diff --git a/Easy/README.md b/Easy/README.md index ad95c27..4a44ed0 100644 --- a/Easy/README.md +++ b/Easy/README.md @@ -4,23 +4,34 @@ | :------: | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | **1** | [Two Sum](1.%20Two%20Sum/) | | **9** | [Palindrome Number](9.%20Palindrome%20Number/) | +| **13** | [Roman to Integer](13.%20Roman%20to%20Integer/) | +| **14** | [Longest Common Prefix](14.%20Longest%20Common%20Prefix/) | | **20** | [Valid Parentheses](20.%20Valid%20Parentheses/) | | **26** | [Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array](26.%20Remove%20Duplicates%20from%20Sorted%20Array/) | | **58** | [Length of Last Word](58.%20Length%20of%20Last%20Word/) | +| **73** | [Set Matrix Zeroes](73.%20Set%20Matrix%20Zeroes/) | +| **88** | [Merge Sorted Array](88.%20Merge%20Sorted%20Array/) | | **94** | [Binary Tree Inorder Traversal](94.%20Binary%20Tree%20Inorder%20Traversal/) | | **101** | [Symmetric Tree](101.%20Symmetric%20Tree/) | | **104** | [Maximum Depth of Binary Tree](104.%20Maximum%20Depth%20of%20Binary%20Tree/) | | **108** | [Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree](108.%20Convert%20Sorted%20Array%20to%20Binary%20Search%20Tree/) | -| **121** | [Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock](121.%20Best%20Time%20to%20buy%20and%20sell%20stock) | +| **111** | [Minimum Depth of Binary Tree](111.%20Minimum%20Depth%20of%20Binary%20Tree/) | +| **119** | [Pascal's Triangle II](119.%20Pascal's%20Triangle%20II/) | +| **121** | [Best Time to buy and sell stock](121.%20Best%20Time%20to%20buy%20and%20sell%20stock/) | +| **122** | [Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II](122.%20Best%20Time%20to%20Buy%20and%20Sell%20Stock%20II/) | | **141** | [Linked List Cycle](141.%20Linked%20List%20Cycle/) | | **141** | [Linked List Cycle](141.Linked%20List%20Cycle/) | | **144** | [Binary Tree Preorder Traversal](144.%20Binary%20Tree%20Preorder%20Traversal/) | | **145** | [Binary Tree Postorder Traversal](145.%20Binary%20Tree%20Postorder%20Traversal/) | +| **169** | [Majority Element](169.%20Majority%20Element/) | | **206** | [Reverse Linked List](206.%20Reverse%20Linked%20List/) | | **217** | [Contains Duplicate](217.%20Contains%20Duplicate/) | +| **222** | [Count complete Tree Node](222.%20Count%20complete%20Tree%20Node/) | | **226** | [Invert Binary Tree](226.%20Invert%20Binary%20Tree/) | | **232** | [Implement Queue using Stacks](232.%20Implement%20Queue%20using%20Stacks/) | | **235** | [Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree](235.%20Lowest%20Common%20Ancestor%20of%20a%20Binary%20Search%20Tree/) | +| **242** | [Valid Anagram](242.%20Valid%20Anagram/) | +| **326** | [Power of Three](326.%20Power%20of%20Three/) | | **342** | [Power of Four](342.%20Power%20of%20Four/) | | **344** | [Reverse String](344.%20Reverse%20String/) | | **389** | [Find the Difference](389.%20Find%20the%20Difference/) | @@ -30,11 +41,14 @@ | **637** | [Average of Levels in Binary Tree](637.%20Average%20of%20Levels%20in%20Binary%20Tree/) | | **653** | [Two Sum IV - Input is a BST](653.%20Two%20Sum%20IV%20-%20Input%20is%20a%20BST/) | | **700** | [Search in a Binary Search Tree](700.%20Search%20in%20a%20Binary%20Search%20Tree/) | +| **706** | [Design HashMap](706.%20Design%20HashMap/) | +| **746** | [Min Cost Climbing Stairs](746.Min%20Cost%20Climbing%20Stairs/) | | **844** | [Backspace String Compare](844.%20Backspace%20String%20Compare/) | | **896** | [Monotonic Array](896.%20Monotonic%20Array/) | | **905** | [Sort Array by Parity](905.%20Sort%20Array%20by%20Parity/) | | **1337** | [K Weakest Rows in a Matrix](1337.%20K%20Weakest%20Rows%20in%20a%20Matrix/) | | **1342** | [Number of Steps to Reduce a Number to Zero](1342.%20Number%20of%20Steps%20to%20Reduce%20a%20Number%20to%20Zero/) | +| **1356** | [Sort Integers by The Number of 1 Bits](1356.%20Sort%20Integers%20by%20The%20Number%20of%201%20Bits/) | | **1470** | [Shuffle the Array](1470.%20Shuffle%20the%20Array/) | | **1480** | [Running Sum of 1d Array](1480.%20Running%20Sum%20of%201d%20Array/) | | **1486** | [XOR Operation in an Array](1486.%20XOR%20Operation%20in%20an%20Array/) | @@ -48,4 +62,4 @@ | **2373** | [Largest Local Values in a Matrix](2373.%20Largest%20Local%20Values%20in%20a%20Matrix/) | | **2423** | [Remove Letter To Equalize Frequency](2423.%20Remove%20Letter%20To%20Equalize%20Frequency/) | | **2591** | [Distribute Money to Maximum Children](2591.%20Distribute%20Money%20to%20Maximum%20Children/) | -| **242** | [Valid Anagram](242.%20Valid%20Anagram/) | +| **2703** | [Return Length of Arguments Passed](2703.%20Return%20Length%20of%20Arguments%20Passed/) | diff --git a/Hard/README.md b/Hard/README.md index 66e90b6..1e3472a 100644 --- a/Hard/README.md +++ b/Hard/README.md @@ -3,19 +3,40 @@ | **No.** | **Problem** | | :------: | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | **4** | [Median of Two Sorted Arrays](4.%20Median%20of%20Two%20Sorted%20Arrays/) | +| **10** | [Regular Expression Matching](10.%20Regular%20Expression%20Matching/) | +| **25** | [Reverse Nodes in k-Group](25.%20Reverse%20Nodes%20in%20k-Group/) | +| **34** | [Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array](34.%20Find%20First%20and%20Last%20Position%20of%20Element%20in%20Sorted%20Array/) | +| **37** | [Sudoku Solver](37.Sudoku%20Solver/) | | **41** | [First Missing Positive](41.%20First%20Missing%20Positive/) | +| **42** | [Trapping Rain Water](42.%20Trapping%20Rain%20Water/) | | **68** | [Test Justification](68.%20Test%20Justification/) | | **72** | [Edit Distance](72.%20Edit%20Distance/) | -| **115** | [Distinct Subsequences](115.%20Distinct%20Subsequences/) | +| **76** | [Minimum Window Substring](76.%20Minimum%20Window%20Substring/) | +| **115** | [Distinct Subsequences](115.%20Distinct%20Subsequences/) | +| **127** | [Word Ladder](127.%20Word%20Ladder/) | | **135** | [Candy](135.%20Candy/) | +| **233** | [Number of Digit One](233.%20Number%20of%20Digit%20One/) | | **239** | [Sliding Window Max](239.%20Sliding%20Window%20Max/) | +| **273** | [Integer to English Words](273.%20Integer%20to%20English%20Words/) | | **332** | [Reconstruct Itinerary](332.%20Reconstruct%20Itinerary/) | | **664** | [Strange Printer](664.%20Strange%20Printer/) | | **847** | [Shortest Path Visiting all Nodes](847.%20Shortest%20Path%20Visiting%20all%20Nodes/) | | **920** | [Number of Music Playlists](920.%20Number%20of%20Music%20Playlists/) | +| **1095** | [Find in Mountain Array](1095.%20Find%20in%20Mountain%20Array/) | | **1203** | [Sort Items by Groups Respecting Dependencies](1203.%20Sort%20Items%20by%20Groups%20Respecting%20Dependencies/) | +| **1220** | [Count Vowels Permutation](1220.%20Count%20Vowels%20Permutation/) | +| **1269** | [Number of Ways to Stay in the Same Place After Some Steps](1269.%20Number%20of%20Ways%20to%20Stay%20in%20the%20Same%20Place%20After%20Some%20Steps/) | | **1326** | [Min no of Taps to Open to Water a Garden](1326.%20Min%20no%20of%20Taps%20to%20Open%20to%20Water%20a%20Garden/) | | **1359** | [Count All Valid Pickup and Delivery Options](1359.%20Count%20All%20Valid%20Pickup%20and%20Delivery%20Options/) | +| **1420** | [build array where you can find maximum exactly k comparison](1420.%20build%20array%20where%20you%20can%20find%20maximum%20exactly%20k%20comparison/) | +| **1425** | [Constrained Subsequence Sum](1425.%20Constrained%20Subsequence%20Sum/) | +| **1458** | [Max Dot Product of Two Subsequences](1458.%20Max%20Dot%20Product%20of%20Two%20Subsequences/) | | **1489** | [Find Critical and Pseudo-Critical Edges in Min Spanning Tree](1489.%20Find%20Critical%20and%20Pseudo-Critical%20Edges%20in%20Min%20Spanning%20Tree/) | +| **1793** | [Maximum Score of a Good Subarray](1793.%20Maximum%20Score%20of%20a%20Good%20Subarray/) | +| **2009** | [Minimum Number of Operations to Make Array Continuous](2009.%20Minimum%20Number%20of%20Operations%20to%20Make%20Array%20Continuous/) | +| **2050** | [Parallel Courses III](2050.%20Parallel%20Courses%20III/) | | **2141** | [Maximum Running Time](2141.%20Maximum%20Running%20Time/) | +| **2227** | [Encrypt and Decrypt String](2227.%20Encrypt%20and%20Decrypt%20String/) | +| **2251** | [Number Of Flowers In Full Bloom](2251.%20Number%20Of%20Flowers%20In%20Full%20Bloom/) | | **2366** | [Min Replacements to Sort an Array](2366.%20Min%20Replacements%20to%20Sort%20an%20Array/) | +| **2742** | [Painting the Walls](2742.%20Painting%20the%20Walls/) | diff --git a/Medium/README.md b/Medium/README.md index bbfdabd..fa05f9b 100644 --- a/Medium/README.md +++ b/Medium/README.md @@ -1,42 +1,81 @@ # Problems ![MEDIUM](https://img.shields.io/badge/-MEDIUM-ffa116?style=for-the-badge&logo=LeetCode&logoColor=white) -| **No.** | **Problem** | -| :------: | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -| **2** | [Add Two Numbers](2.%20Add%20Two%20Numbers/) | -| **6** | [Zigzag Conversion](6.%20Zigzag%20Conversion/) | -| **7** | [Reverse Integer](7.%20Reverse%20Integer/) | -| **8** | [String to Integer (atoi)](<8.%20String%20to%20Integer%20(atoi)/>) | -| **11** | [Container With Most Water](11.%20Container%20With%20Most%20Water/) | -| **19** | [Remove nth Node From the End](19.%20Remove%20nth%20Node%20From%20the%20End/) | -| **34** | [First and Last Position of Element in an Array](34.%20First%20and%20Last%20Position%20of%20Element%20in%20an%20Array/) | -| **36** | [Valid Sudoku](36.%20Valid%20Sudoku/) | -| **48** | [Rotate Image](48.%20Rotate%20Image/) | -| **55** | [Jump Game](55.%20Jump%20Game/) | -| **61** | [Rotate List](61.%20Rotate%20List/) | -| **62** | [Unique Paths](62.%20Unique%20Paths/) | -| **63** | [Unique Paths II](63.%20Unique%20Paths%20II/) | -| **98** | [Valid BST](98.Valid%20BST/) | -| **142** | [LinkedList Cycle II](142.%20LinkedList%20Cycle%20II/) | -| **146** | [LRU Cache](146.%20LRU%20Cache/) | -| **153** | [Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array](153.%20Find%20Minimum%20in%20Rotated%20Sorted%20Array/) | -| **179** | [Largest Number](179.%20Largest%20Number/) | -| **200** | [Number of Islands](200.%20Number%20of%20Islands/) | -| **287** | [Find Duplicate Number](287.%20Find%20Duplicate%20Number/) | -| **316** | [Remove Duplicate Letters](316.%20Remove%20Duplicate%20Letters/) | -| **429** | [N-ary Tree Level Order Traversal](429.%20N-ary%20Tree%20Level%20Order%20Traversal/) | -| **560** | [Subarray Sum Equals K](560.%20Subarray%20Sum%20Equals%20K/) | -| **725** | [Split List in Parts](725.%20Split%20List%20in%20Parts/) | -| **814** | [Binary Tree Pruning](814.%20Binary%20Tree%20Pruning/) | -| **853** | [Car Fleet](853.%20Car%20Fleet) | -| **967** | [Numbers With Same Consecutive Differences](967.%20Numbers%20With%20Same%20Consecutive%20Differences/) | -| **974** | [Subarray Sums Divisible by K](974.%20Subarray%20Sums%20Divisible%20by%20K/) | -| **1048** | [Longest String Chain](1048.%20Longest%20String%20Chain/) | -| **1081** | [Smallest SubSequence of Distinct Characters](1081.%20Smallest%20SubSequence%20of%20Distinct%20Characters/) | -| **1448** | [Count Good Nodes in Binary Tree](1448.%20Count%20Good%20Nodes%20in%20Binary%20Tree/) | -| **1584** | [Min Cost to Connect All Dots](1584.%20Min%20Cost%20to%20Connect%20All%20Dots/) | -| **1631** | [Path With Minimum Effort](1631.%20Path%20With%20Minimum%20Effort/) | -| **1647** | [Min Deletions to Make Char Frequencies Unique](1647.%20Min%20Deletions%20to%20Make%20Char%20Frequencies%20Unique/) | -| **1658** | [Minimum Operations to Reduce X to Zero](1658.%20Minimum%20Operations%20to%20Reduce%20X%20to%20Zero/) | -| **1996** | [The Number of Weak Characters in the Game](1996.%20The%20Number%20of%20Weak%20Characters%20in%20the%20Game/) | -| **2038** | [Remove Colored Pieces if](2038.%20Remove%20Colored%20Pieces%20if/) | -| **2707** | [Extra Chars in a String](2707.%20Extra%20Chars%20in%20a%20String/) | +| **No.** | **Problem** | +| :------: | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| **2** | [Add Two Numbers](2.%20Add%20Two%20Numbers/) | +| **3** | [Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters](3.%20Longest%20Substring%20Without%20Repeating%20Characters/) | +| **5** | [Longest Palindromic String](5.%20Longest%20Palindromic%20String/) | +| **5** | [Longest Palindromic Substring](5.%20Longest%20Palindromic%20Substring/) | +| **6** | [Zigzag Conversion](6.%20Zigzag%20Conversion/) | +| **7** | [Reverse Integer](7.%20Reverse%20Integer/) | +| **8** | [String to Integer (atoi)](<8.%20String%20to%20Integer%20(atoi)/>) | +| **11** | [Container With Most Water](11.%20Container%20With%20Most%20Water/) | +| **12** | [Integer To Roman](12.%20Integer%20To%20Roman/) | +| **15** | [3sum](15.%203sum/) | +| **15** | [3Sum](15.3Sum/) | +| **18** | [4Sum](18.%204Sum/) | +| **19** | [Remove nth Node From the End](19.%20Remove%20nth%20Node%20From%20the%20End/) | +| **22** | [Generate Parentheses](22.%20Generate%20Parentheses/) | +| **29** | [Divide Two Integers](29.%20Divide%20Two%20Integers/) | +| **33** | [Search in Rotated Sorted Array](33.%20Search%20in%20Rotated%20Sorted%20Array/) | +| **34** | [First and Last Position of Element in an Array](34.%20First%20and%20Last%20Position%20of%20Element%20in%20an%20Array/) | +| **36** | [Valid Sudoku](36.%20Valid%20Sudoku/) | +| **39** | [Combination Sum](39.%20Combination%20Sum/) | +| **40** | [Combination Sum II](40.%20Combination%20Sum%20II/) | +| **43** | [Multiply Strings](43.%20Multiply%20Strings/) | +| **47** | [Permutations II](47.%20Permutations%20II/) | +| **48** | [Rotate Image](48.%20Rotate%20Image/) | +| **55** | [Jump Game](55.%20Jump%20Game/) | +| **61** | [Rotate List](61.%20Rotate%20List/) | +| **62** | [Unique Paths](62.%20Unique%20Paths/) | +| **63** | [Unique Paths II](63.%20Unique%20Paths%20II/) | +| **80** | [Remove-duplicates-from-sorted-array](80.%20Remove-duplicates-from-sorted-array/) | +| **98** | [Valid BST](98.%20Valid%20BST/) | +| **122** | [Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II](122.%20Best%20Time%20to%20Buy%20and%20Sell%20Stock%20II/) | +| **134** | [Gas Station](134.%20Gas%20Station/) | +| **134** | [Gas Station](134.Gas%20Station/) | +| **142** | [LinkedList Cycle II](142.%20LinkedList%20Cycle%20II/) | +| **146** | [LRU Cache](146.%20LRU%20Cache/) | +| **151** | [Reverse Words in a String](151.%20Reverse%20Words%20in%20a%20String/) | +| **153** | [Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array](153.%20Find%20Minimum%20in%20Rotated%20Sorted%20Array/) | +| **172** | [Factorial Trailing Zeroes](172.%20Factorial%20Trailing%20Zeroes/) | +| **179** | [Largest Number](179.%20Largest%20Number/) | +| **189** | [Rotate Array](189.%20Rotate%20Array/) | +| **200** | [Number of Islands](200.%20Number%20of%20Islands/) | +| **204** | [CountPrimes](204.CountPrimes/) | +| **215** | [Kth Largest Element in an Array](215.%20Kth%20Largest%20Element%20in%20an%20Array/) | +| **229** | [MajorityElement-ll](229.%20MajorityElement-ll/) | +| **238** | [Product of Array Except Self](238.%20Product%20of%20Array%20Except%20Self/) | +| **274** | [H-Index](274.%20H-Index/) | +| **287** | [Find Duplicate Number](287.%20Find%20Duplicate%20Number/) | +| **316** | [Remove Duplicate Letters](316.%20Remove%20Duplicate%20Letters/) | +| **328** | [Odd Even Linked List](328.%20Odd%20Even%20Linked%20List/) | +| **341** | [Flatten Nested List Iterator](341.%20Flatten%20Nested%20List%20Iterator/) | +| **343** | [Integer Break](343.%20Integer%20Break/) | +| **380** | [Insert Delete GetRandom O(1)](<380.%20Insert%20Delete%20GetRandom%20O(1)/>) | +| **429** | [N-ary Tree Level Order Traversal](429.%20N-ary%20Tree%20Level%20Order%20Traversal/) | +| **456** | [132 Pattern](456.%20132%20Pattern/) | +| **515** | [Find Largest Value in Each Tree Row](515.%20Find%20Largest%20Value%20in%20Each%20Tree%20Row/) | +| **560** | [Subarray Sum Equals K](560.%20Subarray%20Sum%20Equals%20K/) | +| **725** | [Split List in Parts](725.%20Split%20List%20in%20Parts/) | +| **779** | [K-th Symbol in Grammar](779.%20K-th%20Symbol%20in%20Grammar/) | +| **814** | [Binary Tree Pruning](814.%20Binary%20Tree%20Pruning/) | +| **823** | [Binary Trees With Factors](823.%20Binary%20Trees%20With%20Factors/) | +| **853** | [Car Fleet](853.%20Car%20Fleet/) | +| **967** | [Numbers With Same Consecutive Differences](967.%20Numbers%20With%20Same%20Consecutive%20Differences/) | +| **974** | [Subarray Sums Divisible by K](974.%20Subarray%20Sums%20Divisible%20by%20K/) | +| **1048** | [Longest String Chain](1048.%20Longest%20String%20Chain/) | +| **1081** | [Smallest SubSequence of Distinct Characters](1081.%20Smallest%20SubSequence%20of%20Distinct%20Characters/) | +| **1361** | [Validate Binary Tree Nodes](1361.%20Validate%20Binary%20Tree%20Nodes/) | +| **1448** | [Count Good Nodes in Binary Tree](1448.%20Count%20Good%20Nodes%20in%20Binary%20Tree/) | +| **1584** | [Min Cost to Connect All Dots](1584.%20Min%20Cost%20to%20Connect%20All%20Dots/) | +| **1631** | [Path With Minimum Effort](1631.%20Path%20With%20Minimum%20Effort/) | +| **1647** | [Min Deletions to Make Char Frequencies Unique](1647.%20Min%20Deletions%20to%20Make%20Char%20Frequencies%20Unique/) | +| **1658** | [Minimum Operations to Reduce X to Zero](1658.%20Minimum%20Operations%20to%20Reduce%20X%20to%20Zero/) | +| **1695** | [Maximum Erasure Value](1695.%20Maximum%20Erasure%20Value/) | +| **1996** | [The Number of Weak Characters in the Game](1996.%20The%20Number%20of%20Weak%20Characters%20in%20the%20Game/) | +| **2038** | [Remove Colored Pieces if](2038.%20Remove%20Colored%20Pieces%20if/) | +| **2038** | [Remove Colored Pieces if Both Neighbors are the Same Color](2038.%20Remove%20Colored%20Pieces%20if%20Both%20Neighbors%20are%20the%20Same%20Color/) | +| **2186** | [Minimum Number of Steps to Make Two Strings Anagram II](2186.%20Minimum%20Number%20of%20Steps%20to%20Make%20Two%20Strings%20Anagram%20II/) | +| **2433** | [Find The Original Array of Prefix Xor](2433.%20Find%20The%20Original%20Array%20of%20Prefix%20Xor/) | +| **2707** | [Extra Chars in a String](2707.%20Extra%20Chars%20in%20a%20String/) |