Releases: google-ai-edge/mediapipe
Releases · google-ai-edge/mediapipe
MediaPipe v0.6.7.1 - Tracking library and Object Detection & Tracking example
MediaPipe v0.6.7.1 - Tracking library and Object Detection & Tracking example
- MediaPipe Tracking library
- MediaPipe Object Detection (GPU) & Tracking example android
- Bug fixes
- .Documentation
MediaPipe v0.6.6 - Obj C and Java API for vector<proto> & handtrackinggpu AAR
MediaPipe v0.6.6 - Obj C and Java API for vector & handtrackinggpu AAR
- Multihands tracking example to get hand landmarks
- Hands tracking example to get hand landmarks
- Multi-hand Tracking AAR Example
- Add basic audio support to opencv video decoder and encoder calculator
- Add NNAPI inference support to TfLiteInferenceCalculator on Android.
- Bug fixes
MediaPipe v0.6.5 - MediaPipe Coral setup and examples
- MediaPipe on Coral dev board EdgeTPU
- Dockerfile for cross compiling
- Example including quantized models & graphs for Object detection & Face detection
- Bug fixes
- Documentation
MediaPipe v0.6.4 - Multi-hand tracking, BeginLoop/EndLoop calculators
MediaPipe v0.6.4 - Multi-hand tracking, BeginLoop/EndLoop calculators
- MediaPipe Multi-hand tracking example app
- For Android, iOS GPU, desktop CPU/GPU
- BeginLoop/EndLoop calculators for processing a collection of elements iteratively
- Updated dependencies
- Support Bazel 1.1.0
- Update TensorFlow dependency to the most recent version
- Use ‘-std=c++14’ by default
- Use Google absl’s flat_hash_set and flat_hash_map for better performance.
- Bug fixes
- Documentation
- Multi-hands mobile & desktop
- Updated list of public events for MediaPipe
MediaPipe v0.6.3 - YT8m inference example & Android AAR
- MediaPipe Android development with Gradle
- Building Android AAR using Bazel
- Using MediaPipe built AAR in Android Studio
- YT8mil baseline model inference pipeline
- Bazel versions supported are v0.24.1 to v0.29.1
- Bug fixes
- Android AAR for issue 88
- Documentation
- Model card for YT8mil baseline model
- MediaPipe Android development with Gradle
- YT8M model inference
MediaPipe v0.6.2 - Desktop CPU & GPU examples
- MediaPipe CPU & GPU graph runner for Desktop graphs with webcam
- Mobile graphs example & doc
- Face Detection
- Mobile CPU
- Mobile graphs example & doc
- Desktop graph examples & docs
- Face detection
- Desktop GPU
- Desktop CPU
- Object detection
- Desktop CPU
- Hand tracking
- Desktop GPU
- Desktop CPU
- Hair segmentation
- Desktop GPU - Allows android to print log output from native code. Fixed issue 118
- Fix bug in YT8m feature extraction pipeline
MediaPipe v0.6.1 - YT8m Feature extractor & bug fixes
- New Features
- Bug fixes
- OpenCVVideoDecoderCalculator for issue 57
- Documentation
MediaPipe v0.6.0 - Obj-C APIs + Hand Examples
Major New Features with v0.6.0
- Subgraph API in C++
- Graph Execution API in Obj-C
- Updated previous mobile examples with iOS
- Edge detection with GPU (Hello World! on iOS )
- Object Detection with GPU
- Face Detection with GPU
- Face Detection with CPU
- 2 new mobile examples with Android & iOS
- A new data preprocessing graph for preparing kinetics dataset
- Audio Calculators - decoding, resampling, spectrogram, mfcc
- Visualizer
- Multi-tab support
- Subgraph visualization
- Documentation
- Added iOS section for edge detection, face detection, and object detection
- Google AI blog post on hand tracking
- Hand detection
- Hand tracking
- Hand model card
- Subgraph visualization
MediaPipe v0.5.0
Major Features
- Calculator API in C++
- Graph Construction API in ProtoBuf
- OpenGL ES support for Calculator API
- Graph Execution API in C++
- Graph Execution API in Java (Android)
- 5 Desktop and Android examples (Graphs, Calculators, TF/TFlite models)
- Edge detection on GPU for Android (Hello World! on Android)
- Object Detection on CPU and GPU for Android
- Face Detection on GPU for Android
- Hair Segmentation on GPU for Android
- Object Detection on Desktop (No desktop GPU support)
- Visualizer launched at
- Dataset preprocessing using MediaSequence
- Set of 59 calculators for core framework, image, tensorflow, tflite, util, video
- Initial v0.5 documentation launched at