I decided to extend the GhettoVape sketch, see YouTube:The GhettoVape III, which was posted by Julian Loiacono. The original code is here: Github:jcloiacon/ghettovape-III.
For more information, see GhettoVaper - an extended GhettoVape III.
Makes use of modified versions of the MomentaryButton library files (MomentaryButton.cpp/MomentaryButton.h) which can be found in bicycle by Mark Fickett:
- MButton, if using a pull down button, with pulled up inputs
- MMButton, if using either pull down/up buttons, with pulled down/up inputs
Three different displays are currently supported:
- If using the 0.91" OLED display, you need to use SSD1306_Extended_Char library, which inherits U8g2 lib
- Uses LiquidCrystalFast library for the 1602 LCD display, on CodeBender
- Uses TFT_ILI9163C_Extended_Char library for the 1.44' OLED colour display