- Evan Lin: Using Golang to build a smart IM Bot
- Evan Lin will present how to use Golang to build a IM Bot. It include basic introduction about Golang and why Go might be the best language for IM Bot. He will also introduce how to migrade LUIS: Language Understanding Intelligent Service (beta) service to your IM Bot.
- Hawk: Go+ Lambda + Dynamodb = Telegram Bot
- Hawk will share his experience about how to use Go to build a Telegram IM Bot.
- Umbo CV: Kakashi - Golang X CI X CD
- duolC: Cyril - 使用Go實作跨平台匿名配對聊天app的後台機制
- iotwav: Bean - Recruit for DevOps
- Evan: Use go channel to write a disk queue
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- Part 1: Evan Lin - Using Golang to build a smart IM Bot
- Part 2: Using Golang to build a smart IM Bot
- Lightning Talks
- Umbo CV: Kakashi - Golang X CI X CD
- duolC: Cyril - 使用Go實作跨平台匿名配對聊天app的後台機制
- iotwav: Bean - Recruit for DevOps
- Evan: Use go channel to write a disk queue