App: ToDo List
BUILD: build image locally on your laptop: docker build . -t <DOCKER_HUB_USER>/todo-app (then push the image to registry)
DEPLOY: run app locally on your laptop: docker-compose up -d
DEPLOY: run app on K8s cluster: kubectl create -f
Build a Docker image from existing node.js source code and push it to Docker Hub. Replace DOCKER_HUB_USER with your Docker Hub username.
cd Build-Docker
docker build . -t <DOCKER_HUB_USER>/todo-app
docker login
docker push <DOCKER_HUB_USER>/todo-app
docker-compose up -d
curl localhost:3000
cd ../Deploy-Kubernetes
kubectl create -f web-pod.yml
kubectl create -f web-service.yml
kubectl create -f db-pod.yml
kubectl create -f db-service.yml
kubectl get pods
kubectl get svc
kubectl get nodes
ToDo app:
Source code page: