Feature: Bootstrapping Hyperledger Explorer
As a user I want to be able to bootstrap Hyperledger Explorer
Scenario: Bring up explorer with tls-disabled fabric network and retrieve channel list successfully
Given I have a bootstrapped fabric network of type solo without tls
When an admin sets up a channel named "mychannel"
When I start explorer
Then the logs on explorer.mynetwork.com contains "Synchronizer pid is " within 10 seconds
Given I wait "5" seconds
Given I set base URL to "http://localhost:8090"
When I make a POST request to "auth/login" with parameters
|user |password |network |
|test |test |first-network |
Then the response status code should equal 200
Then the response structure should equal "loginResp"
Then JSON at path ".success" should equal true
Then JSON at path ".user.message" should equal "logged in"
Then JSON at path ".user.name" should equal "test"
Given JSON at path ".success" should equal true
Given I want to reuse "token" parameter
Given I set Authorization header to "context.token"
When I make a GET request to "api/channels"
Then the response status code should equal 200
Then the response structure should equal "channelsResp"
Then JSON at path ".channels" should equal ["mychannel"]
$ cd /some/where/fabric-samples
$ ./scripts/bootstrap.sh
$ cd /some/where/blockchain-explorer
$ ./build_docker_image.sh
$ apt-get install python python-pip
macOS comes with Python so there's a chance pip is already installed on your machine, verify the version
$ python --version
$ pip --version
$ apt-get install virtualenv
$ cd /some/where/blockchain-explorer/app/platform/fabric/e2e-test
$ virtualenv e2e-test
$ source e2e-test/bin/activate
(e2e-test) $
$ pip install virtualenv
$ cd /some/where/blockchain-explorer/app/platform/fabric/e2e-test
$ virtualenv e2e-test
$ source e2e-test/bin/activate
(e2e-test) $
# At /some/where/blockchain-explorer/app/platform/fabric/e2e-test on virtual env
(e2e-test) $ pip install -r requirement.txt
# At /some/where/blockchain-explorer/app/platform/fabric/e2e-test on virtual env
(e2e-test) $ behave ./explorer.feature
$ cd /some/where/blockchain-explorer
$ npm install # To install npm-run-all package
$ npm run e2e-test
To enable stdout while running scenarios
(e2e-test) $ behave --no-capture ./explorer.feature
To execute only a certain scenario
# Specify with line number (e2e-test) $ behave ./explorer.feature:111
# Specify with tag (e2e-test) $ behave --tags=@basic ./explorer.feature
To preserve the test runtime environment without clean up when finishing test
--- a/app/platform/fabric/e2e-test/explorer.feature +++ b/app/platform/fabric/e2e-test/explorer.feature @@ -145,7 +149,7 @@ Scenario: [balance-transfer] Register a new user and enroll successfully Then the response parameter "status" should equal 200 @basic -# @doNotDecompose +@doNotDecompose Scenario: [first-network] Not supported to register a new user and enroll Given I start first-network Given the NETWORK_PROFILE environment variable is first-network
Feature files are intended to locate in /app/platform/fabric/e2e-test
folder. Corresponding steps are located in /app/platform/fabric/e2e-test/steps
Overall project structure is as follows:
+-- requirements.txt // store python requirements
+-- environment.py // contains common actions related to scenarios (e.g. clearing headers after running each feature file)
+-- explorer.feature // feature files (Test Scenarios)
+-- configs/
+-- {UUID}/ // crypto and channel artifacts dyanamically generated everytime running the scenarios
+-- configtx.yaml // contains common steps definitions
+-- crypto.yaml // contains common steps definitions
+-- fabric-ca-server-config.yaml // contains common steps definitions
+-- docker-compose/
+-- docker-compose-*.yml // definition of containers to support a variety of test network topology
+-- docker-compose-explorer.yaml // definition of containers to bring up Hyperledger Explorer / Explorer DB
+-- config.json // Configuration file for Hyperledger Explorer
+-- explorer-configs/ // Configuration and Profile for each scenario
// You can specify which environments should be in use on each scenario by defining NETWORK_PROFILE env variable
+-- config-${NETWORK_PROFILE}.json // Configuration of Explorer for each network
+-- connection-profile/ // Profiles for each network
+-- fabric-samples/ // Cloned from fabric-samples repo with tag:v1.4.0
// Some docker-compose files and scripts are modified a little bit for this BDD env
+-- balance-transfer/
+-- first-network/
+-- chaincode/
+-- steps/
+-- explorer_impl.py // New added steps for the e2e test of Hyperledger Explorer
+-- *_impl.py // Existing steps for fabric-test repository environment to manipulating fabric network and asserting status
+-- *_util.py // Utility functions for fabric-test repository environment
+-- json_responses.py // response data structures described in Trafaret format
Mainly we'll update explorer.feature
, steps/explorer_impl.py
and steps/json_responses.py
to cover more scenarios.
- https://behave.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html
- https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric-test/tree/release-1.4/feature The Explorer e2e test environment is based on the fabric-test env
- https://github.com/stanfy/behave-rest This package is used to test REST API call in the BDD