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Summarizing HTE Outputs in a Multi-Arm Experiment #1479

shafayetShafee opened this issue Jan 12, 2025 · 0 comments

Summarizing HTE Outputs in a Multi-Arm Experiment #1479

shafayetShafee opened this issue Jan 12, 2025 · 0 comments


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shafayetShafee commented Jan 12, 2025

Hello, I need some guidance/direction/suggestions on how can I use the estimated HTE outputs from the multi_arm_causal_forest to create insightful summary. After going through this paper, I can think of some approaches. But I am a bit confused, since these resources discussed about binary treatment only, whereas my usecase is “multi-arm treatment”.

Lets consider a reproducible example to discuss the approaches,




Helper fns

predict_effect_and_ci <- function(multi_arm_causal_forest_model, newdata = NULL) {

  if (!inherits(multi_arm_causal_forest_model, "multi_arm_causal_forest")) {
    stop('This function only supports model objects of class "multi_arm_causal_forest".')

  tau_hat <- predict(
    newdata = newdata,
    estimate.variance = TRUE,
    drop = TRUE

  effect_estimate_df <-$predictions)
  contrasts_name <- colnames(effect_estimate_df)
  contrast_generic_name <- paste0("contrast_", seq(1, length(contrasts_name)))
  contrast_info <- setNames(contrasts_name, contrast_generic_name)
  colnames(effect_estimate_df) <- paste0(contrast_generic_name, "_estimate")

  effect_estimate_var_df <-$variance.estimates)
  colnames(effect_estimate_var_df) <- paste0(contrast_generic_name, "_var")

  effect_est_df <- bind_cols(effect_estimate_df, effect_estimate_var_df)

    contrast_info = contrast_info,
    data = effect_est_df

get_top_n_vars <- function(forest, X, n = 3) {
  varimp <- grf::variable_importance(forest)
  ranked_variables <- order(varimp, decreasing = TRUE)
  top_varnames <- colnames(X)[ranked_variables[1:n]]
n <- 3000
p <- 10
X <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), n, p)
W <- as.factor(sample(c("A", "B", "C"), n, replace = TRUE))
Y <- X[, 1] + X[, 2] * (W == "B") - 1.5 * X[, 2] * (W == "C") + rnorm(n)

exp_df <- data.frame(Y = Y, W = W, X)

Splitting Data into Train-Test

train = sample(nrow(X), 0.6 * nrow(X))
test = -train

Fit Forest Model on Training Set

mc.forest <- multi_arm_causal_forest(X[train, ], Y[train], W[train], seed = 1344)

Predict HTEs on Test Set

tau_hat_est <- predict_effect_and_ci(mc.forest, newdata = X[test, ])
tau_hat_est_df <- bind_cols(tau_hat_est$data, exp_df[test, ]) %>% 
    c1_ci_low = contrast_1_estimate - 1.96 * sqrt(contrast_1_var),
    c1_ci_high = contrast_1_estimate + 1.96 * sqrt(contrast_1_var),
    c2_ci_low = contrast_2_estimate - 1.96 * sqrt(contrast_2_var),
    c2_ci_high = contrast_2_estimate + 1.96 * sqrt(contrast_2_var),

head(tau_hat_est_df, 3)
  contrast_1_estimate contrast_2_estimate contrast_1_var contrast_2_var
1         -0.06310611          -0.1661815     0.01636501     0.01322940
2         -0.56899703           0.9466801     0.02781945     0.05492243
3         -0.49811420           0.9974250     0.02565718     0.06470612
           Y W          X1         X2          X3         X4          X5
1  0.9849406 A  0.54756844 -0.1014569  0.21716754 -2.0556520 -0.04809347
2 -2.1574977 A  0.08431498 -0.6160837 -0.46033781 -0.1537932  0.08784540
3  1.0177696 A -0.50059754 -0.6376908 -0.08594392  0.4529726 -1.98854317
          X6          X7         X8         X9        X10  c1_ci_low c1_ci_high
1  1.8194223 -0.04598789 -0.3885001 0.45111597 -1.9751646 -0.3138407  0.1876284
2 -0.8248944 -1.42140442 -0.8348958 0.06918902  0.8410156 -0.8959086 -0.2420854
3 -0.5929628  0.08853166  0.1790741 0.92633845  0.8261464 -0.8120642 -0.1841642
   c2_ci_low c2_ci_high
1 -0.3916190 0.05925604
2  0.4873436 1.40601655
3  0.4988520 1.49599794

Creating HTE Quartile Groups

The tau_hat_est_df contains two HTE estimates, $\hat{\tau}{b-a}$ comparing treatment “B” with “A” and $\hat{\tau}{c-a}$ comparing treatment “C” with “A”. We can create quartile groups based on $\hat{\tau}_{b-a}$, at first.

num.groups = 4

quartile = cut(
  quantile(tau_hat_est_df$contrast_1_estimate, seq(0, 1, by = 1 / num.groups)),
  labels = 1:num.groups,
  include.lowest = TRUE
) = split(seq_along(quartile), quartile)

eval.forest = multi_arm_causal_forest(X[test, ], Y[test], W[test], seed = 1345) = lapply(, function(samples) {
  average_treatment_effect(eval.forest, subset = samples)

df.plot.ate = bind_rows(, .id = "group") %>% 
    group = paste0("Q", group)
  ) %>% 
  select(group, contrast, estimate, std.err)
rownames(df.plot.ate) <- NULL

head(df.plot.ate, 10)
  group contrast   estimate   std.err
1    Q1    B - A -1.1571475 0.1582629
2    Q1    C - A  2.0199825 0.1652687
3    Q2    B - A -0.3894375 0.1472359
4    Q2    C - A  0.5131891 0.1584275
5    Q3    B - A  0.3887451 0.1407779
6    Q3    C - A -0.4980314 0.1409159
7    Q4    B - A  1.2435839 0.1512048
8    Q4    C - A -1.9012597 0.1586695
tau_BA_ate <- df.plot.ate %>% 
  filter(contrast == "B - A")

tau_BA_ate %>% 
ggplot(aes(x = group, y = estimate)) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = 2, linewidth = 0.5) +
      ymin = estimate - 1.96 * std.err, 
      ymax = estimate + 1.96 * std.err
    width = 0.09, color = "#4E79A7", linewidth = 0.7
  ) +
  geom_point(color = "#E15759", size = 3) +
  xlab("Estimated CATE Quartile") +
  ylab("Average treatment effect") + 
  theme_minimal() +
    plot.title = element_text(size = 12, face = "bold", lineheight = 1.1),
    axis.text = element_text(size = 11),
    axis.title.x = element_text(margin = margin(t = 10))


Note that, since I have created the quartile groups based on $\hat{\tau}{b-a}$, I have only used the ATE estimates (and its SE) for the “B - A” contrast and plotted them, ignoring the values for “C - A” contrast. But when $\hat{\tau}{c-a}$ will be used to create the quartile groups, only the ATE estimates for “C - A” contrast will be shown. At least, that what I am thinking. So my question is, Am I on the right track? Are there any better ways ?

Covariate Profiles for Quartile Groups

top_2_vars <- get_top_n_vars(
  exp_df %>% select(starts_with("X")), 
  n = 2

[1] "X2" "X5"
tau_hat_est_df %>% 
    Q = quartile,
    group = paste0("Q", Q)
  ) %>% 
  group_by(group) %>% 
    across(.cols = all_of(top_2_vars), .fns = mean, .names = "mean_{.col}")
  ) %>% 
  left_join(tau_BA_ate, by = "group")
# A tibble: 4 × 6
  group mean_X2 mean_X5 contrast estimate std.err
  <chr>   <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>       <dbl>   <dbl>
1 Q1     -1.28   0.124  B - A      -1.16    0.158
2 Q2     -0.301 -0.0852 B - A      -0.389   0.147
3 Q3      0.366 -0.138  B - A       0.389   0.141
4 Q4      1.30  -0.0303 B - A       1.24    0.151

Is the above summary representation valid? Are there any better ways?

Additional Questions

  1. Is it incorrect to average the $\hat{\tau}_{b-a}$ for each quartile, rather than fitting eval.forest to each quartile group separately to get the ATE estimates?
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