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DonggeLiu committed Dec 19, 2024
1 parent 087bef0 commit 66c4d33
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Showing 21 changed files with 1,119 additions and 0 deletions.
63 changes: 63 additions & 0 deletions benchmark-sets/0builds/clamav.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
- "name": "cl_scandesc"
- "name": ""
"type": "int"
- "name": ""
"type": "bool "
- "name": ""
"type": "bool "
- "name": ""
"type": "bool "
- "name": ""
"type": "bool "
- "name": ""
"type": "bool "
"return_type": "int"
"signature": "cl_error_t cl_scandesc(int, const char *, const char **, unsigned long *, const struct cl_engine *, struct cl_scan_options *)"
- "name": "Lzma2Decode"
- "name": ""
"type": "bool "
- "name": ""
"type": "bool "
- "name": ""
"type": "bool "
- "name": ""
"type": "bool "
- "name": ""
"type": "char"
- "name": ""
"type": "int"
- "name": ""
"type": "bool "
- "name": ""
"type": "bool "
"return_type": "int"
"signature": "SRes Lzma2Decode(Byte *, SizeT *, const Byte *, SizeT *, Byte, ELzmaFinishMode, ELzmaStatus *, ISzAlloc *)"
- "name": "cli_matchregex"
- "name": ""
"type": "bool "
- "name": ""
"type": "bool "
"return_type": "int"
"signature": "int cli_matchregex(const char *, const char *)"
- "name": "qtmd_decompress"
- "name": ""
"type": "bool "
- "name": ""
"type": "size_t"
"return_type": "int"
"signature": "int qtmd_decompress(struct qtmd_stream *, off_t)"
- "name": "cl_cvdverify"
- "name": ""
"type": "bool "
"return_type": "int"
"signature": "cl_error_t cl_cvdverify(const char *)"
"language": "c++"
"project": "clamav"
"target_name": "clamav_scanfile_HWP3_fuzzer"
"target_path": "/src/clamav/fuzz/clamav_scanfile_fuzzer.cpp"
53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions benchmark-sets/0builds/gnutls.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
- "name": "gnutls_record_recv_packet"
- "name": "session"
"type": "bool "
- "name": "packet"
"type": "bool "
"return_type": "size_t"
"signature": "ssize_t gnutls_record_recv_packet(gnutls_session_t, gnutls_packet_t *)"
- "name": "gnutls_bye"
- "name": "session"
"type": "bool "
- "name": "how"
"type": "int"
"return_type": "int"
"signature": "int gnutls_bye(gnutls_session_t, gnutls_close_request_t)"
- "name": "gnutls_session_ticket_send"
- "name": "session"
"type": "bool "
- "name": "nr"
"type": "int"
- "name": "flags"
"type": "int"
"return_type": "int"
"signature": "int gnutls_session_ticket_send(gnutls_session_t, unsigned int, unsigned int)"
- "name": "gnutls_certificate_verify_peers3"
- "name": "session"
"type": "bool "
- "name": "hostname"
"type": "bool "
- "name": "status"
"type": "bool "
"return_type": "int"
"signature": "int gnutls_certificate_verify_peers3(gnutls_session_t, const char *, unsigned int *)"
- "name": "gnutls_record_recv_seq"
- "name": "session"
"type": "bool "
- "name": "data"
"type": "bool "
- "name": "data_size"
"type": "size_t"
- "name": "seq"
"type": "bool "
"return_type": "size_t"
"signature": "ssize_t gnutls_record_recv_seq(gnutls_session_t, void *, size_t, unsigned char *)"
"language": "c++"
"project": "gnutls"
"target_name": "gnutls_private_key_parser_fuzzer"
"target_path": "/src/gnutls/fuzz/gnutls_private_key_parser_fuzzer.c"
45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions benchmark-sets/0builds/harfbuzz.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
- "name": "_ZZNK2OT21ChainContextFormat2_5INS_6Layout10SmallTypesEE14collect_glyphsEPNS_27hb_collect_glyphs_context_tEENKUlRKNS_12ChainRuleSetIS2_EEE_clES9_"
- "name": "this"
"type": "bool "
- "name": "_"
"type": "bool "
"return_type": "void"
"signature": "void OT::ChainContextFormat2_5<OT::Layout::SmallTypes>::operator()(const void *, const ChainRuleSet &)"
- "name": "_ZZNK2OT21ChainContextFormat2_5INS_6Layout11MediumTypesEE14collect_glyphsEPNS_27hb_collect_glyphs_context_tEENKUlRKNS_12ChainRuleSetINS1_10SmallTypesEEEE_clESA_"
- "name": "this"
"type": "bool "
- "name": "_"
"type": "bool "
"return_type": "void"
"signature": "void OT::ChainContextFormat2_5<OT::Layout::MediumTypes>::operator()(const void *, const ChainRuleSet &)"
- "name": "_ZZNK2OT21ChainContextFormat1_4INS_6Layout10SmallTypesEE14collect_glyphsEPNS_27hb_collect_glyphs_context_tEENKUlRKNS_12ChainRuleSetIS2_EEE_clES9_"
- "name": "this"
"type": "bool "
- "name": "_"
"type": "bool "
"return_type": "void"
"signature": "void OT::ChainContextFormat1_4<OT::Layout::SmallTypes>::operator()(const void *, const ChainRuleSet &)"
- "name": "_ZZ16hb_shape_justifyENK3$_0clEd"
- "name": "this"
"type": "bool "
- "name": "x"
"type": "double"
"return_type": "double"
"signature": "double hb_shape_justify::$_0::operator()(const void *, double)"
- "name": "_ZZNK2OT21ChainContextFormat1_4INS_6Layout11MediumTypesEE14collect_glyphsEPNS_27hb_collect_glyphs_context_tEENKUlRKNS_12ChainRuleSetIS2_EEE_clES9_"
- "name": "this"
"type": "bool "
- "name": "_"
"type": "bool "
"return_type": "void"
"signature": "void OT::ChainContextFormat1_4<OT::Layout::MediumTypes>::operator()(const void *, const ChainRuleSet &)"
"language": "c++"
"project": "harfbuzz"
"target_name": "hb-set-fuzzer"
"target_path": "/src/harfbuzz/test/fuzzing/"
63 changes: 63 additions & 0 deletions benchmark-sets/0builds/hermes.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
- "name": "_ZN6hermes2vm8Debugger11runDebuggerENS1_9RunReasonERNS0_16InterpreterStateE"
- "name": "this"
"type": "bool "
- "name": "runReason"
"type": "int"
- "name": "state"
"type": "bool "
"return_type": "int"
"signature": "DW_TAG_enumeration_typeExecutionStatus hermes::vm::Debugger::runDebugger(DW_TAG_enumeration_typeRunReason, struct InterpreterState &)"
- "name": "_ZN8facebook6hermes13HermesRuntime15debugJavaScriptERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS2_11char_traitsIcEENS2_9allocatorIcEEEESA_RKNS1_10DebugFlagsE"
- "name": "this"
"type": "bool "
- "name": "src"
"type": "bool "
- "name": "sourceURL"
"type": "bool "
- "name": "debugFlags"
"type": "bool "
"return_type": "void"
"signature": "void facebook::hermes::HermesRuntime::debugJavaScript(const string &, const string &, const struct DebugFlags &)"
- "name": "_ZN8facebook3jsi20WithRuntimeDecoratorINS0_6detail8WithLockINS_6hermes17HermesRuntimeImplENS4_12_GLOBAL__N_111HermesMutexEEES5_NS0_17ThreadSafeRuntimeEE26evaluatePreparedJavaScriptERKNSt3__110shared_ptrIKNS0_18PreparedJavaScriptEEE"
- "name": "this"
"type": "bool "
- "name": "js"
"type": "bool "
- "name": ""
"type": "bool "
"return_type": "void"
"signature": "Value facebook::jsi::WithRuntimeDecorator<facebook::jsi::detail::WithLock<facebook::hermes::HermesRuntimeImpl, facebook::hermes::(anonymous namespace)::HermesMutex>, facebook::hermes::HermesRuntimeImpl, facebook::jsi::ThreadSafeRuntime>::evaluatePreparedJavaScript(WithRuntimeDecorator<facebook::jsi::detail::WithLock<facebook::hermes::HermesRuntimeImpl, facebook::hermes::(anonymous namespace)::HermesMutex>, facebook::hermes::HermesRuntimeImpl, facebook::jsi::ThreadSafeRuntime> *, const shared_ptr<const facebook::jsi::PreparedJavaScript> &)"
- "name": "_ZN6hermes2vm7Runtime3runEN4llvh9StringRefES3_RKNS_3hbc12CompileFlagsE"
- "name": "this"
"type": "bool "
- "name": "code"
"type": "bool "
- "name": "sourceURL"
"type": "size_t"
- "name": "compileFlags"
"type": "bool "
- "name": ""
"type": "size_t"
- "name": ""
"type": "bool "
"return_type": "void"
"signature": "CallResult<hermes::vm::HermesValue, (hermes::vm::detail::CallResultSpecialize)2> hermes::vm::Runtime::run(StringRef, StringRef, const struct CompileFlags &)"
- "name": "_ZN8facebook3jsi16RuntimeDecoratorINS_6hermes17HermesRuntimeImplENS0_17ThreadSafeRuntimeEE26evaluatePreparedJavaScriptERKNSt3__110shared_ptrIKNS0_18PreparedJavaScriptEEE"
- "name": "this"
"type": "bool "
- "name": "js"
"type": "bool "
- "name": ""
"type": "bool "
"return_type": "void"
"signature": "Value facebook::jsi::RuntimeDecorator<facebook::hermes::HermesRuntimeImpl, facebook::jsi::ThreadSafeRuntime>::evaluatePreparedJavaScript(RuntimeDecorator<facebook::hermes::HermesRuntimeImpl, facebook::jsi::ThreadSafeRuntime> *, const shared_ptr<const facebook::jsi::PreparedJavaScript> &)"
"language": "c++"
"project": "hermes"
"target_name": "fuzzer-jsi-entry"
"target_path": "/src/hermes/tools/fuzzers/libfuzzer/fuzzer-jsi-entry.cpp"
39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions benchmark-sets/0builds/hostap.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
- "name": "wpa_supplicant_deinit"
- "name": "global"
"type": "bool "
"return_type": "void"
"signature": "void wpa_supplicant_deinit(struct wpa_global *)"
- "name": "wpa_supplicant_add_iface"
- "name": "global"
"type": "bool "
- "name": "iface"
"type": "bool "
- "name": "parent"
"type": "bool "
"return_type": "void"
"signature": "struct wpa_supplicant * wpa_supplicant_add_iface(struct wpa_global *, struct wpa_interface *, struct wpa_supplicant *)"
- "name": "wpa_supplicant_init"
- "name": "params"
"type": "bool "
"return_type": "void"
"signature": "struct wpa_global * wpa_supplicant_init(struct wpa_params *)"
- "name": "wpa_supplicant_reload_configuration"
- "name": "wpa_s"
"type": "bool "
"return_type": "int"
"signature": "int wpa_supplicant_reload_configuration(struct wpa_supplicant *)"
- "name": "wpa_supplicant_run"
- "name": "global"
"type": "bool "
"return_type": "int"
"signature": "int wpa_supplicant_run(struct wpa_global *)"
"language": "c++"
"project": "hostap"
"target_name": "json"
"target_path": "/src/hostap/tests/fuzzing/json/json.c"
89 changes: 89 additions & 0 deletions benchmark-sets/0builds/libdwarf.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
- "name": "dwarf_get_ranges_baseaddress"
- "name": "dw_dbg"
"type": "bool "
- "name": "dw_die"
"type": "bool "
- "name": "dw_known_base"
"type": "bool "
- "name": "dw_baseaddress"
"type": "bool "
- "name": "dw_at_ranges_offset_present"
"type": "bool "
- "name": "dw_at_ranges_offset"
"type": "bool "
- "name": "dw_error"
"type": "bool "
"return_type": "int"
"signature": "int dwarf_get_ranges_baseaddress(Dwarf_Debug, Dwarf_Die, Dwarf_Bool *, Dwarf_Unsigned *, Dwarf_Bool *, Dwarf_Unsigned *, Dwarf_Error *)"
- "name": "dwarf_init_path_a"
- "name": "path"
"type": "bool "
- "name": "true_path_out_buffer"
"type": "bool "
- "name": "true_path_bufferlen"
"type": "int"
- "name": "groupnumber"
"type": "int"
- "name": "universalnumber"
"type": "int"
- "name": "errhand"
"type": "bool "
- "name": "errarg"
"type": "bool "
- "name": "ret_dbg"
"type": "bool "
- "name": "error"
"type": "bool "
"return_type": "int"
"signature": "int dwarf_init_path_a(const char *, char *, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, Dwarf_Handler, Dwarf_Ptr, Dwarf_Debug *, Dwarf_Error *)"
- "name": "dwarf_debug_addr_index_to_addr"
- "name": "die"
"type": "bool "
- "name": "index"
"type": "size_t"
- "name": "return_addr"
"type": "bool "
- "name": "error"
"type": "bool "
"return_type": "int"
"signature": "int dwarf_debug_addr_index_to_addr(Dwarf_Die, Dwarf_Unsigned, Dwarf_Addr *, Dwarf_Error *)"
- "name": "dwarf_rnglists_get_rle_head"
- "name": "attr"
"type": "bool "
- "name": "theform"
"type": "short"
- "name": "attr_val"
"type": "size_t"
- "name": "head_out"
"type": "bool "
- "name": "entries_count_out"
"type": "bool "
- "name": "global_offset_of_rle_set"
"type": "bool "
- "name": "error"
"type": "bool "
"return_type": "int"
"signature": "int dwarf_rnglists_get_rle_head(Dwarf_Attribute, Dwarf_Half, Dwarf_Unsigned, Dwarf_Rnglists_Head *, Dwarf_Unsigned *, Dwarf_Unsigned *, Dwarf_Error *)"
- "name": "dwarf_find_die_given_sig8"
- "name": "dbg"
"type": "bool "
- "name": "ref"
"type": "bool "
- "name": "die_out"
"type": "bool "
- "name": "is_info"
"type": "bool "
- "name": "error"
"type": "bool "
"return_type": "int"
"signature": "int dwarf_find_die_given_sig8(Dwarf_Debug, Dwarf_Sig8 *, Dwarf_Die *, Dwarf_Bool *, Dwarf_Error *)"
"language": "c"
"project": "libdwarf"
"target_name": "fuzz_crc"
"target_path": "/src/libdwarf/fuzz/fuzz_crc.c"

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