just for play
An example to use CUDNN
A simple CNN training framework without any existing machine learning framework
You can build CNN like building blocks through this framework
I provide two examples(One is on MNIST(achieve 98% Acc),the other is on CIFAR-10(achieve 70% Acc)) to build CNN through this framework
whose backend is on GPU (call CUDNN to accelerate)
You can find document about this repo from here.
- GPU support CUDA and CUDNN
before run anything
export CUDNN=<your path to CUDNN>
make data
At each run, the standard output will be recorded in the
you can find log (which I run) at here
make mnist
you can find log (which I run) at here
make cifar
make example
make test_conv
make test_fc
make test_max_pool
make test_relu
make fc
make act
make pool
make softmax
make batchnorm