- These instructions are WIP.
- These instructions are currently specific to Mac OS.
This proof-of-concept Tutor config depends on a separate marketing frontend running either locally at edly.io:8888
, or remotely at a domain specified in the .env
files. See the gym-eleventy repo for specific instructions on running locally it using the netlify CLI.
The .env
file in the project root folder is set with default values for running tutor locally. When running in a production environment, rename .env.production.example
to .env.production
and update the value(s) to match your production environment accordingly.
These instructions use direnv for convenience. If you'd rather create your own python virtualenv, the instructions will vary a bit.
- Install direnv
brew install direnv
Be sure to add the relevant hook to your shell: https://direnv.net/docs/hook.html
- Install Tutor Version Manager
pip install git+https://github.com/eduNEXT/tvm.git
- Install the Tutor version you wish to use.
tvm install v18.x.x
- Create a main directory to house your tutor configs (for example
your-home folder/dev/tutor/
), ideally one that you can find easily via CLI.
mkdir ~/tutor
- Create a new TVM project Please note the project title cannot include periods, lest TVM puke. In this case, TVM will automatically create a new directory for you.
tvm project init redwood v18.x.x
- enter the directory:
cd redwood
- Activate the environment: You'll need to do this each time you spawn the root directory in your terminal.
In the root directory, type the following. If you're also using direnv
you may be prompted to give it permissions to access the folder.
source .tvm/bin/activate
Test this by confirming your Tutor root:
The output should match the directory you're in.
- Clone the this repo into the directory
git init .
git remote add origin https://github.com/gymnasium/gym-custom-tutor-config
git pull origin gym.redwood --recurse-submodules
- On first install only: run the following in the root folder to install packages for our customized Tutor:
git submodule update --init --recursive
pip install -U -r requirements.txt
- On subsequent runs, be sure to get the latest submodule changes before rebuilding images, etc:
git submodule update --recursive --remote
Copy the .env.example
file and populate it accordingly. Do not under any circumstances commit a .env
file with populated values such as keys, secrets, etc.
cp .env.example .env
- Check to make sure the env variables are set properly for your enviroment
python -m dotenv list
If you don't see the following set properly, be sure to update the .env file accordingly.
ROOT_BASE=yourdomain:8888 (port is optional, and only applies to local development in most cases)
API_URL=${ROOT_URL} should be ROOT_URL for local development and a netlify-based remote URL for remote environments
You can get the API keys from your friendly neighborhood developers.
- Run Tutor once without some plugins enabled to make sure you can get it up and running, and to add site configs.
Check your active plugins by running tutor plugins list
and make sure only the following are active:
- forum
- mfe
Startup your tutor in dev mode.
tutor dev launch
Once it's running, create a superuser login for yourself and proceed with the customizations: tutor dev do createuser --staff --superuser admin [email protected]
- Activate the remaining plugins:
tutor plugins enable gym-theme gym-customizations mfe-disable mfe-forks
Save: tutor config save
For development, it's best to run tutor in dev mode instead of local mode.
Make sure 11ty is running in dev:tutor
mode: npm run dev:tutor
, and available at http://edly.io:8888
Build all the dev images:
tutor images build openedx-dev account-dev authn-dev discussions-dev learner-dashboard-dev learning-dev profile-dev
If you run into trouble, you can try building each image individually.
tutor images build openedx-dev
tutor images build account-dev
tutor images build authn-dev
tutor images build discussions-dev
tutor images build learner-dashboard-dev
tutor images build learning-dev
tutor images build profile-dev
If something fails, see the troubleshooting area below.
Using bind mounts is essential when developing MFEs. Use the examples below to populate your config.yml
Warning: Tutor needs at least one MFE running, so if you want to run all the MFEs as bind mounts, uncomment one of the disabled MFEs in the mfe-disable.py
plugin, such as gradebook
or ora-gradebook
- ./mfe/frontend-app-account
- account:./mfe/gym-frontend-components:/openedx/app/@openedx/gym-frontend
- account:./mfe/module.config.js:/openedx/app/module.config.js
- ./mfe/frontend-app-authn
- authn:./mfe/gym-frontend-components:/openedx/app/@openedx/gym-frontend
- authn:./mfe/module.config.js:/openedx/app/module.config.js
- ./mfe/frontend-app-discussions
- discussions:./mfe/gym-frontend-components:/openedx/app/@openedx/gym-frontend
- discussions:./mfe/module.config.js:/openedx/app/module.config.js
- ./mfe/frontend-app-learner-dashboard
- learner-dashboard:./mfe/gym-frontend-components:/openedx/app/@openedx/gym-frontend
- learner-dashboard:./mfe/module.config.js:/openedx/app/module.config.js
- ./mfe/frontend-app-learning
- learning:./mfe/gym-frontend-components:/openedx/app/@openedx/gym-frontend
- learning:./mfe/module.config.js:/openedx/app/module.config.js
- ./mfe/frontend-app-profile
- profile:./mfe/gym-frontend-components:/openedx/app/@openedx/gym-frontend
- profile:./mfe/module.config.js:/openedx/app/module.config.js
When using bind mounts, you'll need to go to the corresponding MFE folder and run:
nvm use
npm install
Theoretically, you should be able to launch tutor in dev mode (skipping interactive mode):
tutor dev launch -I
Run tutor in emulated "production" mode (do not enable SSL if you're on your local machine).
Be sure to stop a running instance of tutor in dev mode: tutor dev stop
Make sure 11ty is running locally in local:tutor
mode: npm run local:tutor
Save your config again:
tutor config save
- (Re)Build Images
tutor images build openedx mfe
If you have issues, you could try the command above with the --no-cache --no-registry-cache
Start tutor in local mode (skipping interactive mode):
tutor local launch -I
Let's use gym.soy
as our example. Rename .env.production.example
to .env.production
and update the value(s) to match the gym.soy
production environment accordingly.
- On first launch:
tutor images build openedx --no-cache --no-registry-cache
tutor images build mfe --no-cache --no-registry-cache
tutor local launch -I
If the image fails to build, run the command again without the flags, and it will pick up from where it left off: tutor images build openedx
or tutor images build mfe
On subsequent launches, start tutor in detached mode.
tutor local start -d
This theme is set automatically via a shell script, but just in case, here is how to do it manually.
tutor local do settheme gym-theme
Restart LMS in tutor local mode:
tutor local restart openedx
Restart specific MFEs in tutor dev mode:
tutor dev restart learning-dev
Subsequently, start up as follows:
git pull
git submodule update --recursive --remote
tutor config save
tutor dev launch -I
Start/stop services with:
tutor dev start -d
tutor dev stop
- Marketing site: http://edly.io:8888
- LMS: http://local.edly.io:8000
- Studio: http://local.edly.io:8001
- Account: http://apps.local.edly.io:1997/account/
- Authn: http://apps.local.edly.io:1999/authn/
- Learner Dashboard: http://apps.local.edly.io:1996/learner-dashboard/
- Learning (Courseware): http://apps.local.edly.io:2000/learning/course/{course-id}/home
- Profile: http://apps.local.edly.io:1995/profile/u/{username}
- Marketing site: http://edly.io:8888
- LMS: http://local.edly.io (will redirect to marketing site)
- Studio: http://studio.local.edly.io
- Account: http://apps.local.edly.io/account/
- Authn: http://apps.local.edly.io/authn/
- Learner Dashboard: http://apps.local.edly.io/learner-dashboard/
- Learning (Courseware): http://apps.local.edly.io/learning/course/{course-id}/home
- Profile: http://apps.local.edly.io/profile/u/{username}
tutor dev do createuser --staff --superuser admin [email protected]
tutor local do createuser --staff --superuser admin [email protected]
tutor dev|local run lms ./manage.py lms shell
from django.conf import settings
tutor dev|local run cms ./manage.py cms reindex_course --all
tutor dev|local run cms ./manage.py cms backfill_course_outlines
tutor dev|local run cms ./manage.py cms backfill_course_tabs
tutor dev|local run cms ./manage.py cms backfill_course_end_dates
tutor dev|local run cms ./manage.py cms backfill_orgs_and_org_courses
tutor dev|local run cms ./manage.py cms simulate_publish
tutor dev|local run lms ./manage.py lms makemigrations
tutor dev|local run lms ./manage.py lms migrate
tutor dev run watchthemes
This is an example running in production mode.
- update https://github.com/gymnasium/gym-custom-tutor-config with the latest submodule changes for MFEs + tutor-contrib-gym-customizations + gym-theme (the plugins are the most important)
- in the tutor root directory (~/tutor/redwood):
source .tvm/bin/activate
git pull --recurse-submodules
git submodule update --recursive --remote
- just in case,
pip install -e plugins/gym-theme plugins/tutor-contrib-gym-customizations
tutor config save
- stopped the instance:
tutor local stop
- kill all running containers:
docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
- rebuild images with flags:
tutor images build openedx mfe --no-cache --no-registry-cache
- launch:
tutor local launch -I
tutor dev|local run lms ./manage.py lms makemigrations
(make new migrations)
tutor dev|local run lms ./manage.py lms migrate
(apply migrations)
tutor images build mfe --docker-arg --progress=plain
docker buildx prune -f
docker system prune -f
docker builder prune
docker image prune -a
docker image prune -f
docker image prune -a -f
docker ps --filter status=exited --filter status=dead -q
docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
Docker's default is to utilize all available CPUs in parallel, and this can often cause the MFE image builds to fail. In this event, you can run the following command to limit builds to 1 CPU.
docker buildx create --use --name=singlecpu --config=./buildkitd-single.toml
Alternately, here are some multi-CPU configs:
docker buildx create --use --name=dualcpu --config=./buildkitd-dual.toml
docker buildx create --use --name=dualcpu --config=./buildkitd-triple.toml
docker buildx create --use --name=dualcpu --config=./buildkitd-quad.toml
Note: personally, I've had the most success running a single CPU build.
Note: Sometimes tutor images build
will fail due to network connectivity issues. If this happens, simply retry the command.