Thanks for reporting an issue for grails-spring-security. Please review the task list below before submitting the issue.
WARNING: Your issue report may be closed if the issue report is incomplete and does not include an example. Make sure the below tasks are completed!
NOTE: If you are unsure about something and the issue is more of a question, a better place to ask questions is on Stack Overflow ( or Slack ( DO NOT use the issue tracker to ask questions.
- Steps to reproduce provided
- Stacktrace (if present) provided
- Example that reproduces the problem uploaded to Github
- Full description of the issue provided (see below)
Tell us what should happen
Tell us what happens instead
- Operating System: TODO
- GORM Version: TODO
- Grails Version (if using Grails): TODO
- JDK Version: TODO
- TODO: link to Github repository with example that reproduces the issue