Eventbus is a scalable and Highly Available Event Bus Service.
An event is a REST request which includes a url
that is used to forward the event to other server.
Pending requests are queued within Eventbus.
Eventbus is configured with a list of supported topics
and a valid event is required to include a topic
from the configured list.
Each topic has multiple partitions and each partition defines a separate queue for storing pending events.
Each event should include a key
that is always mapped to the same partition, hence events with a particular key are always dispatched in order.
Events from the same partition are always dispatched in order similar to Kafka events semantics.
When launching multiple instances in the same network the nodes will automatically cluster. The partitions are automatically distributed among the nodes in the cluster when new nodes are added or removed. Event dispatch order within a partition is always enforced regardless of the number of nodes in the cluster.
The pending events are stored in a Redis instance.
Forwards an event request to another server
POST /api/produce
The POST request should include a JSON payload with the following mandatory parameters:
- topic: name of the topic (for example: 'router')
- key: a key used to map the request to a partition queue (for example a problem_id)
- url: the url to which the payload will be forwarded
- payload: the payload to forward
and the following optional parameters:
- max_retry: maximum retries if the request fails (default: 5)
- timeout: maximum request duration allowed in msec (default: 30 seconds)
$ curl -XPOST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-binary '{"topic": "router", "key": "123", "url": "http://httpbin.org/post", "payload": "hello"}' http://localhost/api/produce
Produce Delayed
Forwards a request to another server and dispatched after the specified delay
POST /api/produce_delayed
The POST request should include a JSON payload with the following mandatory parameters:
- topic: name of the topic (for example: 'router')
- key: a key used to shard the request (for example a problem_id)
- url: the url to which the payload will be forwarded
- payload: the payload to forward
- delay: how long to delay the forward operation in msec
and the following optional parameters:
- max_retry: maximum retries if the request fails (default: 5)
- timeout: maximum request duration allowed in msec (default: 30 seconds)
$ curl -XPOST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-binary '{"topic": "router", "key": "123", "url": "http://httpbin.org/post", "payload": "hello", "timeout": 60}' http://localhost/api/produce_delayed
Install Elixir
$ brew update
$ brew install elixir
Check out code
$ git clone [email protected]:gotitinc/eventbus.git
$ cd eventbus
Install Redis
$ brew install redis
Get dependencies
$ mix deps.get
Execute Unit Tests
$ mix test
Execute Coverage Tests
$ mix coveralls --umbrella
Start EventBus server on port 4000
$ PORT=4000 mix phx.server
$ MIX_ENV=prod mix release
Run service in the foreground:
$ _build/prod/rel/eventbus_service/bin/eventbus_service start
Start EventBus server in docker on port 80
$ docker-compose up
Documentation copyright 2020 the Got It, Inc. Code released under the Apache-2.0 License.