After removing spaces, the string is 54 characters long. sqrt(54) is between 7 and 8, so it is written in the form of a grid with 7 rows and 8 columns.
If multiple grids satisfy the above conditions, choose the one with the minimum area, i.e. rows×columns.
The encoded message is obtained by displaying the characters of each column, with a space between column texts. The encoded message for the grid above is:
You will be given a message in English with no spaces between the words. The maximum message length can be characters. Print the encoded message.
Input ["Encrypter", "encrypt", "decrypt"] [[['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], ["ei", "zf", "ei", "am"], ["abcd", "acbd", "adbc", "badc", "dacb", "cadb", "cbda", "abad"]], ["abcd"], ["eizfeiam"]] Output [null, "eizfeiam", 2]
Explanation Encrypter encrypter = new Encrypter([['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], ["ei", "zf", "ei", "am"], ["abcd", "acbd", "adbc", "badc", "dacb", "cadb", "cbda", "abad"]); encrypter.encrypt("abcd"); // return "eizfeiam". // 'a' maps to "ei", 'b' maps to "zf", 'c' maps to "ei", and 'd' maps to "am". encrypter.decrypt("eizfeiam"); // return 2. // "ei" can map to 'a' or 'c', "zf" maps to 'b', and "am" maps to 'd'. // Thus, the possible strings after decryption are "abad", "cbad", "abcd", and "cbcd". // 2 of those strings, "abad" and "abcd", appear in dictionary, so the answer is 2.