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Laravel Multitenant + Voyager installation guide


What we will:

What we will get:

  • System Voyager instane to create tenants.
  • Per-tenant Voyager panel.

A short youtube video of what result we expect.


Software needed

Docker way

  • docker
  • docker-compose
  • git

Make sure you have all other dockers down and standard ports free to avoid conflicts.

Dockerless way

  • An http server (apache, nging etc.) running
  • A database server (mysql, postgres) running

Domain names

To work at localhost we need to have some test domains in your system.

Let's assume our system domain will be voyager.test and tenant domains will be some subdomains. You can use non-subdomains domains for tenants as well.

So you need to add the domains to your hosts file.

If you want to use another system domain, then replace voyager.test in this tutorial with your one. Especially take care of database/seeds/HostnamesTableSeeder.php as the system domain is imported into the system database hostnames table from this file.

If you get troubles with your system domain Voyager, please check the hostnames table. The system domain should be placed there withour any reference to a web-site.

Here is an SQL snippet to manual intervention

INSERT INTO "hostnames" ("id", "fqdn", "redirect_to", "force_https", "under_maintenance_since", "website_id", "created_at", "updated_at", "deleted_at") VALUES
(9,	'voyager.test',	NULL,	'0',	NULL,	NULL,	'2019-02-19 10:15:31',	'2019-02-19 10:15:31',	NULL);

Manual hosts edit

Edit you hosts file to add test domains.

Add lines like the following ones to have local development domains. voyager.test kyiv.voyager.test dnipro.voyager.test lviv.voyager.test odesa.voyager.test poltava.voyager.test


Linux script way bash

Open terminal window and run sudo -i to login as sudo user.

Next paste the script into your terminal.

HOSTS=("voyager.test" "kyiv.voyager.test" "dnipro.voyager.test" "lviv.voyager.test" "odesa.voyager.test" "poltava.voyager.test" );

for HOST in ${HOSTS[*]}
    printf "   %s\n" $HOST
    sed -i.bak -e '$a\' -e "$NEW_IP\t$HOST" -e "/.*$HOST/d" $FILE

Installation from scratch

Dockerless setup

According tenancy Elevated database user installation docs setup your database and grant privelleges to your database user so it can create per-tenant tables and table owners.

The documentation uses tenancy database and user name. We use default instead. We use secret password.

So according to the tutorial:

For MariaDB or MySQL:

CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS default@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'secret';

For PostgreSQL:


Docker setup

Skip, if you don't use docker.

Docker will setup a database for use, so we don't need to create it manually or grant permissions to the database user. If you perfer to use another environment, you have to create database/user/permissions according to tenancy Elevated database user installation docs

## Create your project folder and install laradock (a docker for laravel)

# Store project name to a variable to be easily changed

# Create project folder and switch to it

# Install laradock
git init
git submodule add
cd laradock
cp env-example .env

# Enable PHP exif used by Voyager Media manager
sed -i "s/PHP_FPM_INSTALL_EXIF=false/PHP_FPM_INSTALL_EXIF=true/g" .env

# Run docker containers and login into the workspace container
    # > Building docker containers can take significant time for the first run.
    # > We run adminer container to have a database management UI tool.
        # Available under localhost:8080
        # System: PostgreSQL
        # Server: postgres
        # Username: default
        # Password: secret
docker-compose up -d postgres nginx adminer
docker-compose exec --user=laradock workspace bash

You should see smth. like laradock@5326c549f4cb:/var/www in your terminal. That means you are logged in into the docker linux container. We will work next here.

Laravel Tenancy + Voyager installation and setup

If you use docker, since this moment we work inside the docker container in a linux bash terminal.

If you use Linux/docker environment you can just copy/paste the script below in your terminal.

Otherwise read comments and preform steps manually to get better understanding what is going on.

For non-linux users

The following code

cat << 'EOF' > path/to/a/file.php
... some contents ...

should be read as:

Create(replace if exists) file path/to/a/file.php with content ... some contents ...

# Set which database you use - Postgres of MySQL


# 01 Create laravel project.
# We need an intermediate tmp folder as our current folder is not
# empty (contains laradoc folder) and laravel installation would fail otherwise
# If you don't use docker, just install a new laravel project and
# change directory to it
composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel tmp $LARAVEL_VERSION
# Enable hidden files move
shopt -s dotglob
# Move laravel project files from ./tmp to the project root
mv ./tmp/* .
# Remove the temporary folder.
rm -rf ./tmp

## Update default database connection

## Manual:
# Edit you .env file DB connection like this
# NOTE! DB_HOST may differs for different server configurations. Usual values are `localhost`, ``

# Postgres
# DB_HOST=postgres
# DB_PORT=5432
# DB_DATABASE=default
# DB_USERNAME=default
# DB_PASSWORD=secret

# Mysql
# DB_HOST=mysql
# DB_PORT=3306
# DB_DATABASE=default
# DB_USERNAME=default
# DB_PASSWORD=secret

## Script way
if [ "$DATABASE_TYPE" == "Postgres" ]; then
    sed -i "s/DB_CONNECTION=mysql/DB_CONNECTION=system/g" .env
    sed -i "s/DB_HOST=127\.0\.0\.1/DB_HOST=postgres/g" .env
    sed -i "s/DB_PORT=3306/DB_PORT=5432/g" .env
    sed -i "s/DB_DATABASE=.*/DB_DATABASE=default/g" .env
    sed -i "s/DB_USERNAME=.*/DB_USERNAME=default/g" .env
    sed -i "s/DB_PASSWORD=.*/DB_PASSWORD=secret/g" .env
    sed -i "s/DB_CONNECTION=mysql/DB_CONNECTION=system/g" .env
    sed -i "s/DB_HOST=127\.0\.0\.1/DB_HOST=mysql/g" .env
    echo '' >> .env
    echo '# Mysql additional setup' >> .env
    echo 'LIMIT_UUID_LENGTH_32=true' >> .env
    echo '' >> .env

# 02 Laravel-tenancy installation

## Change connection name to from `pgsql` to `system` in `./config/database.php`
## If you use mysql, change connection name to from `mysql` to `system` instead

if [ "$DATABASE_TYPE" == "Postgres" ]; then
    sed -i "s/'pgsql' => \[/'system' => [/g" ./config/database.php
    sed -i "s/'mysql' => \[/'system' => [/g" ./config/database.php
    ## Override DefaultPasswordGenerator class of voyager. 
    ## MySQL was looking for a hard password which have special char also in it. 
    ## Voyager use MD5 which just have a-z and 0-9.
@@file : app/DatabasePasswordGenerator.php
    sed -i "s/'password-generator' => Hyn\\\Tenancy\\\Generators\\\Database\\\DefaultPasswordGenerator::class,/'password-generator' => App\\\DatabasePasswordGenerator::class,/g" ./config/tenancy.php

## Install package and configure the mulitenancy package
composer require "hyn/multi-tenant:"$MULTITENANCY_VERSION
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=tenancy

## Allow auto deleting tenant folders on tenant delete in `config/tenancy.php`. Optional.
## You should read the file carefully and realize which options it has.
sed -i "s/'auto-delete-tenant-directory' => false/'auto-delete-tenant-directory' => true/g" ./config/tenancy.php

# Edit .env file and change APP_URL to our system domain URL (the main web-site URL). Optional.
# We will set the system domain respected by multitenance in our database, not in the .env file.
sed -i "s|APP_URL=http:\/\/localhost|APP_URL=${APP_URL}|g" .env

## Append to your laravel .env file with the following options. Optional.
echo '' >> .env
echo '# Laravel-tenancy config' >> .env
echo '' >> .env

## Copy user tables migrations to tenant folder to have per-tenant user tables
# Make `database/migrations/tenant` folder
mkdir database/migrations/tenant
# Copy `2014_10_12_000000_create_users_table.php` and `2014_10_12_100000_create_password_resets_table.php`
# to the newly created folder so we will create user tables per tenant.
cp database/migrations/2014_10_12_000000_create_users_table.php database/migrations/tenant/
cp database/migrations/2014_10_12_100000_create_password_resets_table.php database/migrations/tenant/

# Run database migrations for the system DB only.
# After that you'll find the tables in your `default` database:
# `hostnames`, `migrations`, `websites`
php artisan migrate --database=system

# 03 Add a helper class, which will do the tenant creation/deletions job

## Here is the logic of what to install per-tenant. 

@@file : app/Tenant.php

# 04 Voyager installation

# Disable autodiscover for Voyager to load it only after your AppServiceProvider is loaded.
# This is needed, because you must be sure Voyager loads all it's staff after the
# DB connection is switched to tenant

# Alas composer CLI way to update composer.json fails here (is not able to write as waay)
# `composer config extra.laravel.dont-discover tcg/voyager`
# So we need to update composer.json on our own.

# Manual
# In composer.json add `tcg/voyager` to `dont-disover` array:
# "extra": {
#     "laravel": {
#         "dont-discover": [
#             "tcg/voyager"
#             "hyn/multi-tenant"
#         ]
#     }
# },

# Bash script
composer config extra.laravel.dont-discover null
sed -i "s/\"dont\-discover\"\: \"null\"/\"dont\-discover\"\: [\"tcg\/voyager\", \"hyn\/multi-tenant\"]/g" composer.json

# Install Voyager composer package
composer require tcg/voyager

# 05 Voyager setup

# Add `TCG\Voyager\VoyagerServiceProvider::class` to config/app.php providers array. Remember, we have disabled autodiscover.
sed -i "s/\(App\\\Providers\\\RouteServiceProvider::class,\)/\1\n        TCG\\\Voyager\\\VoyagerServiceProvider::class,/g" config/app.php

# Add
#        App\Providers\CacheServiceProvider::class,
#        Hyn\Tenancy\Providers\TenancyProvider::class,
#        Hyn\Tenancy\Providers\WebserverProvider::class,
# to config/app.php providers array. Remember, we have disabled autodiscover.
sed -i "s/\(App\\\Providers\\\AppServiceProvider::class,\)/App\\\Providers\\\CacheServiceProvider::class,\n        \1/g" config/app.php
sed -i "s/\(App\\\Providers\\\AppServiceProvider::class,\)/Hyn\\\Tenancy\\\Providers\\\TenancyProvider::class,\n        \1/g" config/app.php
sed -i "s/\(App\\\Providers\\\AppServiceProvider::class,\)/Hyn\\\Tenancy\\\Providers\\\WebserverProvider::class,\n        \1/g" config/app.php

# Register Voyager install command to app/Console/Kernel.php. It will be needed to create tenants via system Voyager.
sed -i "s/\(protected \$commands = \[\)/\1\n        \\\TCG\\\Voyager\\\Commands\\\InstallCommand::class,/g" app/Console/Kernel.php

# Update your AppServiceProvider.php to switch to tenant DB and filesystem when requesting a tenant URL
@@file : app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php

# Create own cache provider
@@file : app/Providers/CacheServiceProvider.php

# Override a buggy template
@@file : resources/views/vendor/voyager/bread/partials/actions.blade.php

# Override Hyn Laravel tenanty Mediacontroller to make it work with Voyager.
# Hyn forces to use `media` folder to store files while Voyager reads root
# of the storage folder.
# So we create our own controller.
@@file : app/Http/Controllers/HynOverrideMediaController.php

# Set all paths requesting uploaded files to use just created controller.
cat << 'EOF' >> routes/web.php
Route::get('/storage/{path}', '\App\Http\Controllers\HynOverrideMediaController')
    ->where('path', '.+')

# Create Hostname model for system Voyager
php artisan make:model Hostname

# Create a system domain seeder and run it
# Don't forget to replace 'voyager.test' with your system domain if needed.
@@file : database/seeds/HostnamesTableSeeder.php

composer dump-autoload
php artisan db:seed --class=HostnamesTableSeeder

# Install system voyager with dummy data. We need dummy data to have some fallback data for tenants,
# if they use dummy as well.
php artisan voyager:install --with-dummy

# Create a controller for the system Voyager to manage tenants
@@file : app/Http/Controllers/VoyagerTenantsController.php

# Create Bread for hostnames in system Voyager
composer require --dev gruz/voyager-bread-generator

@@file : database/seeds/HostnamesBreadSeeder.php

composer dump-autoload
php artisan db:seed --class=HostnamesBreadSeeder
php artisan db:seed --class=PermissionRoleTableSeeder

# Alter action buttons at system hostnames Voyager view to have login button, alter view button and block system domain deletion
mkdir app/Actions/
@@file : app/Actions/TenantDeleteAction.php

@@file : app/Actions/TenantLoginAction.php

@@file : app/Actions/TenantViewAction.php

# Override a Voyager template to show 'System domain' text for a system domain in system Voyager

mkdir -p resources/views/vendor/voyager/hostnames

@@file : resources/views/vendor/voyager/hostnames/browse.blade.php

php artisan config:clear

Installation from the repository


git clone [email protected]:gruz/multi-tenancy-voyager-tries.git multi-tenancy-voyager;
cd multi-tenancy-voyager;
git submodule update --init --recursive;
cd laradock;
cp env-example .env

# Enable PHP exif used by Voyager Media manager
sed -i "s/PHP_FPM_INSTALL_EXIF=false/PHP_FPM_INSTALL_EXIF=true/g" .env

# Run docker containers and login into the workspace container
    # > Building docker containers can take significant time for the first run.
    # > We run adminer container to have a database management UI tool.
        # Available under localhost:8080
        # System: PostgreSQL
        # Server: postgres
        # Username: default
        # Password: secret
docker-compose up -d postgres nginx adminer
docker-compose exec --user=laradock workspace bash


git clone [email protected]:gruz/multi-tenancy-voyager-tries.git

It's assumed, that you setup your HTTP server to open project public folder for your domain. So when you try to visit your web-site, the server tries to open the public folder.

Project setup

If using docker, you should be logged in inside the docker environment for now.

Otherwise go to the project root folder.

composer install;
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=tenancy

php artisan migrate --database=system

composer dump-autoload
php artisan db:seed --class=HostnamesTableSeeder
php artisan voyager:install --with-dummy
php artisan db:seed --class=HostnamesBreadSeeder
php artisan db:seed --class=PermissionRoleTableSeeder

php artisan config:clear

Check results

Open http://voyager.test/admin and login with [email protected]/password

Go to Hostnames sidebar menu and create a tenant like dnipro.voyager.test or kyiv.voyager.test. Remember editing hosts file at the tutorial begining.

Open newly created http://dnipro.voyager.test/admin in your browser and login using credentials [email protected]/password.

Try editing data and uploading files to different tenants to be sure the data is different per tenant.

Working with docker

Go to your project folder and go to laradock subfolder.

Stop docker

docker-compose down

Run docker

Do not run just docker-compose up. Laradock contains dozens of containers and will try to run all of them.

Run only needed containers.

docker-compose up -d postgres nginx

If you need, you can also run adminer

docker-compose up -d adminer