If you are a user of the National Analysis Facility (NAF) and want to submit to the BIRD batch farm, this page provides some specific instructions and features for you.
You don't need to install grid-control on your own, if you're a NAF user. We provide a central installation (actually different versions) using the usual environment module system:
$ module avail grid-control
--------------- /afs/desy.de/group/cms/modulefiles/ ---------------
grid-control/current(default) grid-control/testing
$ module load grid-control/current
The default version is current
, which is the general recommendation. Whenever current
is updated, the last version will be made available as previous
for the case that you rely on that specific version for some time still (e.g. for existing tasks).
If you need a newer version containing recent changes, you can use the testing
After you loaded the module (you might want to do this in your :file:`.[bash|zsh|*]rc` file), you can use the grid-control
On the NAF, the HTCondor batch system is used. This is detected automatically, if you specify that a local backend should be used:
backend = local
At the moment (end of 2019), the batch system default is to submit to EL6 (= Scientific Linux 6, SL6) nodes only
if you submit from a EL6 workgroup server. This behaviour can be altered in grid-control using user requirements
To submit to EL7 (= CentOS7) worker nodes only, use
user requirements = ( OpSysAndVer == "CentOS7" )
To submit to EL6 worker nodes only, use
user requirements = ( OpSysAndVer == "SL6" )
To allow the jobs to run on EL6 and EL7 nodes, use
user requirements = ( OpSysAndVer == "CentOS7" || OpSysAndVer == "SL6" )
You can add custom entries to the submission file used for condor:
jdldata =
Make sure that you don't use whitespaces in the attributes, because they are interpreted as list separators!
To run EL6 jobs on EL7 worker nodes in a container environment, singularity can be used within the batch system.
If you already have a working image, you can use that. Otherwise, store an image to DUST (not afs!), e.g. with
$ mkdir /nfs/dust/cms/user/${USER}/singularity
$ SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR="/nfs/dust/cms/user/${USER}/singularity" singularity pull /nfs/dust/cms/user/${USER}/singularity/slc6_latest.sif docker://cmssw/slc6:latest
INFO: Converting OCI blobs to SIF format
INFO: Starting build...
Getting image source signatures
[... working ...]
This will take a few seconds to minutes, but you'll only have to do it once.
In the grid-control config, set the corresponding attributes:
user requirements = ( OpSysAndVer == "CentOS7" )
jdl data = +MySingularityImage="/nfs/dust/cms/user/<user>/singularity/slc6_latest.sif"
If your jobs need a VOMS proxy token, the easiest way is to place it on a shared file system, i.e. AFS.
For this, set the environment variable X509_USER_PROXY
, e.g. in your :file:`.[bash|zsh|*]rc` file:
export X509_USER_PROXY=/afs/desy.de/user/<U>/<USER>/private/x509_voms
After this is set, create your new proxy (voms-proxy-init
In the grid-control config, add
proxy = VomsProxy