This site can be run on Docker with the provided Dockerfile. This image is used as part of the CI pipeline to test changes. The image is automatically built and published on docker hub at govau/dta-website-rebuild.
You can use docker to run the site locally during development using your local
copy of the repository. The site requires a database to run,
so the easiest way is to use the provided docker-compose.yml to create a mysql container and a container to run the site, and set database credentials.
The current directory will be mounted at /app
# Get the repository if you need
git clone
cd dta-website-rebuild
# Start the database and site containers in the background.
docker-compose up -d
# Get the site container name
docker ps
# We assume your container name is 'dtawebsiterebuild_drupal_1'
# Start a shell in the application container
docker exec -it dtawebsiterebuild_drupal_1 bash
# Install dependencies using composer
composer install
The site is now accessible at http://localhost:8080.
Whenever the Dockerfile changes on the develop
branch, Docker hub will
automatically re-build the image and publish it as govau/dta-website-rebuild:latest.
TODO - add instructions to test your Dockerfile change locally before
merging to develop
Start docker containers: docker-compose up
Stop docker containers: docker-compose down
Delete all exited containers:docker rm $(docker ps -a -q -f status=exited)