CISA, the NSA, and the FBI, Five Eyes cybersecurity authorities have listed the vulnerabilities that have been most exploited in 2022. The query below lists all those vulnerabilities in order to be able to prioritize patching. These vulnerabilities should be patched as soon as possible to prevent breaches, if they have not already occurred. If one of those vulnerabilities is connected to the public internet, assume that the device has been compromised.
You can add more CVE's to the current list based on the Additional Routinely Exploited Vulnerabilities listed in the CISA report in the references.
If you want to alert on this vulnerability the last lines need to be changed to the lines below. This is in order to meet the custom detection rule requirements, which are the Timestamp and reportId.
| join (DeviceEvents
| summarize arg_max(Timestamp, *) by DeviceId)
on DeviceId
CVE Vendor Product Type
CVE-2018-13379 Fortinet FortiOS and FortiProxy SSL VPN credential exposure
CVE-2021-34473 (Proxy Shell) Microsoft Exchange Server RCE
CVE-2021-31207 (Proxy Shell) Microsoft Exchange Server Security Feature Bypass
CVE-2021-34523 (Proxy Shell) Microsoft Exchange Server Elevation of Privilege
CVE-2021-40539 Zoho ADSelfService Plus RCE/Auth Bypass
CVE-2021-26084 Atlassian Confluence Server/Data Center Arbitrary code execution
CVE-2021- 44228 (Log4Shell) Apache Log4j2 RCE
CVE-2022-22954 VMware Workspace ONE RCE
CVE-2022-22960 VMware Workspace ONE Improper Privilege Management
CVE-2022-1388 F5 Networks BIG-IP Missing Authentication
CVE-2022-30190 Microsoft Multiple Products RCE
CVE-2022-26134 Atlassian Confluence Server/Data Center RCE
Codeblock source:
// Listing of the most exploited vulnerabilities of 2022.
let 2022MostExploited = dynamic(['CVE-2021-34473', 'CVE-2021-31207', 'CVE-2021-34523', 'CVE-2018-13379', 'CVE-2021-40539', 'CVE-2021-26084', 'CVE-2021- 44228', 'CVE-2022-22954', 'CVE-2022-22960', 'CVE-2022-1388', 'CVE-2022-30190', 'CVE-2022-26134']);
// Filter on devices that are vulnerable to one of the vulnerabilities
| where CveId in (2022MostExploited)
// Add additional context
| join kind=inner (DeviceTvmSoftwareVulnerabilitiesKB
| project CveId, VulnerabilityDescription)
on CveId
| project DeviceName, OSPlatform, CveId, VulnerabilityDescription