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Hive - Connecting Valuable APPs to the Chain

In 2019, the blockchain is regarded as the base of next generation of Internet – The Internet of Value.

Similar to the Internet in the past, before the large-scale application, the blockchain still faces many problems: the regulation of the digital currency is not complete, the technology is in its infancy, and there is no mature business model or application scenario. It is undeniable that the attempt of the blockchain in the Internet field has injected new vitality into the entire industry. The Internet of Value based on the blockchain is subverting the traditional Internet business model and setting off an industrial revolution. How to establish a replicable business paradigm through the integration of the Internet and the blockchain, which has become the focus of debates outside the industry. In this context, the "Hive Alliance" came into being.

The "Hive Alliance" is an Internet BAPP (Blockchain App) ecosystem based on the GSC public chain and the Hive protocol, which is a new paradigm for distributed business organizations. Traditional Internet APPs join the Hive Alliance through the open Hive protocol, which facilitates access to the blockchain network, completing the issuance and circulation of Tokens and gaining Internet governance benefits; Users achieve the token transfer, consumption and transaction of each application through Hive App; Advertisers and content promoters achieve the promotion of merchandise through HIVE Token, and the user value freely circulates in the ecology with Tokens.

Based on the Hive protocol and Hive App, we establish The Internet of Value DAC (Decentralized Autonomous Commerce) organization based on the the blockchain technology. Based on the distributed management concept, we will gradually establish a decentralized governance institution based on the node contribution, namely HGA (Hive Governance Alliance). In the future, we will use the Hive Alliance as the core to cover the global Internet market, achieve mutual benefit and win-win between the alliance and members, and empower the blockchain application ecosystem.

As the initiator and early investor of the Hive Alliance, GSC (Global Social Chain) will continue to provide the Hive Alliance with the underlying technical support of the public chain and assist the growth of the Hive ecosystem. Our vision is to create a value exchange market that covers billions of users based on the Global Social Chain and Hive protocol, and to achieve the optimal solution for the interests distribution between users and platforms in the Internet market. As the great economist Coase said: If trade in an externality is possible and there are no transaction costs, bargaining will lead to an efficient outcome regardless of the initial allocation of property rights.

The value application ecosystem built with the Hive as the core will become the best solution for Internet + blockchain commercialization.

1. Background

In the past decade, the global Internet market has rapidly grown. By 2018, there are more than 3.8 billion Internet users worldwide, and the penetration rate is over 50%. This means that 50% people in the world use Internet, and the Internet has become the world's largest traffic pool. However, after years of vigorous development, the Internet market dividend gradually arrives at the peak, the Matthew effect is becoming increasingly significant, and the cost of acquiring customers has risen sharply. How to find new user growth points has become a problem for the enterprise. At the same time, problems such as unreasonable value distribution and abuse of user data have emerged. People realize that the Internet is not "perfect" and its business model and value are not just "flow."

“What is the real value of the Internet?” When the issue has been discussed widely around the world, the answer comes to the fore. After ten years of development, the Internet has achieved rapid economic growth through advertising models, while users enjoy better Internet services by contributing personal data and attention. Nowadays, as the traffic is gradually saturated in the Internet, the value of user attention is more important than the Internet service. As users are more aware of the data and privacy, the sovereignty of data is gradually being transferred from applications to the users. The transfer of this value attribution is not only reflected in the transformation of traditional business models, but also urgently requires enterprises to change the existing data storage method and technology.

In 2018, the blockchain overwhelmed the world. Due to its decentralization, trust, security and reliability, the blockchain quickly became the target of the technology and capital markets, leading to a business transformation.

With its decentralized, trusted, secure and reliable technology features, blockchain technology has been identified as a solution for over-centralization of the Internet. In addition, digital currency has financial property in nature, and its integration with the Internet gives the traditional Internet a greater value base on the “traffic economy” model.The circulation of value on the Internet becomes possible. By returning the sovereignty of data to users, the value of digital assets will be greatly explored; through designing reasonable incentives, traditional Internet companies will have the opportunity to to make rules, and provide more secure and reliable network services and more abundant value return to attract users to the ecology. Blockchain + Internet has promoted the Internet of Value and new business formats.

2.BAPP: The next decade leading to Internet applications

DAPP (Decentralized Application) has been highly anticipated after the blockchain technology which is represented by Ethereum incorporates smart contracts, has stepped on the stage. Many people believe that decentralized applications will become the future form of Internet applications. In essence, DAPP is a new form of application that decentralize to users, which advocates sharing value with users. DAPP in some areas has been relatively successful, such as gaming, gamble, etc. However, unconditional decentralization is also easy to cause problems such as inefficiency, loss of value, and poor ease of use. Not all applications are suitable for “decentralization”.

In fact, in addition to decentralization, blockchain technology has many advantages: it combines the value distribution model, traceability, anonymity, and non-tampering,etc. For most applications, although it is not economical to fully implement decentralization, partly applying blockchain technology is highly feasible and will help the project to develop better, such as applying blockchain traceability technology in the cross-border e-commerce platform, adding the digital currency system to the content creation platform, and starting financial services with non-tampering feature of the blockchain. We refer to these applications that combine blockchain technology and digital currency as BAPP (Blockchain App). We believe that with the gradual development of blockchain technology in the future, more and more APP will become BAPP through the application of blockchain technology, and BAPP is expected to lead the Internet in the next decade.

In essence, BAPP is to a broad concept: the applications which completely or partly apply blockchain technology are called BAPP, which are supposed to have three basic characteristics:

(1) Account, address, digital currency and identity four in one;

(2) Completing the clearing and payment of digital assets in the application;

(3) Completing the distribution of digital currency based on the user value or platform contribution.

The trend that APPs is to become BAPP will undoubtedly bring new growth and new business models to more applications, but in today's blockchain application ecosystem, the large-scale development of applications is limited by the technical threshold of blockchain applications. If each BAPP has established and applied a set of independent agreements, developers will bear huge development costs and operating costs, which will result in a huge waste of resources.

The large-scale development of BAPP requires a safe and reliable public platform, and provides developers with comprehensive services to conveniently make more APPs be BAPP. The service needs to cover at least three aspects:

(1) High-performance, safe and accessible underlying public chain.

(2) Easily applied value distribution model and token design & trading system.

(3) Rich ecological flow.

The concept of an open platform is extremely forward-looking. Under the trend of BAPP, it is of great historical significance to build an open Internet application platform. Considering the performance and developer-friendly of the underlying public chain, based on GSC public chain, we chose to develop a comprehensive Hive Protocol and Hive APP, and establish distributed governance committee called Hive Alliance, to build a Hive ecology with huge function and comprehensive governance mechanism. Through the Hive protocol, it will help Internet applications become BAPP; through Hive APP, it realizes token transaction and management between users; it shares the increase between the BAPP of the Hive Alliance, and obtains the governance benefits from the ecological development. Hive will create a mutually beneficial BAPP ecosystem.

3.Hive Application Ecology: Linking Global Value Applications

We will establish a set of decentralized application protocols with value incentives as the core, complete the value circulation of users among different APPs with Token, and form a gradually developing global value application ecosystem. In real life, the Hive is the best example of distributed collaboration: the Hive is both of a work place for bees to work and a space for bees to live. The hexagonal Hive is interconnected and independent of each other. This subtle connection makes the Hive ecology not only can build up strong productivity, but also has economic value. In the future, Hive Ecology will agglomerate huge consensus through BAPPs based on the mature Global Social Chain and rich Hive protocol, and realize growth sharing and industry expansion through blockchain technology.

Specifically, the Hive ecosystem includes Hive Protocol for developers, Hive apps for regular users, and all Internet apps applying Hive Protocol. HIVE Token is the carrier to realize user value delivery and transactions. With HIVE, all APPs will break down barriers. BAPPs are independent of each other and connected through Token. The value created by users is generated, exchanged and transferred in the whole ecology with the form of digital currency. There’s multidimensional interconnection of values between applications.

Try to imagine a scenario where you open a fitness app in the morning and start a new day with workout. After the running, the fitness app distributes you Token rewards according to your steps. Trough the Hive APP, you sell the Token rewards and buy a hearty lunch. After the meal, you share your lunch and fitness videos on social apps and get a lot of likes and comments. The platform distributes Token rewards based on the popularity of the content. In the evening, while you watching the game, you bet the champion using token and won a good digital currency reward. At last, you entered the dream with satisfaction. For you, this is a lucky day, through the circulation of Token, the user's time and attention have achieved the maximum consumption and realization. Blockchain technology effectively guarantees the security of data and information. At the same time, you can easily view all Token transfer records. You are very satisfied as it is convenient and safe,which is the Hive ecology bringing to users.

3.1 Hive Protocol: ecological expansion protocol based on GSC

The Hive Protocol is a set of protocols developed by the Hive team based on the GSC underlying public chain and Hive Ecology. The Hive protocol is targeted at traditional Internet application developers who have a need for blockchain technology services, and DAPP developers based on the GSC public chain.

3.2.1 Based on High-performance underlying public chain

GSC is a new generation of social public chain based on DPoS consensus mechanism. Since the launch of mainnet in 2018, the number of pieces has reached nearly 10 million. The highest transaction processing capacity is nearly 100 times of Ethereum. Which got zero security accidents, excellent performance and strong security. In summary, the GSC public chain has the following advantages:

(1) High TPS, low latency

Comparing to the processing efficiency of dozens of transactions per second in the Ethereum network, the TPS (the amount of transactions per second) of the GSC network exceeds 2000, and the future processing efficiency will further increase with the ecological development of the public chain and user needs. The transactions that take place on the GSC public chain, while ensuring security, can achieve transacting immediately, far beyond BTC and Ethereum network.

(2) Strong scalability

After a year of precipitating and polishing, the GSC public chain has launched virtual machines, GSC Web3, contract compilation, deployment tools and decentralized wallets (iOS/Android/Chrome plug-ins, etc.) to support developers to deploy and operate high-performance smart contracts on the GSC public chain and provide a performance foundation for the ecological development.

The GSC public chain will soon launch side chain expansion solutions and multi-signature mechanism. While further improving the security of the public chain, the mechanism can meet the network needs of DAPP products in the ecology, reduce the ecological threshold and enhance the user experience.

(3) Low transaction fees and development costs

GSC public chain provides professional and timely blockchain technical support and complete developer documentation. The public chain is compatible with Ethereum DAPP products can effectively help developers reduce development costs and fast upload products. The GSC public chain provides 20 free transfer rights per user per day. If users have more frequent transfer requirementsby freezing the GSC. Even if the GSC is used to complete the transfer,only 0.002 GSC is required to burn. The transfer cost is almost zero comparingto BTC and Ethereum.

As the GSC ecological portal, Hive will rely on the high-performance underlying public chain to build an ecosystem within the application. In the future, every user and developer that joins Hive will gradually have better experience by quickly launching a variety of decentralized products and services.

3.2.2 Contents and functions of the Hive Protocol

(1) Fair value realization

Through Hive Protocol, all BAPPs (whether traditional APP or DAPP) can issue digital currency on the GSC public chain and build a complete and sustainable ecological incentive and value transfer system for the application ecosystem. In this rule system, the user's behavioral value is measured by a set of applicable standards, and realized through the Token. The user's behavior rewards are more fair, lasting and clear.

Token represents the user's interests in the application. Token's total value is closely related to the prosperity of ecology. This means that the Token held by the early users has a very large value-added space as the platform has developed and grown. Users can choose to hold Token for a long time, in order to have a higher return in the future, or choose to exchange the Token in the decentralized exchange within Hive to achieve the value realization.

(2) Convenient asset management

Hive provides a complete solution. After the product is connected to the Hive protocol, the Token of the user in the product can be seamlessly synchronized into Hive, which means that the value created by the user in the product can be easily managed in Hive. Hive provides users with rich Token application scenarios, secure Token withdraw, fast account transfer, and low-cost exchange realization. As a developer, after accessing to the Hive protocol, you only need to build the Token value system in the application. The corresponding blockchain business such as Token asset transaction and value management, users can complete that in Hive; based on the good product experience, users can easily manage assets and get a great return on your value.

(3) Low threshold financing channel

Token represents the developers value commitment to the user. Some early-stage tight funding application developers can initiate project crowdfunding within the Hive ecosystem through the Hive protocol. Users can support the project by buying Token. The advantage of this mechanism is that the development team can raise funds at a low cost and reduce the risk of entrepreneurship; users can get a return on investment in the early stage of the project.

(4) Low-investment customer channel

Hive Ecology will rely on the Hive Protocol to access to a large number of partners who have a need for the blockchain. As an entry for asset management, Hive will also become a collectionfor these products. We will provide partners with accurate user portrait and efficient promotion channels, application providers can use one button Airdrop integrated in the Hive, Banner delivery, soft paper notification and other features to attract users. Due to the high threshold of the cryptocurrency industry, most of the existing users belong to high-value users with high conversion rate. This means that by joining the Hive Alliance, the developers will have the opportunity to obtain a batch of high-quality users.

(5) Low-cost development investment

Hive Eco will integrate various development components and solutions. Traditional applications can be easily connected to Hive Ecology. DAPP applications can safely develop DAPP products to achieve low investment and high output.

3.2.3 Implementation of the Hive Protocol

(1) Application data synchronization scheme

Hive will provide traditional developers with a low development cost Token data synchronization solution. After the developer releases the Token in the GSC public chain, the Token will be mapped to the public chain synchronously when it is distributed in the centralized application. Users can manage assets and view transaction records through the Hive protocol terminal.

For DAPP products developed by GSC public chain, Token information will be updated in the HD wallet instantly, no other operations are required.

(2) Smart contract extension support

Hive will provide DAPP support solutions with partners in the Hive Alliance, which will help developers to quickly get started with DAPP development and build chain application scenarios of token for their users:

Smart Contract Security Audit: Hive's core developers have many years of experience in public chain and smart contract development. We will regard the team as the cure and set up a contract security audit project team, provide security audit services for partners in the Hive Alliance, and regularly publish technological progress in alliances to ensure the security.

Transaction fee solution: In the GSC public chain, high-frequency trading will generate a small amount of transaction fees, however, if the user base is large and the transaction frequency is high, the transaction fee can still be regarded as a great number of cost. Hive will provide partners in the Hive Alliance with a support solution which can reduce transaction fee, and application developers can apply for qualifications as needed.

Secure random number support scheme: The decentralized random number scheme of blockchain is used in many public chains and DAPPs. However, due to the limitations of cost and technology, there are too many security incidents that random numbers were attacked. Hive will focus on the superior technical strength and release a secure random number solution based on the GSC public chain. The partners in the Hive Alliance can choose to directly call the technical solution to ensure the safety and stability of products.

More contract expansion support: GSC ecology development is in the ascendant, Hive will also be committed to launch more quality technical services for the partners of the Hive Alliance, such as: Defi lending and side chain expansion.Other programs are also planned, Alliance Eco users can apply for experience.

(3) Blockchain ecological component support

We will integrate basic components of the blockchain ecology in the Hive, after the alliance partners in Hive settled, Token application and distribution scenarios can immediately be reflected:

DEX: Hive will launch the decentralized exchange in the near future based on GSC public chain, application developers may submit Token, after completing Token and contract review, users can freely trade or realize in the exchange.

DAPP Store: Hive will launch DAPP Store, developers can submit DAPP products to the store, we will help developers to promote products and allow users to enjoy the service and maximize the value.

Application Store: After the centralized application enters the Hive Alliance, we will also provide application download channel guidance, which based on the Token issued by the application developers. The application developers can also use the one-button Airdrop and other functions to promote products in Hive to achieve low-cost diversion.

Financial Management: Developers can launch Token Financial Services on the Finance Channel of Cloud Wallet to manage Token in the market.

Information Community: We will provide users with information and market channels to help users grasp the first-hand market and maximize investment income.

3.2 HGA (Hive Governance Alliance): Decentralized Governance Based on Node Contribution

HIVE ecological development needs the continuous contribution and promotion of BAPP. With the BAPP development, platform eco-governance rules will raise to show the importance. We will compose HGA (Hive Governance Alliance) with important participants of Hive ecology (including the underlying public chain GSC, ecological cooperation BAPP, Hive APP) to ensure the long-term Hive ecological development. Introducing and promoting the Hive ecosystem partners, or any other type of contributors through providing service and technology to the Hive ecosystem to support large-scale adoption of service providers, who are all potential members of the Hive Governance Alliance. In other words, the HGA Governance Council is the governing institution that will ensure the ecological development of Hive. HGA will promote the globalization of the Hive ecosystem, provide convenient blockchain and digital currency access solutions for Internet applications, and achieve user value transfer and sharing growth among different applications through the blockchain technology.

3.2.1 Members participation

The Hive Alliance welcomes all Internet applications, including but not limited to social communications, advertising media, news, fitness, blogs, audio & video, e-commerce and more. The members of the Hive Alliance are the main nodes of the Hive network governance, and will also gain user growth and network benefits brought by the development of the Hive ecosystem. After the applications accessing the Hive Alliance, developers can obtain technical support and incubation services provided by GSC Ecology and Hive Ecology, as well as token airdrops, transaction fee discounts, and Hive network advertising subsidies. Alliance members receive HIVE tokens based on ecological contributions and enjoy the dividends brought by ecological development. At the beginning of the project, the Hive Alliance was organized and managed by the Hive Foundation, and developers were required to submit an application to access. In the future, the Hive Alliance will gradually decentralize and recruit new members by voting.

3.2.2 Members' rights and obligations

HGA members are the core managers of the Hive Ecology, their rights and obligations are mainly reflected in user services, sharing growth, and industry expansion.

a. User service

Let the widest range of users experience the blockchain service with low threshold.

b. sharing growth

The participants and contributors who expand the platform promote the convergence of user amount when their interests and platform interests are consistent for a long time.

c. Industry expansion

Promoting industry development and continuing to explore newer technologies and business models through the most widely used applications with the blockchain technology. Internet applications become HGA members and will enjoy the following benefits:

(1) The GSC Foundation provides technical support such as the underlying public chain, token issue and asset management tools;

(2) The GSC Foundation provides project incubation services;

(3) The Hive Foundation provides token airdrops, community support, etc;

(4) Project support such as Hive network advertising subsidy and token transaction fee refund;

(5) Application support within the Hive APP.

To become a HGA member, you have to undertake the following obligations:

(1) Complete the operation and development decision of the Hive ecosystem with a mixture of On-chain and Off-chain. Participate in chain voting through Governance Portal Services and participate in offline decisions about important issues such as technical updates through meetings;

(2) Participate in the update of economic policy and expenditure resolutions, including capital structure, transaction cost policy and investment evaluation indicators;

(3) Sharing ecological flow, promoting cooperation and win-win in ecological applications.

3.2.3 Governance circuit diagram

In the two years after the launch of the Hive Ecology, HGA will be organized and managed by the Hive Foundation in a centralized manner. During this period, the Hive Foundation will conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the application project, preferentially select high quality service providers and projects with a broad user base to join the ecosystem. in 2021, we plan to expand the application of the Hive Alliance to more than 20, begin to gradually adopt the decentralized governance model, open the Hive ecological access portal, and allow more applications to participate in node operations and governance, and issue rewards based on the contribution to the ecology. The process will be completely based on the data and algorithm, and gradually form a distributed self-organizing business form which is common- creation and common-share, and high writing.

3.3 DAC distributed self-organizing business

3.3.1 Ecological role

As the connector between block chain and applications, Hive provide users convenient development environment and kits . The Hive ecosystem will include the following roles:

1) BAPP Developer

BAPP developers are an important part of the Hive ecosystem and will be directly related to the development of the Hive ecosystem. Most of the ecological incentives of HGA will be used to motivate BAPP developers and reward quality applications.

Join the Hive application ecosystem and BAPP developers can :

• Access to GID and open up account barriers among other applications; • Conveniently issue Tokens, access to the GMAX chain exchanges, and achieve the issuance, circulation and trading of tokens; • Get the Hive APP recommendation and diversion, applications support the token transfer, consumption, transaction, transfer, etc, and directly access a large number of users; • Become the HGA member, get HIVE token, and enjoy HGA traffic and services.

2) Ordinary users

We believe that the blockchain itself will not bring value to users, but will be able to achieve the value transfer through the application and digital currency, so we do our best to provide a blockchain environment that is easy for ordinary people to access (including Hive APP Built-in wallet, digital currency exchange, app store and other services), reducing the threshold for users. Users of the Hive ecosystem go far beyond encrypted users with blockchain and cryptocurrency experience, focusing on fresh users.

Hive eco users include but not limited to:

• Hive APP users • HGA Eco Application Users • GSC investors

Users in the Hive ecosystem can obtain Hive Alliance eco-token rewards and HIVE, GSC and other airdrop through games, videos, social entertainment, etc. At the same time, the user can realize the storage, transfer, transaction, payment and other functions of the Hive eco token through the Hive APP.

3) Advertiser

High-quality applications and mass users based on Hive ecosystem, through the smart contract automatically complete the advertising in each application, advertisers can choose the contract according to the delivery needs, get the HIVE token and put it into the specified address, the smart contract will complete automatically Ad serving and distribute tokens to users who complete the ad task. After the real-time ad auction system is launched, advertisers can freely define advertising time, price points, and delivery groups, and complete smart advertising delivery solutions based on massive users and multiple applications.

In addition to developers, users and advertisers, the Hive ecosystem also covers secondary market traders and stakeholders. Under the rules of token distribution, the interests of all parties are satisfied, the central organization is not required to operate, and the efficiency is maximized, which becomes a new paradigm of distributed business.

3.3.2 Value circulation

In essence, the Hive application ecology will establish a distributed self-organized business form through the Token economic model, and bring economic incentives through Token, on the basis of which to create a self-financial model to maintain the ecologically benign operation.

The DAC self-organizing economy is established with Token application and circulation as the core, breaking the obstacle between the various Token economies, and realizing the distribution of value among different commercial entities by means of coordination and synergy. In the end, Hive alliance will form the Token community in the Internet ecosystem, and create a brand-new and greater value in the transaction.

4. Hive APP: Global Cryptography Application Portal

The Hive App is a global cryptocurrency application portal that covers blockchain applications such as multi-chain wallet, asset trading, market information, digital asset management, and DAPP Store. Tokens within the Hive Alliance can be easily traded through the App. At the same time, the Hive App will be the first to access the GSC decentralized wallet, which will be responsible for the distribution, circulation and asset management services of the GSC eco-token.

As a eco token, HIVE Token will be distributed to all users of the Alliance Ecology in the form of airdrops and user contribution awards. The Hive Protocol will connect to the GSC underlying public chain to achieve the issuance and circulation of tokens; it will break the barrier among applications and let the user value circulate freely in the ecology with the form of Token.

5.HIVE token

5.1 Economic model

In order to play the incentive role of Token and promote the long-term development of the Hive Alliance, the HIVE founding team will issue Hive community tokens.

The HIVE token is based on the GRC 20 token issued by GSC, with a total amount of 50 billion, of which 70% of the token will be used for ecology development, and will be distributed to Hive and GSC users through airdrops and mining.

1) GSC Ecological Cooperation - 10 billion

Hive is the first ecological project incubated by the GSC Foundation and also the close partner of the GSC project. Before HIVE launch, the GSC Foundation spent 10 million GSC tokens on the HIVE launch. As a return, the HGA Foundation will donate 10 billion HIVE tokens to the GSC Foundation, mainly for airdrops and community rewards for GSC holders. The 10 billion HIVE will be set a lock period and gradually released within 5 years of HIVE launch;

2) Hive APP users mining incentives -12.5 billion

Hive APP is the entrance of the Hive ecosystem and users’ main channel to obtain and use HIVE tokens. In order to ensure the constant development of the Hive ecology and fulfill the promise that returning the value to users, the HGA Foundation has invested the 12.5 billion HIVE tokens into the mining reward to the Hive APP users. Users can earn HIVE tokens in the Hive app by airdrops, games, contents contribution, and comments. The 12.5 billion mining awards will be gradually released according to the progress of the project;

3) Hive Ecology Application Mining Incentive - 12.5 billion

In order to continuously encourage traditional applications to join the Hive ecosystem, expand the application scenarios of the HIVE tokens, and gather community consensus, the Foundation will allocate 12.5 billion HIVE tokens to various applications users and developers in the HGA (Hive Alliance) through airdrop awards and operation activities. The use of tokens will be jointly determined by HGA.

4) HGA Foundation - 5 billion

Taking out 5 billion HIVE tokens for HGA developers' ecology expansion, including HGA Foundation management and HGA eco developer incentives.

5) The team reserves -5 billion

The team reserves a total of 5 billion tokens, which will be locked for 2 years since the issue date. After 2 years, 1.2 billion HIVE will be released each year, and gradually complete release in 5 years.

6) Private equity -5 billion

In order to ensure the stable long-term development of the project, 5 billion tokens are reserved for institutional private placement.

5.2 Ecological circulation

5.2.1 Token generation

Users can get HIVE tokens in three ways:

• Obtain tokens through airdrop, tasks, advertisements, etc. • Obtain tokens by playing games and participating in project operation activities; • Receive non-scheduled airdrops, activity rewards, etc. • Hold/lock the GSC token to get the HIVE token airdrop.

5.2.2 Token consumption

Users can use the HIVE token in the following scenarios:

• Use the HIVE token to participate in the platform and predict trend, play games, etc.; • Exchange platform equity coupons, such as eco-token discount coupons, YUBIBAO coupons, transaction discount coupons, etc. • Purchase virtual goods and services on the platform; • Pay and transfer;

Relying on Hive and HGA ecological traffic, merchants and institutions can consume in the following scenarios by holding HIVE tokens:

• Pay HIVE token for advertising; • Pay HIVE for customized development needs in the Hive APP , such as token trading support, token staking and other functions; • Lock the HIVE to obtain the HGA Eco-token exchange amount; • Lock HIVE to obtain transaction fee discounts.

5.2.3 Token Destruction and Repo

By continuing to destroy the HIVE token, guarantee the deflation model of the token and guarantee the interests of investors:

• Destroy 50% of Hive eco-advertising revenue; • Destroy 100% of the user's income of playing games through HIVE; • 50% of the transaction fee in Hive APP used to repurchase HIVE; • 50% of the GSC Ecological currency transaction fee used to buyback HIVE.

5.3 Hive Plan

Hive will team up with GSC to carry out the Hive plan and invest $1 million in the development of GSC+Hive within half a year. Hive will support 10 applications through incubation/M&A/deep cooperation and complete the application of GID system and Token issuance based on GSC public chain. These applications will become the first bunch of HGA ecological applications.