0x18d2: 0x4000, 0x18d3: 0x4000, 0x18d4: 0x4000, 0x18d5: 0x4000, 0x18d6: 0x4000, 0x18d7: 0x4000, - 0x18d8: 0x4000, 0x18d9: 0x4000, 0x18da: 0x4000, 0x18db: 0x4000, 0x18dc: 0x4000, 0x18dd: 0x4000, - 0x18de: 0x4000, 0x18df: 0x4000, 0x18e0: 0x4000, 0x18e1: 0x4000, 0x18e2: 0x4000, 0x18e3: 0x4000, - 0x18e4: 0x4000, 0x18e5: 0x4000, 0x18e6: 0x4000, 0x18e7: 0x4000, 0x18e8: 0x4000, 0x18e9: 0x4000, - 0x18ea: 0x4000, 0x18eb: 0x4000, 0x18ec: 0x4000, 0x18ed: 0x4000, 0x18ee: 0x4000, 0x18ef: 0x4000, - 0x18f0: 0x4000, 0x18f1: 0x4000, 0x18f2: 0x4000, 0x18f3: 0x4000, 0x18f4: 0x4000, 0x18f5: 0x4000, - 0x18f6: 0x4000, 0x18f7: 0x4000, 0x18f8: 0x4000, 0x18fa: 0x4000, 0x18fb: 0x4000, - 0x18fc: 0x4000, 0x18fd: 0x4000, 0x18fe: 0x4000, 0x18ff: 0x4000, - // Block 0x64, offset 0x1900 - 0x1900: 0x4000, 0x1901: 0x4000, 0x1902: 0x4000, 0x1903: 0x4000, 0x1904: 0x4000, 0x1905: 0x4000, - 0x1906: 0x4000, 0x1907: 0x4000, 0x1908: 0x4000, 0x1909: 0x4000, 0x190a: 0x4000, 0x190b: 0x4000, - 0x190d: 0x4000, 0x190e: 0x4000, 0x190f: 0x4000, 0x1910: 0x4000, 0x1911: 0x4000, - 0x1912: 0x4000, 0x1913: 0x4000, 0x1914: 0x4000, 0x1915: 0x4000, 0x1916: 0x4000, 0x1917: 0x4000, - 0x1918: 0x4000, 0x1919: 0x4000, 0x191a: 0x4000, 0x191b: 0x4000, 0x191c: 0x4000, 0x191d: 0x4000, - 0x191e: 0x4000, 0x191f: 0x4000, 0x1920: 0x4000, 0x1921: 0x4000, 0x1922: 0x4000, 0x1923: 0x4000, - 0x1924: 0x4000, 0x1925: 0x4000, 0x1926: 0x4000, 0x1927: 0x4000, 0x1928: 0x4000, 0x1929: 0x4000, - 0x192a: 0x4000, 0x192b: 0x4000, 0x192c: 0x4000, 0x192d: 0x4000, 0x192e: 0x4000, 0x192f: 0x4000, - 0x1930: 0x4000, 0x1931: 0x4000, 0x1932: 0x4000, 0x1933: 0x4000, 0x1934: 0x4000, 0x1935: 0x4000, - 0x1936: 0x4000, 0x1937: 0x4000, 0x1938: 0x4000, 0x1939: 0x4000, 0x193a: 0x4000, 0x193b: 0x4000, - 0x193c: 0x4000, 0x193d: 0x4000, 0x193e: 0x4000, 0x193f: 0x4000, - // Block 0x65, offset 0x1940 - 0x1970: 0x4000, 0x1971: 0x4000, 0x1972: 0x4000, 0x1973: 0x4000, 0x1974: 0x4000, - 0x1978: 0x4000, 0x1979: 0x4000, 0x197a: 0x4000, - // Block 0x66, offset 0x1980 - 0x1980: 0x4000, 0x1981: 0x4000, 0x1982: 0x4000, 0x1983: 0x4000, 0x1984: 0x4000, 0x1985: 0x4000, - 0x1986: 0x4000, - 0x1990: 0x4000, 0x1991: 0x4000, - 0x1992: 0x4000, 0x1993: 0x4000, 0x1994: 0x4000, 0x1995: 0x4000, 0x1996: 0x4000, 0x1997: 0x4000, - 0x1998: 0x4000, 0x1999: 0x4000, 0x199a: 0x4000, 0x199b: 0x4000, 0x199c: 0x4000, 0x199d: 0x4000, - 0x199e: 0x4000, 0x199f: 0x4000, 0x19a0: 0x4000, 0x19a1: 0x4000, 0x19a2: 0x4000, 0x19a3: 0x4000, - 0x19a4: 0x4000, 0x19a5: 0x4000, 0x19a6: 0x4000, 0x19a7: 0x4000, 0x19a8: 0x4000, - 0x19b0: 0x4000, 0x19b1: 0x4000, 0x19b2: 0x4000, 0x19b3: 0x4000, 0x19b4: 0x4000, 0x19b5: 0x4000, - 0x19b6: 0x4000, - // Block 0x67, offset 0x19c0 - 0x19c0: 0x4000, 0x19c1: 0x4000, 0x19c2: 0x4000, - 0x19d0: 0x4000, 0x19d1: 0x4000, - 0x19d2: 0x4000, 0x19d3: 0x4000, 0x19d4: 0x4000, 0x19d5: 0x4000, 0x19d6: 0x4000, - // Block 0x68, offset 0x1a00 - 0x1a00: 0x2000, 0x1a01: 0x2000, 0x1a02: 0x2000, 0x1a03: 0x2000, 0x1a04: 0x2000, 0x1a05: 0x2000, - 0x1a06: 0x2000, 0x1a07: 0x2000, 0x1a08: 0x2000, 0x1a09: 0x2000, 0x1a0a: 0x2000, 0x1a0b: 0x2000, - 0x1a0c: 0x2000, 0x1a0d: 0x2000, 0x1a0e: 0x2000, 0x1a0f: 0x2000, 0x1a10: 0x2000, 0x1a11: 0x2000, - 0x1a12: 0x2000, 0x1a13: 0x2000, 0x1a14: 0x2000, 0x1a15: 0x2000, 0x1a16: 0x2000, 0x1a17: 0x2000, - 0x1a18: 0x2000, 0x1a19: 0x2000, 0x1a1a: 0x2000, 0x1a1b: 0x2000, 0x1a1c: 0x2000, 0x1a1d: 0x2000, - 0x1a1e: 0x2000, 0x1a1f: 0x2000, 0x1a20: 0x2000, 0x1a21: 0x2000, 0x1a22: 0x2000, 0x1a23: 0x2000, - 0x1a24: 0x2000, 0x1a25: 0x2000, 0x1a26: 0x2000, 0x1a27: 0x2000, 0x1a28: 0x2000, 0x1a29: 0x2000, - 0x1a2a: 0x2000, 0x1a2b: 0x2000, 0x1a2c: 0x2000, 0x1a2d: 0x2000, 0x1a2e: 0x2000, 0x1a2f: 0x2000, - 0x1a30: 0x2000, 0x1a31: 0x2000, 0x1a32: 0x2000, 0x1a33: 0x2000, 0x1a34: 0x2000, 0x1a35: 0x2000, - 0x1a36: 0x2000, 0x1a37: 0x2000, 0x1a38: 0x2000, 0x1a39: 0x2000, 0x1a3a: 0x2000, 0x1a3b: 0x2000, - 0x1a3c: 0x2000, 0x1a3d: 0x2000, -} - -// widthIndex: 22 blocks, 1408 entries, 1408 bytes -// Block 0 is the zero block. -var widthIndex = [1408]uint8{ - // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 - // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 - // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 - // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 - 0xc2: 0x01, 0xc3: 0x02, 0xc4: 0x03, 0xc5: 0x04, 0xc7: 0x05, - 0xc9: 0x06, 0xcb: 0x07, 0xcc: 0x08, 0xcd: 0x09, 0xce: 0x0a, 0xcf: 0x0b, - 0xd0: 0x0c, 0xd1: 0x0d, - 0xe1: 0x02, 0xe2: 0x03, 0xe3: 0x04, 0xe4: 0x05, 0xe5: 0x06, 0xe6: 0x06, 0xe7: 0x06, - 0xe8: 0x06, 0xe9: 0x06, 0xea: 0x07, 0xeb: 0x06, 0xec: 0x06, 0xed: 0x08, 0xee: 0x09, 0xef: 0x0a, - 0xf0: 0x0f, 0xf3: 0x12, 0xf4: 0x13, - // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 - 0x104: 0x0e, 0x105: 0x0f, - // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 - 0x140: 0x10, 0x141: 0x11, 0x142: 0x12, 0x144: 0x13, 0x145: 0x14, 0x146: 0x15, 0x147: 0x16, - 0x148: 0x17, 0x149: 0x18, 0x14a: 0x19, 0x14c: 0x1a, 0x14f: 0x1b, - 0x151: 0x1c, 0x152: 0x08, 0x153: 0x1d, 0x154: 0x1e, 0x155: 0x1f, 0x156: 0x20, 0x157: 0x21, - 0x158: 0x22, 0x159: 0x23, 0x15a: 0x24, 0x15b: 0x25, 0x15c: 0x26, 0x15d: 0x27, 0x15e: 0x28, 0x15f: 0x29, - 0x166: 0x2a, - 0x16c: 0x2b, 0x16d: 0x2c, - 0x17a: 0x2d, 0x17b: 0x2e, 0x17c: 0x0e, 0x17d: 0x0e, 0x17e: 0x0e, 0x17f: 0x2f, - // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 - 0x180: 0x30, 0x181: 0x31, 0x182: 0x32, 0x183: 0x33, 0x184: 0x34, 0x185: 0x35, 0x186: 0x36, 0x187: 0x37, - 0x188: 0x38, 0x189: 0x39, 0x18a: 0x0e, 0x18b: 0x0e, 0x18c: 0x0e, 0x18d: 0x0e, 0x18e: 0x0e, 0x18f: 0x0e, - 0x190: 0x0e, 0x191: 0x0e, 0x192: 0x0e, 0x193: 0x0e, 0x194: 0x0e, 0x195: 0x0e, 0x196: 0x0e, 0x197: 0x0e, - 0x198: 0x0e, 0x199: 0x0e, 0x19a: 0x0e, 0x19b: 0x0e, 0x19c: 0x0e, 0x19d: 0x0e, 0x19e: 0x0e, 0x19f: 0x0e, - 0x1a0: 0x0e, 0x1a1: 0x0e, 0x1a2: 0x0e, 0x1a3: 0x0e, 0x1a4: 0x0e, 0x1a5: 0x0e, 0x1a6: 0x0e, 0x1a7: 0x0e, - 0x1a8: 0x0e, 0x1a9: 0x0e, 0x1aa: 0x0e, 0x1ab: 0x0e, 0x1ac: 0x0e, 0x1ad: 0x0e, 0x1ae: 0x0e, 0x1af: 0x0e, - 0x1b0: 0x0e, 0x1b1: 0x0e, 0x1b2: 0x0e, 0x1b3: 0x0e, 0x1b4: 0x0e, 0x1b5: 0x0e, 0x1b6: 0x0e, 0x1b7: 0x0e, - 0x1b8: 0x0e, 0x1b9: 0x0e, 0x1ba: 0x0e, 0x1bb: 0x0e, 0x1bc: 0x0e, 0x1bd: 0x0e, 0x1be: 0x0e, 0x1bf: 0x0e, - // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 - 0x1c0: 0x0e, 0x1c1: 0x0e, 0x1c2: 0x0e, 0x1c3: 0x0e, 0x1c4: 0x0e, 0x1c5: 0x0e, 0x1c6: 0x0e, 0x1c7: 0x0e, - 0x1c8: 0x0e, 0x1c9: 0x0e, 0x1ca: 0x0e, 0x1cb: 0x0e, 0x1cc: 0x0e, 0x1cd: 0x0e, 0x1ce: 0x0e, 0x1cf: 0x0e, - 0x1d0: 0x0e, 0x1d1: 0x0e, 0x1d2: 0x0e, 0x1d3: 0x0e, 0x1d4: 0x0e, 0x1d5: 0x0e, 0x1d6: 0x0e, 0x1d7: 0x0e, - 0x1d8: 0x0e, 0x1d9: 0x0e, 0x1da: 0x0e, 0x1db: 0x0e, 0x1dc: 0x0e, 0x1dd: 0x0e, 0x1de: 0x0e, 0x1df: 0x0e, - 0x1e0: 0x0e, 0x1e1: 0x0e, 0x1e2: 0x0e, 0x1e3: 0x0e, 0x1e4: 0x0e, 0x1e5: 0x0e, 0x1e6: 0x0e, 0x1e7: 0x0e, - 0x1e8: 0x0e, 0x1e9: 0x0e, 0x1ea: 0x0e, 0x1eb: 0x0e, 0x1ec: 0x0e, 0x1ed: 0x0e, 0x1ee: 0x0e, 0x1ef: 0x0e, - 0x1f0: 0x0e, 0x1f1: 0x0e, 0x1f2: 0x0e, 0x1f3: 0x0e, 0x1f4: 0x0e, 0x1f5: 0x0e, 0x1f6: 0x0e, - 0x1f8: 0x0e, 0x1f9: 0x0e, 0x1fa: 0x0e, 0x1fb: 0x0e, 0x1fc: 0x0e, 0x1fd: 0x0e, 0x1fe: 0x0e, 0x1ff: 0x0e, - // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 - 0x200: 0x0e, 0x201: 0x0e, 0x202: 0x0e, 0x203: 0x0e, 0x204: 0x0e, 0x205: 0x0e, 0x206: 0x0e, 0x207: 0x0e, - 0x208: 0x0e, 0x209: 0x0e, 0x20a: 0x0e, 0x20b: 0x0e, 0x20c: 0x0e, 0x20d: 0x0e, 0x20e: 0x0e, 0x20f: 0x0e, - 0x210: 0x0e, 0x211: 0x0e, 0x212: 0x0e, 0x213: 0x0e, 0x214: 0x0e, 0x215: 0x0e, 0x216: 0x0e, 0x217: 0x0e, - 0x218: 0x0e, 0x219: 0x0e, 0x21a: 0x0e, 0x21b: 0x0e, 0x21c: 0x0e, 0x21d: 0x0e, 0x21e: 0x0e, 0x21f: 0x0e, - 0x220: 0x0e, 0x221: 0x0e, 0x222: 0x0e, 0x223: 0x0e, 0x224: 0x0e, 0x225: 0x0e, 0x226: 0x0e, 0x227: 0x0e, - 0x228: 0x0e, 0x229: 0x0e, 0x22a: 0x0e, 0x22b: 0x0e, 0x22c: 0x0e, 0x22d: 0x0e, 0x22e: 0x0e, 0x22f: 0x0e, - 0x230: 0x0e, 0x231: 0x0e, 0x232: 0x0e, 0x233: 0x0e, 0x234: 0x0e, 0x235: 0x0e, 0x236: 0x0e, 0x237: 0x0e, - 0x238: 0x0e, 0x239: 0x0e, 0x23a: 0x0e, 0x23b: 0x0e, 0x23c: 0x0e, 0x23d: 0x0e, 0x23e: 0x0e, 0x23f: 0x0e, - // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 - 0x240: 0x0e, 0x241: 0x0e, 0x242: 0x0e, 0x243: 0x0e, 0x244: 0x0e, 0x245: 0x0e, 0x246: 0x0e, 0x247: 0x0e, - 0x248: 0x0e, 0x249: 0x0e, 0x24a: 0x0e, 0x24b: 0x0e, 0x24c: 0x0e, 0x24d: 0x0e, 0x24e: 0x0e, 0x24f: 0x0e, - 0x250: 0x0e, 0x251: 0x0e, 0x252: 0x3a, 0x253: 0x3b, - 0x265: 0x3c, - 0x270: 0x0e, 0x271: 0x0e, 0x272: 0x0e, 0x273: 0x0e, 0x274: 0x0e, 0x275: 0x0e, 0x276: 0x0e, 0x277: 0x0e, - 0x278: 0x0e, 0x279: 0x0e, 0x27a: 0x0e, 0x27b: 0x0e, 0x27c: 0x0e, 0x27d: 0x0e, 0x27e: 0x0e, 0x27f: 0x0e, - // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 - 0x280: 0x0e, 0x281: 0x0e, 0x282: 0x0e, 0x283: 0x0e, 0x284: 0x0e, 0x285: 0x0e, 0x286: 0x0e, 0x287: 0x0e, - 0x288: 0x0e, 0x289: 0x0e, 0x28a: 0x0e, 0x28b: 0x0e, 0x28c: 0x0e, 0x28d: 0x0e, 0x28e: 0x0e, 0x28f: 0x0e, - 0x290: 0x0e, 0x291: 0x0e, 0x292: 0x0e, 0x293: 0x0e, 0x294: 0x0e, 0x295: 0x0e, 0x296: 0x0e, 0x297: 0x0e, - 0x298: 0x0e, 0x299: 0x0e, 0x29a: 0x0e, 0x29b: 0x0e, 0x29c: 0x0e, 0x29d: 0x0e, 0x29e: 0x3d, - // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 - 0x2c0: 0x08, 0x2c1: 0x08, 0x2c2: 0x08, 0x2c3: 0x08, 0x2c4: 0x08, 0x2c5: 0x08, 0x2c6: 0x08, 0x2c7: 0x08, - 0x2c8: 0x08, 0x2c9: 0x08, 0x2ca: 0x08, 0x2cb: 0x08, 0x2cc: 0x08, 0x2cd: 0x08, 0x2ce: 0x08, 0x2cf: 0x08, - 0x2d0: 0x08, 0x2d1: 0x08, 0x2d2: 0x08, 0x2d3: 0x08, 0x2d4: 0x08, 0x2d5: 0x08, 0x2d6: 0x08, 0x2d7: 0x08, - 0x2d8: 0x08, 0x2d9: 0x08, 0x2da: 0x08, 0x2db: 0x08, 0x2dc: 0x08, 0x2dd: 0x08, 0x2de: 0x08, 0x2df: 0x08, - 0x2e0: 0x08, 0x2e1: 0x08, 0x2e2: 0x08, 0x2e3: 0x08, 0x2e4: 0x08, 0x2e5: 0x08, 0x2e6: 0x08, 0x2e7: 0x08, - 0x2e8: 0x08, 0x2e9: 0x08, 0x2ea: 0x08, 0x2eb: 0x08, 0x2ec: 0x08, 0x2ed: 0x08, 0x2ee: 0x08, 0x2ef: 0x08, - 0x2f0: 0x08, 0x2f1: 0x08, 0x2f2: 0x08, 0x2f3: 0x08, 0x2f4: 0x08, 0x2f5: 0x08, 0x2f6: 0x08, 0x2f7: 0x08, - 0x2f8: 0x08, 0x2f9: 0x08, 0x2fa: 0x08, 0x2fb: 0x08, 0x2fc: 0x08, 0x2fd: 0x08, 0x2fe: 0x08, 0x2ff: 0x08, - // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 - 0x300: 0x08, 0x301: 0x08, 0x302: 0x08, 0x303: 0x08, 0x304: 0x08, 0x305: 0x08, 0x306: 0x08, 0x307: 0x08, - 0x308: 0x08, 0x309: 0x08, 0x30a: 0x08, 0x30b: 0x08, 0x30c: 0x08, 0x30d: 0x08, 0x30e: 0x08, 0x30f: 0x08, - 0x310: 0x08, 0x311: 0x08, 0x312: 0x08, 0x313: 0x08, 0x314: 0x08, 0x315: 0x08, 0x316: 0x08, 0x317: 0x08, - 0x318: 0x08, 0x319: 0x08, 0x31a: 0x08, 0x31b: 0x08, 0x31c: 0x08, 0x31d: 0x08, 0x31e: 0x08, 0x31f: 0x08, - 0x320: 0x08, 0x321: 0x08, 0x322: 0x08, 0x323: 0x08, 0x324: 0x0e, 0x325: 0x0e, 0x326: 0x0e, 0x327: 0x0e, - 0x328: 0x0e, 0x329: 0x0e, 0x32a: 0x0e, 0x32b: 0x0e, - 0x338: 0x3e, 0x339: 0x3f, 0x33c: 0x40, 0x33d: 0x41, 0x33e: 0x42, 0x33f: 0x43, - // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 - 0x37f: 0x44, - // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 - 0x380: 0x0e, 0x381: 0x0e, 0x382: 0x0e, 0x383: 0x0e, 0x384: 0x0e, 0x385: 0x0e, 0x386: 0x0e, 0x387: 0x0e, - 0x388: 0x0e, 0x389: 0x0e, 0x38a: 0x0e, 0x38b: 0x0e, 0x38c: 0x0e, 0x38d: 0x0e, 0x38e: 0x0e, 0x38f: 0x0e, - 0x390: 0x0e, 0x391: 0x0e, 0x392: 0x0e, 0x393: 0x0e, 0x394: 0x0e, 0x395: 0x0e, 0x396: 0x0e, 0x397: 0x0e, - 0x398: 0x0e, 0x399: 0x0e, 0x39a: 0x0e, 0x39b: 0x0e, 0x39c: 0x0e, 0x39d: 0x0e, 0x39e: 0x0e, 0x39f: 0x45, - 0x3a0: 0x0e, 0x3a1: 0x0e, 0x3a2: 0x0e, 0x3a3: 0x0e, 0x3a4: 0x0e, 0x3a5: 0x0e, 0x3a6: 0x0e, 0x3a7: 0x0e, - 0x3a8: 0x0e, 0x3a9: 0x0e, 0x3aa: 0x0e, 0x3ab: 0x0e, 0x3ac: 0x0e, 0x3ad: 0x0e, 0x3ae: 0x0e, 0x3af: 0x0e, - 0x3b0: 0x0e, 0x3b1: 0x0e, 0x3b2: 0x0e, 0x3b3: 0x46, 0x3b4: 0x47, - // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 - 0x3c0: 0x0e, 0x3c1: 0x0e, 0x3c2: 0x0e, 0x3c3: 0x0e, 0x3c4: 0x48, 0x3c5: 0x49, 0x3c6: 0x0e, 0x3c7: 0x0e, - 0x3c8: 0x0e, 0x3c9: 0x0e, 0x3ca: 0x0e, 0x3cb: 0x4a, - // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 - 0x400: 0x4b, 0x403: 0x4c, 0x404: 0x4d, 0x405: 0x4e, 0x406: 0x4f, - 0x408: 0x50, 0x409: 0x51, 0x40c: 0x52, 0x40d: 0x53, 0x40e: 0x54, 0x40f: 0x55, - 0x410: 0x56, 0x411: 0x57, 0x412: 0x0e, 0x413: 0x58, 0x414: 0x59, 0x415: 0x5a, 0x416: 0x5b, 0x417: 0x5c, - 0x418: 0x0e, 0x419: 0x5d, 0x41a: 0x0e, 0x41b: 0x5e, 0x41f: 0x5f, - 0x424: 0x60, 0x425: 0x61, 0x426: 0x0e, 0x427: 0x62, - 0x429: 0x63, 0x42a: 0x64, 0x42b: 0x65, - // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 - 0x456: 0x0b, 0x457: 0x06, - 0x458: 0x0c, 0x45b: 0x0d, 0x45f: 0x0e, - 0x460: 0x06, 0x461: 0x06, 0x462: 0x06, 0x463: 0x06, 0x464: 0x06, 0x465: 0x06, 0x466: 0x06, 0x467: 0x06, - 0x468: 0x06, 0x469: 0x06, 0x46a: 0x06, 0x46b: 0x06, 0x46c: 0x06, 0x46d: 0x06, 0x46e: 0x06, 0x46f: 0x06, - 0x470: 0x06, 0x471: 0x06, 0x472: 0x06, 0x473: 0x06, 0x474: 0x06, 0x475: 0x06, 0x476: 0x06, 0x477: 0x06, - 0x478: 0x06, 0x479: 0x06, 0x47a: 0x06, 0x47b: 0x06, 0x47c: 0x06, 0x47d: 0x06, 0x47e: 0x06, 0x47f: 0x06, - // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 - 0x484: 0x08, 0x485: 0x08, 0x486: 0x08, 0x487: 0x09, - // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 - 0x4c0: 0x08, 0x4c1: 0x08, 0x4c2: 0x08, 0x4c3: 0x08, 0x4c4: 0x08, 0x4c5: 0x08, 0x4c6: 0x08, 0x4c7: 0x08, - 0x4c8: 0x08, 0x4c9: 0x08, 0x4ca: 0x08, 0x4cb: 0x08, 0x4cc: 0x08, 0x4cd: 0x08, 0x4ce: 0x08, 0x4cf: 0x08, - 0x4d0: 0x08, 0x4d1: 0x08, 0x4d2: 0x08, 0x4d3: 0x08, 0x4d4: 0x08, 0x4d5: 0x08, 0x4d6: 0x08, 0x4d7: 0x08, - 0x4d8: 0x08, 0x4d9: 0x08, 0x4da: 0x08, 0x4db: 0x08, 0x4dc: 0x08, 0x4dd: 0x08, 0x4de: 0x08, 0x4df: 0x08, - 0x4e0: 0x08, 0x4e1: 0x08, 0x4e2: 0x08, 0x4e3: 0x08, 0x4e4: 0x08, 0x4e5: 0x08, 0x4e6: 0x08, 0x4e7: 0x08, - 0x4e8: 0x08, 0x4e9: 0x08, 0x4ea: 0x08, 0x4eb: 0x08, 0x4ec: 0x08, 0x4ed: 0x08, 0x4ee: 0x08, 0x4ef: 0x08, - 0x4f0: 0x08, 0x4f1: 0x08, 0x4f2: 0x08, 0x4f3: 0x08, 0x4f4: 0x08, 0x4f5: 0x08, 0x4f6: 0x08, 0x4f7: 0x08, - 0x4f8: 0x08, 0x4f9: 0x08, 0x4fa: 0x08, 0x4fb: 0x08, 0x4fc: 0x08, 0x4fd: 0x08, 0x4fe: 0x08, 0x4ff: 0x66, - // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 - 0x520: 0x10, - 0x530: 0x09, 0x531: 0x09, 0x532: 0x09, 0x533: 0x09, 0x534: 0x09, 0x535: 0x09, 0x536: 0x09, 0x537: 0x09, - 0x538: 0x09, 0x539: 0x09, 0x53a: 0x09, 0x53b: 0x09, 0x53c: 0x09, 0x53d: 0x09, 0x53e: 0x09, 0x53f: 0x11, - // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 - 0x540: 0x09, 0x541: 0x09, 0x542: 0x09, 0x543: 0x09, 0x544: 0x09, 0x545: 0x09, 0x546: 0x09, 0x547: 0x09, - 0x548: 0x09, 0x549: 0x09, 0x54a: 0x09, 0x54b: 0x09, 0x54c: 0x09, 0x54d: 0x09, 0x54e: 0x09, 0x54f: 0x11, -} - -// inverseData contains 4-byte entries of the following format: -// -// <0 padding> -// -// The last byte of the UTF-8-encoded rune is xor-ed with the last byte of the -// UTF-8 encoding of the original rune. Mappings often have the following -// pattern: -// -// A -> A (U+FF21 -> U+0041) -// B -> B (U+FF22 -> U+0042) -// ... -// -// By xor-ing the last byte the same entry can be shared by many mappings. This -// reduces the total number of distinct entries by about two thirds. -// The resulting entry for the aforementioned mappings is -// -// { 0x01, 0xE0, 0x00, 0x00 } -// -// Using this entry to map U+FF21 (UTF-8 [EF BC A1]), we get -// -// E0 ^ A1 = 41. -// -// Similarly, for U+FF22 (UTF-8 [EF BC A2]), we get -// -// E0 ^ A2 = 42. -// -// Note that because of the xor-ing, the byte sequence stored in the entry is -// not valid UTF-8. -var inverseData = [150][4]byte{ - {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x80, 0xa0}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbc, 0xa0}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbc, 0xe0}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0xe0}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x02}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x00}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0e}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0c}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0f}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x39}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x3b}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x3f}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x2a}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0d}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x25}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1a}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x26}, - {0x01, 0xa0, 0x00, 0x00}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x25}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x23}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x2e}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x07}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x05}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x06}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x13}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0b}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x16}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0c}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x15}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0d}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1c}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x02}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1f}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1d}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x17}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x08}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x09}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0e}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x04}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x05}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x3f}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x00}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x2c}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x06}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x0c}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x0f}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x0d}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x0b}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x19}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x15}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x11}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x31}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x33}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0f}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x30}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x3e}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x32}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x36}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x14}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x2e}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1e}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x10}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x13}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x15}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x17}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x1f}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x1d}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x1b}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x09}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0b}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x37}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x04}, - {0x01, 0xe0, 0x00, 0x00}, - {0x03, 0xe2, 0xa6, 0x1a}, - {0x03, 0xe2, 0xa6, 0x26}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x80, 0x23}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x80, 0x2e}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x80, 0x25}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x1e}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x14}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x06}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x0b}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x0c}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x0d}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x02}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x0f}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x08}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x09}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x2c}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x0c}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x13}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x16}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x15}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x1c}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x1f}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x1d}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x1a}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x17}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x08}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x09}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x0e}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x04}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x05}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x3f}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x00}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x06}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x05}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x0d}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x0b}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x07}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x19}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x15}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x11}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x31}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x33}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x30}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x3e}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x32}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x36}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x2e}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x07}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x04}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x84, 0x10}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x30}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x0d}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x13}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x15}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x17}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x1f}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x1d}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x1b}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x09}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x0f}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x0b}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x37}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x3b}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x39}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x3f}, - {0x02, 0xc2, 0x02, 0x00}, - {0x02, 0xc2, 0x0e, 0x00}, - {0x02, 0xc2, 0x0c, 0x00}, - {0x02, 0xc2, 0x00, 0x00}, - {0x03, 0xe2, 0x82, 0x0f}, - {0x03, 0xe2, 0x94, 0x2a}, - {0x03, 0xe2, 0x86, 0x39}, - {0x03, 0xe2, 0x86, 0x3b}, - {0x03, 0xe2, 0x86, 0x3f}, - {0x03, 0xe2, 0x96, 0x0d}, - {0x03, 0xe2, 0x97, 0x25}, -} - -// Total table size 15448 bytes (15KiB) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables9.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables9.0.0.go deleted file mode 100644 index 6781f3d96..000000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables9.0.0.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1297 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. - -//go:build !go1.10 -// +build !go1.10 - -package width - -// UnicodeVersion is the Unicode version from which the tables in this package are derived. -const UnicodeVersion = "9.0.0" - -// lookup returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and -// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not -// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. -func (t *widthTrie) lookup(s []byte) (v uint16, sz int) { - c0 := s[0] - switch { - case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII - return widthValues[c0], 1 - case c0 < 0xC2: - return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. - case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 - if len(s) < 2 { - return 0, 0 - } - i := widthIndex[c0] - c1 := s[1] - if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { - return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 - case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 - if len(s) < 3 { - return 0, 0 - } - i := widthIndex[c0] - c1 := s[1] - if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { - return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) - i = widthIndex[o] - c2 := s[2] - if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { - return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 - case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 - if len(s) < 4 { - return 0, 0 - } - i := widthIndex[c0] - c1 := s[1] - if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { - return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) - i = widthIndex[o] - c2 := s[2] - if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { - return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) - i = widthIndex[o] - c3 := s[3] - if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { - return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 - } - // Illegal rune - return 0, 1 -} - -// lookupUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. -// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. -func (t *widthTrie) lookupUnsafe(s []byte) uint16 { - c0 := s[0] - if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII - return widthValues[c0] - } - i := widthIndex[c0] - if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) - } - i = widthIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] - if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) - } - i = widthIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] - if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) - } - return 0 -} - -// lookupString returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and -// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not -// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. -func (t *widthTrie) lookupString(s string) (v uint16, sz int) { - c0 := s[0] - switch { - case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII - return widthValues[c0], 1 - case c0 < 0xC2: - return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. - case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 - if len(s) < 2 { - return 0, 0 - } - i := widthIndex[c0] - c1 := s[1] - if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { - return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 - case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 - if len(s) < 3 { - return 0, 0 - } - i := widthIndex[c0] - c1 := s[1] - if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { - return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) - i = widthIndex[o] - c2 := s[2] - if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { - return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 - case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 - if len(s) < 4 { - return 0, 0 - } - i := widthIndex[c0] - c1 := s[1] - if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { - return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) - i = widthIndex[o] - c2 := s[2] - if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { - return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) - i = widthIndex[o] - c3 := s[3] - if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { - return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. - } - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 - } - // Illegal rune - return 0, 1 -} - -// lookupStringUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. -// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. -func (t *widthTrie) lookupStringUnsafe(s string) uint16 { - c0 := s[0] - if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII - return widthValues[c0] - } - i := widthIndex[c0] - if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) - } - i = widthIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] - if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) - } - i = widthIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] - if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 - return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) - } - return 0 -} - -// widthTrie. Total size: 14080 bytes (13.75 KiB). Checksum: 3b8aeb3dc03667a3. -type widthTrie struct{} - -func newWidthTrie(i int) *widthTrie { - return &widthTrie{} -} - -// lookupValue determines the type of block n and looks up the value for b. -func (t *widthTrie) lookupValue(n uint32, b byte) uint16 { - switch { - default: - return uint16(widthValues[n<<6+uint32(b)]) - } -} - -// widthValues: 99 blocks, 6336 entries, 12672 bytes -// The third block is the zero block. -var widthValues = [6336]uint16{ - // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 - 0x20: 0x6001, 0x21: 0x6002, 0x22: 0x6002, 0x23: 0x6002, - 0x24: 0x6002, 0x25: 0x6002, 0x26: 0x6002, 0x27: 0x6002, 0x28: 0x6002, 0x29: 0x6002, - 0x2a: 0x6002, 0x2b: 0x6002, 0x2c: 0x6002, 0x2d: 0x6002, 0x2e: 0x6002, 0x2f: 0x6002, - 0x30: 0x6002, 0x31: 0x6002, 0x32: 0x6002, 0x33: 0x6002, 0x34: 0x6002, 0x35: 0x6002, - 0x36: 0x6002, 0x37: 0x6002, 0x38: 0x6002, 0x39: 0x6002, 0x3a: 0x6002, 0x3b: 0x6002, - 0x3c: 0x6002, 0x3d: 0x6002, 0x3e: 0x6002, 0x3f: 0x6002, - // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 - 0x40: 0x6003, 0x41: 0x6003, 0x42: 0x6003, 0x43: 0x6003, 0x44: 0x6003, 0x45: 0x6003, - 0x46: 0x6003, 0x47: 0x6003, 0x48: 0x6003, 0x49: 0x6003, 0x4a: 0x6003, 0x4b: 0x6003, - 0x4c: 0x6003, 0x4d: 0x6003, 0x4e: 0x6003, 0x4f: 0x6003, 0x50: 0x6003, 0x51: 0x6003, - 0x52: 0x6003, 0x53: 0x6003, 0x54: 0x6003, 0x55: 0x6003, 0x56: 0x6003, 0x57: 0x6003, - 0x58: 0x6003, 0x59: 0x6003, 0x5a: 0x6003, 0x5b: 0x6003, 0x5c: 0x6003, 0x5d: 0x6003, - 0x5e: 0x6003, 0x5f: 0x6003, 0x60: 0x6004, 0x61: 0x6004, 0x62: 0x6004, 0x63: 0x6004, - 0x64: 0x6004, 0x65: 0x6004, 0x66: 0x6004, 0x67: 0x6004, 0x68: 0x6004, 0x69: 0x6004, - 0x6a: 0x6004, 0x6b: 0x6004, 0x6c: 0x6004, 0x6d: 0x6004, 0x6e: 0x6004, 0x6f: 0x6004, - 0x70: 0x6004, 0x71: 0x6004, 0x72: 0x6004, 0x73: 0x6004, 0x74: 0x6004, 0x75: 0x6004, - 0x76: 0x6004, 0x77: 0x6004, 0x78: 0x6004, 0x79: 0x6004, 0x7a: 0x6004, 0x7b: 0x6004, - 0x7c: 0x6004, 0x7d: 0x6004, 0x7e: 0x6004, - // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 - // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 - 0xe1: 0x2000, 0xe2: 0x6005, 0xe3: 0x6005, - 0xe4: 0x2000, 0xe5: 0x6006, 0xe6: 0x6005, 0xe7: 0x2000, 0xe8: 0x2000, - 0xea: 0x2000, 0xec: 0x6007, 0xed: 0x2000, 0xee: 0x2000, 0xef: 0x6008, - 0xf0: 0x2000, 0xf1: 0x2000, 0xf2: 0x2000, 0xf3: 0x2000, 0xf4: 0x2000, - 0xf6: 0x2000, 0xf7: 0x2000, 0xf8: 0x2000, 0xf9: 0x2000, 0xfa: 0x2000, - 0xfc: 0x2000, 0xfd: 0x2000, 0xfe: 0x2000, 0xff: 0x2000, - // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 - 0x106: 0x2000, - 0x110: 0x2000, - 0x117: 0x2000, - 0x118: 0x2000, - 0x11e: 0x2000, 0x11f: 0x2000, 0x120: 0x2000, 0x121: 0x2000, - 0x126: 0x2000, 0x128: 0x2000, 0x129: 0x2000, - 0x12a: 0x2000, 0x12c: 0x2000, 0x12d: 0x2000, - 0x130: 0x2000, 0x132: 0x2000, 0x133: 0x2000, - 0x137: 0x2000, 0x138: 0x2000, 0x139: 0x2000, 0x13a: 0x2000, - 0x13c: 0x2000, 0x13e: 0x2000, - // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 - 0x141: 0x2000, - 0x151: 0x2000, - 0x153: 0x2000, - 0x15b: 0x2000, - 0x166: 0x2000, 0x167: 0x2000, - 0x16b: 0x2000, - 0x171: 0x2000, 0x172: 0x2000, 0x173: 0x2000, - 0x178: 0x2000, - 0x17f: 0x2000, - // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 - 0x180: 0x2000, 0x181: 0x2000, 0x182: 0x2000, 0x184: 0x2000, - 0x188: 0x2000, 0x189: 0x2000, 0x18a: 0x2000, 0x18b: 0x2000, - 0x18d: 0x2000, - 0x192: 0x2000, 0x193: 0x2000, - 0x1a6: 0x2000, 0x1a7: 0x2000, - 0x1ab: 0x2000, - // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 - 0x1ce: 0x2000, 0x1d0: 0x2000, - 0x1d2: 0x2000, 0x1d4: 0x2000, 0x1d6: 0x2000, - 0x1d8: 0x2000, 0x1da: 0x2000, 0x1dc: 0x2000, - // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 - 0x211: 0x2000, - 0x221: 0x2000, - // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 - 0x244: 0x2000, - 0x247: 0x2000, 0x249: 0x2000, 0x24a: 0x2000, 0x24b: 0x2000, - 0x24d: 0x2000, 0x250: 0x2000, - 0x258: 0x2000, 0x259: 0x2000, 0x25a: 0x2000, 0x25b: 0x2000, 0x25d: 0x2000, - 0x25f: 0x2000, - // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 - 0x280: 0x2000, 0x281: 0x2000, 0x282: 0x2000, 0x283: 0x2000, 0x284: 0x2000, 0x285: 0x2000, - 0x286: 0x2000, 0x287: 0x2000, 0x288: 0x2000, 0x289: 0x2000, 0x28a: 0x2000, 0x28b: 0x2000, - 0x28c: 0x2000, 0x28d: 0x2000, 0x28e: 0x2000, 0x28f: 0x2000, 0x290: 0x2000, 0x291: 0x2000, - 0x292: 0x2000, 0x293: 0x2000, 0x294: 0x2000, 0x295: 0x2000, 0x296: 0x2000, 0x297: 0x2000, - 0x298: 0x2000, 0x299: 0x2000, 0x29a: 0x2000, 0x29b: 0x2000, 0x29c: 0x2000, 0x29d: 0x2000, - 0x29e: 0x2000, 0x29f: 0x2000, 0x2a0: 0x2000, 0x2a1: 0x2000, 0x2a2: 0x2000, 0x2a3: 0x2000, - 0x2a4: 0x2000, 0x2a5: 0x2000, 0x2a6: 0x2000, 0x2a7: 0x2000, 0x2a8: 0x2000, 0x2a9: 0x2000, - 0x2aa: 0x2000, 0x2ab: 0x2000, 0x2ac: 0x2000, 0x2ad: 0x2000, 0x2ae: 0x2000, 0x2af: 0x2000, - 0x2b0: 0x2000, 0x2b1: 0x2000, 0x2b2: 0x2000, 0x2b3: 0x2000, 0x2b4: 0x2000, 0x2b5: 0x2000, - 0x2b6: 0x2000, 0x2b7: 0x2000, 0x2b8: 0x2000, 0x2b9: 0x2000, 0x2ba: 0x2000, 0x2bb: 0x2000, - 0x2bc: 0x2000, 0x2bd: 0x2000, 0x2be: 0x2000, 0x2bf: 0x2000, - // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 - 0x2c0: 0x2000, 0x2c1: 0x2000, 0x2c2: 0x2000, 0x2c3: 0x2000, 0x2c4: 0x2000, 0x2c5: 0x2000, - 0x2c6: 0x2000, 0x2c7: 0x2000, 0x2c8: 0x2000, 0x2c9: 0x2000, 0x2ca: 0x2000, 0x2cb: 0x2000, - 0x2cc: 0x2000, 0x2cd: 0x2000, 0x2ce: 0x2000, 0x2cf: 0x2000, 0x2d0: 0x2000, 0x2d1: 0x2000, - 0x2d2: 0x2000, 0x2d3: 0x2000, 0x2d4: 0x2000, 0x2d5: 0x2000, 0x2d6: 0x2000, 0x2d7: 0x2000, - 0x2d8: 0x2000, 0x2d9: 0x2000, 0x2da: 0x2000, 0x2db: 0x2000, 0x2dc: 0x2000, 0x2dd: 0x2000, - 0x2de: 0x2000, 0x2df: 0x2000, 0x2e0: 0x2000, 0x2e1: 0x2000, 0x2e2: 0x2000, 0x2e3: 0x2000, - 0x2e4: 0x2000, 0x2e5: 0x2000, 0x2e6: 0x2000, 0x2e7: 0x2000, 0x2e8: 0x2000, 0x2e9: 0x2000, - 0x2ea: 0x2000, 0x2eb: 0x2000, 0x2ec: 0x2000, 0x2ed: 0x2000, 0x2ee: 0x2000, 0x2ef: 0x2000, - // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 - 0x311: 0x2000, - 0x312: 0x2000, 0x313: 0x2000, 0x314: 0x2000, 0x315: 0x2000, 0x316: 0x2000, 0x317: 0x2000, - 0x318: 0x2000, 0x319: 0x2000, 0x31a: 0x2000, 0x31b: 0x2000, 0x31c: 0x2000, 0x31d: 0x2000, - 0x31e: 0x2000, 0x31f: 0x2000, 0x320: 0x2000, 0x321: 0x2000, 0x323: 0x2000, - 0x324: 0x2000, 0x325: 0x2000, 0x326: 0x2000, 0x327: 0x2000, 0x328: 0x2000, 0x329: 0x2000, - 0x331: 0x2000, 0x332: 0x2000, 0x333: 0x2000, 0x334: 0x2000, 0x335: 0x2000, - 0x336: 0x2000, 0x337: 0x2000, 0x338: 0x2000, 0x339: 0x2000, 0x33a: 0x2000, 0x33b: 0x2000, - 0x33c: 0x2000, 0x33d: 0x2000, 0x33e: 0x2000, 0x33f: 0x2000, - // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 - 0x340: 0x2000, 0x341: 0x2000, 0x343: 0x2000, 0x344: 0x2000, 0x345: 0x2000, - 0x346: 0x2000, 0x347: 0x2000, 0x348: 0x2000, 0x349: 0x2000, - // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 - 0x381: 0x2000, - 0x390: 0x2000, 0x391: 0x2000, - 0x392: 0x2000, 0x393: 0x2000, 0x394: 0x2000, 0x395: 0x2000, 0x396: 0x2000, 0x397: 0x2000, - 0x398: 0x2000, 0x399: 0x2000, 0x39a: 0x2000, 0x39b: 0x2000, 0x39c: 0x2000, 0x39d: 0x2000, - 0x39e: 0x2000, 0x39f: 0x2000, 0x3a0: 0x2000, 0x3a1: 0x2000, 0x3a2: 0x2000, 0x3a3: 0x2000, - 0x3a4: 0x2000, 0x3a5: 0x2000, 0x3a6: 0x2000, 0x3a7: 0x2000, 0x3a8: 0x2000, 0x3a9: 0x2000, - 0x3aa: 0x2000, 0x3ab: 0x2000, 0x3ac: 0x2000, 0x3ad: 0x2000, 0x3ae: 0x2000, 0x3af: 0x2000, - 0x3b0: 0x2000, 0x3b1: 0x2000, 0x3b2: 0x2000, 0x3b3: 0x2000, 0x3b4: 0x2000, 0x3b5: 0x2000, - 0x3b6: 0x2000, 0x3b7: 0x2000, 0x3b8: 0x2000, 0x3b9: 0x2000, 0x3ba: 0x2000, 0x3bb: 0x2000, - 0x3bc: 0x2000, 0x3bd: 0x2000, 0x3be: 0x2000, 0x3bf: 0x2000, - // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 - 0x3c0: 0x2000, 0x3c1: 0x2000, 0x3c2: 0x2000, 0x3c3: 0x2000, 0x3c4: 0x2000, 0x3c5: 0x2000, - 0x3c6: 0x2000, 0x3c7: 0x2000, 0x3c8: 0x2000, 0x3c9: 0x2000, 0x3ca: 0x2000, 0x3cb: 0x2000, - 0x3cc: 0x2000, 0x3cd: 0x2000, 0x3ce: 0x2000, 0x3cf: 0x2000, 0x3d1: 0x2000, - // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 - 0x400: 0x4000, 0x401: 0x4000, 0x402: 0x4000, 0x403: 0x4000, 0x404: 0x4000, 0x405: 0x4000, - 0x406: 0x4000, 0x407: 0x4000, 0x408: 0x4000, 0x409: 0x4000, 0x40a: 0x4000, 0x40b: 0x4000, - 0x40c: 0x4000, 0x40d: 0x4000, 0x40e: 0x4000, 0x40f: 0x4000, 0x410: 0x4000, 0x411: 0x4000, - 0x412: 0x4000, 0x413: 0x4000, 0x414: 0x4000, 0x415: 0x4000, 0x416: 0x4000, 0x417: 0x4000, - 0x418: 0x4000, 0x419: 0x4000, 0x41a: 0x4000, 0x41b: 0x4000, 0x41c: 0x4000, 0x41d: 0x4000, - 0x41e: 0x4000, 0x41f: 0x4000, 0x420: 0x4000, 0x421: 0x4000, 0x422: 0x4000, 0x423: 0x4000, - 0x424: 0x4000, 0x425: 0x4000, 0x426: 0x4000, 0x427: 0x4000, 0x428: 0x4000, 0x429: 0x4000, - 0x42a: 0x4000, 0x42b: 0x4000, 0x42c: 0x4000, 0x42d: 0x4000, 0x42e: 0x4000, 0x42f: 0x4000, - 0x430: 0x4000, 0x431: 0x4000, 0x432: 0x4000, 0x433: 0x4000, 0x434: 0x4000, 0x435: 0x4000, - 0x436: 0x4000, 0x437: 0x4000, 0x438: 0x4000, 0x439: 0x4000, 0x43a: 0x4000, 0x43b: 0x4000, - 0x43c: 0x4000, 0x43d: 0x4000, 0x43e: 0x4000, 0x43f: 0x4000, - // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 - 0x440: 0x4000, 0x441: 0x4000, 0x442: 0x4000, 0x443: 0x4000, 0x444: 0x4000, 0x445: 0x4000, - 0x446: 0x4000, 0x447: 0x4000, 0x448: 0x4000, 0x449: 0x4000, 0x44a: 0x4000, 0x44b: 0x4000, - 0x44c: 0x4000, 0x44d: 0x4000, 0x44e: 0x4000, 0x44f: 0x4000, 0x450: 0x4000, 0x451: 0x4000, - 0x452: 0x4000, 0x453: 0x4000, 0x454: 0x4000, 0x455: 0x4000, 0x456: 0x4000, 0x457: 0x4000, - 0x458: 0x4000, 0x459: 0x4000, 0x45a: 0x4000, 0x45b: 0x4000, 0x45c: 0x4000, 0x45d: 0x4000, - 0x45e: 0x4000, 0x45f: 0x4000, - // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 - 0x490: 0x2000, - 0x493: 0x2000, 0x494: 0x2000, 0x495: 0x2000, 0x496: 0x2000, - 0x498: 0x2000, 0x499: 0x2000, 0x49c: 0x2000, 0x49d: 0x2000, - 0x4a0: 0x2000, 0x4a1: 0x2000, 0x4a2: 0x2000, - 0x4a4: 0x2000, 0x4a5: 0x2000, 0x4a6: 0x2000, 0x4a7: 0x2000, - 0x4b0: 0x2000, 0x4b2: 0x2000, 0x4b3: 0x2000, 0x4b5: 0x2000, - 0x4bb: 0x2000, - 0x4be: 0x2000, - // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 - 0x4f4: 0x2000, - 0x4ff: 0x2000, - // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 - 0x501: 0x2000, 0x502: 0x2000, 0x503: 0x2000, 0x504: 0x2000, - 0x529: 0xa009, - 0x52c: 0x2000, - // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 - 0x543: 0x2000, 0x545: 0x2000, - 0x549: 0x2000, - 0x553: 0x2000, 0x556: 0x2000, - 0x561: 0x2000, 0x562: 0x2000, - 0x566: 0x2000, - 0x56b: 0x2000, - // Block 0x16, offset 0x580 - 0x593: 0x2000, 0x594: 0x2000, - 0x59b: 0x2000, 0x59c: 0x2000, 0x59d: 0x2000, - 0x59e: 0x2000, 0x5a0: 0x2000, 0x5a1: 0x2000, 0x5a2: 0x2000, 0x5a3: 0x2000, - 0x5a4: 0x2000, 0x5a5: 0x2000, 0x5a6: 0x2000, 0x5a7: 0x2000, 0x5a8: 0x2000, 0x5a9: 0x2000, - 0x5aa: 0x2000, 0x5ab: 0x2000, - 0x5b0: 0x2000, 0x5b1: 0x2000, 0x5b2: 0x2000, 0x5b3: 0x2000, 0x5b4: 0x2000, 0x5b5: 0x2000, - 0x5b6: 0x2000, 0x5b7: 0x2000, 0x5b8: 0x2000, 0x5b9: 0x2000, - // Block 0x17, offset 0x5c0 - 0x5c9: 0x2000, - 0x5d0: 0x200a, 0x5d1: 0x200b, - 0x5d2: 0x200a, 0x5d3: 0x200c, 0x5d4: 0x2000, 0x5d5: 0x2000, 0x5d6: 0x2000, 0x5d7: 0x2000, - 0x5d8: 0x2000, 0x5d9: 0x2000, - 0x5f8: 0x2000, 0x5f9: 0x2000, - // Block 0x18, offset 0x600 - 0x612: 0x2000, 0x614: 0x2000, - 0x627: 0x2000, - // Block 0x19, offset 0x640 - 0x640: 0x2000, 0x642: 0x2000, 0x643: 0x2000, - 0x647: 0x2000, 0x648: 0x2000, 0x64b: 0x2000, - 0x64f: 0x2000, 0x651: 0x2000, - 0x655: 0x2000, - 0x65a: 0x2000, 0x65d: 0x2000, - 0x65e: 0x2000, 0x65f: 0x2000, 0x660: 0x2000, 0x663: 0x2000, - 0x665: 0x2000, 0x667: 0x2000, 0x668: 0x2000, 0x669: 0x2000, - 0x66a: 0x2000, 0x66b: 0x2000, 0x66c: 0x2000, 0x66e: 0x2000, - 0x674: 0x2000, 0x675: 0x2000, - 0x676: 0x2000, 0x677: 0x2000, - 0x67c: 0x2000, 0x67d: 0x2000, - // Block 0x1a, offset 0x680 - 0x688: 0x2000, - 0x68c: 0x2000, - 0x692: 0x2000, - 0x6a0: 0x2000, 0x6a1: 0x2000, - 0x6a4: 0x2000, 0x6a5: 0x2000, 0x6a6: 0x2000, 0x6a7: 0x2000, - 0x6aa: 0x2000, 0x6ab: 0x2000, 0x6ae: 0x2000, 0x6af: 0x2000, - // Block 0x1b, offset 0x6c0 - 0x6c2: 0x2000, 0x6c3: 0x2000, - 0x6c6: 0x2000, 0x6c7: 0x2000, - 0x6d5: 0x2000, - 0x6d9: 0x2000, - 0x6e5: 0x2000, - 0x6ff: 0x2000, - // Block 0x1c, offset 0x700 - 0x712: 0x2000, - 0x71a: 0x4000, 0x71b: 0x4000, - 0x729: 0x4000, - 0x72a: 0x4000, - // Block 0x1d, offset 0x740 - 0x769: 0x4000, - 0x76a: 0x4000, 0x76b: 0x4000, 0x76c: 0x4000, - 0x770: 0x4000, 0x773: 0x4000, - // Block 0x1e, offset 0x780 - 0x7a0: 0x2000, 0x7a1: 0x2000, 0x7a2: 0x2000, 0x7a3: 0x2000, - 0x7a4: 0x2000, 0x7a5: 0x2000, 0x7a6: 0x2000, 0x7a7: 0x2000, 0x7a8: 0x2000, 0x7a9: 0x2000, - 0x7aa: 0x2000, 0x7ab: 0x2000, 0x7ac: 0x2000, 0x7ad: 0x2000, 0x7ae: 0x2000, 0x7af: 0x2000, - 0x7b0: 0x2000, 0x7b1: 0x2000, 0x7b2: 0x2000, 0x7b3: 0x2000, 0x7b4: 0x2000, 0x7b5: 0x2000, - 0x7b6: 0x2000, 0x7b7: 0x2000, 0x7b8: 0x2000, 0x7b9: 0x2000, 0x7ba: 0x2000, 0x7bb: 0x2000, - 0x7bc: 0x2000, 0x7bd: 0x2000, 0x7be: 0x2000, 0x7bf: 0x2000, - // Block 0x1f, offset 0x7c0 - 0x7c0: 0x2000, 0x7c1: 0x2000, 0x7c2: 0x2000, 0x7c3: 0x2000, 0x7c4: 0x2000, 0x7c5: 0x2000, - 0x7c6: 0x2000, 0x7c7: 0x2000, 0x7c8: 0x2000, 0x7c9: 0x2000, 0x7ca: 0x2000, 0x7cb: 0x2000, - 0x7cc: 0x2000, 0x7cd: 0x2000, 0x7ce: 0x2000, 0x7cf: 0x2000, 0x7d0: 0x2000, 0x7d1: 0x2000, - 0x7d2: 0x2000, 0x7d3: 0x2000, 0x7d4: 0x2000, 0x7d5: 0x2000, 0x7d6: 0x2000, 0x7d7: 0x2000, - 0x7d8: 0x2000, 0x7d9: 0x2000, 0x7da: 0x2000, 0x7db: 0x2000, 0x7dc: 0x2000, 0x7dd: 0x2000, - 0x7de: 0x2000, 0x7df: 0x2000, 0x7e0: 0x2000, 0x7e1: 0x2000, 0x7e2: 0x2000, 0x7e3: 0x2000, - 0x7e4: 0x2000, 0x7e5: 0x2000, 0x7e6: 0x2000, 0x7e7: 0x2000, 0x7e8: 0x2000, 0x7e9: 0x2000, - 0x7eb: 0x2000, 0x7ec: 0x2000, 0x7ed: 0x2000, 0x7ee: 0x2000, 0x7ef: 0x2000, - 0x7f0: 0x2000, 0x7f1: 0x2000, 0x7f2: 0x2000, 0x7f3: 0x2000, 0x7f4: 0x2000, 0x7f5: 0x2000, - 0x7f6: 0x2000, 0x7f7: 0x2000, 0x7f8: 0x2000, 0x7f9: 0x2000, 0x7fa: 0x2000, 0x7fb: 0x2000, - 0x7fc: 0x2000, 0x7fd: 0x2000, 0x7fe: 0x2000, 0x7ff: 0x2000, - // Block 0x20, offset 0x800 - 0x800: 0x2000, 0x801: 0x2000, 0x802: 0x200d, 0x803: 0x2000, 0x804: 0x2000, 0x805: 0x2000, - 0x806: 0x2000, 0x807: 0x2000, 0x808: 0x2000, 0x809: 0x2000, 0x80a: 0x2000, 0x80b: 0x2000, - 0x80c: 0x2000, 0x80d: 0x2000, 0x80e: 0x2000, 0x80f: 0x2000, 0x810: 0x2000, 0x811: 0x2000, - 0x812: 0x2000, 0x813: 0x2000, 0x814: 0x2000, 0x815: 0x2000, 0x816: 0x2000, 0x817: 0x2000, - 0x818: 0x2000, 0x819: 0x2000, 0x81a: 0x2000, 0x81b: 0x2000, 0x81c: 0x2000, 0x81d: 0x2000, - 0x81e: 0x2000, 0x81f: 0x2000, 0x820: 0x2000, 0x821: 0x2000, 0x822: 0x2000, 0x823: 0x2000, - 0x824: 0x2000, 0x825: 0x2000, 0x826: 0x2000, 0x827: 0x2000, 0x828: 0x2000, 0x829: 0x2000, - 0x82a: 0x2000, 0x82b: 0x2000, 0x82c: 0x2000, 0x82d: 0x2000, 0x82e: 0x2000, 0x82f: 0x2000, - 0x830: 0x2000, 0x831: 0x2000, 0x832: 0x2000, 0x833: 0x2000, 0x834: 0x2000, 0x835: 0x2000, - 0x836: 0x2000, 0x837: 0x2000, 0x838: 0x2000, 0x839: 0x2000, 0x83a: 0x2000, 0x83b: 0x2000, - 0x83c: 0x2000, 0x83d: 0x2000, 0x83e: 0x2000, 0x83f: 0x2000, - // Block 0x21, offset 0x840 - 0x840: 0x2000, 0x841: 0x2000, 0x842: 0x2000, 0x843: 0x2000, 0x844: 0x2000, 0x845: 0x2000, - 0x846: 0x2000, 0x847: 0x2000, 0x848: 0x2000, 0x849: 0x2000, 0x84a: 0x2000, 0x84b: 0x2000, - 0x850: 0x2000, 0x851: 0x2000, - 0x852: 0x2000, 0x853: 0x2000, 0x854: 0x2000, 0x855: 0x2000, 0x856: 0x2000, 0x857: 0x2000, - 0x858: 0x2000, 0x859: 0x2000, 0x85a: 0x2000, 0x85b: 0x2000, 0x85c: 0x2000, 0x85d: 0x2000, - 0x85e: 0x2000, 0x85f: 0x2000, 0x860: 0x2000, 0x861: 0x2000, 0x862: 0x2000, 0x863: 0x2000, - 0x864: 0x2000, 0x865: 0x2000, 0x866: 0x2000, 0x867: 0x2000, 0x868: 0x2000, 0x869: 0x2000, - 0x86a: 0x2000, 0x86b: 0x2000, 0x86c: 0x2000, 0x86d: 0x2000, 0x86e: 0x2000, 0x86f: 0x2000, - 0x870: 0x2000, 0x871: 0x2000, 0x872: 0x2000, 0x873: 0x2000, - // Block 0x22, offset 0x880 - 0x880: 0x2000, 0x881: 0x2000, 0x882: 0x2000, 0x883: 0x2000, 0x884: 0x2000, 0x885: 0x2000, - 0x886: 0x2000, 0x887: 0x2000, 0x888: 0x2000, 0x889: 0x2000, 0x88a: 0x2000, 0x88b: 0x2000, - 0x88c: 0x2000, 0x88d: 0x2000, 0x88e: 0x2000, 0x88f: 0x2000, - 0x892: 0x2000, 0x893: 0x2000, 0x894: 0x2000, 0x895: 0x2000, - 0x8a0: 0x200e, 0x8a1: 0x2000, 0x8a3: 0x2000, - 0x8a4: 0x2000, 0x8a5: 0x2000, 0x8a6: 0x2000, 0x8a7: 0x2000, 0x8a8: 0x2000, 0x8a9: 0x2000, - 0x8b2: 0x2000, 0x8b3: 0x2000, - 0x8b6: 0x2000, 0x8b7: 0x2000, - 0x8bc: 0x2000, 0x8bd: 0x2000, - // Block 0x23, offset 0x8c0 - 0x8c0: 0x2000, 0x8c1: 0x2000, - 0x8c6: 0x2000, 0x8c7: 0x2000, 0x8c8: 0x2000, 0x8cb: 0x200f, - 0x8ce: 0x2000, 0x8cf: 0x2000, 0x8d0: 0x2000, 0x8d1: 0x2000, - 0x8e2: 0x2000, 0x8e3: 0x2000, - 0x8e4: 0x2000, 0x8e5: 0x2000, - 0x8ef: 0x2000, - 0x8fd: 0x4000, 0x8fe: 0x4000, - // Block 0x24, offset 0x900 - 0x905: 0x2000, - 0x906: 0x2000, 0x909: 0x2000, - 0x90e: 0x2000, 0x90f: 0x2000, - 0x914: 0x4000, 0x915: 0x4000, - 0x91c: 0x2000, - 0x91e: 0x2000, - // Block 0x25, offset 0x940 - 0x940: 0x2000, 0x942: 0x2000, - 0x948: 0x4000, 0x949: 0x4000, 0x94a: 0x4000, 0x94b: 0x4000, - 0x94c: 0x4000, 0x94d: 0x4000, 0x94e: 0x4000, 0x94f: 0x4000, 0x950: 0x4000, 0x951: 0x4000, - 0x952: 0x4000, 0x953: 0x4000, - 0x960: 0x2000, 0x961: 0x2000, 0x963: 0x2000, - 0x964: 0x2000, 0x965: 0x2000, 0x967: 0x2000, 0x968: 0x2000, 0x969: 0x2000, - 0x96a: 0x2000, 0x96c: 0x2000, 0x96d: 0x2000, 0x96f: 0x2000, - 0x97f: 0x4000, - // Block 0x26, offset 0x980 - 0x993: 0x4000, - 0x99e: 0x2000, 0x99f: 0x2000, 0x9a1: 0x4000, - 0x9aa: 0x4000, 0x9ab: 0x4000, - 0x9bd: 0x4000, 0x9be: 0x4000, 0x9bf: 0x2000, - // Block 0x27, offset 0x9c0 - 0x9c4: 0x4000, 0x9c5: 0x4000, - 0x9c6: 0x2000, 0x9c7: 0x2000, 0x9c8: 0x2000, 0x9c9: 0x2000, 0x9ca: 0x2000, 0x9cb: 0x2000, - 0x9cc: 0x2000, 0x9cd: 0x2000, 0x9ce: 0x4000, 0x9cf: 0x2000, 0x9d0: 0x2000, 0x9d1: 0x2000, - 0x9d2: 0x2000, 0x9d3: 0x2000, 0x9d4: 0x4000, 0x9d5: 0x2000, 0x9d6: 0x2000, 0x9d7: 0x2000, - 0x9d8: 0x2000, 0x9d9: 0x2000, 0x9da: 0x2000, 0x9db: 0x2000, 0x9dc: 0x2000, 0x9dd: 0x2000, - 0x9de: 0x2000, 0x9df: 0x2000, 0x9e0: 0x2000, 0x9e1: 0x2000, 0x9e3: 0x2000, - 0x9e8: 0x2000, 0x9e9: 0x2000, - 0x9ea: 0x4000, 0x9eb: 0x2000, 0x9ec: 0x2000, 0x9ed: 0x2000, 0x9ee: 0x2000, 0x9ef: 0x2000, - 0x9f0: 0x2000, 0x9f1: 0x2000, 0x9f2: 0x4000, 0x9f3: 0x4000, 0x9f4: 0x2000, 0x9f5: 0x4000, - 0x9f6: 0x2000, 0x9f7: 0x2000, 0x9f8: 0x2000, 0x9f9: 0x2000, 0x9fa: 0x4000, 0x9fb: 0x2000, - 0x9fc: 0x2000, 0x9fd: 0x4000, 0x9fe: 0x2000, 0x9ff: 0x2000, - // Block 0x28, offset 0xa00 - 0xa05: 0x4000, - 0xa0a: 0x4000, 0xa0b: 0x4000, - 0xa28: 0x4000, - 0xa3d: 0x2000, - // Block 0x29, offset 0xa40 - 0xa4c: 0x4000, 0xa4e: 0x4000, - 0xa53: 0x4000, 0xa54: 0x4000, 0xa55: 0x4000, 0xa57: 0x4000, - 0xa76: 0x2000, 0xa77: 0x2000, 0xa78: 0x2000, 0xa79: 0x2000, 0xa7a: 0x2000, 0xa7b: 0x2000, - 0xa7c: 0x2000, 0xa7d: 0x2000, 0xa7e: 0x2000, 0xa7f: 0x2000, - // Block 0x2a, offset 0xa80 - 0xa95: 0x4000, 0xa96: 0x4000, 0xa97: 0x4000, - 0xab0: 0x4000, - 0xabf: 0x4000, - // Block 0x2b, offset 0xac0 - 0xae6: 0x6000, 0xae7: 0x6000, 0xae8: 0x6000, 0xae9: 0x6000, - 0xaea: 0x6000, 0xaeb: 0x6000, 0xaec: 0x6000, 0xaed: 0x6000, - // Block 0x2c, offset 0xb00 - 0xb05: 0x6010, - 0xb06: 0x6011, - // Block 0x2d, offset 0xb40 - 0xb5b: 0x4000, 0xb5c: 0x4000, - // Block 0x2e, offset 0xb80 - 0xb90: 0x4000, - 0xb95: 0x4000, 0xb96: 0x2000, 0xb97: 0x2000, - 0xb98: 0x2000, 0xb99: 0x2000, - // Block 0x2f, offset 0xbc0 - 0xbc0: 0x4000, 0xbc1: 0x4000, 0xbc2: 0x4000, 0xbc3: 0x4000, 0xbc4: 0x4000, 0xbc5: 0x4000, - 0xbc6: 0x4000, 0xbc7: 0x4000, 0xbc8: 0x4000, 0xbc9: 0x4000, 0xbca: 0x4000, 0xbcb: 0x4000, - 0xbcc: 0x4000, 0xbcd: 0x4000, 0xbce: 0x4000, 0xbcf: 0x4000, 0xbd0: 0x4000, 0xbd1: 0x4000, - 0xbd2: 0x4000, 0xbd3: 0x4000, 0xbd4: 0x4000, 0xbd5: 0x4000, 0xbd6: 0x4000, 0xbd7: 0x4000, - 0xbd8: 0x4000, 0xbd9: 0x4000, 0xbdb: 0x4000, 0xbdc: 0x4000, 0xbdd: 0x4000, - 0xbde: 0x4000, 0xbdf: 0x4000, 0xbe0: 0x4000, 0xbe1: 0x4000, 0xbe2: 0x4000, 0xbe3: 0x4000, - 0xbe4: 0x4000, 0xbe5: 0x4000, 0xbe6: 0x4000, 0xbe7: 0x4000, 0xbe8: 0x4000, 0xbe9: 0x4000, - 0xbea: 0x4000, 0xbeb: 0x4000, 0xbec: 0x4000, 0xbed: 0x4000, 0xbee: 0x4000, 0xbef: 0x4000, - 0xbf0: 0x4000, 0xbf1: 0x4000, 0xbf2: 0x4000, 0xbf3: 0x4000, 0xbf4: 0x4000, 0xbf5: 0x4000, - 0xbf6: 0x4000, 0xbf7: 0x4000, 0xbf8: 0x4000, 0xbf9: 0x4000, 0xbfa: 0x4000, 0xbfb: 0x4000, - 0xbfc: 0x4000, 0xbfd: 0x4000, 0xbfe: 0x4000, 0xbff: 0x4000, - // Block 0x30, offset 0xc00 - 0xc00: 0x4000, 0xc01: 0x4000, 0xc02: 0x4000, 0xc03: 0x4000, 0xc04: 0x4000, 0xc05: 0x4000, - 0xc06: 0x4000, 0xc07: 0x4000, 0xc08: 0x4000, 0xc09: 0x4000, 0xc0a: 0x4000, 0xc0b: 0x4000, - 0xc0c: 0x4000, 0xc0d: 0x4000, 0xc0e: 0x4000, 0xc0f: 0x4000, 0xc10: 0x4000, 0xc11: 0x4000, - 0xc12: 0x4000, 0xc13: 0x4000, 0xc14: 0x4000, 0xc15: 0x4000, 0xc16: 0x4000, 0xc17: 0x4000, - 0xc18: 0x4000, 0xc19: 0x4000, 0xc1a: 0x4000, 0xc1b: 0x4000, 0xc1c: 0x4000, 0xc1d: 0x4000, - 0xc1e: 0x4000, 0xc1f: 0x4000, 0xc20: 0x4000, 0xc21: 0x4000, 0xc22: 0x4000, 0xc23: 0x4000, - 0xc24: 0x4000, 0xc25: 0x4000, 0xc26: 0x4000, 0xc27: 0x4000, 0xc28: 0x4000, 0xc29: 0x4000, - 0xc2a: 0x4000, 0xc2b: 0x4000, 0xc2c: 0x4000, 0xc2d: 0x4000, 0xc2e: 0x4000, 0xc2f: 0x4000, - 0xc30: 0x4000, 0xc31: 0x4000, 0xc32: 0x4000, 0xc33: 0x4000, - // Block 0x31, offset 0xc40 - 0xc40: 0x4000, 0xc41: 0x4000, 0xc42: 0x4000, 0xc43: 0x4000, 0xc44: 0x4000, 0xc45: 0x4000, - 0xc46: 0x4000, 0xc47: 0x4000, 0xc48: 0x4000, 0xc49: 0x4000, 0xc4a: 0x4000, 0xc4b: 0x4000, - 0xc4c: 0x4000, 0xc4d: 0x4000, 0xc4e: 0x4000, 0xc4f: 0x4000, 0xc50: 0x4000, 0xc51: 0x4000, - 0xc52: 0x4000, 0xc53: 0x4000, 0xc54: 0x4000, 0xc55: 0x4000, - 0xc70: 0x4000, 0xc71: 0x4000, 0xc72: 0x4000, 0xc73: 0x4000, 0xc74: 0x4000, 0xc75: 0x4000, - 0xc76: 0x4000, 0xc77: 0x4000, 0xc78: 0x4000, 0xc79: 0x4000, 0xc7a: 0x4000, 0xc7b: 0x4000, - // Block 0x32, offset 0xc80 - 0xc80: 0x9012, 0xc81: 0x4013, 0xc82: 0x4014, 0xc83: 0x4000, 0xc84: 0x4000, 0xc85: 0x4000, - 0xc86: 0x4000, 0xc87: 0x4000, 0xc88: 0x4000, 0xc89: 0x4000, 0xc8a: 0x4000, 0xc8b: 0x4000, - 0xc8c: 0x4015, 0xc8d: 0x4015, 0xc8e: 0x4000, 0xc8f: 0x4000, 0xc90: 0x4000, 0xc91: 0x4000, - 0xc92: 0x4000, 0xc93: 0x4000, 0xc94: 0x4000, 0xc95: 0x4000, 0xc96: 0x4000, 0xc97: 0x4000, - 0xc98: 0x4000, 0xc99: 0x4000, 0xc9a: 0x4000, 0xc9b: 0x4000, 0xc9c: 0x4000, 0xc9d: 0x4000, - 0xc9e: 0x4000, 0xc9f: 0x4000, 0xca0: 0x4000, 0xca1: 0x4000, 0xca2: 0x4000, 0xca3: 0x4000, - 0xca4: 0x4000, 0xca5: 0x4000, 0xca6: 0x4000, 0xca7: 0x4000, 0xca8: 0x4000, 0xca9: 0x4000, - 0xcaa: 0x4000, 0xcab: 0x4000, 0xcac: 0x4000, 0xcad: 0x4000, 0xcae: 0x4000, 0xcaf: 0x4000, - 0xcb0: 0x4000, 0xcb1: 0x4000, 0xcb2: 0x4000, 0xcb3: 0x4000, 0xcb4: 0x4000, 0xcb5: 0x4000, - 0xcb6: 0x4000, 0xcb7: 0x4000, 0xcb8: 0x4000, 0xcb9: 0x4000, 0xcba: 0x4000, 0xcbb: 0x4000, - 0xcbc: 0x4000, 0xcbd: 0x4000, 0xcbe: 0x4000, - // Block 0x33, offset 0xcc0 - 0xcc1: 0x4000, 0xcc2: 0x4000, 0xcc3: 0x4000, 0xcc4: 0x4000, 0xcc5: 0x4000, - 0xcc6: 0x4000, 0xcc7: 0x4000, 0xcc8: 0x4000, 0xcc9: 0x4000, 0xcca: 0x4000, 0xccb: 0x4000, - 0xccc: 0x4000, 0xccd: 0x4000, 0xcce: 0x4000, 0xccf: 0x4000, 0xcd0: 0x4000, 0xcd1: 0x4000, - 0xcd2: 0x4000, 0xcd3: 0x4000, 0xcd4: 0x4000, 0xcd5: 0x4000, 0xcd6: 0x4000, 0xcd7: 0x4000, - 0xcd8: 0x4000, 0xcd9: 0x4000, 0xcda: 0x4000, 0xcdb: 0x4000, 0xcdc: 0x4000, 0xcdd: 0x4000, - 0xcde: 0x4000, 0xcdf: 0x4000, 0xce0: 0x4000, 0xce1: 0x4000, 0xce2: 0x4000, 0xce3: 0x4000, - 0xce4: 0x4000, 0xce5: 0x4000, 0xce6: 0x4000, 0xce7: 0x4000, 0xce8: 0x4000, 0xce9: 0x4000, - 0xcea: 0x4000, 0xceb: 0x4000, 0xcec: 0x4000, 0xced: 0x4000, 0xcee: 0x4000, 0xcef: 0x4000, - 0xcf0: 0x4000, 0xcf1: 0x4000, 0xcf2: 0x4000, 0xcf3: 0x4000, 0xcf4: 0x4000, 0xcf5: 0x4000, - 0xcf6: 0x4000, 0xcf7: 0x4000, 0xcf8: 0x4000, 0xcf9: 0x4000, 0xcfa: 0x4000, 0xcfb: 0x4000, - 0xcfc: 0x4000, 0xcfd: 0x4000, 0xcfe: 0x4000, 0xcff: 0x4000, - // Block 0x34, offset 0xd00 - 0xd00: 0x4000, 0xd01: 0x4000, 0xd02: 0x4000, 0xd03: 0x4000, 0xd04: 0x4000, 0xd05: 0x4000, - 0xd06: 0x4000, 0xd07: 0x4000, 0xd08: 0x4000, 0xd09: 0x4000, 0xd0a: 0x4000, 0xd0b: 0x4000, - 0xd0c: 0x4000, 0xd0d: 0x4000, 0xd0e: 0x4000, 0xd0f: 0x4000, 0xd10: 0x4000, 0xd11: 0x4000, - 0xd12: 0x4000, 0xd13: 0x4000, 0xd14: 0x4000, 0xd15: 0x4000, 0xd16: 0x4000, - 0xd19: 0x4016, 0xd1a: 0x4017, 0xd1b: 0x4000, 0xd1c: 0x4000, 0xd1d: 0x4000, - 0xd1e: 0x4000, 0xd1f: 0x4000, 0xd20: 0x4000, 0xd21: 0x4018, 0xd22: 0x4019, 0xd23: 0x401a, - 0xd24: 0x401b, 0xd25: 0x401c, 0xd26: 0x401d, 0xd27: 0x401e, 0xd28: 0x401f, 0xd29: 0x4020, - 0xd2a: 0x4021, 0xd2b: 0x4022, 0xd2c: 0x4000, 0xd2d: 0x4010, 0xd2e: 0x4000, 0xd2f: 0x4023, - 0xd30: 0x4000, 0xd31: 0x4024, 0xd32: 0x4000, 0xd33: 0x4025, 0xd34: 0x4000, 0xd35: 0x4026, - 0xd36: 0x4000, 0xd37: 0x401a, 0xd38: 0x4000, 0xd39: 0x4027, 0xd3a: 0x4000, 0xd3b: 0x4028, - 0xd3c: 0x4000, 0xd3d: 0x4020, 0xd3e: 0x4000, 0xd3f: 0x4029, - // Block 0x35, offset 0xd40 - 0xd40: 0x4000, 0xd41: 0x402a, 0xd42: 0x4000, 0xd43: 0x402b, 0xd44: 0x402c, 0xd45: 0x4000, - 0xd46: 0x4017, 0xd47: 0x4000, 0xd48: 0x402d, 0xd49: 0x4000, 0xd4a: 0x402e, 0xd4b: 0x402f, - 0xd4c: 0x4030, 0xd4d: 0x4017, 0xd4e: 0x4016, 0xd4f: 0x4017, 0xd50: 0x4000, 0xd51: 0x4000, - 0xd52: 0x4031, 0xd53: 0x4000, 0xd54: 0x4000, 0xd55: 0x4031, 0xd56: 0x4000, 0xd57: 0x4000, - 0xd58: 0x4032, 0xd59: 0x4000, 0xd5a: 0x4000, 0xd5b: 0x4032, 0xd5c: 0x4000, 0xd5d: 0x4000, - 0xd5e: 0x4033, 0xd5f: 0x402e, 0xd60: 0x4034, 0xd61: 0x4035, 0xd62: 0x4034, 0xd63: 0x4036, - 0xd64: 0x4037, 0xd65: 0x4024, 0xd66: 0x4035, 0xd67: 0x4025, 0xd68: 0x4038, 0xd69: 0x4038, - 0xd6a: 0x4039, 0xd6b: 0x4039, 0xd6c: 0x403a, 0xd6d: 0x403a, 0xd6e: 0x4000, 0xd6f: 0x4035, - 0xd70: 0x4000, 0xd71: 0x4000, 0xd72: 0x403b, 0xd73: 0x403c, 0xd74: 0x4000, 0xd75: 0x4000, - 0xd76: 0x4000, 0xd77: 0x4000, 0xd78: 0x4000, 0xd79: 0x4000, 0xd7a: 0x4000, 0xd7b: 0x403d, - 0xd7c: 0x401c, 0xd7d: 0x4000, 0xd7e: 0x4000, 0xd7f: 0x4000, - // Block 0x36, offset 0xd80 - 0xd85: 0x4000, - 0xd86: 0x4000, 0xd87: 0x4000, 0xd88: 0x4000, 0xd89: 0x4000, 0xd8a: 0x4000, 0xd8b: 0x4000, - 0xd8c: 0x4000, 0xd8d: 0x4000, 0xd8e: 0x4000, 0xd8f: 0x4000, 0xd90: 0x4000, 0xd91: 0x4000, - 0xd92: 0x4000, 0xd93: 0x4000, 0xd94: 0x4000, 0xd95: 0x4000, 0xd96: 0x4000, 0xd97: 0x4000, - 0xd98: 0x4000, 0xd99: 0x4000, 0xd9a: 0x4000, 0xd9b: 0x4000, 0xd9c: 0x4000, 0xd9d: 0x4000, - 0xd9e: 0x4000, 0xd9f: 0x4000, 0xda0: 0x4000, 0xda1: 0x4000, 0xda2: 0x4000, 0xda3: 0x4000, - 0xda4: 0x4000, 0xda5: 0x4000, 0xda6: 0x4000, 0xda7: 0x4000, 0xda8: 0x4000, 0xda9: 0x4000, - 0xdaa: 0x4000, 0xdab: 0x4000, 0xdac: 0x4000, 0xdad: 0x4000, - 0xdb1: 0x403e, 0xdb2: 0x403e, 0xdb3: 0x403e, 0xdb4: 0x403e, 0xdb5: 0x403e, - 0xdb6: 0x403e, 0xdb7: 0x403e, 0xdb8: 0x403e, 0xdb9: 0x403e, 0xdba: 0x403e, 0xdbb: 0x403e, - 0xdbc: 0x403e, 0xdbd: 0x403e, 0xdbe: 0x403e, 0xdbf: 0x403e, - // Block 0x37, offset 0xdc0 - 0xdc0: 0x4037, 0xdc1: 0x4037, 0xdc2: 0x4037, 0xdc3: 0x4037, 0xdc4: 0x4037, 0xdc5: 0x4037, - 0xdc6: 0x4037, 0xdc7: 0x4037, 0xdc8: 0x4037, 0xdc9: 0x4037, 0xdca: 0x4037, 0xdcb: 0x4037, - 0xdcc: 0x4037, 0xdcd: 0x4037, 0xdce: 0x4037, 0xdcf: 0x400e, 0xdd0: 0x403f, 0xdd1: 0x4040, - 0xdd2: 0x4041, 0xdd3: 0x4040, 0xdd4: 0x403f, 0xdd5: 0x4042, 0xdd6: 0x4043, 0xdd7: 0x4044, - 0xdd8: 0x4040, 0xdd9: 0x4041, 0xdda: 0x4040, 0xddb: 0x4045, 0xddc: 0x4009, 0xddd: 0x4045, - 0xdde: 0x4046, 0xddf: 0x4045, 0xde0: 0x4047, 0xde1: 0x400b, 0xde2: 0x400a, 0xde3: 0x400c, - 0xde4: 0x4048, 0xde5: 0x4000, 0xde6: 0x4000, 0xde7: 0x4000, 0xde8: 0x4000, 0xde9: 0x4000, - 0xdea: 0x4000, 0xdeb: 0x4000, 0xdec: 0x4000, 0xded: 0x4000, 0xdee: 0x4000, 0xdef: 0x4000, - 0xdf0: 0x4000, 0xdf1: 0x4000, 0xdf2: 0x4000, 0xdf3: 0x4000, 0xdf4: 0x4000, 0xdf5: 0x4000, - 0xdf6: 0x4000, 0xdf7: 0x4000, 0xdf8: 0x4000, 0xdf9: 0x4000, 0xdfa: 0x4000, 0xdfb: 0x4000, - 0xdfc: 0x4000, 0xdfd: 0x4000, 0xdfe: 0x4000, 0xdff: 0x4000, - // Block 0x38, offset 0xe00 - 0xe00: 0x4000, 0xe01: 0x4000, 0xe02: 0x4000, 0xe03: 0x4000, 0xe04: 0x4000, 0xe05: 0x4000, - 0xe06: 0x4000, 0xe07: 0x4000, 0xe08: 0x4000, 0xe09: 0x4000, 0xe0a: 0x4000, 0xe0b: 0x4000, - 0xe0c: 0x4000, 0xe0d: 0x4000, 0xe0e: 0x4000, 0xe10: 0x4000, 0xe11: 0x4000, - 0xe12: 0x4000, 0xe13: 0x4000, 0xe14: 0x4000, 0xe15: 0x4000, 0xe16: 0x4000, 0xe17: 0x4000, - 0xe18: 0x4000, 0xe19: 0x4000, 0xe1a: 0x4000, 0xe1b: 0x4000, 0xe1c: 0x4000, 0xe1d: 0x4000, - 0xe1e: 0x4000, 0xe1f: 0x4000, 0xe20: 0x4000, 0xe21: 0x4000, 0xe22: 0x4000, 0xe23: 0x4000, - 0xe24: 0x4000, 0xe25: 0x4000, 0xe26: 0x4000, 0xe27: 0x4000, 0xe28: 0x4000, 0xe29: 0x4000, - 0xe2a: 0x4000, 0xe2b: 0x4000, 0xe2c: 0x4000, 0xe2d: 0x4000, 0xe2e: 0x4000, 0xe2f: 0x4000, - 0xe30: 0x4000, 0xe31: 0x4000, 0xe32: 0x4000, 0xe33: 0x4000, 0xe34: 0x4000, 0xe35: 0x4000, - 0xe36: 0x4000, 0xe37: 0x4000, 0xe38: 0x4000, 0xe39: 0x4000, 0xe3a: 0x4000, - // Block 0x39, offset 0xe40 - 0xe40: 0x4000, 0xe41: 0x4000, 0xe42: 0x4000, 0xe43: 0x4000, 0xe44: 0x4000, 0xe45: 0x4000, - 0xe46: 0x4000, 0xe47: 0x4000, 0xe48: 0x4000, 0xe49: 0x4000, 0xe4a: 0x4000, 0xe4b: 0x4000, - 0xe4c: 0x4000, 0xe4d: 0x4000, 0xe4e: 0x4000, 0xe4f: 0x4000, 0xe50: 0x4000, 0xe51: 0x4000, - 0xe52: 0x4000, 0xe53: 0x4000, 0xe54: 0x4000, 0xe55: 0x4000, 0xe56: 0x4000, 0xe57: 0x4000, - 0xe58: 0x4000, 0xe59: 0x4000, 0xe5a: 0x4000, 0xe5b: 0x4000, 0xe5c: 0x4000, 0xe5d: 0x4000, - 0xe5e: 0x4000, 0xe5f: 0x4000, 0xe60: 0x4000, 0xe61: 0x4000, 0xe62: 0x4000, 0xe63: 0x4000, - 0xe70: 0x4000, 0xe71: 0x4000, 0xe72: 0x4000, 0xe73: 0x4000, 0xe74: 0x4000, 0xe75: 0x4000, - 0xe76: 0x4000, 0xe77: 0x4000, 0xe78: 0x4000, 0xe79: 0x4000, 0xe7a: 0x4000, 0xe7b: 0x4000, - 0xe7c: 0x4000, 0xe7d: 0x4000, 0xe7e: 0x4000, 0xe7f: 0x4000, - // Block 0x3a, offset 0xe80 - 0xe80: 0x4000, 0xe81: 0x4000, 0xe82: 0x4000, 0xe83: 0x4000, 0xe84: 0x4000, 0xe85: 0x4000, - 0xe86: 0x4000, 0xe87: 0x4000, 0xe88: 0x4000, 0xe89: 0x4000, 0xe8a: 0x4000, 0xe8b: 0x4000, - 0xe8c: 0x4000, 0xe8d: 0x4000, 0xe8e: 0x4000, 0xe8f: 0x4000, 0xe90: 0x4000, 0xe91: 0x4000, - 0xe92: 0x4000, 0xe93: 0x4000, 0xe94: 0x4000, 0xe95: 0x4000, 0xe96: 0x4000, 0xe97: 0x4000, - 0xe98: 0x4000, 0xe99: 0x4000, 0xe9a: 0x4000, 0xe9b: 0x4000, 0xe9c: 0x4000, 0xe9d: 0x4000, - 0xe9e: 0x4000, 0xea0: 0x4000, 0xea1: 0x4000, 0xea2: 0x4000, 0xea3: 0x4000, - 0xea4: 0x4000, 0xea5: 0x4000, 0xea6: 0x4000, 0xea7: 0x4000, 0xea8: 0x4000, 0xea9: 0x4000, - 0xeaa: 0x4000, 0xeab: 0x4000, 0xeac: 0x4000, 0xead: 0x4000, 0xeae: 0x4000, 0xeaf: 0x4000, - 0xeb0: 0x4000, 0xeb1: 0x4000, 0xeb2: 0x4000, 0xeb3: 0x4000, 0xeb4: 0x4000, 0xeb5: 0x4000, - 0xeb6: 0x4000, 0xeb7: 0x4000, 0xeb8: 0x4000, 0xeb9: 0x4000, 0xeba: 0x4000, 0xebb: 0x4000, - 0xebc: 0x4000, 0xebd: 0x4000, 0xebe: 0x4000, 0xebf: 0x4000, - // Block 0x3b, offset 0xec0 - 0xec0: 0x4000, 0xec1: 0x4000, 0xec2: 0x4000, 0xec3: 0x4000, 0xec4: 0x4000, 0xec5: 0x4000, - 0xec6: 0x4000, 0xec7: 0x4000, 0xec8: 0x2000, 0xec9: 0x2000, 0xeca: 0x2000, 0xecb: 0x2000, - 0xecc: 0x2000, 0xecd: 0x2000, 0xece: 0x2000, 0xecf: 0x2000, 0xed0: 0x4000, 0xed1: 0x4000, - 0xed2: 0x4000, 0xed3: 0x4000, 0xed4: 0x4000, 0xed5: 0x4000, 0xed6: 0x4000, 0xed7: 0x4000, - 0xed8: 0x4000, 0xed9: 0x4000, 0xeda: 0x4000, 0xedb: 0x4000, 0xedc: 0x4000, 0xedd: 0x4000, - 0xede: 0x4000, 0xedf: 0x4000, 0xee0: 0x4000, 0xee1: 0x4000, 0xee2: 0x4000, 0xee3: 0x4000, - 0xee4: 0x4000, 0xee5: 0x4000, 0xee6: 0x4000, 0xee7: 0x4000, 0xee8: 0x4000, 0xee9: 0x4000, - 0xeea: 0x4000, 0xeeb: 0x4000, 0xeec: 0x4000, 0xeed: 0x4000, 0xeee: 0x4000, 0xeef: 0x4000, - 0xef0: 0x4000, 0xef1: 0x4000, 0xef2: 0x4000, 0xef3: 0x4000, 0xef4: 0x4000, 0xef5: 0x4000, - 0xef6: 0x4000, 0xef7: 0x4000, 0xef8: 0x4000, 0xef9: 0x4000, 0xefa: 0x4000, 0xefb: 0x4000, - 0xefc: 0x4000, 0xefd: 0x4000, 0xefe: 0x4000, 0xeff: 0x4000, - // Block 0x3c, offset 0xf00 - 0xf00: 0x4000, 0xf01: 0x4000, 0xf02: 0x4000, 0xf03: 0x4000, 0xf04: 0x4000, 0xf05: 0x4000, - 0xf06: 0x4000, 0xf07: 0x4000, 0xf08: 0x4000, 0xf09: 0x4000, 0xf0a: 0x4000, 0xf0b: 0x4000, - 0xf0c: 0x4000, 0xf0d: 0x4000, 0xf0e: 0x4000, 0xf0f: 0x4000, 0xf10: 0x4000, 0xf11: 0x4000, - 0xf12: 0x4000, 0xf13: 0x4000, 0xf14: 0x4000, 0xf15: 0x4000, 0xf16: 0x4000, 0xf17: 0x4000, - 0xf18: 0x4000, 0xf19: 0x4000, 0xf1a: 0x4000, 0xf1b: 0x4000, 0xf1c: 0x4000, 0xf1d: 0x4000, - 0xf1e: 0x4000, 0xf1f: 0x4000, 0xf20: 0x4000, 0xf21: 0x4000, 0xf22: 0x4000, 0xf23: 0x4000, - 0xf24: 0x4000, 0xf25: 0x4000, 0xf26: 0x4000, 0xf27: 0x4000, 0xf28: 0x4000, 0xf29: 0x4000, - 0xf2a: 0x4000, 0xf2b: 0x4000, 0xf2c: 0x4000, 0xf2d: 0x4000, 0xf2e: 0x4000, 0xf2f: 0x4000, - 0xf30: 0x4000, 0xf31: 0x4000, 0xf32: 0x4000, 0xf33: 0x4000, 0xf34: 0x4000, 0xf35: 0x4000, - 0xf36: 0x4000, 0xf37: 0x4000, 0xf38: 0x4000, 0xf39: 0x4000, 0xf3a: 0x4000, 0xf3b: 0x4000, - 0xf3c: 0x4000, 0xf3d: 0x4000, 0xf3e: 0x4000, - // Block 0x3d, offset 0xf40 - 0xf40: 0x4000, 0xf41: 0x4000, 0xf42: 0x4000, 0xf43: 0x4000, 0xf44: 0x4000, 0xf45: 0x4000, - 0xf46: 0x4000, 0xf47: 0x4000, 0xf48: 0x4000, 0xf49: 0x4000, 0xf4a: 0x4000, 0xf4b: 0x4000, - 0xf4c: 0x4000, 0xf50: 0x4000, 0xf51: 0x4000, - 0xf52: 0x4000, 0xf53: 0x4000, 0xf54: 0x4000, 0xf55: 0x4000, 0xf56: 0x4000, 0xf57: 0x4000, - 0xf58: 0x4000, 0xf59: 0x4000, 0xf5a: 0x4000, 0xf5b: 0x4000, 0xf5c: 0x4000, 0xf5d: 0x4000, - 0xf5e: 0x4000, 0xf5f: 0x4000, 0xf60: 0x4000, 0xf61: 0x4000, 0xf62: 0x4000, 0xf63: 0x4000, - 0xf64: 0x4000, 0xf65: 0x4000, 0xf66: 0x4000, 0xf67: 0x4000, 0xf68: 0x4000, 0xf69: 0x4000, - 0xf6a: 0x4000, 0xf6b: 0x4000, 0xf6c: 0x4000, 0xf6d: 0x4000, 0xf6e: 0x4000, 0xf6f: 0x4000, - 0xf70: 0x4000, 0xf71: 0x4000, 0xf72: 0x4000, 0xf73: 0x4000, 0xf74: 0x4000, 0xf75: 0x4000, - 0xf76: 0x4000, 0xf77: 0x4000, 0xf78: 0x4000, 0xf79: 0x4000, 0xf7a: 0x4000, 0xf7b: 0x4000, - 0xf7c: 0x4000, 0xf7d: 0x4000, 0xf7e: 0x4000, 0xf7f: 0x4000, - // Block 0x3e, offset 0xf80 - 0xf80: 0x4000, 0xf81: 0x4000, 0xf82: 0x4000, 0xf83: 0x4000, 0xf84: 0x4000, 0xf85: 0x4000, - 0xf86: 0x4000, - // Block 0x3f, offset 0xfc0 - 0xfe0: 0x4000, 0xfe1: 0x4000, 0xfe2: 0x4000, 0xfe3: 0x4000, - 0xfe4: 0x4000, 0xfe5: 0x4000, 0xfe6: 0x4000, 0xfe7: 0x4000, 0xfe8: 0x4000, 0xfe9: 0x4000, - 0xfea: 0x4000, 0xfeb: 0x4000, 0xfec: 0x4000, 0xfed: 0x4000, 0xfee: 0x4000, 0xfef: 0x4000, - 0xff0: 0x4000, 0xff1: 0x4000, 0xff2: 0x4000, 0xff3: 0x4000, 0xff4: 0x4000, 0xff5: 0x4000, - 0xff6: 0x4000, 0xff7: 0x4000, 0xff8: 0x4000, 0xff9: 0x4000, 0xffa: 0x4000, 0xffb: 0x4000, - 0xffc: 0x4000, - // Block 0x40, offset 0x1000 - 0x1000: 0x4000, 0x1001: 0x4000, 0x1002: 0x4000, 0x1003: 0x4000, 0x1004: 0x4000, 0x1005: 0x4000, - 0x1006: 0x4000, 0x1007: 0x4000, 0x1008: 0x4000, 0x1009: 0x4000, 0x100a: 0x4000, 0x100b: 0x4000, - 0x100c: 0x4000, 0x100d: 0x4000, 0x100e: 0x4000, 0x100f: 0x4000, 0x1010: 0x4000, 0x1011: 0x4000, - 0x1012: 0x4000, 0x1013: 0x4000, 0x1014: 0x4000, 0x1015: 0x4000, 0x1016: 0x4000, 0x1017: 0x4000, - 0x1018: 0x4000, 0x1019: 0x4000, 0x101a: 0x4000, 0x101b: 0x4000, 0x101c: 0x4000, 0x101d: 0x4000, - 0x101e: 0x4000, 0x101f: 0x4000, 0x1020: 0x4000, 0x1021: 0x4000, 0x1022: 0x4000, 0x1023: 0x4000, - // Block 0x41, offset 0x1040 - 0x1040: 0x2000, 0x1041: 0x2000, 0x1042: 0x2000, 0x1043: 0x2000, 0x1044: 0x2000, 0x1045: 0x2000, - 0x1046: 0x2000, 0x1047: 0x2000, 0x1048: 0x2000, 0x1049: 0x2000, 0x104a: 0x2000, 0x104b: 0x2000, - 0x104c: 0x2000, 0x104d: 0x2000, 0x104e: 0x2000, 0x104f: 0x2000, 0x1050: 0x4000, 0x1051: 0x4000, - 0x1052: 0x4000, 0x1053: 0x4000, 0x1054: 0x4000, 0x1055: 0x4000, 0x1056: 0x4000, 0x1057: 0x4000, - 0x1058: 0x4000, 0x1059: 0x4000, - 0x1070: 0x4000, 0x1071: 0x4000, 0x1072: 0x4000, 0x1073: 0x4000, 0x1074: 0x4000, 0x1075: 0x4000, - 0x1076: 0x4000, 0x1077: 0x4000, 0x1078: 0x4000, 0x1079: 0x4000, 0x107a: 0x4000, 0x107b: 0x4000, - 0x107c: 0x4000, 0x107d: 0x4000, 0x107e: 0x4000, 0x107f: 0x4000, - // Block 0x42, offset 0x1080 - 0x1080: 0x4000, 0x1081: 0x4000, 0x1082: 0x4000, 0x1083: 0x4000, 0x1084: 0x4000, 0x1085: 0x4000, - 0x1086: 0x4000, 0x1087: 0x4000, 0x1088: 0x4000, 0x1089: 0x4000, 0x108a: 0x4000, 0x108b: 0x4000, - 0x108c: 0x4000, 0x108d: 0x4000, 0x108e: 0x4000, 0x108f: 0x4000, 0x1090: 0x4000, 0x1091: 0x4000, - 0x1092: 0x4000, 0x1094: 0x4000, 0x1095: 0x4000, 0x1096: 0x4000, 0x1097: 0x4000, - 0x1098: 0x4000, 0x1099: 0x4000, 0x109a: 0x4000, 0x109b: 0x4000, 0x109c: 0x4000, 0x109d: 0x4000, - 0x109e: 0x4000, 0x109f: 0x4000, 0x10a0: 0x4000, 0x10a1: 0x4000, 0x10a2: 0x4000, 0x10a3: 0x4000, - 0x10a4: 0x4000, 0x10a5: 0x4000, 0x10a6: 0x4000, 0x10a8: 0x4000, 0x10a9: 0x4000, - 0x10aa: 0x4000, 0x10ab: 0x4000, - // Block 0x43, offset 0x10c0 - 0x10c1: 0x9012, 0x10c2: 0x9012, 0x10c3: 0x9012, 0x10c4: 0x9012, 0x10c5: 0x9012, - 0x10c6: 0x9012, 0x10c7: 0x9012, 0x10c8: 0x9012, 0x10c9: 0x9012, 0x10ca: 0x9012, 0x10cb: 0x9012, - 0x10cc: 0x9012, 0x10cd: 0x9012, 0x10ce: 0x9012, 0x10cf: 0x9012, 0x10d0: 0x9012, 0x10d1: 0x9012, - 0x10d2: 0x9012, 0x10d3: 0x9012, 0x10d4: 0x9012, 0x10d5: 0x9012, 0x10d6: 0x9012, 0x10d7: 0x9012, - 0x10d8: 0x9012, 0x10d9: 0x9012, 0x10da: 0x9012, 0x10db: 0x9012, 0x10dc: 0x9012, 0x10dd: 0x9012, - 0x10de: 0x9012, 0x10df: 0x9012, 0x10e0: 0x9049, 0x10e1: 0x9049, 0x10e2: 0x9049, 0x10e3: 0x9049, - 0x10e4: 0x9049, 0x10e5: 0x9049, 0x10e6: 0x9049, 0x10e7: 0x9049, 0x10e8: 0x9049, 0x10e9: 0x9049, - 0x10ea: 0x9049, 0x10eb: 0x9049, 0x10ec: 0x9049, 0x10ed: 0x9049, 0x10ee: 0x9049, 0x10ef: 0x9049, - 0x10f0: 0x9049, 0x10f1: 0x9049, 0x10f2: 0x9049, 0x10f3: 0x9049, 0x10f4: 0x9049, 0x10f5: 0x9049, - 0x10f6: 0x9049, 0x10f7: 0x9049, 0x10f8: 0x9049, 0x10f9: 0x9049, 0x10fa: 0x9049, 0x10fb: 0x9049, - 0x10fc: 0x9049, 0x10fd: 0x9049, 0x10fe: 0x9049, 0x10ff: 0x9049, - // Block 0x44, offset 0x1100 - 0x1100: 0x9049, 0x1101: 0x9049, 0x1102: 0x9049, 0x1103: 0x9049, 0x1104: 0x9049, 0x1105: 0x9049, - 0x1106: 0x9049, 0x1107: 0x9049, 0x1108: 0x9049, 0x1109: 0x9049, 0x110a: 0x9049, 0x110b: 0x9049, - 0x110c: 0x9049, 0x110d: 0x9049, 0x110e: 0x9049, 0x110f: 0x9049, 0x1110: 0x9049, 0x1111: 0x9049, - 0x1112: 0x9049, 0x1113: 0x9049, 0x1114: 0x9049, 0x1115: 0x9049, 0x1116: 0x9049, 0x1117: 0x9049, - 0x1118: 0x9049, 0x1119: 0x9049, 0x111a: 0x9049, 0x111b: 0x9049, 0x111c: 0x9049, 0x111d: 0x9049, - 0x111e: 0x9049, 0x111f: 0x904a, 0x1120: 0x904b, 0x1121: 0xb04c, 0x1122: 0xb04d, 0x1123: 0xb04d, - 0x1124: 0xb04e, 0x1125: 0xb04f, 0x1126: 0xb050, 0x1127: 0xb051, 0x1128: 0xb052, 0x1129: 0xb053, - 0x112a: 0xb054, 0x112b: 0xb055, 0x112c: 0xb056, 0x112d: 0xb057, 0x112e: 0xb058, 0x112f: 0xb059, - 0x1130: 0xb05a, 0x1131: 0xb05b, 0x1132: 0xb05c, 0x1133: 0xb05d, 0x1134: 0xb05e, 0x1135: 0xb05f, - 0x1136: 0xb060, 0x1137: 0xb061, 0x1138: 0xb062, 0x1139: 0xb063, 0x113a: 0xb064, 0x113b: 0xb065, - 0x113c: 0xb052, 0x113d: 0xb066, 0x113e: 0xb067, 0x113f: 0xb055, - // Block 0x45, offset 0x1140 - 0x1140: 0xb068, 0x1141: 0xb069, 0x1142: 0xb06a, 0x1143: 0xb06b, 0x1144: 0xb05a, 0x1145: 0xb056, - 0x1146: 0xb06c, 0x1147: 0xb06d, 0x1148: 0xb06b, 0x1149: 0xb06e, 0x114a: 0xb06b, 0x114b: 0xb06f, - 0x114c: 0xb06f, 0x114d: 0xb070, 0x114e: 0xb070, 0x114f: 0xb071, 0x1150: 0xb056, 0x1151: 0xb072, - 0x1152: 0xb073, 0x1153: 0xb072, 0x1154: 0xb074, 0x1155: 0xb073, 0x1156: 0xb075, 0x1157: 0xb075, - 0x1158: 0xb076, 0x1159: 0xb076, 0x115a: 0xb077, 0x115b: 0xb077, 0x115c: 0xb073, 0x115d: 0xb078, - 0x115e: 0xb079, 0x115f: 0xb067, 0x1160: 0xb07a, 0x1161: 0xb07b, 0x1162: 0xb07b, 0x1163: 0xb07b, - 0x1164: 0xb07b, 0x1165: 0xb07b, 0x1166: 0xb07b, 0x1167: 0xb07b, 0x1168: 0xb07b, 0x1169: 0xb07b, - 0x116a: 0xb07b, 0x116b: 0xb07b, 0x116c: 0xb07b, 0x116d: 0xb07b, 0x116e: 0xb07b, 0x116f: 0xb07b, - 0x1170: 0xb07c, 0x1171: 0xb07c, 0x1172: 0xb07c, 0x1173: 0xb07c, 0x1174: 0xb07c, 0x1175: 0xb07c, - 0x1176: 0xb07c, 0x1177: 0xb07c, 0x1178: 0xb07c, 0x1179: 0xb07c, 0x117a: 0xb07c, 0x117b: 0xb07c, - 0x117c: 0xb07c, 0x117d: 0xb07c, 0x117e: 0xb07c, - // Block 0x46, offset 0x1180 - 0x1182: 0xb07d, 0x1183: 0xb07e, 0x1184: 0xb07f, 0x1185: 0xb080, - 0x1186: 0xb07f, 0x1187: 0xb07e, 0x118a: 0xb081, 0x118b: 0xb082, - 0x118c: 0xb083, 0x118d: 0xb07f, 0x118e: 0xb080, 0x118f: 0xb07f, - 0x1192: 0xb084, 0x1193: 0xb085, 0x1194: 0xb084, 0x1195: 0xb086, 0x1196: 0xb084, 0x1197: 0xb087, - 0x119a: 0xb088, 0x119b: 0xb089, 0x119c: 0xb08a, - 0x11a0: 0x908b, 0x11a1: 0x908b, 0x11a2: 0x908c, 0x11a3: 0x908d, - 0x11a4: 0x908b, 0x11a5: 0x908e, 0x11a6: 0x908f, 0x11a8: 0xb090, 0x11a9: 0xb091, - 0x11aa: 0xb092, 0x11ab: 0xb091, 0x11ac: 0xb093, 0x11ad: 0xb094, 0x11ae: 0xb095, - 0x11bd: 0x2000, - // Block 0x47, offset 0x11c0 - 0x11e0: 0x4000, - // Block 0x48, offset 0x1200 - 0x1200: 0x4000, 0x1201: 0x4000, 0x1202: 0x4000, 0x1203: 0x4000, 0x1204: 0x4000, 0x1205: 0x4000, - 0x1206: 0x4000, 0x1207: 0x4000, 0x1208: 0x4000, 0x1209: 0x4000, 0x120a: 0x4000, 0x120b: 0x4000, - 0x120c: 0x4000, 0x120d: 0x4000, 0x120e: 0x4000, 0x120f: 0x4000, 0x1210: 0x4000, 0x1211: 0x4000, - 0x1212: 0x4000, 0x1213: 0x4000, 0x1214: 0x4000, 0x1215: 0x4000, 0x1216: 0x4000, 0x1217: 0x4000, - 0x1218: 0x4000, 0x1219: 0x4000, 0x121a: 0x4000, 0x121b: 0x4000, 0x121c: 0x4000, 0x121d: 0x4000, - 0x121e: 0x4000, 0x121f: 0x4000, 0x1220: 0x4000, 0x1221: 0x4000, 0x1222: 0x4000, 0x1223: 0x4000, - 0x1224: 0x4000, 0x1225: 0x4000, 0x1226: 0x4000, 0x1227: 0x4000, 0x1228: 0x4000, 0x1229: 0x4000, - 0x122a: 0x4000, 0x122b: 0x4000, 0x122c: 0x4000, - // Block 0x49, offset 0x1240 - 0x1240: 0x4000, 0x1241: 0x4000, 0x1242: 0x4000, 0x1243: 0x4000, 0x1244: 0x4000, 0x1245: 0x4000, - 0x1246: 0x4000, 0x1247: 0x4000, 0x1248: 0x4000, 0x1249: 0x4000, 0x124a: 0x4000, 0x124b: 0x4000, - 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0x1436: 0x4000, 0x1437: 0x4000, 0x1438: 0x4000, 0x1439: 0x4000, 0x143a: 0x4000, 0x143b: 0x4000, - // Block 0x51, offset 0x1440 - 0x1440: 0x4000, 0x1441: 0x4000, 0x1442: 0x4000, 0x1443: 0x4000, 0x1444: 0x4000, 0x1445: 0x4000, - 0x1446: 0x4000, 0x1447: 0x4000, 0x1448: 0x4000, - 0x1450: 0x4000, 0x1451: 0x4000, - // Block 0x52, offset 0x1480 - 0x1480: 0x4000, 0x1481: 0x4000, 0x1482: 0x4000, 0x1483: 0x4000, 0x1484: 0x4000, 0x1485: 0x4000, - 0x1486: 0x4000, 0x1487: 0x4000, 0x1488: 0x4000, 0x1489: 0x4000, 0x148a: 0x4000, 0x148b: 0x4000, - 0x148c: 0x4000, 0x148d: 0x4000, 0x148e: 0x4000, 0x148f: 0x4000, 0x1490: 0x4000, 0x1491: 0x4000, - 0x1492: 0x4000, 0x1493: 0x4000, 0x1494: 0x4000, 0x1495: 0x4000, 0x1496: 0x4000, 0x1497: 0x4000, - 0x1498: 0x4000, 0x1499: 0x4000, 0x149a: 0x4000, 0x149b: 0x4000, 0x149c: 0x4000, 0x149d: 0x4000, - 0x149e: 0x4000, 0x149f: 0x4000, 0x14a0: 0x4000, - 0x14ad: 0x4000, 0x14ae: 0x4000, 0x14af: 0x4000, - 0x14b0: 0x4000, 0x14b1: 0x4000, 0x14b2: 0x4000, 0x14b3: 0x4000, 0x14b4: 0x4000, 0x14b5: 0x4000, - 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0x1792: 0x4000, 0x1793: 0x4000, 0x1794: 0x4000, 0x1795: 0x4000, 0x1796: 0x4000, 0x1797: 0x4000, - 0x1798: 0x4000, 0x1799: 0x4000, 0x179a: 0x4000, 0x179b: 0x4000, 0x179c: 0x4000, 0x179d: 0x4000, - 0x179e: 0x4000, 0x17a0: 0x4000, 0x17a1: 0x4000, 0x17a2: 0x4000, 0x17a3: 0x4000, - 0x17a4: 0x4000, 0x17a5: 0x4000, 0x17a6: 0x4000, 0x17a7: 0x4000, - 0x17b0: 0x4000, 0x17b3: 0x4000, 0x17b4: 0x4000, 0x17b5: 0x4000, - 0x17b6: 0x4000, 0x17b7: 0x4000, 0x17b8: 0x4000, 0x17b9: 0x4000, 0x17ba: 0x4000, 0x17bb: 0x4000, - 0x17bc: 0x4000, 0x17bd: 0x4000, 0x17be: 0x4000, - // Block 0x5f, offset 0x17c0 - 0x17c0: 0x4000, 0x17c1: 0x4000, 0x17c2: 0x4000, 0x17c3: 0x4000, 0x17c4: 0x4000, 0x17c5: 0x4000, - 0x17c6: 0x4000, 0x17c7: 0x4000, 0x17c8: 0x4000, 0x17c9: 0x4000, 0x17ca: 0x4000, 0x17cb: 0x4000, - 0x17d0: 0x4000, 0x17d1: 0x4000, - 0x17d2: 0x4000, 0x17d3: 0x4000, 0x17d4: 0x4000, 0x17d5: 0x4000, 0x17d6: 0x4000, 0x17d7: 0x4000, - 0x17d8: 0x4000, 0x17d9: 0x4000, 0x17da: 0x4000, 0x17db: 0x4000, 0x17dc: 0x4000, 0x17dd: 0x4000, - 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0x18a4: 0x2000, 0x18a5: 0x2000, 0x18a6: 0x2000, 0x18a7: 0x2000, 0x18a8: 0x2000, 0x18a9: 0x2000, - 0x18aa: 0x2000, 0x18ab: 0x2000, 0x18ac: 0x2000, 0x18ad: 0x2000, 0x18ae: 0x2000, 0x18af: 0x2000, - 0x18b0: 0x2000, 0x18b1: 0x2000, 0x18b2: 0x2000, 0x18b3: 0x2000, 0x18b4: 0x2000, 0x18b5: 0x2000, - 0x18b6: 0x2000, 0x18b7: 0x2000, 0x18b8: 0x2000, 0x18b9: 0x2000, 0x18ba: 0x2000, 0x18bb: 0x2000, - 0x18bc: 0x2000, 0x18bd: 0x2000, -} - -// widthIndex: 22 blocks, 1408 entries, 1408 bytes -// Block 0 is the zero block. -var widthIndex = [1408]uint8{ - // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 - // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 - // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 - // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 - 0xc2: 0x01, 0xc3: 0x02, 0xc4: 0x03, 0xc5: 0x04, 0xc7: 0x05, - 0xc9: 0x06, 0xcb: 0x07, 0xcc: 0x08, 0xcd: 0x09, 0xce: 0x0a, 0xcf: 0x0b, - 0xd0: 0x0c, 0xd1: 0x0d, - 0xe1: 0x02, 0xe2: 0x03, 0xe3: 0x04, 0xe4: 0x05, 0xe5: 0x06, 0xe6: 0x06, 0xe7: 0x06, - 0xe8: 0x06, 0xe9: 0x06, 0xea: 0x07, 0xeb: 0x06, 0xec: 0x06, 0xed: 0x08, 0xee: 0x09, 0xef: 0x0a, - 0xf0: 0x0f, 0xf3: 0x12, 0xf4: 0x13, - // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 - 0x104: 0x0e, 0x105: 0x0f, - // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 - 0x140: 0x10, 0x141: 0x11, 0x142: 0x12, 0x144: 0x13, 0x145: 0x14, 0x146: 0x15, 0x147: 0x16, - 0x148: 0x17, 0x149: 0x18, 0x14a: 0x19, 0x14c: 0x1a, 0x14f: 0x1b, - 0x151: 0x1c, 0x152: 0x08, 0x153: 0x1d, 0x154: 0x1e, 0x155: 0x1f, 0x156: 0x20, 0x157: 0x21, - 0x158: 0x22, 0x159: 0x23, 0x15a: 0x24, 0x15b: 0x25, 0x15c: 0x26, 0x15d: 0x27, 0x15e: 0x28, 0x15f: 0x29, - 0x166: 0x2a, - 0x16c: 0x2b, 0x16d: 0x2c, - 0x17a: 0x2d, 0x17b: 0x2e, 0x17c: 0x0e, 0x17d: 0x0e, 0x17e: 0x0e, 0x17f: 0x2f, - // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 - 0x180: 0x30, 0x181: 0x31, 0x182: 0x32, 0x183: 0x33, 0x184: 0x34, 0x185: 0x35, 0x186: 0x36, 0x187: 0x37, - 0x188: 0x38, 0x189: 0x39, 0x18a: 0x0e, 0x18b: 0x3a, 0x18c: 0x0e, 0x18d: 0x0e, 0x18e: 0x0e, 0x18f: 0x0e, - 0x190: 0x0e, 0x191: 0x0e, 0x192: 0x0e, 0x193: 0x0e, 0x194: 0x0e, 0x195: 0x0e, 0x196: 0x0e, 0x197: 0x0e, - 0x198: 0x0e, 0x199: 0x0e, 0x19a: 0x0e, 0x19b: 0x0e, 0x19c: 0x0e, 0x19d: 0x0e, 0x19e: 0x0e, 0x19f: 0x0e, - 0x1a0: 0x0e, 0x1a1: 0x0e, 0x1a2: 0x0e, 0x1a3: 0x0e, 0x1a4: 0x0e, 0x1a5: 0x0e, 0x1a6: 0x0e, 0x1a7: 0x0e, - 0x1a8: 0x0e, 0x1a9: 0x0e, 0x1aa: 0x0e, 0x1ab: 0x0e, 0x1ac: 0x0e, 0x1ad: 0x0e, 0x1ae: 0x0e, 0x1af: 0x0e, - 0x1b0: 0x0e, 0x1b1: 0x0e, 0x1b2: 0x0e, 0x1b3: 0x0e, 0x1b4: 0x0e, 0x1b5: 0x0e, 0x1b6: 0x0e, 0x1b7: 0x0e, - 0x1b8: 0x0e, 0x1b9: 0x0e, 0x1ba: 0x0e, 0x1bb: 0x0e, 0x1bc: 0x0e, 0x1bd: 0x0e, 0x1be: 0x0e, 0x1bf: 0x0e, - // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 - 0x1c0: 0x0e, 0x1c1: 0x0e, 0x1c2: 0x0e, 0x1c3: 0x0e, 0x1c4: 0x0e, 0x1c5: 0x0e, 0x1c6: 0x0e, 0x1c7: 0x0e, - 0x1c8: 0x0e, 0x1c9: 0x0e, 0x1ca: 0x0e, 0x1cb: 0x0e, 0x1cc: 0x0e, 0x1cd: 0x0e, 0x1ce: 0x0e, 0x1cf: 0x0e, - 0x1d0: 0x0e, 0x1d1: 0x0e, 0x1d2: 0x0e, 0x1d3: 0x0e, 0x1d4: 0x0e, 0x1d5: 0x0e, 0x1d6: 0x0e, 0x1d7: 0x0e, - 0x1d8: 0x0e, 0x1d9: 0x0e, 0x1da: 0x0e, 0x1db: 0x0e, 0x1dc: 0x0e, 0x1dd: 0x0e, 0x1de: 0x0e, 0x1df: 0x0e, - 0x1e0: 0x0e, 0x1e1: 0x0e, 0x1e2: 0x0e, 0x1e3: 0x0e, 0x1e4: 0x0e, 0x1e5: 0x0e, 0x1e6: 0x0e, 0x1e7: 0x0e, - 0x1e8: 0x0e, 0x1e9: 0x0e, 0x1ea: 0x0e, 0x1eb: 0x0e, 0x1ec: 0x0e, 0x1ed: 0x0e, 0x1ee: 0x0e, 0x1ef: 0x0e, - 0x1f0: 0x0e, 0x1f1: 0x0e, 0x1f2: 0x0e, 0x1f3: 0x0e, 0x1f4: 0x0e, 0x1f5: 0x0e, 0x1f6: 0x0e, - 0x1f8: 0x0e, 0x1f9: 0x0e, 0x1fa: 0x0e, 0x1fb: 0x0e, 0x1fc: 0x0e, 0x1fd: 0x0e, 0x1fe: 0x0e, 0x1ff: 0x0e, - // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 - 0x200: 0x0e, 0x201: 0x0e, 0x202: 0x0e, 0x203: 0x0e, 0x204: 0x0e, 0x205: 0x0e, 0x206: 0x0e, 0x207: 0x0e, - 0x208: 0x0e, 0x209: 0x0e, 0x20a: 0x0e, 0x20b: 0x0e, 0x20c: 0x0e, 0x20d: 0x0e, 0x20e: 0x0e, 0x20f: 0x0e, - 0x210: 0x0e, 0x211: 0x0e, 0x212: 0x0e, 0x213: 0x0e, 0x214: 0x0e, 0x215: 0x0e, 0x216: 0x0e, 0x217: 0x0e, - 0x218: 0x0e, 0x219: 0x0e, 0x21a: 0x0e, 0x21b: 0x0e, 0x21c: 0x0e, 0x21d: 0x0e, 0x21e: 0x0e, 0x21f: 0x0e, - 0x220: 0x0e, 0x221: 0x0e, 0x222: 0x0e, 0x223: 0x0e, 0x224: 0x0e, 0x225: 0x0e, 0x226: 0x0e, 0x227: 0x0e, - 0x228: 0x0e, 0x229: 0x0e, 0x22a: 0x0e, 0x22b: 0x0e, 0x22c: 0x0e, 0x22d: 0x0e, 0x22e: 0x0e, 0x22f: 0x0e, - 0x230: 0x0e, 0x231: 0x0e, 0x232: 0x0e, 0x233: 0x0e, 0x234: 0x0e, 0x235: 0x0e, 0x236: 0x0e, 0x237: 0x0e, - 0x238: 0x0e, 0x239: 0x0e, 0x23a: 0x0e, 0x23b: 0x0e, 0x23c: 0x0e, 0x23d: 0x0e, 0x23e: 0x0e, 0x23f: 0x0e, - // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 - 0x240: 0x0e, 0x241: 0x0e, 0x242: 0x0e, 0x243: 0x0e, 0x244: 0x0e, 0x245: 0x0e, 0x246: 0x0e, 0x247: 0x0e, - 0x248: 0x0e, 0x249: 0x0e, 0x24a: 0x0e, 0x24b: 0x0e, 0x24c: 0x0e, 0x24d: 0x0e, 0x24e: 0x0e, 0x24f: 0x0e, - 0x250: 0x0e, 0x251: 0x0e, 0x252: 0x3b, 0x253: 0x3c, - 0x265: 0x3d, - 0x270: 0x0e, 0x271: 0x0e, 0x272: 0x0e, 0x273: 0x0e, 0x274: 0x0e, 0x275: 0x0e, 0x276: 0x0e, 0x277: 0x0e, - 0x278: 0x0e, 0x279: 0x0e, 0x27a: 0x0e, 0x27b: 0x0e, 0x27c: 0x0e, 0x27d: 0x0e, 0x27e: 0x0e, 0x27f: 0x0e, - // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 - 0x280: 0x0e, 0x281: 0x0e, 0x282: 0x0e, 0x283: 0x0e, 0x284: 0x0e, 0x285: 0x0e, 0x286: 0x0e, 0x287: 0x0e, - 0x288: 0x0e, 0x289: 0x0e, 0x28a: 0x0e, 0x28b: 0x0e, 0x28c: 0x0e, 0x28d: 0x0e, 0x28e: 0x0e, 0x28f: 0x0e, - 0x290: 0x0e, 0x291: 0x0e, 0x292: 0x0e, 0x293: 0x0e, 0x294: 0x0e, 0x295: 0x0e, 0x296: 0x0e, 0x297: 0x0e, - 0x298: 0x0e, 0x299: 0x0e, 0x29a: 0x0e, 0x29b: 0x0e, 0x29c: 0x0e, 0x29d: 0x0e, 0x29e: 0x3e, - // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 - 0x2c0: 0x08, 0x2c1: 0x08, 0x2c2: 0x08, 0x2c3: 0x08, 0x2c4: 0x08, 0x2c5: 0x08, 0x2c6: 0x08, 0x2c7: 0x08, - 0x2c8: 0x08, 0x2c9: 0x08, 0x2ca: 0x08, 0x2cb: 0x08, 0x2cc: 0x08, 0x2cd: 0x08, 0x2ce: 0x08, 0x2cf: 0x08, - 0x2d0: 0x08, 0x2d1: 0x08, 0x2d2: 0x08, 0x2d3: 0x08, 0x2d4: 0x08, 0x2d5: 0x08, 0x2d6: 0x08, 0x2d7: 0x08, - 0x2d8: 0x08, 0x2d9: 0x08, 0x2da: 0x08, 0x2db: 0x08, 0x2dc: 0x08, 0x2dd: 0x08, 0x2de: 0x08, 0x2df: 0x08, - 0x2e0: 0x08, 0x2e1: 0x08, 0x2e2: 0x08, 0x2e3: 0x08, 0x2e4: 0x08, 0x2e5: 0x08, 0x2e6: 0x08, 0x2e7: 0x08, - 0x2e8: 0x08, 0x2e9: 0x08, 0x2ea: 0x08, 0x2eb: 0x08, 0x2ec: 0x08, 0x2ed: 0x08, 0x2ee: 0x08, 0x2ef: 0x08, - 0x2f0: 0x08, 0x2f1: 0x08, 0x2f2: 0x08, 0x2f3: 0x08, 0x2f4: 0x08, 0x2f5: 0x08, 0x2f6: 0x08, 0x2f7: 0x08, - 0x2f8: 0x08, 0x2f9: 0x08, 0x2fa: 0x08, 0x2fb: 0x08, 0x2fc: 0x08, 0x2fd: 0x08, 0x2fe: 0x08, 0x2ff: 0x08, - // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 - 0x300: 0x08, 0x301: 0x08, 0x302: 0x08, 0x303: 0x08, 0x304: 0x08, 0x305: 0x08, 0x306: 0x08, 0x307: 0x08, - 0x308: 0x08, 0x309: 0x08, 0x30a: 0x08, 0x30b: 0x08, 0x30c: 0x08, 0x30d: 0x08, 0x30e: 0x08, 0x30f: 0x08, - 0x310: 0x08, 0x311: 0x08, 0x312: 0x08, 0x313: 0x08, 0x314: 0x08, 0x315: 0x08, 0x316: 0x08, 0x317: 0x08, - 0x318: 0x08, 0x319: 0x08, 0x31a: 0x08, 0x31b: 0x08, 0x31c: 0x08, 0x31d: 0x08, 0x31e: 0x08, 0x31f: 0x08, - 0x320: 0x08, 0x321: 0x08, 0x322: 0x08, 0x323: 0x08, 0x324: 0x0e, 0x325: 0x0e, 0x326: 0x0e, 0x327: 0x0e, - 0x328: 0x0e, 0x329: 0x0e, 0x32a: 0x0e, 0x32b: 0x0e, - 0x338: 0x3f, 0x339: 0x40, 0x33c: 0x41, 0x33d: 0x42, 0x33e: 0x43, 0x33f: 0x44, - // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 - 0x37f: 0x45, - // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 - 0x380: 0x0e, 0x381: 0x0e, 0x382: 0x0e, 0x383: 0x0e, 0x384: 0x0e, 0x385: 0x0e, 0x386: 0x0e, 0x387: 0x0e, - 0x388: 0x0e, 0x389: 0x0e, 0x38a: 0x0e, 0x38b: 0x0e, 0x38c: 0x0e, 0x38d: 0x0e, 0x38e: 0x0e, 0x38f: 0x0e, - 0x390: 0x0e, 0x391: 0x0e, 0x392: 0x0e, 0x393: 0x0e, 0x394: 0x0e, 0x395: 0x0e, 0x396: 0x0e, 0x397: 0x0e, - 0x398: 0x0e, 0x399: 0x0e, 0x39a: 0x0e, 0x39b: 0x0e, 0x39c: 0x0e, 0x39d: 0x0e, 0x39e: 0x0e, 0x39f: 0x46, - 0x3a0: 0x0e, 0x3a1: 0x0e, 0x3a2: 0x0e, 0x3a3: 0x0e, 0x3a4: 0x0e, 0x3a5: 0x0e, 0x3a6: 0x0e, 0x3a7: 0x0e, - 0x3a8: 0x0e, 0x3a9: 0x0e, 0x3aa: 0x0e, 0x3ab: 0x47, - // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 - 0x3c0: 0x48, - // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 - 0x400: 0x49, 0x403: 0x4a, 0x404: 0x4b, 0x405: 0x4c, 0x406: 0x4d, - 0x408: 0x4e, 0x409: 0x4f, 0x40c: 0x50, 0x40d: 0x51, 0x40e: 0x52, 0x40f: 0x53, - 0x410: 0x3a, 0x411: 0x54, 0x412: 0x0e, 0x413: 0x55, 0x414: 0x56, 0x415: 0x57, 0x416: 0x58, 0x417: 0x59, - 0x418: 0x0e, 0x419: 0x5a, 0x41a: 0x0e, 0x41b: 0x5b, - 0x424: 0x5c, 0x425: 0x5d, 0x426: 0x5e, 0x427: 0x5f, - // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 - 0x456: 0x0b, 0x457: 0x06, - 0x458: 0x0c, 0x45b: 0x0d, 0x45f: 0x0e, - 0x460: 0x06, 0x461: 0x06, 0x462: 0x06, 0x463: 0x06, 0x464: 0x06, 0x465: 0x06, 0x466: 0x06, 0x467: 0x06, - 0x468: 0x06, 0x469: 0x06, 0x46a: 0x06, 0x46b: 0x06, 0x46c: 0x06, 0x46d: 0x06, 0x46e: 0x06, 0x46f: 0x06, - 0x470: 0x06, 0x471: 0x06, 0x472: 0x06, 0x473: 0x06, 0x474: 0x06, 0x475: 0x06, 0x476: 0x06, 0x477: 0x06, - 0x478: 0x06, 0x479: 0x06, 0x47a: 0x06, 0x47b: 0x06, 0x47c: 0x06, 0x47d: 0x06, 0x47e: 0x06, 0x47f: 0x06, - // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 - 0x484: 0x08, 0x485: 0x08, 0x486: 0x08, 0x487: 0x09, - // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 - 0x4c0: 0x08, 0x4c1: 0x08, 0x4c2: 0x08, 0x4c3: 0x08, 0x4c4: 0x08, 0x4c5: 0x08, 0x4c6: 0x08, 0x4c7: 0x08, - 0x4c8: 0x08, 0x4c9: 0x08, 0x4ca: 0x08, 0x4cb: 0x08, 0x4cc: 0x08, 0x4cd: 0x08, 0x4ce: 0x08, 0x4cf: 0x08, - 0x4d0: 0x08, 0x4d1: 0x08, 0x4d2: 0x08, 0x4d3: 0x08, 0x4d4: 0x08, 0x4d5: 0x08, 0x4d6: 0x08, 0x4d7: 0x08, - 0x4d8: 0x08, 0x4d9: 0x08, 0x4da: 0x08, 0x4db: 0x08, 0x4dc: 0x08, 0x4dd: 0x08, 0x4de: 0x08, 0x4df: 0x08, - 0x4e0: 0x08, 0x4e1: 0x08, 0x4e2: 0x08, 0x4e3: 0x08, 0x4e4: 0x08, 0x4e5: 0x08, 0x4e6: 0x08, 0x4e7: 0x08, - 0x4e8: 0x08, 0x4e9: 0x08, 0x4ea: 0x08, 0x4eb: 0x08, 0x4ec: 0x08, 0x4ed: 0x08, 0x4ee: 0x08, 0x4ef: 0x08, - 0x4f0: 0x08, 0x4f1: 0x08, 0x4f2: 0x08, 0x4f3: 0x08, 0x4f4: 0x08, 0x4f5: 0x08, 0x4f6: 0x08, 0x4f7: 0x08, - 0x4f8: 0x08, 0x4f9: 0x08, 0x4fa: 0x08, 0x4fb: 0x08, 0x4fc: 0x08, 0x4fd: 0x08, 0x4fe: 0x08, 0x4ff: 0x60, - // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 - 0x520: 0x10, - 0x530: 0x09, 0x531: 0x09, 0x532: 0x09, 0x533: 0x09, 0x534: 0x09, 0x535: 0x09, 0x536: 0x09, 0x537: 0x09, - 0x538: 0x09, 0x539: 0x09, 0x53a: 0x09, 0x53b: 0x09, 0x53c: 0x09, 0x53d: 0x09, 0x53e: 0x09, 0x53f: 0x11, - // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 - 0x540: 0x09, 0x541: 0x09, 0x542: 0x09, 0x543: 0x09, 0x544: 0x09, 0x545: 0x09, 0x546: 0x09, 0x547: 0x09, - 0x548: 0x09, 0x549: 0x09, 0x54a: 0x09, 0x54b: 0x09, 0x54c: 0x09, 0x54d: 0x09, 0x54e: 0x09, 0x54f: 0x11, -} - -// inverseData contains 4-byte entries of the following format: -// -// <0 padding> -// -// The last byte of the UTF-8-encoded rune is xor-ed with the last byte of the -// UTF-8 encoding of the original rune. Mappings often have the following -// pattern: -// -// A -> A (U+FF21 -> U+0041) -// B -> B (U+FF22 -> U+0042) -// ... -// -// By xor-ing the last byte the same entry can be shared by many mappings. This -// reduces the total number of distinct entries by about two thirds. -// The resulting entry for the aforementioned mappings is -// -// { 0x01, 0xE0, 0x00, 0x00 } -// -// Using this entry to map U+FF21 (UTF-8 [EF BC A1]), we get -// -// E0 ^ A1 = 41. -// -// Similarly, for U+FF22 (UTF-8 [EF BC A2]), we get -// -// E0 ^ A2 = 42. -// -// Note that because of the xor-ing, the byte sequence stored in the entry is -// not valid UTF-8. -var inverseData = [150][4]byte{ - {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x80, 0xa0}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbc, 0xa0}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbc, 0xe0}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0xe0}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x02}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x00}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0e}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0c}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0f}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x39}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x3b}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x3f}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x2a}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0d}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x25}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1a}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x26}, - {0x01, 0xa0, 0x00, 0x00}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x25}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x23}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x2e}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x07}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x05}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x06}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x13}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0b}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x16}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0c}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x15}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0d}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1c}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x02}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1f}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1d}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x17}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x08}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x09}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0e}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x04}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x05}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x3f}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x00}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x2c}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x06}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x0c}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x0f}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x0d}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x0b}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x19}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x15}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x11}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x31}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x33}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0f}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x30}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x3e}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x32}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x36}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x14}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x2e}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1e}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x10}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x13}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x15}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x17}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x1f}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x1d}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x1b}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x09}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0b}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x37}, - {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x04}, - {0x01, 0xe0, 0x00, 0x00}, - {0x03, 0xe2, 0xa6, 0x1a}, - {0x03, 0xe2, 0xa6, 0x26}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x80, 0x23}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x80, 0x2e}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x80, 0x25}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x1e}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x14}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x06}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x0b}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x0c}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x0d}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x02}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x0f}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x08}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x09}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x2c}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x0c}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x13}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x16}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x15}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x1c}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x1f}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x1d}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x1a}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x17}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x08}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x09}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x0e}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x04}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x05}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x3f}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x00}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x06}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x05}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x0d}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x0b}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x07}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x19}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x15}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x11}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x31}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x33}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x30}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x3e}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x32}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x36}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x2e}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x07}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x04}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x84, 0x10}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x30}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x0d}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x13}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x15}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x17}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x1f}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x1d}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x1b}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x09}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x0f}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x0b}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x37}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x3b}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x39}, - {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x3f}, - {0x02, 0xc2, 0x02, 0x00}, - {0x02, 0xc2, 0x0e, 0x00}, - {0x02, 0xc2, 0x0c, 0x00}, - {0x02, 0xc2, 0x00, 0x00}, - {0x03, 0xe2, 0x82, 0x0f}, - {0x03, 0xe2, 0x94, 0x2a}, - {0x03, 0xe2, 0x86, 0x39}, - {0x03, 0xe2, 0x86, 0x3b}, - {0x03, 0xe2, 0x86, 0x3f}, - {0x03, 0xe2, 0x96, 0x0d}, - {0x03, 0xe2, 0x97, 0x25}, -} - -// Total table size 14680 bytes (14KiB) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/transform.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/transform.go deleted file mode 100644 index 0049f700a..000000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/transform.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,239 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -package width - -import ( - "unicode/utf8" - - "golang.org/x/text/transform" -) - -type foldTransform struct { - transform.NopResetter -} - -func (foldTransform) Span(src []byte, atEOF bool) (n int, err error) { - for n < len(src) { - if src[n] < utf8.RuneSelf { - // ASCII fast path. - for n++; n < len(src) && src[n] < utf8.RuneSelf; n++ { - } - continue - } - v, size := trie.lookup(src[n:]) - if size == 0 { // incomplete UTF-8 encoding - if !atEOF { - err = transform.ErrShortSrc - } else { - n = len(src) - } - break - } - if elem(v)&tagNeedsFold != 0 { - err = transform.ErrEndOfSpan - break - } - n += size - } - return n, err -} - -func (foldTransform) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) { - for nSrc < len(src) { - if src[nSrc] < utf8.RuneSelf { - // ASCII fast path. - start, end := nSrc, len(src) - if d := len(dst) - nDst; d < end-start { - end = nSrc + d - } - for nSrc++; nSrc < end && src[nSrc] < utf8.RuneSelf; nSrc++ { - } - n := copy(dst[nDst:], src[start:nSrc]) - if nDst += n; nDst == len(dst) { - nSrc = start + n - if nSrc == len(src) { - return nDst, nSrc, nil - } - if src[nSrc] < utf8.RuneSelf { - return nDst, nSrc, transform.ErrShortDst - } - } - continue - } - v, size := trie.lookup(src[nSrc:]) - if size == 0 { // incomplete UTF-8 encoding - if !atEOF { - return nDst, nSrc, transform.ErrShortSrc - } - size = 1 // gobble 1 byte - } - if elem(v)&tagNeedsFold == 0 { - if size != copy(dst[nDst:], src[nSrc:nSrc+size]) { - return nDst, nSrc, transform.ErrShortDst - } - nDst += size - } else { - data := inverseData[byte(v)] - if len(dst)-nDst < int(data[0]) { - return nDst, nSrc, transform.ErrShortDst - } - i := 1 - for end := int(data[0]); i < end; i++ { - dst[nDst] = data[i] - nDst++ - } - dst[nDst] = data[i] ^ src[nSrc+size-1] - nDst++ - } - nSrc += size - } - return nDst, nSrc, nil -} - -type narrowTransform struct { - transform.NopResetter -} - -func (narrowTransform) Span(src []byte, atEOF bool) (n int, err error) { - for n < len(src) { - if src[n] < utf8.RuneSelf { - // ASCII fast path. - for n++; n < len(src) && src[n] < utf8.RuneSelf; n++ { - } - continue - } - v, size := trie.lookup(src[n:]) - if size == 0 { // incomplete UTF-8 encoding - if !atEOF { - err = transform.ErrShortSrc - } else { - n = len(src) - } - break - } - if k := elem(v).kind(); byte(v) == 0 || k != EastAsianFullwidth && k != EastAsianWide && k != EastAsianAmbiguous { - } else { - err = transform.ErrEndOfSpan - break - } - n += size - } - return n, err -} - -func (narrowTransform) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) { - for nSrc < len(src) { - if src[nSrc] < utf8.RuneSelf { - // ASCII fast path. - start, end := nSrc, len(src) - if d := len(dst) - nDst; d < end-start { - end = nSrc + d - } - for nSrc++; nSrc < end && src[nSrc] < utf8.RuneSelf; nSrc++ { - } - n := copy(dst[nDst:], src[start:nSrc]) - if nDst += n; nDst == len(dst) { - nSrc = start + n - if nSrc == len(src) { - return nDst, nSrc, nil - } - if src[nSrc] < utf8.RuneSelf { - return nDst, nSrc, transform.ErrShortDst - } - } - continue - } - v, size := trie.lookup(src[nSrc:]) - if size == 0 { // incomplete UTF-8 encoding - if !atEOF { - return nDst, nSrc, transform.ErrShortSrc - } - size = 1 // gobble 1 byte - } - if k := elem(v).kind(); byte(v) == 0 || k != EastAsianFullwidth && k != EastAsianWide && k != EastAsianAmbiguous { - if size != copy(dst[nDst:], src[nSrc:nSrc+size]) { - return nDst, nSrc, transform.ErrShortDst - } - nDst += size - } else { - data := inverseData[byte(v)] - if len(dst)-nDst < int(data[0]) { - return nDst, nSrc, transform.ErrShortDst - } - i := 1 - for end := int(data[0]); i < end; i++ { - dst[nDst] = data[i] - nDst++ - } - dst[nDst] = data[i] ^ src[nSrc+size-1] - nDst++ - } - nSrc += size - } - return nDst, nSrc, nil -} - -type wideTransform struct { - transform.NopResetter -} - -func (wideTransform) Span(src []byte, atEOF bool) (n int, err error) { - for n < len(src) { - // TODO: Consider ASCII fast path. Special-casing ASCII handling can - // reduce the ns/op of BenchmarkWideASCII by about 30%. This is probably - // not enough to warrant the extra code and complexity. - v, size := trie.lookup(src[n:]) - if size == 0 { // incomplete UTF-8 encoding - if !atEOF { - err = transform.ErrShortSrc - } else { - n = len(src) - } - break - } - if k := elem(v).kind(); byte(v) == 0 || k != EastAsianHalfwidth && k != EastAsianNarrow { - } else { - err = transform.ErrEndOfSpan - break - } - n += size - } - return n, err -} - -func (wideTransform) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) { - for nSrc < len(src) { - // TODO: Consider ASCII fast path. Special-casing ASCII handling can - // reduce the ns/op of BenchmarkWideASCII by about 30%. This is probably - // not enough to warrant the extra code and complexity. - v, size := trie.lookup(src[nSrc:]) - if size == 0 { // incomplete UTF-8 encoding - if !atEOF { - return nDst, nSrc, transform.ErrShortSrc - } - size = 1 // gobble 1 byte - } - if k := elem(v).kind(); byte(v) == 0 || k != EastAsianHalfwidth && k != EastAsianNarrow { - if size != copy(dst[nDst:], src[nSrc:nSrc+size]) { - return nDst, nSrc, transform.ErrShortDst - } - nDst += size - } else { - data := inverseData[byte(v)] - if len(dst)-nDst < int(data[0]) { - return nDst, nSrc, transform.ErrShortDst - } - i := 1 - for end := int(data[0]); i < end; i++ { - dst[nDst] = data[i] - nDst++ - } - dst[nDst] = data[i] ^ src[nSrc+size-1] - nDst++ - } - nSrc += size - } - return nDst, nSrc, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/trieval.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/trieval.go deleted file mode 100644 index ca8e45fd1..000000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/trieval.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ -// Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. - -package width - -// elem is an entry of the width trie. The high byte is used to encode the type -// of the rune. The low byte is used to store the index to a mapping entry in -// the inverseData array. -type elem uint16 - -const ( - tagNeutral elem = iota << typeShift - tagAmbiguous - tagWide - tagNarrow - tagFullwidth - tagHalfwidth -) - -const ( - numTypeBits = 3 - typeShift = 16 - numTypeBits - - // tagNeedsFold is true for all fullwidth and halfwidth runes except for - // the Won sign U+20A9. - tagNeedsFold = 0x1000 - - // The Korean Won sign is halfwidth, but SHOULD NOT be mapped to a wide - // variant. - wonSign rune = 0x20A9 -) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/width.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/width.go deleted file mode 100644 index 29c7509be..000000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/width.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,206 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -//go:generate stringer -type=Kind -//go:generate go run gen.go gen_common.go gen_trieval.go - -// Package width provides functionality for handling different widths in text. -// -// Wide characters behave like ideographs; they tend to allow line breaks after -// each character and remain upright in vertical text layout. Narrow characters -// are kept together in words or runs that are rotated sideways in vertical text -// layout. -// -// For more information, see https://unicode.org/reports/tr11/. -package width // import "golang.org/x/text/width" - -import ( - "unicode/utf8" - - "golang.org/x/text/transform" -) - -// TODO -// 1) Reduce table size by compressing blocks. -// 2) API proposition for computing display length -// (approximation, fixed pitch only). -// 3) Implement display length. - -// Kind indicates the type of width property as defined in https://unicode.org/reports/tr11/. -type Kind int - -const ( - // Neutral characters do not occur in legacy East Asian character sets. - Neutral Kind = iota - - // EastAsianAmbiguous characters that can be sometimes wide and sometimes - // narrow and require additional information not contained in the character - // code to further resolve their width. - EastAsianAmbiguous - - // EastAsianWide characters are wide in its usual form. They occur only in - // the context of East Asian typography. These runes may have explicit - // halfwidth counterparts. - EastAsianWide - - // EastAsianNarrow characters are narrow in its usual form. They often have - // fullwidth counterparts. - EastAsianNarrow - - // Note: there exist Narrow runes that do not have fullwidth or wide - // counterparts, despite what the definition says (e.g. U+27E6). - - // EastAsianFullwidth characters have a compatibility decompositions of type - // wide that map to a narrow counterpart. - EastAsianFullwidth - - // EastAsianHalfwidth characters have a compatibility decomposition of type - // narrow that map to a wide or ambiguous counterpart, plus U+20A9 ₩ WON - // SIGN. - EastAsianHalfwidth - - // Note: there exist runes that have a halfwidth counterparts but that are - // classified as Ambiguous, rather than wide (e.g. U+2190). -) - -// TODO: the generated tries need to return size 1 for invalid runes for the -// width to be computed correctly (each byte should render width 1) - -var trie = newWidthTrie(0) - -// Lookup reports the Properties of the first rune in b and the number of bytes -// of its UTF-8 encoding. -func Lookup(b []byte) (p Properties, size int) { - v, sz := trie.lookup(b) - return Properties{elem(v), b[sz-1]}, sz -} - -// LookupString reports the Properties of the first rune in s and the number of -// bytes of its UTF-8 encoding. -func LookupString(s string) (p Properties, size int) { - v, sz := trie.lookupString(s) - return Properties{elem(v), s[sz-1]}, sz -} - -// LookupRune reports the Properties of rune r. -func LookupRune(r rune) Properties { - var buf [4]byte - n := utf8.EncodeRune(buf[:], r) - v, _ := trie.lookup(buf[:n]) - last := byte(r) - if r >= utf8.RuneSelf { - last = 0x80 + byte(r&0x3f) - } - return Properties{elem(v), last} -} - -// Properties provides access to width properties of a rune. -type Properties struct { - elem elem - last byte -} - -func (e elem) kind() Kind { - return Kind(e >> typeShift) -} - -// Kind returns the Kind of a rune as defined in Unicode TR #11. -// See https://unicode.org/reports/tr11/ for more details. -func (p Properties) Kind() Kind { - return p.elem.kind() -} - -// Folded returns the folded variant of a rune or 0 if the rune is canonical. -func (p Properties) Folded() rune { - if p.elem&tagNeedsFold != 0 { - buf := inverseData[byte(p.elem)] - buf[buf[0]] ^= p.last - r, _ := utf8.DecodeRune(buf[1 : 1+buf[0]]) - return r - } - return 0 -} - -// Narrow returns the narrow variant of a rune or 0 if the rune is already -// narrow or doesn't have a narrow variant. -func (p Properties) Narrow() rune { - if k := p.elem.kind(); byte(p.elem) != 0 && (k == EastAsianFullwidth || k == EastAsianWide || k == EastAsianAmbiguous) { - buf := inverseData[byte(p.elem)] - buf[buf[0]] ^= p.last - r, _ := utf8.DecodeRune(buf[1 : 1+buf[0]]) - return r - } - return 0 -} - -// Wide returns the wide variant of a rune or 0 if the rune is already -// wide or doesn't have a wide variant. -func (p Properties) Wide() rune { - if k := p.elem.kind(); byte(p.elem) != 0 && (k == EastAsianHalfwidth || k == EastAsianNarrow) { - buf := inverseData[byte(p.elem)] - buf[buf[0]] ^= p.last - r, _ := utf8.DecodeRune(buf[1 : 1+buf[0]]) - return r - } - return 0 -} - -// TODO for Properties: -// - Add Fullwidth/Halfwidth or Inverted methods for computing variants -// mapping. -// - Add width information (including information on non-spacing runes). - -// Transformer implements the transform.Transformer interface. -type Transformer struct { - t transform.SpanningTransformer -} - -// Reset implements the transform.Transformer interface. -func (t Transformer) Reset() { t.t.Reset() } - -// Transform implements the transform.Transformer interface. -func (t Transformer) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) { - return t.t.Transform(dst, src, atEOF) -} - -// Span implements the transform.SpanningTransformer interface. -func (t Transformer) Span(src []byte, atEOF bool) (n int, err error) { - return t.t.Span(src, atEOF) -} - -// Bytes returns a new byte slice with the result of applying t to b. -func (t Transformer) Bytes(b []byte) []byte { - b, _, _ = transform.Bytes(t, b) - return b -} - -// String returns a string with the result of applying t to s. -func (t Transformer) String(s string) string { - s, _, _ = transform.String(t, s) - return s -} - -var ( - // Fold is a transform that maps all runes to their canonical width. - // - // Note that the NFKC and NFKD transforms in golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm - // provide a more generic folding mechanism. - Fold Transformer = Transformer{foldTransform{}} - - // Widen is a transform that maps runes to their wide variant, if - // available. - Widen Transformer = Transformer{wideTransform{}} - - // Narrow is a transform that maps runes to their narrow variant, if - // available. - Narrow Transformer = Transformer{narrowTransform{}} -) - -// TODO: Consider the following options: -// - Treat Ambiguous runes that have a halfwidth counterpart as wide, or some -// generalized variant of this. -// - Consider a wide Won character to be the default width (or some generalized -// variant of this). -// - Filter the set of characters that gets converted (the preferred approach is -// to allow applying filters to transforms). diff --git a/vendor/modules.txt b/vendor/modules.txt index f79f55915..d51e466f2 100644 --- a/vendor/modules.txt +++ b/vendor/modules.txt @@ -1,12 +1,6 @@ # github.com/BurntSushi/toml v0.3.1 ## explicit github.com/BurntSushi/toml -# github.com/PuerkitoBio/purell v1.1.1 -## explicit -github.com/PuerkitoBio/purell -# github.com/PuerkitoBio/urlesc v0.0.0-20170810143723-de5bf2ad4578 -## explicit -github.com/PuerkitoBio/urlesc # github.com/alecthomas/units v0.0.0-20211218093645-b94a6e3cc137 ## explicit; go 1.15 github.com/alecthomas/units @@ -19,7 +13,7 @@ github.com/ansel1/merry/v2 # github.com/asaskevich/govalidator v0.0.0-20210307081110-f21760c49a8d ## explicit; go 1.13 github.com/asaskevich/govalidator -# github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go v1.44.128 +# github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go v1.44.156 ## explicit; go 1.11 github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/awserr @@ -70,7 +64,7 @@ github.com/bradfitz/gomemcache/memcache # github.com/cactus/go-statsd-client/v5 v5.0.0 ## explicit; go 1.11 github.com/cactus/go-statsd-client/v5/statsd -# github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2 v2.1.2 +# github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2 v2.2.0 ## explicit; go 1.11 github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2 # github.com/coreos/go-systemd/v22 v22.4.0 @@ -109,7 +103,7 @@ github.com/go-logr/logr/funcr # github.com/go-logr/stdr v1.2.2 ## explicit; go 1.16 github.com/go-logr/stdr -# github.com/go-openapi/analysis v0.21.2 +# github.com/go-openapi/analysis v0.21.4 ## explicit; go 1.13 github.com/go-openapi/analysis github.com/go-openapi/analysis/internal/debug @@ -118,28 +112,29 @@ github.com/go-openapi/analysis/internal/flatten/operations github.com/go-openapi/analysis/internal/flatten/replace github.com/go-openapi/analysis/internal/flatten/schutils github.com/go-openapi/analysis/internal/flatten/sortref -# github.com/go-openapi/errors v0.20.2 +# github.com/go-openapi/errors v0.20.3 ## explicit; go 1.14 github.com/go-openapi/errors # github.com/go-openapi/jsonpointer v0.19.5 ## explicit; go 1.13 github.com/go-openapi/jsonpointer -# github.com/go-openapi/jsonreference v0.19.6 +# github.com/go-openapi/jsonreference v0.20.0 ## explicit; go 1.13 github.com/go-openapi/jsonreference -# github.com/go-openapi/loads v0.21.1 +github.com/go-openapi/jsonreference/internal +# github.com/go-openapi/loads v0.21.2 ## explicit; go 1.13 github.com/go-openapi/loads -# github.com/go-openapi/spec v0.20.4 +# github.com/go-openapi/spec v0.20.7 ## explicit; go 1.13 github.com/go-openapi/spec # github.com/go-openapi/strfmt v0.21.3 ## explicit; go 1.13 github.com/go-openapi/strfmt -# github.com/go-openapi/swag v0.21.1 -## explicit; go 1.11 +# github.com/go-openapi/swag v0.22.3 +## explicit; go 1.18 github.com/go-openapi/swag -# github.com/go-openapi/validate v0.21.0 +# github.com/go-openapi/validate v0.22.0 ## explicit; go 1.14 github.com/go-openapi/validate # github.com/gogo/protobuf v1.3.2 @@ -196,7 +191,7 @@ github.com/lomik/zapwriter github.com/mailru/easyjson/buffer github.com/mailru/easyjson/jlexer github.com/mailru/easyjson/jwriter -# github.com/matttproud/golang_protobuf_extensions v1.0.2-0.20181231171920-c182affec369 +# github.com/matttproud/golang_protobuf_extensions v1.0.4 ## explicit; go 1.9 github.com/matttproud/golang_protobuf_extensions/pbutil # github.com/mitchellh/mapstructure v1.5.0 @@ -239,10 +234,10 @@ github.com/pkg/errors # github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0 ## explicit github.com/pmezard/go-difflib/difflib -# github.com/prometheus/alertmanager v0.24.0 -## explicit; go 1.16 +# github.com/prometheus/alertmanager v0.25.1 +## explicit; go 1.18 github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/api/v2/models -# github.com/prometheus/client_golang v1.13.1 +# github.com/prometheus/client_golang v1.14.0 ## explicit; go 1.17 github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/internal @@ -253,8 +248,8 @@ github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/testutil/promlint # github.com/prometheus/client_model v0.3.0 ## explicit; go 1.9 github.com/prometheus/client_model/go -# github.com/prometheus/common v0.37.0 -## explicit; go 1.16 +# github.com/prometheus/common v0.38.0 +## explicit; go 1.17 github.com/prometheus/common/config github.com/prometheus/common/expfmt github.com/prometheus/common/internal/bitbucket.org/ww/goautoneg @@ -268,7 +263,7 @@ github.com/prometheus/common/assets # github.com/prometheus/common/sigv4 v0.1.0 ## explicit; go 1.15 github.com/prometheus/common/sigv4 -# github.com/prometheus/exporter-toolkit v0.8.1 +# github.com/prometheus/exporter-toolkit v0.8.2 ## explicit; go 1.17 github.com/prometheus/exporter-toolkit/web # github.com/prometheus/procfs v0.8.0 @@ -337,8 +332,8 @@ github.com/stretchr/objx github.com/stretchr/testify/assert github.com/stretchr/testify/mock github.com/stretchr/testify/require -# go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver v1.10.2 -## explicit; go 1.10 +# go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver v1.11.0 +## explicit; go 1.13 go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/bsoncodec go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/bsonoptions @@ -432,7 +427,6 @@ golang.org/x/text/secure/bidirule golang.org/x/text/transform golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm -golang.org/x/text/width # golang.org/x/time v0.1.0 ## explicit golang.org/x/time/rate