In this assignment we will mostly explore the basic sine wave oscillator and playing simple melodies using it. A reasonable "hello world" of sound synthesis can be a tuning note i.e creating 3 seconds a sine wave at 440Hz sampled at a typical audio sampling rate such as 44100 or 48000 samples per second.
Similarly to "hello world" this program does not do anything particularly interesting but completing it ensures that you are able to compile and interpret your code, generate an audio signal, and hear it which at the end of the day is all you need to experiment with sound synthesis using software.
I will use the term familiar programming language to refer to the ones that you probably have encountered during your studies: Python, C, C++, Java, and Javascript. As you probably can guess I will use the term unfamiliar programming language to refer to any other programming language such as: Haskell, OCaml, Prolog, Rust, Go, Julia, Ruby, C#, F# R, etc.
For all basic questions (1,2,3,4) use a familiar programming language.
- (Basic)
Create an array of digital samples corresponding to 3 seconds of a 440Hz sinusoid with a sampline rate of 44100 samples per second. Either play the resulting tone directly if your language supports it (feel free to use a library if one is available) or write a sound file that you can listen to using some external program such as the Audacity audio editor. You are allowed to use a soundfile reading/writing library if you can find one for the language you are using or you can write one yourself (there are many resources documenting the .wav file format for example - you don't need to implement all possible options just get one basic one working. Use a familiar programming language.
- (Basic)
Using the code you wrote in question 1 create a function that takes as arguments a MIDI note number and a duration and similarly generates a sinusoidal sound. Use this function to create a simple recognizable melody by concatenating the corresponding arrays with appropriate pitches and durations. If you can't think of a melody Bicycle made for two (Daisy, Daisy) or the star wars theme or happy birthday are common choices.
- (Basic)
Now generalize your code to take as input a simple score language. The score language should specifiy pitches and durations and include rests (silent duration). You can choose how you represent pitches in terms of relative or absolute encoding or similarly how your represent durations (absolute time or as a fractions of measures at a specified tempo) or using NoteOn and NoteOff events. You can use a subset of SKINI ( if you don't want to make up your own format.
- (Basic)
Implement the following oscillators: Sawtooh, Pulse, Triangle and Noise There are different ways to implement some of them - any reasonable implementation is fine.
- (Expected)
Software that processes digital audio typically operates using buffers of samples. Re-implement questions 1,2,3,4 but using buffers. For example, to create a sinusoid for 1 second your oscillator function will be called multiple times to generate a user-provided number of samples (256, 512, 1024 are common buffer sizes). You will need to keep track of where you are in terms of the signal so that no discontinuities are created. If you are using a software library for playing audio that is based on call-backs you can implement your buffered oscillators as call-back functions.
- (Expected)
Extend the monophonic synthesizer you created in the previous questions to support polyphony and multiple oscillators. You can implement polyphony using a fixed number of oscillators (one for each voice) and do not need to deal with any smart voice allocation. Check to see what level of polyphony you can support with your implementation on your computer by increasing the number of oscillators gradually until you can not keep up with real time.
- (Expected)
Implement some of the basic functionality (questions 1,2) using a visual programming language (Max/MSP or PureData or feel free to suggest other ones)
- (Expected)
Implement all of the basic functionality (questions 1,2,3,4) using a textual programming language that is designed for sound and music (Csound, Nyquist, Chuck, Supercollider, Faust). Only one language implementation is required for full marks.
There are 4 advanced questions. You only need to implement 2 of them for full marks.
- (Advanced)
Implement all functionality of the simple synthesizer (questions 1,2,3,4,5,6) using an unfamiliar programming language.
- (Advanced)
Look into how one can implement the sin/cos function without using built-in library implementations. Typically implementation use a combination of polynomial approximations (Taylor Series, Chebyshev polynomials) and wavetable interpolation. Implement the sine function using 3 different approaches (different polynomial orders can be considered different approaches) and compare them in terms of time and memory requirements. Any programming language can be used for this question.
- (Advanced)
Implement all functionality of the simple synthesizer (questions 1,2,3,4,5,6) as a AudioUnit/VST plugin using the JUCE software framework in C++. - you don't need to directly implement the score but can respond to MIDI input.
- (Advanced)
Implement all the functionity of the simple synthesizer (questions 1,2,3,3,4,5,6) as a VCV Rack modular component.