A clojure command line stl slicer.
1.Single extrusion whenever possible.
2.Infill pattern that promotes single extrusions.
using leiningen Lein bin
using boot (deprecated) boot build
lein marg
Lein test
or hotrunning:
Lein test-refresh
- most of the time:
./target/embodier -s stl-file -g gcode-file
./target/embodier -s ./resources/stl/asc.stl -g ./resources/gcode/asc_box.gcode
java -jar .\target\embodier.jar -h
- if doesn't work, try(very slow for lower-end machine):
lein run -- -s ./resources/stl/asc.stl -g ./resources/gcode/asc_box.gcode
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.