Java LWJGL OpenCL vectorized cpu/gpu/fpga ray traced raster render engine.
Draws OpenCL image buffer to screen using OpenGL shared context interoperation or CPU buffer copy.
W - forward
S - backward
A - strafe left
D - strafe right
SPACE - strafe up
LSHIFT - strafe down
LCTRL - fast speed
Q - roll left
E - roll right
MOUSE-X - look horizontal
MOUSE-Y - look vertical
MOUSE-LMB - fire weapon
LWJGL/OpenCL 3.3.4:
Eclipse IDE for Java Developers:
Insert base lwjgl, opencl, opengl, glfw and openal platform native jar packages as user library and in runnable jar export.
Java 23 JDK:
Double click the javaoclrendergine.jar file to run the application directly.
Console run command to have extra debug output information:
java -jar javaoclrendergine.jar <device-index=0> <full-screen=1> <gl-interop=1>
Enabling CPU as Windows OpenCL device:
- install w_opencl_runtime_p_2025.0.0.1166.exe:
Enabling CPU/GPU as Debian OpenCL device:
- sudo apt install ocl-icd-opencl-dev
- setup intel oneapi debian apt repo:
- sudo apt install intel-oneapi-runtime-opencl
Features support:
- OpenCL api functions and direct context buffer sharing require OpenCL C 1.2 with OpenGL interoperation support from the OpenCL device. Falls back to CPU buffer copy if OpenCL device does not support context sharing.