MD-ALL is designed to perform subtyping of B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL) using bulk RNA-seq or single-cell RNA-seq (scRNA-seq) data. The minimum input required for bulk RNA-seq analysis is the gene expression read count output from bioinformatics tools, such as HTSeq-count and FeatureCount. By uploading additional VCF files and raw outputs of fusion callers (FusionCatcher and/or Cicero), MD-ALL can detect B-ALL-related mutations and fussions in test sample and run RNAseqCNV to determine chromosome-level CNVs as well as iAMP21. MD-ALL can classify B-ALL cases into a total of 26 subtypes using bulk RNA-seq data. For scRNA-seq analysis, only a gene (per row) x cell (per column) expression matrix is needed. MD-ALL is a one-stop platform for sensitive, accurate, and comprehensive B-ALL subtyping based on RNA-seq data. To generate the input files for MD-ALL, users can refer to this RNA-seq analysis pipeline from raw fastq files. MD-ALL can be run by both shinyAPP or command lines.
The workflow of MD-ALL:
MD-ALL is implemented in R. To ensure a better user experience, we
recommend installing RStudio. Before using MD-ALL, please ensure that
you have installed R and
The following codes will check the packages already exist and install all the missing ones and MD-ALL. Please note that RTools is also required for the installation of the MD-ALL package.
#Get installed list of pacakges
installedPackages= installed.packages()[,"Package"]
#Install CRAN R packages
list.of.packages=c("devtools", "BiocManager","dplyr","stringr","Seurat",
new.packages = list.of.packages[!(list.of.packages %in% installedPackages)]
#Install Bioconductor R packages
list.of.bioconductor.packages = c("DESeq2", "SingleR","SummarizedExperiment")
new.bioconductor.packages = list.of.bioconductor.packages[!(list.of.bioconductor.packages %in% installedPackages)]
if (length(new.bioconductor.packages)) {
#Install PhenoGrapth
if(!"Rphenograph" %in% installedPackages){
#Install MD-ALL
If you want to install using the script, you can download the installation script and run it in RStudio.
After launching the Shiny app, users can select the analysis for either
bulk RNA-seq or scRNA-seq data from the left sidebar. In the analysis
for bulk RNA-seq, three modes are available: Single Sample, Multiple
Samples, and Count Matrix Only.
To run the analysis for bulk RNA-seq data in the Single Sample mode,
please upload at least the read count file. This mode is for the
analysis of only one sample. For analysis of mulitple samples, please
check section 4. MD-ALL also accepts VCF files and the raw outputs from
fusion callers (MD-ALL supports FusionCatcher and Cicero) to perform
more accurate B-ALL subtype classification. If the VCF and fusion
calling files are missing, the output will be solely based on gene
expression profile (GEP).
After uploading the input files,
click the ‘Run’ button, and MD-ALL will start the analysis. The running
time is around 3-5 minutes per sample using a standard desktop. Users
can speed up the process by doing fewer rounds of GEP-based subtype
prediction. The default parameter includes all gene number options.
Please note that the parameters will not be displayed until the input
files are successfully uploaded.
To test MD-ALL, users can
download the testing files in the
file from this GitHub repository.
The following are examples of code used in the analysis of GATK
to obtain the VCF file, which will serve as input in the subsequent
RNAseqCNV and B-ALL mutations calling analysis. The codes start from
.bam file.
gatk SplitNCigarReads \
-R GRCh38.fa \
-I sample.bam \
-O sample.SplitNCigarReads.bam
gatk HaplotypeCaller \
--dont-use-soft-clipped-bases \
-R GRCh38.fa \
-I sample.SplitNCigarReads.bam \
-O sample.HaplotypeCaller.vcf
The ‘GEP Prediction’ tab contains results for GEP that are based on the
read count file.
The top two panels show the head and tail of
the raw count file and the results after normalization using VST from
The left plot panel contains the prediction heatmap on
top and the UMAP at the bottom.
The color of the prediction heatmap indicates the predicted B-ALL
subtypes for the testing sample.
The UMAP includes the 1821 reference B-ALL samples representing a total
of 19 subtypes with distinct GEPs. The mapping of the testing sample is
also highlighted on the UMAP.
The right panel contains a gene
expression box plot, which allows users to check the expression levels
of coding genes, particularly the feature genes for certain subtypes.
For instance, NUTM1 is the feature gene for the NUTM1 subtype, so users
can check its expression level when the prediction shows that the
subtype is NUTM1 to confirm this subtype. The same condition also
applies to CDX2 gene for CDX2/UBTF subtype and HLF gene for HLF subtype.
Another scenario is to confirm the high expression of CRLF2 gene when a
CRLF2 fusion is detected. It is also convenient to check the expression
level of any genes of interest across B-ALL subtypes using this box
Based on the GEP prediction results in this following figure, it can be
inferred that the testing sample is likely to be a Ph/-like case with
high CRLF2 expression.
The ‘RNAseqCNV’ tab contains results for the analysis of RNAseqCNV. Both
the read count file and VCF file are required for this analysis. Please
refer to the
RNAseqCNV paper
for more details. Briefly, chromosome gain leads to an overall higher
expression of the genes on that chromosome, while chromosome loss leads
to lower expression at the chromosome level. With chromosome gain or
loss, the distribution of minor allele frequency (MAF) of common SNPs
becomes skewed. The peak of the MAF distribution on normal diploid
chromosomes is around 0.5. RNAseqCNV can also identify iAMP21 as we
described in our manuscript.
In the following figure, we can
see a higher overall expression for chr9 and chrX, as well as a skewed
distribution (shown in red line) of MAF, indicating gain of chr9 and
The ‘Gene mutation’ tab will display B-ALL-related mutations detected in
the VCF file.
The ‘B-ALL Mutations’ panel will show known B-ALL mutations (as we
describe in our manuscript) detected in this sample.
The ‘B-ALL Subtype Defining Mutations’ panel will display the B-ALL
subtype-defining mutations (PAX5:P80R, IKZF1:N159Y, and ZEB2:H1038R)
tested for this purpose.
This figure indicates that no B-ALL mutations were detected in the VCF
file of this possible Ph/-like case.
Another example of mutation results is as follows: a PAX5:P80R mutation
was detected, which is the definitive mutation for the PAX5 P80R
If the output files from FusionCathcer and/or Cicero are uploaded,
B-ALL-related fusions will be listed as in the following figure. Please
be aware that fusions supported by a low number of reads may not be
A summary of the analyses will be displayed under the “Summary” tab,
along with the predicted final subtype, which will integrate the
information from genetic alterations and GEP, shown in the last panel.
Please note that the fusions listed in the ‘Genetic Alteration’ panel
will only include fusions related to the final subtype. A final subtype
will be generated automatically only if consistent predictions are
obtained from both PhenoGraph and SVM. Otherwise, user judgment is
For this case, the GEP prediction indicated a
Ph/-like subtype with high accuracy because both PhenoGraph and SVM
achieved 100% confidence score. This case has no BCR::ABL1 fusion but
multiple CRLF2 rearrangements, a signature event for Ph-like subtype,
which lead to definitive classification of this test sample as Ph-like
For analysis of multiple samples, users can use the ‘Multiple Samples’
mode. Firstly, the users need to prepare the metadata table containing
the filenames of the read count, VCF, FusionCatcher, and Cicero outputs,
as shown below:
After uploading the correct metadata table, the parameters of MD-ALL
will appear, just like in ‘Single Sample’ mode. Users can click the
“Run” button to start the analysis.
After all the analyses are done, users can check the results in the ‘Results’ tab. Select the sample ID in the top left panel, and the MD-ALL summary in the top right panel will update according to the selected sample ID. The bottom panel contains the results of GEP and RNAseqCNV; users can check these results using the ‘GEP’ and ‘RNAseqCNV’ tabs.
Results showing GEP in the ‘Multiple Samples’ mode:
Results showing RNAseqCNV in the ‘Multiple Samples’ mode:
For users who only have the gene read count matrix, MD-ALL offers the ‘Count Matrix Only’ mode. The input data should be a read count matrix with rows representing genes and columns representing samples; the first column should be the ENSG gene IDs. After uploading the read count matrix, the parameters will appear and users can click the ‘Run’ button to start the analysis.
The ‘Count Matrix Only’ mode only contains the results of GEP, since no other types of input are used. Users can check the results after the analysis is done. Users can still select the sample IDs in the top left panel, and the other parts will update accordingly:
The input file for scRNA-seq analysis is the count matrix of single cells with rows for genes and columns for cells. The ‘countMatrix_singlecell.tsv’ file in the same ‘’ zip file can be used for testing.
Three UMAPs of single cells are shown on the left side. The top UMAP is
colored by different cell types. The middle UMAP shows the cells
belonging to pre-B and pro-B cells, which were used for the purpose of
B-ALL subtyping. The bottom UMAP shows the cells colored by the
annotation of different B-ALL subtypes.
The bar plot on the
right side gives the percentages of each cell type with the pre-B and
pro-B cells as one big group and the rest as the other group. The
heatmap on the right side shows the scaled correlation score calculated
by the
package. The higher the correlation score, the more likely that the cell
belongs to that subtype.
As shown in the bottom UMAP and the
heatmap, most of the pre-B and pro-B cells are annotated as Hyperdiploid
subtype with high correlation scores. The percentage of the cells
annotated to Hyperdiploid among pre-B and pro-B cells were more than
97%, indicating that this sample is a Hyperdiploid case based on
scRNA-seq GEP.
df_count=read_input(file_count,delimiter = "\t",header = F)
df_vst=get_vst_values(obj_in = obj_234_HTSeq,df_count = df_count)
df_feateure_exp=get_geneExpression(df_vst = df_vst,genes = c("CDX2","CRLF2","NUTM1"))
obj_boxplot=obj_merge(obj_in = obj_1821,df_in = df_vst,assay_name_in = "vst")
draw_BoxPlot(obj_in = obj_boxplot, = "diag_raw1",features = "CRLF2",highlightLevel = "TestSample",plot_title = "Box Plot of Expression")
df_vst_i=f_imputation(obj_ref = obj_234_HTSeq,df_in = df_vst)
obj_=obj_merge(obj_in = obj_1821,df_in = df_vst_i,assay_name_in = "vst")
obj_=run_umap(obj_in = obj_,out_label = "umap",n_neighbors = 10,variable_n = c(1058),feature_panel = "keyFeatures")
draw_DimPlot(obj_, = "diag_raw",reduction = "umap",highlightLevel = "TestSample")
df_out_phenograph=get_PhenoGraphPreds(obj_in = obj_,feature_panel = "keyFeatures",SampleLevel = "TestSample",
neighbor_k = 10,
# variable_n_list = c(seq(100,1000,100),1058)
variable_n_list = c(100,1058)
df_out_svm=get_SVMPreds(models_svm,df_in = df_vst_i)
df_pred=bind_rows(df_out_phenograph,df_out_svm) %>% mutate(N=sprintf("%04d",featureN))
gg_tilePlot(df_in = df_pred,x = "N",y = "method",var_col = "pred",x_tick_label_var = "featureN",title = "Predition Heatmap")
RNAseqCNV_out=run_RNAseqCNV(df_count = df_count,snv_file = file_vcf)
Draw RNAseqCNV Plot
For fusionCaller:
fusion_fc=get_BALL_fusion(file_fusioncatcher,type = "fc")
For cicero:
fusion_c=get_BALL_fusion(file_cicero,type = "fc")
df_feateure_exp = df_feateure_exp,
df_out_phenograph = df_out_phenograph,df_out_svm = df_out_svm,
out_mutation = out_mutation,
chrom_n = chrom_n,CNV_label = CNV_label,
fusion_fc = fusion_fc,fusion_c = fusion_c)
df_out_testOne=run_one_sample(sample_id = "TestId",file_count = file_count,
file_vcf = file_vcf,
file_fusioncatcher = file_fusioncatcher,
file_cicero = file_cicero,
featureN_PG = c(100,1058))
df_listing=read.table("test/file_list.tsv",sep = "\t",header = T)
out_testMul=run_multiple_samples(file_listing = "test/file_list.tsv",featureN_PG = c(100,1058))
sc_report=get_SC_subtypes(count_matrix = count_sc,SE_celltype = SE_celltype,SE_BALL = SE_BALL)
Zunsong Hu: [email protected]
Zhaohui Gu: [email protected]