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Alexander Zobnin edited this page Jun 21, 2015 · 28 revisions

User’s Guide

Query editor

Grafana-Zabbix plugin provide query editor with standard zabbix host groups, host, applications and items selection and additional host and item filters. This allows to select multiple graphs in one query. Let's look at query editor in detail:

Query editor

Group, Host, Application and Item fields allows to select appropriate zabbix objects from dropdown menu. In the simplest case just select needed item:

Query editor 1

To select multiple items from one query set Items to All:



Use item filter to specify regex for items selection:


You can also use regex for hosts filtering when All hosts selected.


Use Scale field to specify custom multiplier for metric values:



Templated queries

Templates allows you to create generic dashboards that can quickly be changed to show stats for a specific group, server, application or item. See templates in action:


Templated variable editor


Variable values query field needed for specifying zabbix objects request in following format:
Depending on the number of fields, query will return Groups, Hosts, Applications or Items. Wildcards are supported. Examples:
* returns all groups
*.* returns all hosts (from all groups)
Servers.* returns all hosts in group Servers
Servers.*.* returns all applications in group Servers
Servers.*.*.* returns all items from hosts in group Servers
Servers.*.*.CPU* returns all items from hosts in group Servers which names start from CPU
*.*.*.CPU* returns all items from all hosts which names start from CPU

See this feature in action: templates_2
