All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning. This file follows the formats and conventions from
Note: changes in the support-3.x branch (which was split from the master branch after 3.7.1 and maintained in parallel to the develop branch) won't be reflected in this file.
4.0.3 - 2017-01-16
Jan17 milestone
Bugfix release.
For a full log of commits since Jul16, run (in your git repo):
git log 4.0.1..4.0.3
- Generic Attribute, Device and Authority getters in TaurusFactory`
- spyder >=3 support (#343)
- bumpversion support (for maintainers) (#347)
- Contribution policy explicited in
- Continuous Integration for Windows support (Appveyor) (PR#10)
- TangoAttribute now decodes uchars as integers instead of strings (#367)
- Allow empty path in Attr and Dev URIs (#269)
- Project migrated to Github (TEP16)
- Versioning policy (use of
suffix for unreleased branches)
- Taurus4 regressions in:
- TangoAttribute (when handling Tango config errors) (#365)
- TaurusValueSpinBox (#7)
- taurusgui --new-gui (#275)
- TaurusGui Sardana instrument panels (#372)
- Macrolistener (affects sardana) (#373)
- Synoptics (#363)
- TaurusValueLineEdit (#265)
- taurusgui.macrolistener` (#260)
- TaurusEditor (#343)
- Bug causing high CPU usage in TaurusForms (#247)
- Deprecation warnings in
(#337) - Exceptions in
for non-tango models (#354) - Exception when creating non-exported tango devices (#262)
- Bug causing random failures in the test suite(#261)
- Documentation issues(#351, #350, #349)
4.0.1 - 2016-07-19
Jul16 milestone.
First release of the Taurus 4 series.
Largely (but not 100%) compatible with taurus 3 series.
For a full log of commits since Jan16, run (in your git repo):
git log 3.7.0..4.0.1
- Quantities (units) support (TEP14)
- Scheme-agnostic core helpers (TEP3)
- Model fragment support (TEP14)
- PyQt new-style signals support (#187)
- support for guiqwt >= 3 (#270)
- New icon API (taurus.qt.qtgui.icon) (#280)
- New
application (#280) - Backwards compatibility layer for migration from Taurus 3.x (TEP14)
- New deprecation API (
) - new unit tests (from ~50 to ~550 unit tests)
- This file
- Tango dependency is now optional (TEP3)
- Improved and simplified core API (TEP3, TEP14):
- Configuration and Attribute Models are now merged into Attribute
- Taurus model base classes are now scheme-agnostic
- Improved model name validators (enforcing RFC3986 -compliant model names)
- Eval scheme improved (more natural and powerful syntax) (TEP14)
- Epics scheme plugin improved (and is now installed) (#215)
- Improved installation and distribution scripts (now using setuptools), (#279)
- Improved testsuite (new
command allowing regexp exclusions) - Improved Icon Theme support (also for windows)
- taurus.qt now depends on PyQt>=4.8 (before was 4.4)
- taurus.qt.qtgui.extra_nexus now depends on PyMca5 (before was 4.7)
- Updated documentation (#221)
- Support for old-style signals
- Support for PyQt API1
- Taurus3.x tango-centric API (see TEP3, TEP14)
- old-style tango and eval model names (non-RFC3986 compliant)
- taurus.qt.qtgui.resource module
- taurus.external.ordereddict
- Deprecated modules (see #234 for details & replacements)
- taurus.core.utils
- taurus.core.util.decorator.deprecated
- taurus.qt.qtgui.table.taurusvaluestable_ro
- taurus.qt.qtgui.panel.taurusattributechooser
- taurus.qt.qtgui.panel.taurusconfigbrowser
- taurus.qt.qtgui.base.taurusqattribute
- taurus.qt.gtgui.extra_xterm
- taurus.qt.gtgui.extra_pool
- taurus.qt.gtgui.extra_macroexecutor
- taurus.qt.gtgui.extra_sardana
- taurus.qt.gtgui.gauge
- taurus.qt.qtgui.image
- taurus.qt.qtopengl
- taurus.qt.uic
- taurus.web
scheme plugin (#216)sim
scheme plugin (#217)- Obsolete
commands (build_resources
,...) (#279) - Icon resource files (but the icons are still available and accessible) (#280)
- Installation now possible with pip (no need of --egg workaround)
- Documentation generation issues (#288, #273, #221)
- Several bugs and feature-req in TaurusTrend2D
- Issues in TaurusArrayEditor (#260, #261)
- TaurusTrend Export to ASCII issues (#300, #277, #253)
scheme plugin (#218)- windows installer (#278)
- Many other issues
3.7.1 - 2016-03-17
Hotfix for RTD (no library changes)
- RTD issue (bug 273)
3.7.0 - 2016-02-17
Jan16 milestone.
For a full log of commits since Jul15, run (in your git repo):
git log 3.6.0..3.7.0
- Support for sqlite DB in Tango (ticket #148)
- Many usability bugs in TaurusTrend2D and other guiqwt-based widgets (#238, #240, #244, #247, #251, #258)
- Issues with "export to ASCII" feature of plots
- Issues with PLY optimization (#262)
- "taurus-polling-period" argument works for evaluation attributes now too (#249)
- Many other issues
Hotfix for docs (no library changes)
- documentation issues (#181, #191, #194)
3.6.0 - 2015-07-22
Jul15 milestone.
For a full log of commits since Jan15, run (in your git repo):
git log 3.4.0..3.6.0
- support of user creation/removal of custom external application launchers at run time (see #158)
- support of LimaCCDs DS (see #175) and improvements in the codecs
- taurusplot/trend uses the same order than the legend for exported data (see #161)
- Docs: several improvements and made ReadTheDocs-compliant
- Fixed memory leaks in plots/trends (see #171)
- fixed many bugs in TaurusPlot, TaurusWheel, TaurusImageDialog, and several other places