Creates Azure services to host Services that are shared across multiple projects.
Bicep modules that are used to define the Azure services.
- rg.bicep - Creates Azure Resource Group.
- network.bicep - Creates Azure Virtual Network, Subnets and NSGs.
- acr.bicep - Creates Azure Container Registry.
- apim.bicep - Creates Azure API Management.
- frontdoor.bicep - Creates Azure Front Door.
- insights.bicep - Creates Azure Application Insights.
main.bicep - Main Bicep file that creates the Azure services.
deploy.ps1 - PowerShell script to execute the deployment of the Bicep files.
Use the VS Code Bicep extension to deploy the Bicep files. Right click on the main.bicep file and select "Deploy Bicep File". Save the deployment parameters in a file for future use.
Execute the deploy-bicep.ps1 PowerShell script to deploy the Bicep files. Needs a deployment parameters file as input.