Welcome aboard the MLOpsPython team !
You will contribute to the MLOpsPython project.
azure cli https://learn.microsoft.com/fr-fr/cli/azure/install-azure-cli
github cli https://cli.github.com
Pycharm (https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/)
Download and install python 3.10.x on your laptop. https://www.python.org/downloads/
Discord (https://discord.com/)
- Connect to MTG Lille (Microsoft Tech Community) to chat with the team : https://discord.com/invite/z5XHgeuNMM
You can download some sample .pdf from here :
Use Postman to call the API with HTTP POST:
- http://cats-dogs-yolw.northeurope.azurecontainer.io:5000/upload
- type: form-data
- key: file
You can also check health check route with HTTP GET:
Use your email student :
Important point:
- About azure coupon:
- DO NOT redeem promo code with an email account that is attached to an EA, the pass will not work.
- Promo code needs to be redeemed within 90-days of being received.
- Customer Live ID/Org ID will be limited to one concurrent Azure Pass Sponsorship at a time.
- Monetary credit can't be used toward third party services, premier support or Azure MarketPlace and cannot be added to existing subscriptions.
- If you add a payment instrument to the subscription and the subscription is active at the conclusion of the offer it will be converted to Pay-As-You-Go.
- Subscriptions are activated within minutes of the promo code being redeemed.
- Select northeurope region
Documentation: https://www.microsoftazurepass.com/Home/HowTo?WT.mc_id=DOP-MVP-5003370
On Windows:
- Download https://github.com/guillaume-chervet/MLOpsPython/blob/main/bin/init_repository.ps1 PowerShell Script
- Open a PowerShell Terminal then run
Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser RemoteSigned -Force
- Go to GitHub Action Tab and activate it !
On Mac:
jq and sed are required
- Download https://github.com/guillaume-chervet/MLOpsPython/blob/main/bin/init_repository.sh Bash Script
- Open a Bash Terminal then run
brew install jq
chmod +x ./init_repository.sh
On Linux(Ubuntu):
jq and sed are required
- Download https://github.com/guillaume-chervet/MLOpsPython/blob/main/bin/init_repository.sh Bash Script
- Open a Bash Terminal then run
sudo apt update
sudo apt install jq
sudo apt install sed
chmod +x ./init_repository.sh
Inside "./.github/workflows/main.yml" file
AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME: "azure-ml-<your-name>"
AZURE_ML_WORKSPACE_NAME: "cats-dogs-<your-name>"
AZURE_WEBAPP_NAME: "cats-dogs-<your-name>"
Commit and push your code
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push origin main
This will trigger the GitHub Action.
Follow "Get Started" section to run the project on your laptop :
Run the web interface and the API from docker-compose, then you can play with it.
- Pdfs dataset: https://github.com/guillaume-chervet/dataset-cats-dogs-others
- Drift dataset: https://github.com/guillaume-chervet/dataset-cats-dogs-others-drift
- You can test with your own files :)
We need you to annotate 200 images of classification of :
- cat
- dog
- other
Authenticate information :
- login: bob
- password: bob
For you culture, Ecotag is an awesome Open Source tool available here : https://github.com/AxaGuilDEv/ecotag
Our team Kanban:
- Choose a clean code card on the bord
- Configure Pycharm to be able to debug existing Tests which are not very clean
- Create a git branch with a specific unique name
# Adapt the branch name
git checkout -b refactor/my_custom_branch_name
- Once task done, push your code and create a PullRequest from GitHub
git add .
# Please follow a commit convention: https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/
git commit -m "refactor(myfonctionnality): commit message"
git push
- Follow "ml-cli" readme and download "ml-cli" version v0.54.2 for your OS https://github.com/AxaFrance/ecotag/blob/master/README-ML-CLI.md
- Download https://github.com/guillaume-chervet/dataset-cats-dogs-others-mlcli as a zip and unzip content in "demo" folder
- tasks.json should be in demo directory like "./demo/tasks.json"
- Adapt tasks.json file to call your API then run ml-cli
- Once compare file generated, compare the result using ml-cli web UI, you can use the script bellow to navigate inside data
try {
let body = JSON.parse(rawBodyInput);
const simplerBody = body.map((element) => {
return {prediction : element.prediction};
// rawBodyOutput can be updated to format data as you need
rawBodyOutput = JSON.stringify(simplerBody);
// writing "isSkipped=true" will remove the item from the results
} catch(ex) {
console.log("Left parsing crash");
rawBodyOutput = rawBodyInput;
- Create a AzureML Compute Instance
- Open JupyterLab with Python 3.10 and SDK v2
- Clone the AzureML SDK v2 repository
git clone https://github.com/Azure/azureml-examples
cd azureml-examples/sdk/python
You are ready to go !