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File metadata and controls

129 lines (94 loc) · 4.87 KB



A JSON based standard for interchanging hydro, meteorological and environmental data. The main goal of this standard is to have a common way of interchanging and using HydroMet data via web services. Given the ease with importing JSON formatted objects programmatically, this standard has use cases in modeling as well.


Retrieve 7 days of flow from a dam

/getjson?query=["dwr flow"]&backward=7d

Format time to be seconds past the epoch for use in client side plotting

/getjson?query=["dwr flow"]&backward=7d&time_format=%s

List all available timeseries names for a given site:


All available sites/Stations with metadata:



the purpose of hydroJSON is to standardize the interchange of timeseries data and metadata in a more modern, browser/mobile friendly format.


API Reference

Timeseries Query

  "timeseries" : [["tsid1","units1","interval1"], ["tsid2","units2","interval2"], ["tsid3","units3","interval3"]],
  "forward":"ISO-8601", //referenced from startdt, or if nothing specified
  "back": "ISO-8601", //referenced from enddt, or if nothing specified
  "query" : {"Stations":["BON","12340000","BIGI"], "Parameters":["Flow","03065","QD"]}

getjson?timeseries=[["CHJ Q","cfs","Daily"], ["CHJ.Flow.Inst.1Day.0.CBT-REV","kcfs"], ["12437990 00060","cfs"]]

General Abstract Query

General abstract queries allow the end user to provide keywords. The service will return hydroJSON timeseries objects with the data they want.

getjson?query=["CHJ Daily Avg Flow"]

Catalog Query

getjson?catalog=["CHJ Daily Avg Flow"]

Most Recent Value Query

getjson?mostrecent=[["12437990", "cfs"]]

Database Structure


Name Type Description
siteid string identifier for the site example: LakeMead
description string description for this site location
state string state code i.e. ID = Idaho
latitude string latitude of site
longitude string longitude of site
elevation string elevation of the site (in units of vertical datum description)
timezone string full name example: US/Pacific
install string date site was installed
horizontal_datum string datum description for lat/long. Example: (WGS84)
vertical_datum string description of vertical datum for the site. example(NGVD29)
vertical float accuracy accuracy of elevation
elevation_method string method used to determine elevation
tz_offset string optional hours -08:00
active_flag string site is currently being used T/F default T if blank
responsibility string maintenance responsibility
agency_region string grouping by organization regions
type string EX: agrimet, stream, reservoir, weather, canal, diversion, snotel


Name Type Description
id integer Primary key
parentid integer SiteDataTypeID of containing folder
isfolder integer When true this row represents a folder not a series
sortorder integer Sort order within a folder for user interface
iconname string Use to render an icon based on the source of data
name string Display Name and name for equations referencing this Series/row
siteid string Reference to site/location information
units string Units of measurement such as: feet,cfs, or acre-feet
timeinterval string One of : (Instant, Daily, Monthly)
parameter string Description for data such as: daily average flow
tablename string Unique database table name for this Series/row
provider string Name of a class derived from Reclamation.TimeSeries.Series (or Series)
connectionstring string Provider specific connection information such as a path to an excel file, sheet name, or specific parameter code
expression string Equation expression for computed series
notes string User notes
enabled integer Used to active or deactive calculations and presentation of data


Refers to the TableName column in SeriesCatalog

Name Type
datetime datetime
value float
flag string

Database Description





  • Gunnar Leffler
  • Karl Tarbet
  • Art Armour
  • Mike Stanfill
  • Mike Nielson
  • Jeremy Kellett
  • Dave Coyle