Vanir is a source code-based static analysis tool that automatically identifies the list of missing security patches in the target system. By default, Vanir pulls up-to-date CVEs from Open Source Vulnerabilities (OSV) together with their corresponding signatures so that users can transparently scan missing patches for an up-to-date list of CVEs. Vanir currently supports C/C++ and Java source code, and Google-supplied Vanir signatures cover CVEs published through Android security bulletins since 2020 July. Vanir is primarily designed to detect missing security patches with low false-positive rate in a sustainable and scalable way.
Currently Vanir only builds on Bazel 7 and below. Bazel 8 migration work is
being carried out; in the meantime, build with Bazel 7. If using Bazelisk,
set environment variable USE_BAZEL_VERSION=7.5.0
Install the following prerequisite tools in a Linux machine if not already installed:
sudo apt install git
JRE >= Java 11
sudo apt install openjdk-11-jre
Download Vanir and move to the Vanir directory.
To scan your Android repo project located at
, run:bazel build //:detector_runner ./bazel-bin/detector_runner repo_scanner Android ~/my/android/repo
Find the missing patches identified by Vanir at
For further details, please see the User Guide section.
Code Variance Tolerance: Vanir identifies missing security patches from the customized ones. This can be especially beneficial for downstream branch maintainers (such as Android device vendors and custom kernel maintainers) who usually need to make additional changes on the upstream code for adapting it to their devices and also want to make sure the security of their devices is aligned with the latest security updates.
Metadata-agnostic Detection: Vanir fundamentally does not rely on metadata of the target system such as version number, commit histories and SBOMs. Vanir directly analyzes the actual source-code of the target system and pinpoints the files / functions requiring specific security patches. While Vanir user may choose to to filter out unwanted findings by providing metadata, its core detection logic is metadata-agnostic. This allows Vanir users the flexibility to utilize the tool with various options for different purpose.
Automated Signature Generation: The Vanir signature generation process is highly automated, enabling vulnerability publishers (such as CNAs and ecosystem security maintainers) to efficiently utilize Vanir and ensure security patch adoption by their downstream branch maintainers, streamlining workflows and optimizing resource allocation.
Runtime: Since Vanir uses source-code based static analysis to detect missing patches, the run time will be shorter compared to binary-based static analysis tools or dynamic analysis tools.
Transparency: Vanir operates as a standalone, fully open-source application. This empowers users to independently investigate and address any vulnerabilities identified by Vanir, without relying on or being hindered by responses from external service providers.
Continuously Updated Vulnerability Data: The Vanir tool is decoupled from the vulnerability data, and updated Android vulnerability data for Vanir will be maintained by the Google Android Security team in OSV. This will allow the Vanir users to simply run the Vanir with the latest vulnerability data without monthly updates. Further contributions from other CNAs (CVE Numbering Authorities) or system security maintainers would allow users to utilize Vanir for other ecosystems.
CI/CD Integration: Vanir is also provided in the form of Python library. Users can integrate the Vanir library into their own automated pipeline to verify any missing patches in a highly automated and systematic way.
Vanir mainly consists of two components — Signature Generator and Detector.
Signature Generator generates Vanir signatures for each vulnerability. The
vulnerability can be from any source, but it should be defined in a OSV format,
and should contain security patch information in the references
field in the
following format:
"references": [
"type": "FIX",
"url": public URL string to the fix commit
Vanir currently supports commits hosted in
, but it can be easily extended to other hosts by adding new
code extractor classes.
Once the generated signatures are shipped to OSV, the signatures can be transparently retrieved by Vanir Detector. Users may also use custom signatures by passing a JSON-format signature file to Vanir Detector. This can be useful for providing signatures of vulnerabilities that are not publicly announced yet or those for closed-source system.
The diagram below illustrates the macro-architecture of Vanir.
The following diagram depicts the internal architecture of Vanir Signature Generator and Vanir Detector.
Vanir was primarily designed to detect missing security patches with low false-positive rate in a sustainable and scalable way. To achieve the goal, Vanir utilizes multiple techniques in its internal components. This section offers a concise overview of several key Vanir components and spotlights specific techniques implemented within these components to support the overarching design objective.
The parser is a core component for extracting structural information from the target code. Since the original target of Vanir was Android, which consists of Linux kernel written in C and Android Framework written in C++ and Java, the current parser is implemented using Antlr4 C/C++ parser and Java parser. Vanir parser is designed to operate without build-time data. This approach enables Vanir to generate signatures and detect corresponding code blocks without requiring a build config.
The extracted code blocks and structural information are passed to the normalizer and hasher components. The normalizer abstracts away security-insensitive tokens and the hahser convert the group of tokens into a 128-bit hash. The normalizer and hasher process each code block using two different signature generation techniques:
Line-based signature technique using code line n-grams, which is efficient for tolerating unrelated code mutations in distanced locations.
Function-based signature technique using abstracted function body, which is efficient for tolerating code mutations less likely to affect security.
While each signature type is specialized to tolerate certain types of code mutations, both approaches were designed conservatively so that they would not flag unrelated code as vulnerable code block. Vanir combines the two different approaches and make them complement each other and improve the overall sensitivity (i.e., lower the false-negative rate).
The line-based and function-based signature generation techniques are inspired by the code clone detection algorithms proposed by Jang et al. [1] and Kim et al. [2], respectively. While there are some differences in the technical details and implementations, each technique remains closely aligned algorithmically with its corresponding research work. Reading these papers would be beneficial for those seeking a deeper understanding of the theoretical underpinnings.
- [1] ReDeBug: Finding Unpatched Code Clones in Entire OS Distributions
- [2] VUDDY: A Scalable Approach for Vulnerable Code Clone Discovery
The newly generated signatures are then passed to Refiner, which is another
key component of Vanir to ensure low false-positive rate in a scalable and
efficient way. The refiner tests newly generated signatures against the ground
truth files which are already known as patched. The set of ground truth files
for a signature may vary depending on the quality of the vulnerability data.
If provided vulnerability data contains patch information for a single branch
(e.g., upstream), then it simply uses the revision with the patch commit as
the ground truth. If vulnerability data contains patch information for multiple
branches, the refiner tries to test each signature against all different
branches and classifies them different depending on the result
, version-specific
, global
). Since the refiner automatically filters
out problematic signatures, Vanir signature publishers can easily maintain the
Vanir signature generation and publication process for their vulnerabilities
without significant effort to maintain the quality of the published signatures.
Detector follows a similar process of that of signature generation - it passes possibly affected files from the target system to the parser, normalizer and hasher, and compares the generated hashes with the given signatures. If a hash matches with a signature, then detector flags the corresponding vulnerability.
Another unique component in Detector is Target Selector. To optimize its
run-time, Vanir tries to identify potentially affected files from the target
system and analyzes only the identified files by default, and the way Vanir
identifies the potentially affected files varies depending on the target
selector. Vanir Detector currently offers three target selection strategies --
strategy identifies all files as affected.EXACT_PATH_MATCH
strategy identifies the files exactly matching the relative path of the files used for signature generation (aka target file path) as affected.TRUNCATED_PATH_MATCH
strategy identifies the files partially matching the target file paths as affected.
As you may imagine, ALL_FILES
is thorough but slow, while EXACT_PATH_MATCH
is fast but may not cover directories and files moved to non-canonical paths.
makes a balance between the two by identifying files
matching subset of the signature's target file paths, allowing the use of Vanir
for scanning complex target systems containing multiple packages in a single
directory (e.g., multiple kernels, duplicated packages, out-of-tree kernel
modules, same packages with different versions) without sacrificing performance.
as a default target selection strategy.
Vanir is currently tested only on Linux operating systems. Running Vanir with other operating systems may be possible, but is neither tested nor officially supported.
Vanir builds using Bazel. The Vanir Bazel configuration files (WORKSPACE.bazel and BUILD.bazel) specify the complete list of dependencies and build targets. To understand the complete list of dependencies, please refer to the Bazel configuration files.
Vanir has been tested with only Bazel >= 6.0. The Bazel installation guide can be found from
Alternatively, you can install and maintain Bazel through Bazelisk. For further information on how to install Bazel through Bazelisk, please refer to the Bazelisk README.
Though Vanir does not directly use Git at run time, Vanir Bazel build configuration uses Git for downloading dependencies. If you haven’t installed Git, run the following command and install it:
sudo apt install git
Vanir internally uses Antlr4 for generating parsers, and it requires Java 11 or higher. For Ubuntu, install Java 11 as follow:
sudo apt install openjdk-11-jre
Vanir targets Python3.9 and C++17. For Python, if you use Bazel, Bazel will
internally create a repository and register the toolchain for running Vanir. For
C++, Bazel will not install C++ toolchain but uses the system-installed
toolchain. When you build Vanir, Bazel will implicitly pass the Vanir default
options to your compiler, which are specified in .bazelrc
. If your Vanir build fails during compilation, please check the
compatibility of your toolchain with the options listed in .bazelrc
Download the latest version of Vanir from
In this tutorial, we will assume that you downloaded Vanir at ~/vanir
You can use any work directory instead of ~/vanir
but please do not use /tmp/vanir
as your Vanir work directory.
is used for storing temporary files for Vanir unit tests, and
the test would fail due to the Bazel sandboxing rule if you use the
also for storing Vanir source.
If test is successful, you will see the result similar to the following:
Starting local Bazel server and connecting to it...
INFO: Analyzed 74 targets (98 packages loaded, 3902 targets configured).
INFO: Found 48 targets and 26 test targets...
INFO: Elapsed time: 38.840s, Critical Path: 32.83s
INFO: 452 processes: 136 internal, 311 linux-sandbox, 5 local.
INFO: Build completed successfully, 452 total actions
//:detector_common_flags_test PASSED in 1.0s
//:detector_runner_test PASSED in 1.9s
//:file_list_manager_test PASSED in 1.1s
//:hasher_test PASSED in 2.2s
//:normalizer_test PASSED in 2.2s
//:parser_test PASSED in 0.8s
//:refiner_test PASSED in 1.2s
//:reporter_test PASSED in 1.0s
//:sign_generator_runner_test PASSED in 1.1s
//:sign_generator_test PASSED in 1.7s
//:signature_test PASSED in 2.2s
//:truncated_path_test PASSED in 2.6s
//:version_extractor_test PASSED in 2.2s
//:vulnerability_manager_test PASSED in 2.8s
//code_extractors:code_extractor_android_test PASSED in 4.6s
//code_extractors:code_extractor_test PASSED in 3.2s
//integration_tests:missing_patch_detection_hermetic_test PASSED in 7.9s
//language_parsers/cpp:cpp_parser_test PASSED in 0.7s
//language_parsers/java:java_parser_test PASSED in 1.1s
//scanners:android_kernel_scanner_test PASSED in 1.0s
//scanners:offline_directory_scanner_test PASSED in 1.0s
//scanners:package_identifier_test PASSED in 3.2s
//scanners:package_scanner_test PASSED in 1.3s
//scanners:repo_scanner_test PASSED in 1.3s
//scanners:scanner_base_test PASSED in 11.8s
//scanners:target_selection_strategy_test PASSED in 1.1s
Executed 26 out of 26 tests: 26 tests pass.
If you installed all required packages listed in the Prerequisite section and the test still fails, please run the following command and contact us with its output:
bazel test --test_output=all //...
Vanir mainly consists of two components – Vanir Signature Generator and Vanir
Detector. Vanir signature generator is the component for signature publishes
such as CNAs to generate Vanir signatures, and Vanir Detector is the component
for users to check if their target system has any missing patches for the
provided CVE signatures. The signature generation process is out of scope for
this document, but feel free to look at
bazel run //:sign_generator_runner -- --help
for how it can be used.
The rest of this document is focused on explaining the use of Vanir Detector.
Though Vanir Detector can be used as a Python library, we also provide Vanir
Detector as a standalone binary target, Detector Runner, for easier use. To
build the Vanir Detector Runner binary, run the following command from where you
unpacked Vanir source code (i.e., ~/vanir
bazel build //:detector_runner --build_python_zip -c opt
If the build is successful, you will see a message similar to the following:
INFO: Analyzed target //:detector_runner (0 packages loaded, 3783 targets configured).
INFO: Found 1 target...
Target //:detector_runner up-to-date:
INFO: Elapsed time: 12.456s, Critical Path: 11.45s
INFO: 17 processes: 9 internal, 4 linux-sandbox, 4 local.
INFO: Build completed successfully, 17 total actions
and the stand-alone binary file will be created at ./bazel-bin/detector_runner
under your Vanir source directory.
The generated binary is a self-contained binary that contains all
dependencies. If you don’t need a self-contained binary, you can drop the
Bazel may sometimes complain about missing dependency declarations on
standard library headers, e.g. '/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/8/include/stdint.h',
especially after the system toolchain was updated. Usually running
bazel clean --expunge
and rebuilding would resolve the issue.
You may use bazel run //:detector_runner
to build and run Vanir detector
with a single command. However, different from directly running the binary,
when you run the same command with bazel run
, the working directory of the
binary may differ from your current working directory and it may fail to
parse some arguments with relative paths (e.g., scanning target). Thus, please
consider using absolute paths with bazel run
Vanir is designed to decouple the signature release process & the code release process. In the current implementation, Vanir is configured to retrieve signatures from Open Source Vulnerability (OSV) databases.
However, if you have custom signature files in a JSON format and need to use
the signatures instead of the ones in OSV, you can pass the files by using the
flag as follows:
./bazel-bin/detector_runner \
--vulnerability_file_name ~/Downloads/vanir_sigs_android_20240321.json \
--vulnerability_file_name ~/Downloads/vanir_sigs_qualcomm_20240321.json \
Now, you are ready to run the Vanir Detector Runner to scan missing patches from your Android tree.
All the examples assume you are currently in the Vanir source directory, and
have downloaded the signature JSON files to ~/Downloads/
If you have an Android tree checked out at ~/android-src
, for example, this
would scan all repositories in it against all known signatures:
./bazel-bin/detector_runner repo_scanner Android ~/android-src
This should take roughly half an hour to scan one AOSP android tree on a modern consumer PC.
Use the --verbosity
absl flag to control the amount of run time logging.
E.g. --verbosity=-1
will show only WARNING and above logs; --verbosity=0
will display detailed INFO logs (the default behavior); --verbosity=1
display all logs including DEBUG level messages.
can be specified multiple times, and Vanir will
scan against all of the specified signatures.
By default, Detector Runner will generate report files at
and /tmp/vanir/YYYYMMDDhhmmss.html
. You can
also specify the report file name prefix through the flag --report_file_name
For instance, --report_file_name=/tmp/foo/bar
will make Vanir to generate
report files /tmp/foo/bar.json
and /tmp/foo/bar.html
To run Vanir Detector runner against a local kernel code located at
with the Android kernel vulnerabilities and their
pre-generated signatures:
./bazel-bin/detector_runner android_kernel_scanner /tmp/test_kernel
To run Vanir Detector Runner against a locally checked out Android
frameworks/base source at /tmp/test\_fwk\_base
./bazel-bin/detector_runner \
package_scanner Android platform/frameworks/base /tmp/test_fwk_base
To run Vanir Detector Runner against all supported source files in a directory against all signatures regardless of whether the file names/paths match what the signature patch is.
For large projects this may take several hours, and may give false positives for similar but different files!
./bazel-bin/detector_runner \
{{ '<strong>' }}--target_selection_strategy all_files{{ '</strong>' }} \
offline_directory_scanner /some/directory/with/code
Vanir Detector Runner supports several optional command line options that allow
users to set the range of vulnerability scanning or to filter out known issues.
For instance, the option --android_spl=2023-03-05
will have Detector Runner
filter out CVEs released after May 5, 2023.
The option --cve_id_ignore_list=CVE-1234-12345,CVE-4567-45678
will make Vanir
explicitly ignore findings from the designated two CVEs. Similarly, the
option --sign_target_path_filter=drivers/nvme
will make Vanir ignore
findings from the NVMe device drivers.
More thorough description of available flags can be obtained from the following Vanir Detector help command:
~/vanir_beta/bazel-bin/detector_runner --help
You may have noticed that Vanir Detector Runners has several Scanners, each
of which can be used to scan a different type of target. We have shown how to
use repo_scanner
to run scan against an entire Android tree managed with
, package_scanner
to scan one Android subproject,
for special handling of Android kernel git
repositories, and offline_directory_scanner
for general scanning of anything
against everything.
To get a list of all options and available Vanir scanners, run:
To get usage for a particular scanner, select that scanner without providing any argument, e.g. to see how repo scanner can be used, run:
./bazel-bin/detector_runner repo_scanner
…which should show:
Usage for repo_scanner: repo_scanner ecosystem code_location
For a modern PC with ~16 CPU threads, Vanir can take around 10-20 minutes to finish scanning an Android source tree (the time may vary depending on the execution environment). Once the test is completed, Vanir Detector Runner will output a quick summary of the result, similar to:
Scanned 833 source files (skipped 106253 source files likely unaffected by known vulnerabilities).
Found 12 potentially unpatched vulnerabilities: CVE-2020-11116, CVE-2020-26139, CVE-2020-26141, CVE-2020-26145, CVE-2020-26146, CVE-2020-3698, CVE-2021-0476, CVE-2021-1977, CVE-2021-30319, CVE-2022-22065, CVE-2022-25670, CVE-2023-43534
Detailed report:
- /tmp/vanir/report-20240321182302.html
- /tmp/vanir/report-20240321182302.json
and the detailed test result reports will be generated in /tmp/vanir/ directory
(or at wherever specified with --report_file_name
The following is an example Vanir Detector Runner JSON report file (which is more machine readable):
"options": "--target_root=/tmp/test_kernel_simple --vulnerability_file_name=/tmp/vanir_vul_with_sign_20230705.json",
"covered_cves": [
"missing_patches": [
"ID": "ASB-A-174737742",
"CVE": [
"OSV": "",
"details": [
"unpatched_code": "fs/block_dev.c::blkdev_get",
"patch": "",
"matched_signature": "ASB-A-174737742-1030258c"
"unpatched_code": "fs/block_dev.c",
"patch": "",
"matched_signature": "ASB-A-174737742-339e9e91"
"ID": "ASB-A-185125206",
"CVE": [
"OSV": "",
"details": [
"unpatched_code": "fs/signalfd.c::signalfd_cleanup",
"patch": "",
"matched_signature": "ASB-A-185125206-c9d43168"
"unpatched_code": "fs/signalfd.c",
"patch": "",
"matched_signature": "ASB-A-185125206-e8972c8a"
The JSON report file presents the result in a key-value structure, where the meaning of each key is as follows:
Key | Value | ||||||
Explicitly passed command options | ||||||
List of the CVEs covered by Vanir. | ||||||
A list of the detailed information of each unpatched CVE. ID is a unique ID of the vulnerability used in OSV, and CVE is a list of CVE aliases (most vulnerabilities have a single CVE entry). OSV is the public OSV URL of the vulnerability, which has more details of the vulnerability entry information if the CVE is not embargoed. The details field is a list of unpatched code snippets in the following formats:
The HTML report file shows the same result in a more human-readable format as follows: