This is the repository for the design of the Grundsalg Aarhus project.
To make a new page take a look at the testpage in the examples folder:
- Copy and rename the
to thetemplates
The twig setup supports {% include %}
and {% extend %}
etc. so you can structure your template setup as you wish.
For debugging you can <pre>{{ dump(users)}}</pre>
a variable.
Compile Sass using gulp:
- gulp (compile once)
- gulp watch (compile and watch for changes)
- gulp watch -s (compile, watch for changes and use browser reload (make sure to use http://grundsalg-design:3000)
The setup also includes the fzaninotto/Faker library to create realistic random content.
To use this look at the example in /fakerpage and see the faker documentaion for availiable options.