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283 lines (224 loc) · 11.3 KB

File metadata and controls

283 lines (224 loc) · 11.3 KB


Copyright (C) 2010-2012 by Peter Petermann All rights reserved.

Pheal is a port of EAAL to PHP


Pheal is licensed under a MIT style license, see LICENSE.txt for further information


  • does not need to change when EVE API changes


  • PHP 5.2 (might run on earlier versions, untested)



  1. git clone git://
  2. make sure your autoloader is able to find the classes (filename example.php matches classname "example" OR include "../path/to/Pheal.php"; spl_autoload_register("Pheal::classload"); in your application, which will use a simple buildin autoloader


pheal is available as package pheal/pheal through packagist on composer


Initialize the API Object

require_once "Pheal/Pheal.php";
$pheal = new Pheal("keyID", "vCode"[, "scope for request"]);

the scope is the one used for the API requests, ex. account/char/corp/eve/map/server see API Reference the scope can be changed during runtime and defaults to account

for public API's you can leave keyID/vCode empty. $pheal = new Pheal(); $pheal->scope = 'map'; or $pheal = new Pheal(null, null, 'map');

Request Information

$result = $pheal->ApiPage();

this will return an Object of type PhealResult which then can be used to read the api result If you want to access the raw http/xml result for whatever reason, you can just ask the xml attribute afterwords. $rawxml = $pheal->xml;

Example 1, getting a list of characters on the account:

require_once "Pheal/Pheal.php";
$pheal = new Pheal("keyID", "vCode"[, "scope for request"]);

$result = $pheal->Characters();
foreach($result->characters as $character)
  echo $character->name;

Example 2, getting the id for a given character name

require_once "Pheal/Pheal.php";
$pheal = new Pheal("keyID", "vCode"[, "scope for request"]);

$pheal->scope = "eve";
$result = $pheal->CharacterID(array("names" => "Peter Powers"));
echo $result->characters[0]->characterID;

Using the cache

Pheal comes with a simple file cache, to make use of this cache: PhealConfig::getInstance()->cache = new PhealFileCache("/path/to/cache/directory/"); does the magic. if you don't give a path it defaults to $HOME/.pheal/cache

Example 3, doing a cached request

require_once "Pheal/Pheal.php";
PhealConfig::getInstance()->cache = new PhealFileCache();
$pheal = new Pheal("keyID", "vCode"[, "scope for request"]);

$pheal->scope = "eve";
$result = $pheal->CharacterID(array("names" => "Peter Powers"));
echo $result->characters[0]->characterID;

now the request will first check if the xml is already in the cache, if it is still valid, and if so use the cached, only if the cache until of the saved file has expired, it will request again.

Fluent interface to scope

erikfercak added a way to set the scope fluently, you now can do $pheal->scopenameScope->apiCall() for example $pheal->eveScope->CharacterID(); be aware that this sets the scope to the last used scope in the fluent interface!


Pheal throws an Exception of type PhealAPIException (derived from PhealException) whenever the EVE API returns an error, this exception has an attribute called "code" which is the EVE APIs error code, and also contains the EVE API message as message.

require_once "Pheal/Pheal.php";
PhealConfig::getInstance()->cache = new PhealFileCache();
$pheal = new Pheal("keyID", "vCode"[, "scope for request"]);
try {
    $pheal->Killlog(array("characterID" => 12345));
} catch(PhealException $e) {
    echo 'error: ' . $e->code . ' message: ' . $e->getMessage();


If you wanna archive your api requests for future use, backups or possible feature additions you can add an archive handler that saves your api responses in a similar way like the cache handler is doing it. Only non-error API responses are being cached. The files are grouped by date and include the gmt timestamp.

Make sure that you've a cron job running that moves old archive folders into zip/tar/7z archives. Otherwise you end up with million xml files in your filesystem.

require_once "Pheal/Pheal.php";
PhealConfig::getInstance()->cache = new PhealFileCache();
PhealConfig::getInstance()->archive = new PhealFileArchive();
$pheal = new Pheal(null, null, 'map');
try {
} catch(PhealException $e) {
    echo 'error: ' . $e->code . ' message: ' . $e->getMessage();


Pheal allows you to log all api calls that are requested from CCP's API Server. This is useful for debugging and performance tracking (response times) of the API server.

The responseTime is being tracked. The API Key will be truncated to for better security. This can be turned of via the module options array. Pheal will use 2 log files. One 'pheal_access.log' for successful calls and a 'pheal_error.log' for failed requests.

require_once "Pheal/Pheal.php";
PhealConfig::getInstance()->log = new PhealFileLog();
$pheal = new Pheal(null, null, 'map');
try {
} catch(PhealException $e) {
    echo 'error: ' . $e->code . ' message: ' . $e->getMessage();

HTTP request options

There're 2 methods available for requesting the API information. Due to the some php or webhosting restrictions file_get_contents() isn't available for remote requests. You can choose between 'curl' and 'file'. Additionally you can set the http method (GET or POST) and set your custom useragent string so CCP can recognize you while you're killing their API servers. Keep-Alive keeps the connection open for X seconds, this reduce the tcp/ssl handshake overhead if you're doing multiple api calls. The connection will be automatically closed after X seconds or at the end of the script. Keep in mind that multiple running api requests (different scripts, cronjobs, www, etc) can interfere with the max allowed connections per IP on the remote server. HTTP Keep-Alive is only available with the curl method.

require_once "Pheal/Pheal.php";
PhealConfig::getInstance()->http_method = 'curl';
PhealConfig::getInstance()->http_post = false;
PhealConfig::getInstance()->http_user_agent = 'my mighty api tool';
PhealConfig::getInstance()->http_interface_ip' = '';
PhealConfig::getInstance()->http_timeout = 15;
PhealConfig::getInstance()->http_keepalive = true; // default 15 seconds
PhealConfig::getInstance()->http_keepalive = 10; // KeepAliveTimeout in seconds

SSL Encrypted API Calls

With Incursion 1.1.2 CCP allows you to make SSL encrypted calls. To accomplish that you only need to point the api_base to the correct SSL url.

since 0.1.0 SSL is enabled by default.

require_once "Pheal/Pheal.php";
PhealConfig::getInstance()->api_base = '';

If you've trouble with the SSL connection you can turn off the peer and certificate verification (for debug purposes), but keep in mind you'll be vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks then.

PhealConfig::getInstance()->http_ssl_verifypeer = false;

Helper Function

The method toArray() can be called on any level of the api result. It's useful if you wanna convert an api result object into a json string or if you wanna use the result array in your favorite template engine.

$pheal = new Pheal();
$result = $pheal->eveScope->FacWarStats();
$array = $result->toArray();
$json = json_encode($array);

Legacy API Keys - Basics

Since 0.1.0 Pheal is using the customizeable Keys by default. If you for what ever reason need to use legacy keys (you should not), you can enable the old behaviour by setting api_customkeys to false on the PhealConfig

PhealConfig::getInstance()->api_customkeys = false;

Customizable API Keys - Access Check

This config options allows you to verify the call for a given accessLevel before any external API request leaves your software. This is useful to prevent generating api errors before you get banned cause of too many api errors. Pheal will throw an PhealAccessException so you can react on the access limitations.

require_once "Pheal/Pheal.php";
PhealConfig::getInstance()->api_base = '';
PhealConfig::getInstance()->api_customkeys = true;
PhealConfig::getInstance()->access = new PhealCheckAccess();

// fetch keyID, vCode, keyType, accessMask from your KeyStorage (DB)
$pheal = new Pheal($keyID, $vCode);
$pheal->setAccess($keyType, $accessMask);
try {
    $result = $pheal->charScope->Contracts();

} catch(PhealAccessException $e) {
    echo "access error: ".$e->getMessage();
    /* do something - example: disable key */

} catch(PhealAPIException $e) {
   echo 'api error: ' . $e->code . ' message: ' . $e->getMessage();
   /* do something - example: disable key */

} catch(PhealConnectionException $e) {
   echo 'connection error: ' . $e->code . ' message: ' . $e->getMessage();
   /* do something - example: skip script, for instance EVE servers are down */

} catch(PhealException $e) {
    echo 'generic error: ' . $e->code . ' message: ' . $e->getMessage();
    /* do something - example: wait 5 minute next key usage (network/cluster problem) */

// call clearAccess or empty setAccess to reset the given keyType/accessMask
// $pheal->clearAccess();

Customizable API Keys - Access Check Autodetect

Instead of taking keyType and accessMask from your API key storage you can also use the detectAccess method. This will do the APIKeyInfo query and set correct key information to prevent you from doing invalid calls. If you're managing a lot of API keys please it's still better to store keyType and accessMask along your with the api keys and check them if the access configuration is changing.

Keep in mind the detectAccess() method will throw PhealExceptions like your normal API request if the API key isn't longer valid or the API Servers are down.

require_once "Pheal/Pheal.php";
PhealConfig::getInstance()->api_base = '';
PhealConfig::getInstance()->api_customkeys = true;
PhealConfig::getInstance()->access = new PhealCheckAccess();

$pheal = new Pheal($keyID, $vCode);
try {
    $result = $pheal->charScope->Contracts();
} catch( ... ) { ... }


  • more documentation
  • more error handling




  • Daniel Hoffend (Wollari)


  • Pheal is based on EAAL
  • Pheal is written in PHP
  • Pheal is build for use of the EVE Online API