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Relatório CNPq (2019 -- 2019)
Relatório final do projeto CNPq

Relatório Técnico (Bolsa PQ 2019)

O projeto "Apoiando o Desenvolvimento de Aplicações Móveis Energéticamente Eficientes", processo 309032/2019-9, aprovado no edital PQ 2019.


O projeto destacava dois grandes objetivos, a saber:

  • Objetivo 1: Avaliar as técnicas utilizadas por desenvolvedores de software livre para melhorar o consumo de energia de uma aplicação de software.
  • Objetivo 2: Conceber, implementar e avaliar um catálogo de boas e más práticas de refatoração de código para fins de melhorar o consumo de energia de uma aplicação de software

Em termos quantitativos esperava-se obter os seguintes resultados:

  • Três publicações em periódicos de primeira linha;
  • Seis publicações em conferências nacionais e internacionais de primeira linha;
  • Quatro publicações em workshops nacionais e internacionais.


Ao longo do período da bolsa, foram publicados 31 artigos, dentre estes 13 em períodos de primeira linha, 16 em conferências nacionais e internacionais e 2 em workshops internacionais.

Publicações em periódicos (13)

  1. Keila Costa, Ronivaldo Ferreira, Gustavo Pinto, Marcelo d’Amorim, Breno Miranda. “Test Flakiness Across Programming Languages”. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE), 2022.

  2. Fernando Kenji Kamei, Igor Wiese, Gustavo Pinto, Márcio Ribeiro, Sérgio Soares, Waldemar Neto, and Renata Souza. “Assessing the Credibility of Grey Literature - A Study with Brazilian Software Engineering Researchers”. Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development (JSERD), 2022.

  3. Wendy Galeno, Albert Richard, Tähe-Kai Tillo, Gustavo Pinto, Kiev Gama, Alexander Nolte. “Socio-technical constraints and affordances of virtual collaboration - A study of four online hackathons”. Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), 2022.

  4. Leonardo Leite, Gustavo Pinto, Fabio Kon, Paulo Meirelles. “The Organization of Software Teams in the Quest for Continuous Delivery: A Grounded Theory Approach”. Accepted for Information and Software Technology, 2021.

  5. Fernando Kenji Kamei, Igor Wiese, Crescencio Lima, Ivanilton Polato, Vilmar Nepomuceno, Waldemar Ferreira, Márcio Ribeiro, Carolline Pena, Bruno Cartaxo, Gustavo Pinto and Sérgio Soares. “Grey Literature in Software Engineering: A Critical Review”. Accepted for Information and Software Technology, 2021.

  6. Jairo Souza, Rodrigo Lima, Baldoino Fonseca, Bruno Cartaxo, Márcio Ribeiro, Gustavo Pinto, Rohit Gheyi, Alessandro Garcia. “Developers’ Viewpoints to Avoid Bug-introducing Changes”. Accepted for Information and Software Technology, 2021.

  7. Wellington Oliveira Jr, Renato Oliveira, Fernando Castor, Gustavo Pinto, and João Paulo Fernandes. “Improving Energy-Efficiency by Recommending Java Collections”. Accepted to the Empirical Software Engineering journal, 2021.

  8. João Pedro Moraes, Ivanilton Polato, Igor Wiese, Filipe Saraiva, Gustavo Pinto. “From One to Hundreds: Multi-Licensing in the JavaScript Ecosystem”. Accepted to the Empirical Software Engineering journal, 2021.

  9. Rafa Prado, Wendy Galeno, Kiev Gama, Gustavo Pinto. “How Trans-Inclusive are Hackathons?”. Accepted to the IEEE Software (Special Issue on the Diversity Crisis in Software Development), 2021.

  10. Leonardo Furtado, Bruno Cartaxo, Christoph Treude, Gustavo Pinto. “How Successful Are Open Source Contributions From Countries with Different Levels of Human Development?”. Accepted to the IEEE Software (Special Issue on the Diversity Crisis in Software Development), 2021.

  11. Igor Lima, Jefferson Silva, Breno Miranda, Gustavo Pinto, and Marcelo d’Amorim. “Exposing Bugs in JavaScript Engines through Differential Test Transplantation and Testing”. Accepted to the Software Quality Journal (SQJ), 2021.

  12. Diego Marcilio, Carlo A. Furia, Rodrigo Bonifácio, Gustavo Pinto. “SpongeBugs: Automatically Generating Fix Suggestions in Response to Static Code Analysis Warnings”. Accepted to the Journal of Systems and Software, 2020.

  13. Igor Wiese, Ivanilton Polato, Gustavo Pinto. “Naming the Pain in Developing Scientific Software”. Accepted to the IEEE Software, 2020.

  14. Ana Camila A. Araújo, Enzo Gabriel R. Santos, Karina S. Sá, Viviane Kharine T. Furtado, Felipe A. Santos, Lane V. Krejčová, Bruno Lopes Santos-Lobato, Gustavo Henrique L. Pinto, André S. Cabral, Anderson Belgamo, Bianca Callegari, Ana Francisca R. Kleiner, Anselmo A. Costa e Silva, Givago S. Souza. “Hand Resting Tremor Assessment of Healthy and Patients with Parkinson’s Disease: An Exploratory Machine Learning Study”. Accepted to the Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2020.

Publicações em conferências

  1. Leonardo Barbosa, Victor Hugo Santiago, Alberto de Souza, Gustavo Pinto.”To What Extent Cognitive-Driven Development Improves Code Readability?”. Accepted to the 16th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM). Helsinki, Finland. September, 2022.

  2. Dannilo Rabelo, Albert Richard, Wendy Mendes, Cleidson de Souza, Kiev Gama, Danilo Monteiro, Gustavo Pinto. “The Role of Non-Technical Skills in the Software Development Market”. Accepted to the 35th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES’2022). Joinvile, Brazil, 2022.

  3. Edson Dias, Paulo Meirelles, Fernando Castor, Igor Steinmacher, Igor Wiese, Gustavo Pinto. “What Makes a Great Maintainer of Open Source Projects?”. Accepted to the 43rd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering. Madrid, Spain. June 2021. ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper award

  4. Michel Albonico, Ivano Malavolta, Gustavo Pinto, Emitza Guzman, Katerina Chinnappan, Patricia Lago. “Mining Energy-Related Practices in Robotics Software”. Accepted for the 18th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR), Madrid, Spain, 2021. Preprint

  5. Fernando Kenji Kamei, Gustavo Pinto, Igor Wiese, Márcio Ribeiro, Sergio Soares. “What Evidence We would Miss If We Do not Use Grey Literature?”. Accepted to the 15th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM). Bari, Italy. September, 2021.

  6. Edna Canedo, Fabiana Mendes, Anderson Cerqueira, Marcio Okimoto, Gustavo Pinto, Rodrigo Bonifacio. “Breaking one barrier at a time: how women developers cope in a men-dominated industry”. Accepted to the 34th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES’2021). Joinvile, Brazil, 2021.

  7. Antônio Carvalho, Welder Luz, Diego Marcilio, Rodrigo Bonifácio, Gustavo Pinto, Edna Canedo. “C-3P0: A Bot for Fixing Static Analysis Violations via Pull Requests”. Accepted to the 27th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER), Ontario, Canada, 2020.

  8. Marcus Bertoncello, Gustavo Pinto, Igor Wiese, Igor Steinmacher. “Pull Requests or Commits? Which Method Should We Use to Study Contributors’ Behavior?” Accepted to the 27th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER – RENE Track), Ontario, Canada, 2020.

  9. Gustavo Pinto, Breno Miranda, Supun Dissanayake, Marcelo d’Amorim, Christoph Treude, Antonia Bertolino. “What is the Vocabulary of Flaky Tests?”. Accepted for the 17th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR), Seoul, South Korea, 2020.

  10. Edna Canedo, Rodrigo Bonifácio, Márcio Vinicius Okimoto, Alexander Serebrenik, Gustavo Pinto, Eduardo Monteiro. “Work Practices and Perceptions from Women Core Developers in OSS Communities”. Accepted to the 14th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM’2020). Bari, Italy. September 2020.

  11. Luís Amaral, Marcos César de Oliveira, Welder Luz, José Fortes Neto, Rodrigo Bonifácio, Daniel Alencar da Costa, Eduardo Monteiro, Gustavo Pinto, David Lo. “How (Not) to Find Bugs: The Interplay Between Merge Conflicts, Co-Changes, and Bugs”. Accepted to the 36th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME’2020). Adelaide, Australia. 2020.

  12. Francisco Dalton, Márcio Ribeiro, Gustavo Pinto, Leo Fernandes, Rohit Gheyi, Baldoino Fonseca. “Is Exceptional Behavior Testing an Exception? An Empirical Assessment Using Java Automated Tests”. Accepted to the 24th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE), Trondheim, Norway, 2020.

  13. Bruno Cartaxo, Gustavo Pinto, Sérgio Soares. “Rapid Reviews in Software Engineering”. Springer Book Series on Contemporary Empirical Methods in Software Engineering (Michael Felderer, Guilherme Horta Travassos Eds.), 2020.

  14. Luiz Felipe Dias, Caio Barbosa, Gustavo Pinto, Igor Steinmacher, Baldoino Fonseca, Márcio Ribeiro, Christoph Treude, and Daniel Alencar Da Costa. “Refactoring from 9 to 5? What and When Employees and Volunteers Contribute to OSS”. Accepted to the 33rd Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC), Dunedin, New Zealand, 2020.

  15. Fernando Kenji Kamei, Igor Wiese, Gustavo Pinto, Márcio Ribeiro, Sérgio Soares. “On the Use of Grey Literature: A Survey with the Brazilian Software Engineering Research Community”. Accepted to the 33rd Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES’2020). Natal, Brazil, 2020.

  16. Ana Paula Tarchetti, Luís Amaral, Marcos Oliveira, Rodrigo Bonifácio, Gustavo Pinto, David Lo. “DCT: An Scalable Multi-Objective Module Clustering Tool”. Accepted to the 20th IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM 2020 — Tool paper).

Publicações em workshops (2)

  1. Nabor Mendonca, Igor Steinmacher, Igor Wiese, Bruno Cartaxo, Gustavo Pinto. “Quão Fechada é a Comunidade do SBES? TL;DR: Não Passarás!”. Accepted to the 1st OpenScienSE workshop (OpenScienSE @ CBSoft 2021). Joinvile, Brazil, 2021. Preprint

  2. Leonardo Leite, Gustavo Pinto, Fabio Kon, Paulo Meirelles. “Platform Teams: The Leading Edge Organizational Structure for Continuous Delivery”. Accepted to the 6th International Workshop on Rapid Continuous Software Engineering, Seoul, South Korea, 2020.