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Send SMS and web request with a minimalist SIM900 library


Only a small library who will allow you to send an SMS or a web request in seconds very easily. No need to add a library too full for your project, simply send messages or retrieve data from a web page!

It is a library who shouldn't be on Github, but I don't found a simple library so I hope it right for you!

You can use this code to test your SIM900 shield / module before using my library.

void setup()
 Serial1.begin(9600);               // the GPRS baud rate   
 Serial.begin(9600);                 // the GPRS baud rate   

void loop()
 if (Serial1.available())
 if (Serial.available())


With this program, you just have to open your Serial Monitor at 9600 bauds and send an AT command (you can send a simple command like "AT" without quotes, and see if there is a response from the SIM900).

My library use the MEGA 2560 with RX1 and TX1 (Serial1.begin(9600); ...), so you must have a MEGA 2560, but you also can use the SoftwareSerial library i think i don't run test with this library.

With my SIM900 library and the good SIM900 module, I can send a SMS very quickly in seconds, same for the web request !


  • An Arduino (MEGA2560 or other but with the SoftwareSerial lib)
  • A SIM900 module / shied, I use this SIM900 from SainSmart
  • A powerful alimentation who can follow the requirements of the SIM900 module (5V / 2A)
  • With the SIM900 from SainSmart i need to connect RX on TX, and TX on RX.


You need to specify your APN at SIM900.cpp:35 (because like i say, it just a library for a personnal project, so I don't need to change my APN...)

sendAT("AT+CSTT=\"apn\",\"user\",\"pass\"", "OK", 500);


You can find this examples in the "examples" folder !

// Send a simple SMS
#include <SIM900.h>

SIM900 gsm;

void setup()
  gsm.begin("1234"); // 1234 is your PIN

void loop()
  gsm.sms("0666666666", "Library test"); // 1. your number | 2. the text message
  do { } while (1); // send only one SMS
// Send a simple web request
#include <SIM900.h>

SIM900 gsm;

void setup()
  gsm.begin("1234");// 1234 is your pin
  gsm.beginGPRS(); // start the gprs and don't forget to change the APN if you need

void loop()
  String response = gsm.web("ip_or_name", "/adress"); // 1. your ip or hostname | 2. your adress with the "/" before, without the ip, like : gsm.web("", "/hello.php?id=5&arduino=Mega2560&pin=8");

  delay(900000); // send a web request every 15 minutes


You can use multiple functions to send personnal AT comand with :

sendAT("the at command", "the return string you wait like OK", delay_in_int_to_wait_after_the_command_if_you_need_to_wait_for_a_connection_for_example); // function to send an at command and wait a response from the SIM900 like "OK", if there is no response or an error, there is a timeout of 10 seconds, and you can add an delay to wait after the at command, if you need to wait a connection for example.
// --------------- //
simpleAT("at command"); // minimalist function to simply send an at command
// --------------- //
simpleRead(); // return the Serial1 (SIM900 Serial) buffer


Grégory G. & Laurent T.