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moqsien edited this page Dec 28, 2023 · 7 revisions

This command provides subcommand as some useful tools.

moqsien in [data/projects/go/src/neobox/example]
>>> tools -h                                                            10:52:52
Tools for neobox.

   tools [flags]
   tools [command]

Available Commands:
  gc          Start GC manually.
  geo         Get new geoip&geosite files for sing-box&xray-core.
  parse       Parse rawURI as xray-core/sing-box outbound string.
  qcode       Generate QRCode for a chosen proxy.
  raw         Manually dowload rawURIs.
  uuid        Generate UUIDs.

  -h, --help   help for tools

Use " tools [command] --help" for more information about a command.
  • gc: Manually triggers off the GC for golang.

  • geo: Downloads/Updates the geoip/geosite files for xray-core/sing-box.

  • parse: Parses the URI of a VPN/Proxy into an outbound string for xray-core/sing-box.

moqsien in [data/projects/go/src/neobox/example]
>>> tools parse -h                                                      11:02:31
Parse rawURI as xray-core/sing-box outbound string.

   tools parse [flags]

  -d, --domain    Use tested domains (Only for edgetunnel).
  -h, --help      help for parse
  -s, --singbox   Parse sing-box outbound string.
  • qcode: Generates the QRCode for a specified VPN/Proxy. Then you can scan the QRCode to your android/iOS devices.
moqsien in [data/projects/go/src/neobox/example]
>>> tools qcode -h                                                      11:03:38
Example: qcode <proxy_index>.

   tools qcode [flags]

  -d, --domain   Use tested domains[Only for edgetunnels].
  -h, --help     help for qcode
  • raw: Manually downloads/updates the Free VPN List.

-uuid: Generates uuids for edge-tunnel or other VPNs you are going to deploy.

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