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Releases: google/auto

AutoValue 1.10

06 Oct 21:23
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  • AutoBuilder is now stable and supported. (2e44a53)
    • AutoBuilder now allows you to omit a Kotlin default parameter when building a Kotlin class. (d2f91bf)
    • An @AutoBuilder class can now have @AutoValue.CopyAnnotations so annotations are copied from the class to its generated subclass. (3a15c88)
    • The generated AutoBuilder class now has a "copy constructor" if values for the builder properties can be obtained from the built type. (b3b53a3)
    • AutoBuilder can now be used to build annotation implementations directly. (196c810)
  • Fixed an issue when Serializable and Memoized extensions are used together. (e01968d)
  • @AutoAnnotation now has CLASS rather than SOURCE retention, making for better operation with Gradle incremental compilation. (34c3be5)
  • @AutoAnnotation methods no longer need to be static. This makes it easier to use AutoAnnotation with Kotlin. (cf55dc6)
  • AutoValue and AutoBuilder builders now use bitmasks to track unset primitive properties, which will typically lead to smaller builder objects and faster build times. (b5d3989)

AutoValue 1.9

15 Dec 00:54
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  • The @AutoBuilder annotation documented here is now fully stable and supported. (1f8d7f2)
    • AutoBuilder now uses annotation defaults when building a call to an @AutoAnnotation method. (fb96c83)
  • Making a step-builder for AutoValue is now easier because the inherited setters don't need to be restated in the Builder class so that they return Builder. (0820e2e)
  • We now handle better the case where an annotation being copied references a missing class. (e074032)
  • The order of annotations copied into generated code is now deterministic. (8ad800e)

AutoCommon 1.2.1

16 Nov 00:07
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  • Remove usage of Guava 30 API (Comparators.min). (102506c)

AutoService 1.0.1

03 Nov 17:02
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  • AutoService no longer throws an exception for a missing service class. (d8083fd)
  • Fixed a bug in AutoServiceProcessor that could lead to some services not being processed. (d4c865b)

AutoCommon 1.2

15 Oct 20:44
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  • In MoreElements.overrides and .getLocalAndInheritedMethods, an interface method is no longer considered to override another interface method unless the first interface inherits from the second. This means that .getLocalAndInheritedMethods may now return two methods with the same signature where before it only returned one. (d8c1934)

AutoCommon 1.1.2

25 Jul 19:57
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  • Add AnnotationMirrors.toString and AnnotationValues.toString (00cb81e)

(The AutoCommon 1.1.1 release was incorrect and should not be used.)

AutoValue 1.8.2

16 Jul 18:22
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  • Fixed a bug with AutoBuilder and property builder methods. (05ea135)
  • Generated builder code is now slightly friendly to null-analysis. (f00c32a)
  • Fixed a problem where @SerializableAutoValue could generate incorrect code for complex types. (689c8d4)
  • Implicitly exclude Kotlin @Metadata annotations from @CopyAnnotations (7d3aa66)

AutoCommon 1.1

01 Jul 17:55
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  • is annotated for null-safety. (9d79ce1)
  • Add String and TypeElement versions of auto-common APIs that currently take in Class. (dec3bf0)

AutoCommon 1.0.1

01 Jun 19:44
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  • Added some methods to allow annotation processors to use Streams functionality that is present in mainline Guava but not Android Guava. This can be useful if Android Guava might be on the processor path.

AutoValue 1.8.1

21 Apr 22:35
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  • Fixed Gradle incremental compilation. (8f17e4c)